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Self-Determination Theory

Chapter · June 2017

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-28099-8_1162-1


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1 author:

Lisa Legault
Clarkson University


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Self-Determination Theory offer a comprehensive understanding of human

motivation and functioning. SDT is based on the
Lisa Legault fundamental humanistic assumption that individ-
Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY, USA uals naturally and actively orient themselves
toward growth and self-organization. In other
words, people strive to expand and understand
Definition themselves by integrating new experiences; by
cultivating their needs, desires, and interests; and
Self-determination theory (SDT) is a broad theory by connecting with others and the outside world.
of human personality and motivation concerned However, SDT also asserts that this natural
with how the individual interacts with and growth tendency should not be assumed and that
depends on the social environment. SDT defines people can become controlled, fragmented, and
intrinsic and several types of extrinsic motivation alienated if their basic psychological needs for
and outlines how these motivations influence sit- autonomy, competence, and relatedness are
uational responses in different domains, as well as undermined by a deficient social environment. In
social and cognitive development and personality. other words, SDT rests on the notion that the
SDT is centered on the basic psychological needs individual is involved continuously in a dynamic
of autonomy, competence, and relatedness and interaction with the social world – at once striving
their necessary role in self-determined motivation, for need satisfaction and also responding to the
well-being, and growth. Finally, SDT describes conditions of the environment that either support
the critical impact of the social and cultural con- or thwart needs. As a consequence of this person-
text in either facilitating or thwarting people’s environment interplay, people become either
basic psychological needs, perceived sense of engaged, curious, connected, and whole, or
self-direction, performance, and well-being. demotivated, ineffective, and detached.
The basic components of SDT – namely, its six
mini-theories – combine to provide an account of
Introduction human behavior across life domains, including
work (Fernet 2013), relationships (La Guardia
Self-determination theory (SDT; Ryan and Deci and Patrick 2008), education (Reeve and Lee
2000) is a metatheory of human motivation and 2014), religion (Soenens et al. 2012), health
personality development. It is thought of as a (Russell and Bray 2010), sports (Pelletier et al.
metatheory in the sense that it is made up of 2001), and even stereotyping and prejudice
several “mini-theories” which fuse together to (Legault et al. 2007). At the heart of each mini-
# Springer International Publishing AG 2017
V. Zeigler-Hill, T.K. Shackelford (eds.), Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-28099-8_1162-1
2 Self-Determination Theory

theory is the idea of basic psychological needs; all upon receiving or avoiding an outcome that is
individuals strive for and need autonomy (the separable from the behavior in question.
need to feel free and self-directed), competence According to CET, intrinsic motivation can be
(the need to feel effective), and relatedness (the enhanced or undermined, depending on the
need to connect closely with others) in order to degree to which external events (e.g., rewards,
flourish and grow. The first mini-theory, cognitive punishers), interpersonal contexts (e.g., criticism
evaluation theory, centers on the factors that shape or praise from a relationship partner), and internal
intrinsic motivation by affecting perceived auton- proclivities (e.g., one’s own trait-level tendency to
omy and competence. The second mini-theory is feel task-engaged) affect the individual’s self-
organismic integration theory, and it concerns perceptions of autonomy and competence. Auton-
extrinsic motivation and the manner in which it omy is the innate need to feel self-direction and
may be internalized. Causality orientations theory self-endorsement in action, as opposed to feeling
describes personality dispositions – that is, are controlled, coerced, or constrained, whereas com-
individuals generally autonomous, controlled, or petence is the need to feel effective and masterful –
impersonal? The fourth mini-theory, basic psy- as though one’s actions are useful in achieving
chological need theory, discusses the role of desired outcomes. Competence underlies the
basic psychological needs in health and well- seeking out of optimal challenge and the
being and, importantly, outlines the manner in development of capacities. When external,
which social environments can neglect, thwart, social/interpersonal, and internal conditions facil-
or satisfy people’s basic psychological needs. itate satisfaction of the individual’s needs for
Goal content theory is concerned with how intrin- autonomy and competence, then intrinsic motiva-
sic and extrinsic goals influence health and well- tion increases. Conversely, when autonomy is
ness. Finally, relationship motivation theory is neglected or thwarted by the use of controlling
focused on the need to develop and maintain events (e.g., bribes, demands, pressuring
close relationships and describes how optimal language) or when perceived competence is
relationships are those that help people satisfy undermined (e.g., through negative or
their basic psychological needs for autonomy, uninformative feedback), then intrinsic motiva-
competence, and relatedness. tion declines. Early work in the spirit of CET
showed that, by undercutting perceived auton-
omy, extrinsic motivators such as money worked
to impede intrinsic motivation (e.g., Deci 1971).
Cognitive Evaluation Theory (CET)
Follow-up research demonstrated that other exter-
nal events perceived to be controlling, such as
CET seeks to describe how both internal and
deadlines (Amabile et al. 1976) and surveillance
external events affect people’s intrinsic motiva-
(Plant and Ryan 1985) also diminish intrinsic
tion. Intrinsic motivation refers to engagement in
motivation. Similarly, interpersonal contexts can
activities out of enjoyment and interest rather than
influence intrinsic motivation, depending on
for the consequence or incentive attached to the
whether they are perceived to be informational
behavior. Intrinsic motivation is noninstrumental
or controlling. For instance, although positive
in nature; when intrinsically motivated, people are
feedback is generally perceived as informational
not concerned with what outcome will be received
(i.e., supporting competence), it can be perceived
or avoided by engaging in the action. Rather, they
as controlling (i.e., undermining of autonomy) if it
perform the behavior because it is inherently sat-
is administered in a pressuring way (Ryan 1982).
isfying in and of itself. In contrast, extrinsic moti-
Finally, internal events – that is, people’s own
vation is fundamentally instrumental. People are
perceptions, feelings, and cognitions – can also
extrinsically motivated when they are concerned
make behavior feel controlling or informational.
with performing an action because of the conse-
For example, people can come to feel obsessive or
quence associated with it; behavior is contingent
ego-involved in an activity and the self-esteem
Self-Determination Theory 3

boost associated with it. When feelings of self- self-determined motivation. OIT suggests that
worth or identity are attached to performance in a regulation of behavior can become increasingly
way that it becomes necessary to perform the internalized to the extent that the individual feels
behavior in order to feel worthy or valuable, then autonomous and competent in effecting
the behavior will feel quite controlling (Mageau it. Relatedness plays an important role in internal-
et al. 2009; Plant and Ryan 1985). ization. That is, individuals will tend to initially
In sum, CET asserts that the context – includ- internalize behaviors that are valued by close
ing external forces (e.g., deadlines), interpersonal others. For example, if a child learns that her
climates (e.g., praise, instruction), and internal father, whom she admires, strongly values and
events (e.g., being ego-involved) – affects intrin- cares about brushing his teeth, then she may be
sic motivation as a function of the degree to which apt to internalize the same behavior. Ultimately,
they are informational vs. controlling. however, full internalization requires the experi-
ence of autonomy in the activity (i.e., toothbrush-
ing must come to emanate from the self if it is truly
Organismic Integration Theory (OIT) to be endorsed and sustained). To integrate the
regulation of a behavior, people must understand
Whereas CET addresses the manner in which its personal significance and coordinate it with
internal and environmental forces influence intrin- their needs, values, and other behaviors.
sic motivation, OIT addresses the process by The degree to which any given behavior is
which individuals acquire the motivation to carry internalized is critically important to successful
out behaviors that are not intrinsically interesting performance and persistence of that behavior.
or enjoyable. Such activities are unlikely to be For instance, autonomously motivated students
executed unless there is some extrinsic reason study harder, pay more attention in class, and get
for doing them. Extrinsic motivation refers to a better grades (Vansteenkiste et al. 2004). In the
broad category of motivations aimed at outcomes health regulation domain, autonomous motivation
that are extrinsic to the behavior itself. Unlike leads to superior self-regulation in weight loss and
other motivation theories and research, OIT pro- weight loss maintenance (Teixeira et al. 2010), as
poses a highly differentiated view of extrinsic well as in smoking cessation (Williams et al.
motivation, suggesting that it takes multiple 2009). Autonomous forms of motivation also
forms, including external regulation, introjection, play an important role in long-term persistence
identification, and integration. These subtypes of in sports (Pelletier et al. 2001) and the self-control
extrinsic motivation are seen as falling along a of prejudiced responses (Legault et al. 2007).
continuum of internalization (see Fig. 1). Thus,
whereas some extrinsic motivators are completely
external and nonself-determined, others can Causality Orientation Theory (COT)
be highly internal and self-determined (i.e.,
autonomous). Whereas CET and OIT are generally focused on
To the extent the environment satisfies people’s how the social context influences the individual’s
needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation by affecting
OIT postulates that people will tend to integrate autonomy, competence, and relatedness, COT is
their experiences by internalizing, reflecting on, more concerned with the inner resources of the
and endorsing the values and behaviors that are individual. Causality orientations are thought to
salient in their surroundings. This process of inter- develop over time and form the basis of motiva-
nalization is therefore spontaneous and adaptive, tion at the broad level of personality. According to
allowing people to sanction and cohere with their COT, a developmental and social history of
social environment. The more a behavior or reg- autonomy-congruent experiences is likely to
ulation is internalized, the more it becomes inte- shape an autonomous causality orientation (Deci
grated with the self and serves as a foundation for and Ryan 1985) or a trait of autonomous
4 Self-Determination Theory

Behavior Non-self-determined Most self-determined

Extrinsic Intrinsic
Motivation Amotivation
Motivation Motivation

Controlled (i.e., non-self-

Autonomous (i.e., self-determined) motivation
determined) motivation

Regulatory Non- External Introjected Identified Integrated Intrinsic

Regulation Regulation Regulation Regulation Regulation
Style Regulation

Locus of Somewhat Somewhat

Impersonal External Internal
Causality External Internal

Compliance, Self-Control, Congruence, Interest,

Relevant Nonintentional, Personal
Nonvaluing, External Rewards Ego-Involvement, Importance, Awareness, Enjoyment,
Regulatory and Punishers Internal Rewards Synthesis with Self Inherent
Incompetence, Conscious
Processes Lack of Control and Punishers Valuing Satisfaction

Self-Determination Theory, Fig. 1 The internalization continuum: types of motivation according to self-
determination theory

functioning (Weinstein et al. 2012), wherein the (Hodgins et al. 2006). The impersonal orientation
individual generally tends to regulate behavior as has been shown to be associated with self-
a function of personal interests and values, that is, derogation, depression, and anxiety (Deci and
based on intrinsic motivation and autonomous Ryan 1985), as well as self-handicapping, poor
forms of extrinsic motivation. In contrast, those performance (Hodgins et al. 2006), and a
with a controlled orientation have a dispositional fragmented identity (Soenens et al. 2005).
tendency to look toward controls and prompts in
the environment to regulate behavior and are pri-
marily concerned with how to behave in a way
Basic Psychological Need Theory (BPNT)
that conforms to expectations, demands, and other
external consequences. The impersonal orienta-
Although the basic psychological needs of auton-
tion describes those who feel a general sense of
omy, competence, and relatedness play a focal
helplessness and detachment and who lack inten-
role in SDT in general, as well as in each of its
tionality in action.
mini-theories, BPNT goes beyond these basic
The autonomy orientation is associated posi-
assumptions to specify more precisely how basic
tively with self-esteem and self-actualization
psychological needs are essential for health and
(Deci and Ryan 1985), as well as greater daily
well-being (Ryan and Deci 2000). BPNT also
well-being, satisfaction of basic psychological
describes how contexts that support the satisfac-
needs, autonomous engagement in daily activi-
tion of basic psychological needs contribute to
ties, and positive daily social interactions
positive life outcomes and how contexts that
(Weinstein et al. 2012). In contrast, having a con-
thwart these needs will exact tolling costs to func-
trolled orientation is associated with self-
tioning and wellness. Moreover, BPNT argues
consciousness and proneness to feeling outwardly
that the needs of autonomy, competence, and
evaluated and pressured (Deci and Ryan 1985),
relatedness are not just essential for health but
as well as greater interpersonal defensiveness
are also innate and universal – that is, they exist
Self-Determination Theory 5

across individuals and cultures (e.g., Chen useful information to help individuals internalize
et al. 2015). the motivation for their behavior. Competence
Autonomy (the need to experience self- satisfaction is derived from contexts and relation-
direction and personal endorsement in action), ships that provide the individual with optimal
competence (the need to feel effective in interac- challenge (as opposed to being overwhelming or
tions with the environment), and relatedness (the boring), as well as structure and feedback that
need to feel meaningfully connected to others) are allow skills and abilities to develop. Satisfaction
organismic needs. Organisms are inherently of the need for relatedness occurs when relation-
bound to and dependent upon their environment ships are nurturing and reciprocal and, impor-
for survival. That is, the well-being of any organ- tantly, when they involve acceptance of the
ism depends on its environment because the envi- authentic self. Research on BPNT, and SDT in
ronment provides it with nutrients required to general, shows that environments that are support-
thrive and develop. Just as organisms possess the ive of autonomy, competence, and relatedness
physiological needs of thirst, hunger, and sleep – help to facilitate the individual’s perceived sense
which must be met by environments that provide of autonomy, competence, and relatedness, which
water, food, and shelter if the organism is to sur- then promotes deeper daily engagement and over-
vive; so too do organisms have psychological all psychological health (Ryan and Deci 2000).
needs, which are required to adapt and function
in psychologically healthy ways. Research on
basic psychological needs has found a robust con- Goal Content Theory (GCT)
nection between psychological need satisfaction
and indices of eudaimonic well-being, that is, the GCT relates goal contents, also referred to as
degree to which a person experiences meaning, aspirations or values, to well-being. GCT inte-
self-realization, and optimal functioning (not sim- grates self-determination theory with values
ply hedonic happiness, i.e., the experience of research to suggest that basic psychological
pleasure and avoidance of pain). For instance, needs also drive or underlie value systems in
psychological need satisfaction has been linked specific ways (Kasser and Ryan 1996). That is,
to openness (Hodgins et al. 2006), developmental intrinsic values/aspirations emerge from the basic
growth and maturity (Ryan and Deci 2000), psychological needs of autonomy, competence,
energy, vitality, positive affect, and the relative and relatedness and, in turn, the pursuit and attain-
daily absence of psychological and physical ment of intrinsic values works to satisfy these
symptomatology (Reis et al. 2000). In contrast, needs. Intrinsic aspirations include close relation-
when psychological needs are unmet, individuals ships, personal growth, and community contribu-
experience greater apathy, irresponsibility, psy- tions. In contrast, extrinsic aspirations are geared
chopathology, arrogance, and insecurity (Ryan toward obtaining external validation and proof of
and Deci 2000). self-worth and instead focus on the pursuit of
The environment therefore has a profound goals such as financial success, popularity/fame,
impact on the extent to which the basic needs for and image/appearance. Extrinsic aspirations/
autonomy, competence, and relatedness are satis- values tend to emerge from need substitutes;
fied. For instance, when external events, interper- when basic psychological needs are neglected
sonal relationships, and social contexts/cultures over time, it is theorized that socially salient
nurture and target a person’s need for autonomy, need substitutes can provide a placating alterna-
then those contextual forces are said to be auton- tive, and although the pursuit and attainment of
omy supportive. Autonomy-supportive environ- extrinsic goals can be quite motivating, they do
ments and relationships nurture the individual’s not provide direct nourishment of psychological
inner motivational resources and intrinsic prefer- needs (Sheldon and Kasser 2008).
ences by providing choice and decision-making According to GCT, it is important to consider
flexibility. They also provide meaningful and the role of intrinsic and extrinsic values in
6 Self-Determination Theory

motivation because such values shape, guide, and According to SDT broadly – and RMT in par-
organize specific behaviors and experiences. ticular – all human beings possess the fundamen-
Values function to coordinate preferences, deci- tal need to feel cared for; people aim to cultivate
sions, and actions that are relevant to those values/ relationships with those who value them and who
aspirations. For instance, a person who places are sensitive to their needs and wants. People also
high value on financial success will likely buy want to feel authentic in relationships and to know
products and select acquaintances, friends, and that their relationship partner understands and
romantic partners that help to meet, affirm, or values their core self. While RMT rests on this
express the value of wealth. A person who need for relatedness, the first major tenet of RMT
strongly values having close relationships, in con- suggests that optimal satisfaction of relatedness
trast, will be motivated to nurture and explore requires also that autonomy and competence be
intimate and lasting connections with others – fulfilled in the context of the relationship. For
perhaps by choosing and spending significant instance, it has been found that each of the three
amounts of time on a selective number of mean- basic psychological needs contributes uniquely to
ingful relationships. Because intrinsic values/ important relationship outcomes, including rela-
aspirations are more conducive to need fulfillment tionship quality, security of attachment, effective
than are extrinsic values/aspirations, it may not be conflict management, and overall personal well-
surprising that they are more likely to be associ- being (Deci and Ryan 2014; Patrick et al. 2007; La
ated with well-being. For instance, it has been Guardia and Patrick 2008). Overall, the more need
found that individuals who pursue intrinsic goals satisfaction people experience in relationships,
experience greater personal fulfillment, more the more satisfied they will be with that relation-
productivity, less anxiety, less narcissism, less ship. When individuals feel as though their part-
depression, and fewer physical symptoms com- ner values their true self and holds them in
pared to those who pursue financial success unconditional positive regard, then relationships
(Kasser and Ryan 1996). are more likely to flourish.
A second major proposition within RMT refers
to the notion that the more people are autono-
mously motivated to be in relationships, the
Relationship Motivation Theory (RMT)
more they will experience the relationship to be
fulfilling. Thus, when people enter and persist at
Although the first five mini-theories of SDT are
relationships for personal, autonomous reasons
centrally concerned with the role of the social
(e.g., because they feel that the relationship is
context in supporting the individual’s need satis-
important and meaningful) rather than controlled
faction, intrinsic motivation, and well-being, most
reasons (e.g., because they feel like they should be
of their focus is on nonreciprocal, one-way rela-
in the relationship), they show greater relationship
tionships, that is, on the manner in which impor-
satisfaction, better daily relationship functioning,
tant significant others (e.g., parents, teachers,
and greater overall well-being (Deci and Ryan
coaches, managers) tend to support or undermine
2014). Interestingly, the important role of auton-
the individual’s psychological needs. RMT fills a
omous motivation extends to relationships with
gap by describing the dynamics between partners
social groups; when individuals feel autono-
in close relationships. While RMT notes that the
mously motivated to be part of a group (e.g.,
basic psychological need for relatedness drives
being Black, being German, being Catholic,
the initial desire to seek out and maintain close
being part of a team or organization), they expe-
and meaningful relationships, satisfaction of the
rience more positive group identity (Amiot and
need for relatedness alone is not sufficient; ulti-
Sansfaçon 2011).
mately, optimal close relationships are ones in
A final key component to RMT is that people
which each partner supports the autonomy, com-
desire mutuality in close relationships. Therefore,
petence, and relatedness needs of the other.
not only do people benefit from receiving need
Self-Determination Theory 7

support from their partners, but they also benefit opportunities that allow for personal initiative
by giving it (Deci et al. 2006). To feel truly related and self-direction, as well as optimal challenge
to another person, not only do people want to feel and positive social interactions, autonomous
genuinely accepted and cared for, but they also motivation thrives, and they are likely to feel
want their partners to feel the same way, that is, interested and engaged.
they want others to want to form close connec-
tions with them, and they want to be able to offer
their partners unconditional support and regard in
return. RMT, in sum, suggests that optimal close
relationships between partners are complex and
Self-determination theory has been supported by
require more than warmth and attachment.
more than four decades of research. The success
of the theory can be attributed to its degree of
comprehensiveness and testability. That is, SDT
Summary: Putting It All Together outlines very clear, detailed, dynamic, and verifi-
able propositions that apply to needs and motiva-
Self-determination theory offers a broad frame- tions across life spheres, including classrooms,
work for understanding human motivation and organizations, families, teams, clinics, and cul-
personality by defining the psychological nutri- tures. SDT is therefore both broad and specific,
ents required for optimal motivation, engagement, as it provides detailed accounts of how social and
and well-being. SDT underscores the idea that cultural forces impact personality development
people’s relationships and social contexts must and global motivational orientation, as well as
involve and support their fundamental human behavioral responses within particular domains
needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness. and tasks. Recently, SDT has begun to receive
Figure 2 helps to summarize the role of contexts attention at the level of the brain as well, showing
and events in satisfying these basic psychological that autonomous/intrinsic motivation and con-
needs and the subsequent effect on intrinsic and trolled/extrinsic motivation map onto distinct neu-
autonomous forms of extrinsic motivation. When rophysiological structures and functions (e.g.,
people are exposed to and involved in Legault and Inzlicht 2013; Marsden et al. 2014).

Autonomy Support
from Environment
and Relationships

Competence Support Motivation and
Perceived of Basic
from Environment Self-Determined
Competence Psychological
and Relationships Extrinsic

Relatedness from
Environment and

Self-Determination Theory, Fig. 2 The role of need satisfaction in motivation according to self-determination theory
8 Self-Determination Theory

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