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Nikolaj e Vic 1997

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S(VNikolajevic', N M Pekaric - Nadj2,R M Dimitrijevic3

electric Power Distribution Co., Belgrade, Yugoslavia

of Technlcal Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Yugoslavia
, he Cable Factory, Jagodina, Yugoslavia



finite element method (FEW based analysis was

rformed in order to design different constructions Numerical calculations of the electric field and the
rminations for crosslinked polyethylene (XLPE) laboratory test were performed on the 20 kV XLPE
Primary task was to limit the electric field at cable with construction characteristics as follows:
ulation screen end of XLPE cables. Numerical conductor of aluminum stranded wires, 120 mm2 in
eling made it possible to monitor how stress cross section, 13.66 mm in diameter, conductor
ief cones and materials with different relative screen from semiconducting layer, type HFDS 0592,
ctric constant alone or in a combination with 0.5 mm thick, insulation made of cross linked
or grounded embedded electrodes (EE) polyethylene, type BPH 4201S, 5.5 mm thick,
the electric stress grading. The most relative dielectric constant, E, =2.3, insulation screen
omising constructions of the cable terminations made of semiconducting layer, type HFDS 0592,
re selected for experimental testing in high 0.5" thick, metallic screen made of copper wires
voltage laboratory. and copper tapes, PVC sheath 2.0 mm thick.
Diameter of the cable was approximately 34 mm.

INTRODUCTION This paper included a study of the cable termination

constructions as follows:
0 Factory molded terminations designed for
Depending on the circuit voltage, metal shielding geometric stress relief-the stress relief cones.
must be stripped back to the safe distance from the 0 High dielectric constant extruded tubes (or
:able end. Such point is well known for a severe tapes), beginning at the cable insulation screen
stress in cable insulation, under the insulation screen terminus.
2nd McPartland (1). Common way of the stress 0 High dielectric constant extruded tubes with
distribution control is based on geometrical embedded electrodes (EEs) on the top.
regulation-the stress relief cones, or special materials
of nonlinear resistivity or high relative dielectric Two new constructions of terminations were
Eonstant Nelson and Hervig (2). The objective of this analyzed and compared with the classic solutions.
work was to look for the cable termination The first type terminations were made of the high
construction with such characteristics that would dielectric constant layer alone. The second type of
relieve the electric stress in a length as short as the terminations were formed of the optimal first
possible. Although the stress relief cones offer a type samples plus the EE. The EE was made in a
good solution for the electric stress reduction, the shape of a 10 mm wide and 0.8 mm thick copper
high dielectric constant extruded tubes, as the cable ring. such shape was chosen because of some earlier
terminations, have many advantages in fabrication experience Nikolajevic et al. (3). Both types of
md installation. The tube is easily made and can be terminations had a heat shrinkable tubes (HST) on
fabricated in a shape of strip or tapes with a thick the top.
layer of the increased relative dielectric constant, E,.
Numerical program allowed the study of optimal Analytical steady state solution for voltage
relative dielectric constant and thickness. Therefore, distribution between the conductor and the metallic
this paper discusses different constructions of cable screen in the coaxial cable at different potentials
terminations. These terminations are suitable for involves the direct solution of Laplace's equation
concentric neutral and jacketed concentric neutral with appropriate boundary conditions. In the case of
distributions cables for 10 to 35 kV. the cable, in cylindrical coordinates, the two
dimensional Laplace's equation is

CIRED 97,2-5 June 1997, Conference Publication'No. 438,0 IEE, 1997


TABLE-1. The dielectric constants of materials used

in numerical models
where V=V(r, z) stands for the potential in the r-z Materials Relative dielectric
plane. The boundaries were defined by the phase constant, E,
conductor potential, 1OkV as 1OO%, and the metallic
Crosslinked polyethylene 2,3
screen ground potential, 0 kV as 0%. In the electric
EPR layer of the HST 3,4
field problems there are at least two electrodes with Semiconductive screen 1000
fixed potentials, in this case the conductor and the Al, Cu 10000
metallic screen. All other potentials receive values High relative dielectric 10,4 - 40,4
between 0% and 100%. The electric field is a constant materials
gradient of the voltage. The field is the strongest in
the areas where the voltage changes in the shortest
distance or where a higher voltage drops for a
constant distance.
Figures 1 to 4 show the potential distribution of
Numerical models were formed for the three
terminations with: stress relief cone, high relative
methods of the electric stress control: dielectric constant layer and terminations with
stress relief cone, embedded electrodes, EEs, grounded or floating
high dielectric constant layer and potential respectively. Marked eqipotential lines in
0 terminations with embedded electrodes, Figures 1 to 4 have the potentials expressed in
grounded or floating potential percent of the conductor potential (1OkV) as follows:
a-0%, b-5%, c-lo%, d-l5%, e-20%, f-25%, g-30%,
The first method of terminating a cable is to extend h-35%, i-40% , j-45%, k-50%, 1-55% m-60%, n-
the insulation screen in axial direction, while 65%, O-70%, p-75%, q-80%, r-85%, ~-90%,t-95%
gradually increasing it’s radial dimension. The and U-100%.
insulation screen profile follows a predominated
contour so that the electric field at any point does not Maximum electric field intensity in the stress relief
exceed a chosen value (1). In the second case, at the cone was found to be Edmax=2.2 kV/mm. This
termination making use of the high dielectric value was taken as a specific one to compare other
constant material, the electric field becomes more values with.
uniform over the termination surface Weedy and
Turvey (4). In the third case the configurations with The analyses of the cable terminations with the
the EEs on the top of the high dielectric constant increased dielectric constant layer alone had shown
layers were analyzed. that:
The thickness of the layer affected the critical
A finite element method (FEM) based analyses
field only a little, typically for lower E,, see Table-2.
Andersen ( 5 ) was performed in order to design
0 The increase of relative dielectric constant of the
constructions of cable terminations. The analysis
region was firstly divided into isoparametric layer in the range 10 to 40 did not change critical
triangular elements. The unknown variable, electric field considerably, see Table-2.
Higher relative dielectric constant layers, 10 cm
potential, was defined at the nods of each element.
Laplace’s equation was solved in cylindrical long, 1 mm thick were found to be satisfactory.
coordinates. Numerical model for each of the above
mentioned constructions of the terminations was TABLE-2. Maximum values of the electric field
explored. Commercially available software was used Emax (Mv/m) in the cable insulator near the screen
for preprocessing and postporcessing of the data, as end for different thickness and different
well as for the automated grid generation. The permittivities of the examined laver. Shaded areas
electric field was calculated from the corresponding stand for configurations which have no point, where
potentials. The layers with the different thickness Emax>Edmax.
and with the different relative dielectric constant, E,,
were examined. The analyzes were also performed d=lmm d=3mm d=5mm
with the EE on the top of the high dielectric constant
layers. The EEs were isolated or grounded.

Relative dielectric constants of the materials used in 10.4 2.13 2.14 2.14
numerical models are listed in Table 1. 20.5 2.15 2.16 2.16
40.4 2.16 2.18 2.17

The EE on the top of the high dielectric constant made the situation worse. The EE at greater distance,
layer had a complex effect on the electric field 12 mm, according to the numerical simulation, could
grading: be a good solution for the cable termination.
0 The insulated EE even made the electric stress Grounded EE was found to be a good solution, apart
stronger. The situation was found to be worse when from the distance.
the EE was closer to the screen end.
When the EE was grounded, maximum electric When the relative dielectric constant was much
filed was reduced, see Table-3. The electric stress greater than 10, the electric field intensity was not
transferred from the insulation screen end to the EE found to change much with the presence of the EE.
and the surrounding material. When the EE was grounded, the greatest electric
stress moved from the insulation screen end to the
TABLE-3. Maximum values of the electric field EE.
Emax (MV/m) in the cable insulator near the screen
end for different permittivitv layers and the EE at the
distance 5 or 12 mm from the screen end. Shaded CONCLUSION
areas stand for confgurations which have no point,
where Emax>Edmax. Cable terminations should be made of material with
relative dielectric constarit E, =10 of more. The
Er "5 5" 12" 12" thickness of the layer d=l mm, was found to be
non grounded non grounded sufficient, and there was no point in increasing it.
The same effect may be achieved with a layer of
~ , = 5 but,
, the thickness must be grater. The layer of
10 cm length was found to be sufficiently long.

Addition of the EE had a significant effect on the

40.4 2.16 2.21 2.20 2.20 electric filed. Insulated EE made the situation worse.
100 2.18 2.21 2.20 2.20 Grounded EE in a combination with a layer of
relative dielectric constant E, =10 of higher, may
have the effectiveness of th.e stress relief cone.
Higher dielectric constant materials may introduce
Two types of the cable termination constructions great dielectric loss, which was not explored in this
were numerically explored and compared to the work. For that reason the layers with lower
classic stress relieve cone. The first type dielectric constants and with grounded EEs on the
terminations were made of the high dielectric top, were chosen for laboratory testing.
constant layer alone. The second type of the
terminations were formed of the optimal first type
layer plus the EE on the top. REFERENCES

No satisfactory result was obtained with the layer

having relative dielectric constant lower than 5, in 1. McPartland JF,Handbook of practical electrical
any of the examined configurations. The layers with design, 1984, McGraw-Hill Inc., New York, USA
E, in a range 10 to 40 may be used to design a good
termination construction. 2. Nelson PN, Hervig HC, 1984, "High dielectric
constant materials for primary voltage cable
terminations", IEEE Trans. Vol. PAS 103
From the earlier experiences it was expected that the
presence of the EE may change the situation
3. Nikolajevic S et al., 1996, "Optimizationof cable
considerably. Numerical models had shown that
when the EEs were grounded, the place of the terminations", IEEE PES Slummer Meeting, Denver,
highest electrical stress moved from the insulation 96 SM 369-9-PWRD.
screen end to the EE. When the EE was insulated
4. Weedy BM, Turvey NJ, 1986, "Resistive stress
("floating potential"), the distance of the EE from the
cable insulation screen end become very important. relieving materials for XLPE cable joints", IEE
Second Inter. Confer. on PCA 1OkV to 180kV
The effects have to be discussed separately for:
1. &,=5to 10 and
5. Andersen OW, 1973, "L,aplacianelectrostatic field
2. &,lo.
calculations by finite elernents with automatic grid
For E, =5 to 10, the EE played an important role. For generations", IEEE PES Winter Meeting, New
the insulated EE it was found that the EE at the York,. T 73 016-3.
closer distance, 5 mm from the screen end, even

.\ \ \ I / /-A

Figure 1. The potential map of the classic cable termination. The electric field controlled at the cable
insulation screen end by geometric stress relief-stress relief cone.

Figure 2. The potential map of the cable termination with a high relative dielectric constant layer
(E, =I 0.4) beginning at the cable insulation screen end. The HST on the top.

Figure 3. The potential map of the cable termination with high relative dielectric constant layer
(E, =10.4) and the embedded electrode (EE) at the “floating” potential. The HST on the top.

Figure 4. The potential map of the cable termination with high relative dielectric constant layer
(E, =10.4) and the embedded electrode (EE) at the ground potential. The HST on the top.

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