Civil Service Exam Reviewer - FilipiKnow
Civil Service Exam Reviewer - FilipiKnow
Civil Service Exam Reviewer - FilipiKnow
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Why Should I Take and Pass the Civil
Service Exam?
2. Numerical Ability
Numerical Ability Modules and Readings
5. General Information
General Information Modules and
W h y S h o u l d I Ta ke a n d
Pass the Civil Service
W h a t To R e v i e w f o r t h e
Civil Service Exam
It depends on what type of civil service exam
you’ll be taking.
H o w To R e v i e w f o r t h e
Civil Service Exam
We all have our preferences when it comes
to studying techniques. Some prefer to study
alone, while others absorb more information
in group sessions. Some like to read, while
others watch video tutorials.
1. Verbal Ability
civil service reviewer verbal ability
Ve r b al A b ilit y M od u le s and
Re adings
1. Grammar
Sentence Structure/Construction
Subject-verb Agreement
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
Verb Tense
Balarilang Filipino
2. Vocabulary
Parts of a Word
Word Meanings
Contextual Meaning
3. Paragraph Organization
4. Reading Comprehension