Kunadharaju 2020
Kunadharaju 2020
Kunadharaju 2020
E x a c e r b a t i o n s i n C h ro n i c
O b s t r u c t i v e Pu l m o n a r y D i s e a s e
Rajesh Kunadharaju, MDa, Sanjay Sethi, MDa,b,*
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Exacerbation Antibiotics Corticosteroids
Exacerbations in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are events that worsen qual-
ity of life, impact on lung function decline, and increase the risk of subsequent events and death.
The diagnosis rests on a clinical diagnosis based on the presence of worsening dyspnea and cough
and phlegm.
Its clinical presentation ranges from a mild illness only requiring additional rescue inhaler use to
acute respiratory failure requiring ventilatory support.
Irrespective of the site of treatment, the treatment modalities are the same, with the universal inten-
sification of bronchodilator therapy and selective application of systemic corticosteroids and anti-
An acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pul- A careful history and physical examination remain
monary disease (AECOPD) is a flare of chronic the basis of the diagnosis of an AECOPD. Despite
respiratory symptoms, including worsening years of study, there is no specific diagnostic test
shortness of breath, cough, and sputum produc- or biomarker that is the sine qua non for exacerba-
tion requiring an increase in need of rescue med- tions. It is a diagnosis of exclusion. Most labora-
ications or/and supplementation of additional tory and radiological evaluation in a patient with
treatment.1 It has a heterogeneous presentation suspected AECOPD is to exclude other cardiopul-
and is one of the most common reasons for hos- monary causes and determine the contribution of
pitalization, with an in-hospital mortality rate of comorbidities. Therefore, use of evaluation
3.9%.2 Its severity spectrum ranges from a mild methods are not prescriptive and formulaic, but
illness only requiring additional rescue inhaler should be guided by the clinical assessment.
use to acute respiratory failure requiring ventila- The diagnosis of an AECOPD requires the pres-
tory support. The treatment of exacerbations de- ence of underlying COPD (Fig. 1). Similar respira-
pends on the severity, which itself is a complex tory symptoms in an individual without COPD
sum of the severity of the acute event, the under- should be designated as acute bronchitis, a clin-
lying chronic disease, and associated patient ical entity with substantially different etiology,
comorbidities. prognosis, and treatment. This is easy in patients
Division of Pulmonary/Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, Department of Medicine, Jacobs School of Medicine
and Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo, SUNY, Buffalo, NY, USA; b Clinical and Translational Research
Center, Room 6045A, 875 Ellicott Street, Buffalo, NY 14203, USA
* Corresponding author. Clinical and Translational Research Center, Room 6045A, 875 Ellicott Street, Buffalo,
NY 14203.
E-mail address: [email protected]
with established COPD diagnosis and previous poor outcomes. A small autopsy study showed
spirometry demonstrating airflow obstruction. that in patients who died within 24 hours of admis-
However, not infrequently the first presentation of sion for a COPD exacerbation, the primary causes
COPD is an acute exacerbation episode. In fact, of death were heart failure, pneumonia, pulmonary
an average delay of 2 years between the first acute thromboembolism, and COPD in 37%, 28%, 21%,
episode and the establishment of a COPD diag- and 14% of patients, respectively.5
nosis has been described.3 An assessment for Usually the testing described in Table 1 is suffi-
COPD risk factors is indicated in every adult pa- cient to rule out alternative diagnoses. On occa-
tient with a lower respiratory tract infection. If pre- sion, depending on clinical circumstances and
sent, consideration for treatment as an the result of these evaluations, further tests might
exacerbation and an evaluation for undiagnosed be indicated. For example, an atypical presenta-
COPD in the convalescent phase are indicated. tion with sudden onset of dyspnea with or
Once the presence of COPD is established or without an elevated D-dimer, would lead to a
suspected, the health care practitioner needs to computed tomography (CT) pulmonary angiogram
consider other entities in the differential diagnosis. to evaluate for pulmonary embolism. The presence
These include common ones such as pneumonia of atelectasis or mass lesion on the chest radio-
and congestive heart failure and less common graph would require a CT scan for further
ones such as pneumothorax, pulmonary embo- characterization.
lism, pleural effusion, lung carcinoma, and rib frac-
tures.1,4,5 Recently added to the list is vaping-
associated lung injury.6 The extent of evaluation DETERMINATION OF ETIOLOGY
is dictated by the severity of the exacerbation
Around 30% to 50% of AECOPD cases are asso-
and the site of treatment (Table 1). In mild-
ciated with a bacterial infection.7 However,
moderate exacerbations that are being evaluated
sputum Gram stain and culture are not recommen-
in the office, ascertaining absence of hypoxemia
ded in the management of most exacerbations.
with pulse oximetry is the only essential test, if
Studies using molecular diagnostics have shown
the clinical assessment does not support an alter-
that sputum cultures have limited sensitivity.8
native diagnosis. In patients who are severe
The presence of a respiratory pathogen on culture
enough to require emergency department evalua-
does not distinguish between chronic colonization
tion, a more extensive evaluation is indicated to
and acute infection, therefore having limited spec-
ensure appropriate management and prevent
ificity.9 The usual turn-around time of sputum
Treatment of Acute Exacerbations in COPD 441
Table 1
Diagnostic evaluation of patients with suspected chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation
culture results of 48 to 72 hours also limits their in AECOPD.12,13 A likely explanation is that bacte-
utility, as clinical decisions regarding treatment of rial exacerbations are mucosal infections, and
an AECOPD require point-of-care results. therefore not enough of a stimulus to induce
There are situations where a sputum culture robust hepatic production of these acute phase re-
could be useful. These include patients who fail actants. Studies with these biomarkers in
to respond to initial empiric antibiotic therapy, pa- AECOPD have not correlated them with careful
tients with risk factors for Pseudomonas aerugi- sputum microbiology and have not used the speed
nosa or other antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and of resolution as an endpoint. They have not shown
patients requiring hospitalization. Even in these their utility beyond the reliable, simple and no-cost
scenarios, the limited accuracy of this test should clinical symptom biomarkers of bacterial infection
be kept in mind when interpreting the results, with in exacerbations.
the clinical picture taking precedence. For Clinical symptom biomarkers of bacterial infec-
instance, in a hospitalized patient responding tion are useful and accurate in AECOPD. These
well to current antibiotics despite the sputum cul- include the presence of purulent sputum, espe-
ture yielding a resistant pathogen, a change of an- cially when the purulence emerged or increased
tibiotics is unnecessary.10 with the onset of the exacerbation. Also useful
Around 30% to 50% of AECOPD cases are are the Anthonisen criteria, where the probability
associated with a viral infection.7 Viral cultures of bacterial etiology in type 1 and 2 exacerbations
are now rarely performed. During the influenza is substantial and reliable enough to recommend
season, a rapid diagnostic test for influenza is use- antibiotic use (Box 1).14 Sputum purulence can
ful if acute onset of fever, myalgias, and coryza are be assessed readily by questioning the patient or
seen with exacerbation symptoms. More exten- visual examination of a sputum sample if available.
sive respiratory viral diagnostic panels have limited Another option is the use of a standardized color
utility in the absence of specific antiviral treatment. chart that has a sensitivity of 94.4% and specificity
Detection of a virus does not mean absence of a of 77.0% for a positive sputum culture and pro-
concurrent bacterial infection; as such, coinfection vides greater reproducibility.15
is seen in about 25% of exacerbations.11
Biomarkers for bacterial infection like procalci-
tonin and C-reactive protein (CRP) have been eval- DETERMINATION OF THE SEVERITY OF AN
uated in AECOPD to guide antibiotic therapy. EXACERBATION
Although these biomarkers perform well with The symptomatic criteria proposed by Anthonisen
parenchymal and systemic infections such as have been sometimes thought of as a measure of
pneumonia and sepsis, they have been unreliable exacerbation severity (see Box 1). However, they
442 Kunadharaju & Sethi
are more useful as an indication of etiology rather care resources or the required level of care1
than as a measure of severity. For example, a pa- (Box 2). However, this classification does not
tient could have a single symptom of increased help in deciding how to manage an exacerbation.
dyspnea of such severity that it requires hospitali- Other limitations of such an approach to defining
zation but still have a type 3 exacerbation, which severity include the inability to assess acute
clearly is not a mild exacerbation. change and the variability in the application of
Ideally, measures of severity of exacerbations health care interventions among practitioners
should reflect the extent of acute pathophysiology and systems. However, such a severity classifica-
(eg, the severity of lung dysfunction or the degree tion is useful in clinical trials and is also used in
of mucosal inflammation). An exacerbation is an determining future preventative care for exacerba-
amplification of chronic disease. Therefore, a sin- tions in an individual patient. More work needs to
gle measurement at the time of an acute exacer- be done to develop a uniform, reproducible, and
bation will not inform of the severity of the acute clinically relevant severity classification system
change, unless one takes the patient’s stable for COPD exacerbations.
baseline state into account. For instance, a
measured peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) of SITE OF TREATMENT
60 L/min at the time of an exacerbation could
represent a small acute change in an individual Although more than 80% of patients with exacer-
whose baseline PEFR is 80 L/min or a large acute bations are managed as outpatients,16,17 patients
change in an individual with a baseline PEFR of with respiratory distress or at risk of such distress
240 L/min. Although both will require the same should be hospitalized to provide access to higher
level of care, the second individual has a more se- levels of care1 (Box 3). Mortality risk in AECOPD
vere exacerbation based on pathophysiological increases with the development of respiratory
impact. acidosis, change in mental status, presence of sig-
The most used severity classification of nificant comorbidities, and the need for ventilatory
AECOPD is based on the requirement for health support. The emergency department plays an
essential role in the triage and initial management
of severe COPD exacerbations. A well-developed
algorithm to standardize diagnosis, evaluation,
Box 1
Anthonisen classification of AECOPD based on
treatment, and triage decisions in the emergency
clinical findings department can improve the care of COPD
Major Criteria:
New or increased sputum purulence
Minor criteria: Outpatient management of AECOPD includes the
intensification of bronchodilator therapy and
Fever without other cause
Increased wheezing or cough Box 2
20% increase in respiratory or heart rate GOLD severity classification based on resource
compared with baseline requirements
Upper respiratory tract infection in the previ- Mild exacerbation – treated with rescue in-
ous 5 days halers that is, short-acting bronchodilators
Types of exacerbation: Moderate exacerbation – treated with rescue
inhalers, antibiotics and/or oral
Type 1 exacerbations – All of major criteria.
Type 2 exacerbations - Any 2 major criteria
Severe exacerbation – Requires Emergency
Type 3 exacerbations - consist of any 1 of ma- Room visit or hospitalization including an
jor criteria along with at least 1 of the minor Intensive care unit admission
Data from Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive
Data from Anthonisen NR, Manfreda J, Warren CP, Pulmonary Disease. Global Strategy for the Diagnosis,
et al. Antibiotic therapy in exacerbations of chronic Management, and Prevention of COPD: 2020 Report.
obstructive pulmonary disease. Ann Intern Med Available at: https://goldcopd.org/wp-content/
1987;106(2):196-204. uploads/2019/11/GOLD-2020-REPORT-ver1.0wms.pdf.
Treatment of Acute Exacerbations in COPD 443
in Box 4. When indicated, the usual dose is oral prominent wheezing may indicate less probability
prednisone 40 mg every day for five days.1 of antibiotic benefit. Once it is determined who to
Whether extended courses up to 14 days are use- treat, the next important question is the choice of
ful has never been systematically examined in out- specific antibiotics. Unlike corticosteroids, there
patients, although they are not better than short is significant variation in antimicrobial activity,
courses in hospitalized patients. Having said pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic properties,
that, if there appears to be an incomplete or and adverse event profiles among antibiotics,
short-lived response after 5 days, a longer course making use of the same antibiotic in all exacerba-
could be tried if other reasons for nonresponse are tions inappropriate. Rational antibiotic choice for
ruled out clinically. Adverse effects include hyper- AECOPD requires a risk stratification approach
glycemia, heartburn, infection, gastrointestinal (Fig. 2). In AECOPD, one can define 2 categories
bleeding, psychomotor disturbance, and steroid of risk26: the risk for a poor clinical outcome (ie,
myopathy, although most of these (except hyper- treatment failure, early relapse, hospitalization,
glycemia) are usually seen after prolonged use.1,24 death) or the risk of antimicrobial resistance. Indi-
viduals who carry these risks need early, broad-
spectrum aggressive antibiotic therapy to optimize
The primary role of antibiotics in AECOPD is to The risk factors for poor outcomes in AECOPD
hasten the host response-dependent resolution have been reproducibly identified in several obser-
process and prevent complications. The weight vational studies and secondary analyses of ran-
of evidence, from meta-analyses, placebo- domized controlled trials. It is a simple matter to
controlled trials, and database studies, supports determine these risk factors and then stratify an
improved outcomes with antibiotics in all but AECOPD patient as complicated or uncompli-
mild single-symptom exacerbations. The evidence cated. Absence of all the risk factors defines an
from placebo-controlled randomized trials was uncomplicated patient, whereas a complicated
recently summarized in a 2018 meta-analysis patient will have 1 or more of these risk factors
that included 19 randomized trials in 2663 pa- (see Fig. 2).27–30 As these risk factors have been
tients.25 Unlike corticosteroid trials, several of independently associated with poor outcome in
these antibiotic trials have been done in the outpa- exacerbations, it is likely they are additive. Compli-
tient setting. Among outpatients, a significant risk cated patients are more likely to be hospitalized or
reduction (risk ratio 0.69, 95% confidence interval die because of an exacerbation, making the failure
(CI) 0.53 to 0.90) for treatment failure within of initial antibiotic treatment expensive and
4 weeks was shown in 9 trials with 1332 partici- severely detrimental in these patients.
pants. Common adverse effects are diarrhea and The risk for infection by an antimicrobial-
the concern of the promotion of antibiotic resistant pathogen includes the risk for infection
resistance.26 with intrinsically drug-resistant pathogens (eg, P
As about half the exacerbations are bacterial, aeruginosa) and the risk of infection with
the first decision is who to treat. That is based on antibiotic-resistant strains of pathogens that are
looking for evidence for bacterial infection, as dis- generally antibiotic susceptible (eg, Streptococcus
cussed above. A lack of bronchitic symptoms and pneumoniae). Because P aeruginosa is associated
with severe COPD, patients at risk for this path-
ogen are a subgroup of complicated patients
Box 4 with additional risk factors (Fig. 3). Presence of
Proposed indications for systemic steroid use in risk for P aeruginosa requires the selection of anti-
acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive biotics that are active against this pathogen. The
pulmonary disease risk for antibiotic-resistant strains of the common
pathogens is best predicted by recent antibiotic
Prominent wheezing
use for any reason, with recent usually defined
Severe underlying COPD where treatment as the past 3 months.31 Selection of resistant path-
failure could result in hospitalization ogens because of recent use is often specific to
Blood eosinophils that are elevated or high that antibiotic class. Therefore, this risk is easily
normal (at baseline or at exacerbation) handled by using an antimicrobial from a different
Absent or minimal bronchitic symptoms class.
(cough and sputum) of exacerbation Antibiotic choices for uncomplicated patients
Previous exacerbations have required cortico- include a macrolide, a cephalosporin, or trimetho-
steroid treatment for resolution prim/sulfamethoxazole. Amoxicillin is inadequate
because of the substantial incidence of b-
Treatment of Acute Exacerbations in COPD 445
Fig. 2. The authors’ approach to antibiotic treatment of AECOPD in outpatients. * Antiviral therapy for influenza
is also indicated for exacerbations triggered by influenza infection { Suspicion for other cardiopulmonary disor-
ders (heart failure, pneumothorax) and more severe infections (eg, pneumonia) should be absent for the diag-
nosis of an acute COPD exacerbation. D Age alone is not a strict risk factor but should be considered as
additive to other risk factors. > Selection among antibiotic choices is based on local microbial sensitivity patterns,
patient comorbidities, prior infecting organisms, potential adverse events and drug interactions, and also pro-
vider and patient preferences. In particularly, modifications to this regimen may be needed for patients with a
history of drug-resistant Pseudomonas based on severity of illness, degree of suspicion for Pseudomonas, and
prior susceptibility profiles of pseudomonal isolates. x If recent antibiotic exposure (eg, within the past 3 months),
select an antibiotic from a different class than the most recent agent used. U Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is a
reasonable alternative when macrolides and cephalosporins cannot be used due to allergy, potential adverse ef-
fects, or availability. z Because fluoroquinolone resistance is prevalent among Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains,
we obtain a sputum Gram stain and culture with susceptibility testing for these patients to help guide subsequent
management decisions. For most other outpatients, obtaining a sputum culture is not needed unless the patient
fails to respond to empiric treatment. y Levofloxacin has lesser activity against Pseudomonas than ciprofloxacin
but has greater activity against S. pneumoniae and M. catarrhalis is thus a reasonable alternative to ciprofloxacin
for patients who are at increased risk of Pseudomonas infection but lack microbiologic evidence of Pseudomonas
infection or colonization. Adapted with permission from: Sethi S, Murphy TF. Management of infection in exac-
erbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In: UpToDate, Post TW (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA. (Ac-
cessed on [Date].) Copyright Ó 2020 UpToDate, Inc. For more information visit HYPERLINK “http://www.
uptodate.com” www.uptodate.com.
446 Kunadharaju & Sethi
Fig. 3. The authors’ approach to antibiotic treatment of AECOPD in the hospitalized patient. * Antiviral therapy
for influenza is also indicated for exacerbations triggered by influenza infection. { Selection among antibiotic
choices is based on local microbial sensitivity patterns, patient comorbidities, prior infecting organisms, potential
adverse events and drug interactions, and also provider and patient preferences. Modifications to these regimens
may be needed for patients with suspicion for specific pathogens and/or history of drug-resistant organisms (eg,
drug-resistant Pseudomonas). D If recent antibiotic exposure (eg, within the past 3 months), select an antibiotic
from a different class than the most recent agent used. Adapted with permission from: Sethi S, Murphy TF. Man-
agement of infection in exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In: UpToDate, Post TW (Ed), Up-
ToDate, Waltham, MA. (Accessed on [Date].) Copyright Ó 2020 UpToDate, Inc. For more information visit
HYPERLINK ”http://www.uptodate.com” www.uptodate.com.
lactamase production among common pathogens recommended in the subgroup at risk for P aerugi-
involved in AECOPD.32 The authors also avoid tet- nosa, with the caveat that emerging resistance to
racyclines, because recent studies with doxycy- this antibiotic has compromised its efficacy.35
cline have shown limited bacteriologic and Therefore, it is prudent to obtain a sputum culture
clinical efficacy.33,34 Complicated patients can be if possible before starting antibiotic treatment
treated with amoxicillin/clavulanate or a respira- whenever this pathogen is suspected, to allow
tory fluoroquinolone. Ciprofloxacin is for subsequent adjustment of antibiotics.
Treatment of Acute Exacerbations in COPD 447
clinicians prefer to give the first 1 to 2 doses paren- preferred, and the total duration of 5 to 7 days is
terally to avoid any undetected impaired absorp- adequate.
tion, and then switch to the oral route.
Although often practiced, the use of a longer Antiviral Agents
course of steroids (eg, 14 days with tapering) in
patients who appear to be slowly responding or Antiviral therapy is recommended in patients who
failed a prior short course is not supported by cur- are either outpatients or hospitalized for an
rent evidence and needs to be studied. AECOPD with clinical and laboratory evidence of
influenza infection. Oseltamivir is the most
commonly used antiviral medication, with baloxa-
Antibiotics vir a newly available alternative choice.45
Antibiotics are of proven benefit in hospitalized ex-
acerbations of COPD. In the 2018 meta-analysis of Oxygen Supplementation
placebo-controlled randomized trials, 5 trials in In AECOPD patients presenting with hypoxia, sup-
803 hospitalized patients showed reduced treat- plemental oxygen is a critical component of treat-
ment failure with a relative risk of 0.76 (95% confi- ment with a target arterial oxygen tension of 60 to
dence interval [CI] 0.58–1.00) favoring antibiotic 70 mm Hg or an oxygen saturation of 88% to
use.25 Two large database studies from the United 92%.46,47 Supplemental oxygen use in severe
States also strongly support the benefit of antibi- COPD carries the risk of worsening hypercapnia
otics in hospitalized AECOPD, demonstrating due to combinations of blunting of ventilatory
less treatment failure in antibiotic-treated patients drive, the Haldane effect in the red blood cell,
(odds ratio [OR], 0.87; 95% CI, 0.82–0.92),39 as and worsening ventilation-perfusion mismatch.
well as reductions in in-hospital mortality (relative Therefore, the paradigm of oxygen supplementa-
risk [RR], 0.60; 95% CI, 0.50–0.73) and 30-day tion in AECOPD should be start low, go slow,
readmission for COPD (RR, 0.87; 95% CI, 0.79– with careful titration. The use of titrated oxygen
0.96).40 treatment in hospitalized AECOPD is associated
Whether all hospitalized patients should be with lower mortality rates and a lower likelihood
treated with antibiotics is unclear, with 1 study of hypercapnia or respiratory acidosis than the
suggesting that it is safe to withhold antibiotics in use of nontitrated oxygen.48 The predominant
patients who are milder and do not have any clin- mechanism of hypoxemia in AECOPD is a
ical signs of bacterial infection. However, the ac- ventilation-perfusion mismatch; therefore, it is
curacy of the criteria of bacterial infection has easily correctable with low levels of oxygen sup-
not been adequately tested in hospitalized pa- plementation. Hypoxemia in AECOPD not
tients. In the authors’ experience, often hospital- responding to a relatively low FiO2 supplementa-
ized AECOPD patients, when asked about the tion should prompt evaluation of alternative or
color of sputum, state they can feel chest conges- concomitant diagnoses such as pulmonary
tion but are unable to expectorate sputum emboli, acute respiratory distress syndrome, pul-
because of severely limited expiratory flow. Unless monary edema, or pneumonia.
specific contraindications are present, the authors
treat all hospitalized patients with an antibiotic.
Almost all patients hospitalized primarily for the CARE IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT
exacerbation will fall into the complicated group. Indications for ICU admission in AECOPD include
Furthermore, the Pseudomonas subgroup is likely acute hypoxic or hypercapnic respiratory failure,
larger among patients requiring hospitalization nonresponse to low-flow supplemental oxygen,
compared with complicated outpatients, and its altered mental status with the inability to protect
isolation has been associated with increased mor- the airway, severe hemodynamic compromise, or
tality.41–44 A careful assessment for risk factors for impending respiratory failure. Along with the treat-
Pseudomonas infection is important in hospital- ment modalities discussed previously, these pa-
ized patients, including a review of previous tients require close monitoring and often
sputum microbiology. Antibiotic choices for hospi- noninvasive or invasive ventilatory support.
talized patients without risk factors for P aerugi-
nosa include a respiratory fluoroquinolone or a
Bronchodilator Therapy
third-generation cephalosporin (see Fig. 3).
Among hospitalized patients at risk for P aerugi- Nonintubated patients are usually provided inten-
nosa, antibiotic choices include cefepime, ceftazi- sive nebulized bronchodilator treatment with
dime, piperacillin/tazobactam, or ciprofloxacin. both SABAs and SAMAs. Ventilated patients are
Intravenous therapy for the first 1 to 2 days is provided such treatment by puffs from an MDI
Treatment of Acute Exacerbations in COPD 449
delivered into the inspiratory limb of the ventilator infections, compared with patients who received
circuit on a regular basis. invasive ventilation.52 Although these were not
randomized controlled trials, a substantial body
Corticosteroids of evidence supports the use of noninvasive venti-
Large randomized controlled trials of systemic lation as the preferred modality in AECOPD pa-
corticosteroids in AECOPD excluded patients tients. Noninvasive ventilation is contraindicated
requiring ventilatory support. A meta-analysis of in patients who are unable to cooperate, unable
smaller trials showed a nonsignificant difference to protect the airway or clear secretions, have
in treatment success and mortality rates between altered mental status, have a facial deformity, are
steroids and placebo in both noninvasively or inva- at high aspiration risk, or have had recent esopha-
sively ventilated patients.49 Despite the lack of geal stenosis.24 Patients who do not respond to
good quality data in the intensive care setting, noninvasive ventilation with worsening mental sta-
given the significant benefits observed in hospital- tus or blood gases should be quickly escalated to
ized patients, the authors use systemic corticoste- mechanical ventilation.
roids in AECOPD patients in the ICU. They use the Invasive ventilation is indicated in severe
parenteral route and a dose of 40 to 60 mg/d for 5 AECOPD patients with status postrespiratory or
to 7 days. It is important to avoid high doses and cardiac arrest, acute respiratory failure with an
prolonged durations, as that could make the inability to tolerate noninvasive ventilation,
benefit-risk ratio for this intervention unfavorable. increased respiratory secretions, altered mental
ICU patients are highly prone to secondary infec- status, inability to protect the airway, high risk of
tious complications of steroid use, both bacterial aspiration, cardiac arrhythmias, and severe hemo-
and fungal. In fact, disseminated aspergillosis dynamic stability.1
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