Sumit Resume Thakur New
Sumit Resume Thakur New
Sumit Resume Thakur New
Suvidha Foundation Nov 2022 – Dec 2022 Technical Skills
Web Development Intern: Languages:
As a web development intern at Suvidha Foundation, my role was to
assist the web development team in creating and maintaining websites.
My responsibilities included writing and testing code and collaborating SQL
with other team members to develop innovative solutions. I worked on NoSQL
front-end development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as
back-end development using PHP and MySQL. JavaScript
Throughout the internship, I gained valuable experience in web C++
development, project management, and working in a team
environment. PHP
The Spark Foundation Nov 2022 MySQL
Web Development Intern:
In this Internship, I developed a website using several technologies like
Html, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap and backend using PHP, MySQL, Tools:
and NodeJS. Also, completed assigned tasks within deadlines and Dev C++
maintained a high level of accuracy.
CodeClause Dec 2022 – Jan 2023 Visual
Web Development Intern: Studio
During my web development internship, I worked on various projects Microsoft
and gained practical experience in coding with HTML, CSS, and Office
I collaborated with a team of developers and designers to create a user- GitHub
friendly and accessible website. Git
Overall, the internship was a valuable learning experience that helped
me improve my skills in web development and teamwork.
Projects Undertaken: Database Management
Recipe Blog Website System (DBMS)
MongoDB, ExpressJS, NodeJS, JavaScript Oct 2022 Figma
I created a recipe blog website for my project that showcases my passion Data Structure & Algorithm
for cooking and recipe development
The website has a clean, modern design with a featured recipe on the Web Development
homepage, recipe categories, and a search function for easy navigation.
Users can view recipes with detailed ingredients, instructions, and
photos; the data is stored in Mongo-Atlas. Achievement
Banking System Solved almost 240+ problems
Html5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL Nov 2022 of DSA in platforms like
As a part of a team project, I contributed to the development of a basic Codechef and HackerRank
banking system for a hypothetical financial institution.
The system includes features such as creating new accounts, depositing Hobbies & Interest
and withdrawing funds, transferring funds between accounts, and I enjoy programming as
generating account statements. both a hobby and a
The system was designed with a user-friendly interface to allow profession. I participate in
customers to easily navigate and manage their accounts. online coding competitions
Academic Qualifications: such as CodeCheff and
Bachelor of Engineering - Information Technology Aug 20–May 24 HackerRank. This has
Thakur College of Engineering and Technology - CGPA: 9.78. helped me improve my
Higher Secondary School Certificate (H.S.C) Feb -2020 problem-solving skills and
Maharashtra State Board. Passed with 80.77%. think critically about code
Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C) March-2018
optimization and stay up-to-
date with the latest coding
Maharashtra State Board. Passed with 88.40%.
techniques and
Extra-Curricular Activities: technologies.
I have been chosen as a Campus Ambassador at IMUN where my main
responsibilities include promoting IMUN conferences and recruiting
participants from schools and universities.
Participated in the technical quiz and secured third place conducted by