ANNEX 1 - Description of Requirements

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ANNEX 1: Description of Requirements

Context of the Conduction of IT literacy and digital employable skills training in

Requirement Sughd region
Implementing Accelerating Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery through Improved
Partner of UNDP Livelihood, Employability, and Regional Cooperation in Ferghana Valley
Brief Description of The “Accelerating Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery through Improved
the Required Livelihood, Employability, and Regional Cooperation in Ferghana Valley”
Services1 project is focused on strengthening livelihood and resilience potential of
people living in the Tajik part of Ferghana Valley, contributing to recovery
from COVID-19 impact and solidifying social cohesion in cross-border areas.
The project is implemented in close cooperation with the Ministry of
Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan, Ministry of
Labour, Migration and Employment of Population of the Republic of
Tajikistan, Administration of Sughd region and other governmental and civil
society organizations. The key Development Goal of the project is to
restore and improve livelihoods, promote productive and decent
employment and increase income generation opportunities through
innovation for sustainable enterprise development and cross-border trade
promotion in Ferghana Valley in Tajikistan. The Project will target
vulnerable women and men, youth, retuned migrants and SMEs in Sughd
province, living and working in rural districts bordering with Kyrgyzstan and
Uzbekistan, considering their vulnerability to unemployment, social
exclusion, social tensions in border areas. A special focus will be on
activation of young men and women, who are not in education,
employment, or training (NEET). The project will apply a gender-sensitive
approach to reach girls and women, to equip them with employable
knowledge and modern skills, and empower them to engage more actively
in economic activities.

The following outcomes and outputs are envisaged to be achieved by the

Outcome: Regional and local governments, MSMEs and people effectively
adapt their business and livelihoods strategies to withstand the social and
economic challenges triggered by COVID-19 and other economic risks.
Output 1: Enhanced opportunities to reskill and upskill targeting
unemployed young women and men, returned migrants and people from
vulnerable households;
Output 2: Innovations for stimulation of entrepreneurship and income-
generation for vulnerable communities in bordering areas;
Output 3: Promoting startup platforms and development of trade potential
across Ferghana Valley

The project is in line with national and local development priorities, which,
A detailed TOR may be attached if the information listed in this Annex is not sufficient to fully describe the
nature of the work and other details of the requirements.
in their turn, contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
Among 17 Goals, the project will be contributing directly and indirectly in
implementation of the Goals # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, and 17 covering issues
of no poverty, quality education, gender equality, decent work and
economic growth, sustainable cities and communities as well as
partnership building with various sectors of society in the context of local
and regional development.

The project intends to improve knowledge and skills of local farmers and
entrepreneurs, and support training for unemployed youth, vulnerable
women and people living in remote rural areas, including those with
disabilities. Thus, engaging youth in improving their digital employable
skills and IT literacy become a ground on implementation of modern
competency-based training programs to promote self-employment /
income generation activities.

Key expected results under this sub-project are:

1. Raised awareness of the student of VTIs/AECs of Sughd region

target districts on activities for skills development
2. At least 200 (40% women) students of VTIs and AECs, aged
between 15 to 30, built capacity on IT literacy and digital employable skills.
List and Description - Develop the methodology of capacity building activities that includes the
of Expected concept of awareness raising campaign to outreach at least 300 students of
Outputs to be VTIs and AECs, as well elaborate the criteria for further selection of 200
Delivered students. The training agenda should include and cover the following
topics: Basic computer skills and Microsoft Office; Photo and video editing;
Basic web design, content creation, social media management (SMM),
presentations of existed HR platforms and networking.
- Organize and conduct awareness-raising campaign to promote capacity
development activities within VTIs/AECs across the targeted regions of the
project. The campaign aims to reach 300 students, following the campaign,
identify and select 200 students to participate in advanced training
- Provide qualified trainings program and conduct trainings on IT literacy
and digital employable skills for at least 200 students, aged between 15 to
30, (40% women). The contractor must ensure arrangement of at least 4
groups (each of 25 students) for a training period 1- 2 weeks;
- Ensure assessment and certification of students at the end of the training
program. The Contractor shall ensure that 80% of the trained students are
able to passing assessment test. Successful candidates will be awarded
with certificate on successful completion of course and others with
certificates of participation;
- Support promotion of at least 10 most promising students’ employed
through existed HR platforms such as:,,,, etc.
- Ensure donor visibility by creating and approving a minimum of three
posts in collaboration with the UNDP project team, which will be
disseminated across social and mass media platforms in both Tajik and
Russian languages.
- Provide detailed interim and final reports on the conducted awareness
raising campaign capacity building activities including provision of all
developed materials within the sub-project to UNDP Project staff.
Person to Supervise
the RTC Project Manager
of the Service
Frequency of Interim and final reports
Progress Reporting The Contractor is responsible for submitting the interim and final reports.
Requirements Programmatic reports must conform to the requirements specified in the
Contract and Annexes, signed between the contractor and UNDP.

In addition, the Contractor should provide to UNDP all photos and other
visual materials collected/made during this project. Printed and electronic
versions of reports should be delivered to UNDP. Electronic version of the
report should be saved as MS Word. All reports must be typed in ARIAL,
size 11, Size A4. The title page, with the title of the project and the author,
should contain the logos UNDP and UNDP-Russia Trust Fund for
Development (RTF).
✘ Targeted areas within Tajikistan (Sughd region: Isfara, Konibodom,

Location of work Devashtich, Asht, Mastchoh)

At Contractor’s Location
Expected duration June – November 2024
of work
Target start date June 2024
Latest completion November 2024
Sughd region: Isfara, Konibodom, Devashtich, Asht, Mastchoh
Travels Expected

Special Security Security Clearance from UN prior to travelling
Requirements Completion of UN’s Basic and Advanced Security Training
Comprehensive Travel Insurance
Others [pls. specify]
Facilities to be Office space and facilities
Provided by UNDP Land Transportation
(i.e., must be Others [pls. specify]
excluded from Price
Request for
Schedule indicating ✘ Required
breakdown and Not Required
timing of
Names and
curriculum vitae of ✘ Required
individuals who will Not Required
be involved in
completing the

þ United States Dollars

Currency of Euro
Proposal þ Local Currency (TJS)

must be inclusive of VAT and other applicable indirect taxes

Value Added Tax on
þ must be exclusive of VAT and other applicable indirect taxes
Price Proposal2
Validity Period of 60 days
Proposals (Counting þ 90 days
for the last day of 120 days
submission of In exceptional circumstances, UNDP may request the Proposer to extend
quotes) the validity of the Proposal beyond what has been initially indicated in this
RFP. The Proposal shall then confirm the extension in writing, without any
modification whatsoever on the Proposal.
þ Not permitted
Partial Quotes Permitted

(tentative, Condition for
subject to Payment Release
- Methodology and a detailed Work Plan for
implementation of the sub-project, including
concept of awareness raising campaign prepared and
accepted by UNDP. August2024
- At least 300 students of VTIs/AECs covered by Upon meeting
awareness-raising campaigns in Sughd region on the following
project activities. conditions:
- As a result of awareness raising campaign at least
200 students identified and selected to participate in a) UNDP’s written
advanced training programs. acceptance (i.e.,
- Detailed report on the conducted activities not mere receipt)
developed and agreed with UNDP Project staff of the quality of
- Conducted trainings on IT literacy and digital the outputs; and
Payment Terms3 employable skills for at least 200 students, aged b) Receipt of
between 15 to 30, (40% women). September invoice and
- At least 80% of students (40% women) awarded 2024 narrative
certificates of successful completion of courses as reports from
per the result of assessment. the Service
- Detailed report on the conducted activities Provider.
developed and agreed with UNDP Project staff
- Supported promotion of at least 10 most promising
students through existing HR platforms.
- Ensured visibility and communication of conducted
activities (as well as donor visibility) by creating and
approving a minimum of three posts, and support to
UNDP Project staff on visibility and communication
- Detailed report on the conducted activities
developed and agreed with UNDP Project staff

Criteria for Contract Lowest Price Quote among technically responsive offers
Award ✘ Highest Combined Score (based on the 70% technical offer and 30%
price weight distribution)
✘ Full acceptance of the UNDP Contract General Terms and

Conditions (GTC). This is a mandatory criterion and cannot be deleted

regardless of the nature of services required. Non-acceptance of the
GTC may be grounds for the rejection of the Request for Proposal.

Technical Request for Proposal (70%)

Criteria for the ✘ Expertise of the Firm -20%

Assessment of ✘ Methodology, Its Appropriateness to the Condition and Timeliness of

Request for the Implementation Plan – 30%

Proposal ✘ Management Structure and Qualification of Key Personnel -20%

UNDP preference is not to pay any amount in advance upon signing of contract. If the Service Provider
strictly requires payment in advance, it will be limited only up to 20% of the total price quoted. For any higher
percentage, or any amount advanced exceeding $30,000, UNDP shall require the Service Provider to submit a
bank guarantee or bank cheque payable to UNDP, in the same amount as the payment advanced by UNDP to
the Service Provider.
Financial Request for Proposal (30%)

UNDP will award ✘ One and only one Service Provider

the contract to: One or more Service Providers, depending on the following factors:

Annexes to this ✘ Form for Submission of Request for Proposal (Annex 2)

RFP4 ✘ Detailed TOR
Others5 [pls. specify]
The Proposal should include methodology with detailed Working plan
Other Information on proposed activities.
[pls. specify]

Where the information is available in the web, a URL for the information may simply be provided.
A more detailed Terms of Reference in addition to the contents of this RFP may be attached hereto.

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