Chapter 01

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Intelligent Systems

Chapter 1: Introduction
Dr. Mohamed Abdalla
[email protected]

Autumn 2022-2023
University of Benghazi
2 Course Plan

 Lectures 12, 19, 26/10, 02, 16, 23, and 30/11/2022

 Midterm exam 09/11/2022
 Presentations 07, 14, and 21/12/2022 (20 – 25 minutes each)
 Final Exam 11/01/2023
3 Weights of Course Grades

 Midterm 30%
 Course work 15%
 Presentation 15%
 Final 40%
4 Course Objectives

 To introduce the basic intelligent system concepts.

 To describe and learn various algorithms in the neural
networks for optimizing real world problems.
 To learn fuzzy logic and its implementation methods.
5 Course References
 Main references:
 Russell, S. & Norving, P. Artificial Intelligence: A modern approach. 3ª Ed. Prentice-Hall.
 Simon Kendal, Malcolm Creen, “An Introduction to Knowledge Engineering”,
Springer-Verlag Limited, 2007.
6 Course Content

I. Introduction
II. Problem-solving
III. Knowledge, reasoning, and planning
IV. Learning.
V. Communicating, perceiving, and acting
VI. Course Summary
7 Introduction
8 Introduction …Cont’d

 Acting humanly
 The Turing Test approach is designed to provide a satisfactory operational definition of
intelligence. A computer passes the test if a human interrogator, after posing some
written questions, cannot tell whether the written responses come from a person or
from a computer. The computer would need to possess the following capabilities:
 Natural language processing to enable it to communicate successfully in English;
 knowledge representation to store what it knows or hears;
 automated reasoning to use the stored information to answer questions and to draw
new conclusions;
 Machine learning to adapt to new circumstances and to detect and extrapolate
 Computer vision to perceive objects, and
 Robotics to manipulate objects and move about
9 Introduction …Cont’d

 Thinking humanly: The cognitive modelling approach

 Introspection trying to catch our own thoughts as they go by;
 psychological experiments—observing a person in action;
 and through brain imaging—observing the brain in action.
 cognitive science brings together computer models from AI and
experimental techniques from psychology to construct precise and
testable theories of the human mind.
10 Introduction …Cont’d

 Thinking rationally: The laws of thought approach; “right thinking”. It is

irrefutable reasoning processes.
 The Greek philosopher Aristotle was one of the first to attempt to codify
“right thinking. His syllogisms provided patterns for argument structures that
always yielded correct conclusions when given correct premises.
 There are two main obstacles to this approach. First, it is not easy to take
informal knowledge and state it in the formal terms required by logical
notation, particularly when the knowledge is less than 100% certain.
Second, there is a big difference between solving a problem “in principle”
and solving it in practice. Even problems with just a few hundred facts can
exhaust the computational resources of any computer unless it has some
guidance as to which reasoning steps to try first.
11 Introduction …Cont’d

 Acting rationally: The rational agent approach

An agent is just something that acts (agent comes from the Latin agere, to
do). Of course, all computer programs do something, but computer agents
are expected to do more: operate autonomously, perceive their environment,
persist over a prolonged time period, adapt to change, and create and
pursue goals. A rational agent is one that acts so as to achieve the best
outcome or, when there is uncertainty, the best expected outcome.
 limited rationality: acting appropriately when there is not enough time to
do all the computations one might like.
12 The Foundations of Artificial Intelligence

 Philosophy
 Can formal rules be used to draw valid conclusions?
 How does the mind arise from a physical brain?
 Where does knowledge come from?
 How does knowledge lead to action?
13 The Foundations of Artificial Intelligence

 Mathematics
 What are the formal rules to draw valid conclusions?
 What can be computed?
 How do we reason with uncertain information?
 Algorithms
 Incompleteness theorem when it logics couldn’t capture principle of
mathematical induction needed to characterize the natural numbers.
 Computable when a function is capable of being computed
 Tractability a problem is called intractable if the time required to solve instances
of the problem grows exponentially with the size of the instances.
 Probability it in terms of the possible outcomes of gambling events. Probability
quickly became an invaluable part of all the quantitative sciences, helping to
deal with uncertain measurements and incomplete theories.
14 The Foundations of Artificial Intelligence

 Economics
 How should we make decisions so as to maximize payoff?
 How should we do this when others may not go along?
 How should we do this when the payoff may be far in the future?
 Adam Smith “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of
 Utility The mathematical treatment of “preferred outcomes”
 Decision theory combines probability theory with utility theory, provides a
formal and complete framework for decisions
 Satisficing making decisions that are “good enough,”
15 The Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
 Neuroscience
 How do brains process information?
 Neuroscience is the study of the nervous system, particularly the brain
 Neurons nerve cells of the brain
16 The Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
 Neuroscience
17 The Foundations of Artificial Intelligence

 Computer engineering
 How can we build an efficient computer?

 two things: intelligence and an artifact

 Control theory and cybernetics
 How can artifacts operate under their own control?

 Linguistics
 computational linguistics or natural language processing
18 The State of the Art

 Robotic vehicles: Stanley; a driverless robotic car.

 Speech recognition: A traveller calling United Airlines to book a flight can have the entire
conversation guided by an automated speech recognition and dialog management system.
 Autonomous planning and scheduling: A hundred million miles from Earth, NASA’s Remote Agent
program became the first on-board autonomous planning program to control the scheduling of
operations for a spacecraft.
 Game playing: IBM’s DEEP BLUE became the first computer program to defeat the world
champion in a chess match.
 Spam fighting: Each day, learning algorithms classify over a billion messages as spam, saving the
recipient from having to waste time deleting undesired emails.
 Dynamic Analysis and Replanning Tool (DART): automated logistics planning and scheduling for
 Robotics: The iRobot Corporation has sold over two million Roomba robotic vacuum cleaners for
home use.
 Machine Translation: A computer program automatically translates from Arabic to English.
19 Discussion

 Read Turing’s original paper on AI (Turing, 1950). In the paper, he discusses

several objections to his proposed enterprise and his test for intelligence.
Which objections still carry weight? Are his refutations valid? Can you think
of new objections arising from developments since he wrote the paper? In
the paper, he predicts that, by the year 2000, a computer will have a 30%
chance of passing a five-minute Turing Test with an unskilled interrogator.
What chance do you think a computer would have today? In another 50

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