Iso 492 2023
Iso 492 2023
Iso 492 2023
Sixth edition
Reference number
ISO 492:2023(E)
© ISO 2023
ISO 492:2023(E)
Contents Page
Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Symbols........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
4.1 Symbols for physical quantities............................................................................................................................................... 2
4.2 Additional symbols.............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
5 Graphical description...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
6 Deviation limits and tolerance values........................................................................................................................................ 17
6.1 General......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
6.2 Radial bearings except tapered roller bearings..................................................................................................... 18
6.2.1 Tolerance class Normal............................................................................................................................................... 18
6.2.2 Tolerance class 6............................................................................................................................................................... 20
6.2.3 Tolerance class 5............................................................................................................................................................... 22
6.2.4 Tolerance class 4............................................................................................................................................................... 24
6.2.5 Tolerance class 2............................................................................................................................................................... 26
6.3 Radial tapered roller bearings............................................................................................................................................... 28
6.3.1 Tolerance class Normal............................................................................................................................................... 28
6.3.2 Tolerance class 6X........................................................................................................................................................... 31
6.3.3 Tolerance class 5............................................................................................................................................................... 32
6.3.4 Tolerance class 4............................................................................................................................................................... 34
6.3.5 Tolerance class 2............................................................................................................................................................... 36
6.4 Radial bearings, outer ringISO flanges 492:2023 .................................................................................................................................... 38
6.5 Basically tapered bores, tapers 1:12 and 1:30......................................................................................................... 38
Annex A (informative) Background information 492-2023 on t VDsp and t Vdsp for radial tapered roller
Annex B (informative) Stiffness series for radial tapered roller bearings with boundary
dimensions according to ISO 355..................................................................................................................................................... 41
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO document should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
ISO draws attention to the possibility that the implementation of this document may involve the use
of (a) patent(s). ISO takes no position concerning the evidence, validity or applicability of any claimed
patent rights in respect thereof. As of the date of publication of this document, ISO had not received
notice of (a) patent(s) which may be required to implement this document. However, implementers are
cautioned that this may not represent the latest information, which may be obtained from the patent
database available at ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all
such patent rights.
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
This document is a machine element geometry standard as defined in the geometrical product
specifications (GPS) system presented in matrix model of ISO 14638[7].
The fundamental rules of ISO GPS given in ISO 8015 apply to this document and the default decision
rules given in ISO 14253-1[5] apply to specifications made in accordance with this document, unless
otherwise indicated.
The connection between functional requirements, measuring technique, and measuring uncertainty
should always be considered. For measurement uncertainty, ISO 14253-2[6] should be considered.
This document uses most of the existing symbols associated with rolling bearings because they are
well established in the market. In some cases, new terms are derived from the full GPS definition. The
definitions of the established terms and symbols are necessarily changed according to the GPS rules.
These changes of terms, definitions and symbols for geometrical product specifications (GPS) to define
characteristics and tolerances of rolling bearing components and assemblies are given in ISO 22872
and incorporated in this document.
The representation of symbols, tolerance values, limits of size, deviation limits and limit values derived
from GPS indications according to, for example, ISO 1101 and ISO 14405-1, including indications in
tables and graphical descriptions, have been revised and implemented in accordance with the principles
of ISO 22872.
1 Scope
This document specifies dimensional and geometrical characteristics, deviation limits from nominal
sizes, and tolerance values to define the interface (except chamfers) of radial rolling bearings. Nominal
boundary dimensions are defined in ISO 15, ISO 355[2] and ISO 8443[4].
This document does not apply to certain radial bearings of particular types (e.g. needle roller bearings)
or for particular fields of application (e.g. airframe bearings). Tolerances for such bearings are given in
the relevant International Standards.
Chamfer dimension limits are given in ISO 582[3].
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirement of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 15:2017, Rolling bearings — Radial bearings — Boundary dimensions, general plan
ISO 1101:2017, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Geometrical tolerancing — Tolerances of form,
orientation, location and run-out
ISO 492:2023
ISO 5593, Rolling bearings — Vocabulary
ISO 8015, Geometrical product specifications492-2023
(GPS) — Fundamentals — Concepts, principles and rules
ISO 14405-1:2016, Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Dimensional tolerancing — Part 1: Linear
ISO/TS 17863:2013, Geometrical product specification (GPS) — Tolerancing of moveable assemblies
ISO 22872, Rolling bearings — Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Vocabulary and representation
of symbols
4 Symbols
In this document, the symbols for nominal dimensions and values of upper/lower limit of size are not
preceded by the letter “t” because those values are usually interpreted as nominal dimensions.
Table 1 (continued)
Symbol Description Figure
t VBgp Tolerance value for range of inner ring width with faces offset or narrow 2, 7
t VBs Tolerance value for range of inner ring width with faces directly opposite 1, 12
t VCgp Tolerance value for range of outer ring width with faces offset or narrow 2, 12
t VCs Tolerance value for range outer ring width with faces directly opposite 1, 7
t VC1s Tolerance value for range of outer ring flange width 12
t VDmp Tolerance value for range of mid-range outside diameter 1, 2, 7, 12
t VDsp Tolerance value for range of outside diameter 1, 2, 7, 12
t Vdmp Tolerance value for range of mid-range bore diameter 1, 2, 12
t Vdsp Tolerance value for range of bore diameter 1, 2, 7, 12
t∆Bgp Upper deviation limit of inner ring width with faces offset or narrow 2, 7
t∆Bs Upper and lower deviation limits of inner ring width with faces di- 1, 12
rectly opposite
t∆Bs Lower deviation limit of inner ring width with faces offset or narrow 2, 7
t∆Cgp Upper deviation limit of outer ring width with faces offset or narrow 2, 12
t∆Cs Upper and lower deviation limits of outer ring width with faces di- 1, 7
rectly opposite
t∆Cs Lower deviation limit of outer ring width with faces offset or narrow 2, 12
Upper and lower deviation limits of outer ring flange width
Upper and lower deviation limits of mid-range outside diameter
1, 2, 7, 12
Upper and lower deviation limits of outside diameter 1, 2, 7, 12
Upper and lower deviation limits of outside diameter of outer ring flange 12
t∆dmp Upper and lower deviation limits of mid-range bore diameter <cy- 1, 2, 12
lindrical bore> ISO 492:2023
t∆dmp Upper and lower deviation limits of mid-range bore diameter <ta- 7
pered bore> 492-2023
t∆d1mp Upper and lower deviation limits of a mid-range bore diameter at the 7
theoretical large end of an inner ring <tapered bore>
t∆ds Upper and lower deviation limits of bore diameter 1, 2, 12
t∆SL Upper and lower deviation limits of tapered slope 7
t∆Tg Upper and lower deviation limits of the actual bearing width <tapered 17
roller bearing>
t∆T1g Upper and lower deviation limits of the actual effective width of inner 17
subunit <tapered roller bearing>
t∆T2g Upper and lower deviation limits of the actual effective width of 17
outer ring
t∆TFg Upper and lower deviation limits of the actual bearing width of 17
flanged bearing
t∆TF2g Upper and lower deviation limits of the actual effective width of 17
flanged outer ring
α Angel of tapered inner ring bore 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Fixed part 4, 5, 6, 9, 10,PREVIEW
11, 14, 15, 16 ISO/TS 17863:2013,
Moveable part (
4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16 ISO/TS 17863:2013,
Gravity 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, ISO/TS 17863:2013, 6.3
ISO 492:2023
Flag 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, ISO/TS 17863:2013, 6.8
17 and 6.9
a Letters and characteristic symbols are examples.
5 Graphical description
To express that the ISO GPS system in ISO 8015 is applied, the dimensional and geometrical
characteristics shall be included in the technical product documentation (e.g. on the drawing). The
dimensional and geometrical specifications associated to these characteristics are described in
Figures 1 to 17.
According to ISO 8015, specifications shall be completed with specification operators, e.g. filtration.
These may be agreed between manufacturer and customer case by case.
The indications in Figures 1 to 17 illustrate the correlation of interface dimensions and corresponding
dimensional and geometrical tolerance symbols. The specifications for single components are
illustrated in Figures 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 12 and 13. The specifications for assembled bearings are illustrated in
Figures 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16 and 17. The examples are not intended to cover all possible assemblies.
NOTE Figures 1 to 17 are drawn schematically and do not necessarily show all design details.
NOTE The symbol “/” (forward slash) shows alternative specification indications depending on tolerance
class and diameter series.
Figure 1 — Size specification for single components of bearing with cylindrical bore and
symmetrical rings
ISO 492:2023
NOTE The symbol “/” (forward slash) shows alternative specification indications depending on tolerance
class and diameter series.
Figure 2 — Size specification for single components of bearing with cylindrical bore and
asymmetrical rings
Figure 3 — Geometrical tolerances for single components of bearing with cylindrical bore
= FP - MP ,G
= FP - MP ,G
= the rolling elements shall be in correct functional contact with both the inner and outer rings
Figure 4 — Geometrical tolerances for assembled bearing with cylindrical bore — Cylindrical
roller bearing, spherical roller bearing, toroidal roller bearing and self-aligning ball bearing
= FP - MP , G1
= FP - MP , G1
= the rolling elements shall be in correct functional contact with both the inner and outer rings
Figure 5 — Geometrical tolerances for assembled bearing with cylindrical bore — Deep groove
ball bearing, double-row deep groove ball bearing, double-row angular contact ball bearing
and four-point-contact ball bearing
Figure 6 — Geometrical tolerances for assembled bearing with cylindrical bore — Single-row
angular contact ball bearing and tapered roller bearing
SL is a calculated nominal size according to Formula (1)
= t is a calculated characteristic according to Formula (2)
SL = (d1 – d) = 2B tan(α/2) (1)
tΔSL = tΔd1mp – tΔdmp (2)
See Figure 2 for indications on asymmetrical outer ring.
NOTE 2 The symbol “/” (forward slash) shows alternative specification indications depending on tolerance
class and diameter series.
ISO 492:2023
Figure 7 — Size specification for 492-2023
single components of bearing with tapered bore
Figure 8 — Geometrical tolerances for single components of bearing with tapered bore