Prayer To Masks
Prayer To Masks
Prayer To Masks
Prayer to masks
• traditional masks in African culture
–these masks embody the spirit of
Form and structure
• Line lengths vary.
• No stanzas.
1st person – more intimate and personal lives - the ancestors are
alive in the present
Indicates reverence/awe – he generation.
acknowledges their power.
Senghor's father was named Diogoye, which means “lion”.
suffering, vulnerable
Metaphor: The suffering of Africa is compared to that of a vulnerable
princess. - highlights the pain/struggle / exploitation
Metaphor- Africa & Europe are connected like a mother & baby.
Connection through navel- Africa still dependent on Europe. Battling with being
generations after the ancestors
Simile - Those who fought ('children') have sacrificed their lives like a poor person sacrifices
his last clothing. They willing to sacrifice everything.
Personification -After the colonisers leave, the country has a chance to be 'reborn', change and grow.
Metaphor - The children are the catalyst – compared to leaven (yeast). They are essential to
the change and growth, like leaven is needed for bread to rise.
Hyperbole: Importance of preserving cultural heritage .
Lost dreams
Rhetorical Questions - Africa will provide the needed values that Europe have forgotten in the
process of its obsession with materialistic gain.
Colonisers Derogatory labels