365 (Loctite and Tamper Paint) 2

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DATE: March 23.1983 SUPERSEDES: S.B. 365 dated 10131180 _.


Pump Models Affected: All Automotive DB2 Pumps

Retaining compound 21915 (Loctite 290) is used to secure the adjustment screws on
automotive DB2 pumps, and a sealing lacquer (P/N 23042) is used in place of lead plomb wires
to tamper-proof these pump models. The lacquer, which dries hard following application, in-
dicates tampering or unauthorized entry when it is cracked or destroyed. Three colors of lac-
quer are currently in use.

Red - for field service use. (P/N 23042)

Blue - used for re-sealing by O.E.M. customers
following authorized pump alterations.
Gray - used during initial assembly at
Stanadyne plants.

23042 sealing lacquer is supplied in 1 ounce tubes. One tube of lacquer is enough to seal ap-
proximately 30 pumps.

The following procedure should be used when securing fasteners and sealing pumps after
repairs are made. (Refer to illustrations on page 2.)

1) Using a suitable solvent, clean all sealing surfaces and blow dry with compressed

2) Lacquer sealing should be done following application of Loctite. Apply retaining

compound 21915 as follows:

a) Apply one drop of Loctite at interface of maximum travel screw and locknut.
b) Apply one drop to threaded end of face cam screw where it protrudes from face
cam on pumps so equipped. Use care to prevent Loctite from entering gap bet-
ween the face cam and housing to prevent binding of the throttle shaft.

c) Apply one drop to interface of servo advance adjusting screw and rocker lever on
pumps so equipped. Do not allow Loctite to enter hex of screw.


P.O. BOX 1440, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT 06102, U.S.A. PHONE: 2031525.08211 TELEX: 992% 8
S.B. 365Rl

3) Apply sealing lacquer 23042 to the following areas on automotive DB2 pumps:

a) Seal the governor cover by applying lacquer at the interface of the cover and the
right front governor cover screw, as viewed from the transfer pump end.*
b) On 8 cylinder pumps, apply lacquer at the interface of the upper timing window
cover screw and the cover. On 6 cylinder pumps, apply lacquer to the accesshole
plug and housing interface.
c) On pumps equipped with mechanical light load advance, seal the face cam by ap-
plying lacquer to the face cam screw head and the cam. Seal the advance ad-
justing screw by completely filling the internal hex of the screw.
d) On pumps with speed advance, seal the advance adjusting screw by applying lac-
quer to the screw, locknut and piston hole plug interface.

Lacquer Head of Governor Cover

Face Cam Screw

Upper Timing
Window Cover -
Lacquer A
‘ dvance Adusting
Screw - Lacquer
and Loctite

Product Support Department

*Except for pumps with min-max governor IV (Ref. S.B. 383) which use a seal wire between
the rear governor cover screw and the guide stud. i/

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