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The Dumb Queen

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The Dumb Princes

Khowar Folk Lore

Several years back in the antiquity, there lived a kingly king and a beautiful queen in a
certain place who had vast swathes of land, thousands of servants, granaries full of grain and
wealth more than enough for their opulently rich life style, but they were not happy as they
didn’t have any heir. They had passed almost half span of their lives in the aspiration but were
not endowed with any heir. One day a man came to them and told them that he had heard of a
man --a sage, who cured barrenness both in men and women and suggested them to see him.
The king leaving all his business at once set out on a journey towards the unknown destination
to meet that blessed man. After several days of wearisome journey, wading tumultuous rivers,
surmounting snow capped peaks, crossing sizzling hot deserts and wonderfully green meadows
he arrived at the place. It was a charmingly beautiful green land having flowers of myriads of
colours unseen by man and a foam-white stream meandering down the middle of it. He was
resting there for a while amazed to see the unearthly beauty of the place when he saw a man
with straggly hair, unshaven coarse beard and clad in tattered apparels busy in prayers. The king
went to him and asked about the sage-known far and wide. He told the king that he himself was
the man the king was in search of and asked why he sought him. He narrated his story to him
which the sage listened to with great interest and then said,”I can cure your malady but on a
condition.” The king said “Every condition is accepted before it is uttered. Ask whatever you
wish.” The learned man gave him a talisman and prescribed to tie it round her wife’s arm and an
apple, cleaved into two -- one to be eaten by the king himself and the other by his wife. The
sage then said “You shall be given heirs if Allah wishes but you shall send me your third son. The
third son is mine that’s my condition.” The king readily accepted the condition and bidding adieu
to him resumed his journey back home. When he reached home the apple cleft was given to his
wife and the other half was eaten by him and the amulet tied round his wife’s arm according to
the prescription. The very same year his wife gave birth to their heir apparent, a baby boy and in
the succeeding couple of years she begot two more sons but amongst his sons the third one was
the most handsome, intelligent and obedient. With the course of time while living so blissfully
he had forgotten his promise with the sage, who was the solo reason behind this blissful life.
One day the queen asked him to return the belonging of the sage back to him. The king
reminded his promise with the sage and with tears in his eyes narrated the story to his son, Yor
Mas, so he was called because he was such a handsome youth that he was considered half sun
and half moon. The son was so obedient that he said, “I will not break my father’s word and will
not let his honour down at any cost.” So, without any delay he asked blessings of his parents
and set out towards the sage. When the prince arrived the sage said, ‘I am very happy that the
king had not forgotten his promise and you obediently obeyed him and left the palace to spend
your life with a man of my humble fortunes.” The sage then said, “Now you shall go and find the
dumb princess and marry her, this is my last wish.” The prince once more mounted his saddle
and resumed his journey in search of the dumb princess.

Such was his personality that every person who saw him wanted to befriend him and never
parted with him. During his travel he came across rats who were mourning, upon asking they
told him that an enemy, a wolf-rat was taking a very heavy toll on them by killing their family
members regularly. He told them not to worry and waited for the monster; when the wolf-rat
arrived he killed it with his bow. The rats became so happy that they told him to call them
anytime anywhere. The chief-rat gave him a hair plucking it out of his whiskers and asked him to
apply it to fire whenever in need of them. Then two men came to him and requested him to
allow them in his company, he said, “I am on a suicidal mission and don’t know whether I will be
able to come back or not. Why would you spoil your lives”, but they adamantly replied that they
would stand by him at any cost telling him that they would be of great use to him as one of
them was called the Fire Mouth, as he belched out fire from his mouth and could singe anything
within no time; the other was called The Ice Mouth, as his breaths were ice cold and could
freeze anything in a few moments and. After travelling for many days they reached a place
where they were told that there was a tradition of killing aliens who entered there without
permission. The prince also came to know that the ruler was the very same man whose
daughter, the dumb princess he was about to woo. Then prince Yor Mas and his friends were
captured by the kings’ soldiers and presented them before the king. The king asked him about
his errands and he boldly told the king that he had come to woo the dumb princes, his daughter.
The king in seemingly calm posture said, “Many a handsome youth have come before you to
woo my daughter but I sent them to the gallows for they were not apt suits for her. You will also
be tested and if you pass the tests you will be married to my daughter and if failed, I shall hang
you and your friends.” The prince replied, “I shall come up to your expectations your honour!”
Then the king bid his soldiers to lock the strangers in the freezing room, in a temperature much
below the freezing point. The king had thought that they wouldn’t survive the coldness but the
Fire Mouth belched out tongues of fire and maintained the room temperature. When minions of
the king came to see their fate in the morning they were astonished to see them fast asleep and
upon asking about how the night was spent they replied the room needed another ventilator as
it was too hot. The king was really surprised and sent them to the oven-hot room for the next
night but it was the Ice Mouth’s turn now to make the room warm and to the surprise of the
king and his courtiers they once more awakened from their sound sleeps. The next day he
remembered the rats and called them by giving spark to the hair which the rat-commander had
given him, the rats arrived in enormous number, he bid them to make a tunnel between his and
the princess’s room. The rats dug the tunnel in no time and taking the name of Allah he entered
into the tunnel which lead him to an apartment where the princess was being kept. She spoke
with no one that why she was called the Dumb Princess. She was exceedingly beautiful and was
attended by an old eunuch. The apartment was surrounded by a vast garden which seemed
deserted; heavenly birds were there but silent, the flowers seemed withered, and the wind
while striking the tiles seemed to be wailing on the sadness. The unmatchable beauty of the
princess left him speechless and he stood there staring at her as if under some spell. The Dumb
Princess at first got scared on such a sudden appearance of the prince and then she smiled on
seeing him. It was a heavenly spectacle then as the birds that were silent started chirping, the
tulips bloomed suddenly and the breeze whistled in a pleasant tone. The prince proposed her
heartily which she accepted with all her heart and the next morning when the king woke up he
wondered to see the sudden change in his orchards. The birds chirping, the swallows twittering,
the orioles singing with beautiful notes and when the king spoke to his daughter she replied so
beautifully as if tulips clad in words were dripping down her lips. The king hugged her and kissed
her on her forehead and asked if she would marry her young suitor--- the prince Yor Mas--- she
smiled ….

The marriage ceremony was celebrated with great pomp and show and the procession
included several horses and mules laden with enormous dowry of jewels and pearls but the
prince and the princes had no interest in wealth as they were the real gems made for each
other. The three men also went with the procession to his father’s land. The king and the queen
who had grown old in their son’s absence rejuvenated on seeing him back. The procession was
welcomed with enthusiasm and great feasts were arranged, drums and kettle drums were
beaten and marksmanship competitions were arranged in honour of the occasion.


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