Module 4 Spreadsheet
Module 4 Spreadsheet
Module 4 Spreadsheet
E-mail Address: [email protected]
Module 4
Topic 1 Microsoft Office | Spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel)
I. Objectives
Upon completion of this module, you are expected to:
1. Determine and identify different MS Excel terminologies
2. Identify the types of data into a worksheet
3. Format cells and ranges
4. Create worksheets and workbook
5. Save worksheets and workbook
6. Open and close worksheets and workbook
Microsoft Excel is an electronic spreadsheet use to organize data into rows and
columns and to perform mathematical calculation quickly.
1. Worksheet - A worksheet is a single sheet (page) of rows and columns in
a workbook. A worksheet consists of all of the cells on that single sheet.
2. Workbook – A Workbook is a collection of worksheets which are stored
together in a single file and given a single name. Workbook can contains
link between different worksheets.
3. Rows – A row is the range of cells that go across (horizontal) the
spreadsheets/worksheets. Rows are identified as numbers e.g. Row 1, Row
4. Columns – A column is a range of cells that go down (Vertical) in
spreadsheets/worksheets. Columns are identified by letters, for example,
Column A, Column D.
5. Cell – A Cell is an individual box within a worksheet. Every cell on a
worksheet can be identified by its unique cell reference e.g. H7, B14. A cell
is used to hold text, number or formulae.
6. Range – A range is a group of selected cells which can be next to one
another (adjacent) or non-adjacent. Ranges are identified by cell
references e.g. A1:B19 or a name e.g. sales_table.
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You can’t combine types of data in a cell. You can type “5 oranges,” but Excel will
see that as text. It won’t separate the “5” as a number and the “oranges” as text.
If you want to deal with the 5 as a number, then you need to enter it into its own
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You should close the EXCEL Application and other program if you are
certain that you won’t be using them for some time. This will free up memory for
other programs.
1. <Click> on the File menu and then choose Close.
Tip: To close the entire application, go to file menu and <click> Exit
command. Or simple <click> on the Close button on the upper right
corner of the window.
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your worksheet by saving it to your flash drive using the new filename,
Updated Exercise2.xlsx.
3. <click> cell A1 and <click> the down arrow from the Font List.
4. <Click> any font you like from the list. <Click> the down arrow from the
Font Size List and <Click> 16.
5. Select the range A3:E3 and <click> the Bold button from the
Formatting toolbar.
6. Select the range A3:E3 again and <click> the Center button from
the Formatting toolbar.
7. Save your worksheet.
1. <Click> Cell C4:C18, then Click the Comma Style button from
the formatting toolbar.
2. You can also edit cells through the Format Cells dialog box. Select C4:C18.
3. <Right Click> the cells selected and choose the option Format Cells from
the menu. Format Cells dialog box appears.
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4. <Click> the Number tab. From the Category list, choose Number.
<Click> the box next to the option Use 1000 Separator (,). Click OK.
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4. To delete certain rows and columns, simply <right click> on a row and
column and choose delete command.
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3. <Click> the down arrow from the font size and select size of the font.
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5. Go to cell A4, then select wrap text,
repeat the command at cell B4.
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Align Left – Align your content to the
Center – Center your content
Align Right – Align your content to
the right
Top Align – Align text to the top
Middle Align – Centered between the
top and bottom of the cell.
Bottom Align – Align text to the
Like the look of a particular selection? You can apply that look to other content of
the worksheet.
To Get Started:
1. Select the content with the formatting you like
2. <Click> Format Painter
To enter formulas in Microsoft Excel, start with equal sign (=).
1. Open Exercise 3.xlsx from your flash drive.
2. At cell C6, enter =A6+B6 and press <Enter>.
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3. <Click> on cell C6, and drag the fill handle up to cell C11 then observe the
4. <Click> on cell D6, enter =A6-B6 and press <Enter>.
5. <Click> on cell D6, and drag the fill handle up to cell D11 then observe
the result.
6. <Click> on cell E6, enter =A6*B6 and press <Enter>.
7. <Click> on cell E6, and drag the fill handle up to cell E11 then observe the
8. <Click> on cell F6, enter =A6/B6 and press <Enter>.
9. <Click> on cell F6, and drag the fill handle up to cell F11 then observe the
Mathematical Operators:
Addition - Plus Sign ( + )
Subtraction - Minus Sign ( - )
Multiplication - Asterisk ( * )
Division - Slash ( / )
Exponentiation - Caret ( ^ )
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PROPER FUNCTION – Converts a text string to proper case; the first letter in
each word in uppercase, and all other letters to lowercase.
Syntax: = PROPER(text)
CONCATENATE FUNCTION – Joins several text strings into one text string.
Syntax: =CONCATENATE(text1, text2, text3. . .)
=CONCATENATE(A1,” “,A2,” “,A3)
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1. Launch MS Excel application and open the file Data Validation.xlsx
from your flash drive
2. Create Data Validation Rule
a. Select Cell B8.
b. On the Data tab click Data Validation.
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4. Click OK.
f. Data Validation Result.
1. Select Cell B8.
2. Try to enter a quiz score higher than 30.
3. Result.
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NOTE: To remove data validation from a cell, select the cell, on the Data tab, click
Data Validation and then click Clear All.
When you share a file with other users, you may want to protect a
worksheet to help prevent it from being changed.
1. <Right Click> a sheet tab.
2. <Click> Protect Sheet.
3. Enter a password.
4. Check the actions you allow the users of your worksheet to perform.
5. Click Ok
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You can sort your Excel data on one column or multiple columns. You can
sort in ascending or descending order.
To sort on one column, execute the following steps:
1. Click any cell in the column you want to sort
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6. Click OK.
Filter your Excel Data if you want to display records that meet certain
1. <Click> any single cell inside a data set.
2. <Click> on the Sort and Filters Dropdown button then select Filter.
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1. Launch MS Excel application and open the file Data Validation.xlsx from
your flash drive.
2. <Click> the Print Preview button from the quick access toolbar. This will
display your spreadsheet to be printed.
3. <Click> on the Show Margin Button to view the Margin handles. You can
drag these handles to adjust the margin of your document.
4. <Click> on the Page Setup button to display the Page Setup dialog box.
5. To set margins, type the following margin sizes on their respective text
boxes or <click> on the Increment/Decrement arrows on the right side of
each text box.
Top = 1: Bottom: = 1; Left = 0.75; Right = 0.75
6. <Click> on the OK button to view the changes you have made.
7. <Click> Print Button to print the document. Or the left arrow to return to
normal view.
8. Go to the File Menu, then <click> on the SAVE AS… option to open the
Save As Dialog box. <Click> on the Save as type and select Web page
(*.htm, *.html) then Click Publish to Open the Publish as Web Page. Check
the Open published web page in browser then <click> PUBLISH. This
will publish your document as web page in your default browser.
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2. To reset all page break, <Right Click> on cell A10 then select Reset All
Page Breaks.
3. Go to View Menu, then Point to Workbook Views and <click> Normal.
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3. <Click> the Custom Header, the header dialog box appear on your screen.
4. From the left section text box, type your full name.
5. Go to the Center Section text box, and type Microsoft Excel Activity.
6. Go to the Right Section text box, and click the Date button.
7. <Click> OK.
8. <Click> on the Custom Footer button, the footer dialog box appear on
your screen.
9. Go to the Right Section text box, and <click> the Page Number
10. <Click> the Total Pages button.
11. <Click> the Print Preview Button to view the Header and Footer.
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III. Assessment
1. Grade Requirements:
- Quiz/Assignment = 25%
- Laboratory Activities = 30%
- Examination = 40%
- Attendance = 5%
2. Inputted data should validate once entered by the user.
3. Protect all formulas
4. Minimum of 25 students
5. Save your file, set password to edit the worksheet
- Password Format: First 3 character of your Lastname+First 2 character of
your Firstname+1400
- Example : Michael Mananghaya = manmi1400.xlsx
1.Minimum of 5 judges
2.Set your own Category and Event
3.Minimum of 15 Contestants
4.Compute for the total score and rank of the candidates.
5.Protect all formulas.
6.Save your file, set password to edit the worksheet
- Password Format: First 3 character of your Lastname+First 2 character of
your Firstname+1400
- Example : Michael Mananghaya = manmi1400.xlsx
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Weverka, P. (2010). Office 2010 All-in-one for Dummies. Indiana, USA: Wiley
Publishing, INC.
Tyson, H. (2010). Microsoft 2010 Bible. Indiana, USA: Wiley Publishing, INC.
Online References
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