TLE Quarter 1 Module 1
TLE Quarter 1 Module 1
TLE Quarter 1 Module 1
Technology and
Livelihood Education
Quarter 1-Module 1, Week 1:
Planting and Propagating Trees
and Fruit- Bearing Trees
General Instruction: Write your answers and other outputs of all activities and questions on your TLE
activity notebook.
What is it
What is
Plant Propagation?
Plant propagation is the process of reproducing or creating a new plant or seedling. It is an
important part of gardening, whether outdoors or indoors. Plants are living things that grow either
through their roots, stems, leaves, fruits and seeds. It is a method of growing new plants from seed or
from parts of existing plants. Propagating trees can be sexual or asexual. Sexual propagation is
growing trees through their seeds while asexual propagation can be done through its parts. Marcotting,
grafting, air layering, budding, cutting are some examples of asexual propagation.
How important is planting and propagating trees and fruit- bearing trees?
Planting and growing ornamental plants and vegetables have many benefits and contributions
for the family and the community. Likewise, growing of trees and fruit trees is also important. Trees
give us shade against sunlight and their roots help in controlling the flow of rain and prevent flooding
by absorbing rainwater. Moreover, the woods that came from the trees are used for shelter,
transportation, and other decorative purposes.
Though most Filipinos know that planting trees is a good hobby and leisure time activity,
planting trees and fruit – bearing trees are valuable to the family and the community for the many
products it can give. As one of the major sources of food such as fruits and nuts, wood from trees is
also a major source of fuel for heating and cooking. Likewise, construction materials like plywood and
ply board, fiber for the production of paper and pulp, and chemicals like resin and turpentine.
What’s More
Direction: Read, understand and arrange the ideas to its appropriate column.
Column A Column B
Importance of Planting Trees and Fruit- 2 Unimportance of Planting Trees and Fruit-
bearing Trees bearing Trees
Fill in the blank with the appropriate word to complete the statement.
wood I Have Learnedtrees
food fuel shade plant
pulp, 6. for cooking, and 7. like resin and turpentine. Trees give us
8.___ against sunlight and their 9. help in controlling the flow of rain
and prevent flooding by absorbing rainwater. Moreover, the10. that came from the
trees are used for shelter, transportation, and other decorative purposes.
What I Can Do
Direction: Make a poster showing about the importance of propagating trees and fruit bearing trees.
Share your work with your parents but observe social distancing.
Performance Rubrics:
Descriptions Score
Creativity 5
Organization of ideas 5
Message 5
Visual impact 5
Total 20
Direction: Read the following statements and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. The process of propagating trees using seeds?
A. sexual propagation C. planting
B. asexual propagation D. seedling
3. Which is not an importance of planting and propagating trees and fruit- bearing trees?
A. It provides us food such as fruits and nuts.
B. It is a major source of fuel for heating and cooking.
C. It gives us shade against sunlight and their roots help to prevent flooding.
D. It consumes lots of water so it’s a waste of time planting them.
Additional Activities
Direction: Write a paragraph of 5 sentences about the importance of trees and fruit- bearing trees to
families and communities and share your work with your parents and relatives, however, consider
social distancing and also wear face mask.
Performance Rubrics:
5 4 3 2 1
Criteria Very Moderately
Excellent Satisfactory Good
Satisfactory Satisfactory
Lesson 2: Benefits Derived from Planting Trees and Fruit- Bearing Trees to
What is it
Benefits from Planting Trees and Fruit- Bearing Trees to the Family
The knowledge and skill in planting trees and fruit- bearing trees is beneficial to the family
because it provides them food which is known as subsistence farming and it also gives additional
income which is known as cash cropping.
A family who planted trees in their backyard or with orchard farm in their community can
really save up money because they will no longer buy the food which is readily available in their yard.
Surely the food they eat is fresh, nutritious, and of high quality because they are the ones planting it.
An environment with various trees and fruit- bearing trees reduces stress and improves emotional
well-being. Planting is a way of spending your leisure time in a healthier way and contributes to a
pleasant environment.
Most Filipino families ventured themselves in planting trees and fruit- bearing trees. This
adds to the food supply of our country. If there are more productions of trees and fruit- bearing trees
many will benefit from it. Aside from it is cheaper; we can also supply other areas of the country.
What’s More
Some of the common trees planted in both rural and urban areas are the following:
1. Narra 6. Palm Tree 11. Pine Tree
2. Yakal 7. Rubber Tree 12. Indian Tree
3. Apitong 8. Bamboo Tree 13. Fire Tree
4. Acacia 9. Alibangbang 14. Molave
5. Ipil-Ipil 10. Banaba 15. Mahogany
Some of the common fruit-bearing trees are the following:
1. Duhat 6. Pomelo 11. Avocado 16. Guava 21. Orange/Dalandan
2. Mango 7. Atis 12. Longan 17. Aratiles 22. Cashew
3. Santol 8. Langka 13. Cacao 18. Camachile 23. Star Apple
4. Coconut 9. Mangosteen 14. Rambutan 19. Chico 24. Guyabano
5. Pili 10. Banana 15. Lychee 20. Durian 25. Balimbing
Sources of Trees and Fruit- bearing Trees
Department of Agriculture - responsible for the promotion of agricultural and
fisheries development and growth.
Bureau of Plant Industry - an agency of the Philippine government under the
Department of Agriculture responsible for serving and
supporting the Philippine plant industry sector.
Commercial Nursery - own by private individuals usually offering fruit trees,
ornamentals, and landscaping services.
What I Can Do
Direction: Read the sentences below. Identify what benefits do a family get from planting trees and
fruit- bearing trees based on the situation given. Select the letter of your answer from the given
A. reduces stress and improves emotional well-being
B. gives an additional income to the family
C. became an inspiration and example to others
D. beautifies the surroundings
E. provides sufficient food for the family
1. It is Mr. Romeo’s hobby planting and caring for different kinds of tree. This is also how
he spent his leisure time. Because of this, his neighbors admire his hard work.
2. Mr. and Mrs. Dela Cruz planted fruit trees in their yard. When it bears fruit, they were
able to harvest it for their food.
3.Mr. Santos has a farm of trees and fruit trees in his resort. Because of this, it adds as an
attraction to their customers.
4. Mr. Aguilar is a retired policeman. Since they were already in an old- aged, they decided
with his wife to stay in their farm in Batangas where there are lots of trees and fruit trees.
5. Because of the wide plantation of Mr. Vargas, they also think of fruit business in the
market. He thought that this will generate an income.
Multiple Choices
Direction: Read the following statements. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. What agency is responsible for the promotion of agricultural and fisheries development and
A. Bureau of Plant Industry
B. Department of Agriculture
C. Commercial Nursery
D. None of the above
2. Which agency of the Philippine government under the Department of Agriculture responsible
for serving and supporting the Philippine plant industry sector?
A. Bureau of Plant Industry
B. Department of Agriculture
C. Commercial Nursery
D. None of the above
3. Which of the following trees classified as fruit- bearing trees?
A. Apitong
B. Acacia
C. Narra
D. Lansones
4. Which trees are good for making cabinets or furniture?
A. Narra
B. Ipil-ipil
C. Bamboo
D. Guyabano
5. What benefits do planting trees and fruit- bearing trees to family?
A. It provides fresh and nutritious food for the family.
B. It gives an additional income.
C. It beautifies and gives a pleasing environment.
D. All of the above
Additional Activities
Direction: Write check (√) on the blank if the sentence shows the benefits derived from planting
trees and fruit- bearing trees to families and Write (X) if it is not.
1. Planting trees will ensure that a family eats fresh and nutritious fruits.
2. Sewing is a way of spending leisure time that will keep your body healthy and will
beautify the surroundings.
_ 3. Planting and propagating trees and fruit- bearing trees is the source of living of most
4. The knowledge and skills in planting and propagating trees and fruit-bearing trees
are helpful to families because it gives them additional income.
5. If there is more production of livestock, many will benefit from it.
What is it
Read the poem on benefits of trees.
1. They provide shade and fresh air around the house and, along the streets and surroundings.
Trees are very much needed by people in these times of climate change when the
temperature is high and the heat of the sun becomes intense. Without trees, there are
no shades to keep us cool.
2. They protect the soil from erosion.
Have you seen big roots that extend several meters from the trunk or go deeper into
the soil? These roots hold the soil, preventing it from eroding when rain or floods
3. They help maintain high quality water supply.
The roots of plants and trees help strain the dirt and cleanse the water as it passes
through the roots.
4. The root system promotes soil stability.
This means that, the soil held by the roots remain there and does not erode.
5. They serve as valuable wildlife habitats.
Wild animals live in places with many trees like that of a forest.
6. They serve as windbreakers during typhoons and storms, thus, reducing the destruction of
home and agricultural crops.
A typhoon that is strong usually moves at a very fast speed. It continues to be that
strong if there are no barriers on the path where it moves. But when it passes barriers
like mountains and trees, it slows down and its speed is reduced. Small crops and
plants as well as houses are safe when typhoon is weak.
7. They help reduce pollutions in congested urban areas.
Remember that trees take in carbon dioxide emitted from vehicles that belches smoke.
The more trees present, the less amount of carbon dioxide is in the air
8. They contribute to the beautiful landscapes in the city and the countryside.
Imagine a land with plenty of trees and grass and a scattering of flowers of beautiful
colors, sizes, and shapes.
9. They improve the atmosphere of a place by giving a feeling of freshness and coolness as they
reduce temperature.
10. They prevent river and lake sedimentation.
Have you observed a river bank that is lined endlessly with full-grown trees? These
trees help hold the water in the lake and river and keep it there. This prevents the lake
and river from drying up.
11. They prevent floods.
Floods occur when water from rain rushes in causing soil erosion. However, if there
are trees to serve as barriers and the roots to hold the water, flood will not occur.
Trees are beneficial not only to the family but to the community as well. We should help in
preserving them by planting more trees. Stop deforestation or cutting trees. Instead, do reforestation.
You are not only saving yourself but saving your family, community, and also the world.
What’s More
Some of the products that are made from trees are the following:
1. Lumber- processed wood to
construct houses for man and
animals, cabinets, fixtures and
Trees are valuable because of the products and amenities they give. We use some products
made from trees everyday such as wood and paper in addition to many products you would never
guess came from a tree. Wood byproducts and chemicals extracted from trees are used to make
thousands of products. All parts of the log are used, so there is virtually no waste, and leftovers.
Trees provide benefits to the community environment. Some of these are:
They provide shade and fresh air. They serve as windbreakers.
They protect the soil from erosion. They help reduce pollutions in congested urban
They help maintain high quality areas.
water supply. They contribute to the beautiful landscapes.
They promote soil stability. They improve the atmosphere of a place.
They serve as valuable wildlife They prevent river and lake sedimentation.
habitats. They prevent floods.
What I Can Do
Activity 3.1.
Direction: Match column A with column B. Write the letters of the correct answer in your activity
A. B.
1. Windbreaker a. extracted from wood pulp of sugar plant
2. Wine Cork b. product made from fiber harvested from wood pulp of trees
3. Lumber c. derived from sap of some trees
4. Paper d. the product produced from juice of some trees
5. Rubber e. slows down speed of typhoons/storms
6. Turpentine f. this is what man gives off
7. Erosion g. a stopper use to seal wine bottles
8. Sugar h. this is what trees give off
9. Carbon dioxide i. processed wood used to construct houses for man and animals
10. Oxygen j. the root system holds water in the soil in order to prevent this
Direction: Read the following test items below. Select the correct answer from the given choices
and write the letter only of your answer.
1. What product from tree use to construct houses for man and animals, cabinets, and
A. Lumber B. Sponge C. Wine cork D. Turpentine
2. Which is a stopper use to seal wine bottles?
A. Lumber B. Chocolate C. Sponge D. Wine cork
3. Which product is produced from juice of some trees?
A. Wine cork B. Chocolate C. Turpentine D. Sponge
. 4. What product made from fiber harvested from wood pulp of trees?
B. Paper B. Wine cork C. Sponge D. Sugar
5.Where does sugar product come from?
C. comes from cacao tree.
D. extracted from wood pup of sugar plant.
E. made from renewable plant-based materials
F. obtained by drying and beating the leaves of a palm tree
Additional Activities
Direction: Write down at least 5 trees/ fruit-bearing trees and the benefits derived from
it. Supply you answer in each column.
What is it
Take a look on this picture. Do you know who is in the picture? Well, you will find it out.
Read the selection below.
“From Arms to Farms”
Ulysses Delos Reyes Mutia Sr., a retired Company First Sergeant who owned the 9.7 hectares of land
located at La Libertad, Kapatagan, Lanao del Norte. Sir Benjie, what others preferred to call him, has
really the passion in farming. Even when he was still in service of the AFP, he ventured himself in land
Later, they also acquired their neighboring farm in La Libertad. They bought the other 7 hectares which
was planted with coconut trees and some vegetables. His orchard farm was also placed with other fruit
trees like jackfruit, banana, guyabano, buko pandan, cacao, and even pineapples. He put pineapples at the
edges of his farm to prevent the soil from being eroded since it is sloppy. In his farm he had incorporated
coconut trees of unique variety and
cacao which is different from what we had seen where we need to stand on tiptoes just to reach the fruits
but these varieties he had grown was different. Its fruits were picked from the ground. It is somewhat like
When he retired on 2012, about 32 years in service, he devoted his time on his farm. He is now focused
on his farm in La Libertad. He also engages himself in attending trainings to improve his knowledge and
skill in farming. He had gone to some places together with the Department of Agriculture Kapatagan
personnel and farmers. These training programs were GAP or Good Agricultural Practices, Sustainable
Corn Production in Sloping Area, Forest and Pasture, and Coffee Production. He also joined the
Convention in General Santos City. Such trainings widen his horizon in having an orchard farm. It
enhances his techniques and strategies in farming that made him awarded in the Municipality of
Kapatagan as the Outstanding Farmer in 2019.
One thing he emphasized is to do Organic farming. That’s what he stresses much during our
conversation. “Organic Farming is a good way of farming. Aside from it is safe for us to eat the plants we
have planted; we have also preserved our environment and our nature as well”, he said.
When we end up, he gave some words of inspiration. “We should encourage our farmers because there is
pride in tilling the land. We, farmers, are the food producer of our country. We sometimes encounter
failures and faced difficult situations due to climate change but what’s important is we should not lose
our hope. We should ever ready to stand again. The best ways to succeed are to persevere, to work hard,
to learn new techniques and strategies, and never stop learning” he ended.
What is It
Based from the selection you have read, answer the following questions:
1. Who is the successful orchard grower in the selection?
2. What fruit trees did Sir Ulysses grown that supported much in the education of his
3. Why did he become successful in orchard farming?
What’s More
What I Can Do
Direction: Identify the following persons by writing a short description about them.
Multiple Choice: Read the following test items below. Select the correct answer from the given
choices and write the letter of your answer.
1. Which of the following orchard growers supported the education of his 6 children because of
planting mango trees?
A. Nicolas Bacos Malbong Jr. C. Ulysses Delos Reyes Mutia Sr.
B. Rosalito Manugas D. None of the above
2. Where can you locate the farm of Ulysses Delos Reyes Mutia Sr.?
A. Lala, Lanao del Norte C. La Libertad, Kapatagan, LDN
B. Salvador, Lanao del Norte D. Kidalos, Kapatagan, Lanao del Norte
3. Who is awarded as the Outstanding Farmer in Municipality of Kapatagan, Lanao del Norte last
A. Rosalito Manugas C. Nicolas Bacos Malbong Jr.
B. Ulysses Delos Reyes Mutia Sr. D. None of the above
5. Which orchard grower lives in Salvador, Lanao del Norte, who has seven year- old calamansi trees
on 6.5 hectares?
A. Rosalito Manugas C. Nicolas Bacos Malbong Jr.
B. Ulysses Delos Reyes Mutia Sr. D. None of the above
Lesson 5: Successful Orchard Growers in the Adjacent Communities
What is it
If you get to know the success stories of our country’s top orchard growers, you would never
imagine how they got to where they are now. Their hard work, determination, and will to succeed is
truly worth emulating. Below are some of the successful orchard growers:
1. Editha Aguinaldo Dacuycuy - Manang Editha ventured into the dragon fruit business when
she was told how the fruit can help relieve constipation problems – a condition common to cerebral
palsy patients. Her daughter, Kate, was suffering from this ailment. Selling at Php 450.00 per kilo,
dragon fruit was too expensive for Editha, so she decided to raise her own fruits in their backyard.
From a small plot, they now own a 10-hectare property. Dubbed as “Dragon Lady”, Manang
Editha, together with her husband and daughter, Mimie Mildred, also expanded their business into
dragon fruit ice cream, vegan dragon fruit lumpia, wine, vinegar, and even empanadita, dumplings,
and burger patties. Located in Barangay Paayas, Burgos, IlocosNorte, REFMAD Farms (Rare
Eagle Forest Marine and agricultural Development) is now an agritourism showcase offering
research and livelihood training to fellow Ilocanos and interested farmers). No less than President
NOYNOY Aquino awarded Manang Editha for her hardwork, as well as other well- known
awarding bodies. Her farm has a steady market in neighboring provinces in Ilocos Norte and Metro
Manila. DOLE Philippines orders in bulk, while hotels in Ilocos Norte are their regular clients.
2. Alfredo M. Yao – The “Juice King of the Philippines”, also owns a farm in Negros Occidental
aside from Zest – O Corporation. At 12 years old, he lost his father and grew up doing odd jobs to
help his mother feed her family of six children. One of his jobs was working
3. Patricio Base – With his 3-hectare plantation of watermelons, honeydew melons, and papaya, he
produces crops year-round in Alicia, Isabela. He was able to send his four children to college with
his earnings. He used to grow rice before venturing into watermelons. He said there was no money
in planting rice, but now with melons, one can even hit the jackpot. In July 2013, he planted Diana
watermelons in 3,500 square meters and got 12 tons worth Php 480.00.
4. Senen Bacani of La Fuerta Inc.- a former Department of Agriculture(DA) head, Mr. Bacani is
now the CEO of La Fuerte Inc. “We excel because we care,” is his company’s motto. With his
eagerness to help his community in Mindanao, he converted his land into a banana plantation that
produces 5 to 6 million boxes of Cavendish bananas and exports them to Middle East and other
Asian Countries.
5. Joseph Calata of Calata Corporation- The Calata Corporation is the country’s largest
distributor of agrochemicals, feeds, fertilizers, and seeds. Mr. Calata is the brain behind its success.
He is known to be the youngest business tycoon in the country.
With his belief on the empowerment of agricultural sector as well as in treating their farmers as
their best asset, he produces great products.
6. Desiree Duran of Duran Farm and Agribusiness Center- With her desire to learn about
farming, Ms. Duran involved herself in various agribusiness seminars and trainings. She then
converted her land into a tomato plantation and involved her community in the production. Besides
producing high quality fruits and vegetables, the center also trains and teaches farmers on modern
agricultural technology.
7. Jose Mercado of Merlo Agricultural Corporation- As a young boy, he was already exposed
to coffee farming in Batangas. He continues this kind of business because he knew that coffee
business will make him successful. It actually gives him a better life. As one of the pioneers in the
coffee beans and roasting techniques. He, likewise, developed his own blend, Café de Lifa for its
flavor and aroma, beside the popular brands Batangas Brew and Kapeng Barako.
What’s More
Direction: Connect column A with column B with a line from the successful orchard growers to their
description on the right.
The CEO of La Fuerte Inc. The company’s motto is “We excel because we care”.
Joseph Calata
Pushed by the condition of her daughter, she planted dragon fruit that made her k
Desiree Duran
She converted her land into a tomato plantation and involved her community in the
Editha Dacuycuy
He was engaged in coffee farming even when he was younger. He developed Café
Jose Mercado
What I Can Do
Direction: Identify the name being described in each statement. Write your answer on the line before
each number.
1. She is an agri-entrepreneur who is into dragon fruit farming as a result of her search
for a cure to her daughter’s disease.
2. He was the brain of his success. With his belief on the empowerment of agricultural
sector as well as in treating their farmers as their best asset, he produces great
3. Before he became the CEO, he was the former DA head. His company had made
exports to Middle East and other Asian Countries.
4.The “Juice King of the Philippines, also owns a farm in Negros Occidental aside from
Zest – O Corporation.
5.He said there was no money in planting rice, but now with melons, one can even
hit the jackpot.
Multiple Choice: Read the following test items below. Select the correct answer from the given
Additional Activities
Activity 5.3
Have a research on other successful orchard growers in our country. Name at least 1
entrepreneur and make a report about him/her. Share your findings in the class.
Performance Rubrics:
5 4 3 2 1
Criteria Very Moderately
Excellent Satisfactory Good
Satisfactory Satisfactory