SDO Navotas EarthSci SHS1st2ndSem - FV
SDO Navotas EarthSci SHS1st2ndSem - FV
SDO Navotas EarthSci SHS1st2ndSem - FV
1st or 2nd Semester
S.Y. 2021-2022
Earth Science for Senior High School
Alternative Delivery Mode
1st or 2nd Semester
Second Edition, 2021
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Module 1......................................................................................2
Module 2......................................................................................10
Module 3......................................................................................21
Module 4......................................................................................30
Module 5......................................................................................37
Module 6......................................................................................46
Module 7......................................................................................52
Assessment ..................................................................................54
Quarter 2 or Quarter 4
Module 8......................................................................................57
Module 9......................................................................................61
Module 10 ....................................................................................65
Module 11 ....................................................................................71
Module 12 ....................................................................................76
Module 13 ....................................................................................82
Module 14 ....................................................................................86
Assessment ..................................................................................88
References ...................................................................................93
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on a separate sheet
of paper.
1. The following are the characteristics of the sun that makes Earth a habitable planet
A. The sun is an average sized star
B. The sun is not too near nor too far from Earth
C. The sun heats Earth to keep waters from freezing
D. The sun is an unstable young star
4. A fossil fuel that is composed of the remains of prehistoric plants that were buried
and compacted for millions of years is a:
A. Geothermal C. Oil
B. Coal D. Natural Gas
5. A type of mining where large hole is excavated on the ground to extract the ores is
A. Underground Mining C. Open-pit Mining
B. Strip Mining D. Placer Mining
8. This happens when excess fertilizers end up in the waters promoting algal blooms:
A. Eutrophication C. Misuse
B. Irrigation D. Run off
9. The process of retaining the residues from harvested crops in the land is called:
A. Contour Plowing C. Crop Rotation
B. Strip Cropping D. Mulching
10. These wastes are those that pose immediate danger to humans:
A. Hazardous Waste C. Oxo-biodegradable waste
B. Solid Waste D. Agricultural Waste
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master
the nature of Earth Science. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different
learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students.
The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in
which you read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.
The module is divided into three lessons, namely:
Lesson 1.1 – The Characteristics of Earth Necessary to Support Life
Lesson 1.2– The Subsystems of Earth
Lesson 1.3– The Rock-Forming Minerals and Their Properties
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. describe the characteristics of Earth that are necessary to support life.
2. explain that the Earth consists of four subsystems, across whose boundaries
matter and energy flow: and
3. identify common rock-forming minerals using their physical and chemical
star would possibly cause tidal locking where one face of a planet faces towards it and the
other one facing the other side. This would mean that one side will be too hot and the other
will be too cold.
2. The Earth is at a right distance from the sun
Earth is the third planet from the sun. It is in the so-called habitable zone, a region
where water can exist in liquid form. Too near the sun, the water on it will boil just like in
Mercury. Too far, the water will be frozen as ice like Uranus and Neptune.
3. Earth has an atmosphere
Earth is massive enough to have a strong gravity to hold gases from escaping Earth.
This blanket of gases is called the atmosphere. The atmosphere protects the Earth from
harmful radiation from space. Meteorites moving to the earth are reduced to smaller,
harmless debris as it contacts with the atmosphere. Without the atmosphere, all the waters
on the Earth will boil and escape to space. The type of atmosphere the Earth has is composed
mainly of oxygen and nitrogen. Unlike Earth, Venus has an atmosphere of carbon dioxide
which traps heat though greenhouse effect, thus heating the planet making it the hottest in
the solar system.
4. Earth has a magnetic field
The sun gives off charged particles during solar winds which are capable of stripping
away Earth’s atmosphere. Luckily, down to the Earth’s core are currents of iron and nickel
flowing which then creates the Earth’s magnetic field. This magnetic field acts as a shield
from the harmful charged particles from the sun and other parts of space. This is evident in
the poles which manifests as bright green colors known as aurora.
5. Liquid Water
The right distance from the sun prevents water from either boiling or freezing. The
atmosphere prevents the Earth from absorbing to much sunlight which can evaporate all of
Earth’s water and eventually escape in space. The magnetic field shields the Earth from the
sun’s ionizing radiation which can strip away the Earth’s atmosphere.
The presence of water indicate life. On Earth, you can find life as long as there is
water. Also, many chemical reactions needed for life needs water to happen. The amount of
water on Earth is just enough not to cover the whole lands but not scarce to make the lands
dry. In search of life outside Earth, the presence of water is a main factor being considered.
6. Presence of necessary chemicals and compounds
Carbon is an element present in biomolecules along with other elements such as
sulfur, nitrogen, and phosphorus. The presence of this elements together with water and the
complex cycles of these chemicals by volcanic activity and tectonic plates movement gives
enough chance for life to thrive on Earth.
7. The presence of a moon
The two well-known movement of the Earth are rotation on its axis and revolution
around the sun. But there is a less noticeable movement of earth called precession where the
Earth changes its tilt by about 1 degree for about every 40, 000 years. Imagine a wobbling
top when it is spinning. It’s the same with the earth but for a much longer duration. The
Earths tilt is responsible for the seasons because one side is much exposed to the sun and
the other is less exposed. Without the moon, the Earth’s tilt will change much that it will
create extreme hot and extreme cold seasons because there will be no gravity from the moon
that pulls the Earth. Thus, our friendly little satellite has a big contribution on the possibility
of life on Earth.
The Subsystems of Earth
We may think of Earth as just the soil and rocks composing the planet. However,
besides this soil and rock are the waters, living things and gases that make up the whole
planet. The interaction of these all are linked. One change on the soil for instance can cause
changes on the living things above it. Human activities can cause changes in the air and the
waters. We could think of countless ways how these all are connected. In this lesson, we will
explore the different components called subsystems that composes Earth as well as their
roles in every phenomenon and occurrences on Earth
4. Biosphere
All the life forms and living organisms on Earth constitutes the biosphere. It covers
even the largest or the smallest life forms in the deepest parts of the oceans, or the ones
underground, as well as the small organisms on the extreme environments.
The interaction of the biosphere with the other subsystems is essential for its survival.
Example of this interaction is photosynthesis where plants use sunlight and carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere and releasing oxygen as by-product.
The Interactions of the Subsystems
In every phenomenon on Earth, the four subsystems are involved in one way or
another. A change on one subsystem has its effect on the others. Since Earth also resembles
a closed system, matter from one subsystem is transferred to the others by different means.
These creates a cycle of matter on Earth.
One of the commonly observed cycle is the water cycle or hydrologic cycle. It starts by
the water evaporation when being heated by the sun. Then, it condenses in the clouds in the
atmosphere and falls during precipitation or rain. It is then collected in the oceans, in the
land areas and taken also by the plants and animals.
Another cycle is the carbon cycle. Carbon is abundant on Earth. It may be present in
the rocks, in living organisms, in the sediments in the ocean. During rain, some of the carbon
in the atmosphere are carried out forming carbonic acid, which then dissolves the rocks,
releasing different minerals and ions such as calcium. The calcium is then carried by the
rivers to the ocean, which combines with bicarbonate to form calcium bicarbonate forming
the shells of aquatic animals.
Some of the carbon embedded in the rocks together with the remains of living things forms
fossil fuels. When humans burn these fuels, the carbon are transferred back to the
atmosphere. The ideal thing is that carbon is dispersed in all the subsystems. Too much
carbon in the atmosphere will create greenhouse effect. If all the carbons will be stored in the
rocks, living organisms will have no supply of carbon needed for the sustainability of life.
In every phenomenon observed, all the subsystems may be affected or may be the one
that caused it. For example, during a bad weather, the rains from the atmosphere may soften
the land and cause landslide. Then, it may affect the plants and animals living nearby. In
this example, the atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, and biosphere are all involved.
Human activities also affect the other subsystems. The rapid emission of carbon due
to human activities and industrialization warms the earth and in turn causes the lowest level
of ice in the poles which increases the ocean level. The oil spills affect the ocean waters which
in turn harms the aquatic animals and birds feeding on them. The conversion of farmlands
to subdivisions alters the lands which displaces the animals from their natural habitat. The
four subsystems are interconnected. One causes changes to the other and every observable
phenomenon on Earth, the subsystems are involved in one way or another.
Rock-forming Minerals
Most of the geosphere is composed of rocks. These rocks, when examined are
composed of chemical compounds called minerals. There are thousands of minerals that
make up different kinds of rocks. These minerals also played a great part in human history.
The basic food additive and preservative, salt, or rock salt (halite), has been a key part
of shaping civilizations. Likewise, extracting iron from the mineral hematite gave people an
edge to people using bronze tools, thus ending the bronze age. In this lesson, we will explore
the different rock forming minerals as well as their physical and chemical properties.
Characteristics of a Mineral
Minerals are the building blocks of rocks. To study these rocks, it is important to
understand the nature of these minerals. First, let us explore how can a particular matter be
called a mineral. These are the characteristics exhibited by minerals:
1. Solid at normal conditions on Earth
Solid substances only are the ones considered as minerals. For example, snowflake can be
considered a mineral, but rainwater is not. The exception to this is mercury due to historical
reasons even though it is liquid at normal conditions on Earth.
2. Naturally occurring
Materials formed from natural Earth processes are the ones considered as minerals. Thus,
man-made materials are not considered as minerals.
3. Inorganic
Inorganic materials are materials that don’t came from or composed of living
organisms. Corals for example, though solid and naturally occurring are not considered as
minerals because they are formed by living things. Thus, only non-living things are
considered as minerals.
4. Has definite chemical composition
A compound is composed of two or more elements combined. These compounds can
be expressed in terms of chemical formula. A common mineral called halite, also known as
rock salt, has a chemical formula of sodium chloride (NaCl). Even a pinch of salt or a huge
block of salt still has the same chemical formula. Same goes for all minerals. At any size, the
same chemical composition should be observed all throughout.
5. Has a crystal structure
A crystalline structure is a structure of
compounds whose components are arranged in orderly
and repetitive manner. When they grow bigger, they form
regularly shaped materials called crystals. For example,
take the simple compound sodium chloride shown in
Figure 1. When may NaCl combine, they form cubic lattice.
When many of this cubic lattice are combined, they form
the salt crystal. Different minerals have different Figure 1. (a) Simplified NaCl
crystalline structure. chemical structure (b) Simplified
NaCl cubic lattice
Physical and Chemical Properties of Minerals
Different minerals are classified through the various physical and chemical properties.
Their different physical and chemical properties should be studied to identify them. The
following are the common physical properties used to identify minerals.
2. Color Figure 2: Different crystal habits of minerals
Some minerals have unique colors in
which it can be used to identify them. The
color of the mineral depends on its internal
atomic structure as well as the impurities that
is in them. However, many minerals have
identical colors while other minerals exhibit
different colors depending on different
conditions. This makes color a less reliable
way in identifying minerals. For example,
during the gold rush, some amateur miners
Figure 3: (a) Gold nugget from Australia. (Public
have mistaken pyrite as gold as shown in
display, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, figure 4 hence it was named as fool’s gold.
Illinois, USA) (b) Pyrite or Fool’s Gold
3. Luster
Some minerals reflect light while others barely
do. This property is called luster. Some
minerals have a metallic luster where they look
like polished metals while others have non-
metallic luster. Non-metallic luster includes
glassy, resinous, silky, pearly, earthy, and Figure 4: (a) Galena (b) Gypsum
greasy luster. Figure 4 shows two minerals, Sources:
galena, and gypsum. Galena has a metallic
luster while gypsum has a pearly one.
4. Streak
As mentioned above, color can be an unreliable
identification of minerals. A more reliable one is streak.
Streak is the color exhibited by a mineral in powdered
form. To do this, a mineral is scratched across a streak
plate which is a piece of porcelain. Commonly, non-metallic
minerals have white streak. Metallic minerals on the other
hand can have a streak different from their perceived color.
Minerals harder than porcelain does not have a streak
Figure 5. Streak of two hematite
since they can scratch the porcelain. Streak is good in
samples with different luster
Source: determining gold and pyrite since pyrite has a greenish black streak while gold still has a golden streak. Figure 6
/File:Hematite_streak_plate.jpg shows that the streaks of hematite are the same even if the
two samples have different luster.
5. Hardness
Hardness of a mineral is characterized by its
resistance against scratching. A scale called
Moh’s scale of mineral hardness shown in
figure 6 is designed to compare the hardness
of different minerals. A scale of 1 is the softest
while the scale of 10 is the hardest. Talc is the
softest mineral while diamond is the hardest.
Evidently, harder minerals can scratch softer
ones. Common materials with known
hardness are used to scratch different
materials to determine or estimate their
hardness. Example of these materials are
fingernail with a hardness of 2-2.5, copper
coin (3-3.5), nail (5-5.5), Glass (5.5) and steel
knife (6.5-7). The Moh’s scale, however, is not
Figure 6: Moh’s Hardness Scale
an accurate way of measuring hardness
Source: By National Park Service - because it is qualitative and based only on
(file), Public Domain, relative hardness of other materials.
6. Cleavage
Minerals are crystal solids. Their different
properties and characteristics can be traced
down to their atomic structures. In these
structures, there can be strong and weak bonds
between atoms. When a force or pressure is
applied on the minerals, some of these may
break into plane surfaces. This property is
called cleavage. From figure 7, when a pressure
from a cutting tool is applied, it breaks the
Figure 7. Simplified atomic structure of
weak bonds thus creating plane sheets of the minerals forming cleavage
Minerals can be identified by the number of cleavage directions and the angle between their
cleavage. Example of a one-directional cleavage is muscovite or mica indicated in figure 8. On
figure 9, a two-directional cleavage of feldspar is shown. On figure 10, a three-directional
cleavage is shown.
Figure 8. One directional Cleavage Figure 9. Two directional Cleavage Figure 10. Three directional
on Muscovite on Feldspar Cubic Cleavage on Halite
Source: Source: Source:
ology/31304209033/in/photostream ology/32499528651/in/photostream otos/jsjgeology/494222555
7. Fracture
Some minerals don’t create plane surfaces when force is applied on them. Instead,
irregular patterns called fractures are formed. Minerals can have both cleavage and fractures
depending on the weaknesses on the atomic bonds of that mineral. Shown in the images
below are the different fractures in minerals.
Figure 11: Different Fractures in minerals (a) Conchoidal fractures in Obsidian
(b) Fibrous fractures in crocidolite (c) Hackly or sharp fracture in copper
(7385).jpg |
8. Specific gravity
Specific gravity is the ratio of an object’s density and the density of water. In other
words, it is the numerical value of the density of a material without the units. Minerals with
specific gravity less than 1 will float in water while minerals with specific gravity of more than
1 will sink. This is an accurate way to compare minerals. For example, pyrite (fool’s gold) and
real gold have different specific gravity. If a pyrite and gold have the same size, the gold would
be heavier.
9. Other Properties
There are other properties that are exhibited by minerals. For example, halite has a
salty taste.
Magnetite has magnetic properties, sulfur has a rotten egg smell, talc has a soapy
texture while graphite has a greasy one. Some minerals have special optical properties.
Fluorite and calcite exhibit fluorescence where they can glow in the dark. Calcite reacts with
hydrochloric acid (HCl) which produces fizz or bubbles like carbonated drinks.
Build your planet: You are to lead mankind on the search for other habitable planets. Of all
the planets in the solar system, you are going to do some changes on a specific planet for it
to be livable like Earth. What planet will it be? What are you going to do to make it habitable?
How will you build its subsystems? Write an essay on how you will do it. Be imaginative as
you want but incline your answers on scientific principles and the concepts and consider the
previously discussed information.
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master
the different types of rocks and mineral resources. The scope of this module permits it to be
used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse
vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the
course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook
you are now using.
The module is divided into three lessons, namely:
Lesson 2.1 – Types of Rocks
Lesson 2.2 – Mineral Resources
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. classify rocks into igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic
2. understand how rock materials are recycled in the rock cycle.
3. identify the minerals that are important to society; and
4. understand how mineral deposits are formed
Types of Rocks
Rocks are almost everywhere. They come in different colors, shapes, and sizes.
Information on Earth’s history is imprinted in the rocks. Mankind makes use of rocks in
countless of ways. Early humans made their tools with rocks. Great structures such as
pyramids and dams are built using these rocks. Today, rocks have served different purposes
in technology and industry. In this lesson, we will discuss the different classification of rocks
and how these rocks are formed.
There are two types of igneous rocks. These types are based on where and how fast
these rocks cool. The first classification is intrusive or plutonic rocks. These rocks cooled
below the Earth’s surface. Since it cools below, its temperature will drop slowly since it is
hotter below the Earth’s surface. The slow cooling process allows the atomic structure of the
minerals in the rocks to form crystals. Thus, intrusive rocks have visible crystals in them.
The second classification is
extrusive rocks. These are
rocks that cooled above the
Earth’s surface. Being above
the Earth’s surface, the lava
cools quickly leaving no time
for the atoms of the rocks to
arrange themselves and form
crystals. Thus, extrusive
rocks have no visible crystal
structures. Extrusive rocks Figure 1: (a) Granite (b) Basalt
can also be vesicular which Photo By: James St. John
means that there are air Retrieved from:
bubbles trapped in the rocks.
Sedimentary Rocks
The second type of rocks are sedimentary rocks. These are the rocks that are formed
from compacted or cemented sediments. In other words, these rocks are formed from
sediments put together.
Sediments are the bits of rocks that are stripped away from the rock due to different
agents such as water, wind, or gravity. This process of stripping away bits of rocks is called
weathering. These is the start of the formation of sedimentary rocks. Upon weathering, these
rocks can be transported by the same agents in a process called erosion. On high hills and
mountains, water and gravity carry the sediments downhill. Wind can also scatter these
sediments. After erosion, these sediments will be deposited on the ground or underwater.
This process is called deposition. Sediments will pile up on top of another, thus increasing
the pressure to the sediments at the bottom. After being deposited, these sediments undergo
lithification. This is the process in which sediments are turned into a rock. The two
processes that allows lithification are compaction and cementation.
Compaction happens when the pressure from the sediments on top forces the buried
sediments to be squeezed together. Thus, any water content is forced out. The remains of
living things can also be caught in the compaction which, given enough time, forms fossils.
Sedimentary rocks are the only one who can preserve fossils. Some rocks have big
grains that when squeezed together, some holes or spaces are left. When the sediments are
squeezed together, some materials such as silica (SiO2) and calcite (CaCO3) glue the
sediments together by filling the microscopic spaces between the sediments. This process is
called cementation. When this happens, the sediments harden to form rocks. If you ever
washed rice and squeezed one in your palms, you can see that the grains of rice somehow
harden. It is like the compaction and cementation of sediments but on a greater degree.
There are three types of sedimentary rocks. These are clastic, chemical, and
biochemical sedimentary rocks. Clastic sedimentary rocks are the most common
sedimentary rocks. These are the ones that were formed from compacted and cemented loose
These rocks can be formed from different sizes of sediments. The biggest sediments
are coarse grained rocks. They are formed by sediments larger than 2mm. These rocks are
from fragments of any rocks. The examples of these rocks are conglomerate, and breccia
shown in figure 2. Medium sized sediments have grain size of ¹⁄₁₆ mm to 2mm. These are
formed from quartz and rock fragments. Example of this is sandstone shown in figure 3. Fine
grained ones range from ¹⁄₂₅₆ mm to ¹⁄₁₆ mm which is commonly made of silt. Example of this
is siltstone shown in figure 4. Lastly, very fine grained one has grain size less than ¹⁄₂₅₆ mm.
These rocks are made of quartz and clay. Example of this rock is shale shown in figure 5.
Chemical sedimentary rocks on the other hand are formed slightly different from
clastic rocks. This type of rocks is formed when dissolved minerals in waters precipitate at
the bottom. This can happen when the water evaporates leaving the minerals behind. A great
example of this is rock salt, shown in figure 6. When saltwater evaporates, the salts are
gathered at the bottom forming rock salt. Another way is when water is supersaturated with
minerals, meaning it can’t dissolve minerals anymore. When this happens, chemical
sediments precipitate out of the solution and settles at the bottom. Thus, layers of these
sediments are formed. This is analogous to when you are preparing milk with lots of milk
powder in the mug. What happens is that the milk powder settles at the bottom. An example
of this is a rock gypsum (shown in figure 7) formed from oceans or waters with very high
calcium and sulfate contents.
The last type are the biochemical rocks. These are the ones formed from the remains
of former living things. For example, aquatic animals use the minerals in the water to produce
shells and bones. When they die, these shells and bones are deposited on the ocean floor. An
example of this is limestone (shown in figure 8). Limestone is composed of mainly calcite from
these remains. A special type of biochemical rock is bituminous coal. It is made from organic
materials from the remains of dead plants that undergo compaction, burial, and immense
pressure. Coal is used as a source of fuel because of its organic components.
Metamorphic Rocks
Before you put a bread into the oven, the dough looks different. The temperature in
the oven changes its form to create a baked bread. This is like metamorphic rocks.
Metamorphic rocks are existing igneous, sedimentary, and even metamorphic rocks that
changes its form due to immense heat, pressure, or hydrothermal solutions. The process of
rocks changing form due to these factors is called metamorphism which literally means “to
change in form”. It is important to note that these changes happen while the rock remain
solid distinguishing it from igneous rocks. During metamorphism, the crystal structure and
even the chemical composition of the rocks change. This progresses from low grade
metamorphism to high grade metamorphism. The higher the temperature and pressure, the
greater the metamorphism that occur. For an example, the sedimentary rock shale could
metamorphose into different types of rocks starting from low grade metamorphism producing
slate up to high grade metamorphism producing gneiss. Figure 9 shows the different
metamorphism of shale. The rocks look stretched and squeezed in increasing metamorphism
due to increasing pressure.
Figure 10: Low grade to High Grade metamorphism of shale starting from (a) shale (b) slate (c) phyllite (d)
schist (e) gneiss. Foliation is visible in increasing metamorphism.
Photos by: James St. John
Retrieved from:
There are two common types of metamorphism. These are contact metamorphism and
regional metamorphism. Contact metamorphism occurs when rocks are heated at high
temperatures. This happens when magma intrusion heats the adjacent rocks. Regional
metamorphism on the other hand, occurs when rocks are subjected to immense pressure,
more than that of sedimentary rocks. This occurs at plate boundaries or fault lines when
continental plates are colliding or during mountain formation. Rocks are under large scale
deformation and folding during regional metamorphism. Rocks produced in this type are
found in huge sizes and layered structures. Different textures of rocks are formed due to
these types of metamorphism. These rocks are classified as foliated or non-foliated.
Figure 11: Contact metamorphism where magma Figure 12: Regional metamorphism due to
intrusion heats up the surrounding rocks immense pressure between colliding plates
during mountain formation
Foliation is the parallel arrangement of the minerals in the rocks. This gives foliated
rocks a stripy structure. Foliated rocks are mostly formed from regional metamorphism
because the huge amount of stress squeezes the minerals of the rocks making them parallel.
The metamorphic rocks in figure 10 are foliated rocks. The foliation is most visible in gneiss.
Non-foliated rocks are rocks formed by contact metamorphism. These rocks have
grains that does not align, thus, having no sheet-like or stripy structure. These rocks are
formed when the minerals of the pre-existing rocks are changed due to the heat from magma
intrusions. Examples of these are marble and quartzite.
The Rock Cycle
There are some instances that sedimentary rocks change to igneous rocks without
changing to metamorphic rocks. These requires a sudden increase in temperature which can
be provided by lightning or meteorites hitting the rocks.
Mineral Resources
It may not be noticeable but a lot of the things that we use in our daily lives are
minerals or composed of minerals. Take the mobile phones for example. Tiny amounts of gold
are used in the circuit boards of mobile phones due to its good conductivity and resistance
to corrosion. Lithium and cobalt are used in its batteries. Aluminum and other metals are
used in the casing. The same goes with many appliances in our houses. These are composed
of minerals. In this lesson, we will explore what mineral resources are and how these are
Figure 1: Comparison of (a) chocolate chip cookie and (b) gold ore
Photo By: (a) Evan-Amos (b) James St. John
Retrieved from:
Figure 2: Ores of Iron (a) Hematite and (b) Figure 3: Bauxite: An ore Figure 4: Galena: An ore
magnetite of Aluminum of Lead
Photo By: James St. John Photo By: James St. John Photo By: James St.
Retrieved from: Retrieved from: John
15219263022 hotos/jsjgeology/232029 /photos/jsjgeology/312 37099 74280814
In the Earth’s crust, there are more than a hundred naturally occurring elements. The
most abundant elements are oxygen and silicon. However, these resources are not economical
to mine in the rocks of the crust because these are not concentrated. Thus, places with
mineral deposits are more economical to mine. Due to this, it is important to know how
mineral and ore deposits form.
Processes in the Formation of Mineral or Ore Deposit
There are several ways that minerals deposits or ore deposits are formed. These are
the following:
• Magmatic Ore Deposits
• Hydrothermal Deposits
Figure 5: Simplified Diagram of a Magmatic
Illustration by: Vincent L. Dublin
When water encounter the hot magma, it can dissolve some of the ions of the minerals.
The water can then move into cracks on the Earth where the temperature or pressure is
different. The dissolved minerals can precipitate
or remain in the cracks creating veins (long lines
of minerals embedded in the rocks). These are
called hydrothermal veins deposits. Another
example is seafloor massive sulfide deposits.
Heated ocean water above magma chambers that
is erupted from hydrothermal vents carry
dissolved sulfide minerals. When this heated
water cooled due to mixing with seawater, the
dissolved minerals will precipitate out of the
solution and will deposit around the Figure 6: Simplified Diagram of a
hydrothermal vents. Formation of Hydrothermal Vein Deposits
Illustration by: Vincent L. Dublin
• Secondary enrichment deposits
This type of deposit results from
groundwater passing through an existing ore
deposit, carrying some of these minerals to
other places and deposit it there.
• Placer Deposits
When veins of ore deposits are eroded, some of the bits of the minerals in these ores
are carried away by moving water on streams or rivers. However, light metals can be
carried away easily, but larger or heavier ones can’t. These heavier metals are
concentrated in the gravels of the river usually in areas along the stream that were
relatively deeper. Figure 9 shows how a placer deposit is formed. Gold can be found in
nuggets in these placer deposits.
Figure 9: High density minerals forming placer deposits
Photo from: ManuRoquette
Modified by: Vincent L. Dublin
Retrieved from:
• Residual Deposits
Residual deposits are formed when a valuable metal is left behind when non-valuable
materials originally present in the rock is weathered out due to rainfall. This can happen
if the non-valuable materials are water soluble while the valuable metals are insoluble.
The ore of aluminum, bauxite, is an example of ore from residual deposits. In analogy,
consider a box full of rusty coins. If a certain rust-dissolving solution is poured in the
box, the ones left will be clean, unrusty coins.
• Dimension stone
Dimension stone is the term mostly used by architects for ordinary rock that were
cut and polished to be used in various application such as facades, roofs, floors, and
kitchen countertops. Figure 10 shows a sample of dimension rock and its use as a
kitchen countertop.
Figure 10: (a) Granite dimension stone (b) Dimension stone used in kitchen countertop
Retrieved from:
No building or roads can be made without crushed stone and concrete. Crushed
stone came from quarries where explosives are used to crush the bedrock into rubbles
and then crushed into smaller pieces by a crusher to usable pieces. Concrete, on the
other hand, is produced when cement, sand and/or gravels which are also called
aggregate, and water are mixed to form a slurry mixture. When this mixture set, it
crystallizes to form concrete, just like how chemical sedimentary rocks form. Cement is
a powder mixture of lime (CaO), silica (SiO2), aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and iron oxide (Fe2
and iron oxide (Fe2O3). This is produced when limestone and small amounts of quartz
and clay are heated at intense temperatures.
Metallic and non-metallic mineral resources on Earth are non-renewable. After they
are mined and exhausted, those places won’t regenerate minerals as it requires geological
processes for the minerals to form. Thus, it is important to conserve the mineral resources.
Also, mining these resources can have serious environmental effects especially if irresponsible
mining is practiced. Some minerals are also abundant in specific regions on Earth only.
Responsible use of these minerals is necessary to ensure a sustainable present and future.
Choose which of the activity below are more convenient to you. Choose only two of these.
Then answer the questions that follows.
a. Chocolate igneous “rock”
To simulate the formation of igneous rock, melt a chocolate bar (you can use heat but with
caution. Ask help from adults if needed). Then, cool the melted chocolate bar in the
refrigerator or just let it stay at room temperature. Observe the chocolate. What happened to
the chocolate bar? How is it related to igneous rock?
b. Rice-stone: A sedimentary “rock”
Volunteer to cook the rice for your family. On the first wash, take a handful of rice on
your hand. Then, firmly squeeze the rice to remove as much water as possible. Observe what
happen to the rice. What happened to the squeezed handful of rice? How is it related to
sedimentary rocks?
c. Metamorphic Egg-rock
Prepare two eggs. Break one egg to observe its texture and appearance. Then, hard-boil the
other one. After, observe the texture and appearance of the hardboiled egg. Observe the
difference of the two eggs. How does the texture and appearance of the egg changed when
subjected to heat? How is it related to metamorphic rock?
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master
the concepts of extracting mineral resources and formation of fossil fuels. The scope of this
module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used
recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the
standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to
correspond with the textbook you are now using.
The module is divided into two lessons, namely:
• Lesson 3.1 – Mining Minerals Resources
• Lesson 3.2 – Energy Resources: Fossil Fuels
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. describe how ore mineral are found, mined, and processed for human use;
2. understand the different methods of mining;
3. describe how fossil fuels are formed; and
4. understand the formation of fossil fuel reserves.
Mining Mineral Resources
Mineral deposits are located deep down the Earth. Thus, it is not easily known, seen,
collected, and transported. Mining is the primary method to extract these valuable mineral
resources. These involved delicate processes starting from the planning, exploration,
development and even closing the mine. It is important to understand how intricate extracting
these mineral resources is to appreciate and conserve the mineral resources.
Therefore, each process in mining starting from planning, actual extraction and closing the
mine requires rigorous efforts. These are the stages in mining mineral resources.
1. Mineral Exploration
It is inefficient and costly to just set up a mine without knowing where the mineral
deposit and how much mineral deposit is there. Without answers to these questions, no
mining company or investors would risk their money on a mining project. Aside from that,
several factors must also be considered such as legalities, community, and environmental
effects. These are the steps done in mineral exploration.
a. Project design
In this stage, the question, “Where could a mineral deposit be found?” is ought to be
answered. All the historical and geological data of places that is put into consideration for
mining. Commonly, the choice is between places near known deposits because mineral
deposits tend to cluster outward known minerals deposits and places that were uncovered
but is promising based on available historical and geological data.
b. Prospecting and Early-Stage Exploration
When the target area is decided, prospectors conduct several tests to detect any clues of a
mineral deposit. Aerial photography and remote sensing are done in the prospect site.
Satellite imagery is used in remote sensing to uncover possible geological structures.
Geologist also map outcrops, portions of bedrock that are visible. They go to the field and
collect samples of rocks to be studied. Geophysicists use a range of methods to collect more
information about the site. These methods include using magnetism to detect anomalies in
the ground especially for metallic resources, electrical conductivity, test for gravitational
anomalies, radiometric test, and even seismic test. In these tests, anomalies would mean a
good clue because it means there is something down there that causes it. Geochemistry is
also employed especially in the sampling of the chemical composition of the rock samples and
even the vegetation on the area. It is also used to determine the possible concentration of the
desired mineral in the area.
c. Core Sampling
When all the surface tests were done and the
data yielded promising results, it is time to do a
core sampling. Core sampling is done with drills.
Diamond-tipped, hollow drill bits are used to cut
through any rock and get a cylindrical sample of
the rocks below. An example of the drill is shown
in figure 1. The core sample will show the
amount of mineral deposit and how deep these
deposits are.
The drilling is not just on one place but on
several locations and the collected data will be
used for creating a 3D map of the deposit Figure 1: A core drill for mineral exploration
underground. Retrieved from:
2. Mining
After ensuring that indeed a valuable, economical, and concentrated is present as well as
all the regulations and environmental considerations are addressed, the next step is the
mining process. Different types of mining methods are operated depending on the type of
mineral to be mined as well as how deep and how rich the ores are. Mining methods are
broadly defined as surface and underground mining.
Surface Mining
When the ores are located relatively near the surface, the appropriate method is surface
mining. There are different surface mining methods for different kind of deposits or ores.
These are as follows:
a. Open-Pit mining
Open-pit mines are basically large holes dug up to extract the ores buried
underground especially at deposits concentrated in an area. Spiral steps are created
at the sides to give way for vehicles and people to go down and mine the ores as well
as to keep the structure stable. Figure 2 shows a diagram of an open pit mine while
figure 3 shows a real open pit mine.
b. Strip mining
c. Placer or alluvial mining
Placer deposits are deposits of valuable minerals, usually gold, on lower parts of
moving streams or rivers and they settle with the gravel and sand. If a miner wants
to retrieve that gold, they will need to separate the gravel and dirt from the gold bits
and nuggets. This process is called placer mining. Placer mining can be done simply
by panning where miners will manually separate gravel and dirt in a pan or any flat
container with the use of water. Since gold is denser, its tendency is to settle down
while the dirt will be washed away by water. A more efficient method than panning
is the use of sluice boxes where dense gold is caught at the bottom while gravel and
dirt is washed away by water. Newer technology features a more advance placer
mining like using floating dredges where it separates the gravel from the gold
Underground Mining
c. Magnetic Separation
A magnetic mineral will easily be separated from the dirt using
magnetism. A magnetic roller separates the magnetic valuable
minerals from the non-magnetic ones as shown in figure 9.
d. Cyanide heap leaching
This method is commonly used in extracting gold from the ore.
Cyanide can dissolve gold and mixing it to the cyanide
solution. Cyanide is sprayed on top of the crushed ore and as
it moves its way down, it brings the gold with it. Then the gold
is removed from the cyanide solution while the unwanted
materials are left.
Figure 9: Simplified diagram of
magnetic separation of minerals 4. Restoration, Reclamation and Closing
from ore Laws were passed to ensure that miners will be held
Illustration by: Vincent L. Dublin
responsible for the environment that were affected by the
mine. A responsible miner should make sure that mining
waste called tailings are kept in secured tailings ponds and not dumped in nearby rivers.
Eroded or removed parts of the lands are restored or backfilled. Destroyed vegetations (plants
and trees) should be replaced. Some miners convert open-pit mines into dams. Of course, the
original structure of mountains will not be restored after being mined but doing the best
measures to lessen the damages to the minimum will balance the need for the valuable
minerals as well as protecting the environment.
Directions: Provide answers for the following questions regarding the stages of mining. One
or two sentences will be sufficient.
1. Why do you think extensive prospecting methods are done before proceeding to a mining
2. If you are a geophysicist and you detect an anomaly on the magnetic field in an area,
would it be reasonable to continue the mineral exploration process? Why do you think
3. Upon drilling for a core underground, it was found out that a mineral deposit is
concentrated on a certain spot and relatively not so deep. What mining method do you
think is suitable? Why do you think so?
5. Mining provides the necessary minerals for mankind’s progress. However, this also have
environmental effects and since it is non-renewable, future generations may not have
enough minerals to be mined. How would you address this dilemma? Should mining be
continued or stopped?
Energy Resources: Fossil Fuels
During the industrial revolution, the use of energy resources increased dramatically.
The use of machines reduced and replaced the use of animal and human power. These
machines are powered by burning fossil fuels such as coal. Today, the demand for energy
resources grew even more. Every developing country needs more of these fossil fuels.
Knowledge about how these fossil fuels form is essential in locating and extracting them. In
this lesson, we will explore how fossil fuels are formed and how is it use in power generation.
The demand in energy in this age of industries, technology, and transportation is very
high. Every major city uses great amount of energy to power different establishments. The
use of fossil fuels is the main option to meet this demand. Fossil fuels are the ones producing
electricity in homes and industries. These are the ones running your automobiles and
motorcycles. It is even used in cooking food. Fossil fuels are ideal energy source because of
their high energy density which means more energy is stored for every kilogram of the fuel.
If we trace the very source of the energy used by living things on Earth, almost all of
them can be traced back to the sun, even fossil fuels. What are fossil fuels anyway? Fossil
fuels are fuels that came from the remains of once living things millions of years ago. Plants
primarily get their energy from the sun and process it through photosynthesis while animals
eat plants, thus getting portions of that energy. When these plants or animals died and they
are buried deep underground, the energy is carried with them given that they don’t undergo
normal decomposition process. Given that these processes take place in millions of years,
fossil fuels are considered as non-renewable energy resources.
There are three types of fossil fuels. These are coal, oil or petroleum and natural gas. Coal is
a solid, petroleum can exist as liquid and natural gas is of course a gas.
Types of Fossil Fuels
a. Coal
Coal is the cheapest, most abundant and one of the most used fossil fuels. It is a
shiny, black rock that usually occur in layers. It is composed of mostly carbon and some
impurities. When combusted, it releases huge amount of heat for a relatively long duration
making it a great source of energy.
Coal is formed from the remains of ancient plants that were buried underground at
high pressure and temperature changing its structure. This is how coals are formed.
Figure 2. Process on the formation of coal
Illustration by: Vincent L. Dublin
The formation of coal starts from swampy areas where the waters are stagnant and
there is less oxygen. With abundant amount of oxygen, dead plants can undergo aerobic
decomposition (decomposition involving oxygen), thus, returning the energy they
captured through photosynthesis back to the atmosphere.
For plants to turn into coal, it should undergo anaerobic decomposition so that the plants
could carry the energy when they were buried. A swamp is a perfect condition for this.
Vegetations (plants and trees), usually giant ferns grow in these swamps. When the
swamps are flooded due to natural causes such as tectonic activities, the vegetations are
killed and buried by the water and dirt. When the water subsides another vegetations
can grow. Flooding can come again and bury those plants and trees. The process can
repeat and over time, due to heat and pressure underground, the buried plant remains
turns into coal.
There are different stages before plant remains turns into coal. This is categorized on
the amount of carbon present. The first stage in the coal development is peat. Peat is
composed of densely packed and unconsolidated plant materials. The plant components
can sometimes still be visible in peat. Peat can be used as fuel when dried out, but it
burns relatively fast. When peat is more compacted, it turns into lignite or brown coal.
Further compaction turns into subbituminous or bituminous coal, a sedimentary rock.
This is the commonly used coal. When burnt, it releases smoke which can pose
environmental risk. When subjected to even higher pressure and temperature, it turns
into a metamorphic rock called anthracite. This is also called clean coal as it is composed
of mostly carbon, thus releasing very little impurities when burnt. The table below shows
the different characteristics of these stages of coal development.
breaks down into hydrocarbons forming oil. This temperature is called the oil window.
When temperatures increase until 250 OC, the oil molecules form natural gas which is
essentially methane. Exceeding this temperature would break down the hydrocarbon
leaving behind the pure carbon forming graphite.
Oil and gas reserves are places that contain enough oil that is profitable to be
extracted. In simple terms, these are places that has huge amount of oil or gas underneath.
There are two kids of reserves, conventional and unconventional reserves. Conventional
reserves are places where oil can be drilled and pumped easily while unconventional
reserves are those that are much different from the conventional ones in terms of form and
extraction method.
a. Conventional Reserves
For conventional reserves of oil and gas to form, it follows additional stages. After oil
are formed, they undergo migration where they rise to reservoir rocks. These rocks
should be porous and permeable. This means that these rocks should have tiny holes
making it porous. These holes should also be connected, making it permeable, so that
oil and gas could pass through it. Example of these porous and permeable rock is
sandstone which is formed from compacted sands.
These are examples of unconventional reserve. These are unconventional because these
are either too viscous to flow or trapped in the rocks. The additional process in extraction
makes it less economical than conventional oil or gas. However, with the rising of the price
of conventional oil, these reserves can compete with the conventional reserves.
(d) The remains are buried down by dirt from the floods.
(e) The buried remains turn into coal after millions of years.
(c) The source rock is buried even deeper for the source rock to form kerogen.
(d) The kerogen turns to oil and gas when reaching higher temperature due to even
deeper burial.
(e) The organic remains mixed with sediments are buried and compacted forming a
source rock
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master the
different sources of water, and how it is used in hydropower and geothermal applications.
The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The
language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged
to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be
changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.
The module is divided into two lessons, namely:
• Lesson 4.1 – Hydropower and Geothermal Energy
• Lesson 4.2 – Various Water Sources
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. explain how heat from inside the Earth (geothermal) and from flowing water
(hydroelectric) is tapped as a source of energy for human use;
2. identify the advantages and disadvantages of hydropower and geothermal; and
3. identify the various water resources on Earth.
In most powerplants, the goal is to have something to rotate a turbine that is connected
to a generator. In hydroelectric powerplants, moving water is the one spinning the turbine.
Water from rivers is kept in reservoirs by forming a dam. This allows storage of huge amount
of water. These waters can be released when the sluice gate is opened. A penstock pipe is
installed to move the water from the reservoirs to a lower elevation where the turbine is
located. The turbine is connected to a generator in a powerhouse. When water moves through
the penstock, it spins the turbine, which in turn spins the generator, hence producing
electricity. The voltage produced is stepped-up by a transformer and the electricity is
distributed to residences and industries. The water that ran the turbine flows out to the river.
Another type of hydroelectric powerplants is pumped storage hydropower. During times
where the demand in electricity is low such as at night, water is pumped up back to the
reservoir. The pumped and stored water in the reservoir can be released again in times with
peak demand in electricity where the price is much higher. This is analogous to charging a
battery when it was already used up by flowing current back to the battery.
Geothermal Energy
Beneath the Earth’s crust, the temperature increases as it goes deeper. The source of
this heat comes from the original heat from the formation of the Earth and from the decay of
radioactive matter on Earth. This heat underground is called geothermal energy. However,
not all places are suitable for tapping geothermal energy. Those places with high tectonic
activities such as Mexico, Indonesia and Philippines are suitable for tapping geothermal
energy. Geothermal energy heats underground water. Some of these waters produce hot
springs or geysers. In geothermal powerplants, steam or hot water from underground are the
ones used and manipulated to run turbines.
1. Types and working mechanism of geothermal powerplants
There are three main types of geothermal powerplants. The design and mechanisms of
these powerplants depend on how hot the water underground can be. The different types of
geothermal powerplants are the following:
a. Dry Steam Geothermal Powerplant
Dry steam powerplants directly uses steam generated underground that passes through a
production well which extends underground. The steam is used to run a turbine connected
to a generator. The produced electricity is stepped up by a transformer and ready to be
distributed through the powerlines. The used steam passes through a condenser, hence
turning it to liquid. The liquid water is injected back to the ground to be reheated. These type
of powerplant requires that the water is heated at very high temperatures.
b. Flash Steam Powerplant
Flash steam powerplants are used when the heated waters underground does not
completely turn to steam. Thus, it is flashed into steam when it is pumped out to the surface.
The hot water passes to a production well and into a flash tank. The flash tank is kept at a
low pressure which makes it easy for hot water to turn into steam. Then, the steam created
in the flash tanks spins the turbine, moving the generator and producing electricity. The used
steam is converted back to liquid in a condenser and is injected back underground to be
reheated. In some powerplants called double flash steam powerplants, the water that didn’t
turn to steam are again put in another flash tank at even lower pressure to turn it into steam.
The disadvantage of geothermal energy is it can be installed in specific locations only.
Some areas with low tectonic activities are not suitable for geothermal plants. Also, the
operation of geothermal powerplants may cause water depletion in some areas since it utilizes
the groundwater. Costly construction of geothermal powerplant is also a disadvantage.
Though it is renewable, irresponsible operation of a geothermal powerplant may cause
exhaustion if the heat underground is used up more than it is replenished.
Water Sources
The earliest civilizations thrived near the rivers. The Mesopotamia grew near the Tigris
and Euphrates River. The Egyptians benefited from the riches of the Nile River while the
Indian Civilization grew along the Indus River. It is not surprising because rivers provide the
very necessity of mankind, water. In this chapter, we will explore the various water sources
in our planet.
Water Sources
When Earth’s photo was first captured from space, it
was called the “Blue Marble”. The immense amount of
water on Earth gives the blue appearance. In fact,
about 75% of the Earth is covered with water. This
water is circulated in the Earth through the hydrologic
cycle. If water is abundant on Earth, why do some
places have water scarcity?
1. Freshwater
a. Surface water
These pertains to the waters that are located to the surface. This includes the waters in
the lakes, streams, rivers and wetlands. When the ground is flat, these surface water
accumulates in puddles or wetlands. Wetlands include swamps and marshes. If the ground
is sloped, water from river basins (source of river water) moves in streams and rivers. Humans
also create dams where it can store rainwater on the surface.
b. Groundwater
When rain runs off the ground, some of these are evaporated back to the atmosphere while
some infiltrates the ground until it reached and impermeable rock underground. These
waters are called groundwater. Groundwater provides much of the drinking water and
agricultural irrigation. Figure 2 shows a groundwater system.
The porous and permeable rocks that hosts groundwater like sponge are called aquifers.
It is important to note that the ground is not floating in the water, as the diagram may falsely
show. Imagine lots of water poured on a column of sand. Aquitards on the other hand are the
impermeable rocks that acts like a barrier for water. These two are like the reservoir and cap
rocks for oil. Aquifers bounded by aquitards are confined ones while the unbounded ones are
the unconfined aquifers.
The water table is the boundary from the non-saturated ground and the water saturated
ones. To gain access to groundwater, people dig wells. Some of these wells extend deep to the
aquitards. These are deep wells which are pumped to collect the water. Some wells have
become dry when the water table lowers. When a well is located to the lower part of an inclined
ground, it may not need pumping as the weight of the water on the higher part provides the
pressure for the water to go up. These are artesian wells.
Aquifers however may become depleted when the removed water is more than the water
that infiltrate back to the ground. Thus, groundwater is a non-renewable resource. Some
places on Earth have a scarcity of water such as in Africa because the aquifers are depleted
and less rains on these continent does not give enough supply to refill the aquifers.
c. Glaciers and Icecaps
In the poles such as the Arctics and Antarctica, snow that are continuously compressed
over time form glaciers which composed much of the freshwaters. When these ices melt, it
can rose seawater levels up to 70m worldwide.
2. Seawater
Seawater comprises almost all of the waters on Earth. In countries such as the Saudi
Arabia and Singapore, there is a scarcity in freshwater. These countries implement the
desalination of seawater. Salt is removed from the seawater by distillation or reverse osmosis.
In distillation, water is evaporated to be separated from the salt. The water is then condensed
to turn into liquid. Reverse osmosis uses a membrane that allows water to pass but not the
salts. This is done to provide the water needs of the people.
Even though water is abundant on Earth, it is not equally distributed. In some places,
water is not available at all time while others have polluted waters. Water is free, but getting
this water, storing, treating, and distributing these waters cost money so water conservation
helps in providing sustainable water for everyone.
Activity 1: Solving a crossword puzzle
Supply the crossword with the appropriate words based on the lesson.
1 pc tape
2. Making a groundwater model
Pour a layer of gravel on a transparent container
(i.e., wafer stick jars). Then, pour sand about ¾ of the
container. Next put a gravel on top of the sand. After,
pour a significant amount of water. Observe how the
water behaves and where does it stay.
3. Hydropower construction Dilemma
Indigenous people communities do not approve a
construction of a hydropower plant as they say that it
will dry up their water resources and displace wildlife.
What will you do if you are in charged on the decision?
What will you do to balance the two concerns?
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master
the different ways the water and soil is affected by our actions and the ways to conserve the
soil. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The
language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged
to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be
changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.
The module is divided into three lessons, namely:
• Lesson 5.1 – Human activities affecting the availability and quality of water
• Lesson 5.2 – Human activities affecting the quantity and quality of soil
• Lesson 5.3 – Soil Protection and Conservation Practices
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. give examples of human activities affecting the waters and soil;
2. explain how different activities affect the quality and availability of water for human
3. identify human activities, such as farming, construction of structures, and waste
disposal, that affect the quality and quantity of soil; and
4. give ways of conserving and protecting the soil for future generations.
Human activities affecting water quality and availability
An average person can live for weeks without food but not for days without water.
Water is an important part in our households, industries, and agriculture.
However, human activities are also affecting the quality and supply of this precious waters.
The following are the common activities contributing to these.
1. Pollution
Pollution is arguably the biggest problem that we face with regards to our waters. This
can come from various sources and is quite challenging to solve because of the different
natures of contaminants. Pollution may come from point or non-point sources. Point source
pollution came from contaminants that directly pollutes the waters and be easily identifiable
as the source of pollution. Factories that directly dump liquid waste in the oceans are point
sources. On the other hand, non-point pollution are indirect ways that contaminants reached
and affect the waters in a wider range. The following are common contaminants in the waters.
(a) Garbage
Significant amount of litter reaches our waters. Household items, discarded materials,
plastics, and plastic containers, used tires, broken items, fast-food containers, electronic
waste and many other types of rubbish we can name can all end up in our waters. Some
households throw this rubbish to the nearest waterway. Some people are lazy enough to hold
a bag of plastic until finding a near trash bin. All these little things done by numerous people
contribute to the litters in our waters.
(e) Human and Animal Waste or Excretions
Septic tanks filters solid waste from human excretions. However, poor maintenance of
septic tanks would leak solid waste to the groundwater. These may contain pathogens such
as bacteria and viruses that may contaminate the waters. This is the reason why digging
wells near toilet septic tanks or latrines is not encouraged. Informal settlements add to these
as human excrements are directly dumped into the bodies of water. Excretions from animals
primarily from agriculture may be washed off to nearby waters through runoff or dumping.
(f) Landfills
Household and industrial trash are collected and
dumped in landfills. Imagine a partly empty paint can or
a broken mercury thermometer. Over time, the can in the
landfill will corrode and leach out the paint to the
groundwater. The same thing is true for the mercury in
the thermometer. Different trashes can leach out heavy
metals and can be a threat to safe groundwater. New
designs of landfills include putting a lining underground
to prevent the leaching of harmful chemical. Responsible Figure 1: Algal blooms forming in
management of landfills are also necessary to prevent a river
possible contamination of groundwater. Retrieved from:
(g) Mining wiki/File:River_algae_Sichuan.jpg
On module 3, we have discussed how ores are Photo by: Felix Andrews
processed to extract the valuable minerals. After Licensed under (CC BY-SA 3.0)
extracting it, the tailings, those who are left off after
extracting the minerals needs to be disposed. Some miners have tailings pond to store the
tailings. However, some irresponsible miners dump those tailings to nearby rivers,
contaminating it. Also, acid and cyanide used in the mining and processing of ores can make
its way to the groundwater and the rivers.
(h) Pharmaceuticals
When we take our medicines or supplements, some portions of it are excreted by the body
when we urinate or defecate. Some people flash unused and expired medicines in the toilet.
In a study conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), it was found out that
pharmaceuticals are present in the waters, including the drinking ones. These are tiny
enough to pass through filters in wastewater treatment facilities.
Though it is in small concentrations and have no known effects to humans, small animals
that lives in freshwaters can be affected. For example, hormones from contraceptive pills are
ingested by small fishes. This causes male fishes to feminize, changing their body to grow
eggs. Anti-anxiety drugs can make some fishes like carps anti-social, meaning they leave their
schools, become aggressive and fast eaters making them vulnerable to their predators.
water. A simple drop for long durations would mean a great loss. In cleaning, some hose down
the litters instead of just sweeping them. Using a hose in car washing and keeping the water
running waste several liters of water. A pale and sponge can be used instead. There are
several more ways that human’s wastewater, nullifying the various procedures before the
clean waters reaches our homes.
Soils are unconsolidated materials from the weathering of rocks that also contain
organic matter. This property gives soil an ability to support plant growth and is, therefore,
an invaluable resource. Soil is composed of 45% minerals, 5% decomposed organic matter or
humus and 50% pore space available for water and air to penetrate. Soil can be classified
into different soil horizon shown in figure 1. The top layer aside from the surface litter is
called the topsoil. This is the most fertile layer. It is composed of minerals as well as humus.
The next layer is the subsoil which is composed of clay, calcite, and other minerals. Deeper
than the subsoil is the parent material where all the soils above were weathered from. In this
lesson, when we talk about soil, we are referring to the topsoil that is capable of supporting
plant growth.
Human Activities Affecting Soil Quality and Quantity
Soil is important to humans as it provides our very basic need, food. However, the
activities that humans do are also the ones affecting the soil. The following are common
activities that contribute to this.
1. Agriculture
Agriculture is the process of benefiting from the riches of the soil by planting crops and
raising farm animals. However, some of the activities in farming and animal raising can
affect the soil. These are the examples.
a. Improper Cultivation
It is important for farmers to make sure that the land is ready or cultivated enough before
planting crops. The traditional practice is by tillage and plowing. Tillage is done by disrupting
the soil by using sticks, hoes, rakes, plows, or machinery. In Filipino this is what we called
as pagbubungkal. Deep plowing, which is a type of tillage is the overturning of soil (like
flipping an omelet) at greater depths. Though this helps in preparation for planting crops, the
disruption of the soil structure due to tillage exposes the soil from agents of erosion such as
water and wind.
When it floods, the brownish color of the
water tells us that significant amount of soil
can be eroded by it. When significant amounts
of soil are eroded, it will cause the land to bear
less crops as the soil become less fertile. When
done continuously over many seasons of
planting, tillage could completely cause the
breakdown of the soil as it interrupts the
microbial activity as well as the burrowing
animal activities such as of ants and
earthworms. The pores in the soil is also
affected, hence preventing water to permeate Figure 2: A land that undergone tillage
the soil, and causing the farmers to apply more Retrieved from:
Licensed under: Free for commercial use
b. Excess use of fertilizers and
Just as humans need bacteria in our stomachs to
aid different bodily functions, the soil has a similar
relationship with different organisms. The soil is an
ecosystem for small organisms such as earthworms,
nematodes, small insects, bacteria, and fungi
among others. These interactions give the soil its
porosity as well as the organic matter making the
soil fertile. The use of excessive fertilizers and
pesticides may increase the acidity of the soil
affecting the biodiversity in it. The dependence on
fertilizer to have better yields causes the increase of
fertilizer needed every planting. It is like coffee
addiction. You need more coffee to wake you up the Figure 3. A portion of land
longer you have it. In terms of the soil, you need undergone desertification due to
more fertilizers to sustain the desired yields. Rick overgrazing
Haney, a researcher from U.S. Department of Retrieved from:
Agriculture said that the dependence on fertilizer for
yields is like not bothering to give a child a proper e:Overgrazing-Rukwa.JPG
Licensed under: Lichinga/ (CC BY-SA
diet and just giving them vitamins instead. Also,
some fertilizers can cause the soil to accumulate
salt. Salty soils cannot grow crops.
c. Overgrazing
Overgrazing happens when farm animals excessively feed from the grass in an area.
Animals also step on the grasses making them unable to grow. When this happen, the natural
soil covering is lost exposing the soil to erosion. As we have discussed, the topsoil is the most
fertile part of the soil. These fertile lands are called arable lands. When these erode, it will not
be able to support plant growth. On extreme cases, land degradation happens when almost
all the topsoil is removed including the nutrients in the soil allowing the possibility of
desertification or the transformation of fertile soil into a desert. Soil that underwent
desertification is unable to support crops or biodiversity.
3. Deforestation
Deforestation is the removal of trees in the forest for other uses. Illegal logging activities as
well as kaingin or slash-and-burn practices are causes of deforestation. Though the practice
of kaingin makes the soil fertile, it is only for short period of time. The need for land space for
urbanization, construction and agriculture are the common reasons for deforestation. When
trees and vegetations are removed, there will be no roots from trees that hold the soil together
and therefore expose the bare soil to erosion. The roots minimize erosion from runoff while
the tall and wide trunks, branches and leaves prevent wind from eroding the soil.
4. Mining
We have discussed in module 3 how minerals are extracted through mining. Mining
requires digging large land areas and removing vegetation. This makes soil vulnerable to
erosion. Tailings and heavy metal waste that may reach the soils by irresponsible mining
practices makes soil unusable for future planting. Mining waste that can pollute the waters
for irrigation can also affect the soil.
Most of the activities presented above are not merely harmful practices as these are also
important to sustain human lifestyle. In this activity, let us assess the benefits and
threats/risk of the following activities.
Lesson Ways to Protect and Conserve
5.3 the Soil
We knew from the past lesson how different human activities could affect the quality
and quantity of soil. If we continue doing those activities, we are also the ones that will
suffer. But of course, we don’t want that to happen. People conduct several actions to
protect and conserve the soil. We will discuss those activities in this lesson.
Soil conservation refers to actions taken to protect the soil, especially the fertile topsoil that
supports plant growth. Most of the practices discussed in module 5 results to soil erosion. In
this lesson, the practices promoting soil conservation mostly aim to decrease or prevent soil
1. Contour Plowing
Compare the two pictures. Which one do you think could prevent more water from
running off downhill?
If you have chosen a, you’re correct. Picture a show a method of plowing (ploughing in
British) and planting called contour farming. In a slope land, not every point in a straight
horizontal line means the same elevation. In agriculture and in topography in general, the
region of points around a slope that has the same elevation are called contours and are
represented by contour lines. In farming, planting along the contours minimizes the effect of
water runoff moving downhill thus limiting erosion.
The difference in the height in each contours act like little terraces. This enables increased
water absorption in the soil while minimizing water erosion.
3. Crop Rotation
Crop rotation is the sequential planting of two or more crops in the same field for different
planting seasons. The more crops are involved in the rotation, the better it is for the soil. For
example, figure 4 shows how to produce the same three crops every year but each land would
host different crop for the whole 3-year cycle. By using crop rotation, the soil is given enough
time to regenerate its nutrients as every crop needs different set off nutrients. Including cover
or protective crops in the rotation such as legumes reduces soil erosion and enhances the
soil water absorption while preparing the land for the row crops (profitable crops). Legumes
can also take in atmospheric nitrogen which most plants can’t and convert it to other forms
to be used by other plants.
6. Conservation Buffers
Conservation buffers are plants or trees that are placed to serve different conservation
purposes such as preventing erosion from runoff or wind. Conservation buffers are also
aesthetically pleasing for the land. The following are the examples of buffers.
a. Contour Buffer strips
Buffer strips are permanent strips of vegetations planted along with larger strips of
crops in a sloping land.
c. Filter Strips
Figure 2: Simplified illustration of
These are permanent grassy vegetations riparian buffer strip
planted between agricultural lands and streams to Illustration by: Vincent L. Dublin
prevent runoff of sediments, nutrients, and possible
e. Grassed Waterways
Portions of land where water flows are planted with
grass to slow down the movement of water preventing
Figure 3: Simplified illustration
erosion and to safely guide the water to streams and
of grass barriers
rivers. Illustration by: Vincent L.
f. Field Borders
Grass and vegetation are planted around or at the edge of farmlands. Aside from
preventing erosion, it can also be used as pathways for people or vehicles when going to
the fields.
g. Windbreaks
Windbreaks are rows of trees planted to minimize
wind velocity protecting the soil from wind erosion.
Trees are commonly planted in accordance to
prevailing wind directions. In other countries,
windbreaks can also trap snow during winters. The
presence of trees also enhances wildlife and gives
aesthetics to the land.
Figure 4: Windbreak trees at Methwold
7. Terracing Common
Terracing is the method of creating steps on Retrieved from:
sloping lands to minimize erosion from runoff. The
famous Banaue Rice Terraces is a great example that 7646
License: Bob Jones under (CC BY-SA 2.0)
sloping lands even at greater degrees can be used for
planting. Water running down the slope when it rains
are just distributed to the lower steps thus preventing the loss of the topsoil. Terracing
can also be done in smaller scale with the same purpose of minimizing runoff and erosion
on sloping lands.
Deforestation has caused damage in the lands. Afforestation and reforestation are viable
solution for this. Afforestation is the planting of trees in the lands that are previously not
planted. Reforestation on the other hand is the reestablishment of trees on deforested areas.
Planting indigenous trees would be a big help as the soil naturally provide the nutrients
needed by the trees in that area.
There are a lot of other things that can be done to conserve the soil. The soil conservation
practices discussed above works when done simultaneously with other practices. For
instance, a land under no tillage combined with crop rotation and mulching would be more
effective than no tillage only without doing crop rotation. If you can observe, most of the
practices discussed are about agriculture. It is because agriculture is the most affected sector
when the soil is degraded and not conserved. The soil which is sometimes deemed as dirt and
something with no value is one of the most important natural resource that we have. The
effects of soil degradation can be felt when the land doesn’t produce yields anymore. In any
way possible, soil conservation must be practiced.
Match the items in column A with the corresponding answers from column B. Write the
letter of your answer before the number.
1. Soil Conservation a. Process of returning the soil and vegetation on mined land
2. Contour Farming b. Tall vegetation planted in slope land to minimize runoff
3. Strip Cropping c. Planting different set of plants through a given period
4. Crop Rotation d. Planting along the curved paths on a field with the same elevation
5. Windbreaks e. Actions to protect and sustain the soil
6. Terracing f. Planting of trees in previously unplanted lands
7. Afforestation g. Leaving the remains of crops to protect the soil
8. Reclamation h. Trees planted to minimize the wind velocity thus preventing soil erosion
9. Mulching i. Planting alternating bands of crops on land
10. Grass Barriers j. Process of creating steps on a slope
As a good citizen of the country and the planet, write your pledge to conserve, protect, and
avoid the practices and activities that destroys our soil and waters.
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master
the different types of waste and its effects on people and environment. The scope of this
module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used
recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the
standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to
correspond with the textbook you are now using.
The module is consisting of one lesson, namely:
• Lesson 6.1 – Different types of people generated wastes
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. Describe how people generate different types of waste (solid, liquid, and gaseous)
as they make use of various materials and resources in everyday life
Lesson Different types of people
6 generated wastes
Most of nature does not produce waste. One’s waste is a nutrient for another.
However, humans are somehow different. People produce waste in many of its activities. In
the Philippines, an average Filipino produce about 0.414 kg of waste per day. This may not
look huge but if the total population of the country is considered, this is a big number. In
this lesson, we will explore how waste are generated and types of waste are produced.
b. Liquid Waste
Liquid waste are the liquid materials generated in the effluents from toilets, industries, oil
and grease from restaurants, fertilizers and pesticides solutions, mining tailings and others.
c. Gaseous Waste
Gaseous waste are air pollutants that are by-products of human activities. Emissions from
automobiles, powerplants, refrigerants, burning and many more are sources of gaseous
waste. These are usually the compounds like carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4),
chlorofluorocarbon (CFCs) and carbon monoxide among others.
a. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
c. Industrial Waste
These are the waste from different industries such as manufacturing, mining, energy,
construction, and water services. Waste from manufacturing include used chemicals,
solvents, particulate waste, plastics, packaging materials, papers, sludge, and many
more. Mining produces tailings or the leftovers upon extracting the metal from the ore.
The energy sector produces waste such as ash from burnt materials, used oils etc. In
construction, demolished building parts such as concrete, metals, wood, plaster, glass
among others are produced.
d. Agricultural
Agricultural waste refers to different substances that are by-product of agricultural
activities. This may include non-harmful materials such as leftover materials of crops
such as corn cub, rice husk and coconut husk as well as potentially harmful substances
such as excess fertilizers, pesticides, animal manure and carcasses from
b. Hazardous Waste
Hazardous waste are the types of waste that contains substances or properties that can
directly harm people or the environment. Different countries have different ways of
classification of hazardous waste. In this discussion, we will use the classification of the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA categorizes hazardous waste as the
• Listed Waste
These are specific names of chemicals or substances that are listed to be hazardous. It
is further classified as F-list, K-list, P-list, and U-list. F-lists are waste from common
manufacturing and industrial process such as chemicals used in cleaning or degreasing. K-
list are waste from specific industries. For example, petroleum companies have specific waste
generated. Unlike the F-listed waste which can come from different industries, K-listed waste
are from specified ones. Moreover, P and U listed wastes are unused chemicals that are
hazardous. P-listed wastes are more hazardous than U-listed waste. Table 1 shows a portion
of the list from EPA.
• Characteristic Waste
There are chemicals, materials or substances that are not part of listed waste but
are also considered hazardous if these have the following characteristics below.
Corrosive waste are strong acids or
Figure 3: Corrosive bases, those that have pH values of 2
Hazard sign or less and 12.5 or more. These
Retrieved from: wastes can corrode metal containers thus must be stored in corrosion
proof containers. Example of this is
attention-98647/ automobile battery acid.
These are chemicals used in different institutions that can pose hazard. These
chemicals are either listed waste or characteristic waste.
(c) Radioactive waste
(d) E-waste
E-waste or electronic waste are discarded electronic devices that were either
broken, damaged or obsolete. This includes appliances such as microwave ovens,
obsolete or discarded DVD players, non-functioning fan, gadgets such as
smartphones, circuit boards and hard drives among many others. These devices
contain small toxic metals inside them that can leach in landfills. The volume of
E-wastes is increasing as technological advancement is becoming rapid.
properties 2.
Effects on Hazardous
people and Characteristic
Waste environment 4. 9.
5. 10.
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master
the different types of waste and its effects on people and environment. The scope of this
module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used
recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the
standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to
correspond with the textbook you are now using.
The module is divided into three lessons, namely:
• Lesson 7.1 – Different types of people generated waste
• Lesson 7.2 – Effects of waste on people and the environment
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. explain how different types of waste affect people’s health and the environment;
2. understand how people generate different types of waste; and
3. understand how waste affects people and environment
2. Water Pollution
The landfills that produce leachate, a combination of all the “juices” from all the garbage
could seep in the groundwater, contaminating it. Single use plastics, Styrofoam, fishing nets
accumulate in the oceans and other bodies of water. Fertilizers causes eutrophication which
kills fishes. Mine tailings can end up in the rivers. In some cases, making it completely dead.
Some industries also dump their waste in the waters. Restaurants without grease traps dump
their wastewater full of oil and grease in the bodies of water. Oil spills from tankers kills many
aquatic animals and birds. All these wastes could be ingested by ocean animals or can end
up in freshwaters. Contaminated waters bring sickness to people and even loss of life.
3. Land Pollution
A dump of garbage in land is not visually appealing. Aside from that, leachate from litters
contaminate the soil making it unsuitable for other purposes. Heavy metals, oils, chemicals,
and other waste causes the degradation of the soil. Some of these chemicals as well as
radioactive waste are buried in the ground, thus contaminating it. Some lands that are
previously the habitat of animals become unsuitable due to soil contamination. The animals
regarded as pests such as rats and flies will remain since they can stand such conditions.
Thus, these lands will also be source of sickness and other health related problems. As we
produce more waste, more and more portion of the ground will be used to dump these wastes
reducing the land available for other uses.
5. Health Problems
Various health problems can be caused by waste. Hazardous waste directly affects people
especially when accidents occur. Garbage in landfills are a host of various pathogenic bacteria
and viruses. People finding scraps in landfills are exposed to these. People living near the
landfills are also exposed not just to the odor of the waste but also to these pathogens. Fishes
that ingested heavy metals which reaches people’s plates would pose great danger. Metals
and glass waste may cause injury to people. The wasting of resources would also mean more
mining, more manufacturing and in turn produce more waste in the process.
Activity 1: Describe it!
Directions: Write briefly in the boxes how waste affects every word in the outer circles.
Air Land
Water Health
You’re in Charge!
Directions: You become a mayor of your city. One of your advocacies is lessening the waste
of your city, especially plastics. How will you do it? What will be your policies? Write your
plans in paragraph or bullet form below.
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. The following are the benefits of Earth having an atmosphere EXCEPT:
A. Protects Earth from harmful radiation
B. Prevents water from boiling and escaping Earth
C. Source of Earth’s heat and light
D. Reducing outside projectiles into less harmful ones
2. Why is rubber not considered a mineral?
A. It is not solid at normal earth conditions.
B. It has a crystalline structure.
C. It came from plants.
D. It does not have a definite chemical composition.
3. Both igneous and metamorphic rocks involve heat in their formation. How to
the igneous rock differ from metamorphic rock?
A. Igneous rock can only be formed beneath the earth’s surface
B. Igneous rocks are subjected to high pressures
C. Igneous rocks are rocks subjected to temperatures enough to melt the rock
D. Igneous rocks are held off by cementing minerals
7. Why water in aquifers is called non-renewable even though the Earth is ¾ water?
A. Water can be used up more than it is replenished
B. Water that was drank by humans never is lost
C. Water in aquifers is never replenished
D. Water in aquifers are the only waters safe for drinking
10. This is a broad category of waste which come from different sources in a city.
A. Municipal Solid Waste C. Industrial Waste
B. Domestic Waste D. Biomedical Waste
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on a separate sheet
of paper.
4. Which would most likely occur during the formation of granite and basalt?
A. lithification of weathered and eroded materials
B. solidification of molten materials
C. exposed to extreme pressure and heat
D. precipitation of seawater
7. The first process of rock stratification that breaks the rock into smaller fragments due to
physical or chemical reactions is known as
A. Cementation C. Erosion
B. Deposition D. Weathering
9. Uranium-238 has a half-life of 4.47 billion years in volcanic rocks. After two half-lives,
what is the percentage of the parent isotope over the daughter isotope of this radioactive
A. 13% B.25% C. 50% D. 75%
10. Which is in order from the smallest to the largest division of geologic time?
A. eons, eras, periods, epoch C. epochs, periods, eras, eon
B. epochs, periods, eras, eon D. eras, eons, periods, epochs
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master
about Weathering and Earth’s Internal Heat. The scope of this module permits it to be used
in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary
level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But
the order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are
now using.
The module is divided into two lessons, namely:
• Lesson 8.1 – Weathering
• Lesson 8.2 – Internal Heat of the Earth
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. describe how rocks undergo weathering; and
2. explain why the Earth’s interior is hot.
Mechanical weathering occurs when rocks are physically broken into smaller pieces
without changing the rock’s mineral composition. There are many ways in which mechanical
weathering can occur and they are as follows:
• Frost Wedging
This form of mechanical weathering happens when water moves into cracks in rocks
and then freezes. Because water expands when it freezes, the force of expansion pushes the
crack apart. When the water melts and refreezes, the crack is pushed farther apart. With
multiple freeze-thaw cycles, the crack can become huge enough to break the rock into pieces.
This form of mechanical weathering occurs mostly in porous rocks and in regions where
temperatures rise above and fall below the freezing point.
• Abrasion
Abrasion is another form of physical weathering that causes rock to wear down by
friction. With abrasion, rocks, and sediment grind against each other. This process is most
common in streams, windy regions, or under glaciers. For instance, running water can
transport rocks, causing them to grind against each other and wear down into rounded
• Salt Crystal Growth
Salt Crystal Growth happens when saltwater seeps into pore spaces or cracks
in rocks and then evaporates. As this water evaporates, salt crystals form. When these salt
crystals build up, they exert force that can weaken and split rocks.
• Biological Activity
Actions of living organisms can cause weathering. Seeds of trees or plants may grow
in soil that has collected in a cracked rock. As their roots grow and get bigger, they exert huge
pressure on the walls of the cracks, which causes the rocks to split. In addition, burrowing
animals can contribute to weathering. These animals can dig and move the rock fragments
to the surface. As a result, these fragments become more exposed to physical and chemical
processes that can further enhance their weathering.
Chemical weathering decomposes rocks by chemical reactions that change the original
mineral composition of the rock. Chemical reactions commonly occur between rocks, water,
oxygen, carbon dioxide and naturally occurring acids. These reactions include the following:
• Dissolution
Dissolution involves the disassociation of the molecules into ions, like salt dissolving
in water. Rock and minerals that dissolve in water are called soluble. Examples of soluble
natural minerals include rock salt or halite, potash salt, and gypsum.
The most usual dissolution reactions involve slightly acidic water. As carbon dioxide
from the air dissolves in water, carbonic acid is formed. When carbonic acid comes in contact
with rocks that contain calcite such as marble and limestone, they dissolve. Through time,
caves are formed by the dissolution of limestone.
• Hydrolysis
Hydrolysis is a chemical reaction that causes a change in the composition of minerals
when they react with water. For example, a type of feldspar, a mineral found in igneous rocks
such as granite, reacts with water and produces a clay mineral known as kaolinite.
• Oxidation
This is a chemical reaction between minerals and oxygen dissolved in water. Oxidation
usually happens in high-iron content rocks like hematite and magnetite. In this rock, iron
reacts with oxygen that is dissolved in water to form rust, also known as iron oxide.
Weathering does not occur at the same rate in each location on Earth’s surface. There
are several factors that influence the type and rate of weathering. These factors include the
• Rock Structure
Bedding planes, joints, and fractures provide natural pathways by which other agents
of weathering can enter a rock mass. Rocks with lots of these features weather faster than a
solid rock of the same measurement.
• Climate
High temperature and abundant rainfall tend to favor chemical weathering. These
climatic conditions accelerate many chemical reactions that break down rocks. Thus,
chemical weathering occurs more rapid in tropical region. On the contrary, physical
weathering rates are higher in regions with dry and cold climates. In cold climates, where
freezing and thawing are frequent, frost wedging is the common form of mechanical
• Rock Type
Different types of rocks are comprised of different minerals and each mineral responds
differently to weathering. For instance, granite, which is composed of silicate minerals, are
relatively resistant to chemical weathering. On the other hand, some minerals, such as calcite
in limestone and marble, weather rapidly because they easily dissolve even in a weakly acidic
• Topography
Topography also influences the rate of weathering. Physical weathering proceeds more
rapidly on a steep slope. Weathered rocks are pulled down by gravity and washed away by
heavy rains on a steep slope, and new surfaces are continually exposed to weathering.
However, in gentle slopes, water may stay in contact with rock for extended periods of time,
which results in higher chemical weathering rates.
Activity 1: Mechanical Weathering or Chemical Weathering
Directions: Write M if mechanical weathering occurs in the given situation and C if it is a
chemical weathering. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
______________1. Acid rain dissolving marble tombstone.
______________2. Wind carrying sediments to a field.
______________3. Halite dissolving in water.
______________4. Water freezing causing rocks to crack.
______________5. Salt crystals growing in cracks of rocks.
______________6. Carbonic acid dissolving limestone.
______________7. Crushing and refining of talc into a powder.
______________8. Animals digging rock fragments to the surface.
______________9. Iron in a rock reacting with oxygen that is dissolved in water.
_____________10. Feldspar reacting with water and producing a clay mineral.
Internal Heat of the Earth
The temperature increases with depth into Earth (a non-linear temperature/depth
curve) which means that the increase in depth is not proportional to the increase in
The mantle is greatly hotter than the crust, and the core is considerably hotter than
the mantle. The temperature between the boundary of core-mantle is 3,700°C; Inner-core –
outer-core boundary: 5,000°C±500°C and Earth’s center: 6,400°C±600°C.
In the crust, the geothermal gradient is about 25 °C per km of depth (1 °F per 70 feet
of depth). Some areas exhibit a much higher gradient because of a greater concentration of
heat at relatively shallow depths. These areas of exceptional high temperature gradient are
utilized for geothermal energy
If temperature was simply a linear function of depth (linear relationship), we should
expect that at depths below 100 km (the average thickness of the lithosphere), temperature
could reach as much as 2500°C. Partial melting of rocks can occur at this temperature yet
we know that, except for the outer core, the rest of the Earth is essentially solid. Most of the
rocks beneath the surface of the Earth is solid since the geothermal gradient drops sharply a
short distance into the earth and that increasing confining pressure with depth counteracts
the effect of increasing temperature.
There are two main categories which are considered major sources of internal heat.
I. PRIMORDIAL HEAT – refers to the heat imparted to a planetary body by the
processes of its formation and differentiation. The heat generated during the Earth’s
formation came from the following sources:
a. Accretional Heat /Accretion Energy - the heat generated by the conversion of kinetic
energy of impacting bodies (smaller planetary objects) to thermal energy. It is concentrated
at the surface. It is believed that our solar system evolved from the accretion of solid particles
derived from a large nebular cloud, called Nebular Hypothesis. At this stage, proto-planet
Earth would have grown over time from a bombing of extra-terrestrial impacts, increasing its
mass with each bombardment. As the proto planet grew in size its increased gravitational
field would have attracted even more objects on its surface. The composition of these colliding
bodies would have included metal-rich fragments (i.e.., iron meteorites), rocky fragments (i.e.,
stony meteorites), and icy fragments (i.e., comets). Though accretion was much more
established in the early stages of the Earth's history, these extra-terrestrial collisions are still
occurring today, shown by shooting stars and fireballs in the night sky, and by the irregular
impact of larger bodies on the Earth's surface.
b. Adiabatic Compression / Adiabatic Heating - compresses something causes it to
heat up. As more particles accreted (accumulated/added) in planet, those at center squashed
by growing gravitational load. At the start of planetary accretion, the earth was much less
compact than it is today. The accretion process led to an ever-greater gravitational
attraction, forcing the Earth to contract into a smaller volume. Increased compaction caused
in the transformation of gravitational energy into heat energy, like a bicycle pump heats up
due to the compression of air inside it. Heat conducts very slowly through rock, hence the
rapid build-up of this heat source within the Earth was not accommodated by an equally
rapid loss of heat through the surface.
c. Core formation Energy - settling of Iron (Fe) to the center of the Earth converts P.E.
of iron to heat energy. Five hundred million years after planetary accretion, Earth developed
a distinct core. Deep in Earth is a ball of iron that is solid and one that is liquid. At the
beginning, it was only liquid, but due to planetary differentiation- (the separation of different
constituents of planetary materials resulting in the formation of distinct compositional layers
in which denser material tends to sink into the center and less dense material rises toward
the surface) the densest liquids got in the middle. Constant activity keeps outer core in its
liquid state and lots of things are still affected by it, such as the magnetic field.
d. Decay of short-lived radio-isotopes - those with half-lives measured in millions of
years (abbreviated Ma) or fewer. Decay of short-lived radio-isotopes - in early-solar system
have isotopes such as Al26, Cl36, Fe60, with half-lives of approximately 0.3 Ma (one-million
years is represented by “Ma,” meaning “mega annum.”)
Short-lived radioisotopes are believed to have been a major source of heat driving
planetary differentiation in the early Solar System. 26Al, thought to have been present in
significant quantities, is particularly essential.
II. RADIOACTIVE HEAT SOURCE - the heat generated by long-term radioactive decay_
those with half-lives measured in hundreds of millions or billions of years (abbreviated as Ga)
which means Giga-annum- unit of time equal to one billion years.). This is considered as
major source of Earth’s heat and present in the modern world in detectable quantities.
Radioactive elements are the elements or isotopes which emit radiation and undergo
the process of radioactivity. Radioactive decay is a natural process wherein unstable
elements like 238U (Uranium) or 40K (Potassium) stabilize with time and produce what we
call daughter products: 206Pb (Lead) for Uranium and 40Ar (Argon) for Potassium. This
process produces heat, which represents about 90% of the total heat inside the Earth.
Moreover, this process produced more heat early in Earth’s history than it does
today because fewer atoms of those isotopes are left today. Heat contributed by radioactivity
is now roughly a part of what it was when Earth formed.
Activity: Unleash Your Creativity
Directions: Perform the given tasks and follow the instructions properly.
1. Compose an acrostic poem in which the first letter of each line spells out the word
“WEATHERING”. Your work should reflect the concepts about how rocks undergo
weathering. Write your acrostic poem on the box provided below.
Must include in the acrostic poem:
✓ Mechanical and Chemical Weathering
✓ 2 examples of each type of weathering
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master the
nature of Earth Science. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different
learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students.
The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in
which you read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.
The module is divided into three lessons, namely:
• Lesson 9 – Changes in Mineral Components and Texture of Rocks
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. describe what happens after magma is formed; and
2. describe the changes in mineral components and texture of rocks due to changes in
pressure and temperature.
Magma originates in the lower part of the Earth’s crust and in the upper portion of
the mantle. Most of the mantle and crust are solid, so the presence of magma is crucial to
understanding the geology and morphology of the mantle. Magma leaves the confines of the
upper mantle and crust in two major ways: as an intrusion or as an extrusion. An intrusion
can form features such as dikes and xenoliths. An extrusion could include lava and volcanic
Magma can intrude into a low-density area of another geologic formation, such as a
sedimentary rock structure. When it cools to solid rock, this intrusion is often called a pluton.
A pluton is an intrusion of magma that wells up from below the surface.
Plutons can include dikes and xenoliths. A magmatic dike is simply a large slab of
magmatic material that has intruded into another rock body. A xenolith is a piece of rock
trapped in another type of rock. Many xenoliths are crystals torn from inside the Earth and
embedded in magma while the magma was cooling.
The most familiar way for magma to escape, or extrude, to Earth’s surface is through
lava. Lava eruptions can be “fire fountains” of liquid rock or thick, slow-moving rivers of
molten material. Lava cools to form volcanic rock as well as volcanic glass.
Magma can also extrude into Earth’s atmosphere as part of a violent volcanic
explosion. This magma solidifies in the air to form volcanic rock called tephra. In the
atmosphere, tephra is more often called volcanic ash. As it falls to Earth, tephra includes
rocks such as pumice.
Temperature is another major factor of metamorphism. There are two ways to think
about how the temperature of a rock can be increased because of geologic processes. If rocks
are buried within the Earth, the deeper they go, the higher the temperatures they experience.
This is because temperature inside the Earth increases along what is called the geothermal
gradient, or geotherm for short. Therefore, if rocks are simply buried deep enough sediment,
they will experience temperatures high enough to cause metamorphism. This temperature is
about 200ºC (approximately 400ºF). Tectonic processes are another way rocks can be moved
deeper along the geotherm. Faulting and folding the rocks of the crust, can move rocks to
much greater depth than simple burial can. Yet another way a rock in the Earth’s crust can
have its temperature greatly increased is by the intrusion of magma nearby. Magma intrusion
subjects nearby rock to higher temperature with no increase in depth or pressure.
Pressure is a measure of the stress, the physical force, being applied to the surface of
a material. It is defined as the force per unit area acting on the surface, in a direction
perpendicular to the surface. Lithostatic pressure is the pressure exerted on a rock by all the
surrounding rock. The source of the pressure is the weight of all the rocks above. Lithostatic
pressure increases as depth within the Earth increases and is a uniform stress—the pressure
applies equally in all directions on the rock.
If pressure does not apply equally in all directions, differential stress occurs. There
are two types of differential stress. Normal stress compresses (pushes together) rock in one
direction, the direction of maximum stress. At the same time, in a perpendicular direction,
the rock undergoes tension (stretching), in the direction of minimum stress. Shear stress
pushes one side of the rock in a direction parallel to the side, while at the same time, the
other side of the rock is being pushed in the opposite direction.
flattened grains
Rounded grains
direction of maximum stress
Metamorphic minerals that grow under differential stress will have a preferred
orientation if the minerals have atomic structures that tend to make them form either flat or
elongate crystals. This will be especially apparent for micas or other sheet silicates that grow
during metamorphism, such as biotite, muscovite, chlorite, talc, or serpentine. If any of these
flat minerals are growing under normal stress, they will grow with their sheets oriented
perpendicular to the direction of maximum compression. This results in a rock that can be
easily broken along the parallel mineral sheets. Such a rock is said to be foliated, or to have
Any open space between the mineral grains in a rock, however microscopic, may
contain a fluid phase. Most commonly, if there is a fluid phase in a rock during
metamorphism, it will be a hydrous fluid, consisting of water and things dissolved in the
water. Less commonly, it may be a carbon dioxide fluid or some other fluid. The presence of
a fluid phase is a major factor during metamorphism because it helps determine which
metamorphic reactions will occur and how fast they will occur. The fluid phase can also
influence the rate at which mineral crystals deform or change shape. Most of this influence
is due to the dissolved ions that pass in and out of the fluid phase. If during metamorphism
enough ions are introduced to or removed from the rock via the fluid to change the bulk
chemical composition of the rock, the rock is said to have undergone metasomatism.
However, most metamorphic rocks do not undergo sufficient change in their bulk chemistry
to be considered metasomatic rocks.
Most metamorphism of rocks takes place slowly inside the Earth. Regional
metamorphism takes place on a timescale of millions of years. Metamorphism usually
involves slow changes to rocks in the solid state, as atoms or ions diffuse out of unstable
minerals that are breaking down in the given pressure and temperature conditions and
migrate into new minerals that are stable in those conditions. This type of chemical reaction
takes a long time.
Grades of Metamorphism
Metamorphic grade refers to the general temperature and pressure conditions that
prevailed during metamorphism. As the pressure and temperature increase, rocks undergo
metamorphism at higher metamorphic grade. Rocks changing from one type of metamorphic
rock to another as they encounter higher grades of metamorphism are said to be undergoing
prograde metamorphism.
sedimentary rocks, and it is common for a low-grade metamorphic rock to look somewhat
like its protolith. Low grade metamorphic rocks tend to characterize by an abundance of
hydrous minerals, minerals that contain water within their crystal structure. Examples of
low-grade hydrous minerals include clay, serpentine, and chlorite. Under low grade
metamorphism many of the metamorphic minerals will not grow large enough to be seen
without a microscope.
High-grade metamorphism takes place at temperatures above about 450 ºC. Micas
tend to break down. New minerals such as hornblende will form, which is stable at higher
temperatures. However, as metamorphic grade increases to even higher grade, all hydrous
minerals, which includes hornblende, may break down and be replaced by other, higher-
temperature, non-hydrous minerals such as pyroxene.
Index Minerals
Index minerals, which are indicators of metamorphic grade. In each rock type, which
starts with a particular chemical composition, lower-grade index minerals are replaced by
higher-grade index minerals in a sequence of chemical reactions that proceeds as the rock
undergoes prograde metamorphism. For example, in rocks made of metamorphosed shale,
metamorphism may prograde through the following index minerals:
• chlorite characterizes the lowest regional metamorphic grade
• biotite replaces chlorite at the next metamorphic grade, which could be considered
medium-low grade
• garnet appears at the next metamorphic grade, medium grade
• staurolite marks the next metamorphic grade, which is medium-high grade
• sillimanite is a characteristic mineral of high-grade metamorphic rocks
Index minerals are used by geologists to map metamorphic grade in regions of
metamorphic rock. A geologist maps and collects rock samples across the region and marks
the geologic map with the location of each rock sample and the type of index mineral it
contains. By drawing lines around the areas where each type of index mineral occurs, the
geologist delineates the zones of different metamorphic grades in the region. The lines are
known as isograds.
B. Magma leaves the confines of the upper
mantle and crust in two major
ways: as an intrusion or as an extrusion.
2 A. If rocks are buried within the Earth, the
deeper they go, the higher the temperatures they
B. The temperature inside the Earth decreases
along what is called the
geothermal gradient.
3 A. Pressure is a measure of the rest, the physical
force, being applied to the surface of a material.
B. There are two types of differential stress -
normal stress and sheer stress.
4 A. Metamorphic grade refers to the general
temperature and pressure conditions that
prevailed during metabolism.
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master
the nature of Earth Science. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different
learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students.
The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in
which you read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.
The module has 1 lesson namely:
Lesson 10: Plate Tectonics
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. describe how rocks behave under different types of stress such as compression,
pulling apart, and shearing
2. explain seafloor spreading
Plate Tectonics
Americas. Asia. Europe. Australia. Africa. Antarctica. Long ago, the continents used
to be together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Pangea drifted apart. Alfred
Wegener, a meteorologist and geophysicist, compiled evidence to support the continental drift
theory. But when the scientific community asked for explanation about the driving force for
the movement of the continents, he cannot provide it. Several years have passed and
scientists like Arthur Holmes and Harry Hess discovered several mechanisms: mantle
convection and seafloor spreading. And although these discoveries are great, there are still a
lot to know to formulate a complete unifying theory.
Seafloor Spreading
People back then rejected Wegener’s theory because of the lack of explanation on how
the continents move. In 1929, Arthur Holmes proposed an idea that convection in the mantle
is the mechanism that causes the motion of the continents, supporting Wegener’s theory. The
scientific community was still skeptic about this. It is easy to observe and understand
convection on liquids like boiling water for instance. The hot water rises while the colder
sinks. The water that rose will become cooler and will sink while the cooler water will rise
since it becomes hot. The cyclic process is called convection. However, it is hard to imagine
this mechanism to happen in a solid Earth mantle.
Technological advances allowed scientist during the World War 2 to explore the oceans
at greater depths. Harry Hess and Robert
S. Deitz conducted explorations and
observations in the ocean floor using
SONAR, a technology used to have an
image underwater using sound waves
bouncing back from the ocean floor. They
found out that the oceans are not flat like
the beaches but instead have underwater
mountain ranges. These underwater
mountain ranges found in the middle of
oceans are called mid-ocean ridge. Hess
also found out that the rocks and
sediments in the ocean floor are found to
be only millions of years old. However,
the Earth is billions of years old! Where Figure 2: Simplified diagram of the use of SONAR
in seafloor observation
did the old rocks go? It was also found
Illustration by Vincent L. Dublin
that the rocks near the ridge are younger
and the rocks are older when farther from
the ridge. Moreover, the density of the rocks is greater the farther it is from the ridge.
These compelling pieces of evidence lead to the conclusion of Hess that the seafloor is
indeed spreading. With the convection in the asthenosphere as the driving force, magma rises
in the mid ocean ridges, solidify and forms into new crust. It then pushes the crust in both
directions causing the seafloor to spread. But the main driving force of the seafloor spreading
is the convection in the upper mantle (asthenosphere) as shown in figure 3. The newest
oceanic crust will be formed at the middle and the oldest ones are pushed outwards at both
directions. This is supported by the observations presented above.
Figure 4: Magma solidifies and becomes new seafloor. This new seafloor pushes the old crust
and spread on both sides from the mid ocean ridge and subducts to the continental crust
Illustration by Vincent L. Dublin
The observations that the oceanic crust become denser when farther from the ridge is
because as the seafloor spreads, it cools. The density of most materials increases as the
temperature lowers. The oceanic crust is also thicker when farther from the ridge. This is
because it accumulates sediments as it moves from the ridge. When the oceanic crust meets
the continental crust, which is less dense, the oceanic crust plunges beneath the continental
crust. (Just like how water will go beneath a column of oil because it is denser.) This process
is called subduction.
Further investigations of the ocean floors were made to validate Hess’s theory. The
use of magnetometers to assess the magnetism of rocks in the ocean revealed that there are
alternating strips of rocks that has normal and reversed magnetic polarity. Since the Earth’s
magnetic field is known to switch, the rocks record this switch of magnetic fields which
happen for millions of years. The magnetic field patterns are observed to be the identical from
both sides of the ridge as shown in figure 5.
The magnetic reversals observed in the
magnetic basalt rocks which are mirrored on
both sides of the ridge proves that the seafloor
spreads on both sides. The basaltic rocks
record the Earth’s magnetic field the moment
they solidify from being magma.
Seafloor spreading is the missing piece in
Wegener’s continental drift theory. This
theory explains that instead of the continental
crust pushing the oceanic crust, the
continental crust rides along while the
Figure 5: Simplified diagram of regions where
oceanic crust spreads. Combining these two
“Magnetic stripes” or similar magnetic patterns of
normal and reversed polarity found on either side of theories, a unifying theory was made.
the ridge
Illustration by Vincent L. Dublin
Theory of Plate Tectonics
First, let us take another look to the layers of the Earth, but now according to its
physical characteristics. The two important layers that we will use in this discussion is the
lithosphere and the asthenosphere. The litho-sphere is composed of the crust and the
uppermost mantle.
The thicker but less dense continental crust
and the thinner but denser oceanic crust are both
parts of the lithosphere. The continental crust
which is mostly composed of granite are the
continents while the oceanic crust which is mostly
composed of basalt are the ocean floors. The
difference of the densities between the two is an
important factor in plate tectonics. Underneath the
lithosphere is the asthenosphere. The temperatures
and pressure on the asthenosphere allows the
rocks to be near melting temperature. The
asthenosphere is a ductile layer. It means that it
can flow very slowly when forces are acting on it.
You can think of it like a bubble gum. It is solid but
can respond to forces by movement. You may falsely Figure 6: Layers of the Earth in terms of
think that underneath the lithosphere is a reservoir physical composition
of magma or molten rocks; however, the Retrieved from:
asthenosphere is still solid and ductile but not
completely molten. Given that structure, we can say
Licensed under NealeyS at English
that the rigid lithosphere lies on top of a ductile,
Wikipedia/CC BY-SA 3.0
slowly moving asthenosphere.
The ideas of continental drift and seafloor spreading are unified in the theory of plate
tectonics. In this theory, the lithosphere is said to be brittle. It is broken into huge slabs of
crust called tectonic plates or simply, plates. You can visualize it like the shell of a hard-
boiled egg that has several cracks or a like a jigsaw puzzle. These plates are on top of the
asthenosphere moving very slowly and can be entirely oceanic crust, entirely continental
crust, or a combination of both. The convection in the asthenosphere is the mechanism that
causes the plates to move. This is slightly different from Wegener’s theory because the
continents are just part of the plates, not the ones that are really moving. Figure 7 shows the
different plates of the Earth. If this is the first time that you see the image of plates, you might
be confused because you are used to look at the maps and see the countries or continents.
The plates are the ones enclosed in white lines.
The major plates include the Pacific Plate, which is mostly oceanic crust; Eurasian
Plate, Indian-Australian Plate, North American Plate, South American Plate, Antarctic Plate
and African Plate. The minor plates include the Philippine Plate, Juan de Fuca Plate, Cocos
Plate, Scotia Plate and Arabian Plate, Caribbean Plate and Nazca Plate.
Plate tectonics tells us that these plates interact along their boundaries in sluggish
movements. In that case, we are just looking at a snapshot of the Earth during our time. The
Earth would be much different millions of years from now.
Stresses on rocks
Stress is defined as force experience by an object per area. In geology, rocks can
experience two broad types of stress, confining and differential stress. Rocks experience
confining stress when the stress is uniform in all directions. Example of this is when a rock
is buried, and pressure is exerted to it by the underlying weight of the rocks.
Differential stress means rocks experience unequal
stress. There are three types of differential stress. These are
compression, tension, and shearing.
(a) Compression
Rocks under compressive stress are squeezed
together. This can cause the rocks to fold or fracture.
Compressive stress is present in convergent plate
boundaries where plates are moving towards each
(b) Tension
Rocks under tensional stress are being pulled apart
causing them to be thinned out, stretched, or even
break. Tensional stress is present in divergent
plate boundaries where the plates are moving
Figure 8: Different stresses on rocks
away from each other. Illustration by Vincent L. Dublin
(c) Shearing
Shear stresses are parallel but opposite to each other. This stress causes slippage or
translation. Shear stress is present in transform boundaries where the plates move
past each other.
When a stress causes deformation on a material, the deformation is called as strain. These
types of strains are elastic, plastic, and fracture strain or deformation.
B. Elastic deformation is reversible.
4. _________________________
A. Crust found near the mid ocean ridge are less dense than those far from the
B. Rocks buried deep underground are more likely to be ductile
5. _________________________
A. Tectonic plates are moving fast.
B. Shear stress is at work when plates slide
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master
the nature of Earth Science. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different
learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students.
The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in
which you read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.
The module has 1 lesson namely:
Lesson 11: Structure and Evolution of Ocean Basins
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. describe the structure and evolution of ocean basins
2. explain how the movement of plates leads to the formation of folds, faults,
trenches, volcanoes, rift valleys, and mountain ranges
Lesson Structure and Evolution of Ocean
11 Basins
Stage 4 involves the development of one or more destructive plate margins. The reason
for the formation of new destructive margins probably lies in changing circumstances in
another part of the globe, such as continental collision or the initiation of new continental
rifting. If (as seems certain) the Earth is neither expanding nor contracting, the net rates of
spreading and subduction over any great circle on the Earth must be equal, and the pattern
of plates and plate motion must adjust to keep this so. The Mediterranean is an ocean in the
final stages of its life (Stage 5), with the African Plate being consumed under the European
Plate. Unless the world system of plates changes so as to halt the northward movement of
Africa relative to Europe, the continental blocks of Europe and Africa will eventually collide,
and new mountain ranges will form (Stage 6).
Stages in the evolution of ocean basins, with examples
Stage Examples Dominant motions Characteristic features
1 embryonic East African rift crustal extension rift valleys
valleys and uplift
2 young Red Sea, Gulf of Subsidence and Narrow seas with
California spreading parallel coasts and a
central depression
3 mature Atlantic Ocean Spreading Ocean basin with active
mid-ocean ridge
4 declining Pacific Ocean Spreading and Ocean basin with active
shrinking spreading axez; also
numerous island arcs
and adjacent trenches
around margins
5 terminals Mediterranean Sea Shrinking and Young mountains
6 relict scars Indus suture in the Shrinking and Young mountains
Himalayas uplift
against one another. This causes the crust of the Earth to buckle and strain, generating
incredible amounts of pressure that build up as time progresses and may conclude in the
release of this energy. The crust is divided into layers of materials that have been compressed
together. These layers are known as strata, laid down and composed of the denudated
material of pre-existing rocks.
In folding, the Earth's crust is pulled and strained, resulting in a variety of different
features that can be commonly seen when examining a cliff face. There are three parts of a
fold: the anticline (high), the syncline (low) and the limbs, commonly referred to as the "arms"
of the folds. Folds can be divided into several different types, such as a monocline, whereby
the layers travel in the same direction, a
symmetrical fold, both arms have the same slope, a asymmetrical fold, the slope of one arm
is steeper than the other, and a overfold, whereby the arms have slightly overturned.
Faulting is a process that occurs due to the intense strain on plates that is endured
by the folding of layers. The pressure of compression or tension results in a fracture to occur
in the fold, which can form along a fault line. Movement along this fault may be horizontal or
vertical. Such an example of a fault line is the San Andreas Fault Line in America.
There are three main types of faulting: normal faulting, reverse faulting, and tear
faulting. They occur due to divergence, convergence, and transverse movement of plates
respectively. Rift valleys are found between two parallel normal faults on a part of land known
as a graben, a sunken part of the land so to speak. This occurs because the foothold block is
upthrown while the hanging block is downthrown. These are surrounded by block-
mountains, also known as horsts which move apart and increase the size of the valley. Rift
valleys are distinguishable by the sharp, declining sides. In conclusion, the movement of the
Earth's plates results in the folding and faulting of the Earth's surface due to processes such
as compression, tension, and shearing, and in doing so, deform and rearrange the Earth's
Constructive plate boundary volcanoes
At constructive plate boundaries, the tectonic plates are moving away from one
another. The Earth’s crust is pulled apart to create a new pathway for rising hot magma to
flow on to the surface. Volcanoes can sometimes form in these setting; one example is Iceland.
Iceland lies on the Mid Atlantic Ridge, a constructive plate boundary, where the North
American and Eurasian plates are moving away from each other. As the plates pull apart,
molten rock (magma) rises and erupts as lava, creating new ocean crust. The island is covered
with more than 100 volcanoes. Some are extinct, but over 30 are still active. The majority of
volcanism in Iceland occurs along volcanic rift zones that cut through the center of the island.
Hot-spot volcanism
Volcanoes can also form above a column of superheated magma called a mantle
plume. This may happen in areas that are distant from plate boundaries. It is also referred
to as hot spot or intraplate volcanism. Heat from the mantle plume causes melting and
thinning of the crust, which leads to volcanic activity at the surface. The Hawai’ian Islands
are a chain of volcanoes in the middle of the Pacific Plate, which have formed due to the
presence of a hot spot. The Hawai’ian hot spot causes magma to rise and erupt as lava on
the ocean floor. Over millions of years, the Pacific Plate has moved over the hot spot, creating
a chain of volcanic islands.
Volcanic mountains
Movements of tectonic plates create volcanoes along the plate boundaries, which erupt
and form mountains. A volcanic arc system is a series of volcanoes that form near a
subduction zone where the crust of a sinking oceanic plate melts. Most volcanoes occur in a
band encircling the Pacific Ocean (the Pacific Ring of Fire), and in another that extends from
the Mediterranean across Asia to join the Pacific band in the Indonesian Archipelago. The
most important types of volcanic mountain are composite cones or stratovolcanoes (Vesuvius,
Kilimanjaro and Mount Fuji are examples) and shield volcanoes (such as Mauna Loa on
Hawaii, a hotspot volcano).
Fold mountains
When plates collide or undergo subduction (that is – ride one over another), the plates
tend to buckle and fold, forming mountains. Most of the major continental mountain ranges
are associated with thrusting and folding or orogenesis. Examples are the Jura and the
Zagros mountains.
Block mountains
When a fault block is raised or tilted, block mountains can result. Higher blocks are
called horsts and troughs are called grabens. A spreading apart of the surface causes
tensional forces. When the tensional forces are strong enough to cause a plate to split apart,
it does so such that a center block drops down relative to its flanking blocks. An example is
the Sierra Nevada Range, where delamination created a block 650 km long and 80 km wide
that consists of many individual portions tipped gently west, with east facing slips rising
abruptly to produce the highest mountain front in the continental United States.
Hotspot volcanoes
Hotspots are supplied by a magma source in the Earth’s mantle called a mantle
plume. Although originally attributed to a melting of subducted oceanic crust, recent evidence
belies this connection. The mechanism for plume formation remains a research topic.
Fault blocks
Several movements of the earth’s crust that lead to mountains are associated with
faults. These movements are amenable to analysis that can predict, for example, the height
of a raised block and the width of an intervening rift between blocks using the rheology of the
layers and the forces of isostasy. Early bent plate models predicting fractures and fault
movements have evolved into today’s kinematic and flexural models.
1. _________________________
A. When a fault block is raised or tilted, block mountains can result.
B. Higher blocks are called horsts and troughs are called grabens.
2. _________________________
A. When plates collide or undergo subduction (that is – ride one over another), the
plates tend to buckle and fold, forming mountains.
B. Most of the major continental mountain ranges are associated with thrusting and
folding or orogenesis
3. _________________________
A. Movements of tectonic plates create volcanoes along the plate boundaries, which
erupt and form mountains.
B. A volcanic arc system is a series of volcanoes that form near a subduction zone
where the crust of a sinking oceanic plate melts.
4. _________________________
A. Folding, faulting, volcanic activity, igneous intrusion, and metamorphism are all
parts of the orogenic process of mountain building.
B. The understanding of specific landscape features in terms of the underlying
tectonic processes is called tectonic geomorphology
5. _________________________
A. There are three settings where volcanoes typically form: constructive plate
boundaries, destructive plate boundaries, and hot spots
B. Volcanoes do not typically occur at transform boundaries because there is a little
or no magma available at the plate boundary.
Creating a Simple Infographic
Directions: Create a simple infographic either about the structure and evolution of ocean
basins or the movement of plates leads to the formation of folds, faults, trenches, volcanoes,
rift valleys, and mountain ranges. It can be drawn or created using a software.
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
master the nature of Earth Science. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many
different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of
students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the
order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now
The module is divided into two lessons:
Lesson 12.1 – Stratification of Rocks
Lesson 12.2 – Relative and Absolute Dating
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. describe how layers of rocks (stratified rocks) are formed; and
2. describe the different methods (relative and absolute dating) of determining the
age of stratified rocks
Stratification of Rocks
Earth was formed by different types of rocks and minerals. The formation of rocks and
minerals will yield to some changes on Earth internally and even externally. As part of these
changes to our living planet, weathering has played an important role in some phenomena.
As the rock weathers, the granules of rocks or dust can form new landforms. Some of these
landforms are built through the process of STRATIFICATION. This process shows how rocks
formed by layers over a period of time.
1. Weathering
2. Erosion
As the loosen sediments are removed from the rocks carried by natural agents of erosion
(wind or water), it will be transported from one place to another.
3. Deposition
When the eroded materials and sediments are laid down in a certain place. Massive
sediments were settled down first followed by the finer sediments filled on top. These layers
will vary in their thickness depending on the volume of sediments deposited.
4. Compaction or Cementation
As the sediments are buried, they become cemented to each other and hardened
under pressure. Sometimes there are bones of organisms buried and they become fossils in
time. After that, another stratification occurs, and a new layer of rocks or stratum will form.
This formation of stratified rock are also the sedimentary rocks. Each stratum varies in
thickness, and it formed over a period of time. This repeated process shows that the Earth is
continuously forming and molding by itself.
For scientists, like geologists who study the stratified rocks can tell us the history of
earth. For geologists it's always the rocks that are the specimens of their study. In the
stratified rocks it shows the layers of rocks that formed in different times. Each stratum tells
something about what the Earth was before especially in its composition. Example, if the
geologist collected stratified rocks and found out the bottom part is made up of claystone.
The scientist may infer that there was a time in that place there was a river Sometimes the
scientist can collect fossils from ancient times which they can describe the type of organisms
that lived before.
Rocks are the old clues of ancient times. Thus, stratified rocks can be used to
determine the age of the Earth based on the scientist’s discovery. They invented some
methods and technologies where the scientists can calculate the possible age of the Earth.
Relative and Absolute Dating
A method that tells the order of events without exact dates by comparing one event or
rock layer to another. The study of rock layers is known as Stratigraphy. Relative dating
identifies which rock or fossil layers formed first, second, third and so on. But the actual age
of a rock or fossil in years is not determined. The words like “older” or “younger” instead of
exact numbers are used when determining the age of rock using this method. This can be
done using the following principles.
1. Law of Superposition
This principle states that in any untouched sequence of layers (strata) of rocks, the
oldest layer is deposited at the bottom and the youngest layer is at the top. This is commonly
applying to sedimentary rocks but can be applied also to lava flows and layers of ash from
volcanic rock.
2. Principle of Cross-Cutting (Law of Cross –cutting Relationship)
It states that any geologic feature like fault that cuts across or cut through a body of
sediment/rock layers is younger than the body of those rocks that it cuts across. Similarly,
when magma forcedly enters other layer of rocks and hardens, the fault or intrusion is
younger than the rocks surround it.
Rock layer 4
Rock layer 3
Rock layer 2
Rock layer 1
Illustrator: S.B.Retuya
4. Principle of Unconformity
The Four types of unconformities:
A. Disconformity_ the sedimentary rock layers above and below the unconformity (surface
of non-deposition/surface of erosion) are parallel to each other.
Fig.L2.3. Disconformity
Younger sedimentary
rock layers
Older sedimentary
rock layers
Illustrator: S.B.Retuya
rock layer (younger)
Igneous or Metamorphic
rock layer (older)
Illustrator: S.B.Retuya
C. Angular_ on the bottom of the unconformity are tilted sedimentary rock layers with
horizontal sedimentary rock layers on top.
Fig.L2.5. Angular
Horizontal Sedimentary
rock layers (younger)
Tilted Sedimentary
rock layers (older)
Illustrator: S.B.Retuya
D. Paraconformity_ Sedimentary rock layers formed parallel with one another between
invisible unconformity due to erosion of older unit or non -deposition.
This dating method enables scientists to determine the numerical age of rocks. In
absolute dating, one of the most common ways to determine the numerical age of a rock is
through a technique called radiometric dating. The radiometric dating technique uses
radioactive isotopes to figure out the absolute age of the rock. Isotope is an atom of an element
that has the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons. Isotopes of an
element are either stable or radioactive. A radioactive isotope is an atom of an element with
an unstable nucleus. A nucleus that is unstable can become stable by undergoing a
radioactive decay. The stable isotope formed by radioactive decay is called the daughter
isotope and the original unstable radioactive isotope is called a parent isotope. For each kind
of radioactive isotope, the rate of decay is constant. The fixed rate of decay of a radioactive
isotope is called the half-life. Half-life is the time it takes for half of a particular isotope to
decay to daughter isotope. By measuring the amounts of the parent and daughter isotopes
in a rock, the absolute age of the rock can be determined. Below are the different methods
that can be used to determine the absolute age of rocks.
1. Radiocarbon Dating
Scientists use the radioactive isotope carbon-14 to determine the ages of plant and
animal remains. All living organisms maintain the same amount of carbon-14 in their bodies
with respect to other isotopes of carbon. When the organism dies, it stops taking in any kind
of carbon, so the amount of carbon-14 decreases at a known rate. Over time, scientists can
measure the amount of carbon- 14 that decayed in organic material to determine how long
ago the organism died. The longer an organism is dead, the less carbon -14 remains. Since
carbon -14 has a half-life of only 5,370 years, it can’t be used to date ancient fossils or
rocks. This method is particularly useful for dating materials from plants and animals that
lived between 100 and 50,000 years.
Activity: My Act to Help
Directions: If you had explored any type of landforms, what would be your contribution to
maintain the beauty of these natural resources in our country? If you’re not
tried exploring these landforms, what do you think of your contribution?
Write it in the scroll below.
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master
the methods used in determining the subdivisions of Geologic Time Scale. The scope of this
module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used
recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the
standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to
correspond with the textbook you are now using.
The module is divided into two lessons:
Lesson 13 – The Use of Relative and Absolute Datings in Subdivisions
of Geologic Time Scale
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. Describe how index fossils (also known as guide fossils) are used to define and identify
subdivisions of the geologic time scale
The Use of Relative and
Absolute Dating in Subdivisions
of Geologic Time Scale
Fig. 1 - Half-lives of Radioactive Isotope
Illustrator: J.K.Sayo
So, let’s take Carbon 14 as an example. Its half-life is 5,370 years as shown
in Table 1. What does it mean? It means that it takes 5,370 years for half of the Carbon-
14(Parent isotope) to decay into Nitrogen-14(Daughter Isotope). Can you imagine how long it
would take for half of Potassium-40 to decay into Argon-40? Or Uranium-238 into Lead-206?
Now, how do geologists or paleontologists use half-life to determine the age of rocks
or fossils?
Once a scientist collects a sample specimen, it will be taken to the laboratory. He
will use an instrument called the Mass Spectrometry to identify the ratio of the radioactive
isotope present in the specimen.
For instance, a paleontologist collected a fossilized bone in a laboratory to check the
content of radioactive isotopes. The results reveal that the amount of Carbon-14 left in the
fossilized bone is half (50%) of the original. Such an amount of Carbon-14 in the fossilized
bone has passed one half-life. Remember that it takes 5,370 years for one-half (50%) of
Carbon-14 to decay into Nitrogen -14, therefore, the fossilized bone has been dead for 5,370
years as shown on the table below. Approximately, this is the age of the fossilized bone based
on the first half-life of Carbon-14. What about if the fossilized bone has passed two half-lives,
how many years do you think the fossilized bone has been dead? Very good! The fossilized
bone has been dead for 10,740 years.
Radioactive Isotope
C-14 N-14 Number of years the organism died
1st half- life 50% 50% 5,370 years
2nd half-life 25% 75% 10,740 years
Since carbon -14 has a half-life of only 5,370 years, it can’t be used to date ancient
fossils or rocks. Thus, it is particularly useful for dating materials that were formed in the
relatively recent geologic past. But there are other radioactive elements, such as potassium-
40 and uranium-238 that can be used to date rocks, fossils, or significant geologic events.
Part A
Guide Questions:
Illustrator: J.K.Sayo
A 100 50 1. 2. 75 12.5 3.
B 80 4. 40 5. 60 6. 70
C 60 7. 30 8. 45 7.5 9.
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master
the methods used in determining the subdivisions of Geologic Time Scale. The scope of this
module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used
recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the
standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to
correspond with the textbook you are now using.
The module is divided into two lessons:
Lesson 14 – The Use of Index Fossils in Geologic Time Scale
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. describe the history of the Earth through geologic time
In dating the past, the primary value of fossils relies within the Principle of Faunal
Succession: fossil organisms succeed one another in time in a definite order. This principle
explains that each layer in a rock sequence contains fossils that are unique from those of the
layers that are above and below it. This condition permits geologists to identify and correlate
sedimentary rock layers in widely separated areas which are helpful in studying Earth’s
When fossils are correlated, scientists look for exact matches in different locations.
The primary conceptual tool for correlation by fossils is the index fossil. Ideally, index fossils
are widespread geographically, abundant, distinctive, and are limited to a short span of time.
Based on the characteristics of index fossils, which fossil below is considered as a good index
fossil? Yes, you are indeed correct, it's Fossil 2. With the use of index fossils, together with
the principles of relative dating of events and absolute/radiometric dating, scientists were
able to determine the subdivisions of the geologic time scale.
Fig. L2.1: Rock layers at different locations
Outcrop 1 Outcrop 2
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
Illustrator: J.K.Sayo
Rock layer 1 A A A D
Rock layer 2 A D C D
Rock layer 3 A B B B D
Suppose the letters represent fossils found on different rock layers and places.
Which letter best represents a good index fossil? __________
Why? ______________________________________________________________
Activity 4: My Oldest Clothes’ Possession
Directions: Determine the oldest clothes you have inside your cabinet. Take a picture of it
and place it inside the frame below. (If not possible, just describe it.)
Guide questions:
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on a separate sheet
of paper.
1. The main sources of the radioactive heat in the Earth’s mantle are the four long-lived
(large half- life) isotopes namely Thorium-232 (232Th), Potassium-40 (40K), Uranium-235
(235U) and _____.
A. Aluminum -26 (26Al) C. Lead -206 (206Pb
B. Iron-60 (60Fe) D. Uranium-238 (238U)
2. The Earth’s internal heat comes from different sources. Which one is considered the least
important reason for why the interior of earth is hot?
A. pressure B. primordial C. radioactive decay D. temperature
4. Marble, quartzite, greenstone, and anthracite are rocks that came from pre-
existing rocks. What do they have in common?
A. they are plutonic igneous rocks
B. they are non-foliated metamorphic rocks
C. they are volcanic igneous rocks
D. they are foliated metamorphic rocks
5. How could seafloor spreading theory explain the observation that thicker rocks are found
far from the mid ocean ridge?
A. Magma erupts far from the mid ocean ridge
B. Rocks thin out as they move towards the mid ocean ridge
C. Rocks far from the ridge are older; thus, accumulating more sediments.
D. Rocks far from the mid ocean ridge are different from those near the ridge
6. Which of the following statements describes plate tectonics theory?
A. The lithosphere is broken into plates floating above the ocean
B. The lithosphere is broken into plates that moves due to Earth’s rotation
C. The lithosphere is broken into plates moving slowly above the asthenosphere
D. The lithosphere is a single giant landmass called plate that moves due to the ocean
7. Stratified rocks formed by process. Which of the following rock stratification processes is
A. Compaction - Cementation - Deposition - Erosion - Weathering
B. Erosion - Deposition - Compaction - Cementation - Weathering
C. Weathering - Erosion - Deposition - Compaction & Cementation
D. Weathering - Deposition -Erosion - Compaction & Cementation
9. Which desirable features of a fossil would make it useful as an index (or guide) fossil in
determining the relative age of widely separated rock layers?
A. a long geological duration and a narrow geographic range.
B. a long geological duration and a wide geographic range.
C. a short geological duration and a wide geographic range.
D. a short geological duration and a narrow geographic range.
10. A Paleontologist found out that the amount of Carbon-14 left in an unknown fossil is ¾
of the original. How many years do you think the unknown fossil has been dead?
A. 2,685 years B. 5,370 years C. 10,740 years D. 16,110 years
What's More Lesson 5.3: What's More What's More
1. E 6. J
Lesson 2.2 Lesson 2.1
2. D 7. F
3. I 8. A 1. I 9. S 1. TRUE
4. C 9. G 2. M 10. M 2. ORE
5. H 10. B 3. TRUE
3. S 11. S
4. I 12. I 4. TRUE
What's More Lesson 5.1: 5. M 13. S 5. IGNEOUS
(Answers vary) 6. S 14. M
7. I 15. S
What's More Lesson 5.2: 8. M 9. NONMETALLIC
(Answers vary) 10. NONRENEWABLE
Module 5 Module 2
What's More
Lesson 4.1: Quarter 1 Quarter 1 Quarter 1
(Answers vary) What's What’s More What’s
What's More More
Lesson 1.2 More
Lesson 4.2: Lesson 1.1
1. H 6. B Lesson 1.3
Across: 1. Thinner
2. B 7. A 1. N 6. N
9. Table 3. Aquitard 4. Freshwater 2. Higher
3. A 8. G 2. N 7. M
6. Desalination 7. Glaciers 10. Groundwater 3. Ice
4. G 9. H 3. M 8. N
Down: 4. More
5. G 10. B 4. M 9. M
1. Artesian 5. Aquifer 5. less
5. N 10. N
8. Surface 9. Seawater
Module 4 Module 1
Quarter 2 Quarter 1
Quarter 2 Quarter I
What I What I
Assessment Assessment
Know Know
1. D 6. C 1. C 6. D
2. A 7. C 1. D 6. B 1. D 6. D
2. A 7. D 2. C 7. A 2. D 7. A
3. C 8. B
4. B 9. C 3. A 8. A 3. C 8. B 3. B 8. A
5. C 10. C 4. B 9. B 4. D 9. A 4. B 9. D
5. C 10.C 5. C 10.A
5. C 10. A
What's More
Lesson 8.2:
A. pressure
B. Increase of pressure means
increase the speed of the
molecules, thus increasing the
What's More temp.
C. 1.Still cooling from Earth’s What's More
Lesson 9:
formation Lesson 8.1:
1. C
2. Earth’s radioactive nuclear
2. A – increases 1. C 6. C
3. B – stress 2. M 7. M
D. vary answers
4. D – E. Uranium
3. C 8. M
metamorphism F. The radioactive core heats it. 4. M 9. C
5. C 5. M 10. C
Module 9 Module 8
What's More
Lesson 7:
(Answers vary)
Module 7
What's More Lesson 13:
1. Solid
2. Liquid What's More
3. Gaseous Lesson 3.1:
4. Non-hazardous (Answers vary)
5. Municipal
What's More
6. Industrial
Lesson 3.2:
7. Residential 1. Formation of Coal
8. Reactive (Reactivity) 1-3-2-4-5
9. Corrosive (Corrosivity) 2. Formation of Oil and
10. Ignitable (Ignitability) Natural Gas
[1,2,3], [5,6,7], [8,9,10] in any order 2-1-4-5-3
Module 6 Module 3
What's More
Lesson 14:
_ widespread ,
geographically, abundant,
distinctive, and are limited to a
short span of time.
Module 14
What's More
Lesson 13:
What's More 1. 4 layers
2. A, possible answer-
Lesson 12.2:
because it is found in the
bottom part, or layer B
covers layer A
3. Folding
4. Layering
5. Deposition or laying down
of the sediments
Module 13
What's More
Lesson 12.1:
WHAT IS IT It is the formation of rocks
by layers. What's More What's More
How does it happen? The Lesson 11: Lesson 10:
answer involves the 4 processes of 1. Both 1. NEITHER
rock stratification. 2. Both 2. A
What does it form? Formation of 3. Both 3. B
new landforms 4. Both 4. BOTH
5. Both 5. B
Module 12 Module 11 Module 10
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