Bige Bilgiç X Writing Task 2

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1. These days, many people move to cities for job opportunities. However, some people
choose to live in the countryside. Do the advantages of living away from cities outweigh
the disadvantages?
Although many people move to cities for job opportunities some people
choose to live in the countryside. In my opinion living in the cities have more
advantages than living in the countryside.
countryside: rural areas
city: urban areas
collocation: phrasal verb: synonym
When you live in the countryside firstly you don't have any air and water
pollution problems.. Because there are no tons of cars, traffic and skyscrapers.
e you can be healthier too. For example you don't have to think every Friday
after work what time is the best time to go home because of the traffic.
Everything is cheaper than the city so you can save money and have more
hobbies and go out more too.
On the other hand, cities have a lot of facilities for people. In cities you can find
everything nearby. Hospital, shopping mall, supermarket. Especially when your
need is urgent, for example you have to go to the hospital, It is easier to go to
the hospital rather than the countryside. Moreover, for socializing with your
friends there are a lot of areas that you can choose compared to the
In conclusion there are advantages and disadvantages of living in the
countryside. But ı believe that living in the city has more advantages.

Living in rural areas may have advantages due to the lack of pollution and
congestion. In the countryside the absence of skyscrapers and cars
eliminates the possible congestions on the city road.Thus, the traffic jam
could be prevented creating a more peaceful environment for those who spend
hours waiting and driving in the traffic Moreover, it is possible to consume
better products with nutrients compared to city life as agriculture and farming
is highly common in the countryside. It enables an access fresher and
healthier products bursting their health both because of the balanced diet and
the quality of the products consumed.
On the other hand it is possible to say city life gives/ offers wider/ more
valuable opportunities compared to country life.Living in cities is way more
convenient as hospitals, shopping malls and supermarkets are nearby. To give
an example, in case of an emergency it has to be considered that being
punctual is important/ vital/ crucial /essential preventing deaths or further
complications. Additionally, there are plenty of alternative places to socialize
with your friends in comparison to rural areas.
2. Genetic engineering is an important issue in society today. Some people think that
it will improve people’s lives in many ways. Others feel that it may be a threat to life
on earth. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Genetic engineering is considered from two different
perspectives. Some people think that it might be a threat to life on earth,
others believe that it will improve people’s lives in many ways. In my
opinion it will make people's lives better and easier.

There are negative implications with regard to genetic

engineering. First implication could be mentioned as genetic engineers
make genetically modified products which are not salutary for human
health and the effects of these products can be seen in future. For
instance, corn is one of the products that is genetically modified by the
engineers.One of the most well known foods which are genetically
modified such as corn and tomato. Second is cloning citizens genes.At
first view, it may seem impracticable but thinking in detail it may be
possible to do it. Considering that it is done, it would be highly
dangerous since none of the humans could predict which human is the
copied one. ( it is impossible to detect the real and the imposter human
form. )

However, there are positive implications of genetic engineering

that may find solutions to genetic diseases which are really crucial in
today's world and can change this world into a different way.(support
the former sentence) Moreover, productivity in the agricultural sector
may increase. With the increase of the agricultural sector economies of
the countries can change in a positive way too.

To summarize, although genetic engineering has significant

harms, it also has undeniable benefits. For me it will make humanities
lives easier.
3. We cannot help everyone in the world that needs help, so we should only be
concerned with our own communities and countries.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Some people think that we cannot befriend everyone in the world that
needs help. It is enough if we help citizens in our own country. I
disagree with this ideology since ı believe without separating anyone we
should lend a hand to everyone who needs it.
It is true that aiding those are in need has to be seen as necessity to
become a global movement which all people should attend. Helping
shouldn’t be limited only by helping the inner circle since the problems
could be bigger for solving their own problem such as the earthquake in
Turkey. Due to the fact that the phenomenon was too harsh that several
nations had to help in order to save lives. cannot be limited to just your
nationality. To give an example, there is a war still continuing in Gazze
and Ukraine and with that viewpoint we mustn’t help those people living
there as they are not in our country.
Furthermore, as there are multiple problems faced in the world areas, we
may focus on external issues primarily. In world history it is known that
there is an ongoing water shortage in Africa. A considerable amount of
foundations exist for citizens wanting to donate money for those human
beings to make them get fresh water.Moreover, it is a convenient and
faster way to help those people.
In conclusion, I believe that everyone should raise awareness to people
who need to be assisted in their country and also succor people who are
in need in other countries without discriminating against any member
of society.

It is believed that compared to past times nowadays we have

much more choices. I completely agree with this idea.

One uf the biggest choice alternatives can be seen in the clothing

industry.Clothing was a demand from the birth of humans and
which is a big sector that is commanded by big companies such as
Versace, Armani, Dolce&Gabana. It is true to say taking a look to
the past there are brands that cannot exceed the finger of one
hand. Moreover, there was no section appealing to the middle
segment. It was either very expensive and high quality or so cheap
and trashy.

Second major industry that the quantity of options can be

seen is car industry.Cars became widespread especially in the 18th
century. However, there were very few options to choose while
buying a car and there were 2 or 3 color alternatives if they were
lucky.There are profound choices available in the car industry
Moreover, it is possible to choose your car type whether gasoline
as well as electrical.

In conclusion it is obvious that compared to back then and

nowadays it is clearly shown that today we have much more


1- Introduction: don’t go off topic

2- Be careful regarding your topic sentence.
3- Be careful using the correct grammatical structure.
4- Don’t forget to write only 1 sentence for your conclusion.


The argument about school subjects has 2 aspects which
some people believe that History is one of the most important
school subjects yet others think that science and technology
are more important than history. In my opinion, history is
more important and has the highest importance compared to
science as an education topic.
It is true that starting from the last 50 years the development
of technology and science are undeniable. For instance, it is
possible enormous types of experiments in the school
laboratory which can (help) boost student’s ability to improve
their skills on the topics in oder to grasp the fundamentals of
the field..In comparison to history, hands- on learning is
more convenient in technology thus science lessons result in
shifts in students' interests. Similarly, artificial intelligence
started to come into our lives more and more so to be able to
use AI properly it is a must to learn how to use it. Due to that
tendency , learning science topics is necessary compared to
the other fields of education as it is one of the most required
skills in today's world.
On the other hand history is one of the most important
school subject.To be honest, without knowing the past
nothing can be done as historical awareness is the most
important thing to have. It should not be forgotten that almost
all ancestors had sayings about the importance of history.
Any other topics can fulfill history; it is the building block of
self consciousness.
In conclusion it can be said that without knowing history
nothing can be made for the future in my opinion.

Even though the advancements made in the field of

agriculture the hunger issue remains the same. In my point of
view, the(major hunger )population rise brings about

However, the facilities of agriculture are increasing and the

hunger issue of the world carries on, the adjustments are just
about to take on. For me(complete) the major cause is the
rise of the population.
correlative conjunctions:
:main clause , subordinating clause
- While people play games.
It is true to say the non-stop population growth on a global
scale can be thought as the main cause of hunger. Firstly, it
won’t be wrong to say that encouraging the policy of reducing
the population growth rate, such as popularization of birth
control methods more and more, and additional tax for
families which have more than a child. This policy assists the
countries for reconstruction and with that, the national
income increases thus the level of welfare improves.

Secondly, being careful about not wasting food is one of the

most effective solutions despite it can be seen as ineffective
and compact yet, when individuals start implementing proper
food waste prevention practices it will have a huge impact.
When hunger doesn't hit individuals that much as they are not
starving the proportion that they have eaten may be halved.
Thus, what is not eaten should be put aside and eaten when
they feel much hungrier so that the chow are not wasted. İt
can be understood that avoiding ingesting more than you can
and eating judiciously prevents food from going to waste.
In conclusion,( Being cautious about eating habits/ ones diet
/ is critical ) s it is critical that with being in charge of your
food portion and having how much you will eat as well as
enforcing a policy which is run by the government about the
population increase will be highly affected for hunger problem
ın spite of the development of the agriculture .

lexical source
It is thought by some people that accepting a bad situation
such as not satisfied job or lack of money is the best way, but
also others believe that it is better to try and improve such
situations. In my point of view, trying to benefit from those
bad situations can be the best attitude.

To be honest, sometimes bad/ incidents/ situations/

experiences such as being unemployed or having issues
about money makes individuals feel stuck and can’t move on.
Occasionally, sitting calmly while accepting the situation may
assist relaxation for the mind and waiting without taking
action. As a consequence, it allows you to be honest with
yourself about the issue.

On the other hand, it can be said clearly that it is true to face

up with bad situations and harsh problems in the life journey.
The importance of the problem should be turning it to one’s
advantage more and more by turning the crisis into an
opportunity. It must be an individual's priority such as when
fired and not occupied individuals should center to get a
better job which has enormous qualities that will assist them
advance in their career.

In conclusion, the main focus must be on the solution of the

bad situation as being careful about having less loss and
trying to make as much profit as possible as well as take
advantage of the situation.

A group of people believe that the major environmental issues
of our time is extinction of various plants and animals yet
others argue there are more salient environmental problems
than the extinction of various plants and animals. From my
viewpoint, the extinction of various plants and animals is the
main environmental problem that cannot be denied.

It is true that the environmental problems are not just about

plants and animals such as acid rain, global warming, water
scarcity and ozone depletion. If these problems are
underestimated by citizens the consequences of them would
be incredibly bad and irreversible. For instance, it is seen that
as a result of global warming the temperature gets hotter as
well as the ocean levels rise which can threaten coastal and
island communities.

On the other hand, since the formation of the world animals

and plants have existed on earth. The formation of fiona and
fauna is a result of the harmony between plants and animals .
Additionally, it is important to not to forget the task that plants
and animals have in the ecosystem. Whichever type of animal
species is extinct there would be a gap that cannot be closed
( food chain) because every kind of animal has a different
mission in the world. Thus, none of them can do the other's
( the tasks can not be interchangeable) work. Also if it is
thought for the plants, every plant has their places in the
ecosystem and requirements for growth ( thrive) what they
need to do are different. Provided that the animals and plant
species would be extinct the other species which eat them
would also become extinct. This occasion would affect all the
species as all of their lives end. ( LIVES END: go extinct /
wipe out / die out )
In conclusion, none of the environmental issues should be
neglected yet compared to all I believe that animal and plant
extinction would have a devastating impact on the world
since the existence of the world is only possible with the
balance of nature.

Some people believe that music is a convenient option for
getting people together from different cultures and ages. I
agree with this opinion.

Music started before settling down while the tribes were

trying to survive by hunting and gathering. They have done
some ceremonies in which the major part of them was music.
It is obvious to understand that while humanity had
developed at the same time music had developed too.
Especially, when the types of music had mounted up there
were all kinds of music for everyone. For instance, in the
ceremonies in the past when the tribe had found an animal to
eat they would spin around the fire and sing which shows that
music assisted them to get together.

Moreover, especially in the last 50 years, concert frequency

has increased as there are singers from all kinds of
nationalities due to the fact that music signifies the common
values people share. It is important to underline that
regardless of the singers nationality, everyone from all
around the world attend these singers' concerts. Particularly
if the singer is well-known then the location where the concert
will be given, people who attend the concert found
accommodation either. Thus, people from different ages and
different cultures cluster in an area as well as they share the
same feelings too.

In conclusion, from the very beginning music has assisted

people to solve their problems, make them get together and it
is deniable to say that music is universal as it ( unify)
agglomerates individuals.
Nowadays many people choose to be self employed rather than to
work in a company or organization. Why might this be the case?
What are the disadvantages of being self-employed?
Why ?

Currently, a large number of people prefer to be self-employed

compared to working under a company or an organization. I believe
that it is probably because of the flexibility in every situation such
as time, payment, clothing, also being the having the power to rule
the company that you own.

It has to be thought that particularly the generation which began

during the 2000s was the first generation, namely gen Z that
wanted to be their own boss. It is important to underline that
considering the timetable of a normal work in a company, there are
working hours that are not changeable as it starts from 8 and lasts
at 7 which is highly busy and exhausting. Moreover, there are
dress-codes that everybody in the company has to obey otherwise
the consequences would be getting fired. Besides, one of the major
reasons is determining the payment which is the best part of
having their own job as being the boss gives the right to specify
the payment either, so it provides to save and spend much more
money than you can earn from a company either.Earning an
reasonable income will be possible through establishing a

On the other hand, it is important to think twice before starting an

own company as there are many risks that have to be taken and the
investment that will be made has to be large too. Although, at first
glance, it can be tought as being your own boss, it seems to not
have any disadvantages.There are some cons that are undeniable
such as the collapse of the company which will raise tons of
damages. Furthermore, it is not possible to ensure the income to
your company like the professional company has the insurance
related to money that will be deposited every month to their own
worker. Thus provided that the company had collapsed the
compensation will be given to the workers which will ensure their
rights that are protected by the company.
To sum up, while being self-employed is the most desirable and the
most popular one compared to work in a company these days, it is
important to be able to recognize the disadvantages of being self-
employed too.

There are some countries that compared to renting a house, it
is much more crucial to own one. In my viewpoint, it is more
logical to pay the bank loan rather than paying the rent of the
house as If it is thought from all the aspects to be able to
have an own house is a positive situation.

To be honest, when people grow up and it is time for them to

fly the nest, the first step is always finding a new house which
is definitely normal as they have lived with their parents until
they start earning money. Thus, the research for houses has
begun as there are 2 major questions which are: will the
house be rented or owned? The.prefer to own the house as
there is an option which is paying the cost of your house until
you die. Moreover, the cost that will be paid every month is
the same amount as rent which consequently is highly
profitable that in result the house would be owned by you.
Besides,paying the rent for a particular time does not provide
any gain compared to paying for owning the house.

It is obvious to say that owning a house is absolutely a

positive and logical decision to make. At the end, the amount
of loan paid in 10 years time will be equal to the rent covered.
After completing the pay, you will be able to own a property
without causing much trouble when you are retired. Provided
that remaining in the same house for ten years and paying
rent is nothing but paying for 10 years for the house that you
will own results possessing the house that can give ther
insuance for the retirement life. On the other hand, the
payment that you will be responsible for won't change in any
economic crises while paying the rent could have been
changed in any changes in inflation.

In conclusion, ı believe that there are pros to owning a house

compared to paying rent, particularly considering the

It is thought that in the future books or newspapers which are

printed are not going to be preferred as it will be possible to find
them online without paying for them. In my point of view, I disagree
with this idea as book slumps and people who are fond of the
texture of the books and newspapers will last forever.

One of the most important pieces of evidence is that there are

already applications that are free for use to read enormous types of
books and daily newspapers. Moreover, writers wrote their books
to those applications as well as websites yet the interest that is
shown for the books which are printed cannot be comparable so
sometimes writers don't even pretend to write online either.
Additionally, it is important to underline that it is provided that the
sense normal books give cannot be satisfied by the online books.

Secondly, there are collectors for books and newspapers which

have collections for each type of books that are designed in each
category. Furthermore, they buy the special covers of the books as
well as newspapers. It is true to say that a lot of people wait some
specific days to buy the special editions of the books, for instance
the books which are signed by the author or have a different cover
which means a lot to them. Besides, it is particularly important not
to forget that books are an industry which many people earn their
living from. Provided that this industry collapsed, it would result in
a large amount of unemployment in the majority of the countries.

In conclusion,ın my opinion printed books and newspapers won't

end as it is an industry that shouldn’t be underestimated however
the technology develops.

The impact of advertising is an argument point which some people
believe that the power of adds is undeniable yet on the other hand
it is thought as an old technique which is not an influencing factor
these days. From my viewpoint, I agree that the effect of
advertising will last forever.

At first glance, it is possible to say that if the development of

technology is thought throughly, it is clear that nearly all the
brands can have an advertisement online or like a poster. For
instance, while watching videos on youtube there are always ads in
some sort of frequency in the video. Moreover, while doing a
research on the left and on the right of the screen it is obvious to
see some ads of brands that lately individuals are interested in or
the trend products. Thus, it is proven in psychology that seeing the
same advertisement makes individuals familiar with that brand and
after some time it forms a sympathetic feeling inside the brain so it
makes people intend to buy that brand later on.

On the other hand, the commercials lately aren’t efficient as they

were in the past as there is no brand originality left since nothing
different can be done by the brands. In addition, as a customer
before buying a product doing a brand search is crucial because
getting to know all the features of the products is the key to buying
it. Besides, learning the features of the products from the
advertisement is not as significant as it was in the past because
there is an alternative to try the product in 3d glasses in the shop. It
is logical to buy what you see, not what you hear from the
advertisement so individuals do not pay attention to advertisement
because currently in the advertisements the features of the
products started to exaggerate which cost them to not having paid

In conclusion, however, the advantages of having an advertisement

is decreasing from day to day. Is it not possible to reject the effect
of the advertisement that makes a permanent effect on the human

In some cultures parents make children believe that the

achievements are directly proportional with struggle. From my
viewpoint, I disagree with this ideas because factors which can’t be
controlled by ourselves may affect on the outcome.

Throughout life... parents are always supporters of their children as they provide
motivation when needed. On the other hand, this motivation may lead children to feel as
if life is a bowl of cherries and distract them from the reality.Particularly, when
the child is in puberty the affects of every word can cause a big
damage on mental health of the child such as creating false
judgements on their minds. To exemplify, they may belive if they
work as much as they should, it is possible to achieve your targets
by making enough efforts.However, the major factor is usually
forgotten which is luck due to this reason children who are not able
reach their goals are prone to disappointment in life, being angry at
parents that thought they have lied about the experiences and
much more.

On the contrary, the guidance of parents for making everything

accessible to the child make them believe that they can reach
wherever they want. Unfortunately, this has an undeniable effect
such as the character features being shaped with those types of
motivations and being determined, confident,a team-worker, and
deeply thinker which will affect the future life of the kid. Moreover,
those quotes make children study more hours, listening to the
lesson carefully, taking notes and most importantly making the
children take responsibilities to family or to school too.

In conclusion, although there are advantages and disadvantages of

making children try hard enough to achieve everything, some
factors like luck shouldn't be overlooked.

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