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L. L. Lekena
Directorate of Quality Promotion
Tshwane University of Technology
Pretoria, South Africa
e-mail: [email protected]

A. Bayaga
Department of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education
University of Zululand
KwaDlangezwa, South Africa
e-mail: [email protected],

Using the theoretical framework of Tinto (2013), the first objective of the current research was to
establish first year students’ experience in the first few weeks of their studies in university, and the
second objective addressed some of the problems they faced within those first few weeks. Based
on the research objectives, data was collected using a questionnaire data. The total number of
participants in the survey was 4 020. This represented 27 per cent (4 020 out of 15 217) of all
University of the Mega Don (pseudonym) first year students registered in 2014.
Findings of the study revealed that 34 (0.9%) of the surveyed students reported that they
have disabilities. Of all these students with disability, the majority (327 out of 338 (96.7%) are not
registered with the disability office. Over 50 per cent of students, typically those from low-income
or deprived circumstances, dropout due to financial struggles to carry the direct and indirect costs
of university attendance. Some of dropout as the financial circumstances depreciate. Findings
further indicated that late registration and other reasons were the cause of 1 001 (25.7%) of the
surveyed students not attending orientation. orientation. However, almost half (1 604 / 48.5%) of
the surveyed students would like some of the orientation sessions to be offered again later in the
year. The outcome of study revealed that 1 835 (47.3%) of the students were ignorant of where
the Student Development Support (SDS) was located on their campus. Just under 50 per cent
(47.5%) of the students who participated in the study were unhappy with their living places. The
findings further showed that 1 187 (31.8%) of the participants encountered difficulties with
transport. The majority of the respondents 2 827 (74.9%) would choose University of the Mega
Don again if they were re-choosing a University. Most of the surveyed students, 58.3 per cent,
valued their experience at University of the Mega Don between good and very good.
Keywords: student experience, academic disciplines, academic integration

South African Journal of Higher Education http://dx.doi.org/10.20853/32-2-1934

Volume 32 | Number 2 | 2018 | pages 157‒175 eISSN 1753-5913
Lekena and Bayaga Trend analysis of first year student experience in university

Guided by previous studies, the current study sought to explore descriptively data related to
but not limited to students’ total experiences including orientation, social life both on campus
and where they live, student support and development, living and transport arrangements. In
unpacking this phenomenon, attention was given to (1) first year students’ experience at
University of the Mega Don (pseudonym) within the first few weeks of their studies, and
(2) identify some of the problems they faced.
Consistent with Lowe and Cook’s (2003) research, first year students tend to find the
changeover from school to university difficult. The low graduation output and high attrition
rates in South African universities are a cause for concern. Researchers have argued that not
only is lack of understanding of first year experience inadequate to meet students’ needs, but
also there is a considerable waste of student potential and capacity if not well understood
(Lewin and Mawoyo 2014; Thurber and Walton 2012; Scott 2008). Even though the first year
is an important transition point, research is inconclusive on ways of cultivating the right frame
of mind aimed at enhancing success and persistence in learning at tertiary education and beyond
(Scott 2008; Hillman 2005). Additionally, there is not much evidence to support the view that
crucial status afforded to students is associated with a positive first year experience (FYE)
retention. Therefore, the debate is insufficient on how universities successfully maximise the
chances of a smooth changeover from high school through an adoption of extracurricular
programmes and support services (Baker 2012; Lourens and Smit 2003).
Following the publication of the national cohort students by Scott (2008), it is possible to
assess the efficiency of the higher education (HE) sector based on the performance of the 2000
cohort of entrants. Scott’s (2008) findings raised the following points of concern:

• In comparison to those of other countries, HE participation rates in South Africa remains

• Approximately 30 per cent of the limited numbers of students who enter the South African
HE system annually drop out during their first year of studies (Scott 2008, 9).

Scott’s (2008) study suggests that much more scientific enquiry into the difficulties of
transition between school and higher education is required. Thus, the present study in part is
motivated by Scott’s (2008) study. This study thus examines the experience of first year
students in their first six months of being university students.
The article is arranged as follows: The preceding part unearths previous literature related

Lekena and Bayaga Trend analysis of first year student experience in university

to the students’ FYE. This is followed by the methodology section as well as a separate section
on both results and discussion of the study. The article concludes with an implication to
understanding students’ FYE at university


In early 2000, the work of Lourens and Smit (2003, 169–173) on “retention: predicting first-
year success” laments that “predicting retention and student performance is an increasing
concern for administrators due to the costly effects associated with non-persistence”. Over 14
years from 2003, establishing the total experience of first year students at university is still a
great concern not only nationally but internationally (Lourens and Smit 2003). Parallel to
establishing total experience of first year students at universities in south Africa, there is yet
another immense task regarding how to identify comprehensive challenges that first year
students experience (Geiser and Santelices 2007; Herrera 2006; Drysdale, Ross and Schulz
2001; Kovačić 2010).
Studies spanning from Larkin, Rowan, Garric and Beavis (2016), Geiser and Santelices
(2007), Herrera (2006) Drysdale et al. (2001) and Kovačić (2010) are vague on their findings
regarding the concerns and challenges of establishing and identifying first year students’
experience. These studies are notably related but not limited to:

• Using a Markov student flow model from the USA to investigate the role of pre- and post-
admission variables in undergraduate institutional persistence;
• Differentiating predictors of retention using adata-mining approach;
• Mining enrolment data from New Zealand to Predict student success; and
• Retention: predicting first year success from South Africa.

Considering the already existing body of knowledge, wide-ranging factors which have
predominately been used in predictive modelling of first year students’ analysis are said to
differ. Albeit varied, a few which appear in most studies include but not limited to: student’s
age; province in which students matriculated; aggregate attained in grade 12; Grade 12 English
symbol (defined as adequate or inadequate); ethnic group; gender; campus where the student
studied (if applicable); mode of study (full time versus part time); financial aid (Yes/No);
marital status; type of accommodation (resident student or not), and classification of
educational subject matter (CESM) category (i.e. major field of study) (Kovačić 2010; Geiser
and Santelices 2007; Lourens and Smit 2003, 171–172). Detailed in their work, ibid.s’ results

Lekena and Bayaga Trend analysis of first year student experience in university

suggest that “there seems to be a significant relationship between the number of subjects and
the ability to pass in the first year and the dropout of students in the second year” (Lourens and
Smit 2003, 174). The authors add that there is “high significant association (Chi square =
210.85, p<0.0001) amongst student dropout and the students’ success (Lourens and Smit 2003,
174). Even though that is the case, it is unclear how other factors such as family income or part-
time employment play a role in first year student experiences. In support of this position,
Lourens and Smit (2003, 174) recommend that “incorporating non-academic factors ... such as
family income or employment status in the analyses would result in more accurate predictions
of retention characteristics”.
This study utilised Tinto’s (2013) student departure theory to examine the experience of
first year students in their first six months as university students. Tinto (1993; 2012) identified
“social and academic integration” of first year students as predictors of how they would handle
challenges adapting into the culture and expectations of the higher education setting. In brief,
Tinto’s (1993) model (see Figure 1) was used for explanatory purposes into the reasons
individual students may dropout prior to degree completion. Crucial aspect to this theory was
used to unpack how students with various pre-conceived attributes adapt into the institution’s
culture. The theory was used to explore how these interactions impact students’ experiences
(positively or otherwise) and hence have a bearing on whether they stay or not.

Figure 1: A longitudinal model of institutional departure (Tinto 2013)

Predictability of background, gender and ethnicity on first year student

In predictive modelling of first year students’ experience (1st YSE), there has been discussions

Lekena and Bayaga Trend analysis of first year student experience in university

related to the type of predictive modelling techniques efficiency (Kotsiantis, Pierrakeas and
Pintelas 2004). These predictive modelling techniques range from applying machine learning
to Bayesian analysis. Drawing from the research of Kotsiantis et al. (2004, 4) on “predicting
student success by mining enrolment data”, the authors explained they “used key demographic
variables and assignment marks in the supervised machine learning algorithms (decision trees,
artificial neural networks, naïve Bayes classifier, instance-based learning, logistic regression,
and support vector machines) to predict students’ performance at the Hellenic Open
University”. Their study does not sufficiently establish that background is a good predictor of
student experience (Kotsiantis et al. 2004). In support of ibid., evidence points to the fact that
“background characteristics are not good predictors of final outcomes because they are just a
starting point and there are other factors that may contribute to the difficulties students will
have to deal with during his/her study” (Kovačić 2010, 3). Conversely, Yu et al. (2007) suggest
that “with the use of classification tree based on an entropy tree-splitting criterion, there seems
to [be] supporting evidence that cumulated earned hours was the most important factor
contributing to retention” even though gender and ethnic origin are insignificant. With these
findings, there is sufficient and inherent indication that demographic factors are yet to be
established as having direct correlation with1st YSE.

Demographics and course environment (programme)

In the mid-2000s, an investigation conducted by Herrera’s (2006) using a Markov student flow
model shed light into the role of pre- and post-admission attributes in undergraduate
institutional persistence. The findings suggested an unbalanced relation between demographic
factors and predicting academic level. In fact, some unclear evidence via a number of analysis
techniques such as Nagelkerke’s R2 coefficient and the Cox and Snell’s R2 coefficient have all
been used to establish the relationship between findings and students’ demographics and course
environment variables (Herrera 2006; Kovačić 2010, 11). However, the consensus reached was
that “only 11.2% of the disparity in study out-come is clarified by students’ demographics and
course environment variables” (Kovačić 2010, 11). Other analysis related to “student
persistence which is unclear suggest[s] that programme level is factors for predicting student
persistence” (Kovačić 2010, 12). No specific nor candidate reasons have been assigned to these
dissimilar and unconfirmed results though pockets of the results show promising relationship
between 1st YSE and various factors.

Lekena and Bayaga Trend analysis of first year student experience in university

High school grade, socio-economic and student success

One study aimed at investigating “validity of high-school grades in predicting student success
beyond the freshman year: high-school record vs. standardized tests ...” (Geiser and Santelices
2007, 1). Ibid. suggests that “high-school grade point average (HSGPA) is consistently the best
predictor not only of freshman grades in college but the outcome indicator most often employed
in predictive-validity studies and four-year college outcomes as well” (Geiser and Santelices
2007, 1). In addition, the authors found that “compared to high-school gradepoint average
(HSGPA), scores on standardized admissions tests such as the SAT I are much more closely
correlated with students’ socioeconomic background characteristics” (Geiser and Santelices
2007, 1).Geiser and Santelices (2007, 1) argued that “given these widespread and contrasting
perceptions of test scores and grades, it is understandable” that some universities “deemphasise
... standardized tests in favor of HSGPA such that other admissions factors would not cause
misgivings among some critics”.

Campus, academic disciplines and pedagogy

Some have also analyzed groupings of higher-level, such as campuses and academic disciplines,
on the predictive validity of student-level criteria. Geiser and Santelices (2007, 1) suggest that
“because students are clustered within different campuses, academic disciplines and entering
freshman cohorts and because their entry into such higher-level groupings may be
systematically related to admissions factors – e.g., students admitted at more selective campuses
may have higher HSGPAs, on average – it is possible that group-level effects could account in
part for the relationships” (Geiser and Santelices 2007, 17). Although this is the case, what is
not clear is that “the limits of prediction are especially evident when attempting to predict
individual outcomes rather than group outcomes or averages for large samples of students”
(Geiser and Santelices 2007, 17). Ibid. laments this is because “predicted outcomes for
individual students, based only on factors known at admission are subject to considerable
uncertainty and wide error bands” (Geiser and Santelices 2007, 25). A significant trend of
reasoning lately is that “... strand of literature encourages university academics working with
first year students to reflect carefully upon their pedagogical choices in pursuit of quality
learning and teaching environments, particularly in those that contain online learning
components” (Larkin et al. 2016, 1–16). A respondent, as reported by Larkin et al. (2016, 1–
16), suggested some courses are “... particularly well structured with the online/face2face
components.” Although that is the case, some respondents expressed they “... hated the
pressure” and added that “... I think week 4 ... we had four things due in the one week, which

Lekena and Bayaga Trend analysis of first year student experience in university

was just like all of us had a breakdown” (Larkin et al. 2016, 1–16). This stems from the fact
that recently a study conducted in a South African university regarding “an institutional model
for improving student retention and success” found that “the term High Impact Modules (HIMs)
was coined to signify such modules’ potential impact on performance indicators on the one
hand and the strategic intent of the university on the other” (Ogude, Kilfoil and Du Plessis 2012,
21–34). Ogude et al. (2012, 21–34) argue that “high failure and dropout rates undermine
(a) sustainability and (b) excellence.” The authors explain that “HIMs are thus characterised as
modules: (i) with large enrolment numbers (>200); (ii) that cater for a number of programs
across faculties; (iii) are associated with academic programs of national significance; (iv) have
high dropout rates (>10%); and (iv) high failure rates (>30%)” (Ogude et al. 2012, 21–34).
Albeit not fully exploited, an attempt has been made to understand “Cognitive learning
styles and academic performance in 19 first year university courses: Successful students versus
students at risk”. In response to the attempt, Drysdale et al. (2001, 270–76) found that
“…students experiencing academic difficulty (GPAs ≤ 2.00) are 6.5 times more likely to drop
out than students experiencing academic success (GPAs > 2.00)”. Ibid. add that “... students
with cumulative GPAs below or equal to 2.0 after their 1st year were more likely to withdraw
than students with GPAs higher than 2.0 for their 1st year, P2 = 321.88(1), p < .00001”
(Drysdale et al. 2001, 270–76). Some observations investigating how construct systems of first
year university students have changed also noticed “... a significant rise in self-esteem (SID),
t(27) = −.55, p < .05, r = .25 (a medium effect size)” (Ribeiro et al. 2012, 170–180). When
testing for the unique contribution regarding presence of dilemmas after controlling for
psychological symptoms at assessment, ibid. found that “... the overall model was significant,
F(2,25) = 10.04; p = .001, explaining 40% of the variance, but presence of dilemmas at the
beginning of the year (β = .14, p > .05) added only 1.9% to the variance explained by
psychological symptoms at Assessment 1(β = .65, p = .000)” (Ribeiro et al. 2012, 170–180).
What these variations in findings suggest about experience of first year students and
problems they face is that they are inconclusive. Not only are they unsettling, there has not been
acceptable trends or phenomena observed firmly in current South African universities. For this
reason, the current study sought to explore the objectives as stipulated below.

Objectives of the study

• To establish the experience of first year students within the first few weeks of their studies;
• To identify some of the problems that the first year students experience within the first few

Lekena and Bayaga Trend analysis of first year student experience in university

weeks of their study.

This study is a descriptive analysis of first year students’ experience at a university in South
Africa commencing their various fields of study (Creswell 2014). Based on the research
objectives, a questionnaire was used as the data collection tool. This was filled out by all first
year students on the completion of their first six weeks. Thus, all first year students studying
at University of the Grand Don for the first time were surveyed in order for it to be all-inclusive.
Data was collected using a one-page paper-based questionnaire following the research
objectives to survey and obtain information on first year students’ experience. The
questionnaire was an adopted version from the University of Johannesburg (UJ) (University of
Johannesburg 2013). The questionnaire (cf. Appendix: Questionnaire) which was mainly
comprised of tick boxes and extended answer questions on students’ total experience thus far
including orientation, social life both on campus and where they live, student support and
development, living and transport arrangements. There were demographic as well as
explanatory questions relating to the different aspects of the first year experience. Students
were urged to write their student numbers on the questionnaires to allow for individualised
follow-up and support where necessary. The survey is therefore not anonymous but the
students’ protection was assured by not contravening ethical standards of the university (cf.
Ethical certificate – names and words that identify with the university have been blinded).
Because this is a descriptive study, data was analysed using descriptive statistics.


Guided by the research (cf. Research objectives), the present study aimed at addressing
students’ experience including orientation, social life both on campus and where they live,
student support and development, living and transport arrangements. Most surveyed
respondents (3 611 out of 3 846 (93.9%)) indicated that they were registered for the first time
at University of the Mega Don, while only 235 (6.1%) had already been in a foundation
programme at University of the Mega Don. As noted by previous researchers, various reasons
account for choice of campus, some of which include online facilities and teaching and learning
(Yu et al. 2007; Kovačić 2010, 11). However, in this particular case, the dominate reason has
been due to the choice of programme. Tinto (1998) suggests that this interaction leads to
positive (integrative) experiences that enhances their commitment to the institution. This is
particularly true as Yu et al. (2007) argue that these factors are yet to be established as having

Lekena and Bayaga Trend analysis of first year student experience in university

direct correlation with 1st YSE. Figure 2 is a representation of the number of campuses that took
part in the survey. The majority of participants were enrolled in Pretoria Campus (1 463 out of
3 932 (37%)), followed by Soshanguve South Campus (593 out of 3 932 (15%)) and Ga-
Rankuwa Campus (488 out of 3 932 (12%)). On the contrary, Polokwane Campus had the
lowest participants (150 out of 3 932 (4%)). The following section illustrates their responses
over an array of variables. One thing that can be said here is that the results are inconclusive
regarding previous literature (Yu et al. 2007).

Participation per campus

5% 8% Arcadia
15% Arts
8% Polokwane
6% Pretoria
4% Soshanguve North
Soshanguve South

37% eMalahleni

Figure 2: Participation per campus (n = 3 932)

A response rate of 27 per cent (4 020 out of 15 217) of this total of target participants was
achieved in the study. The ratio in the study in terms of gender leaned slightly in favour of the
females. One thousand nine hundred and ninety-six (1 996) out of 3 913 females participated
in the survey as opposed to 1 917 males representing 51 percent females and 49 percent males.
In addition, the trend of participants in the study in terms of age indicated that the majority
(3 283 (83.7%)) were between the ages of 18 and 21. With regards to disability, findings reveal
that 34 (0.9%) of the surveyed students have disabilities. However, all most all (327 out of 338
(96.7%)) of these students did not register with the disability office. Previous researchers such
as Lourens and Smit (2003) and Herrera (2006) have observed there is “high significant
association (Chi square = 210.85, p<0.0001) between student dropout and the success of
students.” However, in this study, there is no indication of such phenomenon.
Over 50 per cent of students, especially those from financially struggling backgrounds,
dropout due to inability to carry the direct and indirect costs of university study or are unable

Lekena and Bayaga Trend analysis of first year student experience in university

to continue studying when the financial burden increases. This result matches with previous
studies (Lourens and Smit 2003). Ibid. previously pointed out that there is a good relation
between drop out and low-income or disadvantaged backgrounds. The findings are not so far
from another phenomenon related to finance. Consistent with previous research, the current
results indicate that most of the first year students (1 736 (47.1%)) are financed by the National
Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) (Herrera 2006). This is what researchers such as
Larkin et al. (2016) described as being in a case of quality learning and teaching settings.
Undoubtedly, the NSFAS plays an important role in increasing access to higher education for
underpreviledged students. Government funds to NSFAS amounted to R5.769 billion, in
2013/14. R3.693 billion of the entire portion was for loans and bursaries to universities (Van
Zyl, Gravett and De Bruin 2012). Larkin et al. (2016) have also drawn attention to increased
amount of work first year student encounter. In their previous research the authors argued that
some respondents indicated that they “... hated the pressure” and added that “... I think week 4
... we had four things due in the one week, which was just like all of us had a breakdown”
(Larkin et al. 2016, 1–16).
The results of this study can be likened to their work (Larkin et al. 2016, 1–16) in that the
current findings indicate that 1 001 (25.7%) of the students who took part in the survey did not
attend orientation as a result of late registration as well as other reasons. But, 1 604 (48.5%) of
the surveyed students would welcome some orientation type sessions to be reoffered later in
the year. Findings reveal that more or less than 1 772 (46%) students reported studying for less
than 10 hours per week disregarding official class times. The students’ assertion has been
echoed in the work of Geiser and Santelices (2007, 17). Findings further revealed that 2 876
(74.3%) of all participants mentioned that they were anxious about their term/semester tests.
Many respondents (87%) reported that they knew what the lecturers expected of them. Only 40
per cent had not yet spoken to any of the lecturers, which was strongly acknowledged by Ribeiro
et al. (2012).
Following the findings, the researchers suggest that in such scenarios, the university
should create a first-year coordinator position/unit (Baker 2012). They should also establish a
first-year team whose principal responsibilities will be to enhance and promote efforts that
continually improve a university-wide, first-year experience (Baker 2012). Various
commentators have indicated the difficulty regarding social aspects of 1st YSE (Baker 2012;
Yu et al. 2007). Just as the work of Yu et al. (2007) the current results show that 1 835 (47.3%)
of the students were ignorant of where the SDS was located on their campus, and majority
(3 247 (83%)) had not utilised the services provided by the Student Development and Support

Lekena and Bayaga Trend analysis of first year student experience in university

(SDS). Looking at participation in sports, the survey results indicate that 3 107 (80.9) had not
yet attended or participated in any sporting events at University of the Mega Don, and
approximately 90 per cent (3 107) had not joined any clubs or associations. This is a matter of
concern as the majority is still very young (18–21 years of age) and need to be active in sporting
and social activities. Only 1 121 (29%) of surveyed students reside in university residences
while studying, with 636 (16.5%) on campus. Almost half of the respondents indicated that they
(47.5%) are not happy with where they live.
Orientation is very important as the students need to know where to go for assistance and
they should gain general information about how the university works, thereby improving their
chances of success. Ogude et al. (2012, 21–34) characterised this approach as HIMs, which
they argue is strongly linked with “high failure and dropout rates” and thus weaken
(a) sustainability and (b) quality. Modules: (i) with large enrolment numbers (>200); (ii) that
are offered to a number of programs across faculties; (iii) are related with academic programs
of national significance; (iv) have high attrition rates (>10%); and (iv) high failure rates (>30%)
are typical characteristics of HIMs (Ogude et al. 2012, 21–34). Researchers have advanced the
point that an attempt to expose new students to the campus facilities and location of different
departments is important (Bowden 2013; Baker 2012; Ogude et al. 2012). All campuses should
publicise the location of offices such as SDS and students should be encouraged to use these
facilities (Bowden 2013; Baker 2012). It is also suggested that offices such as SDS must be
improved so that they provide academic support services for all first year students and not just
those at risk of failing (Bowden 2013; Baker 2012). These can include services such as writing
centres, mathematics labs, tutoring, technology-support, counselling, and support services for
students with learning disabilities. In addition, the university must emphasise to students with
disabilities the importance of registering with the disability office (Bowden 2013; Baker 2012).
This is important as they will receive specialized support, if needed, thereby enhancing their
chances of success. It is also argued that there is the need for course-based orientation tours and
treasure hunts to introduce students to the university environment (Bowden 2013; Baker 2012).
Thus, the University should introduce a mid-year orientation programme to reacquaint students
with the institution’s services and requirements with alternative formats to address the range of
student needs and to cater for late registrations (Bowden 2013).
The first year of university is a critical one in which students are likely to develop lasting
viewpoints, morals and designs of behaviour in relation to higher education and lifelong
learning. It is in this year that institutions of higher learning either retain or lose the students; it
is therefore crucial for first years to have a worthwhile and positive experience. Upcraft and

Lekena and Bayaga Trend analysis of first year student experience in university

Kramer (1995, 18) extended this theory, stating that “the greater the quantity and quality of
involvement, the more likely the student will succeed in college”. The view is that higher
education staff can assist students become active in various ways (Upcraft and Kramer 1995).
This includes two successful orientation activities at the beginning of the year that familiarize
students with different campus organizations, and scheduling first year planning conferences
between students and their advisors (Upcraft and Kramer 1995).
As alluded by Herrera (2006), the findings of this study show that 1 187 (31.8%) of the
surveyed students have transport problems. With regards to type of transport used to get to
campus, the survey results indicate that over 60 per cent of the surveyed students use buses and
taxis to get to campus. In general, observers have reflected on the fact that overall satisfaction
can be difficult to achieve (Herrera 2006; Upcraft and Kramer 1995). In this instance, majority
of the respondents 2 827 (74.9%) would choose University of the Mega Don if they were
rechoosing a higher education institution. The results of the survey indicate that most surveyed
students, 58.3 per cent, rated their experience at University of the Mega Don between good and
very good.
There is an indication that FYIES study has made good progress in enhancing transition
to university and improving the experience quality for first year students at the University of
the Mega Don. The concentration of efforts geared towards high quality transition programmes
as well as checking and reacting to the needs and experiences of first year students may yield
Social integration of fist year students at University of the Mega Don is important to
increase the students’ level of social integration as well as increases their level of academic
integration. Sporting facilities, activities, associations and clubs should be publicized widely to
first years and they should be encouraged to participate. This is crucial given the age group of
first year students which mainly ranges between 18 and 21 years, and should help to keep them
active and engaged. This in turn will have a positive impact on the success of their studies.
Authors in previous studies found that “... the overall model was significant, F(2,25) = 10.04;
p = .001, explaining 40 per cent of the variance, but presence of dilemma sat the beginning of
the year (β = .14, p > .05) added only 1.9 per cent to the variance explained by psychological
symptoms at Assessment 1(β = .65, p = .000)” (Ribeiro et al. 2012, 170–180).
The University should provide mechanisms to address the financial needs of needy
students at the first year undergraduate level while reducing the burden on the NSFAS. With
regards to accommodation and transport, it is recommended that a follow-up qualitative study
(more in-depth interviews) could be conducted to see exactly what the issues are. This will help

Lekena and Bayaga Trend analysis of first year student experience in university

shed light into exactly what kind of intervention is needed. The University should send first
year students targeted messages, through a variety of communication tools, to ensure that they
receive essential information. Such communication would create greater awareness of the
resources that are available to support students throughout their first year.


The profile of the students

A response rate of 27 per cent (4 020 out of 15 217) of the target participants was achieved in
the study. The gender ratio in the study slightly leaned in favour of the females. A total of 1 996
out of 3 913 females responded to the survey questionnaire and 1 917 males responded,
representing 51 per cent females and 49 per cent males. In addition, the trend of participants in
the study in terms of age indicated that the majority (3 283 (83.7%)) were between the ages of
18 and 21. With regards to disability, the survey results indicate that 34 (0.9%) of the surveyed
students have disabilities. However, the majority (327 out of 338 (96.7%)) are not registered
with the disability office.

Financial assistance
More than half of students, especially those from low-income or disadvantaged backgrounds,
dropout because they are unable to bear the direct and indirect costs of university attendance or
are unable to continue attending when financial needs change. The results of the survey indicate
that most of the first year students (1 736 (47.1%)) are financed by the NSFAS. There is no
doubt as to the importance of the NSFAS in increasing access to higher education for poor
students. In 2013/14, government funds to NSFAS amounted to R5.769 billion, of which
R3.693 billion was for loans and bursaries to universities (Ministry of Higher Education and
Training 2013).

Academic integration
The results indicated that 1 001 (25.7%) of the surveyed students did not attend orientation due
to late registration and other reasons. However, 1 604 (48.5%) of the surveyed students would
like some orientation type activities to be repeated later in the year. Data shows that
approximately 1 772 (46%) students reported that they study for less than 10 hours per week
outside of lecture times. The majority of (70%) do not miss any classes/labs/practicals in a

Lekena and Bayaga Trend analysis of first year student experience in university

normal week. The findings of this study show that 2 876 (74.3%) of all surveyed students stated
that they were worried about their term/semester tests. Many respondents (87%)stated that they
knew what the lecturers expected of them. Only 40 per cent had not yet spoken to any of the

Social integration
The findings of this study show that 1 835 (47.3%) of the students did not know where the SDS
was located on their campus, and majority (3 247 (83%)) had not utilised the services provided
by the SDS. With regards to sports participation, the survey results indicate that 3 107 (80.9)
the surveyed students had not yet attended or participated in any sporting events at University
of the Mega Don and approximately 90 per cent (3 107) had not joined any clubs or
associations. This is a matter of concern as the majority is still very young (18–21 years of age)
and need to be active in sporting and social activities.

Only 1 121 (29%) of surveyed students reside in university residences while studying, with 636
(16.5%) on campus. Almost half (47.5%) of the respondents indicated that they are not happy
with where they live.

The findings of this study show that 1 187 (31.8%) of the surveyed students have transport
problems. With regards to type of the transport used to get to campus the survey results indicate
that over 60 per cent of the surveyed students use buses and taxis to get to campus.

Overall satisfaction
The majority of the surveyed students (2 827 (74.9%)) would choose University of the Mega
Don if they were rechoosing a higher education institution. The survey results indicate that most
students, 58.3 per cent, rated their experience at University of the Mega Don between good and
very good.

The implications of the study include that faculty staff members should undertake professional
development courses in order to ensure that they understand and are aware of the unique needs
of first year students. Further, students should be encouraged to talk to their lecturers and
tutors/mentors. This should improve their chances of success, as they will receive information

Lekena and Bayaga Trend analysis of first year student experience in university

about a range of issues and feel more open with their lecturers and mentors. Keeling (2003)
notes that students often have lofty goals and high expectations, but often lack realistic plans
for achieving their goals. More importantly, separate interventions may be needed to encourage
students to study more hours outside class to avoid pressure towards tests and exam times.
Additionally, the following interventions could be implemented:

• Small group teaching in tutorials;

• Group assessment strategies; and
• Develop peer-mentoring programmes to assist first year students’ transition into university

The researchers wish to extend their heartfelt gratitude to the following people without whom
the First-Year Initial Experience Survey (FYIE) would not have been successful:

• Institutional Research in the Directorate of Quality Promotion (DQP) – University of Mega

• Dr. D. Naidoo – Executive Director
• Dr. S Caroline – Director.

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Lekena and Bayaga Trend analysis of first year student experience in university

Lekena and Bayaga Trend analysis of first year student experience in university


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