Togakure Ryu Ninpo Densho
Togakure Ryu Ninpo Densho
Togakure Ryu Ninpo Densho
Ka,mae Kata
(Posture Forms)
Taijutsu Ukemi-Gata
(Body Art Passive
(Secret Fading Forms)
Naka-Gaeshi (Middle
1t @ & t_ ‘?
Kata Ude Tonso no Kata {One Armed Escape and Run Form)
Hidari Ude Tonso no Kata (Left Armed Escape and Run Form)
Ate Komi Tonso no Kata (Hit Include Escape and Run Form)
Kote Uchi Tonso no Kata (Wrist Strike Escape and Run Form)
From Shizen no Kamae step back with the right foot. The feet are
approximately 2 ’Zz 10 3 feet apart with about a 1 inch gap between.
The front toot (fell) is angled very slightly to the right. This is not
noticeable to the Uke. The back foot (right) points 45 degrees to
the rear. Lower your centre of gravity as much as is comfortable
(this takes time) Your knees should hide your feet if you are
looking down (important point). Make sure the knees are not
buckling inwards to take the strain. This will hurt initially but the
pain is temporary and, if practiced correctly, will build strong legs.
This is an important point. Your back needs to be angled along the
line of this Kamae — you do this by leaning your body slightly back,
then with a i‘eeling of rotating your lower torso clockwise to the point
when the hips lock This will ensure that the back is straight. Make
sure your backside is not sticking out. This is a common mistake and
should be correctedfrom the start. Keep your shoulders relaxed and
do not hunch them. Your left arm is pointed to the Uke's chest with a
slight bend at the elbow so the arm is not locked (the Kanji for lchi is
a horizontal line, so your lead hand should emulate this). The hand is
held in such a way that your palm is obscured from the Uke's vision
The fingers are held straight and together (no tension). Do not open
them. The left hand should be roughly perpendicular to the lefi foot.
Tbe right hand is held about a fist width away from the chin — again
your palm is hidden Both hands resemble a loose Shuto fist.
Remember, keep the shoulders relaxed. Your head and neck should
follow the line of your spine with the head facing forwards. Do
not tilt your head to the side. This is a common mistake and
should be corrected from the start. Fix your eyes on the Uke.
Take all tension out of your body and relax This is Hidari
(left) Ichi no Kamae. Do this on the other side also (Migi (right)
lchi no Kamae).
The feeling for this Kamae is not allowing the Uke to get close to you
From Shizen no Kamae step out to the side so that the feet are open
slightly over shoulder width apart. Drop your weight a little to
unlock the knees. The arms are held horizontally out to your sides
with your elbows unlocked. The hands are held out, and slightly
forward and raised to roughly the level of your eyes — you should just
about see them in your peripheral vision. Your neck and head are
straight and facing forwards. Take all the tension out of your body.
The feeling of this Kamae is either gently wrapping the Uke up,
allowing the Uke's force to go by, or confining the Uke's
Hachimonji no Kamae
(Eight Character Posture)
This Kamae is the same as Ichi no Kamae with the following changes
— This Kamae is slightly higher than Ichi no Kamae. Straighten your
back so it is upright. neck straight, and head straight. Your lead hand
points to the Uke's eyes and your rear hand is vertical, higb
above your head/shoulder (elbow unlocked) with the hand held in
a loose fist (this is to hold metstibushi)
The feeling for this Kamae is a strong intention to defeat the Uke.
Happo-Gakure no Kamae
(All Sides Concealing Posture)
From Shizen no Kamae, take two Metsubushi from your jacket and
conceal them inside each hand with loose fists. Then step forwards
with the lefi foot and raise your arms vertical above your head /
shoulders with slight bend in the elbows (similar to Hoko no
Kamae from the Koto Ryu). Drop your weight slightly, body on a
45 degree angle with your head forwards.
The feeling for this Kamae is to be able to scatter Metsubushi in all
directions —andthen to escape using Goton no Jutsu.
Ton-So no Kamae
(Escaping Posture)
The intention with this Kamae is to attack the Uke with Metsubushi
or Shuriken, and then escape to the rear with Goton no Julsu.
Taijutsu Ukemi-Gata
(Body Art Passive Forms)
Kaeshi Dori
(Counter Capture)
Ichi no Kaman
(No. One Posture)
Begin i:n Ichi .no Kamae. The Uke begins in Daijodan no Kamae. As
the Uk .ciits with Kara Take Wart, leap lefi or right past the Uke's
sword using Taihen Jutsu and land to :strike with either Ura Shuto
or Omote Shuto
if you are in Ichi no Kamae with left foot :forwards, leap the left
with the left foot forwards. and at the same time bring the .left Shtiko
to the Uke's hands to cover from counter »ttnck and strike the Uke's
right Kanimi or Uko with a right Ura Shuto.
I you are in lchi no Kamae with the right foot forwards, use
Marutobi (circular leaping) by springing off the left foot (back foot)
in a clockwise direction to the left (Uke's right side). As you do this,
the right Shuko covers from potential attack and the let strikes with
Omote Shuto to either Kasumi or Uko.
From there leap back into lchi no Kamae and then Zanshin.
The main point of this technique is to receive the sword with the
This is the variation — After the Ura Shuto, put the right hand back on
top of the sword and move it slightly to your left side, then kick the
L'ke to either Suigetsu or Kinteki As the Uke falls, step back with
the right foot trap the sword handle underneath your right arm
(press it between your arm and your body). From this position you
can cut the Uke. Zanshin.
(Homontal Kick)
(One Sword Cut)
(Stealing Into And Fading Forms)
These techniques are training for how to fight when discovered while
infiltrating enerñ y territory.
(Nesting Counter)
Jump up and place the left elbow on the wall and the right arm
over the wall. This is to hoist your self up onto the wall. Then,
you lay hidden on the inside of the wall so that the enemy cannot
see you lion the road.
(Nesting Capture)
This technique is for how to appear suddenly to the enemy Tom the
peak of a wall, attacking then disappearing in one instant. The
important point of this technique is how to kick with both feet. Begin
by performing the previous technique. As the enemy approaches.
you wait until he is in striking distance. then, swing your legs like
a pendulum (anchor yourself to the wa)l with your arms/elbows).
Kick to the enemy's face with either one or both feet Then
use the rebound movement from this to swing back onto the wall.
Carry this motion on and leap down to the opposite side of the wall
and escape using Goton no Jutsu.
(Flying in the Sky)
(Side Flow)
This technique is for when you are faced with 2 enemies, one to.the
front and one to the rear. One has a sword in Dai Jodan no Kamae
and the other has a spear in Kamae. You enter into Tonso
in Kamae - right side towards the swordsinan. You wait for the
ment that the enemy with the speak is about to attack — either with
a Kiai or widening of the eyes. At that moment throw Meisubushi at
the swordsman (the densho says a small stone — I believe this to be an
example of what can be used if no Metsubushi is available). Then
instantly drop and roll away with Yoko Nagare to a position of safet y.
The enemy with the spear will either stab the.swordsman instead of
you or hesitate. lfthe timing is perfect, the swordsman will be
stabbed with the, spear. Then, Zanshin. The most important point to
this technique is to know when the most opportune time is to react.
(Back Flow)
There are 3 enemies to your from with spears and swords. You.stand
in Totiso no Kamae with your right side to lhe front. At this poirrt
it is importam to evaluate their.intentions. If you feel that they are
going to attack, then let them .come close — but not close enough to
attack you. When one or all of the enemies are about to attack throw
Metsubushi in an arc to the front, then roll away to the rear using
Ushiro Nagare (Koho Kaiten). The important point to this technique
is to roll back even if Metsubushi is not used If you think about it, if
these .teGhniques .were used outdoors in open grassland or woods,
then you would be concealed to a point in.the tall .grass or scrub.
The other important thing to consider is how to roll whilst wearing a
sword. It: is: preferable to pull the Saya out slightly and keep your
hand on the .Saya/Tsuba whilst rolling (this is also applicable for the
previous technique).
(Midñ le turn)
This technique is for when you believe that you are being
followed. by enemies. You either use Oten (sideways cartwheei)
or Zenpo Tenkai (forward Nndspring) to the front to create
distance and to confuse the enemy. Do this soundlessly. Then
escape using Yoko Aruki! and them Goton no Jutsu
(1Side Turn)
You are facedl with enemies to the front and to either the left or the
right. Use Otem(sideways cartwheel) to escape to the left if the
enemy is to your right or vice versa. Then use Yoko Aruki to
escape then Cioton rio Jutsu.
(Jumping Roll)
This technique is for when you .need to climb a tree that is too wide to
get your hands around, or when the.branches are too high. Use your
Shuko to scale the tree in this case.
(Single Sword Throw)
(Iron Plate Throwing)
Hold nine, flat .steel plates (Senban) in your left hand and use your
right hand to create spin when throwing them at the enemy. The
main point of this technique is the use of the right wrist. Kneel on the
left knee with the Senban in the palm of your left hand. Use the tip of
your right index finger, thumb on,top and the top of tbe middle finger
to hold the Senban, and use a snapping motion of your right wrist
to create the: spin.needed to throw them. When wearing Shuko and
throwing Senban, tbe hand does not close as easily, so you should use
the finger tips more than before. You can also throw to the left with a
right handed throw, palm up, by holding the tip of the Senban. You
do this by kneeling on.the right knee and throwing under your left
arm. (the Senban will spin counter clockwise)
(Turning Cllt)
(At the risk of ones life)
The technique means to hold the intention of sacrificing your own life
This technique is used for when you are faced with.many enemies.
The strategy here is to make the strongest looking person or the boss
think that you are attacking them, and then quickly change to attack
the weakest looking one — if you are circled, then this becomes the
weakest area in the circle. You begin from Shizen no Kamae. Fare
the boss/strongest man and do Kiri Kaeshi (previous technique) but
iostead of finishing the technique, turn to cut down the weakest
enemy with any of the techniques that you have learned from the
Ninga Biken Section. Issen Ken or Datou no Ken are best for this.
This is a strategy more than a technique, however, it is an excellent
way to practice flowing from one Biken technique to another.
Remember, the point of this technique is not to pet caught up in a
sword fight, the pofnt is to escape. This is closely related to
Suteml frnm the Ninja-Biken Section
The Uke Arabsyour right wrist with his right hand. Both Uke and
Tort enter into Hachimonji no Kamae (instead of making a fist with
the rear hand, open it flat so that your palm is towards the Uke's
tree). The Uke either tries to pull you towardshim, or. you pull the
LTe towards you —bothways are correct. Imbed the spikes of
the Shuko into the Uke's wrist and enter into Take Ori as you are
about In ptit the technique on him (as you put on Take On). This
is the
Erther the Uke or the Tort Pulls with 3 shuffle steps to the rear. On
the third step, raise the Uke's wrist with Take Ori and k ck with the
right foot to the Uke's right side Koe (to the side of the groin).
Your right foot then lands to the Uke's right side as you pass under
the LYe's right arm in the manner of Yoko Aniki (counter
clockwise ex›vement with your body into the next movement).
Finish this movement by continuing the counter-clockwise
movement and drop to your left knee (facing the same direction as
the Uke) and throw the Lie with Katate Nage (one handed throw)
Then immediately stand up and take your Metsubushi, crush and
then throw it at the Uke's
Lastly, lesp back with Chi Tobi and escape using Doton no
Jutsu (in these cases, that means lying face down on the ground).
The Uke .grabs your left wrist with his right hand Both Uke and
Tori enter into Hachimonji no Kamae (instead of making a fist
with the rear hand, open it flat so that your palm ig towards the
Uke's face).
The Uke either tries to pull you towards him, or, you pull the Uke
towards you — berth ways are correct. Imbed the spikes of the Shuko
into the Uke’s wrist and enter into Take Ori as you are about to
put the tachnique on him (as you put .on Take Ori) This fs the form
Eitlmr the Uke or the Tort Pulls witñ 3 shuffle steps to the rear.
.On the third step, raise the Uke's wrist with Take Ori and kick with
the right foot to the Uke's right side Koe (to the side of the groin)
and at the same time grab the Uke's elbow with your right hand.
Your right f ot then lands to the from of the Uke's right foot (ahout
1 foot away wW your foot in the same direction as the Uke's. so
similar to Yoko
- iuki) and your.left foot comes to the front of the Uke's left (very
eiose). Drop to your left knee to thmw the Uke with Koshi Nage
(hip thou). Then immediately stand up and take your Metsubushi,
cmsh M then throw it at the Uke's eyes. Lastly, leap back with Clii
Tobi M escape using Doton no Jutsu (in these cases, that means
lying face down on the ground). Zanshin.
The Uke grabs your left wrist with his left hand. Both Uke and
Tort enter into Hacliimonji no Kamae (instead of making a fist
with the rear hand, open it flat so that your palm is towards the
Uke's face) The Uke either tries to pull you towards him, or, you
pull the Uke towards you — both ways are correct. Imbed the spikes
of the Shuko into the Uke's wrist and enter into Take Ori as you
are about to put the technique on him (as you put on Take Ori)
This is the form —
Either the Uke or the Tort Pulls with 3 shuffle steps to the rearOn
the third step, raise the Uke' s wrist with Take On and kick with
the left foot to the Uke's Suigetsu (stomach) and at the same time
grab the Uke's elbow with your right hand. Your left foot then
lands to the back of the Uke’ s left foot and you pull the Uke's arm
to the rear to take balance at the sane time. Drop to your knee and
pull the Uke's arm down to throw the Uke onto his back Then
immediately stand up and take your Metsubushi, crush and then
throw it at the Uke's eyes. Lastly, leap back with Chi Tobi and
escape using Doton tio Jutsu (in these cases, that means lying face
down on the ground). Zanshin.
The Uke grabs your right wrist with his lefi hand Both Uke and Tort
enter into Hachimonji no Kamae (instead of making a fist with the
rear hand, open it flat so that your palm is towards the Uke's face)
The Uke either tries to pull you towards him, or, you pull the Uke
towards you — both ways are correct Imbed the spikes
of the Shuto into the Uke's wrist and enter into Take Ori as you are
about to put the technique on him (as you put on Take Ori). Take
Ori in this
technique is with the palm facing the Uke (your index finger finger
points to the .right) This is the form —
Either the Uke or the Tort Pulls with 3 shuffle.steps to the rear. On
thetliird step, raise the Uke’s:wrist with Take Ori and kick with the
right foot to the Uke's Suigetsu (stomach) with Kakoshi Geri (hidden
kick) and at the same time: grab the Uke's elbow with your left hand
froto above. Your right foot then lands in between the Uke's feet and
you turn your body counter clockwise as you drop to your right knee
(this is done as the foot lands) and pull the Uke's arm down in an
elbow lock to drop the Uke face down. Then immediately stand up
and take your Metsubushi, crush and then throw it at the Uke's eyes.
Lastly, leap back with.Chi Toñ i land escape using Doton no Jutsu (in
these cases, that means lying face down on the ground). Zanshin.
The Uke grabs the back of your collar from behind with the right
hand. The Uke pulls you back 3 times. On the first pull step
back with the left foot (foes point to the left) — bring your right foot
along side your left foot (toes forward). On the second pull, stoop
low md step back with the left foot (toes point to the right) — bring
the right foot back to the pciTtt where the tom are in line with your
heels (toes forward) — within this mo,vement place your right hand
on top of the Uke's right hand. On the third puil sink the spikes of
thel Shuko into the Uke's right hand and step back with the left
foot so that it is behind the Uke's right foot (toes.point to the left)
and strike the Uke to Suigetsu with a left Enpi (elbow) —.releasethe
Uke's right hand from your collar by lifting it .off with ouT right
hand. Then, bring your right hand up and over in an arc to throw
the Uke with Katate Nage. Then immediately stand up and take
your Metsubushi, crush and then throw it at the.Uke’s eyes. Lastly,
leap back with Chi Tobi and escape using Hotofl nO Jtltsu (in these
cases, that means lying face down on the ground). Zanshin.
Hidaii Te Kubi Suji Tonso ñ o Kata
(Left Hand Escape and.Run form)
This is the same as the previous technique, only it Is done on the left
side this time so the left hand: covers the right leg moves off first
and the right Enpi strikes. The only difference apart from this is that
when you throw the Uke with Katate Nage, you drop to the right
The Ukle i:s in Dat Jodan .no Kamae with a.sword. Stand:in kamae:(left. hand forward). .At the instant the Uke
As to cut, push off with the baok foot and leap forward to the !eft
(to the. outside of the Uke). When you land, strike down wifh a
right Shuto to1Nagare..(top of the:righf foréatm). This wi.11 make
the Uke:
drop the sword. Then, twist your hips counter clockwise and either,
drop to your right knee and strike to Butsumetsu with Shikan Ken,
or, slam the spikes of the Shuko into Butsumetsu (like a slapping
motion). Then, throw Metsubushi, then leap away to the left .side and
use Mokuton no Jutsu —4hisis to use a tree for concealment and/or to
use the tree as a barrier between you and the Uke. Keep your
.high and be ready to throw Shuriken (Zanshin)
2 steps back — and as they move to: attack release the Metsubushi
towards both of them. Then immediately drop low and pass
between them.both and strike each of them with Boshi Ken to
Butsumetsu Carry on forwards and escape by doing Naka Gaeshi
(from the Shinobi Gaeshi Gata) twice and then use Mokuton no
Jutsu — this is to use a tree fDr concealment and/or to use the tree
as a barrier between you and the Uke. Keep your posture high and
be ready to thr.ow Shuriken (Zans!hiri). N.ote — if there is a third
enemy, throw him first to take him out.
You are surrounded by 4 enemies. They all have swords and .are ifi
any Kamae. You are in Tonso no Kamae. Take out Senban:and
throw each of the enemy to make. them fiinch. They take
out Metsubushi and: scatter it in all directions, then, if necessary,
throw more:Senban — then escape when you opportunity
using Ukemi/Kaiten and then use Mokuton no Jutsu — this is to
use a tree fqr concealment and/or to use the tree as a barrier
between you and the Uke. Keep your posture high and be ready io
throw Shuriken (Zanshin).
and throw Senban in all directions until you see an opening. At that
moment escape using Ukemi/Kaiten and then use Mokuton no Jutsu —
this is to use a tree for concealment and/or to use the tree as a
barrier between you and the Uke. Keep your posture high and be
ready to throw Shuriken (Zanshin).