Bekele Bassa Research 2013
Bekele Bassa Research 2013
Bekele Bassa Research 2013
Approved by:
First of all, I would like to express my great deepest gratitude towards to forever lasting pillar of
my life, God, without him, unless things was going to be right. Followed by my thanks goes to
my honorable advisor Zewudneh Geja (MA) really had made great role for the contribution of
his effort the fulfillment of this success.
Next, I would like to thank my all my families and friends whom helped me in every aspect in
order to carry out this study. Finally, my unique thanks goes to may strong, talent full and
endurance secretary who really had made his contribution through various tasks from proposal to
final work.
The general objective of the study was to investigate the techniques of the vocabulary teaching in
English as foreign language in classroom in case of Yallo Lalla secondary school of grade 9 th F.
In order to conduct this study used descriptive research design. Among a total of 56 grade 9th F
students, the researcher selected 14 learners as sampled representatives of the target population.
With regard to sample size of teachers 2 of entire teachers teaching English were selected. With
regard to the sampling techniques of students 14 sampling techniques was employed. On the
overhand 2 of sampling technique was employed with teachers. To collect the information from
the 14 students and 2 their English teachers the researcher used three types of tools,
questionnaire interview and observation. The data being collected via questionnaire from
learners were analyzed using number and percentage in the form of table. The data being
collected via interview from teachers and observation were qualitatively analyzed using
description. Based on the result of study; The teacher sometimes uses verbal context as means of
vocabulary, the teacher always translates of vocabulary i.e. from English in to the students’
mother tongue, the teacher sometimes uses antonym words to teach vocabulary. In addition, the
teachers sometimes made the use of word which are more commonly used in the speech of
English to participate in the vocabulary in the vocabulary teaching. The teachers should keep
usually using verbal context to teach vocabulary, the teachers always should keep explanation
on characteristics of affixes and root words to teach vocabulary what is appropriate, the teacher
should always be using antonym words to teach vocabulary, the teacher should always use
words which are more commonly used in speakers of English language in vocabulary to
teaching, most students should always encourage participating in vocabulary class.
Contents Pages
TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................................................III
LIST OF TABLES..........................................................................................................................V
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................1
1.1 Back Ground of Study............................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the problem.......................................................................................................1
1.3 Objective of the study............................................................................................................2
1.3.1 General objective.............................................................................................................2
1.3.2. Specific objectives..........................................................................................................2
1.4 Research Questionnaire..........................................................................................................2
1.5 Significance of the study........................................................................................................2
1.6. Delimitation of the study.......................................................................................................3
1.7 Limitation of the study...........................................................................................................3
CHAPTER TWO: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE........................................................4
2.1 The need for vocabulary teaching and learning.....................................................................4
2.2 Vocabulary Selection Criteria................................................................................................4
2.2.1 Need.................................................................................................................................4
2.2.2 Frequency........................................................................................................................4
2.2.3 Coverage..........................................................................................................................5
2.3 Teaching of Teaching Vocabulary.........................................................................................5
2.3.1 Translation.......................................................................................................................5
2.3.2 Dictionary........................................................................................................................5
2.3.3 Contextualization.............................................................................................................6
3.1 Research Design.....................................................................................................................8
3.2 Sample size and sampling techniques....................................................................................8
3.3 Instrument of data collecting..................................................................................................8
3.3.1 Questionnaires (students’ and teachers’).........................................................................8
3.3.2 Interview (for teachers)...................................................................................................9
3.3.3 Classroom observation....................................................................................................9
3.4 Methods of data organization, analysis and interpretation....................................................9
CHAPTER FOUR: DISCUSSION AND PRESENTATION OF DATA.....................................10
4.1 Students and teacher’s respondents to the questionnaire.....................................................10
4.2 Analysis of the Teacher’s Responses through the Interview...............................................16
CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION..............................................17
5.1 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................17
5.2 Recommendation.................................................................................................................18
APPENDIX I: QUESTIONNAIRES FOR STUDENT.................................................................20
APPENDIX II: INTERVIEW FOR TEACHERS.........................................................................22
APPENDIX III: CLASSROOM OBSERVATION CHECKLIST................................................24
Table 1: Student’s response how often their teacher use context to teach vocabulary?................10
Table 2: Student’s response on how often their teachers explain on characteristics of affixes and
root words......................................................................................................................................11
Table 3: Students’ responds on how often their teachers results vocabulary in to mother tongue?
Table 4: Students response on how often teachers use visual context?.........................................12
Table 5: Students’ response on how often their teacher uses clear pronunciation?......................12
Table 6: Students ‘response how often their teacher use synonym meaning vocabulary teaching?
Table 7: Student’s response to how often their teacher uses anonym meaning in vocabulary.....13
Table 8: Student’s response on how often their teachers uses selects words in vocabulary.........14
Table 9: Students respond on how often their teachers encourages to use multilingual?.............14
Table 10: Students and responses on how often the teacher use words which are more commonly
used in speaking of English language............................................................................................15
Table 11: Student’s responses on how often their teachers encourages to participate in
vocabulary teaching?.....................................................................................................................15
Vocabulary is the main tool for the students in their attempt to use English effectively. Nation
(2001) further describes the relationship between vocabulary knowledge and language use as
complementary. A vocabulary teaching techniques is a class activities different method makes
use of different kinds of classroom activities.
A technique is a particular strategy for condition used to complete immediate object (Edward
Antonym 2002). He further adds “techniques are implementation that actually takes place in two
class room.
The aim of techniques which are used in any class is to involve all students all the times. It is
only too easy to waste time through imperfect techniques. The term techniques can be looked at
two different ways, namely classroom techniques and teaching techniques.
The wise use of techniques for teaching of vocabulary is of high importance for implementing
student-centered method of teaching and learning. Accordingly, this study was carried out with
the aim of the assessing the techniques being employed for the teaching of vocabulary in English
as a foreign language with a particular reference to Yallo Lalla secondary school.
English is taught as a subject beginning from grade one and is medium of instruction in a
secondary school and tertiary level in our country. Therefore, in teaching English language it is
convenient to know the meaning of vocabulary.
To do so it is good to identify the techniques that is used to teach the meaning of new words.
Wallace (1985) with regard to this important of vocabulary in text stated that if more the ten
percent of vocabulary in passage is known, the reader become frustrated and ten to give up.
Irrespective of being very significant in the process of language learning and teaching many
learning are observed being very poor in the way they practice learning vocabulary. Because of
this impact, this study was carried out with the aim of assessing the vocabulary teaching
techniques being employed by the teachers during vocabulary teaching and learning. A problem
statement is usually one or two sentences to explain the problem your process improvement.
A statement of the problem is used in research work as a claim that outlines the problem
addressed by a study. A good research problem should address an existing gap in knowledge in
the field and lead to further research.
The general objective of the study was to investigate the techniques of the vocabulary teaching in
English as foreign language in classroom.
1. Identify the techniques that teacher employ for teaching of English vocabulary.
2. Identify the problem that students face during the teaching of the vocabulary.
3. Forward some possible mechanisms for alleviating the identified problems.
This research was conducted with the aim addressing the following questions
The study has a mutual benefit for the teachers and students. The teachers may improve their
ways of teaching vocabulary learning techniques when they were teaching their students.
1.6. Delimitation of the study
It is generally known that there are strategies that are employed for of teaching of various skills,
like speaking, listening, reading and writing in English as a foreign language. But this study was
delimited only to the assessment of techniques being employed to the teaching of the vocabulary
in English as a foreign language. The study was also delimited assessment to only vocabulary
teaching techniques of teachers at grade 9 than to the teaching techniques of teachers at other
grade levels.
Based on the researcher experience evocable teaching was not a focused area in English
language class. However now a day teaching vocabulary is accepted as part of the syllable and
through in a well-planned and regular basis, concerning this MCC art (1990) states that many
languages teachers fee that vocabulary should have central role in language courses. He
continues that meaning full communication in foreign language depends mostly on vocabulary
because if the student makeup the selection of the language, if the vocabulary that provides flesh.
An ability to manipulate meaning that is vocabulary that provides flesh. An ability to manipulate
meaning that is why MCC art (1990) said mastering the grammatical. The researcher takes about
the importance of schooling words carefully in certain conditions.
English language teacher cannot teach all English words since they do not have time to teach all
the words. Thus there are several criteria one can use when selection the vocabulary for teaching
English language. He or she should consider selecting appropriate words. Concerning this MCC
arty (1990) states that the following criteria have to be considered for vocabulary selection.
2.2.1 Need
Grans and Redman (1986) states that learn need should be more significant than any frequency
count. They point out those different needs on their background and the purpose they well need
when teachers select vocabulary.
2.2.2 Frequency
The teachers can decide which words they should teach on the basis of how frequency they are
used by speaker of the language. The words which are more commonly used are the once
teachers should teach first. Regarding this MCC arty (1990) says most frequent word in any
language will be the most useful one for learner of that languages and therefore , the best start
are of the to give the learner a basic set of tool for communication.
2.2.3 Coverage
A word is more useful if it covers more things one very specific meaning. This because
vocabulary terms have more than one meaning so, student need to under the importance of
meaning in so, student need to under the importance of meaning in context. Concerning this
Wallace (1982) said as the student command of the language improves, he will discover that
even straight for woreda like table can have range of denotation according to the context.
There are many techniques of teaching vocabulary, however the researcher will like to focus on
the first technique only because the three techniques use are mentioned many times in different
books of vocabulary teaching.
2.3.1 Translation
Translation has some advantages for instance words cannot be inter by contextualize. There are
also words which take much time to express their meaning. As such type of condition using
translation is advisable. Besides, sometimes researcher can Assur that whether or not learner
understand the meaning of the world. Whit regard to the Wallace (1982) says “the use of mother
tongues especially at the elementary stage can save a lot of time, and also perhaps, reassure the
in what may be by rather threating condition”
Thus using translations at appropriate time is appreciable because it can be quick and sample.
Son other hand translation has its own disadvantages like hold to get the exact equivalent
meaning in the learner’s native language.
2.3.2 Dictionary
The teachers concern not with student understanding the meaning of word, but also with being
able to use the appropriately taking in to account factory such as pronunciation, spelling and
degree of formality and others
Although the teachers concern, they cannot teach aspect need to be because of time, but the
students can develop the above aspects from dictionary. Concerning Wallace (1996) says
“dictionary is used to find out pronunciation to find full, learning resource especially us it makes
the learning more independence of the teachers.” Therefore the dictionary is very important
material of vocabulary development because a good dictionary can tell learners a lot more a
word than just its meaning.
2.3.3 Contextualization
Contextualization is another type of important techniques through which vocabulary can be teach
teachers need context because it is difficult for students to understand the meaning of new words.
But from context students can easily get clue of the meaning concerning this Wallace (1982)
says” the best way of the developing one vocabulary in a foreign language is to encounter it is
the situation and context which are as authentic as possible, without causing”.
The learner to be over whelmed and frustrated by the quantity band or difficult of the new
materials. Therefore, the importance of context in teaching and learning should be conscious
with students on teachers, because it is very difficult to know the meaning of single word without
any context.
With regard to this Recharge (1985) state that word does not exist in isolation. Their meaning
defines through their relation to their word and it is through understand these connections that
teachers arrive at them understand of words.
Therefore, can say that meanings of words are what the word means in some situation or what
accordance to the context it uses in it. Although it is in according to the context I use in
Although it is true to say that meaning is crystalized by context generally, the question of how is
crucial. This is because of different words demand different contexts it is used in.
Many vocabularies items cannot be demonstrating through pictured, action objectives etc. But in
presenting such words the use of verbal context should have primary importance. And hence
abstract word can be clearly illustrating in English explanation when the other words are already
known. Therefore, the teachers should make their learners understand the meaning of words even
if they do not understand every single words. When we teach new should use easily language
especially for elementary student we must build on what they already known concerning this,
Carter and MCC arty (1988) said” word meaning was learnt from context and more frequent
presentation in context increase learning.
If student cannot in terms of the meeting of non-abstract words from verbal context, it has better
use visual mime (acting with gesture without word) picture and real objects for instance meaning
of word like possible, the real student will be able to gather as much as experience as possible if
he real objects of the word in discussion at their disposal for there is nothing which can be more
representational than the objects itself in giving firsthand experience of students concerning this
Allen (1993)says “ the sense of touch can be added to the sense of sight in order to
world” .Therefore using visual context is indispensable for language teaching.
The study made the use of descriptive research design. This was because of the objectives
needed to be achieved and the nature of data needed to be assessed for analyzing the
achievement of the target goal. In line with the nature of data to be gathered, both qualitative and
quantitative data gathering and analyzing techniques were employed.
Among a total of 56 grade 9th F students, the researcher selected 14 learners as sampled
representatives of the target population. With regard to sample size of teachers 2 of entire
teachers teaching English were selected.
With regard to the sampling techniques of students 14 sampling techniques was employed so that
all the learners of the indicated section were given equal chance of being included in the process
of sampling. On the overhand 2 of sampling technique was employed with teachers.
To collect the information from the 14 students and 2 their English teachers the researcher used
three types of tools, questionnaire interview and observation.
It contained twelve questions since it would be difficult for student’s relation to teaching process
and for cross checking purpose. These questions are by close ended items both for 2 teachers and
14 students. A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions or other
types of prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. The questionnaire
was invented by statistical society of London 1899.
3.3.2 Interview (for teachers)
Interview was prepared with the assumption that the methods enable together in depth data that
substantial the data obtained via the questionnaire. Three semi structured interview questions
were prepped for selected English language teachers in study area.
Observation used to see the techniques of teaching vocabulary and the students’ relations to the
checking process. The researcher used check list while the observation is held. I observed 5 with
one English teacher the actual class the activities has taken five days
The being gathered via questionnaire from students, via interview from teachers and observation
were organized together according to their thematic relationship. The data being collected via
questionnaire from learners were analyzed using number and percentage in the form of table.
The data being collected via interview from teachers and observation were qualitatively analyzed
using description.
With regard to the interpretation, the significant data being collected questionnaire, interview and
observation were descriptively made using words to arrive at sound conclusion in line with the
observation of the study.
This chapter deals with the analysis and discussion of result obtained from respondents.
Therefore, the researcher tried to analyze and discuss the data collected through questionnaire,
interview and observation.
Table 1: Student’s response how often their teacher use context to teach vocabulary?
Never 2
total 2 14
From the above table we can understand nine of the respondents said that their teacher
sometimes uses verbal context to teach vocabulary. But the other three of the respondents said
that their teacher always use verbal context to teach vocabulary. On other hands two respondents
said that their teacher never uses verbal context. Whereas, the teachers state that the sometimes
then uses verbal contexts to teach vocabulary.
According to the information from the observation the researcher observed that the teacher
sometimes uses verbal context when he teaches vocabulary. Therefore, from data we can deduce
that the teacher sometimes uses context when it was appropriate.
Table 2: Student’s response on how often their teachers explain on characteristics of affixes and
root words
From the above table we can that seven of the respondents said that their teachers sometimes
explains on characteristics of affixes and root words to teach vocabulary but other four
respondents said that their teaches always explain on characteristics of affixes and root words to
teach vocabulary. However, two of the respondents said that their teachers never explain on
characteristics of root words affixes to teach vocabulary, whereas, the teachers said that he
always explains on characteristics of affixes and root words to teach words.
The information the observation shows that the teachers sometimes explain on characteristics of
affixes and root words to teach vocabulary. As result, from the data we can set that the teacher
sometimes explains on characteristics of affixes and root words to teach vocabulary.
Table 3: Students’ responds on how often their teachers results vocabulary in to mother tongue?
Conversely the teacher’s state that he always translates vocabulary into their mother tongue
when he teaches vocabulary. According to the information from the observation shows that he
always translates vocabulary into their mother tongue when teaches vocabulary, hence, from the
data we can understand that the teacher always translates vocabulary into their mother tongue
when it is appropriate.
From the above table, we see that seven of the respondents said that their teachers sometimes use
visual context to teach vocabulary. According the information use visual context to teach
vocabulary. Therefore, from the data we can safe that the teacher sometimes uses visual context
to teach vocabulary.
Table 5: Students’ response on how often their teacher uses clear pronunciation?
According to the information from the observation the researcher observed that he sometimes
uses clear pronunciation to teach vocabulary.
Table 6: Students ‘response how often their teacher use synonym meaning vocabulary teaching?
According to information from the observation the researcher observed he always uses verbal
context in vocabulary teaching. So from the data the teacher always uses verbal context in
vocabulary teaching when it is appropriate.
Table 7: Student’s response to how often their teacher uses anonym meaning in vocabulary.
According to the information from the observation, the researcher observed that he sometimes
uses antonym words to teach vocabulary. Therefore, that we understand the teacher sometimes
uses antonym words to teach vocabulary when it is appropriate.
Table 8: Student’s response on how often their teachers uses selects words in vocabulary.
According to the information from the observation, the researcher observed that he never selects
words when he teaches vocabulary. As result from the data we can deduce the teacher designs
select words when he teaches vocabulary.
Table 9: Students respond on how often their teachers encourages to use multilingual?
But other three of the respondents said that their teacher always encourages multilingual to teach
vocabulary and the other five respondents said that their teacher never use multilingual
dictionary in vocabulary teaching.
According to the above observation, the researcher observed that he sometimes uses multilingual
dictionary to teach vocabulary in class room.
Table 10: Students and responses on how often the teacher use words which are more commonly
used in speaking of English language
According to the information from the observation, the researcher observed that the teacher uses
sometimes word which is commonly used in speaker of the English language teaches vocabulary.
From the data we can state that the teacher sometimes uses the words which are commonly used
speakers of the English language when he teacher’s vocabulary.
Table 11: Student’s responses on how often their teachers encourages to participate in
vocabulary teaching?
From the above table, we can state that five of the respondents said that their teacher sometimes
encourages them to participate when he teaches vocabulary. But other seven of the respondents
said that their teacher always encourages them to participate when he teaches vocabulary
whereas the teachers said that he sometimes encourages them to participate when he teaches
According to the observation, the researcher observed that he sometime encourages them to
participate when he teaches vocabulary. As result from the data, we can deduce that the teacher
sometimes encourages them to participate when he teaches vocabulary.
Q1. How often do you use to teach verbal context in vocabulary? (R1) I use sometimes this
verbal context because as text book context. So this way of teaching students is very important to
develop student’s vocabulary skill in their learning. (R2) Though the text not guide you to teach
it always, it is good if teach every lesson.
Q2. How often do your students encourage to participate in vocabulary teaching? (R1) I
encourage my students when I use it which is teaching of vocabulary. At the time I encourage
my students to practice it by searching the meaning by themselves and create the situation in the
classroom then relating with it and learn in group.
Q3. What is the challenges that when you teach vocabulary in the classroom? (R1) The
challenges the ways of translation that by mother tongue or contextual. Teaching vocabulary
translating by mother tongue is not good way in language teaching but most of time I use to
teach the vocabulary as language methodology in contextual and by real and model objects in
classroom by showing and explain.
5.1 Conclusions
The focus of the study is investigating the techniques that are used to teach English language
vocabulary property in language class. Based on the reach the following conclusions were
The problems the students faced with the teachers teaching of vocabulary were not encourage
them to use multilingual dictionary and know the meaning of unfamiliar words.
In addition, the teachers sometimes made the use of word which are more commonly used in the
speech of English to participate in the vocabulary in the vocabulary teaching.
5.2 Recommendations
Based on the above conclusion the following recommendation has been made.
The teachers should keep usually using verbal context to teach vocabulary.
The teachers always should keep explanation on characteristics of affixes and root words
to teach vocabulary what is appropriate.
The teacher should not always translate vocabulary into students’ mother tongue.
The teacher should keep always using clear pronunciation to teach vocabulary.
The teacher should always be using antonym words to teach vocabulary.
The teacher should keep always select words to teach vocabulary.
The teacher should encourage them to use multilingual dictionary to know the meaning
of unfamiliar words.
The teacher should always use words which are more commonly used in speakers of
English language in vocabulary to teaching.
Most students should always encourage participating in vocabulary class.
Nation I (1990) teaching learning vocabulary New York new bure house.
Shttnbet (2000) vocabulary in language techniques united states of America Canbridge teaching
methodology person education 2000
Dear students:
I would thank you for cooperative to fill the questionnaires. The purpose of this questionnaire is
to get information about the implementation of vocabulary teaching techniques. Your
information helps me successfully complete the study. Thus the value of this study is highly
determined by your sincere response to teach items in the question are. Therefore, please answer
each statement honesty. Instructions there are eleven questions in their questionnaires. They
describe implementation of vocabulary teaching techniques. So read each question very careful
then circle your answer.
2.How often your uses explanation on characteristics of affixes and root words in vocabulary
teaching? A/ sometimes b/always C/ never
4.How often the teacher uses words context in verbal teaching? A/sometimes B/always C/never
5.How many times the teacher uses clear pronunciation vocabulary teaching?
9.How often the teacher encourages to use multilingual dictionary?
10.How many times the teacher uses words which are more commonly used in speakers English
language? A/sometimes B/ always C/never.
Dear: Teachers,
I would thank you for cooperative to fill the questionnaires. The purpose of this questionnaire is
to get information about the implementation of vocabulary teaching techniques. Your
information helps me successfully complete the study. Thus the value of this study is highly
determined by your sincere response to teach items in the question are. Therefore, please answer
each statement honesty. Instructions there are eleven questions in their questionnaires. They
describe implementation of vocabulary teaching techniques. So read each question very careful
then circle your answer.
2.How often teacher uses explanation on characteristics of affixes and root words in vocabulary
teaching? A/ sometimes B/always C/ never
4.How often the teacher uses words context in verbal teaching? A/sometimes B/always C/never
5.How many times the teacher uses clear pronunciation vocabulary teaching?
9.How often the teacher encourages to use multilingual dictionary?
10.How many times the teacher uses words which are more commonly used in speakers English
language? A/sometimes B/ always C/never
10.How often teacher uses encourage to participate the students in vocabulary teaching
9 How often their
teacher encouraging to
use multilingual
10 Use word which is
more commonly used
in speaker of English
11 Encourage to
participate the students
in vocabulary