Civil Service Exam Reviewer - FilipiKnow

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Civil Ser vice Exam


Let’s start with a harrowing statistic:

10.71%1 or 1 out of every 10 examinees.

That’s precisely how many passed the civil

service examinations conducted by the Civil
Service Commission (CSC) in March 2018.

We can blame whoever created the

questionnaires or even the deteriorating
quality of education in the Philippines (as
attested by our dismal ranking2 in a recent
global survey for reading comprehension).

However, neither of these is within your


So instead of being discouraged, you can

increase your chances of passing–or even
topping–the civil service exam by preparing
for it.

But you don’t need ordinary preparation.

With the limited time you have to review, you
need time- and science-tested strategies
that guarantee maximum learning.

You’ll learn about these strategies in this free

civil service reviewer.

But before we proceed, let’s go back to


Related: How to Pass Civil Service Exam in

One Take: An Ultimate Guide

Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Why Should I Take and Pass the Civil
Service Exam?

What To Review for the Civil Service Exam

How To Review for the Civil Service Exam

Strategy #1: Spaced practice/Spaced

Strategy #2: Retrieval practice/Practice


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Civil Service Exam Reviewer 2023 [Free

1. Verbal Ability
Verbal Ability Modules and Readings

Verbal Ability Review Tips and Tricks

Verbal Ability Practice Tests (Free PDF


2. Numerical Ability
Numerical Ability Modules and Readings

Numerical Ability Review Tips and Tricks

Numerical Ability Practice Tests (Free PDF


3. Analytical Ability (Professional Level

Analytical Ability Modules and Readings

Analytical Ability Review Tips and Tricks

Analytical Ability Practice Tests (Free PDF


4. Clerical Ability (Sub-Professional Level

Clerical Ability Modules and Readings

Clerical Ability Review Tips and Tricks

Clerical Ability Practice Tests (Free PDF


5. General Information
General Information Modules and

General Information Review Tips and


General Information Practice Tests (Free

PDF Downloads)


Leave Us a Comment or Review!

W h y S h o u l d I Ta ke a n d
Pass the Civil Service

The civil service exam is held twice a year to

determine which individuals are fit to work
for the Philippine government.

Passing this exam grants you Civil Service

Eligibility, one of the qualifications you need
to meet if you want to work in a government
office or agency.

READ: How to Apply for Government Jobs

in the Philippines: An Ultimate Guide

This exam isn’t only for college graduates

who want to become civil servants. If you’re
already working in the government as a
contractual/job order/casual/special project
worker, passing the civil service exam gives
you a chance to become a regular employee
and be entitled to the incentives and benefits
that come with it.

Depending on what government position

you’re aiming for, you may either take the
Subprofessional level exam, which will
enable you to apply for first-level positions
like crafts, clerical, trades, and custodial
service positions; and the Professional level
exam, the more challenging exam given to
those who want to qualify for first- and
second-level government positions (up to
Division Chief) that deal with professional,
technical, and scientific work.

You can learn more about the civil service

examination here.

W h a t To R e v i e w f o r t h e
Civil Service Exam
It depends on what type of civil service exam
you’ll be taking.

The professional level exam consists of 170

questions answerable in 3 hours and 10
minutes, while the subprofessional level
exam has 165 questions which you should
finish in 2 hours and 40 minutes.

scope of civil service exam

Both exams contain questions about the

following subjects/topics:

Personal Information (20 questions) like

your name, birth date, etc.

General Information (15 to 20 questions)

which revolves around the Philippine
Constitution, Code of Conduct and Ethical
Standards for Public Officials and
Employees (RA 6713), Peace and Human
Rights Issues and Concepts, and
Environment Management and Protection

Verbal Ability (50-60 questions in English

or Filipino), which will test your knowledge
of vocabulary, grammar, correct usage,
reading comprehension, and
paragraph/passage/sentence organization

Numerical Ability (40-45 questions in

English or Filipino), which includes word
problems, graph interpretation, and basic
operations/simple arithmetic

While they have a lot in common, both types

of civil service exams also feature a subtest
that is unique to each of them:

For the Professional level: Analytical

Ability (30-40 questions in English or
Filipino) which will measure your logical
reasoning skills. It has questions on word
association, number series, identifying
assumptions and conclusions, single-word
or double-word analogy, logic, and data

For the Subprofessional level: Clerical

Ability (30-40 questions in English or
Filipino) which will test how familiar you
are with different clerical operations like
filing, alphabetizing, and spelling

To help you with your review, this civil service

reviewer will dedicate specific sections for
each subtest listed above.

H o w To R e v i e w f o r t h e
Civil Service Exam
We all have our preferences when it comes
to studying techniques. Some prefer to study
alone, while others absorb more information
in group sessions. Some like to read, while
others watch video tutorials.

But when it comes to preparing for an

important test like the civil service
examination, you want to ensure that
whatever reviewing strategy you’re using will
give you an optimal chance to succeed. In
other words, you can’t afford to use the same
old methods you’ve been using if they never
got you anywhere, or worse, it’s why you
keep failing the civil service exam.

That’s why here at FilipiKnow, we have

designed our reviewer around two effective
techniques that are backed by scientific

Strategy #1: Spaced

practice/Spaced Repetition
Instead of last-minute cramming, you should
space out your study session over a specific

Let’s assume you’ve got 3 1/2 months to

prepare for the professional-level civil
service exam. Using the principle of spaced
practice, you can assign one exam category
for each month.

So for the first month, you’re going to review

topics under Verbal Ability, the second
month for topics under Numerical Ability;
and the third month for Analytical Ability. You
can allocate at least three hours of review
each week, focusing on a singular
topic/subject. Then, you can review your
notes again at the end of each month and
again for the last few days before the
scheduled examination.

By scheduling your review sessions this way,

you’ll be able to jog your memory and recall
what you learned the first time. According to
researchers, this process of forgetting and
retrieval helps cement the new knowledge in
place, thereby improving your long-term

Strategy #2: Retrieval

practice/Practice testing
While spaced practice teaches you “when” to
study for the exam, retrieval practice
instructs you on “how” to study.

Rereading or restudying information is not

enough. It only gives you a false sense of
familiarity–you think you know the review
material all too well even though you never
tested how well you know it.

So what should you do? Take practice tests

—lots of them.

Testing helps strengthen your long-term

memory, a finding supported by decades of
scientific research. A recent study even
shows that answering practice tests are
more effective than rereading or highlighting
your notes4.

Practice tests are practical because it

encourages deep learning. It enables you to
retrieve a memory, and each time you do it
(which is precisely what happens when you
take practice tests), it becomes more
accessible in the future.

To get the best results, it’s also

recommended to space your retrievals. This
is why we’ve provided free practice tests in
this reviewer, which you can take as a
diagnostic exam to help you figure out your
weakest areas. The review notes we’re
currently developing also have practice tests
you should take each time you finish
studying a topic/subject.

Finally, our free mock exam, which you can

download in PDF format, has the exact
number of items as the actual civil service
exam. Take this exam once you’re done with
the study notes to gauge how prepared you
are and brush up on topics you might have
missed during the review.

Now that you know when and how to review,

let’s proceed to the specific subjects you
need to study for the exam.

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G ro u p

Preparing for the next scheduled Civil

Service Exam? Join our Facebook group for
the latest updates, free learning materials,
and other exclusive content.

Civil Service Exam

R e v i e w e r 2 0 2 3 [ Fre e

1. Verbal Ability
civil service reviewer verbal ability

Ve r b al A b ilit y M od u le s and
Re adings
1. Grammar

Parts of Speech/Grammatical Categories

Sentence Structure/Construction


Subject-verb Agreement

Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement

Verb Tense

Common Grammar Mistakes

Parallelism or Principle of Parallel


Balarilang Filipino

2. Vocabulary

Parts of a Word

Word Meanings

Confusing Words/Correct Usage




Contextual Meaning


3. Paragraph Organization

4. Reading Comprehension

Ve r b al A b ilit y Revie w Tip s and

Build your word bank as early as possible
to ace the vocabulary part of the exam,
which often asks about words that are
rarely used in daily conversations. Most
reviewers often provide a list of
vocabulary words commonly asked in
exams, but no list is comprehensive.
Suppose you still have months to prepare
for the civil service exam. In that case, it’s
time to binge-read your favorite classic
American novels like To Kill a Mockingbird,
the Harry Potter series, or The Chronicles
of Narnia, to name a few. Too broke to
purchase new books? Head to
ReadAnyBook and find some hidden gems
you can download for free. While enjoying
the reading experience, don’t forget to
keep a dictionary or thesaurus (book or
mobile app) nearby to look up unfamiliar
words’ meanings quickly. For better

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