Note Plane Table Surveying
Note Plane Table Surveying
Note Plane Table Surveying
• Radiation
In this method, plane table is located at one point “o” as shown in fig. and perform the whole
from t point. From point O, sight the points A, B, C, D and E using alidade, locate and plot the
points as a, b, c, in the drawing sheet.
• Intersection
In this method we can locate the point by plotting two rays from two known stations. As shown
in figure, P and Q are the known station. First the equipment is placed on P and plot the lines
by sighting the stations A, B and Q. then shift the equipment to station Q and plot the lines by
sighting stations A, B and P. Finally, the intersection of A and B rays is the required location
of point of intersection.
• Traversing:
Traversing is the connection of series of straight lines. In the case of traversing, the plane table
is located at one point for supposing A as shown b from that point sight towards B and measure
the distance AB. Then shift the plane table to point B and sight towards A and measure BA.
The aver distance of AB and Ba are plotted to scale in the drawing sheet. Then Sight the point
C from B and measure BC and repeat the same procedure until last point. Conduct some checks
at some points. Finally, traverse lines are plotted on the drawing sheet.
NOTE: by using radiation method, intersection and traversing methods we can locate the
points on the paper, which were already on the ground. By using algebraic formulae, we can
calculate the area of the given land.
1) Area of a triangle = ½ x base x height
2) Area of a square = side x side
3) Area of a rectangle = length x breadth
4) Area of a trapezium = ½ x (a + b) x h
A, b are the parallel sides.
h is the distance between parallel sides
• Resection
Resection is a method of plane table surveying in which the location of the plane table is
unknown and it is determined by sighting it to known po plotted points. It is also called the
method of orientation and it can be conducted by two field conditions as follows.
- The three-point problem
- The two-point problem
• Analytical Methods
There are many analytical methods are developed in three-point problem condition. In this
method, from station P A, B and C are sighted and note values of angles and lengths. From
these values determine the position of unknown points by using analytical formulae.
• Graphical Method
In graphical method also, angles and lengths are determined and represented it on a graph and
determines the location of plane table.
• The Two-Point Problem
In the two-point problem, two points are sighted from other point corresponding to the points
given in plane table sheet. Here two cases are to be discussed.
- Case 1: when the points can be occupied by the plane table. As shown in fig. A and
B are the two points corresponding to the points a and b. Now, plane table is located at
B and oriented by sighting A. sight C from B and bx is plotted on the sheet. Then shift
the plane table to C, oriented by back sighting B along xb. Then alidade is placed over
a and sight station A, then line Aa cuts the line bx at somewhere which is located as
point c at C
• Case2: When the plane table cannot occupy the controlling stations. In this case,
an auxiliary point D is considered nearer to C. Locate the plane t D according to the
line ab parallel to AB. Then sight the station A and B corresponding to a and b. the rays
drawn are intersected at some point which is marked as d. then sight towards C by
placing alidade at d. mark the distance Dc as c1. Shift the table to C and backsight to D
with reference to c1. Th sight A corresponding to a, the ray drawn is intersects the
previously drawn ray from D in c2. From c2 sight B draw a ray which intersects db and
the intersection as b1. The table is oriented till ab comes in line with P. From P sight
and draw rays Aa and Ba. The intersection of these two rays w the Location of Point C.