Action of HNO3 On Unsaturated Hydrocarbons & Acetylene
Action of HNO3 On Unsaturated Hydrocarbons & Acetylene
Action of HNO3 On Unsaturated Hydrocarbons & Acetylene
A . Varying Concentration of Nitric Acid. Temperature, 1 5 O .
by 100 grams of -‘t.n.m.” ag per-
Experi- Percentage of nitric acid. centage of C,H,
ment. nitric acid. Litres. absorbed.
1............... 100.0 1.610 75.6
2. .............. 97.5 1.516 163.0
3............... 95-0 1.296 238-0
4............... 90.0 1.097 160.0
5............... 85.0 0.546 158.0
6. .............. 70.0 1.043 37.4
D. Temperature Varied.
12... 95 1.20 0.54 0.39411 104 61-0
13... 15 95 1.296 1-04 0.8 /1 238 44.0
14... 30 95 1.49 1-565 1.05,/1 33 1 25-4
FIG. 1.
0 1 2
Moles carbon dioxide or nz'trofoma.
Carbon diox'de: no mercury present ......
............ - _ - - -
Temperature, 30°.
C2HZab- COa
Per sorbed evolved Percent- Percent- Percent-
cent- by 100 per 100 (( we. age age.
age grams grams t.n.m.” of C in of C in of C in
EX. of. Hg(NOl)gofacid.nitric of nitric as aper- C,H, be- C,H2be- C,H,.be-
pen- nitric as per- acid. centage coming coming coming
ment. acid. centage. Litres. Litres. of CzH2. “t.n.m.” COz. “ O.S.”
24...... 95.0 0.66 3-06 4.39 383 25.4 71.5 3-1
25...... 95.0 0.33 3-02 4.38 453 29.2 70.8 0.0
26 ...... 95.0 0.33 1-55 1.62 552 37.1 62.7 0.2
27 ...... 97.5 0.28 3.16 4.34 429 28.5 68.2 3.3
28...... 95.0 0.165 3.03 3-83 431 28-6 63.1 8.2
29...... 95.0 0.0 2.81 2.72 341 22.6 49.0 28.4
The mercury salt appears to have more than one effect on the
interaction of acetylene and nitric acid, and at different concentra-
tions as well as a t different temperatures one or other of these
effects may be the more marked.
The most characteristic effect is the elimination of products other
than the precursors of tetranitromethane or carbon dioxide. These
products have been grouped together under “ other substances,”
but two important groups can be distinguished. I n the first place,
when the nitric acid is highly concentrated, substances are produced
in considerable quantity which do not on further treatment-
“ nitration ”-yield tetranitromethane. These are probably the sub-
stances isolated by Mascarelli and his co-workers. Thus we find t h a t
with 100 per cent. nitric acid a t 1 4 O “ O.S.” may represent 86 per
cent. of the acetylene absorbed, but in the presence of a mercury
salt a t 30° “ 0 . S . ” is reduced to zero. The large increase in the
yield of tetranitromethane from less than 100 per cent. in the first
experiment to 460 per cent. in t8he8 secolnd sholws t h a t the effect of
a mercury salt is to cause the1 substitution of precursors of tetra-
nitromethane for these other substances.
In less concentrated nitric acid, about 95 per cent., mother effect
becomes apparent. Now in the absence, of mercury an important
by-product is oxalic acid [Ca(@02),,H20gave CaCO,= 69.15. Calc.,
CaCO,= 68.50 per cent.], which can be readily isolated from or =ti-
mated i n the product. When 1.5 litres of acetylene are absorbed by
100 grams of nitric acid (95 per cent. a t 30°), as much as 25 per
cent. of the acetylene appears as oxalic acid. I f a mercury salt is
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30°, 0.33 per cent. of mercuric nitrate being present. The nitro-
form found in a portion of the fresh product was equivalent t o
15.6 grams of tetranitromethane, whereas the product yielded
20 grams. An equal portion of the product was heated at 8 5 O for
two hours before treatment with sulphuric acid. The yield of
tetranitromethane in this portion was now 16.6 grams, and the
nitroform therein was equivalent to 15.3 grams.
The yield of tetranitromethano also falls off, rapidly at first, if
the product is kept for some time at the ordinary temperature,
whereas the decomposition of nitroform in the product, which is also
observed, is very much slower.
0bviously substances which can yield tetranitromethane have
been destroyed by heating or keeping the product. It is clear that
they have not been converted into nitroform, for the quantity of
nitroform is approximately unchanged and, it is to be noted, after
the heating, is nearly equivalent to the tetranitromethane.
The formation of nitroform from acetylene and nitric acid can
be represented as the result of a simple addition:
CH:CH + ZHNO, +(NO,)&H*CH(OH), --+
(NO,),CH*CHO +(NO,),CH*CO,H either +
(NO,),CE€~+ CO, o r possibly (NO,),CH-CO,H + HNO, --+
(N02)3C*C0,H-+ (NO,),CH + (20,.
(The addition of nitrogen peroxide is not considered.)
Dinitromethane very readily reacts with nitrous acid (Duden,
Ber., 1893, 26, 3003), yielding the isonitrowcompound, which
under the conditions would probably be oxidised t o nitroform,
thus :
(NO,),CH, +- HNO, --+ (NO,),C:NOH -3 (NO&CH.
The isonitroso-compound does not appear usually t o be present in
the product, f o r in normal experiments there is no marked indica-
tion of the blood-red colour which it yields with alkalis (Duden,
Zoc. c i t . ) . A t lower dilutions of nitric acid, however, this reaction
is obvious on rendering the product alkaline.
When nitroform is produced by the routes indicated above, one
mole of acetylene yields one mole of nitroform and one mole of
carbon dioxide; hence as a maximum only 50 per cent. of the
carbon of the acetylelne would become nitroform.
E x P E R I M E N T AL.
The essential p a r k of the apparatus are shown in Fig. 2.
Acetylene is absorbed so readily, at least by sufficiently concen-
trated nitric acid a t moderate temperatures, that the Drechsel
bubbler ( A ) , in whioh the end of the inlet tube is somewhat con-
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stricted, serves as the reaction vemel; the bubbles of gas are broken
by a layer of glass beads. This bubbler, which is nearly full, is
immersed i n a bath maintained at a constant temperature,
usually 30°.
The second bubbler ( B ) , which is placed in a cooling-bath, con-
tains 30 C.C. of sulphuric acid (96-97 per cent.); all the oxides of
nitrogen coming from ( A ) are absorbed in (23). No nitrous or
nitric oxides have been found in the gas, which passes through the
sulphuric acid. Safety devices for meeting a development of
negative pressure or a sudden positive pressure are placed at a, b,
and c . Samples of gas for analysis can be drawn off from the pipe
line a t e and f.
The a’cetyleine, which was not purified, was dried by calcium
at: C
chloride. I n this apparatus, good absorption (more than 90 per
cent. under the best conditions) was obtained up. t o a speed of
400 C.C.per hour. Usually the speed was considerably less, about
150-200 C.C.per hour.
The nitric acid was prepared from a crude, fuming nitric acid
(D15 1’5), which contained much iodine as iodic acid, by distilling
from a n equal weight of sulphuric acid. The distillate had
D15 1.545; the acid contained 2-2 per cent. of “nitrous acid,” as
determined by potassium perm angan’ate .
Mercuric nitrate (0.5 gram:0*33 per cent?.) is placed in t h s
bubbler, then wate’r (7.5 C.C. when a 95 per cent. nitric acid is
used), and finally the nitric acid (138-6 grams=90 c.c.). The
mercuric nitrate dissolves completely; the quantlity of 95 per cent.
n i t r i o acid just given will dissolve 1.2-1-3 grams at the ordinary
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I n all experiments, 0.33 per cent. of mercury nitrate was p r a e n t .
Per- absorbed evolved Percent- Percent- Percent -
cent- by 100 by 100 age age age
age grams grams “t.n.m.” of C in of C in of C in
Ex- of of nitric Nitro- of nitric as a per- C2H2 be- C2H, be- C2H2. be-
peri- nitric acid. form. acid. centage coming coming cormng
ment. acid. Litres. Grams. Litres. of C,H,. “t.n.m.” CO,. b b O.S.”
by deducting from the total alkali titre the alkali titre equivalent
t o the permanganate tlitre of the diluted product. As this deiduc-
tion do= not amount to more than 10 per cent. of the total alkali
titre, a rough estimate of the nitric acid remaining is possible.
I n a typical experiment, in which 4.27 litres of acetylene werel
absorbed by 138.6 grams olf nitric acid (diluted t o 95 per cent.),
about 75 grams of nitric acid remaineld in the1 product,, which
weighed 123.5 grams. Deducting nitric acid, nitrous acid, and
n i t d o r m , the water i n the product comes t o 30 grams.
Analysis of Gases evolzted during t h e Interaction of Acetylene
and Nitric Acid.-The gas coming from the bubbler ( B ) is collected
over a neutral, saturated calcium chloride solution in a large
vessel of known capacity; the last part of the gas i n an experi-
ment is measured in a graduateid vessel. Both carbon dioxide and
acetylene are less readily soluble in saturated calcium chloride1 than
i n other saline solutions; a t 14O, carbon dioxide has a solubility
of 0.1 in 1, and acetylene 0.08 i n 1, by volume.
The gas evolved during the heating of the product with sulphuric
acid was collected in a similar manner. The liquid nearly filled
the flask, which was ground o n t o a narrow condenser tube; this
tube was carried o'n as a delivery tube for the evolved gas.
Table I V shows the large vollumes of gas (carbon dioxide)
collected. Nine-tenths, or rather more, are evolvetd during the
inteiraction of aceitylene and nitric acid when mercury is present,
and the relmaindeir during the heating with sulphuric acid. I n the
absence: of mercury, 2/3-3/4 of the gas passes off at the first
stage, and 1/4-1/3 a t the second stage. These ratios strictly
apply only to tlhe carbon dioxide, which, however, largely pre-
dominates, especidly i n the first stage, less exactly to the total
gas. The gas consists in the main of carbon dioxidel with small
percentages of acetylene and carbon monoxidei, and traces of air.
The gas given off in the heating contains much oxygen (up t o
40-50 per cest.) from the interaction of nitric and sulphuric
The gas was analysed in a " Bone and Wheeler" apparatus. The
acetylene was absorbed by a, 5 per cent. solution of potassium
bromide saturateld wit<hbromine ; the absorption is somewhat slow
towards the end, but complete. After removal of the bromine
vapour by the alkaline reagent, the carbon monoaide is absorbed
by the ammoniacal cuprolus chloride reagent. We have teisted
exhaustively this proceidure o n known mixtures of gases, and found
it quite accurate. Usually, the gas of the first stage will contain:
COz=75-80, C,H,=5-6, C O = a t most 1 per cent.
Preparation. of Z'e tranitrome t hune .-Originally, t et rani t ro-
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