Standard/target Actual/latest
al collaboration
in addressing
and improve
to reduce teen
age pregnancy.
Lessened anc visits among Attained at least ___1032 actual Need to Insufficient Need to
pregnant women 90-100% of anc total of anc improve supply on reactivate
visits visits maternal ferrous update policy
tracking sulfate, and imposition
calcium on mnchn and
Presence of its network
maternal tablets, and
td vaccines.
defaulter or system.
prenatal Need of Reactivate
checkup health local ordinance
promotion implementatio
during 1st
n on safe
trimester materials on
mnchn and birth
Need to
strategies on
newborn and
child health
among gida,
teen age and
barangays with
compliance on
Need to
activities on
mnchn eg.
buntis sa
Standard/Target Actual/Latest
Increasing number of Decreased High incidence Lack of Some shortage Lack of
morbidities and mortalities morbidity rate and of lifestyle HRH on BHS of other PhilPEN
under Lifestyle-Related premature related diseases the ground needs maintena training for
Diseases (LDR) mortality rate 247 BHW(1 for repair nce the health
attributed to NCDs BHW: 87 HH) monitoring need new medicines personnel
247 BHW (1 and BHS and Poor Health
BHW - 1:20 BHW assessment medical Literacy and
households/not to : 350 individual) (247 supplies Information
exceed 1% of the BHWs) Lack of Dissemination
total population Total population: medical
86,546 for 2024 equipmen
House hold: t for BP,
21,444 urine and
g devices
Lack of
nt forms
to be used
Increasing number of Decreased number High incident of Less HCW No dedicated Not available Need refresher
Substance Abuse of individuals substance abuse with training room standard course on the
(Smoking/Alcohol Abuse) under Substance like alcohol, on Substance intended for checklist or implementation
Abuse cigarette and abuse and BTI counseling procedure of program
vape used and other for
Multiple related intervention
Increase number workloads for intervention of substance
of counseled on the used and
Substance Abuse coordinator abuse.
Increasing number of Maintaining Increase Need Lack of Need Need more active
Obese healthy weight accessibility of additional facilities equipment in collaboration
among 20 years unhealthy food regulation on intended for and other and management
old and above for consumption food weight commodities of weight
management management to address problem
No regular and food the high
fitness program No staff to regulation incident of
available for free manage body obesity
staff on NCD
Mismanagement of Medicines and Some medicines Additional Too small Other Need additional
resources (Medicine) other commodities are nearly staff on NCD room for medicine not staff to be
should use expired when program for NCD available or trained
appropriately downloaded to implementatio program not enough
the CHO n and
of medicine
Multiple programs for 1 program per More workload 1 program Too small Need Additional trainig
coordinator coordinator to coordinator coordinator room for additional on other related
with 2 NCD storage sub program
programs program facility for under NCD
The Situational and Gap Analysis presents the whole picture of the LGU’s (Province/Highly Urbanized City/Independent Component City/Component City/Municipality) health and health
system situation, according to the WHO building blocks of health systems, namely: Leadership and Governance; Financing; Health Workforce; Information; Medical Products, Vaccines and
Technology; and Service Delivery, and characteristics of the Local Health System Maturity Level (LHS ML), namely: Unified Governance of Local Health System; Strategic and Investment
Planning; Financial Management; Human Resource for Health Management and Development; Information System; Epidemiology and Surveillance System; Procurement and Supply Chain
Management; Referral System; Disaster Risk Reduction Management in Health System; Health Promotion Programs and Campaigns.
The purpose of this table is to list the identified PRIORITY gaps/problems/issues/concerns and contributing factors and link these with the appropriate investment needs, interventions,
programs/projects/activities indicated in AOP Forms 2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4. Programs/Projects/Activities/Interventions shall be identified based on gaps and priorities. Thus, using a health
systems approach, investment needs, PPAs/interventions will be more targeted and responsive.