Chemical Process System Engineering
Chemical Process System Engineering
Chemical Process System Engineering
Olumayowa T. Kajero1, Tao Chen1, Yuan Yao2, Yao Cheng Chuang2, and
Taiwan, R.O.C.
computing, it is still difficult to perform simulations with many physical factors taken
into accounts. Hence, translation of such models into computationally easy surrogate
models is necessary for successful applications of such high fidelity models to process
design optimization, scale-up and model predictive control. In this work, the
researchers be familiarized with the work that has been carried out and problems that
remain to be investigated.
Traditionally this is done in two distinct approaches: the first-principle approach and
steady state and dynamic process simulations model the operation performance of a
plant, computer fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations model the momentum, material and
heat transfer in an equipment, and molecular simulations model the relation between
experiment (DOE) to direct experiments. DOE can be divided into two categories, the
exploration of design space, e.g. screening designs and finding the optimum, e.g.
response surface method. Traditional DOE theory were based on the assumptions that
With the development of powerful computers, we can include more and more
details into first-principle simulation models so s to improve the fidelity of the model.
For example, we can model a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) by assuming that
it is a well-mix reactor. The mixing and heat transfer can be modelled using a CFD
simulator and their effects can be integrated to the well-mix reactor through residence
time distribution and heat transfer rate. Alternatively, one can take into account
reactions and change in physical properties with change in composition and temperature
in a CFD simulation. Even we a given simulation model, the fidelity can increase by
including more mesh into the solver. As the fidelity of the physical model increases,
the number of parameters needed to be estimated, i.e. costs of calibrating the first-
principle model increase. However, the computer time required for simulation also
increase and the high cost the first-principle model becomes difficult to use.
models can be used efficiently in design, optimization and control. There have already
been many useful reviews and books in the development and application of meta model
to the best of our knowledge, there is no such review attempt specifically from the
Consider an actual process with input 𝒙 = [𝑥1 ⋯ 𝑥𝐾𝑥 ] and output 𝒚 = [𝑦1 ⋯ 𝑦𝐾𝑦 ].
𝒚 = 𝚽(𝒙)
include polynomial, kriging, radial basis function and artificial neural network, etc.
We should bear in mind that the definition of input 𝒙 and output 𝒚 may be different
in different applications. For example, let us consider the CFD model of a heat
exchanger with fixed geometry. We can try to construct a meta-model that only apply
to hot and cold streams with specific physical properties. The input parameters 𝒙 are
the inlet flowrates and temperatures of the inlet hot and cold streams. However, if we
want to construct a more general meta-model that can be applied to different fluids,
the temperatures and the velocities at different points inside the heat exchanger.
Simpson et al9, Palmer and Realff10, Dutournie et al11, Chen et al12. Simplicity implies
ease in construction and application but also inability to describe complex input-output
The work of Krige13 was widely used in geostatistics14 and spatial statistics15.
input space, with the correlation being used to predict response values between
̂ = [𝒙
Let 𝑿 ̂=
̂𝑁 ]𝑇 be a set of training data points (sites) and 𝒀
̂1 , ⋯ 𝒙
̂ )−𝟏 (𝒀
𝒚(𝒙) = 𝒇𝑇 (𝒙)𝜷 + 𝒓𝑇 (𝒙)𝚺(𝑿 ̂ − 𝑭(𝑿
̂ )𝜷),
where 𝒇(𝒙) contains a set of regression functions of the input variables, and 𝜷 is the
a matrix containing the regression functions calculated for all the training data points.
𝜌(𝒙 ̂1 ) ⋯
̂1 , 𝒙 ̂𝑁 )
̂1 , 𝒙
̂) = [
𝚺(𝑿 ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ].
𝜌(𝒙 ̂1 ) ⋯
̂𝑁 , 𝒙 ̂𝑁 )
̂𝑁 , 𝒙
𝒓(𝒙) = [𝜌(𝒙, 𝒙 ̂𝑁 )]
̂𝑁 ), ⋯ 𝜌(𝒙, 𝒙
is vector of the correlation between a general point in the input space and the training
sites. The parameters of the Kriging model are the parameters in the correlation
function 𝜽 = [𝜃1 ⋯ 𝜃𝐾𝑥 ] and the regression coefficient 𝜷. They can be estimated by
the following iterative procedure. First assume a value for 𝜽, estimate the regression
coefficient 𝜷 by
̂ )𝑇 𝚺(𝑿
̃ = (𝑭(𝑿
𝜷 ̂ )−𝟏 𝑭(𝑿
̂ )) ̂ )𝑇 𝚺(𝑿
𝑭(𝑿 ̂ )−𝟏 𝒀
𝜎𝑝2 =
(𝒀 − 𝑭(𝑿 ̂ )−𝟏 (𝒀 − 𝑭(𝑿
̂ ))𝑇 𝚺(𝑿 ̂ ))
̂ )|1/𝑁 𝜎𝑝2 )
̃ = min (|𝚺(𝑿
̃ converge.
̃ and 𝜷
The above procedure is repeated until values of 𝜽
Kriging is also termed Gaussian process in the literature with slightly different
have been extensively investigated by many authors. A chronological, but far from
here18,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44, 45 46 47
, , . A review
learning classifier so that data in a (high dimensional) input space can be classified into
groups according to their locations. The SVM can also be formulated into an input-
output known as support vector regression (SVR)49. For a specific dimension in the
̂ = [𝒙
output space, given a training data set 𝑿 ̂𝑁 ]𝑇 and [𝑦̂1 , ⋯ 𝑦̂𝑁 ]𝑇 ; a
̂1 , ⋯ 𝒙
𝑦(𝒙) = 𝛼𝑜 + ∑𝑁 ∗
̂𝑖 )
𝑖=1(𝛼𝑖 − 𝛼𝑖 ) 𝐾(𝑥, 𝒙
∑𝑁 (𝛼 − 𝛼 ∗)
= 0
𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑡𝑜: { 𝑛=1 𝑛 ∗ 𝑛
0 < 𝛼𝑛 , 𝛼𝑛 < 𝐶
determined using a least square approach that uniquely determined by the input-output
training data; the resulting model is known as known as least square support vector
̂ = [𝒙
Friedmann57 attempts to fit a set of training data 𝑿 ̂=
̂𝑁 ]𝑇 and 𝒀
̂1 , ⋯ 𝒙
𝒚(𝒙) = ∑𝑀
m=1 𝛽𝑚 𝑩𝑚 (𝒙)
𝐿 𝑞
𝑩𝑚 (𝒙) = ∏𝑙=1
[𝑠𝑙,𝑚 (𝑥𝑣(𝑙,𝑚) − 𝑡𝑙,𝑚 )]+
𝑠𝑙,𝑚 can take values of ±1. 𝐿𝑚 is an interaction order of the 𝑚𝑡ℎ basis function.
0 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒
𝑥𝑣(𝑘,𝑚) is value of one of the input variables, and 𝑡𝑘,𝑚 is hinge point so that the basis
function 𝑩𝑚 (𝒙) is cutoff either above or below the hinge point. The basis functions
spline fit of an input and output relation that can be piecewise continuous. Use of
A similar form of the above method is the radial basis function network (RBFN)65
The function 𝑓 can take many forms such as linear, cubic, thin plate spline, Gaussian,
include the weighting coefficients 𝝎 and the basis function centers[𝒄1 ⋯ 𝒄𝑛 ]. They
can be obtained by three step algorithm as follows. First a set of basis function centers
were chosen by some clustering of training data in the input space (unsupervised
Then both the weighting coefficients and the basis function centers are updated by
gradient search. Applications of radial basis function in meta-modelling have also been
Artificial neural network (ANN) has been built with the aim of modelling how the
human brain functions. They were used in many fields of machine learning and artificial
pointed out that RBFN and SVM are also forms of ANN interpreted in a general sense.
However, in this manuscript, we used ANN to denote a common form known as the
𝑦 𝑘 𝑖 = 𝑓 (∑𝑗=1 𝑤𝑖𝑗𝑘 𝑓 (𝑦 𝑘−1𝑗 ) + 𝑏𝑖𝑘 )
𝑦 𝑘 𝑖 is the output of the ith neuron in the kth layer. 𝑤𝑖𝑗 is a synaptic weight connecting
the output of the jth neuron in the (k − 1)th layer to the input of the the ith neuron in the
kth layer. 𝑏 𝑘 𝑖 is the bias of the ith neuron in the kth layer. 𝐾 𝑘 is the number of neurons
in the in the kth layer. 𝑓 is known as the activation function which can take many forms.
Sigmoids such as hyperbolic tangent and logistic functions are commonly used. It
was proved that a single layer of such network is able to approximate and continuous
of areas75,58,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86.
In many high fidelity simulations, especially CFD, the output are not limited to a
few variables but maps of spatial and temporal variations. While such maps can be
discretized to generate a large number of variables, it is not clear how they should be
incorporated into the meta-model. Using a dynamic system that has an input vector
𝒙 and produces output in a period which can be discretized into 𝒚 = [𝑦1 , ⋯ 𝑦𝑇 ], Conti
multiple output (MO) emulator expressed the output at different time steps as a function
of input
𝒚 = 𝛀(𝒙)
A multiple single output (MS) emulator expressed the output at each time instant as
𝑦𝑖 = Ω𝒊 (𝒙)
𝑦 = Ω(𝒙, 𝑡)
Let us use Kriging model as an example, and 𝑛 be the number of regression functions
and 𝑚 be the number of training data. The training of the MO emulator will required
̂ )𝑇 𝚺(𝑿
̂ ) and 𝑇𝑛 × 𝑇𝑛 matrix 𝑭(𝑿
an inversion of 𝑚 × 𝑚 matrix 𝚺(𝑿 ̂ )−𝟏 𝑭(𝑿
̂) .
Hence the size of matrix being inverted is dependent of T . The training of the MS
̂ ) and 𝑛 × 𝑛 matrix in
emulator will required an inversion of 𝑚 × 𝑚 matrix in 𝚺(𝑿
̂ )𝑇 𝚺(𝑿
𝑭(𝑿 ̂ )−𝟏 𝑭(𝑿
̂) . The size of the matrix inversion is always limited but the
training time increases with T. In the TI emulator, the number of regression function
n has to be increased to account for variation due to time dependence. Similar
component analysis (PCA)88. For example, Chen et al20 used PCA to reduce the
aerosols and showed that output variations of 182250 spatial-temporal grid points can
GPR. Similar works were reported by Jia et al89 in real-time storm /hurricane risk
In this section, we have examined several input and output relations commonly used
for meta-modelling. However, other forms of input and output relations may be used
depending on the nature of the problem. Meta-models used are often referred to being
assumed some forms of basis functions. The model coefficients are obtained from the
training data using regression analysis. In principle, we can forget the training data
set once the model is determined. The model complexity will increase as more basis
functions were added to the systems. Since the number of parameters are not prefixed,
therefore is always the danger of overfitting and the generalizability of the model is
the training data constitute the essential part of model parameters and must be
memorized to make predictions. It should be noted that the need of data storage is not
really a disadvantage because data storage become less and less expensive with cloud
technology and recall of old training data to train new model is also necessary even
inherently complex. Therefore the meta-model must be flexible enough to capture the
complexity. Hence there must be an element in the meta model that ensure that it can
The intuitive approach to meta-model construction may view each simulation run
determine the locations of each simulation runs to be executed. This area is known as
Traditional DOE methods can usually be classified as either one of the following
two objectives, (i) screening experiments that try to identify factors (input variables or
combination of input) that have statistically significant effects on the response (output);
and response surface experiments that try to build a input-output relation which can
Design, , etc. Another general class of screening are “optimal designs” that
optimize some form of metric of the information matrix |(𝑿 ̂ )−1 | where 𝑿
̂𝑇𝑿 ̂ is
matrix of the training data in a generalized parametric input space. For example the
In design of experiments, two kinds of errors are considered: (i) random errors that
mismatch of the model assumed and the actual response, i.e. bias. In design of
that are based upon a preselected model and the assumption that bias is small compared
their execution takes time and effort. Therefore the number of runs a major concern.
Relatively large number of runs are still required for some of these designs, especially
when the dimensionality design space increases. Small response surface design can
design95, saturated design96 (see review by Draper and Lin97 and Meyers and
Montgomery93). However, as pointed out by Allen and Yu98, the desirable properties
sufficiently accounted for the effects of bias while without sacrificing variance, e.g.
based on expected integral mean square error should be considered (Allen et al99).
sampled region. Examples of space filling design include: random or Monte Carlo
the design, a measure of the space filling nature should be defined, e.g. the modified
4 𝐾𝑥 21−𝐾𝑥 𝐾𝑥 2 )
𝑀𝐿2 = ( ) − ∑𝑁
𝑛=1 ∏𝑘=1(3 − 𝑥
̂𝑛𝑘 +
3 𝑁
1 𝑁 𝐾𝑥
∑𝑁 ̂𝑛𝑘 , 𝑥̂𝑛′𝑘 ))
𝑛=1 ∑𝑛′ =1 ∏𝑘=1(2 − 𝑚𝑎𝑥(𝑥
The smaller the value, the better is the space filling properties. Another measure is
𝑀𝑚 = min‖𝒙 ̂𝑛′ ‖
̂𝑛 − 𝒙
The larger the value is the better. To balance between space-filling properties and
orthgonality, Cioppa and Lucas107 proposed a design that created the best space filling
to expect a reliable meta-model can be build or the optimum of the actual model can be
Early work in this area, reviewed by Wang and Shan3 include reducing the dimension
to survey a small design space and move limits towards the optimal region111,112,113,114.
points in the large design space and then cluster promising points. Meta-models for
local region around cluster centers are then generated to refine the optimum. The
above are optimization iterations designed for finding the optimum. Khu et al60 also
sample points. However, the objective function to be optimized is the sum square
error between the actual model and predicted values of a validation data set. Thus the
iterative approach is designed to increase the fidelity of the model. Chen et al 116
argued that, even in optimization, with limited data, the initial meta-model cannot be
completely trusted. Thus in early stages of the search, we need to focus on exploring
under-sampled region. At later stages focus should be on finding the optimum since
enough data has been accumulated for building an accurate enough model. An index,
the predicted fitness of objective function at a sample point is defined as the information
information entropy. New samples were generated based on Monte Carlo importance
sampling of the free energy, with “temperature” which is related to the number of
previously sampled points being a balancing parameter. Tang et al117 and Chi et al118
of the GPR was used in addition to the prediction mean to determine the future sampling
index that took care of the uncertainty of the prediction, known as expected
because the meta-model gives prediction mean and variance. Therefore, the predicted
improvement should be integrated with its probability density function to attain its
expected value, i.e. EI, which should be the objective function to be optimized.
problems with some degree of similarity. For example, CFD simulations were
carried out and a “old” meta-model has been constructed for a given equipment with a
would most desirable if we can construct “new” meta-model for another piece of
equipment that is similar in structure but with slightly different geometries and/or
another fluid with different rheological properties, using the given “old” meta-model
plus only a few simulation data . Another typical problem of in chemical engineering
is scale-up of reactor. It is well known that optimal operating condition found for a
reaction out in a lab size reactor may not work when a reactor is scaled to larger
dimensions. Although kinetics and thermodynamics will not change as the equipment
is scaled up. Mixing and heat transfer changes with dimension. CFD simulation
were often used to solve scale-up problems, but CFD coupled with reaction is
optimization is necessary.
modify an existing meta-process model to fit a different yet similar process. The
existing model is denoted as the “base model”, while the model to be developed for the
new process is called as the “new model”. At least one of the following two objectives
(1) To attain similar prediction accuracy, fewer data are required for migrating from the
base model to the new model than for developing an entirely new model without
(2) The migrated new model is more accurate than the model developed without the
aid of migration if nearly equal number of experimental data are used in model
Motivated by the standardization step in calibration model transfer , the migration
can be conducted by a parametric scale and bias correction (SBC) of the base
parameters of different dimensions of the output and input space; 𝒃𝑦 and 𝒃𝒙 are bias
vectors in the output and input space respectively. Data of the new process are used
to determine the scale and bias transformation parameters. The SBC, being linear
transformations in output and input space, is an arbitrary similarity condition that may
not have sufficient flexibility to model the new process of interest. To overcome this
limitation, Yan et al.125 proposed a Bayesian migration method to update the scale-bias
functions given experimental data from the new process. Their method is named as
functional SBC, which is based on a GPR model framework. The input-output relation
and bias correction 𝜹(𝒙) is chosen to be a Gaussian process with zero-mean. The
underlying assumption that if the new process is similar to the old process, 𝜹(𝒙) would
be quite close to zero and its determination would require much less data points.
Applicability of this method was recently demonstrated using sequential sampling and
Bayesian techniques126,127,128.
is well known that equations in transport phenomena can be reduced into universal form
with dimensionless groups such as Reynolds number, Prandtl numbers and Nusselt
Such advantages should be much more evident if applied to the design of computer
CFD experiments.
The functional SBC transformation can find its root from the work of Qian et al38
where the same method was used to migrate between a model of low accuracy (LE)
experiment and a high accuracy (HE) experiment. The concept is especially important
for design of computer experiments, because complex computer codes can generate
results with different levels of mesh densities. It is always desirable that a meta-model
can be generated using more low fidelity runs and a small number of high fidelity runs.
Kennedy and O’Hagan130 first proposed using an auto regressive relation with a
Gaussian process model bias term to connect meta-model of different levels of mesh
fidelities. The problem of migrating between different levels of fidelity due to mesh
It should be pointed out the complexity of a computer code can be increased not
only increasing the mesh but increasing the physical processes being considered.
Chuang et al139 demonstrated by using a simple well-mixed CTSR model that contains
only the kinetics of the reaction as the base model, new meta-models can be readily
developed for full CFD simulations that take into account of mixing and heat transfer.
In theory, using the Gaussian process model for a bias term allows us to include
any differences between the “new” and “old” processes. It should be noted that the
migration is feasible even if new variables were added to the “new process”. The
relations of “new” and “old” processes in the old input-space. In other words, as the
computational model become more complex, less and less significant variations will be
most appropriate for building meta-models. However, when a meta-model was used
an important research area. Migration between different meshing densities has been
transformation. The bias term in the functional scale and bias correction incorporate
enough flexibility to allow for migration between models of different complexities due
industry156,157,158; etc. In should be pointed out that in some of these work, actual
additional experiments and finding the optimum process condition can be classified in
the number and levels of categorical variables are large. Qian and Wu159 have
discussed the use of GPR with quantitative and qualitative input as a surrogate model
for computer experiments. The covariance structure between category variables were
estimated using data sampled so that one does not have to perform experiments at every
Experimental design methods have been proposed160. The potential of such models,
sampling and optimization strategy in flowsheet and equipment design for chemical
It should be pointed out that there are numerous studies data-driven models such as
ANN161, RBFN162, SVM163, GPR164 can be used to represent nonlinear time series.
be considered as meta-model discussed in this work, because they are not surrogates of
a more complex model. Moreover, they are usually obtained from online data, thus
experimental design to construct these models received much less interest to adaptive
or just-in-time strategies. Tsen et al174 proposed a hybrid approach in which first-
principle simulation data were trained together with experimental data to obtain an
ANN model for use in control. Such hybrid models175,176 were developed because of
complex high fidelity dynamic simulation. However, many researchers prefer to use
was developed by reducing the original differential algebraic equations (DAE) system
techniques. Such methods have been developed for distillation columns177, bio-
reactors178, air separation179,180 etc. Since the reduced models is still an equation based
Perhaps the closest form of meta-model in process control is under the banner of
function, which is usually a time-discounted sum of costs of individual time points. The
major challenge under this framework is that the computation needed to evaluate the
cost-to-go is often very high, and thus on-line control is almost infeasible. Here the idea
and the cost-to-go function. This approximate function is then used for on-line control,
design space can be efficiently explored for process improvement is intuitive and
high fidelity model. Typically, a high fidelity model requires a set of physical
meaningful parameters 𝛝 to make predictions (see equation 1). For example, in CFD
practice, they have to be calibrated by fitting simulation results with experimental data.
To do so the high fidelity simulations has to be carried out at different parameter settings
The calibration of computer models dates back as far as 1978 (O’Hagan, 1978183),
where the Bayesian calibration approach was used. This involves fitting the posterior
mentioned in the literature different from the Bayesian approach. Some of them can be
Algorithm191,192,193 (3) mechanical and aerospace systems which utilizes Radial Basis
Ghenaiet, 2015).
A computer model can help us to locate the optimal operation of a process, it can
also help us to evaluate the sensitivity of the response to a certain input. Sensitivity
characterized locally by carrying out one-at-time changes to each input and examine
network194 was analyzed and simplified. Alternatively global variance based index
such as the Sobol indices195, fast amplitude sensitivity test (FAST)196,197, high
of course time-consuming using the high fidelity model. However these indices can
dispersion90, etc.
with categorical variables is only in its early stage. Thus applications of meta-model
programing have been limited. While there are many applications in using data-
driven soft-sensor and reduced order models in nonlinear model predictive control,
these models are not meta-model as defined in this study. The closest form of meta-
that meta-model can be used for model calibration and sensitivity analysis.
analysis of kinetics reaction network has been well researched, partly because the need
The objective of this review is to provide chemical process system engineers with
the statistical background that has been developed for design of computer experiment
and use of meta-models for optimization. We have introduced various forms of meta-
choice of initial experimental design and some form of balance between exploring
theory and sampling techniques for this kind of problems have not been fully
understood. With such knowledge, our ability to use complex, high fidelity, time
O. Kajero’s PhD is funded by the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND), Nigeria
in collaboration with University of Lagos, Nigeria. This work was also partially
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