Newsletter Volgood

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Tulliallan Times

Weekly Newsletter

Wednesday 24th July 2024

Vol 8 Issue 22

89 Wheelers Park Drive,
Cranbourne North, 3977
PO Box 4061 ,
Narre Warren South, 3805
P: 8766 3100
E: [email protected]
W: Resilience

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

22 July 23 July 24 July 25 July 26 July
• Casey Netball Clinic • Casey Central • Divisional Playoffs
PE Network Masterclass
• TLI Parent session
• Prep Fairytale

29 July 30 July 31 July 1 Aug 2 Aug

• Assembly 2.30 • Friendship Day • Karingal Chess • ISS Round 1

• Olympic Opening • Prep Fairytale • Year Prep-2 Olympic

Ceremony. Incursion. Events.
• Year 3-6 Olympic SCHOOL HOLIDAYS


5 Aug 6 Aug 7 Aug 8 Aug 9 Aug

• ICAS Digi Tech Week • Production Dress • School Council 6pm • Jeans for Genes Day • ICAS Make Up Day
Rehearsals at school
• ICAS Writing Week • Production Dress • Robocup Comp
Rehearsals at school
• Production Rehearsal • ISS Round 2
Payments Due.


12 Aug 13 Aug 14 Aug 15 Aug 16 Aug

• Production Rehearsal • Production Rehearsal • Production Rossiter • ICAS Make Up Day • CURRICULUM DAY
Elder & Mitchell. Elder & Mitchell. NO STUDENTS
• District Athletics • Production Strettle
• Production Elder • Production Mitchell
• ICAS English Week
All parents would have received their child’s NAPLAN results last week. We are very proud of the students results
especially as the tests are now conducted in Term One each year.


On Friday last week all of the Year Level and Specialist Team newsletters went out to families on COMPASS with
information about staff, important dates, nude food, uniform expectations, cyber safety, Term Three curriculum,
homework expectations and specialist timetable. Please familiarise yourselves with this important information to
support your child and be up to date on what is happening this term.

COMPASS is our school communication system to let parents know about school events, newsletters, permission
for excursions and payments. All parents and carers should have the COMPASS APP on their phone to receive
notifications. The notification also goes to your personal email. We urge parents to keep checking COMPASS for
these events for student permission, participation and due dates. If you have any issues with COMPASS, please
contact our school office on 8766 3100.


The tickets for our school Production, ‘ONCE UPON A VILLAIN ’were on sale from, Monday 22nd July at 10am.
Please see the COMPASS Information sent out on Monday. The 2024 School Production will take place at Bunjil
Place Theatre, Narre Warren. There is a limit of four (4) tickets per family due to the seating capacity in the
theatre. As we get closer to the performance dates you may contact the theatre to see if there are any available
seats that have not sold.
To avoid disappointment, please book for the correct performance based on your child’s House colour.
Monday 12th August Elder House (Yellow)
Tuesday 13th August Mitchell House (Blue)
Wednesday 14th August Rossiter House (Red)
Thursday 15th August Strettle House (Green)
If you do not know your child’s House colour please contact the home group teacher. You do not have to purchase
tickets for students that are performing.
Families can purchase tickets-
Phone: 9709 9700
In Person: Bunjil Place Box Office, Bunjil Place, 2 Patrick North East Drive, Narre Warren
The Production will be recorded and available for parents to purchase
As in previous years, each night of our Production performances will be recorded and available for purchase for
families. We will send out information to parents soon.
Students who cannot be photographed or filmed.
Any families who have students that cannot be photographed or filmed, please contact your child’s Home Group
teacher to discuss options for the Production.


Now is the time to enrol your 2025 Prep child at Tulliallan PS. Once you have completed the enrolment form for
our school and the information is verified, you will receive an acceptance letter with information about how to
access COMPASS, our communication system. We will post transition videos for you to watch with your child
during Term Three to assist your child and family in familiarizing yourself with our school and routines.
Please check that you have a sibling already attending our school in 2025 or live in the 2025 Tulliallan school zone
on Parents may call or email the school on 8766 3100 or
[email protected] to ask for the enrolment pack.
We will hold three whole school assemblies this term on the following dates:

• Monday 29th July 2.30pm – dedicated to the Olympics Week

• Monday 19th August 2.30pm
• Monday 9th September 2.30pm


If your child/children are not attending Tulliallan in 2025. Please write to the Tulliallan email to let us know as
soon as possible so we can start to cater for student numbers.

Have a great week.

As we are well and truly back into the swing of things, we feel it comes as a timely reminder to discuss road
safety around our school. The City of Casey has provided us with some important information focusing on the
signs displayed around the school precinct. These signs are all here to keep pedestrians and drivers safe. Many
times, in our observations, dangers happen because the signs are not being followed by pedestrians or
drivers. We all need to play our part.


Tells drivers to slow down and be aware at the peak times there
are lots of children and families around. Many drivers forget
school is back and the 40km sign applies. Fines do apply and
Victoria Police Highway Patrol monitor these areas closely.


For parents and carers, please discuss as a family the importance of crossing
with the school crossing supervisor. When flags are out, the school crossing is
in operation and all rules must be followed.
Take a few minutes to watch the following School Crossing Animation with
your children:


Pedestrian crossings are marked by white parallel stripes on the road. They also have a
yellow sign showing a pair of legs. Pedestrians must wait behind the yellow line for all
cars on both sides to stop before stepping out onto the pedestrian crossing.
As a driver, if you see a pedestrian waiting to cross the road, stop for them to allow
them to cross safely. Lots of students use zebra crossings on their way to school.


Pedestrians should always press the button to activate the traffic light signals and wait until
the green man is displayed before stepping out onto the road. Always look around you for
cars, even when crossing. As a driver, always look out for pedestrians crossing at the traffic

This means you cannot stop your vehicle for any purpose, no matter how short the time.
Fines do apply for parking or stopping in these areas. Parking compliance officers patrol during
peak times.
Means that the area is a Drop off/ Pick up zone. You can not leave your vehicle unattended and
cannot stop for more than 2 minutes. The times maybe a different at each school, but the rules are
the same. Fines can apply if the signs are not followed. Take a couple of minutes to watch our Drop
off/ Pick up Zone Animation to understand the rules around this zone:

U-TURNS when driving, refers to performing a 180°rotation to reverse the direction of travel.
U-turns in the school precincts during peak school times are dangerous and there have been
accidents because of it. We recommend NOT performing U-turns in this area during the peak
school times. Drive further up the road and find a place where you can turn around safely or exit
away from the school precinct to park safely.


Unfortunately, there are too many late arrivals across all year levels. The school gates open at 8.35am and close at
8.50am, classes commence at 8.50am. It is important that students are at school on time to maximise their
learning opportunities. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you need any further assistance with
ensuring your child arrives to school on time.

Last weeks Winner:
Diya 4H & Saanui 4B
Please email this week’s answers to
[email protected] u by next
Monday to go into the weekly draw to win a prize. If
you are a prize winner please come and see Mr
Bickery to collect your prize.

Have a great week,

,Lynne McDonald, Aaron Bickery & Stella Petridis


On the Thursday 8th of August Tulliallan students are

encouraged to wear DOUBLE DENIM to school and
donate using the link or QR code provided. Every
dollar you donate goes directly to Children’s Medical
Research Institute and helps find treatments and cures
for children’s genetic diseases.

Let’s get on board and put on our

favourite denim to make a
difference to someone’s life.
We can’t do it without you.


World Friendship Day -

“The UN proclaimed the International Day of Friendship with the idea that friendship between peoples, countries, and
cultures can inspire peace efforts and build bridges between communities. ”

In recognition of this day as part of their Wellbeing lessons teachers and students will participate in activities
throughout the week that promote international understanding and respect for diversity. Let’s make an extra effort
this week to make our friends feel special, included and that they belong.

Farm to Table
During the holidays the vegetable patch has grown, it has enjoyed the extra rain
Melbourne has had to offer. We were so excited to see the broccoli florets that
students harvested and prepared them with butter and a pinch of salt. What a deli-
cious afternoon!


Sockable Sock Fundraiser

Families have the opportunity to purchase some fun socks in a variety of designs.
For each pair of socks sold, $2 will be donated to our school. Our Sock Fundraiser
will run until the 7th August and will be followed up by a ‘Wear Your Silly Socks to
School Day’ on the 27th August.

Socks can be ordered online through QR Code or at the below

Please include your child's full name and home group in your
Please note that this fundraiser is run entirely online - no cash is accepted!

The Book Club order cut off date is Thursday the 1st August.
Well done to all of the Preps for an amazing first week of Term Three! It was great to see all of the Prep students
get straight back into the school routine. We have a busy term ahead of us with the Olympics, Production, Book
Week and other fun events! This week in Maths we began our Potato Olympics, where students raced their
potatoes to find the fastest athlete. In Writing, we began learning about Narratives and the features of a story. It
has been amazing to see all of the students get involved in the tasks this week, and we look forward to a
wonderful Term Three. Well done Preps!

What a wonderful return to school we have had in the Year One Learning Community! In the land of Mathematics,
we have been swept away with Olympic fever and have engaged in our very own Potato Olympics! This has
included giving our potatoes their very own country and athlete profile, we cannot wait to see what sports are in
store for our athletes next week. In Inquiry we are learning all about our passions, including what we are good at
doing, and what we LOVE to do! In the wonderful world of Writing, we have begun to learn about Poetry, which
has included lessons on synonyms to make our writing and poems extra exciting! We have been learning lots
during Reading and are very excited for Book Week which is later this term. Last but not least we have been
practising very hard, learning our songs and dances for our Production which is not very far away. It has been
great to see everyone singing their hearts out and their big smiles while doing their dance moves. Everyone should
be very proud of their efforts this week, and we cannot wait to see what next week has in store for us all!
It has been wonderful to witness the enthusiasm with which our students returned
to school for Term Three, eager to learn and engage. Here's a glimpse into what our
Year Two students have been up to this week: In Reading, students have been
engaging in a variety of learning tasks to enhance their comprehension skills. In
Writing, our focus has been on narrative writing. Students are exploring their
creativity and imagination as they plan their interesting narratives. Mathematics has
been particularly exciting with our "Potato Olympic" theme. Students have
enthusiastically delved into activities focused on probability and statistics, learning in
a fun and engaging manner. In Wellbeing, the students enjoyed participating in some
fun games, fostering a positive and supportive environment for all. It has been a busy
but incredibly fulfilling week of learning and excitement. We look forward to sharing
more of our adventures with you next week!

The Year Three students have had a busy start to this term, kicking things off with the ‘Potato Olympics’
investigation in Maths. In groups, students were asked to create a persona for their potato ‘athlete’, develop an
athlete profile, and compete in a range of events, including diving, rolling and spinning. Students had a
wonderful time estimating and measuring their athlete’s outcomes and comparing the results. This week, we
have also been busy preparing for our whole school ‘Mini Olympics’ event next week. Our creativity has shone
in the design of our home group door displays, which showcases one participating country in the 2024 Olympic
What an amazing first week back at school for the Year Fours! We have been incredibly busy. The Potato Olympics
kicked off this week during Maths classes. The Year Fours had a great time competing in a range of events, such as
sprinting and gymnastics. They then created some excellent picture graphs using the data collected in the events.
This week we began learning about Limericks, where the students used rhyming words and syllables to create
funny poems. It has also been great to see the Year Four’s show Tulliallan 4R’s this week, with some students being
awarded house point. Keep up the amazing work Year Four’s!

This week students were getting their potatoes prepared for the Potato Olympics. Students were making sure
that the potatoes were ready to go in their best Olympic attire to compete. The first Olympics challenge has
been completed and the Olympics are underway. Keep up the fantastic work Grade Five, cannot wait to see how
all of the potatoes go!!
Last week the students in Year Six began working on their statistical investigation, looking into the question ‘How
far ahead of the pack is Usain Bolt?’ This week they were tasked with the challenge of putting themselves into the
pack. They worked in their home groups to measure out a 100 metre track and then timed each student running
the distance. They will use this data across the week to aide them in their investigation.

Welcome back to Term Three!! Last week in Mandarin, the Prep students started a
revision of greetings they learnt from last term. Most of them still remember how to
introduce themselves by saying “Hello, my name is…”. Then they were introduced to the
topic of pronouns and were able to identify the difference of “You” and “I” in Mandarin.
The Year One and Two students learned to use different verbs (walk, run, swim, jump).
It was great to see them building their speaking and character recognition skills. As the
2024 Summer Olympics in Paris is approaching, the Year Three and Four students last
week learnt vocabulary related to the Olympics such as Olympic games, medals,
competitions, participation, 1st/2nd/3rd/ places etc. They enjoyed learning and were able to
recall the vocabulary by using gestures. The Year Five and Six students last week got a
chance to explore the Olympic centres in China. They started their learning by looking into
different Olympic centres in China and then conducted research about the centres
through different perspectives (location, design, features, events etc.). We can’t wait to
see how many interesting fun facts they could find out through their research.
Welcome back everyone :) It has been a busy start to Term Three in our Art spaces. Our Prep students have been
looking at house drawings and using the elements of shape and line in their own pieces. The Year One and Two’s
have been studying Australian landscapes and the key features of them such as the horizon line, perspective;
where things appear smaller in the distance and bigger when closer up, and including trees, animals, fences,
florals in their pastel landscape drawings. Our Year Three and Four students have been creating their own
cartoon characters, inspired by ones that they have seen in movies or TV series and books. The Year Fives have
started on the creation of their mirror image sketches of birds that are native to Australia. The Year Six students
have all been continuing their cultural heritage research and have started to experiment with the layout of their
final Art pieces. We can’t wait to see what our talented Tulliallan students complete in the upcoming week!


We have had a wonderful start to Term Three in Music. Our Prep students have been moving and grooving! They
practised dancing to music with a steady beat and compared it with dancing to music with no beat. We have
introduced the ‘We’re Orff’ music program to the Year One’s and they have been doing such an amazing job
learning how to sing in rounds whilst playing percussion instruments. Each week we will be building on these
skills using our ‘Flying Man’ song. Year Two students explored the fascinating world of sound symbols and
sequences. They learned to identify and create sequences using various sound symbols. Our Year Three students
have been hard at work developing their chants and adding second or third verses. They also composed 4-8 bar
solo rhythms. Year Four students are starting to prepare short social media video clips and exploring the use of a
green screen. They are also busy in the school’s recording studio, where talent groups are honing their recording
skills. The Year Five and Six students are using their previous songwriting knowledge to begin composing their
Olympic theme songs and familiarising themselves with musical instruments such as the French horn and string
instruments played in fanfares around the world.
Term Three is off to an exciting start in the STEM rooms! Our Year Three and Four students have been learning
about how engineers invent and build things to solve problems in our society. The students applied the
Engineering Design Process to guide their efforts with designing and creating a tall and freestanding replica of
the iconic Eiffel Tower. To complete this task, our budding engineers were provided with limited resources
including only 10 sheets of newspaper and two metres of masking tape. Each group embraced this 20-minute
challenge with much enthusiasm, creativity, resilience and ingenuity. Here are some of their impressive


Welcome back to Term Three! The PE team are really excited for all the fun things we have planned! Preps to Year
Two’s will begin the Term by learning and practising their skipping, while the Years Three to Six will be doing
Endzone games in small teams!
Jump Rope for Heart - Update
Well done to all those 24 students who have registered for Jump Rope for Heart so far! We would like for all our
Prep, Year One, and Year Two students to register for free so that they can be involved with the program and
help support a great cause. Over the coming weeks, your child will learn new skills, increase their physical activity,
and learn about heart health. When you register your child online, you’ll get access to additional skipping
resources to help give your child a great reason to get away from the screens and get outdoors. Register and
create your own secure webpage at

By signing up online, you and your child can:

• Easily raise funds online
• Track skipping skills progress and earn virtual badges along the way
• Post updates to your page so family and friends can follow their progress
• Access additional skipping resources

If you haven’t signed up yet, there is still plenty of time, please use the link
register/jump-rope-for-heart-2023/defaultparentflow or the QR code to sign up now. We would love to see all
our students registered.

Don’t forget to come check out the P.E office window to see who our skippers of the week are.

Thank you for getting involved in Jump Rope for Heart!

Congratulations to the following students who have best displayed RESPECT
qualities that reflect the values of Tulliallan Primary School making them our ‘Students of the Term’ and
Tulliallan STARS!

Prep A Dhanya 1H Japji 3G Nethan 5F Theekshana

Prep B Adnan 1I Aarman 3H Leivahn 5G Aditi

Prep C Stine 2A Reyansh 4A Ethan 5H

Prep D Charlotte 2B Taksh 4B Julian 5I Nixon

Prep E Shriansh 2C Nathan 4C Vidura 5J Liana

Prep F Arwa 2D Aansh 4D Shoaib 6A Bishal

Prep G Fatima 2E Ekom 4E Miranda 6B Lannah

Prep H Thuhansa 2F Prayag 4F Agamjot 6C Lance

Prep I Rithisha 2G Anshveer 4G Farah 6D Sebastian

1A Hadya 2H Safreen 4H Jonathan 6E Kirit

1B Willow 3A Eleeza 4I Maryam 6F Abhilesh

1C Jaden 3B Simon 5A Jake 6G Aidan

1D Mankirat 3C 5B Poppy 6H Kirat

1E Aanik 3D Macy 5C Aadhya 6I Sera

1F Zipporah 3E Yasna 5D Subhan

1G Zamira 3F Gehansa 5E Oleena


STEM Violet (4A)

ART Caleb F (2G)

MUSIC Sienna (4A)

MANDARIN Ngaree (1I)
PE Andoni (5B)

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