APS 011 Report Trimester 2 2020 To 2021 Urban Parks
APS 011 Report Trimester 2 2020 To 2021 Urban Parks
APS 011 Report Trimester 2 2020 To 2021 Urban Parks
In order to achieve full marks, you must submit your work before the deadline. Work that is submitted late – up
to five working days after the published submission deadline - will be accepted and marked. However, the
element of the module’s assessment to which the work contributes will be capped with a maximum mark of
Work cannot be submitted if the period of 5 working days after the deadline has passed (unless there is an
approved extension). Failure to submit within the relevant period will mean that you have failed the assessment.
Requests for short-term extensions will only be considered in the case of illness or other cause considered valid
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agreed by the iCentre Adviser in writing at least 24 hours prior to the deadline. See rules 6.56-6.65:
Mitigation: The deadline for submission of mitigation in relation to this assignment is no later than five working
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See rules 6.103 – 6.132: http://web.anglia.ac.uk/anet/academic/public/academic_regs.pdf
Task: Write a report of 2000 words answering the 2-part question in the box below.
The local council has decided to build a new urban park. You have been asked to
analyse the various impacts of an urban park.
Use this analysis to recommend ways of maximising the benefits and minimising
the challenges of the urban park.
(100 marks)
You should analyse the impact from three perspectives, however your report
should cover a MAIN PERSPECTIVE relating to your degree. This part of your
analysis should be the longest (approximately 600 words).
For students studying a degree related to Health and Social Care the main
perspective should be The Health Impacts.
opportunities for holding events in the park
logistical challenges of holding events in the park.
development of permanent hospitality facilities (such as the park café)
You will also need to analyse two other perspectives (approximately 300 words
on each). These perspectives are:
Your report should follow the structure and suggested word counts below:
Cover Page
Short introductory paragraph including a statement with the aim of the report
and a map sentence.
Identification of the 3 distinct perspectives. These perspectives should be the
subsections of the analysis and the topics of the main body paragraphs.
Each body paragraph should include a topic sentence which links it to the
In order to analyse each perspective, research from relevant sources should
be used to support the impacts of building and urban park.
NOTE: The part of your analysis covering your main perspective should be
more comprehensive than the other points you consider. It is suggested that
this should make up at least half of the analysis section (i.e. 600 words).
Introductory statement
Three recommendations that are related to the perspectives considered in the
Analysis section.
Each recommendation must suggest how the council can either maximise the
benefits or minimise the challenges of building an urban park identified in your
These recommendations should be presented as bullet points and be
supported by research.
Appendices (not included in word count)
Allocation of Marks
Task fulfilment including: addressing the task, relevancy, and level of analysis
Structure including: report structure, paragraph structure and cohesion (20%)
Use of sources including: range, quality, paraphrasing/ summarising and
referencing (20%)
Language including: range, accuracy and style (20%)
addressed to an exceptionally well of highly relevant sources vocabulary and
exceptional level. organised within the Paraphrasing, summarising grammatical structures
The report is extremely expected structure and use of quotes Exceptional use of
succinct and relevant All paragraphs are demonstrate an exceptional grammar and
without digression. exceptionally well ability to manipulate vocabulary
Evaluation and analysis are organised language Exceptional academic
exceptional Cohesive devices are not Flawless use of Harvard style
only natural, but varied- referencing
adding an exceptional
degree of sophistication
The question has been All sections show Outstanding use and range Outstanding range of
addressed to an outstanding organisation of highly relevant sources vocabulary and
outstanding level. within the expected Paraphrasing, summarising grammatical structures
The report is succinct and structure and use of quotes Outstanding use of
relevant without digression All paragraphs show demonstrate an grammar and
Evaluation and analysis are outstanding organisation outstanding ability to vocabulary
outstanding Cohesive devices are manipulate language Outstanding academic
natural and attract no Flawless use of Harvard style
attention referencing
The question has been All sections show excellent Excellent use and range of Excellent range of
addressed to an excellent organisation within the highly relevant sources vocabulary and
70 – 79% level. expected structure Excellent paraphrasing, grammatical structures
Excellent Relevant with minimal All paragraphs show summarising and use of Excellent use of
digression excellent organisation quotes grammar and
Evaluation and analysis are Excellent range of cohesive Near flawless use of vocabulary
excellent devices which are used Harvard referencing Excellent academic
well style
The question has been All sections show good Good use and range of Good range of
addressed to a good level. organisation within the relevant sources vocabulary and
60 – 69% Relevant with only minor expected structure Good paraphrasing, grammatical structures
Good digression Most paragraphs are well summarising and use of Good use of grammar
Evaluation and analysis are organised quotes and vocabulary
good Good range of cohesive Good use of Harvard Good academic style
devices which are generally referencing
used well
Most of the question has Most sections are Satisfactory use and range Satisfactory range of
been addressed to a organised in a satisfactory of relevant sources vocabulary and
satisfactory level. manner Satisfactory paraphrasing, grammatical structures
50 – 59%
Mainly relevant with Most paragraphs are summarising and use of Satisfactory use of
occasional digression organised in a satisfactory quotes grammar and
Evaluation and analysis are manner Satisfactory use of Harvard vocabulary
satisfactory Satisfactory range of referencing Satisfactory academic
cohesive devices which are style
generally used well
Some of the question has Some sections show basic Somewhat limited use, Somewhat limited
been addressed to a basic organisation range and quality of range of vocabulary
level Some paragraphs are sources and grammatical
40 – 49% Some difficulty maintaining organised in a basic Paraphrasing, summarising structures
Basic relevance manner and use of quotes are Basic use of grammar
Evaluation and analysis are Somewhat limited range of unclear in places and vocabulary
basic cohesive devices which are Basic demonstration of Some attempts at
sometimes used well Harvard referencing (some academic style
evidence of awareness of
Harvard referencing though
it may have several errors)
Some of the question has Limited organisation Limited use, range and Limited range of
been addressed to a limited throughout the report quality of sources vocabulary and
1 – 39%
level Limited organisation of Limited attempts at grammatical structures
Limited relevance paragraphs paraphrasing, summarising Use of grammar and
Evaluation and analysis are Limited range of cohesive and quoting vocabulary causes
limited devices which are not used Limited use of Harvard strain for the reader
correctly referencing Limited attempts at
academic style
Level 4 introduces students to HE. Students are expected to demonstrate relevant skills and competencies; to be articulate in
expressing ideas orally; and to be coherent and structured in terms of written or other media. Forms of expression at this level may be
descriptive or imitative, but students are expected to demonstrate an increasing understanding of the theoretical background of their
study and the analytic competence to explore it, as well as its relationship, where appropriate, to particular skills. Students are expected
to develop an awareness of strengths and weaknesses in their skill sets
team/practical/professional skills
A marginal fail in
module outcome(s) Limited use of learning resources. No self-direction, little
related to GLO at this Limited information base; limited understanding of input to team work and difficulty with structure/accuracy in
30-39% level. Possible discipline and its ethical dimension expression. Weak academic/intellectual skills.
compensation. Sat- Practical/professional skills are not yet secure
isfies qualifying mark
Awarded for: (i) non-submission; (ii) dangerous practice and; (iii) in situations where the student fails to address the
0% assignment brief (eg: answers the wrong question) and/or related learning outcomes