FS22 PS4 Manual EN

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Controls............................................................................................................. 2
Getting Started.................................................................................................. 3
HUD - Heads Up Display..................................................................................... 4
Farming Basics.. ........................................................................................... 5 – 8
Farmer's Knowledge................................................................................... 9 – 15
Finances & Making Money.........................................................................16 – 17
Vehicles, Machines & Tools.......................................................................18 – 20
Multiplayer & Mods.................................................................................. 20 – 21
Welcome to Silverrun Forest!. . ................................................................. 22 – 28
General Controls
Welcome to Zielonka!.. ............................................................................. 29 – 35
Hold: Advanced Functions Hold: Advanced Functions
Farming Simulator Academy............................................................................ 36
Brake / Reverse Accelerate / Run

Shop Menu Game Menu

Move / Steer Look around

Refuel / Refill Tool Switch Camera

Zoom Camera in Jump / Attach / Detach

Zoom Camera out AI Worker

Switch to previous Vehicle Enter / Exit Vehicle

Switch to next Vehicle Switch Control Group

+ Hold: Advanced Functions

1 2
2 3

You can choose from three career modes, which changes the difficulty by
mainly influencing your financial situation, but also affects certain gameplay

8 9

6 10
New Farmer Farm Manager Start from Scratch
You start with a good In this mode, you start You are left with little to 1 Help Menu 7 Fill Level
selection of machines, with nothing but a good no money, and you might Shows the currently possible actions Here you can see how much of a certain
you already own some amount of money to need to help out with some for the selected machine. fill type is in your machine or tool.
land and money should customize your fleet and contractor work before
not be your main concern. farmland. Be aware of the you can afford your own 2 Control Group display 8 Speedometer
Recommended for loan that you have to pay farmland and machines. Indicates the status of your current Information about your current
absolute beginners. back! Work your way up! tools and / or vehicles. speed, the current cruise control
speed and the vehicle's working
MAPS 3 Weather, Time and Money hours.
Displays the current and upcoming
Farming Simulator 22 comes with three environments for you to play in: weather, the time and timescale, as 9 Fuel and Condition
well as your current account balance. Displays the fuel level and condition
of your machine.
4 Notifications
Notifications about AI workers, your 10 Gears
expenses and incomes. Displays the selected gear and gear
group. Play with automatic or use
5 Mini-Map manual transmission and shift gears
Shows the local area and field yourself.
Erlengrat Elmcreek Haut-Beyleron information.
11 Crosshair (on foot only)
A lovely little town The American Midwest is A historic Mediterranean 6 Attachable objects
embedded within the calling with large fields region dominated by a Indicates the center of the screen.
This only appears when you are close Used to grab objects or point at fields,
Alpine mountains. and places to explore! large river. to an attachable object. machines, etc. to see more information.

3 4
FARMING BASICS Special Crops: Grapes and Olives

There is a lot to keep in mind when operating a farm. First, you decide what to
focus on. There are three main activities that you can pursue in the game. Grape vines and olive groves need to be planted in rows. Use the build mode
to place the plants. Once grown, harvest your olives or grapes with specialized
harvesters and take them to your production points or sell them right away.
Remember to prune your grape vines after the harvest so they can grow back.
Special Crop: Sugarcane

Arable farming Animal husbandry Forestry

Work fields, harvest crops, Tend to animals and sell Plant and cut trees to sell To plant sugarcane, you need a billet planter filled with pallets of sugarcane
and process/sell them. their products. them for profit. bought from the store or sugarcane from a previous harvest. Since sugarcane
harvesters don’t have tanks, you’ll need to attach a trailer to it if possible or
hire a worker to drive the harvester while you drive alongside it with a tractor
and a trailer attached. Harvested sugarcane will regrow and does not have to
be planted again.
In Farming Simulator 22 there are 16 different crops. You need to keep in mind
the special requirements for each type. Special Crop: Cotton
Grains: Wheat, Barley, Oat, Canola, Soybeans, Sorghum, Sunflowers and Corn

Harvesting cotton requires a specialized cotton harvester. It turns the cotton

into bales that can only be transported on a special cotton trailer. Just like
Use a cultivator attached to a tractor to loosen the soil. Plant seeds with either sugarcane, cotton plants will regrow.
a seeder or planter. Once the field is ready for harvest, you can use a combine
harvester with the appropriate header attached to it to harvest the field.
Root Crops: Potatoes and Sugar Beets
If you want to take a break from harvesting, or focus on other tasks, you can
take care of animals: horses, cows, sheep, pigs, chicken and bees. Each of
them have specific needs and reward you in different ways.
Growing potatoes and sugar beets requires special planters and harvesters.
For potatoes, you can use potatoes from previous harvests to fill up the Purchase & Transport
planter. To harvest these crops, you first have to remove the foliage with a First, you need to buy an animal pen and place it via the build mode menu.
haulm cutter, and then dig them up with a potato or sugar beet harvester. Then, you can purchase animals from your local animal dealer. Most of them
The easiest and fastest (but more expensive) way to do this is to use a self- are transported in a livestock trailer.
propelled harvester. A cheaper alternative is to use a tractor with several
specialized tools.

5 6
Animal Care
You have to take care of your animals by feeding them, supplying them with
• Food: Grass, Hay, Silage, Total Mixed Ration (TMR)
water and straw for bedding by using a straw blower. If you have purchased an
• Product: Milk, Slurry, Manure
animal barn, they are automatically supplied with water. When cows, sheep,
Your cows always produce milk, but you can improve their
pigs and chicken are happy and old enough, they reproduce, and new animals
productivity by feeding them better food. You can also sell
are added to your animal population.
cows for profit. The best food for your cows is Total Mixed
Chicken Ration (TMR).
• Food: Wheat, Barley, Sorghum
• Product: Eggs
• Food: -
Chicken produce pallets of eggs, appearing next to the
• Product: Honey
chicken coop. Put them in your vehicle with a forklift and
Beehives placed via the build menu produce honey, which
sell them or deliver them to your production buildings.
can be processed further or sold directly. Place your
beehives next to fields, and you will soon be living in the
Horses land of milk and honey, as the bees will increase the yield
• Food: Hay, Oat, Sorghum of canola, sunflower and potato crops. Honey will be
• Product: Trained Horses delivered to the freely placeable delivery area.
Horses are trained and then sold for a profit. Each horse
has an individual fitness level. Ride your horses to FORESTRY
train them and increase their value. They require straw
bedding and water. And, don’t forget to brush them! You Selling wood is a profitable business. You can cut down trees with a chainsaw
can even give them custom names! or a tree harvester. They should be de-branched and cut into logs before
Sheep they're sold.
• Food: Grass, Hay
Trees & Poplar
• Product: Wool
Sheep produce wool. In order to sell the wool, you have to
grab the pallet at the sheep pasture with a pallet fork and
transport it to the local spinnery. You can also deliver the
wool to your own production point for further processing. You can harvest trees & poplar to produce logs and wood chips. New trees
need to be planted with a special tree sapling planting machine. The shop can
Pigs provide you with seedling pallets.
• Food: Almost everything Selling Wood
• Product: Pigs, Slurry, Manure Logs can be delivered and sold to the sawmill or further processed at a
Pigs can eat corn, wheat, barley, soybeans, canola, factory. The price of wood not only depends on the length, but also on the
sunflowers, potatoes, and sugar beets. Like cows, they straightness of the delivered pieces. Small, bent pieces will generally sell for
produce slurry and manure when they’re fed. Collect it in less. You can also chop them up with a wood chipper to make wood chips and
a slurry tank and use it as a fertilizer. deliver them to the sawmill.

7 8
If the combine’s tank is full, you can unload
it into a trailer. Transport it to a selling
point, factory, or put it into storage to sell
it later. When transporting large objects
Cultivating like tree trunks or bales, it is important to
Use a plow, cultivator, disc harrow, power secure your cargo with tension belts.
harrow, subsoiler, or spader to aerate the
ground before you start sowing your crops.
You can store your crops in a silo to sell
later. Silos can be placed on your farmland
via the build mode menu.

Sow crops using a seeder or a planter. Fill
the machine with seeds from a pallet or
silo first. Select the crop you want to sow.
Lower the machine and turn it on. Seed Hiring a Worker
pallets can be purchased at the shop. Need help on your farm? Hire a helping hand to assist you with specific
tasks by pressing the helper button. They can harvest a field, for example,
or cultivate after a harvest. Of course, the worker expects a wage, which is
Harvesting automatically deducted from your bank account.
Your crops grow with time. You can check
the growth by standing next to the field
or by checking the overview map. Once
they’re ready to harvest, use a combine
harvester with the appropriate header

Hint: The pack section in the shop will help you find the right machines to Hint: Some seeders and planters have an integrated solid fertilizer tank.
start with certain activities. You can make use of this and reduce the amount of times you would have to
drive over the field.

9 10
Catch Crops

Let’s optimize your work! The more you improve your fields, the higher the
yield. Visit the overview map and switch to “Soil composition” to get an
Oilseed Radish is a catch crop that is used as a fertilizer instead of being
overview of what your fields need.
harvested. Once the plants are visible on the field, use a cultivator to dig them
Periodic Plowing in. It will increase the yield of the following harvest.
You should plow a field after harvesting corn, potatoes or sugar beets and
when replacing your sugarcane with a different crop. These plants have deep
roots and would cost reduce your yield.
Liquid/Solid Fertilizer
Together with your crop sprouts, weeds will show up. If you don’t remove
them, your yield will suffer a loss. Remove the weeds with a weeder, if they are
still near the ground level. Once they’ve grown too large, you can only get rid of
them by spraying herbicide.
Liquid and solid fertilizer can be bought as pallets or Bigbags from the shop.
Use a sprayer for liquid fertilizer and a fertilizer spreader for the solid fertilizer. Stones
You should fertilize your growing crops twice before they are fully grown.
Fertilizers increase your yield each time.
Slurry, Manure, Digestate
When cultivating and plowing your fields, stones can be dug up. When driving
over them, your tools and vehicles can get damaged. Smaller stones can
be removed with a roller, while bigger stones need to be collected. Use a
stone picker to collect the stones from your fields and sell them at the debris
These natural fertilizers can be used instead of liquid/solid fertilizer. Both crusher.
slurry and manure can be obtained from cows or pigs. Slurry is spread with
a slurry tank, while manure requires a manure spreader. Digestate is spread PURCHASING LAND
with a slurry tank and can be obtained at the biogas plant.
Lime You can buy new land for growing crops and more in the map menu. You can
also sell land you own if necessary. You cannot work, mow grass, or cut trees
on someone else's land unless you are doing contract work.
Create & extend fields
Lime increases your yield. It should be applied after every third harvest. Use a
You can use a plow to create new fields on land you own. This way, you can
lime spreader to apply lime to your field.
also enlarge your fields, or even combine them. Especially in the beginning,
when you do not have large amounts of money, it is a good decision to buy
smaller fields in close proximity, and combine them later to create even bigger

11 12
Grass and Hay

Water is transported with a water trailer. You can get water from a lake or
from a water tank that can be placed from the build mode menu.
Most of the animals need grass. A mower is required to cut the grass. You can
plant it on a field or mow the meadows all around to gather some. If you want Silage
to make hay, you have to turn the grass with a tedder, so it dries. Arrange the
grass or hay with a windrower into swaths for easier collection. You can pick
up the grass or hay with a loading wagon or a baler. Silage is a necessary fodder for cows and can be made from chaff or grass.
There are two ways to create it. Option one is to dump chaff or grass into a
bunker silo and drive over the heap to compress it. Cover it, and wait for the
fermentation process to finish. Option two is to use a baler. Create a bale of
grass, and use a bale wrapper to start fermentation.
Straw can be obtained after harvesting a field of wheat, barley or oat. Just Total Mixed Ration (TMR)
collect the swath with a baler or loading wagon.
You can optimize your cows’ milk production by feeding them TMR.
TMR is produced by mixing together hay, straw, silage, and concentrate in a
Bales can be automatically loaded with a bale collector. A cheaper but more mixer wagon.
work-intense investment would be a tractor with a front loader configuration
and a bale fork. SEASONAL FARMING
Chaff Farming Simulator 22 introduces seasonal cycles. Spring, summer, fall, and
winter come with their individual atmosphere and change the gameplay
throughout the year.
Chaff consists of crops chopped by a forage harvester. You can make chaff Crop calendar
from corn, wheat, barley, oat, or canola. Use the appropriate header for The seasonal crop calendar impacts the time-frame you are able to plant
the crop while driving over it with the forage harvester. Unlike combine and harvest your crops. Keep in mind that prices fluctuate depending on the
harvesters, forage harvesters have no tank and need to be accompanied by a time of year. You can deactivate ‘seasonal growth’, allowing you to plant and
tractor with a trailer. harvest anytime.

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The weather forecast affects your decisions. Keep in mind: While there is snow
or rain, you cannot harvest your crops and will have to wait until it stops. Keep
an eye on the weather forecast icon in the top right corner, implicating the FINANCIALS & LOANS
impending change of the weather.
On the finance screen, you can see all income and expenditures for the current
Snow month and the previous four months. Any loan you have taken from the bank is
When snow covers the land and your farm, you need to be wary of slippery also displayed here.
roads. Better get your winter equipment ready as the handling of your vehicles If you need more money urgently, you can take on additional loans from the
will be affected. Snow can be toggled on and off in the game settings. bank. However, at the end of each month, you will have to pay any excess
interest on the loans. Pay them back as fast as you can to save on interest.

Create the farm of your dreams using the build mode menu! There are various SELLING PRODUCTS
categories available to customize your farmlands in different ways.
To sell your products, you need to load them onto a trailer and drive to one of
the selling points marked on the map. Open the prices window to see what
Buildings includes sheds, silos, silo extensions, containers,
each station accepts and at what price. Ideally, you want to sell your products
and tools.
at the highest paying selling point. The prices vary and change over time -
Production contains all the buildings needed to earn depending on the season, for example. You can influence prices by deciding
you additional money. There are factories, selling points, what you want to put up for sale and how much of it. You can sell crops, wood,
greenhouses, orchards and generators. animals, their produce, and processed goods.

Animals contains all the pens for your animals - in different CONTRACTS
shapes, sizes, and some additional functionality.
There are other farms on the map, which are owned by other farmers, unless
Decoration contains fences, (street) lights and more. With you buy the fields from them. They’re always in need of assistance. On the
this set of items, you can provide your farm with a lot of contract screen in the menu, you will find different jobs.
Landscaping contains tools for sculpting, painting, trees, and GREENHOUSES
plants. Here you find everything to make your farmland more
unique. Greenhouses earn you additional income. You can grow lettuce, tomatoes, and
strawberries. These goods can be sold at different selling points or processed
further. You can place a supplementary water tank next to your greenhouse
to increase the water capacity, as your plants in the greenhouses must be
provided with fresh water.

15 16
Solar collectors and wind energy converters have high initial costs, but they BUYING & LEASING
produce passive hourly income. Place them on your farm with the build mode.
You can purchase new vehicles and tools from the vehicle shop. Equipment is
FACTORIES & PRODUCTION CHAINS divided into categories or brands. If there is a suggested combination for the
vehicle or tool, you can select this with a simple button press.
An additional option to selling your products are the factories. Either visit the You also have the possibility to lease vehicles and tools. You will be asked to
local factories or build your own via the build menu. At the factories, you can pay a starting fee and a continued leasing fee. Also, keep an eye on the 'used
process your product further to increase the selling price of the end product. vehicle sale'. You can find great offers on all kinds of tools and vehicles for
This can be sold at selling points. reduced prices.

Bakery: Carpentry: Dairy: VEHICLE CUSTOMIZATION

Bread, Cake Furniture, Woodchips Cheese, Butter
Some vehicles allow for additional customization, such as different wheels, a
more powerful engine, a different color, or adding a front loader attachment.
Customizable vehicles can be adjusted to your liking when bought. To
customize them later, bring the vehicle to the marked area in front of the
Grain Mill: Saw Mill: Spinnery: machinery dealer, then interact with the shop symbol.
Flour Planks Cloth

Over time, your vehicles and tools will deteriorate. Vehicles in need of repair
lose speed or engine power. Take the vehicle to the machinery dealer or to
Sugar Mill: Tailor Shop: Cereal Factory: your vehicle workshop to pay for repairs. To fix traces of use in the paintwork,
Sugar Clothing Cereal repaint your vehicle.


You will see all the vehicles you currently own in the garage section. All of your
Grape Processing: Oil Mill: assets are listed here, and you can sell them directly from this menu. Their
Grape Juice, Raisins Olive Oil, Sunflower Oil, Canola Oil current value depends on their age and usage. Selling them at the machinery
dealer instead grants you a bonus on the selling price.

17 18
Shop Icons Garage Icons

Operating Hours: Shows the operating hours of the vehicle/tool

Power: Shows the vehicle's minimum engine power

Required Power: Shows the required engine power to operate the Age: Shows how many months you have owned the vehicle/tool
tool properly
Wheel Type: Shows which wheels are equipped on the vehicle/
Transmission: Shows the vehicle's transmission type tool
License Plate: Shows the license plate of the vehicle/tool
Speed: Shows the maximum speed the vehicle can achieve
Condition: Shows the overall condition of your vehicle/tool
Working Speed: Shows the maximum speed when working with
the vehicle/tool

Fuel: Shows the fuel tank capacity or electric charge capacity MULTIPLAYER & MODS
Weight: Shows how heavy the vehicle/tool is In Farming Simulator 22, you can manage your farm together with friends or
like-minded farmers from all around the world. You can also customize your
Max Fill Weight: Shows the recommended maximum fill weight experience with a multitude of free user created content, called mods.
for the tool

Width: Shows the working width of the vehicle/tool MULTIPLAYER

Fill Type: Shows what the vehicle/tool can transport or process Either work a farm together, or manage your individual farms while helping
each other out. An internet connection, a paid-for PlayStation®Plus
Bales: Shows the type and size of bales the tool can transport or subscription (sold separately) and an account for PlayStation™Network are
create required. Cross-platform multiplayer is supported by most systems.

Seeds: Shows the type of crops the tool can sow Join game
Here, you see a list of currently existing games you can join. If the game is
Animals: Shows which type and the amount of animals the trailer running with mods, you need to install them as well. The mods are listed in the
can transport game details.
Create game
Slots: Shows how many slots the machine occupies when bought Create your own game session others can join. First, you select a save game,
difficulty, and map. Your already existing career save game can be used, too.
You can then adjust additional settings, like the maximum number of players
or mods used.

19 20
Multiplayer options
If you open the menu, there are a variety of multiplayer options to manage
the way you play with others: You can give your fellow players various
permissions to buy and sell machines, fields, or start contracts and more.
Banning players
Is one of your fellow players misbehaving? The server admin can ban a player
from the game by accessing the players list.
More info
Need help or more info about multiplayer games in Farming Simulator 22?
Visit farming-simulator.com/support for help and further information.


Mods are extensions for Farming Simulator. They are usually created by fans
of the game, adding new content to the game such as machines, maps and
even gameplay mechanics. Visit the official ModHub to download all kinds of
mods, tested and curated by GIANTS Software.
Visit https://farming-simulator.com/support for further information.
Adding mods
Go to the main menu of the game and select "Downloadable Content". You can
browse the categories of our ModHub to find your preferred content.
Creating your own mods
Creating mods for Farming Simulator 22 is fairly easy. If you’re new to mod
creation, visit gdn.giants-software.com to find documentation, tutorials, a
dedicated mod forum and more to get you started.

The Platinum Expansion adds a whole new and lush environment to Silverrun Forest is the home of many new factories and production buildings.
Farming Simulator 22: Silverrun Forest. Inspired by the Pacific Northwest with Of course, they focus on the production of wooden objects after you provide
its vast and woody landscapes, the map offers many possibilities with new them with the required resources. Then, you can start producing barrels,
forestry missions, tree types, and production chains. Although you can tend to tables, even birdhouses, and much more.
agriculture and animal husbandry, the focus lies on forestry.
Barrel Factory: Fancy Furniture Factory:
Barrels, Buckets, Bathtubs Armoire, Chairs, Tables

Flooring Factory: Iron Furnace:

Floortiles Metal

Paper Factory: Pet Accessoires Factory:

Cartonrolls, Paperrolls Birdhouses, Cattrees, Doghouses

Picture Frame Factory:
A NEW RESOURCE! Woodchips, Prefabwalls,
Picture Frames, Easel
Woodbeams, Planks
Iron Ore

Wood Turner:
Collect iron ore at the mine shaft and deliver it to the iron furnace to refine it. Shingle Factory:
Staircase Railings,
With the metal produced at the furnace, you can supply various factories to Shingles
Peppergrinders, Bowls
manufacture all kinds of goods.

23 24
In Silverrun Forest, you will find big construction projects - and you can help! Silverrun Forest may consist of dense forests and wild nature, but there are
Only by delivering various resources, will the construction proceed. resident businesses and production plants you can visit, or even purchase and
own yourself.
Roller Coaster
The construction requires prefab walls, metal, Mine Shaft
floor tiles, planks, wooden beams, chairs, The mine shaft expands your production
barrels, buckets, and other materials. Deliver chains. It collects iron ore in a heap that you
these resources, so it gets built. Once the can gather and refine at an iron furnace. With
construction is completed, be sure to book a the produced metal, various goods can be
ride! manufactured at other production buildings or
delivered to construction projects like the roller
Boatyard coaster.
The boatyard requires wood beams, planks,
floor tiles, metal, and fabric to build boats. Sawmills
Once a boat is finished after delivering enough There is a sawmill in the south that buys your
resources, it will launch into the lake - and you logs and can sell you some products. You can’t
get paid for your help, of course. purchase and own this one, though. Up in the
north, you will find the ‘Old Sawmill’ - here you
can purchase the building to produce various
goods by starting production chains.


With the Platinum Expansion, over 40 new machines, including new
brands, are introduced. Volvo, IMPEX, John Deere, Koller, Komatsu, Pfanzelt,
Schwarzmüller, and other brands are featured. Let’s take a look at the most
important and unique additions.

Hydraulic Breaker
All over Silverrun Forest and its hilly landscape,
there are mighty boulders embedded in the
ground. With the hydraulic breaker, you can
crush rocks on your farmland. Collect and sell
them at the debris crusher.

25 26
Tree marking spray FORESTRY MISSIONS
Fell or preserve? Mark trees with the new
tree marking spray to indicate whether you or Since forestry shapes this region and its landscape, there are even more
your friends in multiplayer should chop them missions you can accept to help your neighbors.
down. Different colors and icons are available Deadwood Missions
to mark trees. When accepting corresponding Neighboring landowners will hire you to cut down dead trees on their land.
missions, some trees are already marked. Once the mission is accepted, an area where you can find the dead trees will
Be careful to cut down only the trees you are be marked on the map. Only cut down the trees marked with an exclamation
supposed to! point! Otherwise, you will be penalized. You can sell the trees you chopped
Yarder down and get some additional money.
Use the yarder to conveniently transport your Delivery Missions
logs: By attaching the yarder to a suitable Transporting logs in a steep environment full of hills and valleys is challenging
tractor in an appropriate spot with enough - and fun! Since your fellow landowners don’t find the time to do it themselves,
space available, and a massive tree at the they will ask you for help. Offering you payment, of course.
other end, you connect two points in Silverrun
Forest. A carriage between the two points
transports logs over great distances and
otherwise impassable terrain.
Winches help you to transport logs by
dragging them. This is especially helpful on
steep terrain. By attaching a winch to your
tractor, you can connect its tear-resistant
wire rope to trees you cut down and drag
them to their destination.

27 28
Zielonka invites you to cultivate an agricultural empire in a brand-new Central
European environment – expressing the flair of Germany’s neighbors by
drawing inspiration from countries like Poland and the Czech Republic. Not
only does it offer a picturesque landscape around a remote and quaint village,
it also has fertile ground to cultivate the new vegetable crops.

Carrots, Parsnips & Red Beet Zielonka is not only known for its fresh vegetables, but also for its export of
cultural craftsmanship, exemplified by the creation of elegant and timeless
pianos. And you can help by supporting this local business with resources to
get the classical keyboard instruments built!
With the Premium Expansion, you can plant brand-new vegetable crops
– carrots, parsnips, and red beet. Not only in Zielonka, but wherever your Piano Factory
farming operation is at home. All of them require you to create ridges before Construction of pianos requires wooden
planting and take four months to grow. planks. Harvest wood from nearby forests or
trees planted by yourself, and deliver them to
the sawmill to produce planks. As pianos are
quite valuable, you should guarantee a steady
supply of wooden planks.

Adding to the charm of the region, are the resident, traditional businesses
in Zielonka. All of them reward you with increased income for delivering

Soup Factory
The beloved “Zup, Zup, Zup” specializes in
liquid food and asks you to deliver fresh
Sell the harvest or deliver it to factories like the soup or preserved food factory vegetables to produce nutritious soups.
to be processed further – that earns you additional income!

31 32
Preserved Food Factory
Preserving food is the entire business of the MACHINES & TOOLS
preserved food factory. Deliver the produce, With the Premium Expansion, over 35 new machines, including new brands,
so they can make canned goods. are introduced. Dewulf, Gorenc, Agrio & WIFO debut in the series, while
BEDNAR, Fiat, GRIMME, Kverneland, SaMASZ and other brands are also
featured. In addition to the machines and tools, there are of course various
new placeables, decorations and other items. Let’s take a look at the most
important and unique machines that extend the gameplay:

Rotary Hillers
To meet the requirements of the new crops, you
operate specialized machines to sow, harvest,
and transport. Before sowing, you have to
Potato Processing Plant prepare the seedbed for vegetable cultivation
Here is where the potato is transformed into and create large-volume ridges with rotary
crispy potato chips – the ultimate result of its hillers!
journey – so, get the potato party started and
profit from it! Use the GRIMME GF 400 & GF 800 to create
those ridges, then plant the crops with the
Kverneland Miniair Nova series, and harvest
them with self-propelled and towed harvesters
by Dewulf before using WIFO equipment for

33 34
There are multiple new harvesters by Dewulf,
specialized on vegetables, to harvest carrots,
parsnips, or red beet. Depending on your
budget and operation, you can choose between
different dimensions.

While the Dewulf P3CL Profi is a mounted 1-row

top lifting harvester with hydraulic box lift
to unload the harvest directly into boxes, the
Dewulf ZKIVSE is a self-propelled 4-row top
lifting harvester, equipped with a discharge
elevator to unload into trailers – highly Need more information to get you started in Farming Simulator 22? Check the
efficient, if you can afford it. Check out the in-game help section or find even more guidance in our Farming Simulator
machines at the dealership to find the best one Academy - with a growing set of tutorials, we explain in detail how to get
for your farm! started if you’re new to (virtual) farming.
Visit farming-simulator.com/academy and you’ll be a top-notch farmer in no

All over Zielonka and its surroundings, golden

apples are hidden. Find them, and they will be
collected in the town’s center. Of course, every
found apple earns you a cash reward, too.

35 36
©2023 GIANTS Software. Published and developed by GIANTS Software. Farming Simulator, GIANTS Software and its logos are
trademarks or registered trademarks of GIANTS Software. All manufacturers, agricultural machinery, agricultural equipment, names,
brands and associated imagery featured in this game in some cases include trademarks and/or copyrighted materials of their
respective owners. The agricultural machines and equipment in this game may be different from the actual machines in shapes,
colors and performance. All rights reserved. All other names, trademarks and logos are property of their respective owners.

“1”, “PlayStation”, “4” are registered trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.
Farming Simulator 22. All rights reserved.

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