Rubber 1
Rubber 1
Rubber 1
6(2):118-129 (2020)
In the studies carried out until today, rubber-modified self-compacting concretes (RMSCC) had been manufactured
by replacing the aggregates of the waste vehicle tires (WVT) in the grain size distribution and particles that have different
workability, different mechanical, and physical properties. However, variation of the carrying capacity of the RMSCC
elements produced with different slenderness ratio h/b ratio under axial load had not been researched in previous studies.
Within the scope of this study, the change in physical and mechanical properties of RMSCC elements produced by using
different h/b ratios had been examined both experimentally and theoretically. Since the natural sand and WVT aggregate
used in the production of concrete and their grain sizes are in the same range, WVT aggregate has been replaced by natural
sand in 4 different proportions. These ratios were used as 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% of the natural sand volume, respectively.
Slenderness ratios, h/b ratios were 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5, and experimental and theoretical investigations had been
performed for 90 samples in total. The linear regression models of the obtained results had been analyzed and the
equations with the h/b ratios according to these models had been produced. The results of the obtained equations and the
results of experimental axial pressure had been compared. In addition to the amount of WVT aggregate used and the
increase in the ratio of h/b, the compressive strength losses had caused by different rates on the samples. The effect of the
WVT aggregate ratio on the compressive strength had become more significant with the increase in use rate. Besides,
regression analyzes had been performed to determine the effect of h/b ratio on the compressive strength. In conclusion,
regression R2 (coefficient of determination) values that belong to equations obtained had been found over 0.95.
Keywords: Mechanical properties, sample size effect, self-compacting concrete, tire rubber particles, waste management
Bugüne kadar yapılan çalışmalarda, tane boyutu dağılımındaki atık araç lastiklerinin (WVT) agregaları ve farklı
işlenebilirliğe, farklı mekanik ve fiziksel özelliklere sahip partiküller değiştirilerek kauçuk modifiyeli kendinden yerleşen
betonlar (RMSCC) imal edilmiştir. Ancak eksenel basınç altında farklı narinlik oranı h/b ile üretilen RMSCC
elemanlarının taşıma kapasitesindeki değişim daha önceki çalışmalarda araştırılmamıştı. Bu çalışma kapsamında farklı
h/b oranları kullanılarak üretilen RMSCC elemanlarının fiziksel ve mekanik özelliklerindeki değişim hem deneysel hem
de teorik olarak incelenmiştir. Beton üretiminde kullanılan doğal kum ve WVT agregası tane boyutları aynı aralıkta
olduğundan WVT agregası 4 farklı oranda doğal kum ile değiştirilmiştir. Bu oranlar doğal kum hacminin sırasıyla %5,
%10, %15 ve %20'si olarak kullanılmıştır. Narinlik oranları, h/b değerleri1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 ve 3.5 olup, toplam 90
örnek için deneysel ve teorik araştırmalar yapılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçların doğrusal regresyon modelleri incelenmiş ve
bu modellere göre h/b oranları ile denklemler üretilmiştir. Elde edilen denklemlerin sonuçları ve deneysel basınç dayanımı
sonuçları karşılaştırılmıştır. Kullanılan WVT agregası miktarı ve h/b oranındaki artışın yanı sıra, numunelerde farklı
oranlardan kaynaklanan basınç dayanımı kayıpları olmuştur. WVT agrega oranının basınç dayanımı üzerindeki etkisi,
kullanım oranının artmasıyla daha da belirgin hale gelmiştir. Ayrıca h/b oranının basınç dayanımına etkisini belirlemek
için regresyon analizleri yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak elde edilen denklemlere ait R2 değerleri 0,95'in üzerinde bulunmuştur.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Mekanik özellikler, numune boyut etkisi, kendiliğinden yerleşen beton, lastik kauçuk parçacıkları, atık yönetimi
Int. J. Pure Appl. Sci. 6(2):118-129 (2020)
Int. J. Pure Appl. Sci. 6(2):118-129 (2020)
normal concrete, it has the ability to fully compress the literature are examined, it has been observed
itself under its own weight (Su et al., 2001; that waste vehicle tires can be used in certain
Domone, 2007; Felekoǧlu et al., 2007; proportions according to the grain size distribution
Nanthagopalan and Santhanam, 2009; Grdic et al., (Bignozzi and Sandrolini, 2006; Aiello and Leuzzi,
2010) and it has high viscosity, filling rates, 2010; Rahman et al., 2012; Hilal, 2017).
comfortable spreading in frequently reinforced Within the scope of this study, mechanical tests
areas and high weathering (Najim and Hall, 2012) had been performed on 90 prismatic samples with
resistance. In addition to these properties, high cross-section of bxb and variable length ratios h by
durability, low permeability and high compressive using varying proportions of waste tire parts
strength properties are among the advanced together with SCC. In this study, the relationship
properties when compared to normal concrete between h/b ratio and waste tire parts ratios and
(Khatib, 2008; Topçu et al., 2009; Wu et al., 2009). their effects on mechanical and physical properties
End of life tires is an innovative option with of the RMSCC elements had been investigated.
recycling, environmental, economic and Furthermore, it had been thought that the effect of
performance benefits as an aggregate to produce a dimensions can be reflected by using a formula with
new class of concrete. The use of chopped and/or the help of non-linear regression models for each
crumbed tire particles as a concrete aggregate WVT aggregate ratio used and it had been aimed to
exchange had been extensively examined by the obtain these formulas for the convenience of the
researchers (it had summarized in a detailed review user.
document (Najim and Hall, 2010)) and several
recent studies had researched the effect of end of MATERIAL AND METHODS
life tires when they are replaced with the sand in Within the scope of this study, CEM-I 42.5R
SCC (Bignozzi and Sandrolini, 2006; Garros et al., had used as cement, natural crushed stone had used
2006; Turatsinze and Garros, 2008; Topçu and Bilir, as coarse aggregate (4/16) and natural sand (0/5.6)
2009; Güneyisi, 2010; Najim and Hall, 2010; had used as sand in the preparation of the concrete
Uygunoǧlu and Topçu, 2010). Due to high powder mixtures. Information about the chemical and
content of SCC, its microstructure is very compact physical properties of the cement used had been
and dense, and it results with high mechanical given in Table 1. The mixtures of the aggregates had
strength and brittle break modes. Therefore, self- been tried to be brought closer to the Fuller curve
compacting rubber concrete (SCRC) composites by mixing in certain proportions. The specific
can be used for applications that requires gravity of the aggregates had been measured as
deformable (high ductility) concrete by using high 2.727 and 2.609 respectively for natural sand and
flow and low/medium strength (<35 MPa). natural crushed stone. Grain size distribution curves
Moreover, these concretes should be called green of aggregates had been given in Figure 1.
concrete because they are produced with
environmentally friendly alternative aggregates. In Table 1. Chemical compositions and physical
infrastructure applications the compressive strength properties of Portland cement.
range is generally between 28 and 35 MPa. In
applications such as bridge barriers and road Chemical analysis (%) Portland cement
foundations, high deformation and high toughness CaO 63.57
concrete is desirable, while> 35 MPa compressive SiO2 19.54
strength is not mandatory (Zheng et al., 2008). It is Al2O3 3.85
very easy for water to enter the concrete structure, Fe2O3 4.15
which is open to the external environment and the MgO 3.20
cavity ratio is high, and the durability of the SO3 2.86
K2O 0.82
concrete is adversely affected from this (Atahan, Na2O 0.39
2002). From this point of view, the use of waste Loss on ignition 1.62
vehicle tires in concrete comes to the front as a Specific gravity (g cm-3) 3.16
convenient and sustainable method to remove Fineness (m2 kg-1) 360*
damages on nature. However, when the studies in * Blaine specific surface area
Int. J. Pure Appl. Sci. 6(2):118-129 (2020)
the first minute and it had been stirred for 1 minute.
Then, HRWR had been run by adding water in 1-
NATURAL SAND minute period (Figure 3). At the end of the period, the
mixture had been allowed to stand for 1 minute then
finally for a further 1 minute and the total preparation
time had been 5 minutes. The compliance of the
prepared mixtures with the SCC classification had
30 been performed by slump flow and V-funnel (Figure
20 3) tests in the EFNARC (EFNARC, 2005) standard
10 and it had been controlled by controlling the limiting
PAN 0.125 0.25 0.5 1 2 4 5.6 8 11.2 16
values of the experiments. The properties of the fresh
concrete mixture obtained had been given in Table 3.
Prepared fresh concrete mixtures had been placed in
Figure 1. Sieve analysis of aggregates
prismatic molds with h/b ratios of 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5,
3.0 and 3.5 (Figure 4). The mixtures had been cured
The natural sand in the SCC is replaced by the
for 28 days at 20 ± 2 °C in lime saturated water
WVT aggregate and the tire modified self-leveling
(Figure 3).
concrete (RMSCC) has been obtained. The sand had
been replaced with WVT aggregate volumetrically.
WVT aggregate sizes had been found in the range of
0-4 mm (Figure 2) and specific gravity had been
determined as 1.050. WVT aggregate had been
changed with sand 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% by
volume. To provide SCC properties, a high rate of
water reducer (HRWR) based on Sika Visco Crete
Hi-Tech-28 coded product with polycarboxylate had
been used. The specific gravity of HRWR is
calculated taken from producer as 1.055. The design
table of the SCC used in the study had been given in
Table 2. The water/cement ratio had been taken as
0.35. While preparing the mixtures, the dry mixture
prepared with aggregate, cement and WVT aggregate
had been mixed for 1 minute, then 2/3 of the water
had been mixed with HRWR, the remaining 1/3 of the Figure 2. WVT aggregate size
water had been added to the dry mixture at the end of
Int. J. Pure Appl. Sci. 6(2):118-129 (2020)
RESULT AND DISCUSSION (Batayneh et al., 2008; Reda et al., 2008). These
Fresh Concrete Behavior findings are generally consistent with some other
Slump flow and V-funnel tests on fresh concrete studies (Cairns et al., 2004; Güneyisi et al., 2004;
were made according to EFNARC (EFNARC, 2005) Hernández-Olivares and Barluenga, 2004; Albano et
standard to determine the viscosity and filling al., 2005; Gesoǧlu and Güneyisi, 2007; Zheng et al.,
properties of the prepared concrete mixtures (Figure 2008; Guleria and Dutta, 2013), but the magnitude of
3). The loss of cohesion and segregation in the the decrease depends on the size of the rubber and the
obtained mixtures has been confirmed visually for percentage of change (Najim and Hall, 2010). As the
each mixture (Figure 3). When the results given in ratio of WVT aggregate increases, it is observed that
Table 3 are considered, it is seen that the slump flow there is a decrease in the SF diameter in RMSCC
values are between 550-650 mm and this range is SF1 (Table 3). For SCC mixtures, the T50 was recorded
Slump-Flow (SF) classes for EFNARC (EFNARC, as the flow time when the fresh concrete reached the
2005) standard. With the help of the slump test of the span of 500 mm after raising the slump cone
fresh mix, many studies have been conducted to (EFNARC, 2005). The results of the T50 slump flow
evaluate the RMSCC workability. Generally, tests showed that modified SCC containing 15%
researchers had been observed a significant reduction rubber aggregate met the required downstream flow
in workability (collapse) at some point as the content time ranging from 2s to 5s. Moreover, when the
of rubber aggregates increased. The theorem assumes viscosity class values are examined, it has observed
that this reduction may be due to the higher inter- that the T50 duration is greater than 2 s and the
particle friction level between the rubber aggregate obtained v-funnel flow times are in the range of 8-25
and the other mixture components (due to the surface sec (Table 3). These values have found to be
structure of the rubber particles) and the total VS2/VF2 viscosity classes for EFNARC (EFNARC,
reduction in the unit weight of the plastic mixture 2005) (Table 3).
Int. J. Pure Appl. Sci. 6(2):118-129 (2020)
Mix-ID ID Slump Flow (mm) T50 time (sec) V-funnel time (sec)
CONTROL M1 648 2.8 9.1
5% WVT aggregate M2 630 3.1 9.8
10% WVT aggregate M3 620 3.6 11.5
15% WVT aggregate M4 600 3.8 13.5
20% WVT aggregate M5 585 4.0 15.2
Hardening Properties of Concrete for Testing Materials, 2007), tests for the abrasion
After placing the fresh concrete mixtures into the resistance of concrete had examined in two groups as
molds in the laboratory, the water cured samples has one group is in terms of pedestrian traffic or light to
been subjected to specific gravity, pressure, tensile medium weighted tire wheeled traffic and groups
and abrasion tests. In the density tests, 100×100×100 consisting of forklifts, heavy duty tire wheels, chain
mm cubic samples obtained from each mixture had cars, heavy steel wheeled traffic or studded tires
been dried at the end of cure and their weights in (Scott and Safiuddin, 2015). When the obtained
water and their water saturated weights had been results are examined, it had found that the loss of
measured and then they had been dried for 24 hours masses resulting from erosion with increasing WVT
at 110 °C in drying oven. The densities of the samples aggregate ratio in RMSCCs is gradually decreasing
had been determined from the obtained values and (Etli et al., 2018; Akgül et al., 2020). Increase in the
they had been given in Table 4. With the increase of WVT aggregate ratio had observed as a positive
the WVT, the specific gravities decreased (Table 4). effect for SCC abrasion loss.
Abrasion tests had been carried out for 3 minutes Tensile strength tests for bending are obtained as
on each of the 100×100×100 mm cube samples had specified in ASTM C-496 (American Society for
been produced for each mixture according to ASTM Testing Materials, 2007) and it had been given in
C-944 (American Society for Testing Materials, Table 6. The compressive strength tests had been
2007) standard and for a total of 6 minutes and the carried out with 3 samples per h/b ratio.
results had been given in Table 5. Within the scope of Within the scope of the study, the variation
this study abrasion tests in accordance with ASTM C- capacity of the samples of RMSCCs prepared by
944 (American Society for Testing Materials, 2007) WVT aggregate with different ratios under axial
had performed on 100×100×100 mm cube samples. pressure had been researched with the effect of
A load of 98±1 N, defined as a normal load in ASTM increase in the sample slenderness ratio. The
C944 (American Society for Testing Materials, prismatic samples prepared from each of the mixtures
2007), was applied at a rate of 200 rpm using a drill with 1, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5 prepared for this
press. ACI defines the causes of abrasion on the purpose had been subjected to axial pressure with a
concrete surface in four groups; due to human traffic, loading rate of 1.5 kN s-1. The cross-sections (bxb) of
it is classified as abrasion on concrete floors, spiked all produced samples had been chosen to be 100×100
tires and snow tire chains, abrasion due to vehicle mm and thus it had foreseen that they can be
traffic, abrasive materials in the water due to dam compared with the pressure samples with standard
leaks, and high water velocities creating cavitations sample sizes (100×100×100 mm) used in the
on the concrete surface (Oneill et al., 2001). In the experiments. The results of the obtained axial
scope of ASTM C944 Standard (American Society pressure values had given in Table-7. When the
Int. J. Pure Appl. Sci. 6(2):118-129 (2020)
compressive strengths of 100×100×100 mm cube (Zheng et al., 2008). As you will guess when the
samples obtained from the mixtures were examined WVT aggregate substitution rate increased, the
at the end of 28 days cure, it is observed that their compressive strengths gradually decreased in the
compressive strengths ranged from 39 to 55 MPa RMSCC mixtures (Table 6).
(Table 6). All concrete mixtures had exceeded the While h/b ratio increases, compressive strength
minimum strength (17 MPa) for structural concrete values in each group decreases (Table 7). A visual
(Neville and Brooks, 2010). Mixtures containing 20% evaluation of the pressure changes with dimension
by volume of WVT aggregate are suitable for making effect in RMSCC had applied in Figure-5.
structural concrete mixtures in terms of compressive Furthermore, when the R2 values of the change are
strength and meet the target of 28-35 MPa pressure compared with the selected h/b ratios, the R 2 values
strength range required for civilian infrastructure of the obtained results are greater than 0.95 and it is
applications, which is another application parameter acceptable (Figure 5).
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5
0% 5% 10 % 15 % 20 %
50 R² = 0.9577
R² = 0.9734
R² = 0.9705
R² = 0.9897
R² = 0.9691
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
h/b ratio
Mix-ID Test-1 Test-2 Test-3 Tension Compression
CONTROL 7.58 8.03 7.99 7.87 55.67
5% WVT aggregate 7.13 6.96 7.29 7.12 51.77
10% WVT aggregate 6.97 7.01 6.47 6.81 48.91
15% WVT aggregate 6.21 6.67 6.98 6.62 44.56
20% WVT aggregate 5.30 4.96 5.48 5.25 39.33
Int. J. Pure Appl. Sci. 6(2):118-129 (2020)
To examine the distribution of WVT aggregate with the increase in WVT aggregate ratio. In addition,
in the produced samples, the concrete samples had the fracture shapes also started with the tapered prism
obtained by dividing the concrete samples with shape in the samples with a ratio of h/b as expected
concrete pressure test press and these samples had with the change of the h/b ratio, and with the increase
shown in Figure 6. When the cross-sections are in the refractive angle, it results in 90º as half-split in
examined, it is seen that WVT aggregate is distributed the samples with h/b ratio 3.5.
very homogeneously in RMSCC. In addition, when The aim of this study is to experimentally
the figures are examined carefully, it is observed that investigate the properties of axial compressive
the coarse pieces are mostly broken off and separated strength of concrete and to propose equations for
from the other surface, namely, there is sufficient estimating compressive strength by sample size,
adherence between the cement paste and WVT sample shape and placement direction based on
aggregate. In Figure 7 the post-fracture figures of the fracture mechanics. In addition, a mutual relationship
samples with varying h/b ratio and WVT aggregate between these equations has been evaluated. Based
ratio under axial pressure had been shown. When the on the magnitude effect law (SEL) derived by Bazant
Figure 7 is examined, it has observed that fractures (Bažant, 2009), Kim and Eo (Kim, 2009) proposed a
are more severe in the SCC that spilled for control and modified magnitude effect law (MSEL) by adding
while fractures in RMSCCs are observed less severe independent magnitude to predict the SEL.
Int. J. Pure Appl. Sci. 6(2):118-129 (2020)
Int. J. Pure Appl. Sci. 6(2):118-129 (2020)
This concept was developed in the next studies sizes (in prism specimens for varying h/b ratios) on
and the equation (1) was obtained. This equation had compressive strength was investigated. Since there is
been proposed to obtain the compressive strength of no correlation between the compressive strength of
cylindrical concrete samples having various and the prismatic and cubic specimens of RMSCCs in the
height/diameter ratios (Kim et al., 1999). For this literature, a model based on the literature is validated
purpose, the effects of maximum aggregate size on by linear regression showing the relationships
fracture zone (FPZ) had taken into consideration and between 28-day compressive strength. The results
the characteristic length concept had introduced. In show that the average 28-day compressive strength of
the study, the number of samples with the h / d ratio the cubic shape is always higher than its prismatic
and the samples with h/d = 2.0 were 222 and 456, counterpart.
respectively. The equation of the characteristic length It is found that there is no problem in terms of
determination method is derived by Kim and Eo fresh concrete properties when appropriate sized
(Kim, 2009) and had described as in Equation 1. WVT aggregate parts are used, and they are replaced
with the sand in SCC (self-compacting concrete) up
𝜎𝑛 (ℎ, 𝑑) = + 0.8 × 𝑓𝑐 (1) to substitute ratio of 20%. However, compressive
strengths obtained because of the increase of the
Where the compressive strength of standard WVT aggregate particles used are diverging from the
SCC main design. In the obtained formulas, reason
cylinder is defined as fc, height of cylinder specimen
is defined as h and diameter of cylinder specimen d for the decrease in the correction coefficients used
with the increased WVT ratio is probably caused due
are in cm. Equation 1 was developed by the
researchers and the equation for the prism samples to increase in the dominance of WVT aggregate
particles under the axial load. By the simple formulas
had proposed in Equation 2 (Seong-Tae et al., 2006);
obtained it is possible to calculate axial compressive
1.02×fc strengths for RMSCC of the sample sized elements to
fpr (d) = + 0.52 × fc (2)
√1+d/2.6 be produced.
Int. J. Pure Appl. Sci. 6(2):118-129 (2020)
Int. J. Pure Appl. Sci. 6(2):118-129 (2020)
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