Maze Generation Algorithms

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 2, February-2017 1064

ISSN 2229-5518

Survey Paper on Maze Generation Algorithms for

Puzzle Solving Games
Ms. Shivani H. Shah, Ms. Jagruti M. Mohite, Mr. Anoop G. Musale, Mr. Jay L. Borade

Abstract- A maze is a sort of puzzle having many branch passages. Some are closed and some lead to the end position. Here
solver’s goal is to move from a starting position to an end position i.e. a valid passage between these two positions has to be
revealed. Maze generation is popular in entertainment domain. Mazes are used to solve the navigational problems which indeed
brought the need of automation of maze generation. This paper gives an overview of three basic two-dimensional maze
generation algorithms: a) Depth-First Search (DFS), b) Kruskal’s Algorithm and c) Prim’s Algorithm. These algorithms describe
three conceptually different approaches for generating maze.

Index Terms- Depth-First Search, Graph algorithms, Grid, Kruskal’s Algorithm, Maze generation algorithms, Maze creation
algorithms, Prim’s Algorithm.

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M AZE is a complicated system of paths in which

people try to find their way through way of
entertainment.. Mazes are of various shapes, sizes
of the unvisited neighbors being considered as a dead-end.
Once it reach the dead end it backtracks through path till
the time it reaches a cell with an unvisited neighbor and
and difficulty. Maze has become very popular in fun stuff continuous the path generation by visiting this new,

and an interesting domain from a mathematical point of unvisited cell. This process continues until every cell has
view that is mazes can also be used to train brain. been visited, causing a program to backtrack all the way
Maze generation includes designing the layout of back to the start. This approach guarantees that all the cells
passages and walls within a maze. There are many different are covered and the maze space is completely visited.
approaches for generating maze such as recursive division
method, with various maze generation algorithms for 2.1 Algorithm
building it. Maze generation is a difficult task since there The algorithm proceeds as follows:
has to manage several stuff that has to be controlled during
generation. Some of them are as follows: 1. Mark the current cell as 'Visited'
1. The maze should have a Start point and Exit Point. 2. If the current cell has any neighbors which have
2. The path to the exit must be reachable from the not been visited
start. 1. Choose randomly one of the unvisited
3. Grids that are not included in the path must be neighbors.
reachable from start. 2. Add the current cell to the stack.
4. Maze should not consist of any cycle. 3. Remove the wall between the current
5. All the grids should be reachable. cell and the chosen cell.
6. The number of walls should be considerable so 4. Make the chosen cell the current cell.
that the player will not reach the exit quickly. 5. Recursively call this function.
7. Between any pair of grids there should only be one 3. else
possible solution. 1. Remove the last current cell from the
2. Backtrack to the previous execution of
this function.
Maze generation uses the randomized version of depth-first
search algorithm. This algorithm is the simplest one and After execution of this algorithm, a ‘perfect maze with no
easy to implement using recursive method and stack [1]. dead end’ is generated and has a single solution [3].
Frequently it is implemented with a stack. Consider the (1) (2)
space as a large grid of cells, each cell having four walls.
Starts by selecting any random cell from the grid, the
program then selects any random neighboring cell that has
not yet been visited. The program removes the 'wall'
between the two cells that are not connected and adds the
new cell to a stack [2].
The program continues this process till the time, none
IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 2, February-2017 1065
ISSN 2229-5518
Starts by simply selecting an edge at random and join the
cells it connects if they are not already connected by a path.
We can know if the cells are already connected if they are in
the same set. So, let’s choose the edge between (2, 2) and (2,
3). The cells are in different sets, so we can join the two into
a single set and connect the cells as:

Let’s do a few more passes of the algorithm, to

get to the interesting part:

(3) (4)


Kruskal’s algorithm is a method for producing a minimal
spanning tree from a weighted graph. Randomized
Kruskal’s algorithm is used for generating the maze form
grids, it works by randomly selecting an edges from the
graph, and adding them to the maze if they are connecting
the disjoint trees. Usually it is done in an increasing
distance but in case of maze all the cells of grids are at same
distance [4]. Visually, it has the effect of growing the maze
from many random points across the grid [3].
It works something like this:
• Create a list of all the available wall
• Select any random wall from random cell and
remove it from the list. Here’s where things start to move fast. Note what happens
• In case if there are is no way to move between the when the edge between (1, 2) and (2, 2) is pulled from the
two cells then remove that particular wall which is bag:
blocking the way.
• Repeat it until there are no more cells left.

3.1 Example
For this example we will use a simple 3×3 grid.
We’ve assigned each cell a number, indicating which set it
belongs to.

Now we will join these two trees, 1 and 5, into one set, 1, by
implying that any cell in 1 is reachable from any other cell
in 1. So we will try joining (1, 3) and (2, 3) now:

This algorithm is straightforward:

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 2, February-2017 1066
ISSN 2229-5518
4.2 Example

Now, consider the edges (1, 1)–(1, 2) and (1, 2)-(2, 2). None
of these has been drawn from the bag yet .Let’s see what Now, we will select a point at random and add it to the
would happen if one of them were? Well, in both cases, the “in”.
cells on either side of the edge belong to the same set.
Connecting the cells in either case would result in a cycle,
so we will discard that edge and try again.

Grey color represents the “in” cell and Yellow color

represents the “frontier” cell.
Just for sake of efficiency, let’s call the set of all
cells that are not present in the “in” data set, but are

Kruskal’s algorithm gets ended when there is no more adjacent to a cell that are present in the stack, that is the
edges are left to consider (which, in this case, is when there “frontier”. We’ll color those cells with yellow.
is only a single set left). And the result is a perfect maze!

Prim’s algorithm, starts by selecting any random cell from
the grid and detects its neighboring cell and mark it as
frontiers, one of which is randomly added to the maze.
When the cell is added to the maze, the new frontiers are
detected. The algorithm goes on until all the grid is
converted into maze. That is it starts at one point and grow
outwards from that point. So the sequence of the actions is Now, we will select any one of these frontier cells at
in the following way [5]. random and create a passage from that frontier cell to
4.1 Algorithm whichever adjacent cell that is already a present in the “in”.
1. Start by selecting a random cell. Then we will mark the neighbors of the formerly front cell,
2. Mark that cell as “in” and al l its cell as “frontier” as “frontier” cells.
3. Choose random cell from “frontier”. If it is not in
the set, delete the wall between current cell and the
4. Go to step one (but now the random cell is selected
among cells in the “frontier”).
5. Repeat until all the cells in the maze are covered
and no mare cells are left in “frontier”.
For implementing this algorithm [5] we will require
two datasets. One for the “in” cell and another for the
Flush and repeat the procedure:
“frontier” cell. Let’s start with a simple example by
taking 3x3 a grid.

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 2, February-2017 1067
ISSN 2229-5518

Now, here there is a little bit change. Let’s see what This algorithm will terminate when there are no
happens if we randomly select the cell at (1, 0) that is the more front cell to select from, giving us the
top middle. That is already adjacent to the two cells that are perfect maze.
already “in” the stack. This algorithm resolves it by simply
selecting one of the “in” neighbors at random. Prim’s
Algorithm doesn’t care which neighbor is to be picked up, 5 CONCLUSION
only care to be taken is that each front cell eventually be
connected to a cell which is already present in the stack.[6] Maze acts as an unknown environment that helps in
tackling path finding, puzzle solving and path solving
related problem. Due to its advantage of increasing the
complexity of the maze as per required. Thus, maze acts as
the basic milestone that is to be achieved for creating a self-
automated moving robot [5]. These above mentioned
algorithms have their own advantages and disadvantages
that help in creating variety of mazes as per required. As

DFS is one of the most basic algorithms to be implemented.
It generates different mazes every time even if the number
of rows and columns are the same. This is not the same in
Keep on going it till the end: the case of Kruskal’s algorithm and Prim’s algorithm. But,
Kruskal’s algorithm and Prim’s algorithm create a perfect
maze every time and at input [7]. Whereas, DFS might
create an imperfect maze i.e. the maze generated might not
have any path to the goal.

[1] Aliona Kozlova, and Joseph Alexander Brown, “Examination of
Representational Expression in Maze Generation Algorithm,” IEEE
Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, At Tainan,
Taiwan, 19 August 2015.
[3] Nimesh Patel, Dr. K. M. Patel, “Survey on: Enhancement of Minimum
Spanning Tree,” Journal of Research and Application, Vol.5, No.1, January
2015, pp.06-10.
[4] Nirav J. Patel, Prof. Shweta Agrawat, “Survey paper on Different
techniques for Minimum Spanning Tree,” International Journal of
Engineering Development and Research. ISSN: 2321-9939, pp. 22-25.
[5] Martin Foltin, Automated maze Generation and Human interaction,
Masaryk University Faculty of Informatics, 2011 (Diploma Thesis).

IJSER © 2017

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