Gluten Free Heaven Australia Issue 5 2017
Gluten Free Heaven Australia Issue 5 2017
Gluten Free Heaven Australia Issue 5 2017
i NG
t m
r i s
AUD $12.95 Inc GST
65 +
meals, sorted
ViTAL The science
VeGANisM of ketogenic
Kick-start dieting
your plant-
healthy allergy-
free eating
be a PaRt OF
photography: rachel Jane
sweet ideas?
we’Ve gOt
Sign up
for our free
enewsletter to
stay up to date with
new recipes, foodie
news, nutritional
know-how and
Calories 2,000 kcal Sugars 25g
Protein 50g Fat 70g
Carbohydrates Saturated 20g
300g Salt 6g
10 Ask the experts
12 Could you try vegan? We use standard UK
measurements, where 1tbsp
20 31 days a virtuous vegan
is 15ml and 1tsp is 5ml. Our
42 Managing your food allergy vegetarian recipes often include
44 Giving up dairy? cheese. Some may contain animal
rennet, so check the label and use a
46 Optimising nutrition vegetarian substitute if you prefer.
66 Why try the keto diet? Where we use a gluten-free, sugar-
free, dairy-free, egg-free, meat-free
70 Avoid holiday health problems or vegan symbol, we recommend
72 Detox: fad or fact? you check the ingredents list
of any manufactured products
118 Meet the maker you use – even if you use them
120 The pantry regularly, as manufacturers change
their recipes.
122 Final thoughts
25 75
93 101
14 Plum & pistachio crumble with star 68 Parmesan-crusted chicken goujons
anise custard with zingy green slaw
15 Vanilla malt ice-cream 76 Butternut pumpkin noodle bowl
16 Chai & turmeric porridge 78 Oriental beef, orange & star
17 Pan-fried sage & basil gnocchi anise pot
18 Rustic tart with spinach pesto 80
Spring lamb racks
Pesto chicken 33
BREAKFAST 82 Beef, leek & mushroom burger
26 Chocolate jujube-studded with roasted root vegetables
banana bread 83 Thai tofu curry
27 Raw blueberry ‘cheese’ cake 84 Tofu pad Thai
28 Choco-buckwheat porridge 85 Plant-based paella
29 Granola banana & blueberry 86 Sauerkraut tart
breakfast muffins 87 Red cooked chicken
30 Blueberry & coconut pancakes 88 Pesto-baked cod with potato
31 Avocado, peas & feta on toast & pea crush
with poached eggs 90 Korean shiitake & noodle bowl
32 Spinach & buckwheat pancakes
33 Granola bars CHRISTMAS
34 Smoothie bowl 94 Jujube mince pies
35 Egg muffins 96 Sugar-free chocolate cake
Cacao protein waffles
Overnight blueberry proats
Cranberry seed crackers
Pegan (paleo-vegan)
38 Dutch baby (apple-stuffed Christmas pudding
puffed pancake) 100 Festive mincemeat
39 Figgy breakfast traybake
40 Banana bread French toast SWEET TREATS
& blueberries 43 Thanks-a-million squares
69 Triple-layer frozen cheesecake bites
LUNCH 102 Deep-dish chocolate chip cookie
50 The ultimate veggie mezze with cinnamon nice-cream
51 Golden fish & chips 103 Espresso cookies
52 Collard green wraps 104 Mini Bounty bars
53 Cumin-roasted squash 105 Chocolate chip cookie dough skillet
54 Roasted baby carrot salad 106 Banana & pistachio loaf
55 Kale, pea & ricotta cakes with sweet 107 Jamaican ginger cake
potato chips 108 Paleo chocolate cake
56 Warm beetroot burger salad 110 No-bake sticky mocha & jujube
fruit cheesecakes
MIDWEEK 111 Roasted strawberry lollies
58 Breadsticks with roasted carrot 112 Honey-baked plums with
& cumin dip toasted pistachio nuts & sweet
59 Thyme & garlic roasted potatoes saffron labneh
60 Noodle salad 113 Mango & lime sorbet
61 Sweet potato chips 114 Pistachio & cherry ice-cream with
62 Chickpea pastini ginger biscuits
63 Griddled broccolini 115 Kiwi & coconut meringues
64 Moroccan lentil stew 116 Cookie dough nice-cream
69 Speedy keto crackers 117 Chocolate banana loaf
64 90
115 111
Tel +44 (0) 1225 489984
PRINT William Gibbons
SENIOR EDITOR Sally FitzGerald & Sons Ltd, tzgerald@anthem- Tel +44 (0) 1902 730 011
EDITOR Nick Gregory Marketforce (UK) Ltd,
nick.gregory@anthem- 5 Churchill Place, Canary
Can you believe that Christmas is just around the corner? Wharf, London E14
I don’t know about you, but we’re excited about almost CREATIVE DIRECTOR Jenny Cook 5HU Tel: +44 (0) 20 378 79001
everything to do with the festive season: wreaths of holly, SUBSCRIPTION ENQUIRIES
gold tree decorations, red tinsel, reindeers and Santa hats.
Call UK 0844 848 8425,
Oh, and then there’s the food: the wafting aroma of baked rob.eyres@anthem-
Europe & World +44 1795 419 854
mince pies, spiced gingerbread men and brandy-filled
USA – Call Toll Free 800.428.3003
Christmas pudding. Yes, it’s certainly our favourite time of ADVERTISING MANAGER Calls to 0844 numbers cost 7
Leah Fitz-Henry pence per minute plus your phone
the year. darren.gratton@anthem- company’s access charge
But for those following a gluten-free diet, the festive All content copyright © 2017-2018
season can be particularly hard to navigate. To help you Anthem Publishing Ltd, all rights
reserved. While we make every effort
out, we’ve dished up a gluten-free Christmas recipe spread, AND PRODUCTION to ensure that the factual content
Verity Travers of Gluten-Free Heaven is correct
featuring ways to recreate jujube mince pies, Christmas verity.travers@anthem- we cannot take any responsibility
pudding and festive mincemeat (p.100). nor be held accountable for any
factual errors printed. No part of
With January fast approaching, we took an in-depth look MARKETING MANAGER this publication may be reproduced,
Gemma Bailey stored in a retrieval system or resold
at Veganuary and the many health benefits of following without the prior consent of Anthem
a plant-based diet (p. 12). Plus, we’ve got plenty of tasty DIGITAL ASSISTANT Rachel Smith Publishing Ltd. Anthem Publishing
rachel.smith@anthem- recognises all copyrights contained
recipes (p.14) and we’ve even chronicled 31 days of eating within this issue. Where possible we
acknowledge the copyright holder.
like a vegan (p.20). PRODUCTION MANAGER Gluten-Free Heaven is a trade mark
As always, we have fresh and flavoursome recipes for Craig Broadbridge owned by Anthem Publishing.
breakfast, lunch, midweek, weekend, sweet treats and more. MANAGING DIRECTOR Published under license from
Anthem Publishing Ltd, from Gluten-
Happy cooking, eating and entertaining, and we’ll see you in Simon Lewis Free Heaven. The design, brand and
simon.lewis@anthem- concept of Gluten-Free Heaven are
the new year. copyright of Anthem Publishing
Delivering direct to
your home or workplace
Ali has been a coeliac
for 20 years. She
started her award-
winning business
The Local Bakehouse
to provide delicious
gluten-free cakes
and cake decorating
courses. A regular on
BBC radio, Ali also
writes a blog giving
factual advice, recipes
and videos to make
life a little bit easier.
Find out more at
founder, Hayley
Burdett, was
diagnosed with IBS
and advised to follow
a Low FODMAP Diet
in 2015. Hayley soon
realised there were
no convenient, good
tasting, certified
Low FODMAP foods
available and having
found out nearly 1 in
3 suffer from IBS, she
knew she couldn’t be
the only one looking
for them, and so Bay’s
Kitchen was born.”
Alison has been
gluten free for many
years following an
illness. As a former
Do you need help with your gluten-free cooking, or do you
web developer, have a nutritional query? Our experts have the answers.
her website,
Coeliac Sanctuary,
had been through.
I’m getting married and I’d like my
She now runs Coeliac A. Unfortunately there isn’t actually a black and
Sanctuary full time, white answer to this question. Many condiments wedding to be entirely gluten free, but
writing, developing are naturally gluten free, such as Heinz Tomato my parents say no-one will come. What can
recipes and selling
Ketchup; however, it will always depend on the I do?
translation cards,
brand you choose and their recipe as to whether A. There’s no need to compromise. When it
wristbands and recipe
calendars. they are definitely gluten free or not. One sauce comes to catering for dietary requirements at which isn’t gluten free is soy sauce; however there your wedding, you want to know you’re not
Peppermint capsules or Buscopan can
help ease the pain and discomfort,
or if you don’t have either of those,
Q I need to follow a gluten-
free diet. How do I know if
packaged products labelled gluten-
peppermint tea works just as well. free are safe to eat?
Make sure you drink lots of water to A. The good news is there is a law
help flush the toxins through. Also, a which covers the use of the labelling
paracetamol may help. It won’t stop term ‘gluten-free.’ It can only be used
the sudden mad dashes to the toilet, on foods that meet the international
but it may take the edge off the pains Codex standard for gluten-free (which
and even the brain fog. AW came into law in 2012). The Codex
Alimentarius standard, to give it its full
name, specifies for labelling purposes
the level of gluten tolerated by people
“Be aware that a with coeliac disease. Only foods which
n 2017, 60,000 people pledged transport network. Switching to a
to try veganism for January, plant-based diet requires less land,
and Veganuary’s ambassadors – water and energy. It also prevents
including Evanna Lynch (Harry deforestation, causes less pollution
Potter), Jasmine Harman (A Place in and does not harm the oceans’ delicate
the Sun) and comedian Carl Donnelly ecosystems or drive aquatic extinctions.
are encouraging thousands more to It’s great news all round.
sign up for January 2018.
Each year, we ask Veganuary
“It doesn't matter if participants what physical changes
they experience during the month,
you make a mistake _ and among the most common
you’ll receive daily emails that offer you’re not sure, join the Veganuary
In the words of triathlete and
Veganuary ambassador, Dan Geisler:
shopping lists, an eating-out guide, Facebook group and ask! There are
“I would definitely recommend going nutrition advice, recipes, meal plans thousands of people who will be
vegan for a month because you can and answers to common questions. only too willing to advise, and most
carry on living your normal way and You will also receive social media meals, including shepherd’s pie, curry,
you could be the best runner, cyclist,
support in a closed Facebook casseroles, spaghetti bolognaise, stir-
author, or whatever it is you do on your
current diet, but if you just try veganism
group where you can connect fry and chilli, can be veganised with
for a month, you might be better.” with other participants, and a free just a couple of minor changes.
Eight months after taking part in celebrity e-cookbook. There are also
Veganuary, Dan took a silver medal at the competitions with great prizes and WHAT WILL I EAT?
World Triathlon Championships. He has
special offers throughout the month. Most Veganuary participants say they
decided to stay vegan.
It’s an open, welcoming, exciting come out of the experience eating a
experience, and 99 per cent of much broader range of foods and, far
participants say they recommend from being restrictive, it opens up a
taking part. whole new culinary world. Of course,
there will be a period of adjustment, of
WHAT DO I DO NEXT? label reading and online searching, but
Once you’ve registered, we suggest you you will soon get into the vegan groove
go and have a look in your cupboard. and it will become second nature.
The biggest pitfall is waking up on There is a vegan version of almost
January 1st, having not thought about everything you could want available on
what you are going to eat, and then the high street – including ready-meal
having to make your first vegan lasagnes, cheesecakes and croissants
breakfast out of half a cucumber and – you just need to know where to
some ketchup. It doesn’t have to be find them.
this way! Being allergic to gluten, soy or nuts
Your cupboard is already full of is no barrier to taking part. Veganuary
vegan items, including peanut butter, have special meal plans to help you,
Vegemite, jam, baked beans, pasta, and we can offer advice on where to
rice, almost all bread, many types of buy the best vegan free-from products.
gravy granules, vegetable stock cubes,
chopped tomatoes, coconut milk, lots WHAT IF I MESS UP?
of curry pastes, many breakfast cereals, It doesn’t matter if you make a mistake.
herbs, spices, mustard, pickles, natural No one is judging you. If a late-night
sweeteners, olive oil and vegetable oils, kebab is your undoing, or you pick up
soy sauce, fruit juice, tea and coffee, a cheese sandwich out of habit, it’s OK.
crackers, crispbreads, and of course Just start again tomorrow.
fruit and vegetables – fresh, dried
and frozen. WHAT NEXT?
Well, that’s up to you. Sixty-six
BE PREPARED per cent of people who took part
With a little preparation, there will be in January 2017 said they enjoyed
no major upheaval, and we suggest you the experience so much they have
start by buying nut-based milk and a remained vegan. Most of those who
dairy-free spread – a choice of each chose not to stay vegan say they have
can be found in every supermarket. reduced their consumption of animal
That way, coffee and toast is still on products significantly. But only you
the menu. Since many breakfast will know what 31 days as a vegan
cereals are vegan (look out for honey) will do for you, and whether it is
and you’ll find dairy-free yoghurts in something that will change how you
most stores, you are already well on eat in the future.
your way.
As a starting point, think about the
meals you normally prepare and ask
nourishmagoz nourish_au nourishoz
yourself: how can I make it vegan? If
2kg (4lb 4oz) plums, FOR THE CUSTARD 1 Preheat the oven to 190ºC.
washed and stoned, 570ml (1pt) soy or almond 2 Layer the plums and peppercorns into a deep baking dish, and
halved (or quartered if sprinkle with the sugar and cinnamon powder.
milk, plus a splash extra
they are very large) 3 To make the crumble, sift the flour into a large bowl and add
3-4 star anise, roughly the margarine. Rub together with your fingertips to make a
6 peppercorns (or 6 cloves) ground so that the seeds breadcrumb-like texture, then add the oats, sugar and pistachios.
2 tbsp unrefined brown sugar are crushed slightly Mix well and layer on top of the plums. Bake in the oven for
35-45 minutes until bubbling and the crumble is golden brown.
1 tsp ground cinnamon 1 vanilla pod, split
4 To make the custard, bring the milk to a gentle boil together with
FOR THE CRUMBLE 1½ tbsp cornflour the star anise. Scrape in the seeds from the vanilla pod, then
250g (9oz) plain flour 120ml (4fl oz) soy or almond add the scraped pod as well. Simmer gently for 5 minutes, then
remove from the heat and set aside for 15-20 minutes while the
180g (6oz) vegetable margarine cream, to taste
flavours infuse.
120g (4¼oz) oats 2 tbsp unrefined light 5 Mix together the cornflour with the extra splash of cold milk to
brown sugar, to taste make a paste. Strain the infused milk to remove any large bits.
100g (3½oz) unrefined
Whisk the cornflour paste into the warm milk and return to the
brown sugar
heat. Bring to a simmer again for a few minutes. Add the almond
80g (3oz) pistachios, cream and sugar to taste. Remove from the heat.
roughly chopped 6 If not using immediately, cover the surface with clingfilm to stop
a skin forming. Serve the crumble in bowls with a ladle or two of
warm custard.
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
28.2g 23.2g 0.05g 35g 5.6g
600ml (1pt) soy milk 1 Warm the milks in a pan over a medium heat. Add the sugar, This recipes on pages
vanilla seeds and pod, malt powder and coconut oil. Gently whisk 14 and 15 are taken
400ml (14fl oz) full-fat coconut milk
on low so that the oil melts and the malt powder gets cooked out, from My Vegan
175g (6oz) sugar about 5 minutes. Travels by Jackie
2 Let it cool, remove the vanilla pod, then add the guar gum or Kearney, photography
1 vanilla pod, halved lengthways,
xanthan gum. It needs to be incorporated with a hand blender until by Clare Winfield,
seeds scraped published by Ryland
the mixture is completely smooth.
135g (4¾oz) malt powder Peters & Small.
3 Churn the ice-cream in an ice-cream maker according to the
60g (2oz) coconut oil manufacturer’s instructions. If you don’t have an ice-cream
churner, pour the mixture into a large sealable tub and place in
½ tsp guar or xanthan gum (unless you
the freezer.
intend to eat straight after churning)
4 The ice-cream will keep for several months in the freezer. Remove
from the freezer 10-15 minutes before serving.
45g (1½oz) wheat-free 235ml (8fl oz) almond or 1 Combine the oats and buckwheat in a Recipe taken from
rolled oats coconut milk, plus extra medium saucepan with a lid. Add all the The New Nourishing
spices, season with salt to taste and stir by Leah Vanderveldt,
80g (3oz) buckwheat to serve if needed
until everything is well mixed together. photography by
groats (untoasted) ½ tsp vanilla extract 2 Pour in the boiling water, almond or Clare Winfield,
coconut milk and vanilla, then bring to published by Ryland
½ tsp ground cinnamon 1 banana, peeled, sliced
the boil. Peters & Small.
½ tsp ground turmeric TO SERVE
3 Reduce to a simmer and cook with the
½ tsp ground ginger toasted flaked almonds lid on for about 10 minutes, stirring
¼ tsp ground cardamom chopped figs, berries occasionally until the oats are soft and
most of the liquid is absorbed.
¼ tsp ground nutmeg or extra banana
4 Stir in the banana slices and cook for
a pinch of ground cloves an additional 10 minutes, until they’re
softened and smell sweet. Serve with
salt, to taste
additional almond milk and a topping of
475ml (15fl oz) boiling water toasted flaked almonds and fresh fruit.
Gnocchi is
an easy and
delicious vegan
option and
great for a quick
midweek meal!
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
10.1g 0.9g 1g 2.7g 22.2g
500g (1lb 2oz) floury 100g (3½oz) baby 1 Put the potatoes in a steamer set over a pan of boiling water and
potatoes, diced spinach leaves steam over a medium heat for 15-20 minutes until soft. Preheat the
oven to 100°C and put a baking sheet inside to warm.
180g (6¼oz) plain flour, 80g (2¾oz) sun-dried tomatoes
2 Mash the potatoes in a bowl and sift in 150g (5½oz) flour, the herbs
plus extra if needed in oil, drained, chopped and add a good pinch of salt. Mix by hand until just combined,
and for dusting 200g (7oz) bottled or tinned adding the remaining flour. Turn the dough out onto a floured
1 tbsp sage leaves, artichoke hearts surface and knead for 1 minute. If the dough is sticky, add more
flour, 1 tsp at a time, until the dough is soft and workable. Set aside
finely chopped a handful of basil leaves, torn for 10 minutes.
1 tbsp basil leaves, 200g (7oz) herbed almond 3 Bring a large saucepan of salted water to the boil over a high heat,
finely chopped cheese, crumbled then reduce to medium-high. Divide the dough into four pieces
and roll them into long sausage shapes. Slice each piece into 2cm
1 tbsp safflower oil or sea salt and freshly ground (¾in) pieces to make gnocchi. Lower the gnocchi in batches into the
sunflower oil black pepper boiling water using a slotted spoon, and cook for 5 minutes, or until
150g (5½o) mixed green and they float to the surface. Remove from the pan as they cook, lay
black olives, pitted, chopped them on the baking sheet and keep them warm while you cook the
remaining gnocchi.
1 red chilli, deseeded, thinly
4 Heat the oil in a large, non-stick frying pan over a medium-high
sliced lengthways heat and fry the gnocchi in batches, keeping the cooked gnocchi
warm on the tray. Add the olives and chilli to the pan and cook for
5 minutes. Add the spinach, tomatoes, artichokes and basil. Return
the gnocchi to the pan and gently toss with the vegetables. Season
with pepper and serve with the cheese.
150g (5½oz) sweet potato, FOR THE TOMATO SPREAD 1 Preheat the oven to 200°C. Put the sweet
thinly sliced into rounds potato on a baking sheet and add the
3 tbsp olive oil or melted
beetroot, pumpkin, carrot and onion,
1 baby beetroot, thinly sliced coconut oil then drizzle with the oil.
80g (2¾oz) butternut 2 garlic cloves, peeled 2 Roast for 45 minutes. Meanwhile, snap
pumpkin, peeled, diced off any woody ends from the asparagus
120g (4¼oz) sun-dried
stalks at the point where they break
1 carrot, peeled, sliced tomatoes in oil, drained easily, then cut the tender spears into
1 large onion, peeled, cut 1 tsp dried thyme short pieces. Leave to one side.
into thin wedges FOR THE SPINACH PESTO 3 Put all the ingredients for the tomato
spread into a blender or food processor
1 tbsp safflower oil or 100g (3½oz) baby and blend until smooth. Leave to
sunflower oil spinach leaves one side.
6 asparagus spears a handful of parsley leaves 4 Put all the spinach pesto ingredients in a
1 sheet of vegan ready- blender or food processor and process
2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil until finely chopped. Add a little water if The recipes on pages
rolled puff pastry,
sea salt and freshly the mixture is too thick. 17-18 are taken
defrosted if frozen from The Vegan
ground black pepper 5 After 45 minutes of roasting the
15 cherry tomatoes, halved vegetables, add the asparagus to the Cookbook by Adele
baking sheet and roast for a further 10 McConnell, published
70g (2½oz) hazelnuts, chopped by Nourish, an
minutes. Remove the baking sheet from
green salad, to serve the oven and leave to one side. imprint of Watkins
Publishing. (RRP $35).
6 Lay the pastry sheet on a clean baking
sheet and spread with the tomato spread,
leaving a 4cm (½in) border. Arrange the
vegetables in a pile in the centre of the
pastry, and gently fold in the edges to
make a pastry border. Scatter over the
cherry tomatoes. Bake the tart for 15
minutes, or until the pastry is golden
brown. Drizzle the tart with the spinach
pesto, then sprinkle with the chopped
nuts. Serve with a big green salad.
There is a strong link between Coeliac Disease and Lactose Intolerance. Damage to intestinal villi reduces
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This may be why many people still suffer digestive symptoms while on a gluten-free diet.
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Take up the Veganuary challenge and spend
a month discovering the joys of being vegan.
CHARLOTTE WILLIS investigates.
congratulations for deciding to take Be prepared. You are about to enter
the challenge, give it a go, and finally a world where cheeze is made from CLUE UP
making the switch. You may not be cashew nuts, fruits can be cooked to It’s day one. You’re officially
aware, but these next 31 days will see resemble meat and meringues are vegan and it’s time to educate
you take your first steps in becoming made from canned bean juice (No, yourself! The Vegan Society Australia
a healthier and enriched individual, really). Needless to say, cooking as a (, Veganuary.
transforming all aspects of your life vegan can take some serious getting com and will provide
and leading you towards a more used to. Intimidated? Don’t be. In all the key information you need
conscious way of life. A decision today reality, becoming vegan is pretty regarding the main dietary dos and
that benefits the body and planet simple. In no time at all you’ll look don’ts, including all you need to know
on equal levels, and from this day at your lifestyle and diet in a whole about key food groups. This is a great
onwards, you’ll never look back. different light. To aid you in your place to start building the foundations
Speaking from experience as a journey, I’ve compiled a one-tip-a- of your new vegan lifestyle.
veteran vegan of almost three years day guide through your first month,
now, my only regret is that I waited helping keep you on track. I wish you FRESH AND EASY
a good 19 years on this planet to luck and much excitement on your As a self-confessed food
realise just how enlightened your healthful discoveries, delving into obsessive, I can honestly say that
life becomes when following a this incredible and diversely beautiful my grocery shop brings me an above-
plant-based diet. Whatever your lifestyle. Welcome to being vegan. average level of enjoyment. Take a
reason for making the change, Your future begins here! stroll down the produce aisle and pick
meals to prevent you reaching for
a ready meal. Staples in my freezer
include hot-pots and Thai curries.
You’ve reached a whole week of plant-
based living! I often find with new
vegans that taking a second to think
about why you chose this diet really
helps focus your energy and mind to
motivate you onwards.
Almost every form of social
media these days has links to
vegan clubs and meeting groups for
you to try out and get together with
more like-minded people. They’re
a great way to find new restaurants,
friends and good conversation! Search
online to find the nearest group to you.
The easiest way to identify a
product as vegan is to search for an
offical vegan or certified vegan logo,
although most supermarkets now label
their products as vegan. However,
if this is not available there will be a
up some new and exciting ingredients. Source the substitutes needed to list of common food allergens on the
Search out your local farmers’ markets reinvent dishes even better, and this packaging of products with eggs and
to source fresh and seasonal produce time make it vegan. It’ll aid your milk being shown in bold lettering.
that is bursting with flavour – and transition and stop any cravings
often is so much cheaper than when during your first week. As a vegan, you TELL YOUR
bought from the average supermarket. can truly have it all. FRIENDS AND
3 5
BE INSPIRED ACCIDENTLY Coming out as a vegan can be met
The first week is full of VEGAN ITEMS with mixed responses. Prepare
discoveries. An online search A brief scour of the supermarket yourself for a whole array of thoughts
reveals countless vegan blogs, shelves will reveal all manner of and reactions ranging from positive
magazines – including our sister title, staggeringly secret items that you and supportive to confusing and
Natural Vegan magazine – recipe books never knew were vegan! Original questioning with everything in
and social media full of stories, recipes Oreos and even vegan ice-cream are between. Just remember to be strong,
and news to inspire your journey. just a few of the secrets in the vegan stick to your principles and be
community, with many more to passionate. Remember, not everyone
VEGANISE YOUR be revealed. will agree with your choices, but there
FAVOURITE MEAL are many more out there who will.
Steak and ale pie may have
been your go-to meal, or maybe PREVENTS RELAPSES EXPERIMENT WITH
you revelled in a chilli con carne? Make some larger meals in VEGAN MEATS
Whatever your favourite meal was advance and keep them in your fridge Everything from beef
prior to going vegan, remaster it! or freezer for busy days and easy chunks, sausages and kebab-style
There’s never been a better
time to eat out as a vegan.
Over the last two years, the number
of vegan items on menus, along with
proper allergen labelling, means it’s
easier than ever to eat out as a vegan
(crafting your own dish from various
menu items is so last year). Some
restaurants even offer their own vegan
menus. Enquire ahead to get the best
from the experience.
A creative way to rethink
your diet is to start a food
diary. Make a note of what you made,
16 18
ate and sampled. What did you like?
What didn’t you like? How would you EMBRACE YOUR SLIP UP?
change the dish or what would you do CULINARY DISASTERS NO PROBLEM!
next time to make it even better? This The first few weeks of The first time I became
will help you discover your new tastes experimenting with vegan food vegetarian, at the young age of 13,
and help begin weekly meal planning. and ingredients is likely to be a the very next day I found myself
combination of delicious hits, and the instinctively ordering a chicken dish at
STOCK UP ON not so delightful misses. Don’t hang a restaurant. Being vegan takes some
SUPPLEMENTS up that apron! The first time I made getting used to, and if you make a
Think you know your tofu, I swore I’d never again. A few mistake or accidentally consume an
vitamins A, B and C from your non-stick pans, recipe trial and errors animal product, don’t give up. Learn
vitamin D? It is recommended that all and, weeks later, my relationship from where you went wrong, try not to
vegans supplement with both vitamin with this delightfully versatile dwell on your experience and simply
B12 (1000 iu) and Vitamin D (1000 ingredient blossomed to become one move on.
of my everyday staple foods. If at
iu) every day to maintain optimum
health. These can be found in vegan first you don’t succeed…bake it in the VEGANISE
varieties from health food shops. oven instead! YOUR TIPPLE
Becoming vegan doesn’t
BUY IN BULK BECOME A mean an end to enjoying a drink or
By now you should be VEGAN ATHLETE two. There are so many drinks that
getting to grips with There’s never been a better are certified vegan, so just take your
the basic ingredients you need to time to get into shape and fulfil pick and enjoy responsibly. There is a
cook with. Everything from pulses, sporting ambitions. Being vegan, plethora of independent brewers and
lentils and wholegrains to nuts and cholesterol levels will drop, circulation distilleries who are also vegan – many
seeds can be ordered online in bulk improves and you may even see a few can be found and bought online.
from reputable sellers offering extra kgs naturally falling off. Take the
the best price per kg. I store nuts, opportunity of starting a fresh lifestyle EQUIP YOUR
seeds and legumes in glass jars – it to take up a new sporting hobby, KITCHEN
saves space and makes for a unique whether it’s becoming a gym bunny or One of the best bits of gear
kitchen display! casual cyclist. for a vegan is a large food processor.
From making huge batches of fresh hummus, creating raw
cheezecakes and blitzing burgers together, a processor is
used again and again. It’s worth investing in a high powered
machine, with a longer warranty, that’s built to last.
Altering your lifestyle has already reduced your
carbon footprint and helped reduce greenhouse
gas emissions. Why not consider upping the effort? Start
recycling household waste more, reduce the food waste
you produce by buying and eating smarter, and switch
to ecologically friendly cleaning products (available from
most supermarkets).
By now, you may start craving things like
mayonnaise or yoghurt. You’ll be pleased to know
that soy-based alternatives to both of these common dairy
products are available to buy. What’s more, you’ll most
likely find that they taste exactly the same (if not better, in
my opinion) than the originals. Alternatively, create your
own veganaise and coconut yoghurts for ultimate kitchen-
revelling glory.
Thanks to modern technology, every aspect
of being vegan is handily condensed into
a smartphone app. From restaurant finders including
HappyCow and VanillaBean, to product scanner app
There is no better place
to discover more about being vegan
than at a local or nationwide vegan
festival. Some top picks are World
Vegan Day Melbourne and Vegan
Festival Adelaide. These great festivals
provide you with inspiration and
products you never expected to
discover, alongside some delicious
free samples and a melting pot of like-
minded individuals.
VEGAN GUEST cochineal (artificial red colouring DON’T BE SCARED
Crumbling at your first
made from ground insect shells), most TO ASK FOR HELP
invitation to a dinner party? Has
jelly sweets contain gelatine (sourced There will be many
the thought of a birthday gathering
from animal bones), and certain mass- different aspects of veganism that
reduced you to a nervous wreck? Fear
produced baked goods may contain you’re still yet to discover. Never
not! To be the perfect vegan guest,
egg or milk. be afraid to ask your vegan friends
simply inform your host in advance.
or members of a vegan group/
Give them a list of dishes or recipes
that you enjoy eating and suggest
GET TO KNOW YOUR community for help. From my
your energy from protein each day, many places to turn if you’re unsure
EAT A VARIETY and it can all come from plant-based or need advice; there is never a need
Just as with any diet or foods. Sources include buckwheat, to feel alone – you’re part of a global
lifestyle, it’s easy to fall into support network.
wholegrains and quinoa, which should
a rut of eating the same dishes again
be combined with legumes, beans and
and again. Maintain your interest pulses such as soy and chickpeas. HAVE YOUR CAKE
and creativity by thumbing through AND EAT IT
the pages of our magazine, some SUPERCHARGE Congratulations! The first
vegan cookbooks or websites such as YOUR PANTRY month of being vegan has officially
Pinterest. There’s nothing better than Now you’re getting used ended, and you can now call yourself a
shaking up your daily food staples and to being vegan, why not upgrade certified Veganuary Veteran. Mark this
finding ways to freshen your diet and your pantry with some superfoods? special occasion by baking yourself
spark creative genius. Chia seeds and flaxseeds are a rich and your loved ones (or just yourself –
source of plant-based omega 3, 6 and you’ve earned it after all!) a delicious
WATCH OUT FOR 9 fatty acids, cacao nibs will give your vegan cake. Make this day your official
NON-VEGAN ITEMS breakfast an antioxidant hit, while a Vegan-niversary, knowing that you
There are some hidden variety of nuts are going to boost your have contributed to the promotion
animal products lurking in seemingly protein and mineral intakes. Simply of a more healthy and sustainable
vegan foods that you need to be aware add in a few of these into your diet and lifestyle. What more reason could you
of. Common ingredients include watch your health and palate grow. need to celebrate?
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
18.3g 6.9g 0.25g 19.3g 8.6g
60g (2oz) coconut sugar 1 tsp gluten-free 1 Preheat the oven to 180ºC and line a loaf tin with
baking powder greaseproof paper.
2 small bananas, peeled
2 In a food processor, combine the coconut sugar, banana, coconut
2 tbsp coconut oil a pinch of salt
oil and cacao together. Crack in both of the eggs and mix again.
3 tbsp raw cacao powder a pinch of cinnamon 3 Add all of the remaining ingredients (apart from the Jujube and
a handful of dried jujube chocolate chips) and blend until everything is well combined and
2 free-range eggs
fruits, roughly chopped you’re left with a reasonably smooth batter.
115g (4oz) ground almonds 4 Stir through the chopped jujube fruits and chocolate chips, if using,
40g (1½oz) dairy-free
70g (2¾oz) gluten-free flour and pour the cake mix into the lined tin.
chocolate chips (optional)
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda 5 Bake in the oven for around 35 minutes, or until a skewer comes
out clean when pierced. Transfer to a wire wrack and allow to
cool completely.
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
27.1g 8.7g 0.05g 14.9g 8.3g
FOR THE BASE juice of 1 large lemon 1 Line a 20cm (8in) loose-based round cake tin with baking paper on
the bottom.
225g (9oz) raw unsalted 85ml (3fl oz) raw virgin
2 In a food processor, combine all the base ingredients and process
almonds coconut oil, melted
until the mix comes together to form a dough. Add a tsp of water
175g (6oz) unsweetened pitted 60ml (2fl oz) coconut milk, at a time if the mixture is too dry.
soft dates (pre-soak briefly plus extra if needed 3 Roll several small balls of the base mix (approx 1-2 tsp) for
and drain if not soft) 125g (4½oz) blueberries decorating the top of the cake if desired, and set aside.
3 tbsp raw cacao powder (fresh or frozen) 4 Transfer the remaining base mix to the cake tin and, using
your fingers, press down firmly and evenly to create a compact
or unsweetened TO DECORATE (OPTIONAL) base layer.
cocoa powder
freeze-dried raspberries, 5 Transfer to the freezer until ready to top with the ‘cheese’.
a large pinch of sea salt unsweetened 6 In a high-speed blender or food processor, add the cashews, maple
a dash of water, if needed dessicated coconut syrup (or equivalent), lemon juice, coconut oil and coconut milk.
and lime zest Blend for about 5 minutes until smooth and creamy, scraping
down the sides every so often as required. Add a dash more
425g (14¾oz) raw unsalted fresh berries, melted coconut milk if needed. The mixture should be thick and creamy.
cashews (soaked for 4 chocolate, chopped 7 Blob half the creamy mixture haphazardly over the base, or
hours, rinsed and drained) nuts, cacao nibs smooth neatly to create a uniform layered look.
80-120ml (3¼-4¼fl oz) maple 8 Add the blueberries to the remaining mix in the food processor
and blend until smooth and purple.
syrup or honey (or natural
9 Dollop purple mix among the white, then smooth flat the surface;
liquid sweetener of choice
or if making layers, you may wish to firm the white layer for 15
e.g. agave nectar) minutes in the freezer before spreading on a purple layer.
10 Arrange the reserved cacao balls on the cake and decorate as
desired with your topping of choice.
11 Transfer to the freezer to set for at least 2 hours.
12 Defrost for 30 minutes before removing from the cake tin and
allow adequate defrosting before slicing and eating.
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
19.9g 12g 0.15g 42g 13.4g
Choco-buckwheat porridge
By Rena Kroes
Serves 2 | Prep 5 mins plus soaking | Cook none | Calories 596 (per serving)
140g (5oz) buckwheat groats 1 Soak the buckwheat groats in plenty of water overnight. Recipe taken from
Power Food on the
6 Medjool dates, pitted 2 The following morning, drain the buckwheat and transfer it to a
Go by Rens Kroes.
blender. Add the dates and the remaining ingredients, except the
100ml (3½fl oz) plant-based milk tahini and banana. Blend until smooth. Too dry? Add a little bit of
Published by Fair
Winds Press, an
1 tbsp raw cacao powder water to thin the mixture.
imprint of The
1 tsp ground cinnamon 3 Spoon the porridge into a storage jar, top with the tahini and Quarto Group. (RRP
banana slices, and close the lid properly to create a seal. $24.95)
½ tsp ground cardamom
½ tsp unsweetened vanilla powder
a pinch of salt
tahini and banana slices, to garnish
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
5.4g 0.8g 0.2g 13.2g 9.2g
3 gluten-free coconut TO SERVE 1 Mix the crushed biscuits with the yoghurt and eggs, then blend
biscuits, crushed with a hand-held blender. Add the flour and bicarbonate of soda
maple syrup
and blend again. Stir in half of the blueberries.
140g (5oz) full-fat natural desiccated coconut 2 Warm the coconut oil in a pan, then spoon in 1-2 tbsp to form
yoghurt, plus extra to serve a pancake. Cook until the underside is browned, then flip
yoghurt to serve
2 free-range eggs, beaten until cooked through. Repeat with the remaining batter. Serve
with yoghurt, desiccated coconut, blueberries and a drizzle of
40g (1½oz) buckwheat maple syrup.
or sorghum flour
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
a handful of blueberries
1-2 tsp coconut oil
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
9g 4.1g 0.2g 8.3g 7.2g
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
20.2g 6.8g 0.8g 5.4g 14.8g
120g (4¼oz) frozen baby peas 4 thin slices of gluten-free 1 Place the peas in a pan and cook in a little boiling water for 5
bread (sourdough if you minutes. Drain and leave to cool.
1 ripe avocado
can find it), toasted 2 Cut the avocado in half, remove the stone and scrape out the flesh,
juice of ½ a lime taking care to extract the thin, very green layer next to the skin.
4 free-range eggs, Place the avocado, peas and half the lime juice in the bowl of a
80g (3oz) feta cheese,
poached with 1 tsp food processor and blitz for 30 seconds. The mixture does not have
white wine vinegar to be completely smooth.
1 tsp fresh mint, 3 Add the crumbled feta and chopped mint to the bowl of the food
pea shoots, to garnish
finely chopped processor, then pulse until well mixed. Season to taste and add
sea salt and freshly more lime juice if needed.
ground black pepper 4 Spread each slice of toast with a generous amount of pea, avocado
and feta mixture. Arrange on a plate, top with a poached egg.
75g (2¾oz) buckwheat flour FOR THE TOPPING 1 Blend the buckwheat flour, egg, milk, water, spinach, nutmeg and
1 tsp olive oil together in a food processor. Place in the fridge to
1 free-range egg 100g (3½oz) half-fat
settle while you prepare the topping.
150ml (5½fl oz) milk crème fraîche
2 Heat a small non-stick frying pan on a medium-heat and brush with
of your choice 150g (5½oz) smoked salmon a little oil.
50ml (1¾fl oz) cold water a small bunch of chives, 3 Stir the batter and pour three dessertspoons into the frying pan.
finely chopped Tilt the pan and swirl around until the batter is evenly distributed.
a large handful of Cook for about 2 minutes on each side, until the pancake is set and
fresh spinach 1 lemon, cut into wedges beginning to brown.
a little grated nutmeg 4 Cook all the pancakes and place on a baking tray in a warm oven.
Place a small sheet of greaseproof paper between each pancake to
1 tsp olive oil, plus
prevent sticking.
extra for frying
5 Top each pancake with smoked salmon and 1 tsp crème fraiche.
Sprinkle with a few chopped chives and serve with a wedge
of lemon.
weeks in the
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
fridge; you can
also freeze them 19.3g 4.4g 0.3g 16.7g 7.5g
Granola bars
By Rens Kroes
Makes 10 bars | Prep 15 mins plus chilling | Cook none | Calories 304 (per bar)
120g (4¼oz) walnuts 3 tbsp raw cacao powder 1 Finely grind the walnuts in a food processor, being careful not to
blend them into nut butter, then transfer to a large mixing bowl.
150g (5½oz) mixed nuts 2 tbsp coconut oil, softened
2 Roughly chop the mixed nuts using a knife. Purée the dates in the
230g (8¼oz) Medjool 1 tbsp maple syrup food processor.
dates, pitted 1 tsp ground cinnamon 3 Combine all the ingredients in a mixing bowl, mixing well, then use
100g (3½oz) whole your hands to knead the mixture into a large ball. Place the ball on
½ tsp salt
wheat-free oats a sheet of baking paper and flatten using the outside of a spoon.
Be sure to press down firmly, otherwise the bars will crumble.
40g (1½oz) barberry
4 Slice into bars and refrigerate for at least 1 hour to firm up.
berries, or other dried
berries of choice
Smoothie bowl
By Miss Physique Geek (
Serves 1 | Prep 5 mins | Cook none | Calories 588 (per serving)
1 tbsp wheat-free oats FOR THE TOPPING 1 Add the oats, banana, strawberries, acai, almond milk and yoghurt
(OPTIONAL) to a blender and blend until smooth.
1 banana, peeled
2 Pour the mixture into a bowl and top with kiwi, strawberries,
100g (3½oz) frozen 1 kiwi, peeled and sliced
coconut and chia seeds, or seasonal fruit of your choosing.
strawberries 20 grams strawberries, sliced
1 tsp acai powder 1 tsp desiccated coconut
70ml (2¾fl oz) almond milk 1 tsp chia seeds
70g (2¾oz) Greek yoghurt
Serve with a
light and fresh
avocado salsa!
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
7.3g 2.7g 0.25g 1g 7.5g
Egg muffins
By Mimi Spencer and Sam Rice
Makes 10-12 | Prep 15 mins | Cook 20 mins | Calories 104 (per muffin)
light olive oil spray Parmesan, grated 1 Preheat the oven to 190°. Spray 10- Recipe taken from The
12 holes of a muffin tin with olive oil, Midlife Kitchen by Mimi
6 free-range eggs spring onions, finely chopped
brushing each hole to coat really well, Spencer and Sam Rice,
sea salt flakes and freshly diced tomato then place in the oven. photography by Issy
ground black pepper 2 Whisk the eggs in a jug with a splash of Crocker, published by
smoked fish (trout, mackerel
water and salt and pepper. Hachette.
FOR THE FLAVOUR or salmon), chopped (RRP $39.99).
COMBINATIONS into small pieces 3 Take the hot tin out of the oven and
pour in the egg mixture to fill halfway up
crumbled feta chopped dill each hole, then top each one with your
olives natural yoghurt chosen ingredients. Bake in the oven
for 20 minutes, or until cooked through
finely chopped fresh and golden.
chilli or chilli flakes 4 Remove the muffins from the oven and
leave to cool for a minute or two. Remove
from the tray – they may stick a bit so use
a palette knife to release the sides.
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
7.3g 4.2g 0g 6.6g 11g
1 chia egg (1 tbsp chia seeds 150g (5½oz) buckwheat flour 1 Soak the chia egg mixture for 5-6 minutes. Preheat a
mixed with 3 tbsp water) waffle machine.
2-3 tbsp maple syrup
2 Add the protein/cacao powder, cinnamon, buckwheat flour, maple
2 tbsp chocolate protein 300ml (10fl oz) unsweetened syrup and almond milk to the chia egg and mix thoroughly.
or cacao powder almond milk 3 Lightly coat the waffle machine with coconut oil to help prevent the
½ tsp cinnamon coconut oil for greasing waffles from sticking too much.
4 Pour the mixture evenly into the waffle machine and cook as you
wish (I personally like to cook without putting down the lid for the
first couple of minutes).
TIP Try stacking the waffles and adding fresh fruit and a drizzle of
maple syrup on top
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
9.5g 1.6g 0.15g 15.6g 20.7g
75g (1¾oz) blueberries 1 tsp chia seeds 1 Place the blueberries, banana, protein powder, chia seeds, acai (if
using) and almond milk in a blender and blend for 30 seconds.
½ a ripe banana, peeled ½ tsp acai powder (optional)
2 Place the oats in a jar, then pour over the smoothie mixture. Cover
1 tbsp protein powder 50g (1¾oz) wheat-free and place in the fridge to set overnight.
125ml (4½fl oz) unsweetened rolled oats 3 Try topping with any of the following for an extra punch: Peanut
almond milk butter, fresh fruit, bee pollen, cacao nibs or coconut flakes.
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
20.6g 11.7g 0.3g 13.2g 7.5g
TIP: Dairy-free? Swap out the milk and butter for coconut milk
and oil.
12 ripe figs 1 Preheat the oven to 180°C and line an 6 Pour this into a 20x26cm (8x10in) brownie
ovenproof dish with baking paper. tin or ovenproof dish and flatten the
200g (7oz) ground almonds
2 Choose the 4 firmest figs and set them top with the back of a spoon. Slice the
1 tsp gluten-free baking powder aside. Roughly chop the remaining 8 reserved figs and arrange these on the
figs. Don’t worry if they are very soft and top of the batter.
1 tsp ground cinnamon
go a little jammy, that’s what you are 7 Bake in the oven for 50-60 minutes, or
50g (1¾oz) light brown soft looking for. until a skewer inserted into the centre
sugar or coconut sugar 3 In a large bowl, stir together the ground comes out mostly clean with no more
almonds, baking powder, cinnamon, than a few crumbs. The top should be
finely grated zest of 1 orange
sugar and orange zest. golden brown and the middle firm.
3 free-range eggs
4 In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs 8 Allow the cake to cool a little before
1 tsp vanilla extract together before adding the vanilla, orange serving and make sure you let it cool
juice and melted butter. completely before transferring it to an
juice of ½ an orange
airtight container – it will keep like this for
5 Pour the wet mix and the chopped figs
60g (2oz) unsalted butter, up to 4 days.
into the almond mix and fold to combine.
melted, slightly cooled
Banana bread French toast
& blueberries
By Alexandra Dudley
Serves 8-10 | Prep 15 mins plus resting | Cook 1 hr | Calories 359 (per serving)
1 Begin by making the banana loaf. It helps 7 Whisk the eggs and sugar together to
to have made this at least the evening combine. Put your frying pan over a
before. Preheat the oven to 180°C and medium heat, add a knob of butter or
grease a 20x10cm (8x4in) loaf pan and coconut oil and melt.
line with baking paper. 8 In a separate saucepan, gently warm the
2 Place the walnuts on a dry baking tray berries. For the sweeter inclined, add
and toast in the oven for about 8 minutes some sugar and stir every so often.
or until fragrant. Allow them to cool 9 One by one, dip the loaf slices into the
before roughly chopping. egg mix, turning them once or twice in it
3 In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, before transferring to the pan. While the
sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, baking powder, first side is cooking you may want to drop
bicarbonate of soda and salt. Stir in the roughly a teaspoon more of the egg mix
chopped walnuts. on top as some may naturally slide down
4 In a medium-sized bowl, combine the the side of the toast as it cooks. After
bananas, eggs, melted coconut oil or about 2 minutes, gently flip the toast and
butter and vanilla. cook for the same amount of time on the
other side or until golden.
5 Lightly fold the wet ingredients into the
dry until just combined – the mixture 10 Serve the hot toast with a generous
should still contain a few lumps. Pour the tablespoon of the warmed blueberries
batter into the loaf tin and bake for about and some maple syrup if you fancy some
50 minutes, or until a skewer inserted into extra sweetness.
the centre comes out mostly clean with
no more than a few crumbs. TIPS: sugar-free? Swap out the brown
6 Transfer the tin to a wire rack and allow sugar for coconut sugar
the cake to cool completely in the tin.
Slice the loaf into no thinner than 1.5cm
(¾in) pieces – too thin and they will break.
COOKING AT HOME If you have an egg or milk allergy, take ingredients when buying a product
Most recipes can normally be adapted a look at vegan recipes for more ideas. just in case of recipe changes.
to suit your diet, so you needn’t be Special diet cookbooks and websites
without your favourite home-cooked are also a good source of recipes that PARTY FOOD
meal. This can be as easy as removing have already been tried and tested. Heading to a party with a food allergy
the allergen where it doesn’t affect the Sourcing products to use can can be challenging, but the key to
overall outcome, or using free-from be daunting at first, but many peace of mind is preparation. Make
alternatives such as gluten-free flour. supermarkets and manufacturers sure you inform the host in plenty of
In some cases it may take time and have free-from lists, detailing foods time and discuss with them what the
practice to adjust, but most popular suitable for a particular diet to help food options might be. Try to find out
dishes can be made with some tweaks. you out. Remember to double check about the ingredients of food ahead
Thanks-a-Million Squares
Vegan, and free-from gluten and nuts, this version
is lighter and a lot more tropical than a traditional
millionaire shortbread.
125g (4½oz) coconut oil
50g (1¾oz) coconut sugar
½ a large banana, peeled, mashed
225g (8oz) plain gluten-free flour
100ml (3½fl oz) tinned coconut cream
6 tbsp maple syrup
300g (10½oz) creamed coconut, grated
TIPS: Keeps
well in an
200g (7oz) dairy-free chocolate airtight
1 tbsp coconut oil container for
up to 3 days
sugar decorations, to garnish
Eating out can be a particularly daunting experience, but
planning ahead can help you to find somewhere suitable.
Before visiting a restaurant, consider calling ahead to find
out what policies they have in place for serving visitors
with food allergies. Ask to speak to someone who is
knowledgeable about the ingredients so they can advise you
of a suitable meal. Even if you have called ahead, always
mention your food allergy again when you arrive and to the
person who serves you.
When considering changing your diet, it’s often
a good idea to follow a specific meal plan that’s
been tried and tested by a leading nutritionist.
RHIANNON LAMBERT shows us how to make
the transition.
ow do I know if I should you are switching to a meal plan, make
give up dairy? sure it’s one put together by a registered
Listening to your body nutritionist, as these are carefully put
is just as important as together to ensure you don’t suddenly
listening to the scales. start missing out on vital nutrients
My nutritional philosophy is all about when dropping dairy.
nutrients, not numbers. It’s important
to have a healthy mind and body.
Rather than just stepping on the “Eating on the go is
scales, it’s about listening to what your
body needs and enjoying food as well
often where you have
as seeing it as just fuel. If you listen to to be most mindful”
what your body is telling you and seek
sound advice, changing your diet can
be simple. Where will I get my calcium and
If you are considering giving up B12 from?
dairy, there are lots of resources to There are a great number of non-
help you plan a change in your diet, dairy alternatives to consider and,
and the range of alternatives available importantly, many of them are fortified How do I avoid being tempted to
now is great – with fortified plant- with the very nutrients found in dairy. snack on dairy products?
based milk alternatives offering you Eating on the go is often when you
plenty to choose from. How do I know if my new diet have to be most mindful, so be
is balanced? prepared and always have some snacks
How do I start? Changing my whole If you are considering going dairy free in your bag. Things like a piece of fruit
diet seems daunting for the long term, it’s always a good or some almonds are great to keep
I’ve seen a rise in lactose-intolerant idea to seek advice from a registered you satisfied between meals. Most of
clients, and the best way to begin a nutritionist to ensure your diet the time it’s a case of being organised.
dairy-free diet is with a meal plan. If remains balanced. Spend an extra half hour and cook
Katie is a marketing
consultant and
creator of Pure
Family Food. She
combines her
experience in
marketing and
interest in nutritious
food by developing
and implementing
marketing plans and
innovative recipes for
food manufacturers.
Katie also works with
nurseries to devise
nutritious, allergy-
free menu options.
Optimising Nutrition
Are you, or your child, living with a food allergy? If so, it’s possible that you
may be deficient in one or more nutrients. KATIE BAVERSTOCK-HUNT looks at
how we can find the best alternatives for a healthy and balanced diet..
ecent studies have found that to those living with food allergies? 100 children on elimination diets
children with food allergies Professional opinion is divided. for food allergies. They still found
have deficiencies in several On one side, many advocate a nutritional deficiencies in those taking
vitamins and minerals. It has multivitamin and mineral complex supplements, as well as excesses of
also been shown that children for those following an elimination some vitamins.
with multiple food allergies are shorter diet, but this has been shown to In the USA, one doctor has seen a
than those with just one food allergy. provide excessive levels of some trend of those diagnosed with coeliac
micronutrients. Researchers from disease taking over-the-counter
TO SUPPLEMENT OR NOT? Great Ormond Street Hospital in supplements because they are aware
So why not simply recommend a the UK recently analysed the diets that they may be at risk of vitamin
multivitamin and mineral supplement and supplement use of more than deficiencies. She found that some
patients were consuming excessive processed food as possible, and not to
levels of vitamin B6, iron, vitamin A automatically jump to supplements.
and vitamin D. Too much vitamin B6 This, according to Dr Clifford Lo,
over a prolonged period can result in an associate professor of nutrition
• Swap tinned tuna for tinned
permanent nerve damage; and toxic at Harvard University, is the key,
salmon (with bones)
levels of vitamin A can lead to liver as nutrients are most potent when
• Make crudités from capsicum and
damage. This is clearly a case where they come from food. “They are
carrots to dip into hummus
it is always best to seek advice from a accompanied by many non-essential
• Use tahini to make chocolate
medical professional. International but beneficial nutrients, such as
brownies in place of eggs
guidelines recommend a combined hundreds of carotenoids, flavonoids,
and butter
approach of a blood test and dietary minerals and antioxidants that aren’t
• Blend spinach, basil, olive oil,
assessment. This should be offered in most supplements.”
garlic and pine nuts for a quick
to all children with a food allergy –
homemade pesto
resulting in a tailormade diet and A BALANCING ACT
• Make your own kale chips with
supplement plan. Finding the best food alternatives
olive oil and sumac
to your allergens is a finely tuned
balancing act. This is particularly
“Finding the best food true if there are multiple food
alternatives to your allergies involved, as the alternatives
to one allergen may not be the ideal
• At the Indian, choose saag aloo in
Vitamins A, B1, B2, B12, D, B5, calcium, magnesium, Meats, legumes, egg, nuts, mushrooms, fish, bright
selenium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus vegetables
Vitamins B1, B2, B6, folic acid, calcium, phosphorus, Meats, legumes, egg, nuts, peas, seeds, milk and
magnesium, iron, zinc dried fruits
Rice, wheat-free oats, corn, quinoa, amaranth, soy,
Gluten/wheat Vitamins B1, B2, B3, iron, zinc, selenium, chromium legumes, egg, milk, nuts, seeds, apples, bananas,
spinach and potatoes
Vitamin B12, B2, B5, biotin, selenium, iron, folic acid, Meats, legumes, beans, lentils, wholegrains, nuts,
vitamin E, chromium leafy green vegetables, fish and dried fruits
Vitamin E, biotin, copper, folic acid, vitamin B3, Whole grains, vegetable oils, soy, egg,
magnesium, manganese, chromium other legumes
Vitamins B6, B3, E, A, phosphorus, selenium, Fortified gluten-free wholegrains, meats, oils, soy,
Fish or shellfish
omega-3, folic acid, copper, zinc, potassium seeds, nuts, milk and eggs
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
31.7g 6.3g 0.5g 22g 23g
6-8 baby carrots 10-12 flaxseeds crackers 1 Preheat the oven to 180°C.
6-8 baby zucchini (optional) 3-4 lettuce leaves 2 Place all the hummus ingredients into a food processor and blend
for 2-3 minutes until smooth, then set aside.
6-8 mini red capsicums 1 tsp mixed dried herbs
3 Place the baby carrots, baby zucchini and mini red capsicums into
olive oil, for roasting of your choice a baking tray, then drizzle with olive oil, salt, pepper and paprika
FOR THE HUMMUS (optional). Give the tray a shake so all the vegetables are coated in
salt and freshly ground
oil, then bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes until soft.
black pepper 400ml (14fl oz) tinned
4 Ten minutes before the vegetables are cooked, place the falafels
½ tsp paprika (optional) chickpeas, drained, rinsed
on to the baking tray.
12-14 gluten-free falafels 1 tbsp tahini 5 Cut the eggplant and zucchini into 5mm (¼in) thick slices and place
1 garlic clove, peeled them on a preheated griddle pan. Grill the veggies on each side for
1 eggplant
2-3 minutes.
1 zucchini juice of ½ a lemon
6 Remove from the pan and place in a bowl. Drizzle over some olive
175g (6oz) olives ½ tsp cumin powder oil and sprinkle over some dried mixed herbs, salt and pepper
salt and freshly ground to taste.
125g (4½oz) unsweetened
black pepper 7 To assemble the platter, cover a large plate or cheeseboard with
coconut yoghurt
lettuce leaves. Place the baked falafels and the hummus and
½ an avocado yoghurt into small dipping bowls. Arrange all the veggies, avocado
and cherry tomatoes on the plate and add the flaxseed crackers.
10-12 sweet cherry tomatoes
You can either scatter the olives between the veggies or you can
serve them in a small bowls. Serve straight away and enjoy!
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
25.2g 9.6g 1.5g 12.2g 57.7g
2 large potatoes, chopped into chips 1 Preheat the oven to 180°C and line 2 4 After about 15 minutes, dip the fish in the
baking trays with greaseproof paper. batter, turn the chips over and place the
2 tbsp olive oil
Set aside. fish on the baking tray. Bake for no more
½ tsp ground turmeric, plus an 2 Place the chips on one of the baking trays than 12 minutes or until golden.
extra ½ tsp for the chips and coat with 1 tbsp olive oil and ½ tsp 5 Boil the peas in salted water and place
turmeric and season well. Place in the in a side bown. Combine the coconut
1 tsp sea salt
oven and bake until crisp. yoghurt with the dill, gherkins and
freshly cracked black pepper 3 Prep the fish batter by combining the seasoning. Serve and enjoy.
2 tbsp gram flour remaining turmeric, salt, pepper, 1 tbsp
olive oil, gram and tapioca flours and
1 tbsp tapioca flour
whisk well, adding in the water a little at
4 tbsp water a time. If the batter is too thick, add more
water. If it's too watery, add more gram
2 cod fillets
flour. It should be a golden thick batter.
160g (5½oz) frozen peas
4 tbsp coconut yoghurt
1 tbsp dill, finely chopped
2 small gherkins, finely chopped
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
22.8g 3.8g 1.2g 11.2g 23.3g
FOR THE HUMMUS 1 carrot, peeled, grated 1 Preheat the oven to 180°C. Blend all the hummus ingredients
together in a food processor for 2-3 minutes until smooth.
400ml (14fl oz) chickpeas, pinch of salt
Set aside.
drained, rinsed 7-8 chestnut mushrooms 2 Place the purple cabbage in a bowl with the lemon juice, apple
1 tbsp tahini paste drizzle of olive oil cider vinegar, carrot and salt. Massage, then set aside
1 garlic clove, peeled 3 For the guacamole, mix together the avocado, lemon juice, salt and
2 tbsp tamari
pepper. Set aside.
juice of ½ a lemon 1 chilli, sliced (optional) 4 Slice the mushrooms and place in a pan with a splash of olive oil,
½ tsp cumin powder 2 veggie patties tamari and chilli (if using). Cook on a medium heat for 5-7 minutes
salt and freshly ground until the water has evaporated. Meanwhile, place the veggie patties
140g (5oz) collard greens
in the oven for 15-20 minutes.
black pepper
FOR THE GUACAMOLE 5 To assemble, de-stem the collard greens. Spread the hummus
FOR THE FILLING on top, add three slices of the bake, a dollop of guacamole,
1 avocado, peeled, mashed
75g (2¾oz) purple cabbage, some purple cabbage, the mushrooms and carrot to each. Wrap,
juice of ½ a lemon then halve.
finely sliced
salt and freshly ground
1 tbsp lemon juice
black pepper, to taste
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
32.9g 6.7g 0.9g 9.8g 14.9g
Cumin-roasted pumpkin
By Angela Warren (
Serves 1 | Prep 20 mins | Cook 30 mins | Calories 522 (per serving)
FOR THE PUMPKIN ¼ tsp ground cumin 1 Preheat the oven to 180ºC. Line a baking sheet or grease with
coconut oil.
½ a pumpkin, cut into 1cm 1 tsp tamari
2 Toss the pumpkin slices in olive oil, then sprinkle over the cumin
(½in) rings, seeds removed 1 tsp rice vinegar and salt. Lay on the baking sheet and bake for 30 minutes, or until
1 tbsp olive oil a small bunch of coriander, lightly golden on the edges, flipping over halfway.
¼ tsp ground cumin roughly chopped 3 Heat a frying pan and add the coconut oil. Stir fry the leek and
ginger for a 2-3 minutes until softened and fragrant. Add the
a large pinch of sea salt FOR THE DRESSING asparagus and stir-fry for another 2 minutes. Add the celeriac,
FOR THE RICE 1 tbsp tahini cumin, tamari and rice vinegar. Stir-fry until the celeriac has
softened. Remove from heat. Stir in the coriander.
½ tsp coconut oil, plus ¼ tsp matcha powder
4 In a small bowl, whisk together the dressing ingredients. Arrange
extra for greasing juice of ¼ a lemon the rocket on a plate. Add the celeriac rice, then lay the pumpkin
1 small leek, washed, a pinch of sea salt on top. Drizzle with dressing and scatter over toasted coconut.
trimmed, finely sliced
1-2 tbsp water if needed
25g (1oz) ginger, chopped
rocket leaves and toasted
3 asparagus spears, coconut, to serve
trimmed, chopped
¼ a celeriac, peeled, riced
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
34.2g 8.2g 0.5g 6g 14.2g
Kale, pea & ricotta cakes with sweet potato chips
By Waitrose (
Serves 6 | Prep 20 mins | Cook 30 mins | Calories 363 (per serving)
3 sweet potatoes 1 Preheat the oven to 200°C. Cut the sweet 3 Grate the zest from the lemon, then
potatoes into chunky chips and toss with add to the food processor with the
2 tbsp olive oil
a little oil and the cayenne. Spread out remaining ingredients. Pulse to make a
½ tsp cayenne pepper evenly in a large non-stick baking tray and coarse mixture.
roast for 25-30 minutes, stirring once or 4 Heat a little oil in a large non-stick frying
250g (9oz) packet of kale
twice until tender and nicely browned. pan and cook spoonfuls of the mixture,
190g (6¾oz) peas 2 Meanwhile, cook the kale in a large pan in batches, for 4-5 minutes each side until
1 lemon of boiling water for 1 minute, then add golden. Keep warm in the oven while you
the peas and cook for a further 2 minutes cook the remainder – you should have 18
4 salad onions, thinly sliced until the kale has wilted. Drain well, then in total. Serve with the sweet potato chips
250g (9oz) ricotta pat dry with kitchen paper and transfer and lemon wedges.
the kale and peas to a food processor.
2 tbsp Parmigiano Reggiano, grated
3 free-range eggs
75g (2¾oz) gluten-free breadcrumbs
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
12.1g 4.6g 0.4g 3.9g 15.4g
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
49.3g 6.1g 0.5g 8.5g 30.5g
The perfect
light meal for
a sultry lunch!
150g (5½oz) cherry tomatoes, halved 1 Preheat the oven to 150°C. 8 In a mixing bowl, toss the broccolini,
2 Place the cherry tomatoes on a baking asparagus, zucchini and edamame beans
a drizzle of olive oil
tray, drizzle over a little olive oil, season with the basil dressing (reserve a little
salt and freshly ground black pepper with salt and pepper, then roast for dressing to garnish). Sprinkle with the
45 minutes. toasted sesame seeds and chilli flakes
2 zucchini
(if using).
3 Place all the dressing ingredients in a
100g (3½oz) asparagus 9 To plate up the salad, start by layering the
blender or food processor and blend
100g (3½oz) broccolini until smooth. rocket, the grilled vegetables, the roasted
tomatoes and the beetroot burger, cut
75g (2¾oz) edamame beans 4 Heat a griddle pan with a drizzle of olive
into strips. Drizzle over some extra basil
oil. Slice the zucchini into thick slices,
1 gluten-free beetroot burger dressing and sprinkle generously with the
then cook on the griddle pan until cooked
toasted sesame seeds, basil leaves and
a handful of rocket through and lightly charred.
chilli flakes.
FOR THE BASIL DRESSING 5 Remove the zucchini, then cook the
asparagus, broccolini and edamame
a handful basil leaves, plus beans on the griddle pan for a few
extra to garnish minutes until cooked through.
½ a garlic clove, peeled 6 Reheat the oven to 180°C and cook
the burger.
juice of 1 lemon
7 Toast the sesame seeds in pan on a
salt and freshly ground black pepper medium heat for about 5 minutes. Give
40g (1½oz) sunflower seeds (optional) the pan a shake from time to time.
40g (1½oz) sesame seeds
½ tsp chilli flakes (optional)
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
7.9g 1.1g 0.2g 7.1g 9.3g
FOR THE BREADSTICKS 1 Preheat the oven to 220ºC. 9 Place in the oven with the carrots (give
2 Add the carrot slices, cumin seeds and them a poke to check if they are soft)
125g (4½oz) gluten-free self-raising flour
whole garlic cloves to a baking tray and and bake for around 10-15 minutes
a pinch of salt drizzle with olive oil, shaking the tray depending upon how hard you like them
to coat everything in the oil. Bake in (the longer you leave them, the harder
⁄8 tsp xanthan gum
the oven for 20-25 minutes until soft they’ll get). Once you are happy that the
1 tsp olive oil and golden. carrots are soft and the breadsticks are
hard, remove everything from the oven.
70ml (2½fl oz) water 3 Before starting the breadsticks, line or
grease a large baking tray. 10 Allow the carrot mix to cool a little before
FOR THE DIP peeling the garlic cloves and discarding
4 Put the dry ingredients into a bowl and
400g (14oz) organic carrots, peeled, the ‘skin’, leaving the soft inside.
stir well to combine.
chopped into thin slices 11 Put the carrots, seeds, garlic (minus skin),
5 Add the liquid ingredients and bring
olive oil, chickpeas and lemon juice into a
1 tsp cumin seeds together into a dough using your hands.
food processor or blender and combine
2 garlic cloves, with skin on 6 Remove cherry tomato-sized pieces of until smooth.
dough from the bowl and roll into a ball.
30ml (1¼fl oz) olive oil, plus 12 Season to taste and serve, or store in the
Using the palm of your hand, roll the balls
fridge for up to 3 days in a
extra for drizzling out into thin sticks about 30cm (14in)
sealed container.
200g (7oz) chickpeas long, or to fit your baking tray.
7 Gently move them to the tray and
juice of 1 lemon
continue until all the dough is used up.
salt and freshly ground black pepper 8 Sprinkle with seeds (not sesame if you’re
avoiding all allergens) or herbs if you like.
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
8.5g 1.9g 0.2g 1.8g 4.5g
600g (1lb 4oz) potatoes, 2 tbsp fresh thyme leaves 1 Preheat the oven to 200°C.
cut in half 2 Parboil the potatoes for 5-7 minutes, drain, then place in a roasting
salt and freshly ground
tin. Toss in the oil, garlic, fresh thyme and seasoning. Roast for 30
2 tbsp olive oil black pepper minutes or until golden and crispy.
2 garlic cloves, peeled, crushed 25g (1oz) Parmesan, grated 3 Sprinkle with Parmesan once removed from the oven and serve.
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
15.3g 11.9g 1.5g 6.3g 35g
Noodle salad
By Rens Kroes
Serves 3 | Prep 10 mins | Cook 30 mins | Calories 493 (per serving)
250g (9oz) green beans 4 spring onions, 1 Clean the beans and cook in boiling water until al dente. Drain.
finely chopped Cook the soba noodles in a pot of boiling water as well. Drain and
150g (5½oz) soba noodles
transfer the noodles to a sieve and rinse with cold water. Heat the
(buckwheat) 5cm (2in) piece of ginger, grill pan.
250g (9oz) cod fillets finely chopped 2 Rub the cod with lime juice, salt, pepper and turmeric. Grill the fish
300g (10½oz) shiitake for 10 minutes, turning it carefully after 5 minutes.
juice of ½ a lime
mushrooms, sliced 3 Heat 1 tsp coconut oil or ghee in a frying pan and sauté the onion,
salt and freshly ground garlic, spring onions, ginger and mushrooms for 1-2 minutes. Stir in
black pepper, to taste 6 tbsp plus 2 tsp coconut milk
the coconut milk, veggie powder, tamari, cayenne and green beans.
½ tsp turmeric 1 tsp veggie powder Simmer for a few minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the drained
noodles, toss to combine, and transfer to a bowl.
coconut oil or ghee, for frying 2 tbsp tamari
4 Place the fish on top of the noodles and veg and sprinkle
1 small onion, peeled, a pinch of cayenne with beansprouts.
finely chopped a small handful of
1 garlic clove, peeled, beansprouts
finely chopped
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
2.8g 2g 0.1g 0.8g 2.3g
3 sweet potatoes 1 Preheat the oven to 160°C. Scrub the sweet potatoes under the tap The recipes on pages
and dry thoroughly. Slice into paper-thin slices using a mandoline 60 and 61 are taken
1 tbsp coconut oil
or cheese slicer and place in a bowl. from Power Food
2 tsp thyme, dried or fresh 2 Melt the coconut oil, if necessary, and add it to the sweet potato On the Go by Rens
slices along with the thyme and a bit of salt. Toss carefully Kroes, published by
a pinch of salt
to combine. Murdoch Books.
(RRP $24.99).
3 Spread the raw chips on a baking sheet. Make sure they are not
layered on top of each other; otherwise they won’t get crispy. Bake
until crispy, 20-30 minutes (depending on your oven). Keep your
eye on their progress to make sure they don’t burn. Flip the chips
about 10 minutes in.
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
17.8g 3.8g 0.2g 12.3g 24.3g
Chickpea pastini
By Waitrose (
Serves 4 | Prep 10 mins | Cook 55 mins | Calories 570 (per serving)
2 tbsp olive oil 1 tsp clear honey 1 Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan and cook the onion for 5
minutes until starting to soften. Stir in the garlic and cook for
1 onion, peeled, 500ml (18fl oz) vegetable stock
1 minute.
finely chopped 250g (9oz) gluten-free pasta 2 Tip in the tomatoes and cook, covered, for a further 20 minutes
2 garlic cloves, peeled, 400g (14oz) chickpeas, drained until wilted down and pulpy, then stir in the tomato paste, honey
finely chopped and stock and bring to the boil.
4 tbsp grated Parmigiano
500g (1lb 1oz) fresh tomatoes, 3 Add the pasta, cover and simmer gently for 20 minutes until
Reggiano, to serve the pasta is cooked through and the liquid has reduced to give
roughly chopped
a thickened sauce. Stir in the chickpeas and cook for 5 minutes.
1 tbsp sun-dried tomato paste Divide between plates with fresh Parmigiano Reggiano sprinkled
on top.
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
24.2g 5.3g 0.5g 19.3g 7g
Griddled broccolini
By Tenderstem® (
Serves 4 | Prep 5 mins | Cook 5 mins | Calories 342 (per serving)
200g (7oz) broccolini 50g (1¾oz) pecans, 1 Toss the broccolini in the rapeseed oil so that it is lightly coated.
2 tbsp rapeseed oil roughly chopped 2 Heat a griddle pan until it is smoking hot and place the broccolini
on it. Cook for a minute on each side.
80g (3oz) blue cheese, 6 tbsp maple syrup
3 Once cooked, place in a serving dish and crumble over the blue
crumbled salt and freshly ground cheese, chopped pecans and drizzle with maple syrup. Season with
black pepper salt and pepper.
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
8.7g 0.9g 0.2g 12.9g 14.1g
FOR THE LENTILS 2 x 400g (14oz) tins of 1 Put the lentils in a saucepan with 710ml
(1¼pt) water and a pinch of salt. Bring to
160g (5½oz) Puy lentils, chopped tomatoes
a boil, then reduce the heat to medium-
soaked for 1 hour, drained a pinch of saffron This recipe is
low, cover with a lid and cook for 18-20
taken from The
FOR THE STEW threads (optional) minutes. Drain in a colander.
New Nourishing by
a large handful of fresh baby 2 Meanwhile, heat a thin layer of oil in a Leah Vanderveldt,
olive oil, for frying
frying pan over a medium heat. Add the photography by
spinach, roughly chopped
1 small red onion, onion and capsicum, season with salt and Clare Winfield,
peeled, finely diced 1 tbsp harissa sauté for 4-6 minutes, covered, until the published by Ryland
onion is translucent. Stir in the tomato Peters & Small.
1 yellow capsicum, 1 tbsp honey
purée and cook for 1 minute. Add the (RRP $34.99)
deseeded, finely diced salt, to taste spices and garlic and cook for 30 seconds.
Stir in the tomatoes and saffron (if using).
2 tbsp tomato purée freshly chopped parsley
Cover and simmer over a medium-low
2 tsp sweet smoked paprika or coriander, to serve
heat for 15 minutes. Add the lentils and
1 tsp ground cumin toasted gluten-free bread, cook for 10 minutes, until the liquid has
flatbread or pita, to serve slightly reduced. Stir in the spinach and
½ tsp ground coriander let it wilt. Remove from the heat and
2 garlic cloves, peeled, stir in the harissa and honey. Serve with
herbs and bread.
finely chopped
Lucinda Dennis, age 29
Founder of
@Lucindadennis @snowluxeofficial
f r o m S Y N E R G Y N AT U R A L
30 Minutes Or Less by
Martina Slajerova,
his umbrella term of ‘keto diet’ can This is a state in which the body burns fats instead published by Fair
include diets such as the Atkins diet, of carbohydrates as its main fuel source. When we Winds Press. (RRP
Dukan diet and LCHF (low carb, high don’t eat carbs, the liver breaks down fat stores to
fat) diets, although the ratios of fat, produce energy. This energy is in the form of (and
protein and carbs and other specific also creates) molecules called ‘ketones’.
features of each diet can vary. Our bodies are incredibly adaptive to what you
put into them – when you overload it with fats
WHAT IS KETOSIS? and take away carbohydrates, it will begin to burn
Under normal circumstances, our body uses ketones as the primary energy source. Optimal
glucose from carbohydrate foods for energy. In the ketone levels offer many health, weight loss,
absence of glucose a process called ketosis occurs. physical and mental performance benefits.
✗ All grains and grain-based foods such as
bread, pasta, rice, crackers, pizza, etc.
✗ All foods high in carbs and sugar such
as cakes, cookies, ice-cream, agave
syrup, honey, tropical fruit and most
high-sugar fruit, dried fruit, cocktails,
beer, etc.
✗ All processed, inflammatory fats such as
margarine, vegetable oil, canola oil, etc.
and processed products containing soy
✗ Products labelled ‘low-fat’ and
processed products labelled ‘low-carb'
✗ Condiments and foods that include
carrageenan, MSG, sulphites, or
artificial sweeteners
✗ Factory-farmed pork
✗ Farmed fish, fish high in mercury, and
unsustainable fish
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
32.5g 10.2g 1g 7g 55g
ZINGY GREEN SLAW 1 garlic clove, peeled, minced 1 For the slaw, using your food processor’s slicing blade, thinly slice
the cabbage and fennel, then place in a large mixing bowl. Add
1 small green cabbage 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
the spring onions, mayonnaise, lemon juice, olive oil, and parsley.
1 fennel bulb 1 tsp onion powder, or Season with salt and pepper to taste, and mix well.
4 spring onions, sliced 1 small white onion, 2 To make the dressing, mix all the ingredients in a bowl.
peeled, minced 3 To make the goujons, slice the chicken breasts into strips about
110g (4oz) mayonnaise
salt and freshly ground 1cm (½in) thick. Place in a bowl with the Parmesan and roll to
60ml (2fl oz) fresh lemon juice coat well. Heat a pan greased with the ghee over a medium-high
black pepper
2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil heat. Once hot, add the goujons, and fry until golden brown on
FOR THE CHICKEN GOUJONS both sides. Work in batches: do not overfill the pan. Use a rubber
15g (½oz) parsley, chopped spatula to flip the chicken halfway through cooking, keeping
900g (2lb) skinless, boneless
salt and freshly ground pepper as much of the Parmesan crust as possible on the goujons.
chicken breasts (Alternatively, preheat the oven to 200°C and bake the chicken for
FOR THE THOUSAND 180g (6oz) grated 20-25 minutes. Serve with the slaw and the prepared dressing on
ISLAND DRESSING Parmesan cheese the side).
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
3.6g 0.6g 0.1g 0g 2.3g
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
18.6g 12.2g 0.15g 11g 2.3g
Triple-layer frozen
cheesecake bites
By Martina Slajerova
Makes 6 | Prep 15 mins | Freezing time 15 mins |
TIPS: dip the CRACKERS Calories 203 (per bite)
in guacamole or Creamy
Crab Dip, or top them with FOR THE CHOCOLATE 1 tbsp powdered erythritol,
butter or Chicken Liver Pâté
GANACHE LAYER or 3-5 drops of liquid
55g (2oz) dark chocolate stevia extract
(85% cacao or more) 1
⁄8 tsp salt
ver half of women who have been focus on your plans. All it takes are some simple
on holiday (54 per cent) have had changes like making sure you drink plenty of
their holiday spoilt by a health water. Reducing processed, salty and sugary
issue, according to a new poll food can also help keep bowels regular and
commissioned by constipation reduce bloating.
treatment Dulcolax.
It’s awful when you become unwell on holiday PRE-HOLIDAY GUT DETOX
or something happens to spoil it – you don’t Don’t hit the gym before you go on holiday.
want anything to get in the way of your precious Instead, focus on your gut health and try this pre-
time off. Unfortunately, digestive problems such holiday plan to get your body intop shape.
as constipation or diarrhoea are common due
to the change in your routine. Spending more ✓ Banish body clock blues
time sitting in a car, or on a plane or by the The gut is a creature of habit and loves routine, so
pool and eating different foods at odd times can if you’re crossing time zones it’s likely your bowel
cause problems and really affect how you feel. will be disrupted. Make gradual adjustments to
Luckily, there are many ways to prevent these your routine in the weeks before your holiday by
problems. Sneak in a daily walk or swim to keep going to bed a few hours earlier or later to help
the gut moving. Eat and go to the toilet at regular your body adjust to the new time zone slowly.
times and ensure you are eating lots of fibre like
wholegrains, nuts and vegetables. ✓ Water is key
If you’re gluten-free, you may be particularly Dry airplane air and hot, sweat-inducing
at risk of constipation since lots of people get destinations can make us constipated and bloated.
most of their fibre from wholegrain bread Making sure you’re properly hydrated in the days
products, and unfortunately many gluten-free before can help counteract this and keep your
breads contain little fibre. It might be harder digestive system working at its best.
to find gluten-free products on holiday, so take
some high-fibre snacks with you like gluten-free ✓ Move it
oatcakes, seeds to sprinkle on your fruit and It’s really important to get in even gentle exercise
yoghurt at breakfast, and nuts. while you’re away to keep everything moving, so
you might want to start with a short walk or by
practising some simple yoga positions that you
“Sneak in a daily can do in your hotel room. Twisting moves might
be particularly helpful for stimulating the bowels.
walk or swim to keep the
gut moving.” ✓ Fabulous fibre
High-fibre foods are vital to keep things moving
is a Nutrition
through our guts, and luckily there are many
Consultant, gut
expert and health
MAKING CHANGES BEFORE YOU gluten-free options. Make sure you’re eating
writer with over 18 GO AWAY fresh fruit, green leafy vegetables and whole
years’ experience Perhaps because of how common health grains every day before you go away so that your
specialising in problems are on holiday, over 3 in 5 (67 per cent) bowels aren’t bunged up. Products made from
women change their health and exercise habits in alternative grains like brown rice, chickpea flour
disorders. Kate
the run up: 41 per cent eat more healthily, almost and buckwheat are also good options.
Arnold does not
endorse Dulcolax or a quarter (23 per cent) try to tone up, and about
any other medicine. one in 10 (11 per cent) cut out sugar in a bid to ✗ What not to do
prepare for their holiday. Certain foods and drinks can be particularly
A last-minute health kick before a holiday can problematic for our guts, so it’s best to avoid or
produce short-term results, but making extreme reduce your intake before the extra strain that
changes fast can be bad for your health. To make holidays can cause. Sugary foods may clog up
sure you feel comfortable and confident during your digestion and alcohol can be dehydrating.
your break, optimising your gut health is the
most effective way to bring long-term benefits.
Having a strong, healthy bowel means you CONNECT WITH US
nourishmagoz nourishoz nourish_au nourishmagoz
won’t feel bloated or sluggish, so you’re free to
igestion. The long-winded, curiouser world of detoxes. Allow me
complex, chemistry- to guide you through the rabbit hole.
based biochemical
24-hour process that we TOXINS...WHAT THE?
all inherently undergo Never before have I seen such a
day after day, year after year without bamboozling array of products
conscious effort. The absorption claiming to be the latest answer to
of our food and drink (which every gastric issue you could ever have
ultimately provides us with energy dreamed of (and maybe even some
and nourishment) is a progressive that you never knew you had, until
multi-stage process not to be now!). Marketing pills and potions
underestimated nor its complexity to everyone and anyone whose aim
taken for granted. Is it any surprise it may be to shift a few pounds, beat
then that around 80 per cent of us the bloat, turn the stop valve on
experience some sort of disturbance their leaky-gut issues and, well, quite
during digestion on an all-too-regular literally flush themselves out. Teas
basis, with symptoms ranging from and tablets, diets that exclude all food
embarrassing, discomforting and and nourishment except in the form
annoying to downright painful, of liquidised greens (aka baby food),
agonising and debilitating. With more desperate souls surviving only on
than 100 different digestive disorders soup. I’ve seen and heard it all. Sigh. I
and diseases recognised in medical don’t know about you, but any form of
diagnostic journals, perhaps this dietary programme that excludes my
exact reason has led you to pick up a daily fix of chewable food items is a
copy of our magazine, in search of a no-go. But there’s got to be something
solution to digestive difficulties from a beneficial about these diets, right?
free-from lifestyle. Just with all bodily The main guise behind such
malfunctions, we are desperately in extreme periods of restriction is formation.” In other words, toxins
search of a fix, an antidote that will rid thus: the promise of toxin expulsion. aren’t something you want in your
us of our woes. So before we launch into our body. Seems simple enough, just
What if I told you, a la Alice in investigation, you may be asking don’t consume them in the first place.
Wonderland, there was an ominous- yourself what the juice is a toxin? Not quite.
looking potion labelled ‘Drink me’ that Allow scientific dictionary Merriam- Turns out, you can’t escape. Not
could offer you a simple one-shot- Webster to enlighten you: “A even the most health-concerned of
cures-all cleansing solution to your poisonous substance that is a specific folk, immaculate diet and regular
every digestive need? The benefits product of the metabolic activities exercise programme included, would
of which are only anecdotally tested. of a living organism and is usually be able to avoid some of the most
The side effects, not fully explored. very unstable, notably toxic when common environmental pollutants
The risk to your health, uncertain. introduced into the tissues, and found lurking in aspects of our daily
Welcome to the curiouser and typically capable of inducing antibody lives. Air pollution, cosmetic products,
Certain herbal elements of teas can
NOTHING BUT reap enormous bodily benefits.
‘free radicals’ and, when left to their conditions such as psoriasis and to help aid the body to expel all
own devices, these free radicals cause eczema, intolerances to specific things harmful. The program
havoc inside our cells. They actively foods or food groups and elevated should also enable the body to enter
seek out stabilisation by altering the liver enzyme levels. All these can a state of homeostatic, anabolic
biochemistry of our DNA, proteins cause digestive complaints such as repair, empowering a zen-like calm
and lipids (constituent elements of constipation, bloating, gas and nausea. to overpower the turbulence of
cells), and by doing so, ultimately normal biological reactions. Much
affect their functionality. It’s when DOES WHAT IT SAYS ON like an internal spa retreat in Maui,
these toxins begin to accumulate THE TIN? holistically restorative and calming
in the body that they begin to slow With all this being said, there seems your body from the inside.
your body down and build-up good reasoning behind the need for us Could it be that detoxing
inside our cells, impacting on their to rid our bodies of such destructive programmes of late are the modern-
ability to serve their purpose on a matter. And heaven knows there is a day equivalent to a package holiday?
metabolic level. plethora of methods available for you Looks promising from the brochure,
The symptoms of excessive to experiment with in order to help seemingly covers all the bases and
toxicity vary from person to person. you along your pathway to purity. you anticipate to leave feeling revived
Commonly occurring symptoms Delivering as much as they promise? and replenished. When in reality you
include chronic or reoccurring In order for a detoxing program to end up with a budget hotel, a dodgy
infections, inflammation of glands, work it needs to contain nutritional stomach and a sense that you’ve been
newly developing allergies, skin elements that have been proven royally ripped off.
Recipe taken
from The New
Nourishing by
Leah Vanderveldt,
photography by
Clare Winfield,
published by
Ryland Peters
& Small. (RRP
Butternut pumpkin
noodle bowl
By Leah Vanderveldt
Serves 2 | Prep 15 mins | Cook 20 mins |
Calories 307 (per serving)
Oriental beef, orange & star anise pot
By Nicola Graimes and Cathy Seward
Serves 6 | Prep 20 mins | Cook 5-8 hrs | Calories 359 (per serving)
1 Season the flour with salt and pepper on 4 Cover and cook on low for 7-8 hours, or
a plate. Add the beef and turn to lightly high for 5-6 hours, until the pumpkin and
coat in the flour. beef are tender. Thirty minutes before
2 Heat half the coconut oil in a large frying the end of the cooking time, add the
pan. Add half the beef and cook until broccolini, pushing it gently into the stew.
browned all over, about 10 minutes. Add a splash more hot water, if needed.
Remove with a slotted spoon and set to Cover and cook until the broccolini is
one side, then brown the remaining beef, tender, but still retains its colour. Season
adding more oil, if needed. Return the with salt and pepper and serve with
beef to the pan, pour in 200ml (7fl oz) hot steamed brown rice.
water and stir to remove any bits stuck to
the bottom.
3 Transfer the beef and liquid to the slow
cooker pot and stir in the onions, star
anise, five spice, ginger, orange juice,
tamari and pumpkin.
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
16.9g 5.4g 0.4g 0.9g 46.1g
50g (2oz) fresh gluten-free breadcrumbs 1 Preheat the oven to 180°C. 5 Carefully, using tongs, dip the rack
2 Place the breadcrumbs, cheese and into the egg and coat, then into the
12g (½oz) Parmesan, grated
seasoning in a bowl and mix together. breadcrumbs. Place the racks onto the
salt and freshly ground black pepper preheated baking tray, then bake in the
3 Put the chopped rosemary onto a plate
oven for 20-25 minutes, until the coating
3 rosemary sprigs, finely chopped and add the rack of lamb. Press the
is golden brown and the lamb is still nice
rosemary into the lamb on all sides.
2 lamb racks, each rack with 3 bones and pink.
4 Pour the oil into a frying pan and heat.
1 tbsp olive oil 6 Serve with mixed seasonal salad and
Add the lamb racks and brown on all
roasted potatoes.
1 free-range egg, beaten sides. Preheat a baking tray in the oven.
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
23.2g 3.2g 0.5g 3.5g 38g
Pesto chicken
By Dr Joan Ransley for Love Your Gut (
Serves 4 | Prep 15 mins | Cook 15 mins | Calories 391 (per serving)
2 tbsp olive oil 1 Pour a little olive oil into a large non- 2 While the chicken is cooking, boil/
stick frying pan and heat gently. Add the steam the green beans for 5 minutes
4 skinless chicken breasts
chicken breasts and cook each side for 5 until tender.
150g (5½oz) green beans, trimmed minutes until golden brown. Check the 3 Place the cannellini beans in a bowl with
chicken is cooked by piercing the flesh the tomatoes, cooked green beans, spring
400g (14oz) tinned cannellini
with a skewer. The juices should run onion and torn basil leaves. Add the
beans, drained clear with no sign of blood and the skin extra-virgin olive oil, a squeeze of lemon
12 cherry tomatoes, halved should be golden. Remove from the pan and season to taste.
and cover with foil until you are ready
1 spring onion, sliced 4 Slice the chicken and place on the beans,
to assemble.
then drizzle with the pesto.
a small bunch of fresh basil, torn
1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
juice of ½ a lemon
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
4 tbsp dairy-free pesto
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
29.5g 3.5g 0.25g 10.9g 28.5g
1 leek, sliced, plus ½ a leek, finely chopped 1 Preheat the oven to 180°C. your hands until evenly
2 Put the leek and mushrooms mixed. Add the leek and
10 mushrooms, finely chopped
in a baking dish. Add the mushroom mixture and mix
2 sprigs of fresh thyme, chopped thyme and seasoning. Pour again. Divide the mixture into
3 tbsp oil over the top and four portions and shape into
5 tbsp olive oil
bake in the oven for 15-20 patties. Press each burger
1 potato, peeled, chopped minutes until soft and down to make them nice
browned. Remove from the and flat.
1 sweet potato, peeled, chopped
oven and set aside. 5 After baking the vegetables
½ a butternut pumpkin, peeled, chopped for 20 minutes, remove from
3 Bring a saucepan of water to
1 carrot, peeled, chopped the boil. Add the remaining ½ the oven. Make small spaces
a leek, potato, sweet potato, between the vegetables
1 red onion, peeled, roughly chopped and nestle the burgers in
pumpkin and carrot and boil
2 garlic cloves, peeled, finely chopped for 5 minutes. Drain the veg the gaps.
1 sprig of fresh rosemary, chopped and put in a baking dish. 6 Return to the oven for 20-
Add the onion, garlic and 25 minutes, turning over
420g (15oz) lean minced beef rosemary and drizzle the halfway through cooking. Put
1½ tbsp fresh gluten-free breadcrumbs remaining olive oil over the a spoonful of mustard mayo
top. Mix to coat and bake in on top of each burger and Recipe taken from
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper the oven for 20 minutes. top each with two cooked 101 Burgers & Sliders
homemade mustard mayo 4 For the burgers, put the green beans, if liked. Serve by Miranda Ballard,
beef in a bowl with the with mixed green vegetables published by Ryland
mixed green vegetables of choice of your choice.
breadcrumbs and salt and Peters & Small.
pepper. Work together with
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
9.1g 4g 1.2g 5.6g 13g
100ml (3½fl oz) coconut milk 1 Heat 1 tbsp coconut milk in a frying pan 6 Stir the spinach through the curry and
over a medium heat, add the curry paste, cook until wilted, about 1-2 minutes.
1 tbsp red Thai curry paste
then cook for 1 minute, stirring. Add the Taste and season with salt, pepper and
230-250g (8-9oz) firm tofu, chopped tofu to the pan and stir over a high heat lime juice, then serve with the rice.
for about 3 minutes. 7 Feel free to add extra roasted veg on the
100g (3½oz) tenderstem broccoli
2 Trim the broccolini and pour over boiling side instead of or in addition to the rice.
3 tbsp coconut cream water to cover. Leave while the tofu Top with sliced chill, if desired.
½ tbsp fish sauce is cooking, then drain well and add to
the pan.
½ tbsp brown sugar
3 Add the remaining coconut milk, coconut
300g (10½oz) rice, or similar, to serve cream, fish sauce and sugar.
100g (3½oz) baby spinach 4 Bring to the boil, reduce to a simmer and
cook for about 5 minutes until the tofu is
lime juice, to taste
heated through.
red chilli, finely sliced, to garnish 5 Meanwhile, heat the rice according to the
packet instructions.
300g (10½oz) brown rice noodles 1 Put the noodles into a large bowl, cover 11 Meanwhile, cook the noodles in boiling
with cold water and set aside. water for 3-4 minutes until just tender.
80g (2¾oz) shelled unsalted peanuts
2 Put the peanuts into a small bowl. Put the Drain in a colander, then rinse well with
1 large shallot, peeled, finely chopped shallots and garlic in another small bowl warm water.
1 large garlic clove, peeled, finely chopped and the prawns into a third bowl. 12 Return the wok to a low-medium heat
3 Put the tofu into a small bowl and snip in and add the remaining oil. Stir-fry the
200g (7oz) sustainable raw peeled prawns shallot and garlic for 2-3 minutes until just
the chives.
180g (6oz) firm silken-style tofu, soft but not golden. Increase the heat to
4 Put the tamarind, sugar, fish sauce and
medium-high, then add the prawns and
drained, cut into cubes lime juice into a saucepan.
cook for 2 minutes or until just pink. Add
½ a small bunch of fresh chives 5 In a jug, beat the eggs with the soy sauce, the tofu and chive mixture and cook for
coconut milk and chilli powder (if using). 1 minute. Add the egg mixture and stir
40g (1½oz) tamarind purée
Put the spring onions and coriander into a gently for 1 minute or until just set.
35g (1¼oz) brown sugar (or palm sugar) bowl.
13 Turn up the heat under the wok to high,
35ml (1¼fl oz) fish sauce (optional) 6 Set the bowls of ingredients by the stove then add the noodles along with the
in the order you’ve prepped them. tamarind sauce and toss well. Add the
juice of ½-1 lime, plus extra wedges
7 Put the saucepan with the tamarind spring onions, coriander and half the
2 large free-range eggs mixture over a low heat and stir until the peanuts, then stir. Taste and season.
1 tsp light gluten-free soy sauce sugar has dissolved. Taste and adjust the 14 Divide the pad Thai among 4 bowls
seasoning. It should be salty, sour and and serve scattered with the remaining
a pinch of hot chilli powder (optional) sweet (it may need an extra squeeze of peanuts, beansprouts, extra coriander
4 spring onions, chopped, lime). Keep on a low heat. and chilli slices.
plus extra to serve 8 Heat a large wok with 1 tbsp olive oil over
a medium-high heat.
a small bunch of fresh TIPS: This meal contains prebiotics,
9 Add the peanuts and cook, tossing which are foods that are non-digestible,
coriander, plus extra to serve regularly, for 2 minutes or until golden. and act like a food for the probiotics
1 tbsp coconut milk 10 Remove the peanuts, keeping the oil in (live microorganisms) in our gut.
a few slices of red chilli, to garnish the pan, then finely chop them. Let the
wok cool slightly while you do this.
1½ tbsp olive oil
a handful of ready-to-eat beansprouts
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
26.3g 18.3g 0.3g 8.5g 12.5g
Plant-based paella
By James Wythe (
Serves 4-5 | Prep 15 mins | Cook 40-45 mins | Calories 602 (per serving)
2 tbsp olive oil a pinch of chilli flakes 1 Heat the olive oil in a large pan with the crushed garlic, then add
all the vegetables, spices, juice of 1 lemon and a pinch of salt and
3 garlic cloves, peeled, crushed 3 lemons, 2 juiced, 1 wedged
pepper. Allow to cook down for 5 minutes.
180g (6oz) chestnut 400ml (14fl oz) tinned 2 Now add the coconut milk, stock, rice, saffron and another pinch of
mushrooms, sliced coconut milk salt and pepper, stirring well.
220g (8oz) baby tomatoes, 750ml (1¾pt) veg stock 3 Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer, covered, for 30-35
sliced into quarters (mixed minutes, stirring every 10 minutes.
400g (14oz) brown
coloured if you can) 4 Add the juice of another lemon and simmer for a further 5
basmati rice
minutes, or until the desired consistency.
10 asparagus shoots, sliced 1 tsp saffron 5 Serve with chopped fresh coriander and the remaining lemon, cut
1 large red capsicum, salt and freshly ground into wedges.
thinly sliced black pepper
250g (9oz) frozen peas fresh coriander
1 tsp cayenne pepper
2 tsp paprika
Great as an
evening meal, but
also works well as
a lunchbox filler
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
12.1g 5.7g 0.8g 10.5g 12.1g
Sauerkraut tart
By Rens Kroes
Serves 8 | Prep 20 mins | Cook 35 mins | Calories 420 (per serving)
100g (3½oz) raisins 1 Soak the raisins in a bowl of boiling water for about 15 minutes. The recipe on
Boil the sweet potatoes in water for about 15 minutes, or until fully this page is taken
1kg (2lb 20z) sweet potatoes, peeled, diced
cooked. Drain and cool. from Power Food
1 onion, peeled, finely chopped 2 Meanwhile, sauté the onion with a spoonful of coconut oil until On the Go by Rens
translucent. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Kroes, published by
coconut oil or ghee, for frying
Murdoch Books.
and greasing 3 Beat the eggs until fluffy in a bowl. Mash the potatoes and drain
(RRP $24.99).
the raisins. In the bowl with the beaten eggs, combine the raisins,
3 free-range eggs potatoes, sauerkraut, oat flour, onion, thyme and pepper. Crumble
400g (14oz) sauerkraut, drained half the feta into the bowl and stir well to combine. Transfer into a
28cm (11in) greased tart dish and crumble over the rest of the feta.
200g (7oz) wheat-free oat flour
4 Sprinkle with sunflower seeds, then bake in the oven for about
a small handful of thyme 35 minutes.
leaves, finely chopped
freshly ground black pepper, to taste
150g (5½oz) feta cheese
2-3 tbsp sunflower seeds
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
11g 2.4g 1.2g 8.4g 59g
2.5cm (1in) piece of root 700g (1lb 8oz) boneless, 1 Mix together the ginger, tamari, honey, garlic, sesame oil, rice
ginger, grated skinless chicken thighs, cut vinegar or cider vinegar, five spice and chilli sauce in a slow cooker
pot. Stir in the chicken.
3 tbsp tamari into large bite-sized chunks
2 Cover and cook on low for 6 hours, or high for 3 hours. Scoop out
1 tbsp honey 1½ tbsp cornflour the chicken and cover with foil. Stir the cornflour into a little water
6 spring onions, and add to the pot. Turn the slow cooker to high if cooking on low,
3 garlic cloves, peeled,
sliced diagonally and cook for 15 minutes, stirring until thickened.
finely chopped
3 Return the chicken to the pot with the white part of the spring
1 tsp sesame oil 200g (7oz) broccolini
onions, stirring. Cover and cook on high for another 1 hour until
1 tbsp rice vinegar or freshly cracked black pepper the chicken is tender.
apple cider vinegar 2 tsp sesame seeds 4 Steam the broccolini and divide it between serving plates then top
with the chicken. Spoon the sauce over and sprinkle with sesame
1 tsp Chinese five spice 2 tsp chopped coriander, seeds, the green parts of the spring onions and coriander. Serve
1½ tsp chilli sauce lime wedges and brown with lime wedges and rice.
rice, to serve
Pesto-baked cod with potato
& pea crush
By Waitrose (
Serves 4 | Prep 10 mins | Cook 15 mins |
Calories 481 (per serving)
a knob of butter
520g boneless cod fillets
4 tbsp basil pesto
2 tomatoes, seeded and chopped
700g (1lb 9oz) potatoes, diced
200g (7oz) frozen peas
finely grated zest and juice of
½ a lemon
Korean shiitake & noodle bowl
By Nicola Graimes and Cathy Seward
Serves 4 | Prep 25 mins | Cook 2½-3 hrs | Calories 494 (per serving)
1 For the crispy tofu, drain the tofu on 4 Stir any marinade left into the slow
paper towels, then cut it into 1cm (½in) cooker pot with the garlic, chilli sauce,
thick slices. Mix together the miso, edamame and broccoli. Cover, turn the
sesame oil and tamari. Add the tofu, turn temperature to high, and cook for 15-20
The recipe on and leave to marinate in the fridge. minutes until the broccoli is just tender.
this page is taken 2 Soak the shiitake for 15 minutes in 100ml Cook the noodles according to the packet
from Superfood (3½oz) boiled water. Put the shiitake and instructions. Drain and divide between 4
Slow Cooker by the soaking liquid into a slow cooker with bowls and scatter over the spring onions.
Nicola Graimes the ginger and kombu and 700ml (1½pt) Ladle the broth over the noodles and top
and Cathy Seward, hot water. Cover and cook on low for 3 with tofu and sesame seeds.
photography by hours, or high for 2 hours. Remove and
Peter Cassidy, discard the ginger and kombu.
published by Ryland
3 Meanwhile, continue with the tofu.
Peters & Small.
Heat the oil in a large frying pan over a
(RRP $44.99).
medium-high heat, remove the tofu from
the marinade and fry for 10-12 minutes,
turning once, until crisp and golden. Drain
the tofu.
Have a very merry
69 135 $
The jujube fruit is
also known as
the red date and
is a great natural
3 Add the mixed spice and agave and 6 Add a spoonful of the raisin mixture to
leave to simmer. Add a little more water each of the pastry cases then, using the
if needed. remaining pastry mixture, form a flat
circular shape and pop this on top.
4 For the pastry, drain the soaked jujube
fruits and add to a food processor with 7 Decorate with dried jujube fruit and
the buckwheat flour, ground almonds, repeat this for the other mince pies.
coconut oil, agave syrup, mixed spice and Bake in the oven for 10-12 minutes or
salt. Blend until well combined. until golden.
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
54.9g 39g 0.05g 4.5g 15g
FOR THE CAKE 1 tsp gf baking powder 1 Preheat the oven to 150˚C.
70g (2¾oz) coconut oil, melted ½ tsp bicarbonate of soda 2 Beat together the coconut oil, sweetener, unsweetened soy milk
and cocoa powder.
150g (5½oz) Natvia Natural ½ tsp xanthan gum
3 Add the almond flour, coconut flour, almond extract and vanilla
Sweetener (powdered FOR THE FROSTING followed by the unsweetened soy yoghurt.
in a blender)
225g (8oz) cashew nuts, 4 Add the baking powder, bicarb and xanthan gum, then beat until
250ml (9fl oz) unsweetened soaked overnight light and fluffy.
soy milk 5 Divide the mixture between two 17cm (7in) lined cake tins, then
100g (3½oz) coconut
bake in the oven for 40 minutes.
50g (1¾oz) cocoa powder oil, melted
6 Remove from the oven and cool in the tin.
75g (2¾oz) almond flour 125g (4½oz) Natvia icing mix 7 For the frosting, blend all the ingredients together until completely
30g (1¼oz) coconut flour 50g (1¾oz) cocoa powder smooth, then transfer to a mixer and beat until light and fluffy.
½ tsp almond extract Spread half the chocolate frosting over one cooled cake, sandwich
1½ tsp powdered vanilla with the other cake, then top with the remaining spread.
1½ tsp powdered vanilla 1 tsp almond extract
100ml (3½fl oz) unsweetened 60ml (2fl oz) coconut milk
soy yoghurt
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
22.6g 2.7g 0g 3.2g 9.4g
110g (4oz) cranberries 1 Preheat the oven to 160ºC. 6 After an hour, check that they are
2 Line 2 baking trays with greaseproof consistently golden all over – if not, leave
120g (4¼oz) linseeds them in for a few more minutes. Cooking
paper or silicon mats.
60g (2oz) pumpkin seeds times might vary between ovens.
3 In a large bowl, combine all the
ingredients together and leave it to stand 7 Remove from the oven and leave to
150g (5½oz) sesame seeds
for 20 minutes. cool. Snap into different-sized chunks
125g (4½oz) before serving.
4 Divide the mixture equally between the
sunflower seeds trays and spread it out as thinly and
2 tbsp chia seeds evenly as possible, ensuring there are no TIP: different sizes give these crackers a
gaps or holes in the mixture. rustic feel
2 tbsp psyllium husk
5 Bake in the oven for 1 hour, swapping the
1 tbsp coconut sugar trays around after 30 minutes to ensure
1 tsp cinnamon even baking.
Pegan (paleo-vegan) Christmas pudding
By Donna Crous (
Serves 8 | Prep 40 mins plus soaking | Cook 3 hrs | Calories 564 (per serving)
1 In a jar, soak the goji berries and raisins 7 Using a knife, gently run the blade around
for at least 1 day, if not more. the edge of the pudding, then turn onto
2 Invert a 1 ltr bowl onto greaseproof paper an upturned plate. Don’t shake it, just
and draw a disc around the rim. Do the leave it to fall out gently. Dust with icing
same for a smaller disc using a large sugar before serving.
drinking glass, then cut out the discs. * Use regular raisins and add to the soaking
Grease the glass bowl with coconut oil mixture if you cannot find chocolate-
and stick the smaller disc to the bottom of coated ones.
the bowl.
3 Fill a large saucepan halfway with water TIPS: This pudding can easily be made
and place an upturned saucer on the days in advance
bottom. Bring the water to the boil. Soak
the chia seeds in the water.
4 Blend together the wet ingredients. Stir
the chia seed gel into the wet ingredients.
5 Mix together all of the dry ingredients,
then stir in the wet ingredients. Stir
through the boozy raisins and goji berries.
6 Spoon the batter into the glass bowl and
smooth down the top using the back of
a spoon. Top with the large greaseproof
disc. Cover with tinfoil and tie down
tightly with string. Gently place the glass
bowl in the saucepan onto the upturned
saucer. Turn the stove down to low. Cover
and simmer for 3 hours. Remove from the
water and allow to cool.
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
3.6g 3g 0.02g 13.4g 0.6g
Festive mincemeat
By Donna Crous (
Serves 8 | Prep 15 mins | Cook 30 mins | Calories 111 (per serving)
2 tbsp coconut oil 2 tbsp brandy (optional) 1 Heat a medium-sized saucepan on the stove over a high heat.
2 small or 1 large Granny 1 tbsp chia seeds 2 Melt the coconut oil and fry the apple chunks until beautifully
caramised. Add the orange zest and juice and mix well. Turn down
Smith apple, cored, diced 1 tsp ground cinnamon the heat to medium-low and stir regularly.
grated zest and juice ½ tsp ground ginger 3 Once the apple has cooked down and started to break up slightly,
of 1 orange add the rest of the ingredients.
½ tsp ground nutmeg
210g (7¼oz) organic sultanas 4 Mix everything together, turn the heat down even further, cover
¼ tsp ground cloves and leave to simmer for 20-30 minutes. Stir once or twice, but not
40g (1½oz) organic raisins
too often as the raisins can turn to a paste if overworked.
60ml (2fl oz) water, or more 5 It is ready when the raisins are plump, moist and taste delicious!
if it looks very dry
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
19.4g 12.4g 0.2g 50g 13.3g
FOR THE CINNAMON 90g (3oz) unsweetened 1 For the cinnamon nice-cream, simply blend everything together
NICE CREAM apple purée (except the dates) in a food processor until smooth and creamy.
Finally, stir in the chopped dates and pop into the freezer to firm
60g (2oz) coconut oil, melted 2 tbsp melted coconut oil up for a couple of hours.
2 tsp ground cinnamon 2 tsp vanilla extract 2 To make the cookie, preheat the oven to 190°C. Take a round
25cm (10in) pie dish and grease lightly with coconut oil. Put all the
1 tsp vanilla extract ½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
ingredients (except the chocolate chips) in a food processor and
6 bananas, peeled, frozen 2 tsp gluten-free blend until smooth, scraping down the sides every 30 seconds.
2 tbsp coconut yoghurt baking powder Fold in the chocolate chips. Pour the mixture into the prepared tin,
sprinkle with more chocolate chips if you want, and bake for 35-40
8 pitted Medjool or ordinary ½ tsp sea salt
minutes or until firm to the touch. Don’t be tempted to over-bake
dates, roughly chopped 120ml (4fl oz) maple syrup the cookie.
FOR THE CHOCOLATE 100g (3½oz) coconut sugar 3 Remove from the oven and leave to cool for 10 minutes.
CHIP COOKIE 4 To serve, top with scoops of the cinnamon nice cream and take
160g (5½oz) dark
to the table with lots of spoons so people can dig in. For a more
2 x 400g (14oz) tinned chocolate chips formal affair, slice the cookie up and put on individual plates along
chickpeas, drained, rinsed with a scoop of nice cream.
100g (3½oz) wheat-free
rolled oats
Espresso cookies
By Alexandra Dudley
Serves 34 small cookies | Prep 15 mins plus chilling | Cook 10 mins | Calories 169 (per cookie)
350g (12oz) good-quality dark 1 Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line two baking sheets with
chocolate (70% cocoa solids) baking paper.
2 Chop the chocolate into roughly 5mm (¼in) pieces – don’t worry
250g (9oz) gluten-free flour blend
about little shards and any very small flakes, these will melt
80g (3oz) cocoa powder or cacao powder deliciously into the cookies.
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda 3 In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, cocoa powder,
bicarbonate of soda, sea salt and ground coffee. Set aside.
½ tsp sea salt
4 In a separate large bowl, using an electric whisk, beat the butter or Recipe taken from
4 tbsp fresh finely ground coffee coconut oil and sugar until light and fluffy. If you are using coconut Land & Sea by
oil, beat it until just incorporated, otherwise you will melt the oil. Alexandra Dudley,
250g (9oz) butter, softened, or coconut oil
Beat in the eggs one by one, followed by the vanilla. published by
220g (8oz) light brown soft Hachette. (RRP $55).
5 Pour the flour mix into the wet mix and gently fold in, adding the
sugar or coconut sugar chopped chocolate halfway through. If your dough is very wet,
2 large free-range eggs, at transfer it to the fridge for 20 minutes to firm up.
room temperature 6 Roll the cookie dough using your hands into roughly golf-ball-sized
balls and line them up on the baking sheets with at least 3cm (1in)
1 tsp vanilla extract
between them.
7 Bake the cookies in the oven for about 10 minutes, or until the
edges are firm but the centres are just soft. Remove and leave
them to cool on the baking sheets for 10 minutes, then transfer to
a wire rack to cool completely. Store in an airtight container for up
to 1 week.
FOR THE INSIDE 1 Add the desiccated coconut and coconut 5 Remove the coconut bars from the fridge
flour into a large mixing bowl and hand and simply dunk into the chocolate
50g (1¾oz) desiccated coconut
whisk, making sure there are no lumps. mixture, making sure to cover evenly.
50g (1¾oz) coconut flour 2 Add the maple syrup and melted coconut Place the bars onto a cooling rack or
oil and mix well. baking paper and place back into the
3 tbsp maple syrup
fridge for 1 hour to harden. (You can
3 In your hands, form bar shapes with the
2 tbsp coconut oil, melted place in the freezer if you want to speed
mix. (This doesn’t need to be perfect, I
up the process.)
FOR THE CHOCOLATE prefer mine more rustic with random
shapes.) Place onto a plate and put 6 Before serving I like to drizzle leftover
3 tbsp coconut oil, melted chocolate mix over the top, along with
them into the fridge for 10-15 minutes
2 tbsp maple syrup to harden. desiccated coconut.
1 large free-range egg 1 Preheat the oven to 200°C. 5 Place in the oven on the middle shelf and
2 In a large mixing bowl, beat the egg then bake for 22-24 minutes. Remove from the
150g (5¼oz) rapeseed oil
add the oil, coconut sugar, vanilla and oven and place on a cooling rack.
180g (6½oz) coconut sugar sea salt. 6 Let the cookie dough sit for 10 minutes
1 vanilla bean pod, deseeded or 3 In a separate bowl, add the oat flour (you must wait the full 10 minutes, as the
together with the bicarbonate of soda cookie will firm up), then serve with your
1 tsp vanilla bean powder
and baking powder and mix until choice of ice cream and chocolate sauce.
2-4 pinches of sea salt thoroughly combined. Gradually stir
225g (8oz) gluten-free oat flour into the egg mixture and make sure it is
thoroughly blended.
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
4 Add 100g (3½oz) of broken chocolate into
1 tsp baking powder the mixture. Using your hands, form a big
150g (5¼oz) dark chocolate, broken ball and press it into a 23cm (9in) cast-
iron skillet. (If you do not have a skillet,
into small pieces (dairy-free,
use alternative bakeware.) Press the
no refined sugar), reserve 50g remaining 50g (1¾oz) of chocolate on top.
(1¾oz) for the topping
ice-cream of your choice
chocolate sauce
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
10g 5.7g 0g 11.4g 7g
1 chia egg (mix 1 tbsp of chia 1 Preheat the oven to 180ºC. 8 Tightly press the dough into the tin and
seeds with 3 tbsp water for 10 2 In a mixing bowl, make the chia egg by bake in the oven for 20 minutes.
minutes until a gel forms) adding 1 tbsp of chia seeds to 3 tbsp 9 Add the coconut cream to a bowl and
water for 10 minutes until a gel-like whisk until it starts becoming slightly
50g (1¾oz) unsalted pistachios, substance forms. frothy, then add 1 tbsp maple syrup and
shelled, plus extra for serving whisk again. Chill in the fridge.
3 While the chia egg is forming, shell the
coconut oil pistachios if you haven’t managed to buy 10 Once the bread is ready, remove from the
them this way. Crush them with a rolling tin and allow to cool fully before layering
160g (5½oz) coconut flour
pin until they are into halves. over the coconut icing.
260g (9oz) buckwheat flour 4 Line a bread baking tin with baking paper 11 Remove the icing from the fridge and
4 ripe bananas, peeled, mashed greased with coconut oil. simply layer it onto the loaf and finally top
5 In a bowl, mash the bananas with a fork with more pistachios.
1 tbsp cinnamon
until there are no lumps.
4 tbsp maple syrup 6 To the chia egg, add the coconut flour,
FOR THE ICING buckwheat flour, bananas, cinnamon and
maple syrup and mix with a spoon.
400ml (14fl oz) coconut milk (chilled in
7 Add the pistachios and mix in well with
the fridge overnight – you just want
your hands until a dough forms.
the cream from the top of the tin)
1 tbsp maple syrup
extra pistachios, to garnish
240g (8oz) plain gluten- 200g (7oz) soft light 1 Line the base and sides of a 900g (2lb) loaf tin with baking paper.
free flour blend brown sugar Preheat the oven to 170ºC.
2 Mix together the flours, almonds, xanthan gum, bicarbonate of
70g (2¾oz) sorghum flour 120g (4fl oz) black liquid
soda, baking powder, spices and salt in a large bowl.
40g (1½oz) ground almonds treacle (molasses)
3 Rub the butter into the flour mix until it resembles fine
1 tsp xanthan gum 60g (2oz) golden syrup breadcrumbs. Add the brown sugar and stir through. Add the
1 large free-range egg, treacle, golden syrup and beaten egg and lightly mix into the flour.
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
lightly beaten 4 Add the boiling water and beat thoroughly with a silicone or
½ tsp gluten-free wooden spoon until you have a smooth, sticky, well-blended batter.
baking powder 170g (6fl oz) boiling water
5 Spoon or pour the batter into the loaf tin and gently push into the
1 tsp ground cinnamon corners and smooth the top.
6 Bake for 1 hour until well risen and a skewer comes out clean. If
1 tbsp ground ginger
you use smaller loaf tins, adjust the baking time to about 30-
½ tsp fine sea salt 40 minutes.
125g (4½oz) unsalted 7 When baked, remove from the oven and allow to cool completely
butter, cold, cubed (or a in the tin.
dairy-free alternative) 8 When cold, remove and store wrapped in clingfilm (you can leave
the baking paper intact) until ready to eat.
1 Preheat the oven to 170ºC. Grease and 6 Sift the almonds, cassava flour, bicarb
line three 17cm (7in) cake tins. and cocoa over the egg yolk mixture.
2 For the icing, melt the dark chocolate and Gently stir the batter until everything is
coconut oil together either in a bain marie well mixed.
or a microwave. 7 Fold in the egg whites using a figure 8
3 Whisk the coconut cream, then add the motion, being careful not to overmix,
melted chocolate and whisk again. Cover then transfer equal amounts into the
and leave to set in the fridge. baking tins.
4 Whisk the egg whites until stiff, then 8 Bake for 20-25 minutes, until a skewer
set aside. inserted into the centre comes out clean.
Leave to cool for a few hours.
5 In another bowl, whisk the egg yolks, nut
milk, water, coconut oil, vanilla extract, 9 Layer the icing and berries and cakes
vinegar and coconut sugar. until decorated.
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
16.1g 7.2g 0.04g 15.6g 7.8g
FOR THE BASE 2 tbsp brown rice 1 For the base, add the oats to a food processor and blend for a few
syrup or honey seconds until finely ground. Add the remaining base ingredients
225g (8oz) wheat-free oats
and blend until combined.Transfer to a dish and press down to
1 tbsp cacao powder 2 tbsp cacao powder smooth. Pop the dish into the freezer to set.
2 tbsp brown rice syrup almond milk 2 To make the cheesecake, drain and rinse the cashews and place in
a food processor or a high-speed blender with the coconut butter,
2 tsp coconut oil FOR THE COFFEE CREAM
espresso, coconut cream, rice syrup, cacao powder. Blend with a
75g (2¾oz) dried jujube fruits 2 tbsp coconut cream little almond milk into a smooth and creamy consistency. Spread
1 tbsp brown rice evenly over the base and set in the freezer for 4 hours.
syrup or honey 3 Combine the coconut cream, sweetener and coffee in a bowl and
140g (5oz) cashew nuts, mix well. Slice the cake into portions and garnish with some jujube
soaked for 4 hours 3 tbsp fresh espresso crisps and a drizzle of cream.
Add crushed
strawberry chips to
the lollies for extra
colour and flavour
500g (1lb 1oz) strawberries, quartered 1 Preheat the oven to 200ºC. 4 Combine the coconut milk, strawberry
2 Combine the strawberries, maple syrup pulp and cashew milk in a blender, then
1 tbsp maple syrup (optional)
and lime juice in an ovenproof dish, then pour into lolly moulds and place in the
juice of 1 lime roast for 20 minutes. freezer to set.
400ml (14fl oz) tinned coconut milk 3 Remove from the oven and leave to
cool. Once cool, mash with a fork or in TIP You can just as easily make a wonderful
225ml (8fl oz) cashew milk strawberry milkshake by following the same
a blender.
proceduce as above, but instead of pouring
into lolly moulds, pour into glasses and serve.
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
5.7g 2.6g 0.05g 27.5g 8.5g
350g (12oz) labneh made from 500g 1 To make the labneh, line a large bowl 4 Finely grind the saffron. Mix with 1 tsp
(1lb 1oz) low fat Greek yoghurt with a square of clean muslin (or cheese freshly boiled water and set aside to
cloth). Place the yoghurt in the centre and infuse for 10 minutes. Remove the seeds
4 large dark red plums, cut in wrap the muslin around the yoghurt and from the cardamom pods, discard the
half, stones removed tie up with string. Suspend the muslin husks and finely grind the seeds.
and yoghurt over a deep mixing bowl and 5 Fold the labneh with the ground
2 tbsp runny honey
place somewhere cool. Leave to drain for cardamom, icing sugar and cooled
2 pinches of saffron strands at least 4 hours before using. saffron water.
2 cardamom pods 2 Preheat the oven to 200ºC. 6 To serve; divide the plums among 4
1 tbsp icing sugar, or less if preferred 3 Place the plums cut-side up on a baking serving bowls, top with the saffron labneh
tray and drizzle with honey. Place the tray and sprinkle with ground pistachio nuts.
1 tbsp pistachio nuts, finely chopped of plums in the oven for 10 minutes until
they are soft and their juice bubbles from
the skins.
500g (1lb 1oz) frozen mango chunks 1 Place half of the mango into the bowl of 2 Place a few raspberries in the bottom of
a food processor and add the juice and tall glasses and spoon the mango sorbet
finely grated zest and juice of 1 lime
zest of the lime. Begin to process the on top. Decorate with more raspberries,
100ml (3½fl oz) coconut water mango and juice and gradually add a little shaved coconut and fresh mint.
coconut water until you form the sorbet.
1 tbsp caster sugar (optional)
Taste, and, if you want, add a little sugar
200g (7oz) fresh raspberries at this point. Gradually add more mango
and coconut water until you achieve the
100g (3½oz) fresh coconut shavings
consistency you like.
fresh mint, to garnish
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
30.3g 11.6g 0.4g 24.2g 8.7g
125g (4½oz) shelled pistachios 100g (3½oz) dried cherries, 1 Whizz the nuts in a small food processor until finely chopped, then
roughly chopped place in a saucepan with the milk and sugar. Bring to the boil, then
150ml (5fl oz) milk
remove from the heat and leave to cool.
100g (3½oz) golden 100g (3½oz) gluten-free
2 Fold together the cooled pistachio mixture, custard and cream,
caster sugar ginger cookies, broken then stir in the cherries and gingernut biscuits. Transfer to a
into small pieces freezer container and freeze for 1½ hours. Remove the container
500g (1lb 1oz) carton
from the freezer and stir to break up any big ice crystals. Freeze
of vanilla custard and stir again, then freeze overnight until completely firm.
300ml (10fl oz) double 3 Remove from the freezer 30 minutes before scooping and serving.
cream, softly whipped
4 large free-range egg whites 1 Preheat the oven to 170°C. Line 2 large 4 For the coconut cream filling, place the
baking sheets with baking paper. coconut cream, double cream, icing sugar
225g (8oz) caster sugar
2 Place the egg whites and caster sugar in a and vanilla in a bowl and beat until soft
grated zest of 2 limes large heatproof mixing bowl and set over peaks form.
160ml (5½fl oz) coconut cream a pan of gently simmering water. Using 5 Spoon the cream into the centre of the
a handheld electric whisk, beat the eggs meringues, arrange the slices of kiwi
200ml (7fl oz) double cream and sugar until the sugar has dissolved. on top and sprinkle with the remaining
30g (1oz) icing sugar When the mixture feels warm, remove the lime zest.
bowl from the heat and continue to whisk
1 tsp vanilla extract for 4-5 minutes until you have a smooth,
1 kiwi fruit, peeled, halved, stiff meringue. Fold through most of
cut into thin slices the grated lime zest, reserving a little
to decorate.
3 Spoon 6 even-sized 10cm (4in) mounds
onto the prepared trays, spaced well
apart, then, using the back of a spoon,
make a dip in the centre of each to
create a nest shape. Place in the oven
and reduce the heat to 140°C. Bake for 1
hour, then turn off the oven and open the
door slightly to allow the meringues to
cool completely.
Total fat Saturated Salt Sugar Protein
43g 21g 0.5g 45g 16g
FOR THE RAW FOR THE PEANUT BUTTER 1 For the cookie dough, combine the
COOKIE DOUGH NICE-CREAM coconut oil, coconut sugar, peanut butter
and vanilla extract in a bowl. Add the
3 tbsp melted coconut oil 4 bananas, peeled, frozen flour, bicarbonate of soda and salt and This recipe is taken
100g (3½oz) coconut sugar 400ml (14fl oz) tinned coconut stir to form a soft dough that is ever so from Guilt-Free
slightly crumbly. Add the almond milk Nice Cream by
140g (5oz) crunchy milk, chilled (thick part only)
for a bit of moisture, then stir in the Margie Broadhead,
peanut butter 2 tbsp peanut butter chocolate chips. photography by
Jacqui Melville,
1 tsp vanilla extract 2 tbsp maple syrup 2 To make the nice-cream, put the bananas,
published by Hardie
coconut milk, peanut butter and maple
100g (3oz) buckwheat flour Grant. (RRP $19.99).
syrup in a food processor and blend until
¼ tsp bicarbonate of soda thick and creamy, scraping down the
sides every 30 seconds. Process until the
a pinch of salt
mixture becomes completely smooth and
1-2 tbsp almond milk the consistency of soft-serve ice cream.
2 free-range eggs 1 Preheat the oven to 160ºC and line a 6 Pour the mixture into the baking tin. Slice
medium loaf tin with baking paper. the leftover banana and place it on top
80g (2¾oz) olive oil (coconut oil can
2 In a mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs, of the mixture. Put in the oven and bake
be used instead, if desired) for about 1 hour 10 minutes. After the
oil, milk, vanilla paste (if using) and honey.
60ml (2fl oz) milk (or water) bread has been baking for an hour, poke
3 Mash the bananas with a fork, then add
a skewer or knife into the middle – if it
1 tsp vanilla paste (optional) to the egg mixture, whisking together
comes out clean, remove from the oven.
until well combined.
100g (3½oz) honey If the skewer is not clean when removed,
4 In another bowl, mix together the keep it baking in the oven for a further
4 ripe bananas, peeled, plus bicarbonate of soda, flours, cacao 10 minutes.
extra for decorating and cinnamon.
7 This will keep in an airtight container for
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda 5 Pour the dry ingredients into the wet and up to 5 days.
mix together with a wooden spoon.
100g (3½oz) chestnut flour
50g (1¾oz) gluten-free
plain flour
50g (1¾oz) cacao powder
1 tsp cinnamon
Gluten free,
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Holistic HealtH
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Hanna Sillitoe explains how guilt-free eating can be the
most healing of all.
hese days, so many of us, set myself up mentally to believe I
either by choice or due to a can accomplish anything. So when
serious health condition, opt I researched the amazing impact
for a diet free of something. all these drastic changes to my diet
Be that meat free, gluten could make, I implemented every
free, dairy free, sugar free … elimination single one of them right away. My
diets (for want of a better expression) steely determination was rewarded by
are more popular than they have seeing my skin clear within 30 days,
ever been. something two decades of medication
My focus for eliminating these had never successfully helped me
food groups is predominantly for my achieve. The next step was freeing my
health. I struggled with psoriasis and mind of the worry and panic as to what
eczema for over 20 years and, despite might happen if I were to go ‘off track’.
my dermatologist insisting there is no Bearing in mind I’d been covered in
direct correlation between what we the most awful red, hot, itchy skin, the
eat and our skin, I am absolutely sure nightmare of this disease returning
these food groups trigger a negative was very real. I found it hard to relax
response for me. So, we’re not talking around food, I’d avoid dinner parties
life or death here. This isn’t an allergy for fear of being ‘the awkward one’, and
that’s going to send my body into I’d ask the restaurant waiter a million
anaphylactic shock, but I know that it’s questions about the salad dressing
better for my skin to steer clear of these before I let a drop pass my lips!
particular foods. Gradually, over the months, I
learned to achieve a healthy balance.
FREEING THE MIND My diet now consists mostly of leafy
That said, there are certainly elements greens, juices, soups and salads and an
of stress and anguish that can come amazing abundance of incredible plant-
with making major dietary changes. powered foods. Don’t get me wrong, one cold-pressed green juice a day
Many people who reach out to me, this isn’t some horribly restrictive self- to your diet seems a simple starting
desperate to heal their skin, feel imposed regime, these are the things place, then do it. Maybe it’s drinking
completely overwhelmed by the wealth my body craves and they help me feel more water or reducing dairy. Don’t
of information that’s out there. This healthy and nourished. But that’s not to beat yourself up for enjoying a slice
blogger says to avoid such and such say I can’t and don’t waiver. I’m human of cake at a friend’s birthday party or
and that author suggests eliminating and food for me is not simply a fuel choosing to eat a croissant for breakfast
something else. In a moment where we source. It’s an evening out with friends, on holiday in France. Just ensure it
already feel confused and desperate to it’s a party at home with happy, smiling doesn’t spiral back into an addictive
try and resolve health issues or weight faces sitting around a huge dining table, cycle of endless sugary food choices.
problems, being presented with what it’s nourishment and health, but the You haven’t failed or fallen off a wagon,
feels like a mountain of conflicting emotional attachment for me is very it’s simply part of life.
information can be our first get-out real. I enjoy food and I want to be able Stress and anxiety can have a huge
clause. Nothing makes sense, it’s all too to do so guilt free. impact on our health, often even more
much, I can’t possibly do this. Rather so than diet. Which makes guilt-free
than taking baby steps, this is a prime ACHIEVING THE BALANCE eating the most important free from
opportunity to throw in the towel and For me, achieving balance is healthy. choice of all.
take no steps at all. Sure, we might be in a situation where
I’m very much an all-or-nothing drastic action is integral to health, but
person, I’ve always been that way. I it’s important as an individual to make
nourishmagoz nourish_au nourishoz
chuck myself in at the deep end and these changes work for you. If adding
P L A N T- B A S E D P R O T E I N
Camille Fiducia
Sunwarrior Ambassador
Your Inner
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