Congestion Control
Congestion Control
Congestion Control
Node III in the figure has more input data than it can handle. It
drops some packets in its input buffer and informs node II to
slow down. Node II, in turn, may be congested
because it is slowing down the output flow of data. If node II is
congested, it informs node I to slow down, which in turn may
create congestion. If so, node I informs the
source of data to slow down. This, in time, alleviates the
congestion. Note that the pressure on node III is moved
backward to the source to remove the congestion.
None of the virtual-circuit networks we studied in this book use
backpressure. It was, however, implemented in the first virtual-
circuit network, X.25. The technique
cannot be implemented in a datagram network because in this
type of network, a node (router) does not have the slightest
knowledge of the upstream router.
Choke Packet
A choke packet is a packet sent by a node to the source to
inform it of congestion. Note the difference between the
backpressure and choke packet methods. In backpressure,
the warning is from one node to its upstream node, although the
warning may eventually reach the source station. In the choke
packet method, the warning is from the
router, which has encountered congestion, to the source station
directly. The intermediate nodes through which the packet has
traveled are not warned. We have seen
an example of this type of control in ICMP. When a router in the
Internet is overwheh ned with IP datagrams, it may discard some
of them; but it informs the source
host, using a source quench ICMP message. The warning
message goes directly to the source station; the intermediate
routers, and does not take any action. Figure 24.7
shows the idea of a choke packet.
Implicit Signaling
In implicit signaling, there is no communication between the
congested node or nodesand the source. The source guesses that
there is a congestion somewhere in the network
from other symptoms. For example, when a source sends several
packets and there is no acknowledgment for a while, one
assumption is that the network is congested. The
delay in receiving an acknowledgment is interpreted as
congestion in the network; the source should slow down. We
will see this type of signaling when we discuss TCP
congestion control later in the chapter.
Explicit Signaling
The node that experiences congestion can explicitly send a
signal to the source or destination.The explicit signaling method,
however, is different from the choke packet
method. In the choke packet method, a separate packet is used
for this purpose; in the explicit signaling method, the signal is
included in the packets that carry data. Explicit
signaling, as we will see in Frame Relay congestion control, can
occur in either the forward or the backward direction.