Ms JERR 108024
Ms JERR 108024
Ms JERR 108024
Accurate weather predictions are of high importance for humankind, from agriculture via air
traffic, warning of severe weather events like storm and heavy rain to the personal activities
of individuals. With increasing computational power, there have been significant
improvements in operational weather models [1]. However, these global and mesoscale
models require measurement data as input to tie the short-term forecast towards
observations [2]. In this computingintensive process, data can be assimilated continuously,
with high flexibility regarding spatial and temporal resolution andtrajectory [3].The data to be
assimilated originates from the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO)Global Observing
System [4], consisting of measurements using both in-situ and remote sensing techniques.
Atmospheric measurements of pressure, temperature, humidity, wind speed and wind
direction are crucial to Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP).These measurements can
partially be provided by ground based remotesensing techniques [5]; [6], satellite based
remote sensing techniques [7]; [8], radiosondes [9], aircraft [10] and dropsondes
(meteorological sensor packets dropped from high altitude platforms [11] Each of these
observing system types has its own peculiarities which have to be considered for
implementing in weather models, and has a different impact on the forecast quality. Ground
based remote sensing instruments need significant financial effort to be deployed and
Apparently, rising sea levels and precipitation patterns, temperature, and more extreme
weather changes threaten food and water security, human health, security, and
socioeconomic development on the continent. For this reason, accurate and up-to-date data
is needed for adaptation planning that will help to curb these natural occurrences and seek
to proffer a positive prediction of the weather.
This paper, design of a low-cost IOT based weather capturing device comprises of Section 1
covering the introduction and related works, Section 2 highlighting the materials and
methods used for the design of the IOT based weather capturing device, Section 3
underscoring the observed findings and discussions, and section 4 provides the conclusion.
Several weather monitoring systems and stations have been proposed and implemented
worldwide; some of these proposed devices have one or more improvements in terms of
design, cost, and accuracy.
However, this proposed method employs Internet of Things (IOT) technology in which
microcontrollers and sensors linked wirelessly to a web server are used to monitoring
atmospheric variations and predict the weather. Hence, this section underscores existing
studies and their limitations in monitoring climate change. Akhilesh Chawla et al. [12]
proposed a Bluetooth Based Weather Station that uses DHT11 sensor and HC-05 Bluetooth
module to measure temperature and humidity. Ukhurebor, K. E et al. [13] proposed a low-
cost weather-monitoring device that uses Arduino Mega 2560 and other devices to monitor
temperature, pressure, humidity, and light intensity. Dushyant Pande et al. [14] in their study
proposed the Measurement and transmission of atmospheric parameters using radio
frequency communication. Deeksha Srivastava et al. [15] also proposed the Measurement of
Temperature and Humidity that uses Using Arduino Tool And DHT11 to measure
temperature and humidity. Nisha G et al. [16] also made use of ZigBee wireless technology
and other sensors to monitor temperature, humidity, light intensity, and raindrop. Zahra
Ghattan et al. [17] designed and fabricated an Atmospheric Parameter Monitoring System
for Weather Forecast using radiosounde attached to a weather balloon that measures
various atmospheric para-meters such as pressure, temperature, relative
humidity, wind (both wind speed and wind direction), then transmits them by radio to a
ground receiver. Wanogho et al. [18] make use of an ESP32 microcontroller and other
sensors to monitor weather conditions like humidity, temperature, and light intensity. An IoT-
based weather station with embedded system was developed by Olanrele et al. [19] using
ESP8266/Nodemcu to monitor temperature, humidity, and light intensity. Rajesh Singh et al.
[20] designed a temperature monitoring device in a wireless sensor network using ZigBee
transceiver communication module with IC-CC2500 and 2.4GHz as RF transceiver to
monitor temperature. A wireless mobile microcontroller-based weather monitoring device
was designed by Devaraju et al. [21] using a PIC16f887 microcontroller and other sensors to
measure. N. V. Gowtham et al. [22] proposed the Design, Development and Implementation
of Real Time Canal and Weather Monitoring Devices using an ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04)
used for measurement of carnal depth and a water flow Sensor YF-S403 ¾, for measuring
Velocity of water flow in Canal. Both sensors were interfaced with the arduino UNO
microcontroller board and results were displayed on LCD I2C display. The weather
monitoring device was made up of DHT11 sensor (for measuring Temperature and
Humidity), and an IR sensor (active type) to sense certain characteristics of its surroundings
by either emitting and/or detecting infrared radiation all of which were interfaced with the
arduino UNO microcontroller. Jayashree T. R. et al. [23] also proposed a Li-Fi & Wi-Fi Based
Drone for Weather Monitoring with Data Storage in Cloud Using IoT. Mohamed Abdelkader
et al. [24] designed a UAV based system for real time flash flood monitoring in desert
environments using Lagrangian microsensors. Kirankumar Sutar [25] designed a cost-
effective weather monitoring system that uses a ZigBee radio communication module and
other sensors to monitor temperature, humidity, and light intensity. [26] designed and
implemented a microcontroller-based weather acquisition device that measures temperature,
pressure and relative humidity. Accordingly, Lopez et al. [27] published a tool to store IoT-
based data in cloud.
This low cost IOT based weather capturing device is made up of a BME280 module for the
atmospheric parameters acquisition, an ESP8266 as the microcontroller for Data
processing, and a wireless module for processing and transfer of the data from the BME
module, a NEO6M GPS module for longitude and latitude, a Li-ion cell to power the
components and a TP4056 circuit to recharge the Li-ion cell. A web application is incorporated to help the user interact and access the data to enable
ease of understanding and real-time logging of the data collected.
The intervals between meteorological measurements might range from 1 to 6 seconds,
depending on the type and maker of the weather station. The suggested model creates a
weather- acquisition device to capture atmospheric parameters using sensors. The sensors
are used to measure atmospheric changes every minute and the information sent to the
web server for immediate access by users, providing a precise forecast of the weather by
using Thing Speak IoT platform as a display.
Every five (5) minutes, the weather capturing device will submit weather-related data to the
database, including data on temperature, humidity, and pressure. The weather data will be
saved in the database and provided to the application. Through the program, the user will
ask for weather information. The application will then ask the database for the information
and deliver it back to the user. Fig.1 displays the block diagram of the weather capturing
device and under listed are the components that make up the weather capturing device:
Tp4056 BME280
Wireless GPS
The BME280 is an integrated environmental sensor for pressure, humidity and temperature,
combining high linearity, high accuracy and low power consumption. The humidity sensor
features an extremely fast response time which supports performance requirements for
emerging applications such as context awareness, and high accuracy over a wide
temperature range. The pressure sensor is an absolute barometric pressure sensor with
features exceptionally high accuracy and resolution at very low noise. The integrated
temperature sensor has been optimized for very low noise and high resolution. It is primarily
used for temperature compensation of the pressure and humidity sensors, and can also be
used for estimating ambient temperature. Fig. 2 displays the picture of the BME280 module.
As shown in Fig. 3, the ESP8266 is a low-cost Wi-Fi microchip, with built-in TCP/IP
networking software, and microcontroller capability. Espressif Systems created a low-cost
Wi-Fi chip called the ESP8266. To enable other microcontrollers to connect to a Wi-Fi
network, it can be used as a standalone device or as a UART to Wi-Fi adaptor. For instance,
to add Wi-Fi functionality to your Arduino board, you can attach an ESP8266. Utilizing it as a
standalone device is its most useful use. Similar to how you could control inputs and outputs
with an Arduino, the ESP8266 has Wi-Fi capabilities.
Features of ESP8266
The CPU is based around ESP8266 at 240MHz dual-cord
Wi-Fi is up to 150Mbps 802.11 b/g/n/e/h, direct P2P soft app
Has a flash size of 4MB (32Mbit)
Uses CP2102 as the USB-Serial converter
It uses Semtech SX1276 Radio module
It uses an external antenna connector: IPX (UFL)
Integrated TCP/IP protocol stack
Built-in low-power 32-bit CPU
2.3 NEO-6M - Data Communication Module
The NEO-6M module is a powerful full-featured GPS receiver with a ceramic antenna built-in
25 x 25 x 4mm that provides a powerful satellite search function. NEO-6M GPS chip is the
heart of the module from u-blox. The chip packs a surprising number of functions into its
small frame and measures less than a postage stamp. Unlike other GPS modules, it has a
horizontal position precision of 2.5m and can update its location up to 5 times per second.
The Time-To-First-Fix of the u-blox 6 positioning engine is also sub-one second (TTFF).
The image of the NEO-6M Module is shown in Fig. 4.
As shown in Fig. 6, jumper wires are electrical wires with connector pins at each end. They
are used to connect two points in a circuit without soldering. You can use jumper wires to
modify a circuit or diagnose problems in a circuit.
A webserver is where the resources of a website live, it could be a local host or remote, the
localhost can sometimes suffer proper maintenance and live data feed. The remote type is
more reliable since they are mostly paid services and will be properly maintained such that
data can be sent or retrieved at any time without complications. The Thingspeak webserver
is a host to a lot of could data that relates to data logging being that it has some analysis
tools to help in processing the data logged in the webserver. Thingspeak webserver is
owned by Mathworks, you will need an active account before you can publish sensor data to
their webserver.
Unit testing, integration testing, and system testing are the tests that were performed to
ensure that this system achieved its goals. Usually, a weather monitoring device consists of
sensors that take the atmospheric measurements at different levels of the atmosphere and
transmit them by radio to a base station on land or water and use the result for weather
forecasting or to predict natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes and the like that
can destroy lives and property. For this system, a microcontroller is connected to sensors
that can read temperature, humidity, pressure and altitude is then programmed to take such
readings in the fastest possible time, typically between one hundred milliseconds and five
seconds, as a physical quantity and these faint signals then amplified using a cascaded
amplifier configuration and then later convert these amplified readings of physical quantities
into electrical impulses which in most cases appear in analog form since their readings vary
over time. The electrical pulses are then converted into a digital signal that can be read by a
microcontroller using an analog-to-digital converter built into the microcontroller's circuitry
for this function. The signal is then processed by the microcontroller's arithmetic and logic
unit (ALU) to perform calculations and return a result of the measured physical quantity.
Often times, the results are compared to some standard to determine if the result is correct
before its answer is validated as correct, or if it needs to be corrected by the error amplifier.
The result is now ready to be sent. Before connecting the sensor to the microcontroller, a
boot loader must first be loaded onto the microcontroller, the first time it is used, the chip is
then ready to be programmed thousands of times depending on the read and write cycles.
The booted microcontroller is then connected to a network capable of transmitting data over
long distances, one such network is the Lora gateway, which allows long-distance radio
communication with constant connectivity. An example sketch is uploaded to the
microcontroller to test its functionality before the firmware is uploaded to it. The uploaded
firmware took care of the data transfer and internet connection between the microcontroller
and the remote server used to publish or log the weather data. The device is encased in an
inexpensive 3D-printed case so it can shield the weather-capturing device's components
while leaving the sensors outside to read the atmospheric data. In order for the weather
station to take the vertical profile measurements, it can either be attached to a drone or a
glider. The basic atmospheric elements in Atmospheric Boundary Layer detection include
Pressure, humidity, and temperature. In this project, an atmospheric parameter capturing
device was developed based on the actual need for atmospheric weather parameters
Pressure, humidity, and temperature as well as altitude, latitude, and longitude.
More so, the hardware circuit is the foundation of the whole detection platform, and its
design needs to consider many aspects, such as working environment and component
model selection, and only reasonable development of the entire hardware circuit can finish
the work of the hardware system of this weather-acquisition device. NEO-6M GPS module
has an LED that shows the status of the positioning. When there is no blinking, it is
searching for satellites, when it blinks for 1 second: the position is found. The design
involves the weather-capturing device made up of ESP8266 that connects the sensors and
sends data to your browser. It also processes the weather data collected such as
temperature, humidity, pressure, altitude, longitude and latitude using the BME280 sensor.
TP4056 and lithium polymer battery serve as the main power to the device, and NEO-6M
captures the longitude and latitude. The Microcontroller processes the information captured,
the Wi-Fi router, and the 4G cellular and network modem convey the processed information
to the Thinkspeak web server. The schematic diagram in Fig. 7, shows how the components
were soldered.
The atmospheric parameter weather-acquisition device includes temperature and humidity
sensing, pressure sensing, and geographic coordinate sensing. The communication mode of
the atmospheric element detection sensor was as follows: Temperature and humidity were
sent over one bus, pressure was sent through his I2C in an ESP8266 microcontroller, and
altitude, latitude, longitude and west African time were sent through a serial port.
The screenshots in Fig. 9, Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 were taken by the Thingspeak web server
and they display the data collected by the weather collection device. Also, the data
captured in Thingspeak was converted to Excel format as shown in Fig. 12 for easy export
and usage.
The design of a low cost IOT based weather capturing device is a project ostensibly geared
towards enabling individual users access real-time atmospheric weather data from any
location. Using a real-time data logger, this paper shows how to develop and implement a
weather-acquisition device that can capture data on certain weather variables, including
pressure, temperature, humidity, altitude, latitude, and longitude. This study offers
forecasting data that can be used to examine weather trends and forecast upcoming
weather conditions.
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