Combinational Circuit

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Combinational Circuit

A Combinational Circuit consist of logic gates whose outputs
at any instant of time are determined directly from the present
combination of inputs without regard to previous input. Examples of
combinational circuits: Adder, Subtractor, Converter, and

A combinational circuit is the digital logic circuit in which
the output depends on the combination of inputs at that point of time
with total disregard to the past state of the inputs. The digital logic
gate is the building block of combinational circuits. The function
implemented by combinational circuit is depend upon the Boolean
expressions. On the other hand, sequential logic circuits, consists of
both logic gates and memory elements such as flip-flops. Figure
below shows the combinational circuit having n inputs and m outputs.
The n number of inputs shows that there are 2^n possible
combinations of bits at the input. Therefore, the output is expressed in
terms m Boolean expressions.
Technical Sections:
These circuits are developed using AND, OR, NOT,
NAND, and NOR logic gates. These logic gates are building blocks
of combinational circuits. A combinational circuit consists of input
variables and output variables. Since these circuits are not dependent
upon previous input to generate any output, so are combinational
logic circuits. A combinational circuit can have an n number of
inputs and m number of outputs. In combinational circuits, the output
at any time is a direct function of the applied external inputs .

Applications of Combinational Circuits

A combinational circuit is an electronic
circuit in which the output depends on the present combination of
inputs. Combinational circuits are used in digital electronics, such as
computers, to perform operations on data.
An example of a combinational circuit is a full adder, which takes two
binary digits as input and produces a sum bit and a carry bit as output.
Full adders are used in many digital devices, including calculators and
Another example of a combinational circuit is a multiplexer. A
multiplexer takes several input signals and selects one of them to be
passed to the output. Multiplexers are used in many applications,
including data communication and computer memory.
Combinational circuits can be made using various logic gates, such as
AND gates, OR gates, and NOT gates.

Types of Combinational Circuits

There are three main types of combinational circuits: decoders,
encoders, and multiplexers.

1. Decoders are combinational circuits that convert binary code

into a form that can be read by a human. For example, a decoder
might take a four-bit binary number and convert it into a seven-
segment display.
2. Encoders are combinational circuits that convert information
from one form to another. For example, an encoder might take a
seven-segment display and convert it into a four-bit binary
3. Multiplexers are combinational circuits that select one of several
input signals and send it to the output. For example, a
multiplexer might take four input signals and send only one of
them to the output.

When we connected some types of combinational
circuits to the inputs/outputs of digital circuit, these combinational
circuits can help us to manage and flow a different types of control
signals through a large digital circuit. Many combinational circuits
had a good function which can be used for controlling different
parts of any digital system and they produce a suitable way to
transfer a control signals between different digital components of
any large digital system.
1. Digital System Design by Dr. D.A. Godse
2. Digital System Design by J.S Katri Vaishali S. Joshi

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