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Identified priority health Description of the problems/ Contributing factors/gaps

problems/ issues/ concerns/ areas ● Underlying direct or indirect factor/s influencing/affecting

a particular health problem/issue
▪ Citation of latest status,
● Causes/factors for the high/low/equal status compared to
▪ From lgu performance reports, records, sex- standards/benchmarks
(lgu hsc, fhsis), causes of disaggregated data with ● Brief discussion on relationships of different outcomes and
morbidity and mortality, verifiable & validated data indicators
gaps in addressing sources, if any, such as lgu ● Gaps in the health system
health problems of hsc, fhsis, annual statistical
vulnerable groups (gida, reports, health indices, non-
indigenous cultural health sources, others
communities/indigenous ▪ Citation of latest reports,
peoples and urban poor),
and other priority status, record on lhs ml Hrh Service Commodities Other technical
# gaps/concerns which characteristics delivery assistance/
have a major impact on ▪ Comparison of latest status capacity building
health systems against standards,
▪ Gaps in lhs ml benchmarks, targets (noh, lgu
characteristics hsc, lhs ml. Omnibus health
guidelines, etc.)
▪ Social determinants of
▪ Comparison against priorities
indicated in these plans: drrm-
h plan, phil. Health facility
development plan, hrh master
plan, ict plan, health
promotion framework strategy,
dtp, others
Standard/target Actual/latest
1  Low tb case detection  No. Of new  No. Of  Insufficient  Insufficient  Inadequate
rate and relapse notified staff in the tb tb drugs and access to chest
target: 438 cases was unit/need logistics due xray.
396. additional tb to limited  Inadequate tb
functional budget. case finding
staff.  Need to activities.
 Lack of health procure  Prioritization
workers additional memo from
trained on (1) regional doh due
smear GeneXpert to shortage of
microscopy. treatment cartridge.
machine.  Need additional
and funding of
training among
staff and bhws
on basic
 Need to
strengthen tb
among barangay
council and
 Need technical
training of
medtech on
genexpert tb
2  Low tpt performance  60% of total  48%  Limited  Need to  Insufficient  Need to
notified cases diagnosed human improve ppd, intensify health
target: 158 and enrolled resource to tb voucher promotion
to tpt. conduct contact access on strategy on tb
contact tracing free chest awareness and
 Stigma tracing and strategy. xray. case finding at
(client). investigation day care
 Limited  Need to  Insufficient school, and
 understandi involve tpt drugs due vulnerable
ng of tb and bherts to limited groups.
tb infection on tb budget.  Inadequate
and benefits awarene access to chest
of tpt. ss and xray.
contact  Insufficient
tracing. trained
Identified priority health Description of the problems/ Contributing factors/gaps
problems/ issues/ concerns/ areas ● Underlying direct or indirect factor/s influencing/affecting a
issues/concerns/areas particular health problem/issue
▪ Citation of latest status, ● Causes/factors for the high/low/equal status compared to
▪ From lgu performance (lgu reports, records, sex- standards/benchmarks
hsc, fhsis), causes of disaggregated data with ● Brief discussion on relationships of different outcomes and
morbidity and mortality, verifiable & validated data indicators
gaps in addressing health sources, if any, such as lgu ● Gaps in the health system
problems of vulnerable hsc, fhsis, annual statistical
groups (gida, indigenous reports, health indices, non-
cultural health sources, others
communities/indigenous ▪ Citation of latest reports,
peoples and urban poor),
and other priority status, record on lhs ml Hrh Service Commodities Other technical
gaps/concerns which have characteristics delivery assistance/
a major impact on health ▪ Comparison of latest status capacity building
systems against standards,
benchmarks, targets (noh, lgu
hsc, lhs ml. Omnibus health
guidelines, etc.)
▪ Gaps in lhs ml ▪ Comparison against priorities
characteristics indicated in these plans:
drrm-h plan, phil. Health
facility development plan, hrh
▪ Social determinants of master plan, ict plan, health
health promotion framework strategy,
dtp, others

Standard/target Actual/latest


 Stigma (delayed referral)  Zero leprosy  Zero  Insufficient  Insufficient  Limited case
transmission leprosy staff in the supply. finding activity.
 Zero disability case leprosy  Lack of
 Zero stigma unit/need information to
additional community on
functional the importance
staff. of early
 Lack of detection,
training to prevention and
newly hired control of the
coordinator. disease.

Identified priority health Description of the problems/ Contributing factors/gaps

problems/ issues/ concerns/ areas ● Underlying direct or indirect factor/s
issues/concerns/areas influencing/affecting a particular health problem/issue
▪ Citation of latest status, reports, ● Causes/factors for the high/low/equal status compared
▪ From lgu performance (lgu records, sex-disaggregated data to standards/benchmarks
hsc, fhsis), causes of with verifiable & validated data ● Brief discussion on relationships of different outcomes
morbidity and mortality, sources, if any, such as lgu hsc, and indicators
gaps in addressing health fhsis, annual statistical reports, ● Gaps in the health system
problems of vulnerable health indices, non-health
groups (gida, indigenous sources, others
cultural ▪ Citation of latest reports, status, Health Service Commoditie Other technical
record on lhs ml characteristics workforce delivery s assistance/
peoples and urban poor),
and other priority capacity building
▪ Comparison of latest status
gaps/concerns which have against standards, benchmarks,
a major impact on health targets (noh, lgu hsc, lhs ml.
systems Omnibus health guidelines, etc.)
▪ Gaps in lhs ml ▪ Comparison against priorities
characteristics indicated in these plans: drrm-h
plan, phil. Health facility
development plan, hrh master
plan, ict plan, health promotion
▪ Social determinants of
framework strategy, dtp, others
health Standard/target Actual/latest
Presence of notifiable -to prevent and 1. Vpd case 1. Training/ 1.Immunizati 1.campaign 1. Inactive brgy
Diseases control the Measles: 1 seminar on materials dengue task
number of cases Of staff -low fic -lack of force
of notifiable 2.vectorborne -vpd, dse coverage leaflets,
diseases cases surveillance, 2. Health flyers and 2.poor
Chikungunya: 5 nt, afp, esr. education & tarpaulin for implementation
-accurate and Dengue: 121 promotion health of ordinances
timely reporting Leptospirosis: 1 2. Hiring of campaign education and policies
on disease Rabies: 1 personnel strategy and
surveillance and (dso,statisticia -iec promotion 3, lack of
response n, encoders) campaign -inadequate training on
waterborne cases not done logistics disease
Acute bloody regularly and surveillance of
diarrhea: 1 religiously 3. staff
Acute viral 3. Active Information
hepatitis: 6 surveillance system 4.technical
Typhoid fever: 37 -delayed - dru’s assistance to
reporting of without disease reporting
4. Other diseases notifiable computer units
Covid-19: 114 diseases and internet -not all dru’s
Hfmd: 8 -delayed have computer
validation and internet for
and reporting and
investigation recording
4. Monitoring -need
and installation of
evaluation information
- poor active system to all
case findings dru’s
and contact
Identified priority health Description of the problems/ Contributing factors/gaps
problems/ issues/ concerns/ areas ● Underlying direct or indirect factor/s influencing/affecting a
issues/concerns/areas particular health problem/issue
▪ Citation of latest status, reports, ● Causes/factors for the high/low/equal status compared to
▪ From lgu performance records, sex-disaggregated data standards/benchmarks
(lgu hsc, fhsis), causes of with verifiable & validated data ● Brief discussion on relationships of different outcomes and
morbidity and mortality, sources, if any, such as lgu hsc, indicators
gaps in addressing health fhsis, annual statistical reports, ● Gaps in the health system
problems of vulnerable health indices, non-health
groups (gida, indigenous sources, others
cultural ▪ Citation of latest reports, status,
peoples and urban poor), record on lhs ml characteristics
and other priority Hrh Service delivery Commodities Other technical
▪ Comparison of latest status
gaps/concerns which assistance/
against standards, benchmarks,
have a major impact on capacity building
targets (noh, lgu hsc, lhs ml.
health systems Omnibus health guidelines, etc.)
▪ Gaps in lhs ml ▪ Comparison against priorities
characteristics indicated in these plans: drrm-h
▪ Social determinants of plan, phil. Health facility
health development plan, hrh master
plan, ict plan, health promotion
framework strategy, dtp, others
Standard/target Actual/latest
● Insufficient budget, no ● All employees ● 30% of the ● Lack of ● Not updated ● Insufficient
invitation from the doh of cho ii staff are trained on service to number of
region trained person be rendered trained
(permanent) nel personnel

● Increase number of ● All wras (in ● Lack of iec ● Clients have

unmet needs in gida gida areas) on clients personal and
areas about traditional
alternative fp beliefs
● Insufficient budget for ● All current ● 68% of all ● All family ● Insufficient
family planning users should current planning commodities
commodities (coc, get supply users are commodities (coc, condom
condom and implant) regularly supplied to be given and implant)

Identified priority health Description of the problems/ Contributing factors/gaps

problems/ issues/ concerns/ areas ● Underlying direct or indirect factor/s
issues/concerns/areas influencing/affecting a particular health
▪ Citation of latest status, problem/issue
▪ From lgu performance reports, records, sex- ● Causes/factors for the high/low/equal status compared to
(lgu hsc, fhsis), causes of disaggregated data with standards/benchmarks
morbidity and mortality, verifiable & validated data ● Brief discussion on relationships of different outcomes and
gaps in addressing health sources, if any, such as lgu hsc, indicators
problems of vulnerable fhsis, annual statistical reports, ● Gaps in the health system
groups (gida, indigenous health indices, non-health
cultural sources, others
communities/indigenous ▪ Citation of latest reports,
peoples and urban poor),
and other priority status, record on lhs ml
gaps/concerns which characteristics Health Service Commodities Other technical
have a major impact on ▪ Comparison of latest status workforce delivery assistance/
health systems capacity building
against standards, benchmarks,
▪ Gaps in lhs ml targets (noh, lgu hsc, lhs ml.
characteristics Omnibus health guidelines, etc.)

▪ Social determinants of ▪ Comparison against priorities

health indicated in these plans: drrm-h
plan, phil. Health facility
development plan, hrh master
plan, ict plan, health promotion
framework strategy, dtp, others
Standard/target Actual/latest
Delayed specimen collection Ideal age of -average age of -understaff -no -delayed -insufficient trained
for newborn screening collection: 1 day collection: 2 (trained staff: exclusive purchase of kits personnel on
days 4) collection newborn screening
-increasing case room collection
of non-
status of
-no collection
during weekend

Identified priority health Description of the problems/ issues/ Contributing factors/gaps

problems/ concerns/ areas ● Underlying direct or indirect factor/s
issues/concerns/areas influencing/affecting a particular health
▪ Citation of latest status, reports, records, problem/issue
▪ From lgu performance (lgu sex-disaggregated data with verifiable & ● Causes/factors for the high/low/equal status
hsc, fhsis), causes of validated data sources, if any, such as lgu compared to standards/benchmarks
morbidity and mortality, hsc, fhsis, annual statistical reports, ● Brief discussion on relationships of different
gaps in addressing health health indices, non-health sources, others outcomes and indicators
problems of vulnerable ▪ Citation of latest reports, status, record on ● Gaps in the health system
groups (gida, indigenous
cultural lhs ml characteristics
communities/indigenous ▪ Comparison of latest status against
peoples and urban poor), standards, benchmarks, targets (noh, lgu
and other priority hsc, lhs ml. Omnibus health guidelines,
gaps/concerns which have Health Service Commodities Other
etc.) workforce delivery technical
a major impact on health
systems ▪ Comparison against priorities indicated in assistance/
these plans: drrm-h plan, phil. Health capacity
▪ Gaps in lhs ml
facility development plan, hrh master plan, building
characteristics ict plan, health promotion framework
strategy, dtp, others
Standard/target Actual/latest
▪ Social determinants of
Low number of patient / -all eligible client -actual number of - -no -nearly -insufficient
clients screened for HIV (pregnant, tb tested understaff exclusive expired number of
patient, (HIV counselli supplies trained
transgender, etc.) -high stigma due to counselor, ng room counselor and
Convinced for poor knowledge and rmt) personnel for
voluntary testing education community-
based testing
Increasing cases of gonorrhea -cases with -minors tested positive - -no -insufficient -insufficient
immediate delayed treatment due understaff exclusive medicine trained
treatment to no consent from (HIV counselli (ceftriaxone) personnel
parents / guardian counselor, ng room
-poor knowledge, high

Identified priority health Description of the problems/ Contributing factors/gaps

problems/ issues/ concerns/ areas ● Underlying direct or indirect factor/s influencing/affecting a
issues/concerns/areas particular health problem/issue
▪ Citation of latest status, reports, ● Causes/factors for the high/low/equal status compared to
▪ From lgu performance records, sex-disaggregated data standards/benchmarks
(lgu hsc, fhsis), causes with verifiable & validated data ● Brief discussion on relationships of different outcomes and
of morbidity and sources, if any, such as lgu hsc, indicators
mortality, gaps in fhsis, annual statistical reports, ● Gaps in the health system
addressing health health indices, non-health
problems of vulnerable sources, others
groups (gida, indigenous ▪ Citation of latest reports, status,
communities/indigenou record on lhs ml characteristics
s peoples and urban Hrh Service Commodities Other technical
▪ Comparison of latest status
poor), and other priority delivery assistance/
against standards, benchmarks,
gaps/concerns which targets (noh, lgu hsc, lhs ml. capacity
have a major impact on Omnibus health guidelines, etc.) building
health systems
▪ Comparison against priorities
▪ Gaps in lhs ml indicated in these plans: drrm-h
characteristics plan, phil. Health facility
development plan, hrh master
▪ Social determinants of
plan, ict plan, health promotion
health framework strategy, dtp, others
Standard/target Actual/latest
Presence of increase low 100% no low- __8__% of the Insufficient Inadequate  Need of
birthweight deliveries birth-weight total service ferrous sulfate midwives to
deliveries or low ___1029__ delivery and supply in the undergo
monitoring on bhs seminar
incidence of low- livebirths (ay -
the nutrition updates in
birth-weight 2023) status of Non-inclusion
deliveries compliance of
pregnant of adequate
the 1st 1000
women logistics of
days or
ferrous sulfate
in the imposition of
barangay mag- nanay act
medicine or ra ___
budget  Need to
Imbalanced ra11148__ 1st
logistics needs 1000 days
for ferrous policy impart
sulfate of mnchn
between city delivery in the
health office community or
and bhs in the
among 56
local health
 Need to
campaign on
nutrition and
innovation for
women in the
local health
and funding.
Presence of non- 100% of fbd _____1029__  Need to Need to utilize  Need to
institutional deliveries achieved total livebirths improve the emergency reactivate
mostly affected in gida with total service vehicle for update policy
areas _45____of nid delivery and emergency and imposition
network birth delivery on mnchn and
referral its network
Need of city referral system
system of
health office  Reactivate
for 1 unit of local ordinance
women ambulance implementatio
 Need to vehicle to n on safe
activate / attend birth motherhood
capacitate deliveries and birth
bherts role deliveries
on assisting  Need of 5-
pregnant 10 additional
women in bemonc
the gida training among
areas. midwives per
 Need to year
 Need of
seminar and
birth facility training on
for mnchn with
indigenous funding
at sacih as  Need
one birth updates
referral seminar on
facility. managing
 Need at birth deliveries
least 1 and
additional interventions.
and health
assigned in
the gida
areas. (if
Insufficient needed mnchn 100 % availability  Insufficient
logistics of the required needed
logistics provided, mnchn
appropriately logistics;
sourced, and ferrous
monitored. sulfate,
tablets, td
exam nation
table and
Presence of teen age Low incidence of _111_ actual  Poor  Need to
pregnancy and defaulters teenage pregnancy total of teen tracking intensify
age pregnancy among training of all
as of ay 2023 teenage primary care
10-14=10 pregnancy workers on
15-19=101 ahdp where
managing teen
age pregnancy
is included.

 Intersector
al collaboration
in addressing
and improve
to reduce teen
age pregnancy.
Lessened anc visits among Attained at least ___1032 actual  Need to  Insufficient  Need to
pregnant women 90-100% of anc total of anc improve supply on reactivate
visits visits maternal ferrous update policy
tracking sulfate, and imposition
calcium on mnchn and
Presence of its network
maternal tablets, and
td vaccines.
defaulter or system.
prenatal  Need of  Reactivate
checkup health local ordinance
promotion implementatio
during 1st
n on safe
trimester materials on
mnchn and birth

 Need to
strategies on
newborn and
child health
among gida,
teen age and
barangays with
compliance on

 Need to
activities on
mnchn eg.
buntis sa

# Identified PRIORITY Description of the Contributing Factors/Gaps

Health Problems/ Problems/Issues/  Underlying direct or indirect factor/s influencing/affecting a
Issues/Concerns/Areas Concerns/Areas particular health problem/issue
 Citation of latest status,  Causes/factors for the high/low/equal status compared to
▪ From LGU Performance standards/benchmarks
reports, records,
(LGU HSC,FHSIS), sexdisaggregated data with  Brief discussion on relationships of different outcomes and
causes of Morbidity and verifiable & validated data indicators
Mortality,gaps in sources, if any, such as Gaps in the health system
addressing health
problems of vulnerable LGU HSC, FHSIS,annual
groups statistical reports, health
(GIDA,Indigenous indices, non-health HRH Service Commoditi Other Technical
Cultural sources,others
delivery es Assistance/ Capacity
Communities/Indigeno  Citation of latest reports,
us Peoples and Urban Building
status, record on LHS ML
Poor), and Other characteristics
priority gaps/concerns  Comparison of latest status
which have a major against standards,
impact on health benchmarks, targets (NOH,
systems LGU HSC, LHS ML.
▪ Gaps in LHS ML Omnibus Health
characteristics  Comparison against
▪ Social Determinants of priorities indicated in these
Health plans: DRRM-H Plan, Phil.
Health Facility Development
▪ Plan, HRH Master Plan, ICT
Plan, Health Promotion

Standard/target Actual/latest
1 Low coverage of Fully FIC 95% 2023-FIC 86% Insufficient  Insufficient  Lack of  No basic EPI traing
Immunized Children man power funds for ancillary for new CHM's
in profiling/m Commo  Poor KSA of
increasing asterlisting dities CHM's on
demand for and (Alcohol, computer
services defauIter cott operations
tracking on,plast  No formal training
activities er) on NIP & HP
 No IT  No Bio Playbook for
equipments thermal BHW's
and other vaccine  No refresher course
peripherals carrier on basic EPI and
in the BHS to be Coldchain
(for used in
electronic GIDA Management for
medium of areas senior midwive
Identified PRIORITY Description of the Problems/ Contributing Factors/Gaps
Health Problems/ Issues/ Concerns/ Areas  Underlying direct or indirect factor/s
Issues/Concerns/Areas influencing/affecting a particular health problem/issue
▪ Citation of latest status, reports,
 Causes/factors for the high/low/equal status compared
▪ From LGU Performance records, sex-disaggregated data to standards/benchmarks
(LGU HSC, FHSIS), with verifiable & validated data  Brief discussion on relationships of different outcomes
causes of Morbidity and sources, if any, such as LGU HSC, and indicators
Mortality, gaps in FHSIS, annual statistical reports,  Gaps in the health system
addressing health health indices, non-health
problems of vulnerable sources, others
groups (GIDA,
▪ Citation of latest reports, status,
Indigenous Cultural
Communities/Indigeno record on LHS ML characteristics
us Peoples and Urban ▪ Comparison of latest status HRH Service Commodities Other Technical
Poor), and Other against standards, benchmarks, delivery Assistance/
priority gaps/concerns targets (NOH, LGU HSC, LHS ML. Capacity
which have a major Omnibus Health Guidelines, etc.) Building
impact on health
systems ▪ Comparison against priorities
indicated in these plans: DRRM-H
▪ Gaps in LHS ML
Plan, Phil. Health Facility
characteristics Development Plan, HRH Master
▪ Social Determinants of Plan, ICT Plan, Health Promotion
Health Framework Strategy, DTP, others

Standard/Target Actual/Latest
Increasing number of Decreased High incidence  Lack of  Some  shortage  Lack of
morbidities and mortalities morbidity rate and of lifestyle HRH on BHS of other PhilPEN
under Lifestyle-Related premature related diseases the ground needs maintena training for
Diseases (LDR) mortality rate 247 BHW(1 for repair nce the health
attributed to NCDs BHW: 87 HH) monitoring  need new medicines personnel
247 BHW (1 and BHS and  Poor Health
BHW - 1:20 BHW assessment medical Literacy and
households/not to : 350 individual) (247 supplies Information
exceed 1% of the BHWs)  Lack of Dissemination
total population Total population: medical
86,546 for 2024 equipmen
House hold: t for BP,
21,444 urine and
g devices
 Lack of
nt forms
to be used

Increasing number of Decreased number High incident of Less HCW No dedicated Not available Need refresher
Substance Abuse of individuals substance abuse with training room standard course on the
(Smoking/Alcohol Abuse) under Substance like alcohol, on Substance intended for checklist or implementation
Abuse cigarette and abuse and BTI counseling procedure of program
vape used and other for
Multiple related intervention
Increase number workloads for intervention of substance
of counseled on the used and
Substance Abuse coordinator abuse.

Increasing number of Maintaining Increase Need Lack of Need Need more active
Obese healthy weight accessibility of additional facilities equipment in collaboration
among 20 years unhealthy food regulation on intended for and other and management
old and above for consumption food weight commodities of weight
management management to address problem
No regular and food the high
fitness program No staff to regulation incident of
available for free manage body obesity

staff on NCD

Mismanagement of Medicines and Some medicines Additional Too small Other Need additional
resources (Medicine) other commodities are nearly staff on NCD room for medicine not staff to be
should use expired when program for NCD available or trained
appropriately downloaded to implementatio program not enough
the CHO n and
of medicine

Multiple programs for 1 program per More workload 1 program Too small Need Additional trainig
coordinator coordinator to coordinator coordinator room for additional on other related
with 2 NCD storage sub program
programs program facility for under NCD

The Situational and Gap Analysis presents the whole picture of the LGU’s (Province/Highly Urbanized City/Independent Component City/Component City/Municipality) health and health
system situation, according to the WHO building blocks of health systems, namely: Leadership and Governance; Financing; Health Workforce; Information; Medical Products, Vaccines and
Technology; and Service Delivery, and characteristics of the Local Health System Maturity Level (LHS ML), namely: Unified Governance of Local Health System; Strategic and Investment
Planning; Financial Management; Human Resource for Health Management and Development; Information System; Epidemiology and Surveillance System; Procurement and Supply Chain
Management; Referral System; Disaster Risk Reduction Management in Health System; Health Promotion Programs and Campaigns.

The purpose of this table is to list the identified PRIORITY gaps/problems/issues/concerns and contributing factors and link these with the appropriate investment needs, interventions,
programs/projects/activities indicated in AOP Forms 2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4. Programs/Projects/Activities/Interventions shall be identified based on gaps and priorities. Thus, using a health
systems approach, investment needs, PPAs/interventions will be more targeted and responsive.

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