Chords 2
Chords 2
Chords 2
When starting your piano journey, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with some basic piano
chords that form the backbone of most songs. Some beginner-friendly chords that you
should learn include: C major, D major,E major, F major,G major, A major, B major,C minor,
D minor, E minor,F minor, G minor, and A minor. Learning these easy piano chords will help
you play many songs.
E minor
The E minor chord is built from the notes E – G – B. Likewise, you can use your rst, third,
and fth ngers in both hands to play this chord.
F major
The notes F – A – C make up an F major chord. You can use the same nger pattern of 1 –
3 – 5 in your right hand and 5 – 3 – 1 in your left hand.
G major
The G major chord is spelled G – B – D. You can use the same nger pattern for this chord
as well.
A minor
The A minor chord is spelled A – C – E. Again, you can use the same nger pattern as all
these other chords. That makes things nice and simple, right?
What are piano chords?
Piano chords are a fundamental element of music that provide the harmonic structure to
support the melody and lyrics. They are created by playing two or more notes
simultaneously, and are an essential component of many different genres of music. Chords
can be made up of any combination of notes, and the speci c notes used determine the
quality of the chord.