Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Nuclear Chemistry is a branch of chemistry studying changes inside the nucleus of atoms.
Chemical reactions occur between electrons in the outermost shells of atoms without
affecting the nucleus of elements unlike nuclear reactions.
Atoms are combined by: 1- transferring of electrons (ionic bond). 2- sharing of electrons
(covalent bond).
Nuclear reactions take place inside the nucleus and produce high amounts of energy,
isotopes of the same elements give different results as well.
Atomic mass = mass of 1st isotope x ratio% + mass of 2nd isotope x ratio % / sum of ratio %
Isotopes are either: 1 - Radioactive: produce alpha beta and gamma rays, nuclei aren’t
stable OR 2) Non-radioactive: nuclei are stable and no radiation is produced but can be
converted to radioactive through nuclear reactions.
- As the average binding energy increases, the stability of the nucleus increases.
- Elements with mass no 28 to 138 are the most stable when their average B.E is between 8
and 9 m.e.v.
- Element with mass no exceeding 138 (eg. Uranium) are unstable due to heavy nuclei and
lower average B.E. Heavy nuclei tend toward a fission reaction.
– Elements with mass no lower than 28 are called light elements, their average B.E is less
and have a tendency toward a fusion reaction.
Nuclei with proton numbers [2,8,20,28,50 and 82] are stable and called the magic
Emission of a beta particle is the result of one of the neutrons transforming into a proton.
Emission of a positron particle is the result of one of the protons transforming into an
Applications: From half-life time age of the earth was determined through the relative activity
of uranium and time passed since death of live organisms through the half life of C14/6.
Half-life time is the time required to decay half the number of nuclei of the element
Half-life time = Total time of radiation / No.of half life
Neutrons are the best bombardments since they are neutral and aren’t affected by the
nucleus and electrons in tun not losing their energy.
1- Protective shield: thick metal or hard concrete that surrounds the reactor to prevent
radiation leakage
2- Cooler: water of molten sodium to absorb heat produced from the reactor
3- Control bars: made of cadmium function involved in absorption of neutrons controlling
speed of reaction and stopping the reactor
4- Moderator: made of graphite or heavy water function used to slow the speed of neutrons
5- Nuclear fuel: pure uranium bar containing (3-4%) uranium 235 and rest is uranium 238
Nuclear fusion is the nuclear reaction where two small nuclei join to form a bigger nucleus.
Eg Deu (H2/1) + Tri (H3/1) → He 4/2 + n1/0 + great energy
The hydrogen bomb is two bombs, one of them is a nuclear fission type inside a strong
cover. Second bomb consists of heavy hydrogen nuclei surrounding the fission bomb. The
fission bomb explodes first creating high temperature to make the hydrogen nuclei fuse to
create an explosion equivalent to 1000 atomic bombs or 20 million tons of T.N.T.
Nuclear bomb Hydrogen bomb