GK Capsule 2022
GK Capsule 2022
GK Capsule 2022
Brahmanic Literature
Ancient History Brahmanic literature is very
important for the knowledge of
History is the study of past events.
ancient Indian history.
The word history comes from
the ancient Greek word Veda (or Vedas)
‘historia’, meaning 'inquiry', The oldest scriptures are the Vedas.
'knowledge acquired by The Vedas highlight the religious,
investigation. Herodotus first
social, cultural, economic and
used the word history in his
book ‘Historica’, Herodotus is, political life during the Aryan
therefore, considered ‘Father of period.
History’. Maharshi Krishna Dvaipayana
The study of history can be divided Veda Vyasa is said to be the
into three periods in chronological compiler of Vedas.
order: The number of Vedas is four.
Brahmanic Text Vedanga
The Brahmanic texts have been There are six sutras of Vedanga:
composed in simple prose. Shiksha (Phonetics), Kalpa
Brahma means ‘Yagya’, therefore, (Ritual), Vyakarana (Grammar),
the texts that have their themes Nirukta (Etymology), Jyotisha
as Yagya are called Brahmins. (Astronomy) and Chandas
There are different Brahmin texts (Meter).
for each Veda. Sutra
Aranyaka Sutra literature was introduced to
Aranyaka is the last part of the keep Vedic literature intact.
Brahmin scriptures, in which The sutras are derived from a
philosophical and mystical Vedanga called ‘Kalpa’.
subjects are described. Kalpa is classified into three parts-
They are called ‘Aranyaka’ 1. Shrauta Sutra – Related to
because they were read in the sacrificial rituals
forest. 2. Grihya Sutra- Dealing with
A total of 7 Aranyakas are domestic rituals
available. 3. Dharma Sutra- Dealing with
Upanishad religious, social and
The name ‘Upanishad’ is a political duties.
combination of the terms ‘Upa’ Smritis developed from the
(meaning 'near') and ‘Nishad’ Dharma Sutra itself.
(meaning 'sit'). The secret The main smritis are – Manu Smriti,
knowledge that is acquired by Yajnavalkya Smriti, Parashara
sitting near the teacher is called Smriti, Narada Smriti, Brihaspati
‘Upanishad’. Smriti, etc.
Being the last part of Vedic Manu Smriti is considered to be
literature, they are also called the most ancient and authentic.
‘Vedanta’. The commentators of Manu Smriti
were : Medhatithi, Govindraja,
In the Upanishads, we get
Bharuchi and Kulluk Bhatt.
knowledge about the oldest
The commentators of Yajnavalkya
philosophical ideas.
were: Vishwaroop, Vijnaneshwara
The National Motto of India,
and Apararka.
‘Satyameva Jayate’ is brought The most important Sanskrit
from Mundaka Upanishad. Vyakaran Sutra of Panini is
The number of Upanishads is 108. ‘Astadhyayi’.
Purana The ancient Buddhist texts are in
The number of Puranas is 18. the Pali language.
The author of Puranas was The Deep Vamsa and the Maha
Maharishi Lomharsha or his son Vamsa provide information about
Ugrashrava. Mauryan history.
In the Puranas, there is a description Mahavastu and Lalitavistara
of the rule of kings of Kalyuga. written in Sanskrit, give the life
Matsya Purana is the most ancient story of Mahatma Buddha.
and authentic. Jain Literature
Epic Jain Literature is called ‘Agama’.
Tw o e p i c s , R a m a y a n a a n d Bhagwati Sutra portrays
Mahabharata, are important Mahavira’s life.
scripture along with Vedas. Kalpasutra provides the early
Ramayana was composed by history of Jainism. Kalpasutra was
Maharshi Valmiki. composed by Bhadrabahu.
Mahabharata was composed by Jain texts were composed in
Maharshi Ved Vyas. Prakrit language.
The most important Jain
Mahabharata has one lakh verses
s c r i p t u r e i s H e m c h a n d r a ’s
that is why it is called ‘Satasahastri
The final compilation of Jain texts
Epics provide information about
took place in Vallabhi city, Gujarat
the social, religious and political
in the sixth century.
condition of ancient India during
Non-religious Literature
that period.
Brahmantra Literature Historical and semi-historical
Buddhist Literature texts, foreign descriptions and
The most ancient Buddhist biographies belong to secular or
literature is ‘Tripitaka’. The three non-religious literature, containing
pitakas are: Sutta Pitaka, Vinaya the history of ancient India.
Pitaka and Abhidhamma Pitaka. Kautilya’s Arthashastra has an
Sutta Pitaka is also called the important place in historical
‘Encyclopedia of Buddhism’. works.
There are stories of Buddha’s Arthashastra is considered to be
former births in the Jatakas. India’s first political text.
Arthashastra is an important Natural history provides
source for Mauryan history and information about Indian animals,
theory of political knowledge. trees, minerals, etc.
Mudrarakshasa by Vishakhadatta, There is no information about the
Kathasaritsagara by Somadeva, author of the book ‘Periplus of
the Erythraean Sea’. The author
Brihatkathamanjari by
is said to have visited the Indian
Kshemendra are also important
Ocean in the first century BC and
sources of Indian history.
gave information about the Indian
The history of 11th century Kashmir
ports and merchandise of that
is known by ‘Rajatarangini’ period.
written by Kalhana. B. Chinese Author
Details of Foreign Travellers Fa-Hien came to India in the fifth
A. Greek and Roman Authors century AD during the reign of
Herodotus’s book 'Histories' Chandragupta II.
mentions the relationship between Hiuen Tsang came to India during
India and Persia in fifth century the reign of Harsha in the seventh
BC. century AD.
Among Alexander’s later writers, The accounts of Hiuen Tsang’s
three ambassadors Megasthenes, visit to India are known as ‘Si-Yu-
Deimachus and Dionysios are
Hiuen Tsang is called ‘Prince of
Pilgrims’ or ‘Prince of Passengers’.
Megasthenes, the ambassador of
I-tsing came to India at the end of
Seleucus Nicator, came to the
the seventh century AD. He has
court of Chandragupta Maurya.
given a description of Vikramshila
Megasthenes, in his book ‘Indica’,
and Nalanda universities, the
has described the contemporary
Mauryan society and culture. costumes of Indians wore besides
Ptolemy wrote a book called telling what they ate and drank.
‘Geography’ in the second century Ma-Tuan-Lin has highlighted the
BC. history of the eastern campaigns
Pliny wrote a book called 'Naturalis of Harsha and Chau-Ju-Kua has
Historia' (Natural History) in the highlighted the history of the
first century BC. Chola Dynasty.
The Chinese traveller Sung Yun Archaeological Sources
came to India in 518 AD.
C. Arab Author Archaeological sources are the
Al-Beruni came to India with most authentic for the study
of ancient India. It mainly
Mahmud of Ghazni in the 11th
consists of inscriptions, coins,
century. He wrote a book titled monuments, buildings, sculptures
‘Tehqiq ma li-al-Hind’ or ‘Kitab- and paintings.
al-Hind’ which gives a detailed Inscriptions
The most ancient inscriptions
description of the Rajput's Period
belonging to 1400 BC were found
society, religion, customs, etc. at Boghazkoi in Central Asia
Arab traveller Sulaiman, who Minor.
visited India in the 9th century AD, Vedic deities Indra, Mitra,
Varuna and Nastya (Ashwin)
described the economic, political
are mentioned in the Boghazkoi
and social conditions of the Pal inscriptions.
and Pratihara rulers' period. The oldest inscriptions in India
Al-Masudi, who came to India from belong to Ashoka, dating back to
Baghdad, has given information the 3rd century BC.
about the history of the period of Ashoka’s name is found on the
Rashtrakuta and Pratihara rulers. inscriptions traced from Maski,
D. Other Foreign Authors Gurjara, Nittur and Udegolam.
The travelogue of Ibn Battuta Ashoka’s inscriptions are found
written in Arabic is ‘Rihla’. mostly in Brahmi, Kharoshthi,
Greek and Aramaic scripts.
It is an important source of
An article, written by Indo-Greek
information about the social
ambassador, Heliodorus on Garuda
and cultural life of the Indian
Pillar found at Besnagar (Vidisha,
subcontinent during the 14 th Madhya Pradesh) provides
century. evidence of the development of
Taranath was a Tibetan writer. He the Bhagvat religion.
authored a book titled 'Kangyur' Mandsaur inscriptions refer to
and 'Tengyur'. the categories of silk weavers.
Marco Polo came to India during
James Prinsep first read the
the rule of the Pandya Dynasty at inscriptions of Ashoka written in
the end of the 13th century AD. Brahmi script in 1837 AD.
The study of inscriptions is called paintings of Ajanta and Ellora.
Period of History
The 510 BC inscription at Eran Division of History
mentions Sati Tradition firtsly..
To understand the vast material of
ancient Indian History, historians
The study of coins is called
have divided into three parts -
In ancient times, coins were made (A) Pre-historic (B) Proto-
of copper, silver, gold and lead. historic (C) Historic
The oldest coins of India are A. Pre-historic
‘Marked’ coins which belong to No written records available,
fifth century BC. Information only from Archaelogical
Satavahana and Gupta rulers sources.
issued most coins, in lead and gold Historians have divided this early
respectively. period of human civilization into
The Indo-Greeks were the first to
three periods-
issue gold coins in India.
(i) Paleolithic Period
Sculptures, Memorials, Buildings
(ii) Mesolithic Period
and Paintings
(ii) Neolithic Period
In the sculpture of Bharhut, Bodh
The cave paintings of Bhimbetka
Gaya and Amravati, there is a
belong to the Early Palaeolithic
lively tableau depicting the life of
the people of that time. period.
The building style of palaces The wheel was used in the
and temples reveals the level of Neolithic period.
development of architecture of the Agriculture began in the Neolithic
The spread of Indian culture is
The Fire was first used by humans
highlighted by temples and stupas
in the Neolithic period.
built in South-East and Central Asian
The earliest evidence of agriculture
Beautiful expressions of human was found in Mehrgarh.
Only three ashrams are mentioned The woman who remained
in Chandogya Upanishad, while unmarried for a lifetime were
in Jabalopanishad, the first four called ‘Amaju’.
ashrams are mentioned. Aryan's favorite beverage was
The ‘Varuna’ deity was considered Somaras.
as the head of the ‘Rita’ (moral Aryan’s favourite animal was
order) in the Vedic Civilization. horse.
Being the head of moral The most loved deity of the Aryans
order, Varuna was also called was Indra.
‘Ritasyagopa’. The people of the Rig Vedic Period
Brihaspati was considered a priest were not known to iron.
of Vedic Gods. There is a discussion of Shyam
In Vedic Literature, many women Ayas or Krishna Ayas, a metal
are mentioned who composed used in the later Vedic Period.
Vedic mantras such as Apala, The barter system was prevalent
Ghosha, Vishwara, Lopamudra, in the transaction.
etc. The person giving loans on interest
Lopamudra was the wife of sage was called Vecnat (usurer).
Agastya. People of the ‘Pani’ class were
The Aryan society was patriarchal.
engaged in commerce.
The smallest unit of the society
Agni was worshipped as an
was the family or clan, headed by
intermediary between humans and
the father, known as ‘Kulap’.
Women had freedom to participate
The Rigveda mentions the Ganges
in the yajna with their husbands.
once and the Yamuna three times.
Child marriage and the purdah
In Mundakopanishad, the yajna
system were not prevalent. has been compared to a broken
A widow could remarry her boat.
deceased husband’s younger The famous Satyameva Jayate is
brother (Dewar) or some other derived from Mundakopanishad.
near relative. This was called In Vedic Period, gold ornament or
‘Niyoga System’. coin was called ‘Nishka’.
Purushamedha is mentioned in the The original script of the Rigveda
Shatapatha Brahmana. was Brahmi.
The word ‘Gotra’ was first Aitareya and Kaushitaki are the
mentioned in Rigveda. two Brahmin texts of the Rigveda.
The word ‘Yava’ mentioned The goddess of the forest was
in Rigveda is established by
‘Barley’. called ‘Aranyani’.
Gods of Rigvedic Period
Deity Relations
Indra Warlord and God of Rain
Agni The God of Fire, Mediator between God and humans
Varuna The God of personified water, Creator of the Heavens,
Earth and Sun, God of the sea, the Controller of the
World,the Patron of the Gods, the Ruler of the season,
the Symbol of Truth, the Changer of Seasons, the Doer
of day and night.
Dyaus/Dyu God of Sky
Soma God of Plants
Usha Goddess of Dawn
Ashwin The twin god of war and healers of diseases
Pushan The God of jungle paths, herdsmen, and cattle
Vishnu World’s Mentor, the preserver and protector of the
Maruta The God of Storm
Rudra Amoral an Archer God whose arrows brought diseases
Later-Vedic Period (1000-600 BC) during this period, the people of
The history of the later-Vedic the later-Vedic period now took to
period covers periods of Yajurveda, settled agriculture and residence.
Samaveda, Atharvaveda and In this era, the plough was called
Brahmana texts, Aranyaka and Sira and the furrow was 'Sita'.
Upanishads. In the later-Vedic period, the
Rajsuya Yajna was performed unit of currency was Nishka and
during the coronation of the king. Satanama.
In this period, 'Varna' came to Sabha and Samiti continued to
be based on birth rather than exist, but 'Vidhata' was completely
occupation. disappeared.
The people of this period used iron The entry of women in Sabha was
weapons. prohibited.
Due to the improvement in The later-Vedic society was
agriculture and various crafts divided into four classes -
Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas Shuddhodana was the head of the
and Shudras. Sakya clan.
The status of women declined in Buddha's was brought up by his
the later-Vedic period. aunt Prajapati Gautami.
In the Shatapatha Brahmana, the He was married to Shakya clan's
names of many females of this
daughter Yashodhara (other
period like Gargi, Maitreyi, etc.
names - Gopa, Bimba).
are mentioned.
The son of Gautama Buddha was
The Gotra system found its origin
in this period.
Distressed by worldly sorrows,
To understand the Vedas, 6
Vedangas were composed- Siddhartha left his house forever
Sl. No. Vedangas Parts of Vedas at the age of 29. This act is known
1. Shiksha Nose as Mahabhinishkramana.
2. Kalpa Arms After renunciation, Siddhartha
3. Nirukta Ears studied Sankhya philosophy
4. Vyakarana Mouth by Alara Kalama in Vaishali.
5. Jyotisha Eyes
He got education from Uddaka
6. Chandas Foot
Ramaputta of Rajgir.
The Rise of Mahajanapadas
Sl. Mahajanapadas Capitals Current Status
1. Anga Champa Bhagalpur, Munger (Bihar)
2. Avanti Ujjain/Mahismati Malwa (Madhya Pradesh)
3. Shurasena Mathura Mathura (Uttar Pradesh)
Jainism Jamali, the son-in-law of
The first Tirthankara and founder Mahavira became his first
of Jainism was Rishabhdeva. follower.
The 23rd Tirthankara of Jainism Six Philosophical Schools and
was Parshwanath. Their Promoters
The teachings given by him are Philosophy Promoter
(1) Satya, (2) Ahimsa, (3) Asteya Samkhya Kapila
(non-stealing), (4) Aparigraha Yoga Patanjali
(non-possession property). Nyaya Gautama
Mahavira Swami was the 24th and Vaishesika Konada or Uluka
the last Tirthankara of Jainism. Purva- Mimamsa Jaimini
He was born at Kundagram Uttara-Mimamsa Badarayana
(Vaishali) in 599 BC.
Chandana, the daughter of
Mahavir's father Siddhartha was
Champa Naresh Dadhivahana
a kshatriya king from Jnathrika
became Mahavira's first disciple.
clan and mother Trishala was
the sister of the Lichchavi king Mahavira had 11 prominent
Chetaka. disciples, who were called
Mahavira Swami's childhood Ganadhars.
name was 'Vardhamana'. The Mahavira died (Nirvana) in 527
wife of Mahavira was named BC in Pavapuri, Bihar, at the age
Yashoda and his daughter's name of 72.
was Anonja or Priyadarsana. Later, Jainism was divided into
Mahavira led an ascetif life at the two sects named Shvetambaras
age of 30. and Digambaras.
After 12 years of rigorous penance,
The disciples of Bhadrabahu are
Mahavira attained enlightenment
called Digambaras (living naked)
under a Sal tree on the banks of the
and the disciples of Sthulabhadras
Rijupalika near Jambhikagrama.
are called Shvetambara (wearing
After attaining enlightenment,
white clothes).
Mahavira was called Jina
Sudharman became the president
(conqueror), Arhant (blessed
of the Sangha.
one) and Nirgrantha (free from
bondage). Triratnas of Jainism are-
Jain's Councils
Council Year Place President Ruler Work
First 310 BC Pataliputra Sthulabhadra Chandragupta Shvetambara Jain
Maurya Compilation of
Second 512 BC Vallabhi Devaradhi --- Determination and
Kshamasramana editing of extinct
Jain texts
After Prabhakarvardhana,
Vakataka Dynasty Rajyavardhana occupied the
Vakataka Dynasty was founded
Harshvardhana succeeded the
around 250 AD by Vindhyashakti.
throne after Rajyavardhan’s death
Pravarasena-I was the only
in 606 AD.
Emperor of the Vakataka dynasty He was also known by another
who has assumed the title of name Siladitya.
'Samrat'. The accession of Harsha to the
He performed four Ashwamedha throne in 606 AD is considered
yajnas. the beginning of Harsha Samvat.
Vardhana Dynasty He ruled until 647 AD.
He assumed the title of Param
Pushyabhuti laid the foundation Maheshwara, Paramabhattaraka.
of the Vardhana dynasty at He shifted his capital from
Thaneshwar. Thaneshwar to Kannauj.
Prabhakaravardhana is believed Harsh was a worshiper of Surya,
to be the real founder of the
Shiva and Buddhism.
Banabhatta, the author of
He had two sons, Rajyavardhana,
‘Harshacharita’, was at the court
Harshvardhana and a daughter,
of Harshavardhana.
Rajyashri married King Nagananda, Priyadarsika
Grahavarman of the Maukhari and Ratnavali are works by
dynasty. Harshavardhana.
He fought against Pulakeshin-II on The only scripture composed at
the banks of Narmada in a quest this Sangam was ‘Tolkappiyam’.
to expand his empire to the south. Chera Dynasty
Emperor Harshavardhana The Sangam literature outlines
organized Mahamoksha the history of the three major
Parishad at Prayag every five kingdoms. These kingdoms
years. belonged to Chera, Chola and
Harshvardhana sent an envoy to Pandya dynasties.
China in 641 AD. The Chera kingdom was located
Harsha organized two huge in modern Kerala.
religious assemblies at Kannauj The first Chera ruler during
and Prayag in 643 AD. Sangam period was Udiyangeral.
The Chinese Envoy arrived at the Chola Dynasty
court of Harshavardhana in 643 Karikala was prominent among
AD. the Chola rulers mentioned in
He wrote a treatise on his journey, Sangam literature.
known as ‘Si-Yu-Ki’. He was called the 'Man with
Hui - Lee has written a biography
charred leg'.
of ‘Hieun Tsang'.
Later, Vijayalaya (850AD–
History of South India 871AD) founded the Chola
dynasty on the remains of the
Sangam Age
Pahlava dynasty.
'Sangam' means Council / Seminar
/ Conference of Tamil Poets, The capital of this dynasty was
near Mount Abu under the Qutbuddin Aybak was succeeded
able leadership of his worthy by Aram Shah who ruled for only
a brief time of eight months.
and courageous mother Maa
Iltutmish (1210-36 AD)
Naikidevi. Iltutmish sat on the throne of the
On one side of the coins of Sultanate in 1210 after killing
Muhammad Ghori's reign the Aram Shah.
Qutubuddin’s slave and son-in-law
figure of Kalma was inscribed
Iltutmish Ilbari was a Turk.
while on the other side, the figure He established Delhi as the capital
of Lakshmi was inscribed. of the Sultanate.
Muhammad Ghori freed him
2. Sultanate Period (1206 from slavery on account of his
AD-1526 AD) exceptional abilities displayed
during Khokhar Rebellion in
After Ghori’s death, Qutbuddin
Aybak laid the foundation of the The Khalifa of Baghdad conferred
Ghulam or Mamluk dynasty in 1206 the title of ‘Sultan-e-Azam’ on
AD. Iltutmish and gave statutory
Qutbuddin Aybak was also known approval to his rule in 1229.
to have been the founder of the He kept a troop of his loyal slaves
Turkish State in India. He did not called ‘Turkan - e - Chahalgani’
assume the title of Sultan while or ‘Chalisa’.
seated on the throne. He issued two important coins,
Qutbuddin Aybak was called silver ‘Tanka’ (175 grains) and
‘Lakh Bakhsh’ (one who gives in copper ‘Jital’ during the Sultanate
lakhs) and ‘Kurankhwan’.
period and also started the practice
Nalanda university building was
of inscribing the names on coins.
demolished by Bakhtiyar Khalji,
commander of Qutbuddin Aybak. During the reign of Iltutmish,
Aybak built mosques called Mongol leader Genghis Khan
‘Quwwat-al-Islam' and ‘Adhai reached the northwestern border
Din ka Jhopra’ in Ajmer. of India chasing Mangbarni, the
ruler of Khwarizm.
Q u t b u d d i n Ay b a k l a i d t h e
Iltutmish is credited with the
foundation of Qutb Minar, later
introduction of the ‘Iqta System’
which was completed by Iltutmish.
in India.
He died in 1210 when he fell from He died in 1236.
his horse while playing Chaugan Raziyya Sultan (1236–40 AD)
(a game similar to modern Polo). Raziyya was the first woman ruler
He was buried in Lahore. of medieval India.
After discarding the purdah of Ghiyasuddin Balban. He
system by Raziyya, she wore the succeeded in protecting Delhi
same clothes coat (Kuba) and hat from the Mongols.
(Kulah) as the men and conducted He adopted a policy of ‘blood and
the task of governance effectively. iron’ for the prestige of the Sultan.
According to Minhaj-i-Siraj He thought the king to be the
(author of Tabaqat-e-Nasiri), representative of God on earth,
Raziyya ruled for 3 years 6 months 'Naib-i-Khudai'.
6 days.
He believed that Sultan is Zil-
Raziyya was murdered in 1240 in
i-Allah or Zil-i-Ilahi 'meaning'
Kaithal by bandits while returning
'reflection of God'.
from the forest.
After the death of Raziyya, He introduced the practice of
Bahram Shah sat on the throne ‘Sijda’ and ‘Paibos’ which were
in 1240, but he was also killed in originally picked from Iranian
1242. traditions.
Allauddin Masud Shah became the He started the practice of
Sultan of Delhi (1242–1246 AD) celebrating the Iranian (Persian)
after the assassination of Bahram festival of ‘Navroz’ every year in
Shah. his court.
Alauddin Masud Shah was Note - Amir Khusro was called
overthrown by a conspiracy ‘Parrot of India’ or ‘Tuti-e-Hind
hatched by Balban and Nasiruddin and Amir Hasan-e-Dehalavi, 'Saadi
Mahmud was declared the Sultan of India'.
in 1246 AD.
3. Khalji Dynasty (1290-1320
Balban married his daughter to
Sultan Nasiruddin in 1249.
Nasiruddin conferred the title After the fall of the Slave dynasty
of ‘Ulugh Khan’ and ‘Naib -e-
in 1290, Jalaluddin Firuz Khalji
Mumlikat’ on Balban.
founded the Khalji dynasty.
On the death of Nasiruddin
Mahmud, Balban declared The Jalaluddin adopted the ideal of
rulers of Delhi Early Sultan liberal autocratism.
himself and succeeded in 1266. He formed a new department,
Ghiyasuddin Balban (1266-1287 Diwan-i-Waqt to look after the
income and expenditure matters.
Balban destroyed Turkan-i-
Chahalgani. He was assassinated by his nephew
Balban ascended the throne and son-in-law, Alauddin Khalji at
of Delhi in 1266 by the name Manikpur, in 1296.
Alauddin Khalji (1296-1316 AD) He increased the Sultan’s share of
Alauddin had his name inscribed the plundered money (Khums) to
on coins as 'Second Alexander' 4/5 from 1/5.
(Sikandar-e-Sani)’. Ibn Battuta authored Rihla,
He was the first ruler of Delhi Isami wrote Futuh-us- Salatin
Sultanate who allotted posts on and Amir Khusrau completed his
merit. work Khazain - ul- Futuh during
Alauddin conferred the title of Kahaji's reign.
Raya Rayan to Ramachandra
Amir Khusrau was the court poet
to Alauddin Khalji.
He captured Malik Kafur during
his Gujarat conquest. Alauddin Khalji built Alai
Darwaza and Hauz-e-Khas.
Malik Kafur was also called
‘Hazar Dinari’. Major Taxes during Sultanate
T h e C h i e f O ff i c e r o f t h e Period
Intelligence Department was Tax Type of Taxes
‘Barid-e-Mumalik’. There were Jizya Tax received from non-
many ‘baraids’ (Sandeshvahak or Muslims
Harkara) under him. Zakat Religious Tax charged
Alauddin established a from Muslims
new department ‘Diwan-e- Khums Loot money from war
Mustakhraj’ to eliminate
Kharaj Tax to be collected from
corruption and clear arrears of
non-Muslim farmers
During this time, there were
Alauddin built the Siri Fort,
two types of markets - 1.Mandi
Thousand Pillar Palace, Jamat-
(food market), 2.Sarai-e-Adal
Khana Mosque and Alai Darwaza.
(Manufactured goods, garments,
He kept a large and permanent
herbs, etc.).
army at the centre, who was paid
in cash. Alauddin Khalji died in 1316.
Khalji introduced the practice Mubarak Khalji, the son of
of 'Dagh' (branding of horses) Alauddin Khalji, succeeded him
and 'Huliya' (descriptive roles of on the throne of Delhi in 1316.
He was the first Sultan who 4. Tughlaq Dynasty (1320-
paid attention to measurement 1412 AD)
(Paimaish) of the cultivable land,
known as Zabita. Ghiyasuddin Tughluq or Ghazi
Alauddin Khalji took 50% of the Malik (1320-1325 AD) was the
produce as agrarian tax (Kharaj). first ruler of the Tughluq dynasty.
He constructed a new city called After the death of Muhammad
Tughluqabad. Tughluq, his cousin ‘Firuz Shah
He built canals for irrigation. He Tughluq’ became (1351-1388) the
was probably the first ruler to have Sultan in 1351.
built canals. Firuz Shah Tughluq (1351-1388 AD)
Muhammad bin Tughluq (1325– Firuz Shah Tughluq constructed
1351 AD) new towns called Hisar,
Juna Khan or Muhammad Fatehabad, Firuzepur,
bin Tughluq (1325-1351 AD) Firozabad and Jaunpur (in the
became Sultan after the death of Memory of Jauna Khan) and dug
Ghiyasuddin. many canals.
He replaced silver coins with He levied Jizya on Brahmins.
copper token coins. The credit for establishing the
A department called ‘Diwan - i - ‘Public Works Department’ goes
Amir - Kohi’ which looked after to Firuz Shah Tughluq.
agriculture, was established by He was the first sultan of Delhi
Muhammad bin Tughluq. who imposed Hab-e-Sharab i.e.
Ibn Battuta, the Moroccan Irrigation tax.
traveller, came to Delhi in 1333 He shifted two Ashoka's pillars
during the reign of Muhammad from Topara and Meerut to Delhi.
bin Tughluq. He formed a separate department
Ibn Battuta has written his ‘Diwan-i-Bandagan’ for looking
travelogue in Arabic in a book after these slaves.
titled ‘Kitab-ul-Rihla’. Dar-ul-Shifa, established by
Muhammad bin Tughluq often Firuz Shah Tughluq was a charity
participated in the festivals of hospital.
Hindus, particularly Holi. Firuz Shah Tughluq wrote his
Major reforms by Muhammad bin autobiography ‘Futuhat-e-
Tughluq were Doab tax increase, Firuzshahi’.
He patronised Ziauddin Barani
change of capital (Delhi to
and Shams-i -Siraj Afif.
Devgiri), token currency and
He issued coins called ‘Adha’ and
campaigns of Khurasan and ‘Bikh’ made of copper and bronze.
Karachi. Firuz Shah Tughluq destroyed the
Muhammad bin Tughluq died in Jwalamukhi Temple.
1351 AD. Firuz Shah Tughlaq died in 1388
Badauni writes on the demise of AD.
Sultan 'The King was freed from Nasiruddin Mahmud (1394–1412
his people and they from their AD) was the last ruler of the
King'. Tughluq dynasty.
During his reign, Khwaja Jahan A treatise on 'Ayurveda' was
established an independent translated into Persian ordered
kingdom called Jaunpur. by Sikandar Lodi, known as
Timur invaded India in 1398 ‘Farhang-i- Sikandari’.
during the reign of Nasiruddin He wrote poems under the
Mahmud. nickname ‘Gulrukhi’.
Note - Sikandar Lodi constructed
5. Sayyid Dynasty (1414-1451
a new city, Agra in 1504 to secure
his authority over the rulers of
The founder of the Sayyid Dynasty, neighbouring Rajasthan.
Khizr Khan, provided support to Sikander Lodi reimposed the
the Mongol invader Timur. Jizya tax on Hindus.
Khizr Khan was appointed as the Moth Mosque was built during
Governor of Northwestern frontier the reign of Sikandar Lodi.
province by Timur (Lahore, After the death of Sikandar Lodi,
Multan and Deepalpur). his eldest son Ibrahim Lodi
After Khizr Khan, Mubarak ascended the throne.
Shah (1421-1434) ascended the Ibrahim Lodi was defeated by
throne. He patronised ‘Yahya bin Rana Sanga in the Battle of
Sirhindi’, the author of ‘Tarikh- Khatoli in 1518.
In April, 1526, Babur fought in the
i-Mubarak Shahi’.
field of Panipat, where Ibrahim
Alauddin Alam Shah (1443–1451)
was the last ruler of this dynasty. Lodi was defeated. The Delhi
Sultanate also came to an end with
6. Lodi Dynasty (1451-1526
the fall of the Lodis.
7. Delhi Sultanate -
Bahlul Lodi (1451-1489) founded Governance System)
the Lodi Dynasty in 1451.
Assuming the title of ‘Sultan’ title
He brought Jaunpur under the
was started by the Turkish rulers.
control of the Delhi Sultanate.
The first ruler to hold this title was
He was succeeded by Sikandar Mahmud Ghaznavi.
Lodi. The head of the central governance
He was the best ruler of the Lodi was the Sultan.
dynasty produced. In the Sultanate period, the
He started ‘Gaz-i-Sikandari’, a Council of Ministers was called
scale used for measurement. ‘Majlis-e-Khalwat’.
Delhi Sultanate-Main Administrative Departments and Their Founders
Name Concerned Departments Founder
Diwan - i - Arz Military Department Balban
Diwan - i - Riyasat Market Control Alauddin Khalji
Diwan - i - Waqf Expenditure Department Jalaluddin Khalji
his kingdom and gave it the new
8. Vijayanagara Empire
name ‘Ahsanabad’.
The Vijayanagara Empire was He exempted Hindus from Jizya
founded in 1336 by two brothers tax.
Harihara and Bukka.
9. The Independent
The capital of Vijayanagara was
Provincial States
Hampi, situated on the banks of
the Tungabhadra.
Harihara-I ruled from 1336 to
Suhadeva founded the Hindu
1356 AD. Bukka-I ruled from
kingdom in Kashmir in 1301.
1356 to 1377.
Bahmani Kingdom Shamsuddin Shah (Shah mir) was
Zafar Khan (Hassan Gangu 1347- the first muslim ruler of Kashmir.
1358) laid the foundation of the Zain-ul-Abidin was a tolerant
Bahmani kingdom. ruler, and was called ‘Akbar of
He made Gulbarga the capital of Kashmir’.
Narayan Rao ——— Independent States
(1772-1773) (from Mughals)
1. Awadh Saadat Khan
R a g h u n a t h R a o ——— (Burhan-ul-Mulk)
In the Battle of Plassey, the Mir Qasim moved his capital from
commander of Siraj-uddaulah’s Murshidabad to Munger.
army was Mir Jafar. On 22nd October 1764, the Battle
The treachery of Mir Jafar of Buxar was fought between
preceding the Battle of Plassey the British on one side and the
resulted in the defeat of Siraj- combined forces of Mir Qasim,
uddaulah. Nawab Shuja-uddaulah of Awadh
The British appointed Mir Jafar and the Mughal Emperor Shah
the Nawab of Bengal, in return for Alam II on the other.
which Mir Jafar gave the land of Under the leadership of Hector
24 Parganas to the British. Munro, the English army defeated
The British despised Mir Jafar and the combined forces of Mir Qasim.
installed his son-in-law Mir Qasim After the Battle of Buxar, the East
as the Nawab of Bengal in 1760. India company's rule was firmly
Mir Qasim was the second most established in India.
qualified Nawab of Bengal after In Bengal, Diarchy lasted from
Alivardi Khan. 1765 and 1772.
Anglo-Maratha War
War Year (AD) Governor-General
First Anglo-Maratha War (1775-1782) Warren Hastings
Second Anglo-Maratha War (1803-1805) Wellesley
Third Anglo-Maratha War (1817-1818) Lord Hastings
Note - Diarchy was introduced by Guru Gobind Singh (1675–1708
Lord Clive in 1765, and abolished AD) was the tenth and the last
by Warren Hastings in 1772. Guru of the Sikhs.
He was born in Patna in 1666 AD.
Relation between Sikh and
His original name was Gobind
Guru Nanak was the founder of He established Anandpur City
Sikhism. and his throne there.
He died at Kartarpur in 1539 AD. The autobiography of Guru
Guru Angad (1539–52 AD) was Gobind Singh is titled Bichittar
the second Guru of the Sikhs. Natak.
Guru Angad invented the He founded the Khalsa Panth on
Gurmukhi script. Baisakhi day in 1699 AD.
Amardas (1552–74 AD), the third He told Sikh followers to carry
Guru of the Sikhs, established his
five things - Kesh (Hair), Kanga
throne at Goindwal.
(Comb), Kachera, Kirpan and
Mughal emperor Akbar went to Kara.
Guru Amardas Goindwal and He gave the present form to Adi
granted some land to his daughter Grantha (Guruvani), the religious
Bibi Bhani. text of the Sikhs.
Guru Arjan Dev built Harminder Guru Gobind Singh was
Sahib in the middle of Amritsar assassinated in 1708 AD by a
pond. Pathan at Nanded in South India.
Guru Arjan Dev compiled the Adi Banda Bahadur ’s childhood
Granth. name was Lakshmanadeva or
Jahangir awarded the death Laksman Das.
penalty to Guru Arjan Dev in Banda Bahadur established the
assisting Prince Khusrau in 1606. first Sikh kingdom.
The ninth Sikh Guru was Guru He introduced coins with the
Tegh Bahadur (1664-1675 AD). names of Guru Nanak and Guru
Aurangzeb killed Guru Tegh Gobind Singh inscribed on them
Bahadur for not accepting Islam. and made the seal of Sikh State.
Historians’ Opinions Regarding the Nature of the Revolt of 1857
Nature Opinion
This was the first freedom struggle of India. V.D. Savarkar
This was a national rebellion. Disraeli
It was a full-fledged Sepoy Mutiny. Sir John Lawrence and Seale
It was a conspiracy of Hindus and Muslims James Outram, W.Taylor
against the British.
The war between barbarism and civilization. T.R. Holmes
This was a war of Fanatic religionists against L.E.R. Rees
the Christians.
Book Author
1. The Indian War of Independence 1857 V.D. Savarkar
2. The Great Rebellion Ashok Mehta
3. The Sepoy Mutiny and the Revolt of 1857 R.C. Majumdar
4. Eighteen Fifty-Seven S.N. Sen
Events and Places Affected by the War of Independence in 1857 :
Important Personalities and Important Dates
Centre of Led by Date of British who Date of
Revolt Revolt suppressed the Suppression
Delhi Bahadur Shah Zafar, 11 May, 1857 Nicholson and 21st September,
The real name of Tatya Tope was Vedanta College was founded by
Ramchandra Pandurang. Rammohun Roy in 1825.
Rani Lakshmi Bai received Raja Rammohun Roy is called
martyrdom on 17th June, 1858. the Pioneer of the Indian
Renaissance, the originator of
Movement related to Religious
the reform movements, the father
and Social Reform
of modern India and the star of the
Brahmo Samaj new morning.
Brahmo Samaj was founded by He is considered the ‘Forerunner
Raja Rammohun Roy on 20th of Indian Journalism’.
August, 1828. He founded the Hindu College at
It opposed idol worship, Calcutta in 1817 with the help of
pilgrimage, rituals, etc. David Heyer.
Raja Rammohun Roy formed the He authored Tuhfat-ul Muwahhidin,
Atmiya Sabha in 1815. A Gift to Monotheism and books
on monotheism and the Precepts ‘Prarthana Samaj’ in Mumbai in
of Jesus books besides publishing 1867.
Sambad Kaumudi, Mirat- Mahadev Govind Ranade is
ul-Akbar and Brahmanical called the ‘Pioneer of Cultural
Magazine in English. Renaissance in Western India'.
Mughal emperor Akbar-II Poona Sarvajanik Sabha was
He gave the slogan, ‘Back to the He led India at the World Religion
Vedas’. Conference held in Chicago,
The ‘Shuddhi Andolan’ was USA, in 1893.
launched by Swami Dayanand Swami Vevekanand was called the
Saraswati, which reopened 'Spiritual Father of the Modern
Hinduism and opened the doors National Movement' by Subhash
for the return of people from other Chandra Bose.
religions. Theosophical Society
Major Books by Swami Madame Blavatsky and
Dayanand Saraswati
Colonel Alcott established the
1. Satyarth Prakash (1875) Theosophical Society in 1875 in
2. Panch Maha Yajya Vidhi New York.
(1874) International Office of
3. Paakhand Khandan (1866)
Theosophical Society was opened
4. Advaitmat Khandan (1877)
in Adyar (Madras) in 1882.
Young Bengal Movement
Other Religious Movements
This movement was started by
Gopal Hari Deshmukh became
Henry Vivian Derozio in 1826.
famous as Lokhitwadi.
Surendranath Banerjee accepted
Servant of India Society was
Derozio as "the pioneer of the
founded by Gopal Krishna
modern civilization of Bengal.
Gokhale in 1905.
Derozio is also called the first Muslim Reform Movement
national poet of Modern India. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan launched
Ramakrishna Mission and Swami the Aligarh Movement.
Vivekananda Muhammad Qasim Nanautvi
Swami Vivekananda was and Rashid Ahmad Gangohi in
the disciple of Ramakrishna 1866 established Islamic seminary
Paramahamsa called Swami of at Deoband.
Dakshineswar. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad founded
Swami Vivekananda’s childhood the Ahmadiyya Movement in
name was Narendranath. 1889.
In 1864, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan In 1932, Mahatma Gandhi named
founded the ‘Scientific Society’ the untouchables as ‘Harijan’,
and ‘Aligarh Muslim - Anglo
(Children of God) and also estab-
Oriental College’ in 1875. This
lished the Harijan Sevak Sangh.
college was transformed into
Aligarh Muslim University in Other Movements and Reforms
Important Organizations and Institutions Related to Indian National
Institution Establishment Founder
Asiatic Society 1784 William Jones
Atmiya Sabha 1815 Raja Ram Mohun Roy
Young Bengal Movement 1826 Henry Louis Vivian Derozio
Brahmo Samaj 1828 Raja Ram Mohun Roy
Tatvabodhini Sabha 1839 Devendranath Thakur
Paramahamsa Mandali 1849 Atmaram Pandurang, Balakrishna
Jayakar, Dadoba Pandurang
Rahnumai Mazdayasnan Sabha 1851 Dadabhai Naoroji
Balika Vidyalaya 1851 Jyotiba Phule
Mohammadan Literary Society 1863 Abdul Latif
Veda Samaj 1864 K. Sridharalu Naidu
Scientific Society 1864 Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
East India Association 1866 Dadabhai Naoroji
Poona Sarvajanik Sabha 1870 M.G. Ranade
Prarthana Samaj 1867 Atmaram Pandurang
Satya Shodhak Samaj 1873 Jyotiba Phule
Aligarh Mohammadan Anglo- 1875 Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
Oriental College
Indian League 1875 Shishir Kumar Ghosh
Arya Samaj 1875 Swami Dayanand Saraswati
Theosophical Society 1875 Madam Blavatsky and Colonel
Indian Social Conference 1887 Mahadev Govind Ranade
Sarda Sadan 1889 Ramabai
Development of Education History of Indian
during British India Newspapers
26th 1911 Calcutta Bishan Narayan Dar Jana Gana Mana was
sung for the first time
36th 1921 Ahmedabad C.R. Das (Acting-President-
Hakim Ajmal Khan)
song during the Swadeshi move-
Important Facts related to
ment which became the national
Indian Independence Struggle
song of Bangladesh in 1971.
Tilak started the celebration of All India Muslim League was es-
Ganapati Festival in 1893 and tablished at the Dhaka Conference
Shivaji Festival in 1895. presided over by Salim Ulla Khan.
Valentine Chirol called Bal Gan- The Constitution of the Muslim
gadhar Tilak the 'Father of Indian League was formed in Karachi in
Unrest'. 1907.
Dadabhai Naoroji formulated the According to the Constitution
'drain of wealth' theory. of the Muslim League, its first
He (1892) was the first Indian to session was held in Amritsar in
win the election for the British 1908, in which Agha Khan was
House of Commons representing appointed as the President.
the Liberal Party. The Muslim League supported the
The first revolutionary organization partition of Bengal.
Anushilan Samiti was established Prafulla Chaki and Khudiram
in Bengal in 1902 by Gyanen- Bose attempted to assassinate
dranath Basu at Midnapore and the magistrate, Kingsford of the
Pramathnath Mitra at Calcutta, Bengal Presidency on 30th April,
Jatindranath Banerjee and Barin- 1908.
dranath Ghosh. Bhikaji Rustom Cama (mother
The partition of Bengal was an- of Indian revolution) hoisted for
nounced in July, 1905 by Lord the first time the Indian National
Curzon. Flag at Stuttgart, Germany, in
The call for Swadeshi movement 1907.
was given at the Town Hall in Cal- Viceroy Lord Hardinge organized
cutta on 7th August 1905 to protest a grand court in Delhi in 1911 to
against the partition of Bengal. welcome Emperor George V of
In Surat Session of Congress in England and Queen Mary.
1907, the party split into Moder- In this court, the partition of Ben-
ates and Extremists. gal was annulled.
Rabindranath Tagore wrote It was announced to shift the
Amar Sonar Bangla, a famous capital from Calcutta to Delhi.
During the time of Viceroy Lord On 6 th April, 1919, Gandhiji
Hardinge, Delhi became the capi- organized a nationwide strike
tal of India. against the Rowlatt Act.
On 1st November 1913, Sohan On 13 th April, 1919, General
Singh Bhakna and Lala Hardayal Dyer opened fire on a public
founded the Pacific Coast meeting at Jallianwala Bagh,
Hindustan Association. Amritsar opposing the arrest
In 1915, the British Government of Dr. Satyapal and Saifuddin
conferred the title of Kaiser-e- Kitchlew.
Hind on Mahatma Gandhi. A committee was formed under
In the Lucknow Session of the chairmanship of Lord Hunter
the Congress (1916), there was to investigate the causes of the
unity between the two factions Jallianwala Bagh massacre.
of Congress-Moderates and Mahatma Gandhi started the
Non-Cooperation Movement on
1st August 1920. On this day, Bal
Bal Gangadhar Tilak founded
Gangadhar Tilak died.
Home Rule League in April,
Gandhiji started the Non-Cooper-
ation Movement on 1st August,
Annie Besant founded Home
1920 to oppose the Rowlatt Act,
Rule League in Madras, in
Jallianwala Bagh massacre and in
September, 1916.
support of the Khilafat movement.
Gandhiji established Sabarmati
On 4th February, 1922, at Chau-
Ashram in Ahmedabad, in 1917.
ri-Chaura in Gorakhpur district,
Gandhiji went to Champaran on
agitators set on fire a police station
the insistence of Rajkumar Shukla in which 5 British policemen were
of Bihar. burnt alive.
Gandhiji launched ‘no tax’
The Non-Cooperation Movement
campaign from Kheda district of
was suspended by Gandhiji on 12th
Gujarat in 1918.
February, 1922 on being hurt by
The Rowlatt Act was passed on the Chauri-Chaura incident.
18th March, 1919. It was called Sachindranath Sanyal established
"No Lawyer, No Appeal, No the ‘Hindustan Republican
Arguments". Association’ at Kanpur in 1924.
The Kakori incident occurred On 5th March, 1931, the Gandhi-
on 9 th August, 1925, in which Irwin Pact was concluded. After
the government treasury inside this, Gandhiji suspended the Civil
the train was looted by the Disobedience Movement.
revolutionaries. The First Round Table Conference
Lala Lajpat Rai was injured was held in London from 12 th
and later died in a police lathi November, 1930 to 19th January,
charge during the protest against 1931.
the Simon Commission on 30th T h e S e c o n d R o u n d Ta b l e
October, 1928, at Lahore. Conference took place from 7th
Chandrashekhar Azad founded September, 1931 to 1st December,
the ‘Hindustan Socialist Repub-
1931. Mahatma Gandhi
lican Association’ at Feroz Shah
participated in this as a Congress
Kotla, in Delhi, in 1928.
Revolutionaries, led by Bhagat
T h e S e c o n d R o u n d Ta b l e
Singh shot and killed the then
Conference failed due to
Assistant Superintendent of
Communal Representation.
Police, Saunders, at Lahore, on
Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar partici-
17th December, 1928.
Purna Swaraj was declared its pated as a representative of the un-
goal in the Lahore Session of the touchables in all the three Round
Congress in 1929. The session Table Conferences in London.
was presided over by Jawaharlal On 16th August 1932, the then
Nehru. British Prime Minister Ramsay
The tricolour flag (Tiranga) was MacDonald presented the Com-
hoisted by Jawaharlal Nehru on munal Award. Under this, along
the banks of the river Ravi at 12 with Muslims and Sikhs, the Dalit
noon on 31 December, 1929. class was also considered a mi-
The Muslims of the North-Western nority and separated from Hindus.
Frontier Province organized a civil In protest against this decision,
disobedience movement under Gandhiji started a fast unto death
the leadership of Khan Abdul on 20th September, 1932 in Yerwa-
Ghaffar Khan (Frontier Gandhi). da Jail in Poona.
On 24 th September, 1932, on were arrested in the night on 8th
behalf of Gandhiji, there was August, 1942 under Operation
an agreement between Madan Zero Hour.
Mohan Malaviya and other On 4th July, 1943, Subhash Chan-
leaders and Ambedkar which was dra Bose was appointed the su-
known as ‘Poona Pact’. preme commander of the Azad
On 3 rd May, 1939, Subhash Hind Fauj.
Chandra Bose established the Azad Hind Government was
Forward Block within Congress. formed in Singapore on 21st Oc-
On 13 th March 1940, Udham tober, 1943 by Subhash Chandra
Singh of Punjab shot and killed Bose.
former Lieutenant Governor of On 18th February 1946, the Navy
Punjab, Dyer in London. revolted in Mumbai on a ship
Gandhiji started Individual named INS Talwar.
Satyagraha on 17 th October, On 24th March, 1946, the Cabinet
1940 in Pavnar, Maharashtra. Mission came to Delhi under the
The first Satyagrahi of the leadership of Pethick-Lawrence.
Individual Satyagraha movement, Its other members were - Stafford
was Vinoba Bhave. Cripps (Chairman, Board of
Quit India Movement resolution Trade), and A.V. Alexander
was passed in Congress Working (Minister of the Navy).
Committee (CWC) meeting on O n 2 nd S e p t e m b e r 1 9 4 6 ,
14th July 1942 in Wardha. Jawaharlal Nehru formed the
On 7th August 1942, the Congress Interim Government.
met at the historical Gwalia Pakistan was established on
Tank Ground in Bombay where 14 th August, 1947 and Indian
the ‘Quit India proposal’ was Dominion was established on 15th
accepted on 8th August. August, 1947.
During India’s Independence, the
The Quit India Movement was
Prime Minister of Britain was
started on 9th August, 1942.
Clement Attlee. Attlee belongs
In the Quit India Movement, to the Labour Party.
Gandhiji gave the slogan of ‘Do J.B. Kriplani was the Congress
or Die’. President during India's
All prominent Congress leaders Independence.
Important Movements and Events related to the History of Indian
Movements and Events Year Related Subjects / Persons
Bang - Bhang Movement 1905 Against the partition of Bengal
Partition of Congress 1907 Split into Moderates and
Lucknow Pact December, 1916 Agreement between Congress
and the Muslim League
Gandhi- Irwin Pact 5th March, 1931 Announced to postpone the
Civil Disobedience Movement
concluded between Mahatma
Gandhi and Viceroy Irwin
In addition, being painter and
World History sculptor, Leonarda da Vinci was
also a scientist, mathematician,
Renaissance e n g i n e e r, c o m p o s e r a n d
The Renaissance was the philosopher.
Last Supper, Monalisa, Virgin
intensification of the cosmic
of Rocks are famous paintings
tendencies of Western European
by Leonardo da Vinci.
thought, literature and art during
In the Renaissance period ‘Giotto’
the fourteenth, fifteenth and is considered as the father of
sixteenth centuries. painting.
Renaissance started in Italy. The Science of Renaissance Period
city of Florence was the largest According to Copernicus, the
centre of the Renaissance. Earth is not at the centre of the
The strong reason for the universe, but it is at the centre of
Renaissance was the rise of trade. the Solar System and like other
This led to the rise of cities and planets, the Earth revolves around
their importance began to grow. the Sun.
The credit of inventing paper is J o h n Wy c l i f f e i s c a l l e d
the ‘Morning Star ’ of the
given to China, but Italy was the
Reformation movement.
world’s Fuhrer in making the best
America was named after the name
paper initially.
of Italian Amerigo Vespucci.
Petrarch, a resident of Italy, Magellan I travelled the whole
is considered the founder of world by sea.
Literature of the Renaissance Period American Revolution or
In the field of literature in Italy, Freedom Struggle
residents of Florence Dante, America’s freedom struggle
Petrarch and Boccaccio, are the started with the Boston Tea Party
pioneers. incident.
Dante (1265-1321) has been The slogan of American
called the 'Forerunner of the independence was – No Taxation
Renaissance' and the ‘first person Without Representation.
of the Renaissance’. George Washington was the
Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, hero of the American freedom
Raphael, and Titian are famous struggle. Later, he became the first
painters. President of the US.
America attained complete He was born in Genoa, Italy.
independence on 4th July, 1776. He said - ‘First you are a man,
The Constitution of America came then a citizen of a country or
into force in 1788. something.
The first written Constitution Garibaldi is called the sword of
in the world came into force in unification of Italy.
America. The unification of Italy began
Slavery was abolished in America with the joining of Lombardy and
on 1st January, 1863 by Abraham Sardinia.
Lincoln. Garibaldi organized a contingent
of armed youth who came to be
French Revolution
known as the Red Shirts.
The French Revolution took place The first war of unification of Italy
in 1789 during the reign of Louis was fought in 1848, in which the
XVI. people of Naples, Sicily and Rome
The immediate cause of the French were participated, which was
Revolution was to call a meeting called the National War.
of the Estates-General. The birth of Italy is considered to
Rousseau’s work is ‘Social be in 1860, but its integration was
Contract’, while Montesquieu’s completed in 1871 by count kavur.
work is ‘The Spirit of Laws’.
Unification of Germany
Napoleon was born on 15 th
August, 1769 in an ordinary Bismarch
family on the island of Corsica. He was born on 1st April, 1815 in
The Bank of France was founded Altmark Prussia.
in 1800 by Napoleon. Bismarck was Prime Minister of
The Battle of Waterloo took the ruler of Prussia William I.
Germany was unified by Bismarck.
place on 18th June, 1815 between
Austria surrendered to Prussia in
the Allied army and Napoleon, 1866.
in which Napoleon was taken The ‘Friedrich List’ is considered
captive. t h e F a t h e r o f G e r m a n y ’s
Economic Nationalism.
Unification of Italy
Under the Prague Treaty of 23rd
Joseph Mazzini is considered the August, 1866, Schleswig and
father of the unification of Italy. Holstein joined the administration.
The Battle of the Sedans was Karl Marx’s slogan was- "Workers
fought on 1 st September, 1870 of the world, unite".
between Prussia and France. ‘Czar Nicholas II’ was the last
Czar of Russia who was killed in
Russian Revolution
a bombing.
The leader of the Bolshevik In March 1919, the Bolshevik
faction was Lenin. Party was renamed as Communist
Lenin was a deeply committed Party.
r e v o l u t i o n a r y. H e h a d War Minister, Trotsky is credited
intellectualism, vigour, indomitable with organizing the Red Army.
power and great ability to set the In April 1917, Lenin published
a revolutionary plan in Russia,
summer policy of revolution.
known as the ‘April Theses'.
In 1898, the Russian Marxists
He said ‘One Step Forward, Two
established the Social Democratic
Steps Back’.
Party. He died in the year 1924.
Karl Marx a German is considered Stalin is considered the Creator
the founder of Scientific Socialism. of Modern Russia.
'Das Kapital' and 'Communist He accused Trotsky of treason and
Manifesto' are books of Kark anti-communism and removed
Marx. him from the party.
On 8 th March, 1917, the first
explosion of the revolution Industrial Revolution
took place in Russia. On the
The beginning of the Industrial
same day, poor peasants and
Revolution is believed to be from
labourers marched on the streets
1750 AD to 1850.
of Petrograd.
The Industrial Revolution started
St. Simon is considered the
in England.
Father of French Communism.
1760 is considered as the
The ruler of Russia was called the
beginning year of the Industrial
Czar. This system of monarchy Revolution due to the abundance
ended in March 1917. of natural resources, availability
“If not today, tomorrow or not of capital, improved markets, etc.
tomorrow, day after tomorrow, in England.
the building of European The basic intention of ‘Industrial
imperialism is going to collapse” Revolution’ is- ‘Changes in the
– Lenin Production System.
A man named Brindley built the Italy joined the Allied powers in
canal from Manchester to Worsley. April 1915.
The safety coating was invented Britain joined World War I on
by Humphry Davy. 4th August, 1914, because of the
The term industrial revolution German army's entrance into
was first used by the French Belgium.
socialist leader Blancci in 1837. World War I lasted for more than
In 1829, George Stephenson 4 years.
began the era of rail transport by World War I ended on 11 th
driving a train between Liverpool November, 1918.
to Manchester at a speed of sixteen After World War I, the Treaty
miles per hour with his own of Versailles was signed with
engine. Germany on 28th June, 1919.
World War I Nationalism and Nazism in
World War-I broke out on 28th July,
1914. Hitler was born in Austria on 20th
The assassination of the Crown April, 1889.
Prince of Austria Archduke Nazi Party rose in Germany under
Franz Ferdinand proved to be Hitler’s leadership.
the immediate cause of the First The Nazi Party was founded
World War. in Munich in 1919 by Anton
In First World War, the world was Drexler. In 1920, Hitler named
divided into two camps - Allied it the National Socialist German
and Central Powers. Workers Party.
Allied nations were England, Italy, In 1924, after a failed attempt
Russia, America, France, Japan. to control the state of Bavaria,
Among the Central Nations - the Nazi Party was temporarily
Germany, Turkey, Hungary and banned and Hitler was jailed.
Austria, etc. were the countries, In July 1933, the government
led by Germany. ordered that only the Nazi Party
Germany attacked France and would remain in Germany.
Russia on 1st August, 1914 and 3rd After the death of President
August, 1914 respectively.
Hindenburg on 2nd August, 1934,
America joined World War I on 6th
Hitler assumed the title of Führer
April, 1917. The then President of
the United States was Woodrow (Supreme Leader) along with
Wilson. Chancellor.
‘Mein Kampf’ is an autobiography support war and nationalism (today
of Hitler. we are residents of Italy only).
Nazism rose in Germany under Fascism began with the slogan
the leadership of Adolf Hitler in 'Italy Always' (Viva I’Italial).
the third decade of the twentieth In Italy, the Fasces members are
century and the establishment of called ‘fascists’ and its doctrines
the Third Reich was the logical are called Fascism.
culmination of all German history Mussolini taught his team
and philosophy. members to wear uniforms, tie
Hitler became Chancellor of arms, parade and carry flags.
Germany in January 1933, and The shirt worn by the men at this
contemporary to the President party was black So, these people
became famous as Black Shirts.
Mussolini was also known as Il
Austria was the first victim of
Duce (The Leader).
Hitler’s expansionist policy.
The Fascist Grand Council was
Hitler committed suicide on 30th of established by Mussolini in 1923
April, 1945. The symbol of Nazi and he became its permanent
party was Swastika. President.
Ethiopia was invaded by Mussolini
Rise of Fascism in Italy
in 1935.
After World War I, there was Japanese Imperialism
widespread dissatisfaction in
Italy. The Paris Conference did Military service was made
not accept Italy’s claims that Italy mandatory in Japan in 1873.
considered justified. China became the first victim of
Benito Mussolini was born in 1883 imperialism of Japan.
in Italy. Russia was defeated by Japan in
Initially, he was of leftist ideology 1905. The war concluded with the
and an active worker of the Italian Treaty of Portsmouth.
Communist Party. The United Nations sent the ‘Lytton
His party was named National Commission’ to Manchuria.
Fascist Party. It was established Manchuria was invaded by Japan
in Milan in 1919. in 1931.
He launched a newspaper called Japan relinquished the membership
‘La Lotta Di Classe’ (class of the United Nations in March,
struggle). Later, he went on to 1933.
Atomic bombs were used by the On 22nd June, 1941, the Germans
US on Hiroshima (Little Boy) on invaded the Soviet Union under
6th August, 1945 and Nagasaki Operation Barbarossa.
(Fat man) on 9th August, 1945.
On 8th December, 1941, America
Forced by this horrific massacre,
(Operation Fritz) in World War II.
Japan had to accept the
unconditional surrender and on Germany invaded Russia on 22nd
2nd September, 1945 signed the June, 1941, alleging breach of the
MoU. agreement reached with Russia on
World War II 23rd August, 1939.
Italy participated in World War II
The possibility of World War II on behalf of Germany on 10th June,
had occurred since the time of
the peace conference of 1919,
when the victorious nations made The President of the United States
a humiliating treaty of Versailles at the time of World War II was
with Germany. Franklin D. Roosevelt while the
The immediate cause of World Prime Minister of Britain was
War II was the German invasion Winston Churchill.
on Poland on 1st September, 1939.
In 1936, the civil war started in
According to Cyril Pfalz, World
Spain. Spain was the first victim
War II was originally a vengeful
war. of Italy and Germany jointly.
The French commander, Marshal During the Second World War,
French, in 1919 said that “the the British Government assumed
Treaty of Versailles is not a peace Indians to give Dominion State
Status in reform for war aid
treaty, but only a cease-fire treaty
for twenty years”. against the slogan 'Asia for Asians'
The western states promised that of Japan.
if Germany invaded Poland, they World War II was fought for 6
will send their soldiers. Hence, years.
France and Britain declared war It ended on 2nd September, 1945.
against Germany. At San Francisco Conference on
On 3rd September, 1938, Britain 24 th October, 1945, the Allies
declared war against Germany, established the United Nations, a
a few hours later France did the successful attempt to prevent war
same. after World War II.
people and described them as the
flunky of British imperialism.
In World War I, Turkey supported Kemal Pasha banned the
Germany. Therefore, post-war previously prevalent face cap and
victorious allies imposed a ‘Treaty burqa and encouraged European
of Sevres’ on Turkey and ended its dress pants, coat and tie.
empire. Mustafa Kemal Pasha founded the
The creator of modern Turkey, ‘Republican People’s Party’.
Mustafa Kemal Pasha was a He died in 1938.
staunch opponent of imperialism He ended the Purdah system and
and a strong supporter of the Polygonal marriage, instead of
nationalism and modernity. arranging education for women.
He proposed six principles-
Miscellaneous Facts
republicanism, nationalism,
j u d i c i a l s y s t e m , e c o n o m y, China was known as the ‘Patient
secularism and revolutionism to of Asia’.
modernize Turkey. Turkey was called the ‘Patient of
He was called Ataturk (Father of Europe’.
the Nation) of Turkey. The hero of the Chinese revolution
The Treaty of Lausanne between in 1911 was Sun Yat-Sen.
Turkey and the Allies was An organization called ‘Tung
concluded in 1923. It was the last Meng Hui’ was founded by Sun
treaty of the First World War. Yat-Sen.
The Khilafat was abolished on 3rd Sun Yat-Sen is called the
March, 1924. Father of China. He proposed
The Republic of Turkey was three principles - nationalism,
declared on 29th October, 1923. On democratism and social justice.
20th April 1924, a new constitution Mao Tse-Tung (Mao Zedong) was
was announced in Turkey. the first President of the Chinese
Mustafa Kemal Pasha abolished Communist Republic.
the religious rights of the Caliphs.
Portuguese started geographical
Muslims of India (Agha Khan discoveries in 15th century. Prince
and Amir Ali) reported against it Henry initiated in this direction
and wrote a letter to Kemal Pasha that he was known as Henry the
but he did not worry about these Navigator.
2 Polity
Indian Constitution is the result of Jawaharlal Nehru moved the
Constitutional development. 'Objectives Resolution', which
British government passed various was unanimously adopted by
types of laws to govern the the Constituent Assembly on
country. 22nd January, 1947 and later
constituted as the Preamble to the
Constituent Assembly Constitution.
of India Note- The first reading of the
Constituent Assembly started from
The Constituent Assembly was 4th November to 9th November,
constituted under the scheme of 1948, the second reading from
the Cabinet Mission of 1946. 15th November, 1948 to 17th
According to the Cabinet Mission, October, 1949, and the third
the strength of the Constituent reading from 14th November,
Assembly was to be 389. 1949 to 26th November, 1949.
Out of 296 seats allotted to The Constitution was adopted
British India, 292 members were by the Constituent Assembly on
to be drawn from the 11 provinces 26th November, 1949. November
and 4 from the four Chief 26 is celebrated as Constitution
Commissioners' Provinces. day to mark the day on which the
Generally, one seat was to be Constitution was adopted.
allotted for every 10 lakh of the Presently Indian Constitution
population. consists of a Preamble 465
The Constituent Assembly held its Articles 12 Schedules and 25
first meeting on 9th December, parts. (from the point of view of
1946 in New Delhi. enumeration).
The oldest member, Dr. Sachidanand The Constitution adopted by
Sinha, was elected as the temporary the Constituent Assembly on
November 26, 1949 originally
President of the Constituent
had 22 Parts, 8 Schedules and 395
On 11th December 1946, Dr.
On 24th January 1950, Dr.
Rajendra Prasad was elected
Rajendra Prasad was elected the
as the President of the Assembly,
first President of Independent
HC Mukherjee as Vice-President India.
and BN Rau as a constitutional
advisor to the Assembly. Indian Constitution came into
The number of women in the force on 26th January 1950.
Constituent Assembly was 15. The time was taken in constitution
On 13th December, 1946 making - 2 years, 11 months and
Principal Committees of the Constituent Assembly and Their
Presiding Heads
Committees Chairman
Union Powers Committee Jawaharlal Nehru
Union Constitution Committee Jawaharlal Nehru
Provincial Constitution Committee Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
Drafting Committee Bhimrao Ambedkar
Advisory Committee on Fundamental Rights and Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(i) Fundamental Rights Sub-Committee J. B. Kriplani
(ii) Minorities Sub-Committee H.C. Mukherjee
Committee on Rules of Procedure Rajendra Prasad
Committee for the States Jawaharlal Nehru
Steering Committee Rajendra Prasad
Ad-hoc National Flag Committee Rajendra Prasad
Note- He can serve as the acting- Indira Gandhi became the first
President for a maximum period woman Prime Minister of the
of 6 months. The election of a new country.
President is necessary during this Morarji Desai (81) became the
period. oldest and Rajiv Gandhi (40)
C. Prime Minister and Council and became the youngest Prime
of Ministeers Minister.
According to Article 74, the P.V. Narasimha Rao was the
President shall have a Council Prime Minister who was not a
of Ministers for assistance and member of either House when he
advice headed by the Prime assumed office.
Minister. The President shall act So far, there have been six Prime
in accordance with such advice Ministers, who were also Chief
while exercising his functions. Ministers before becoming Prime
The President appoints the leader Ministers. They were - Morarji
of the majority party in the Lok Desai, Charan Singh, V.P. Singh,
Sabha as the Prime Minister. P.V. Narasimha Rao, H.D. Deve
According to Article 75 (1), the Gowda and Narendra Modi.
Prime Minister is appointed by
the President and on the advice
of the Prime Minister he appoints Under Part V, Chapter II of the
other ministers. All ministers, Constitution, the Constitution,
including Prime Minister, are structure, procedure and powers
administered the oath of office of Parliament are described in
and secrecy by the President. Articles from 79 to 122.
As per Article 75 (3), the Council According to Article 79, the
of Ministers is collectively Parliament of India consists of the
responsible to the Lok Sabha. President, Rajya Sabha and Lok
If a motion of no confidence is Sabha.
passed against the council of No Bill passed by Parliament
ministers in the Lok Sabha, the becomes law unless the President
entire Cabinet has to resign. approves it.
A. Rajya Sabha
Note- The total number of Ministers
The structure of Rajya Sabha is
can not exeed 15 percent of the
mentioned in Article 80.
total numbers of the Loksabha – The maximum strength of the
91st Constitution Amendment. Rajya Sabha is 250. Of these 238
Other Important Facts members are elected indirectly by
Jawaharlal Nehru was the Prime the States and Union Territories
Minister for the longest time (16 while 12 members are nominated
years, 286 days). by the President [Article 80 (1)].
Vice-Presidents of India Term
1. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan 1952-1957, 1957-62
2. Zakir Hussain 1962 to 1967
3. V.V. Giri 1967 to 1969
4. Gopal Swaroop Pathak 1969 to 1974
5. B.D. Jatti 1974 to 1979
6. Justice Hidayatullah 1979 to 1984
7. R. Venkataraman 1984 to 1987
8. Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma 1987 to 1992
9. K.R. Narayanan 1992 to 1997
10. Krishnakant 1997 to 2002
11. Bhairon Singh Shekhawat 2002 to 2007
12. Hamid Ansari 2007 to 2017
Serially, first term 2007-12 and second term 2012-17
13. Venkaiah Naidu 11 August, 2017 to till now
Number of Rajya Sabha Members
States/ Union Territories Number of States/ Union Terri- Number of
Members tories Members
Andhra Pradesh 11 Arunachal Pradesh 1
Assam 7 Bihar 16
Chhattisgarh 5 Goa 1
Gujarat 11 Haryana 5
Himachal Pradesh 3 Jammu & Kashmir 4
Jharkhand 6 Karnataka 12
Kerala 9 Madhya Pradesh 11
Maharashtra 19
Manipur 1 Meghalaya 1
Mizoram 1 Nagaland 1
National Capital Region, 3 Odisha 10
Puducherry 1 Punjab 7
Rajasthan 10 Sikkim 1
Tamil Nadu 18 Tripura 1
Uttar Pradesh 31 Uttarakhand 3
West Bengal 16 Telangana 7
The minimum age for membership resolution for the creation of All
to Rajya Sabha is 30 years. India Service under Article 312
Rajya Sabha is a Permanent supported by not less than two-
House, which is never dissolved. thirds of the members present
The term of the members of Rajya and voting. Only the Rajya Sabha
Sabha is 6 years. One-third of has the right to create All India
its members retire every two Service.
years. [Article 83 (1)] B. Lok Sabha
Special Powers of the Rajya Sabha The composition of Lok Sabha is
The Rajya Sabha may make mentioned in Article 81.
laws on any subject of the State Lok Sabha is the Lower House
List declared to be of national of the Parliament. Its maximum
importance by at least two-thirds strength is 530 + 20.
majority of the members present Currently, the number of Lok
and voting in the Rajya Sabha Sabha members is 543. Out of
(Article 249). this, 524 are from States and 19
Rajya Sabha can declare a from Union Territories.
Number of Members of Lok Sabha
State / Union Territories Number of Member
Andhra Pradesh 25 Arunachal Pradesh 2
Assam 14 Bihar 40
Chhattisgarh 11 Gujarat 26
Goa 2 Himachal Pradesh 4
Haryana 10 Jharkhand 14
Jammu & Kashmir 5 Kerala 20
Karnataka 28 Meghalaya 2
Maharashtra 48 Manipur 2
Madhya Pradesh 29 Mizoram 1
Nagaland 1 Odisha 21
Punjab 13 Rajasthan 25
Sikkim 1 Telangana 17
Tamil Nadu 39 Tripura 2
Uttar Pradesh 80 Uttarakhand 5
West Bengal 42 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 1
Delhi (National Territory 7 Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman 2
and Diu
Chandigarh 1 Lakshadweep 1
Puducherry 1 Ladakh 1
In Lok Sabha, 84 seats are reserved Quorum in Lok Sabha is 1/10 (55
for Scheduled Castes and 47 seats members) of the total number of
for Scheduled Tribes. (Article members.
C. Speaker and Deputy Speaker of
Members of Lok Sabha are
Lok Sabha
directly elected by secret ballot
on the basis of adult suffrage (18 As per Article 93, Lok Sabha
years). elects a Speaker and a Deputy
Minimum age to be a member of Speaker from among its members.
Loksabha- 25 years. The Speaker may submit his
the council of Ministers is
resignation to the Deputy Speaker
collectively responsible to the
Loksabha. and the Deputy Speaker to the
Lok Sabha is a temporary house. Speaker.
The term of the Lok Sabha is 5 The speaker is the presiding
years. officer of the Lok Sabha.
Question of Wehtert a Financial The Chairman of the Committee
bill is money bill or nots is decided is appointed by the Speaker of the
by speaker. Lok Sabha.
Other Facts No minister can be a member of
A joint session of both the Houses this committee.
is called under Article 108. Important Terms
The Speaker of the Lok Sabha Zero Hour - The time between
presides over the joint session of 12 O’clock and 1 O’clock after
both the Houses. [Article 118 Question Hour in both the Houses
(4)] of Parliament is called Zero Hour.
First Lok Sabha Speaker was Appropriation Bill
G.V. Mavalankar and the deputy Only through this Bill, funds
speaker was M. Ananthasayanam can be withdrawn from the
Ayyangar. Consolidated Fund of India.
D. Financial Committees of The This includes the demand for a
Parliament grant for weighted expenditure on
Public Accounts Committee accumulated funds.
It consists of 22 members, out Finance Bill
of which 15 members are drawn Article 117 mentions Finance
from Lok Sabha and 7 members Bills.
from Rajya Sabha. Bills that are related to revenue
The Chairman of this committee and expenditure are called
is appointed by the Speaker of the Finance Bills.
Lok Sabha. Money Bills
The term of each of its members is Bills related to the subjects
one year. mentioned from sub-division (a)
It is also known as the ‘twin sister’ to subdivision (g) of Article 110
of the Estimates Committee. (1) of the Constitution are called
Committee on Estimates Money Bills.
It consists of 30 members who are These are introduced in the Lok
exclusively from the Lok Sabha. Sabha only.
Each member's tenure is one year.
Its Chairman is appointed by the Amendment of the
Speaker of the Lok Sabha. Constitution
This committee reports on
the reduction of government Under Article 368 of the Indian
expenditure, etc. Constitution, two procedures for
Committee on Public Undertakings an amendment to the Constitution
It consists of 22 members, out are mentioned.
of which 15 members are from A. Special Majority Bill passed by
Lok Sabha and 7 are from Rajya a special majority of each House
Sabha. of Parliament by a majority of
total members and a two-thirds Term of Office
majority of the members present There is no minimum age criterion
and voting. to become eligible for a judge of
B. Amendment by a special the Supreme Court. However, 65
majority of Parliament and years, has been fixed as the age for
approval by State Legislatures retirement.
- Special majority of both Houses After retirement, the judges of
of Parliament and amendment the Supreme Court cannot plead
with the approval of half of the before any court or any officer in
state legislatures. India.
Note: By Ordinary Majority - Bill Appointment
passed by Parliament by a simple The Chief Justice of the Supreme
majority. Such as - the creation Court is appointed by the
of new states, state territory, President.
border and name changes, etc. In the case of other judges, the
But it will not be considered as an President appoints them after
amendment of the Constitution. consulting the Chief Justice.
Supreme Court
(i) He should be a citizen of India.
Part V of the Constitution of (ii) He has been a judge of a High
India mentions the constitution, Court or such two or more
independence, jurisdiction, Courts for at least five years or an
powers of the Supreme Court Advocate for 10 years in any High
enshrined in Articles from 124 Court or two or more such Courts.
to 147. A unified justice system (iii) Or is, in the opinion of the
has been established in India, President a distinguished Jurist.
with the Supreme Court at the top Oath
and several High Courts under it. The President administers the oath
The subordinate courts also exist of office and secrecy to judges of
under High Courts. the Supreme Court.
Formation Removal of Judges
Article 124 provides for the Judges of the Supreme Court may
establishment and constitution of be removed by the President on
charges of proven misbehaviour
the Supreme Court.
or incapacity. A resolution to this
Supreme Court consisted of a effect is passed by a majority of
Chief Justice and 30 Judges. the total members of both Houses
The number of judges including of Parliament and by at least two-
Chief Justice has been increased thirds majority of the members
from 31 to 34 by the Supreme present and voting and sent to the
Court (Number of Judges) President for his approval in the
Amendment Act, 2019. same session.
Powers and Jurisdiction of Supreme Court on matters of
Supreme Court public importance. However,
Original Jurisdiction in the this advice is not binding on the
following cases President.
(i) Disputes arising between the Power of Judicial Review
Government of India and one or
more States, or Under Article 137, the Supreme
(ii) In disputes between the Court is empowered to reconsider
Government of India and anyone its own decisions.
State or several States and one or Court of Records
more other States. The Supreme Court has been
(iii) Disputes between two or
considered as the Court of
more States where the question of
statutory rights is involved. Records under Article 129. Its
Appellate Jurisdiction verdicts will be accepted as all-
The Supreme Court is the highest time records and evidence.
Appellate Court in the country. It
hears against decisions of lower High Court
This jurisdiction can be divided The matters relating to the
into four sections, namely- constitution, jurisdiction and
Constitutional, Civil, Criminal powers of the High Courts have
and Appeal by special permission. been dealt with in articles 214 to
Advisory Jurisdiction 231 of Part VI of the constitution.
Under Article 143, the President As per Article 214, there will be a
has the right to consult the High Court for each State.
High Courts
Name Year of Jurisdiction Principal Bench
Establish- seat
1. Allahabad 1866 Uttar Pradesh Prayagraj (Bench - Luc-
2. Andhra Pradesh 1 January, Andhra Pradesh Amravati
3. Bombay 1862 Maharashtra, Bombay (Bench -Nag-
Goa, Dadra and pur, Panaji and Aurang-
Nagar Haveli and abad)
Daman and Diu
4. Calcutta 1862 West Bengal, Kolkata (Bench - Port
Andman and Blair)
5. As per Article 231,
Chhattisgarh 2000Parliament
Chhattisgarh Bilaspur
can by law establish a single High
6. Delhi 1966 Delhi Delhi
Court for two or more States and
7. Union
Territories. 1948 Assam, Mizoram Guwahati (Bench- Ko-
Nagaland hima Aizwal, Itanagar)
8. Gujarat 1960 Gujarat Ahmedabad
9. Himachal 1971 Himachal Pradesh Shimla
10. Jammu and 1928 Jammu-Kashmir Srinagar and Jammu
Kashmir * and Ladakh
11. Jharkhand 2000 Jharkhand Ranchi
12. Karnataka 1884 Karnataka Bangalore (Dharwad
13. Kerala 1956 Kerala and Lak- Ernakulam
14. Madhya Pradesh 1956 Madhya Pradesh Jabalpur (Bench-
Gwalior and Indore)
15. Madras 1862 Tamil Nadu and Chennai (Bench-Mad-
Puducherry urai
16. Odisha 1948 Odisha Cuttack
17. Patna 1916 Bihar Patna
18. Punjab and 1966 Punjab, Chandigarh
19. Rajasthan 1949 Rajasthan Jodhpur (Bench-Jaipur)
20. Sikkim 1975 Sikkim Gangtok
21. Uttarakhand 2000 Uttarakhand Nainital
22. Meghalaya March, Meghalaya Shillong
23. Manipur March, Manipur Imphal
24. Tripura March, Tripura Agartala
25. Telangana 1 January, Telangana Hyderabad
The Chief Justice and other He is the highest law officer of
Judges of each High Court are the Government of India and
appointed by the President. his duties include advising the
Age limit for the retirement of government on law-related
High Court Judges is 62 years. matters and performing such other
Even before that, he can address functions of the legal nature as the
the President by writing under his
President from time to time may
hand and giving his resignation.
send to him.
High Court Judges can also be
removed by the same process as Under Article 76(1) a person,
Judges of the Supreme Court. possessing the qualifications
According to Article 215, each necessary for appointment of a
High Court is a Court of Record. Supreme Court judge, is eligible
Delhi and Jammu & Kashmir for appointment as Attorney-
have its their own High Court in General of India by the President.
the Union Territories. The Attorney General holds
India currently has a total of 25 office during the pleasure of
High Courts. the President and receives such
High Courts were first established remuneration as the President
in the then Calcutta, Bombay and may prescribe.
Madras in 1862.
Attorney General has the right
Powers of High Court
to be heard in all the courts in
The High Court is an appellate
court under the appellate the territory of India. There is a
jurisdiction. Here, an appeal can Solicitor General and Additional
be made against the orders of Solicitor General to assist the
the subordinate courts. Civil and Attorney General.
criminal cases can also be filed The Attorney General of India is
not a member of Parliament, but
Under Article 226, the High Court
he can speak in either House or
has the right to issue a writ to
take part in the proceedings of any
protect the fundamental rights of
citizens. committee but does not have the
High Court maintains control over right to vote (Article-88).
its subordinate courts. He enjoys all the privileges and
immunities that are available to
Attorney General and
a member of Parliament under
Advocate General Article 105.
Article 76 of the Constitution The post of Advocate-General of
deals with the office of Attorney a State is provided under Article
General of India. 165.
Contingency Fund
Comptroller and Auditor Article 267 of the Constitution
General empowers Parliament and the
State Legislature to create a
As per Article 148, there will Contingency Fund of India or a
be a Comptroller and Auditor State.
General of India, to be appointed This fund is constituted by the
by the President. Contingency Fund of India Act,
He is the protector of public 1950.
money. He is an impartial head
of Govt. of India’s audit and State Executive
accounting systems.
Under Part VI of the Indian
He retires after being in office for
Constitution, Articles 153 to
six years or on attaining the age
167 refer to the State Executive.
of sixty-five years, whichever is
The State executive consists of
Governor, Chief Minister, Council
Although he is appointed by the
of Ministers, Advocate General.
President, he can be removed from Governor is the constitutional
office following the procedure head of state.
adopted in the case of removal of A. Governor
Supreme Court judge on similar According to Article 153, each
charges of proved misbehaviour State has a Governor as its
and incapacity. constitutional head.
He reports on account of the Under article 153, a person can
central government to the be appointed as constitutional
President which is then laid on the head of more than one state
floor of the Parliament. simultaneously.
He also reports on the accounts Note - This provision was inserted
of the State Government to the by the Seventh Constitutional
Governor who to send it to be laid Amendment Act, 1956.
on the floor of the legislature. Qualifications
Consolidated Fund of India A. He should be a citizen of India
and have completed 35 years of
Under Article 266, a provision has
been made for the accumulated
Appointment and Term of Office
funds and public accounts of India As per Article 155, the Governor
and the States. of a State shall be appointed by
Money is spent after withdrawing the President by warrant under his
from the Consolidated Fund of hand and seal.
India only after the Appropriation The Governor is appointed by the
Bill is passed by Parliament. President for a term of five years.
The Governor holds office during According to Article 200,
the pleasure of the President the Governor gives assent or
(Article 156 (1). withholds assent on a Bill or may
Powers and Functions of the reserve it for the consideration of
Governor the President.
Executive Powers Judicial Powers
The Governor appoints the Chief As per Article 161, the Governor
Minster and other ministers on the shall have the power to pardon,
advice of the Chief Minister. reprieve, respite besides
The Governor appoints the remissions of the punishment of
Chairman and members of the a person convicted of an offence
State Public Service Commission.
against any law on subjects on
Note: The Governor appoints the
which the executive power of the
Chairman and members of the
State Public Service Commission State is extended, or shall have
but cannot remove them. They the power to suspend, remit or
can be removed only by the commute the sentence.
President on the advice of the Emergency Powers
Supreme Court. Governor can report to President,
The Governor appoints Vice- on behalf on that President's Rule
Chancellors of State Universities. can be imposed.
He may get information from the B. Chief Minister
Chief Minister from time to time The Chief Minister is the head of
regarding the administration of the Council of Ministers who is
the State. appointed by the Governor.
The Governor nominates 1/6 of Other ministers are appointed by
the total members of the State’s the Governor on the advice of the
Upper House i.e. Legislative Chief Minister.
Council, who have achieved Oath of office and secrecy to the
excellence in various fields like Chief Minister and other ministers
education, literature, arts, science, is administered by the Governor.
social service, cooperatives. As per Article 164 (2), the Council
Legislative Powers of Ministers is collectively
The Governor may summon,
responsible to the Legislature of
address, dissolve and prorogue the
session of the State Legislature. the State.
The Bill passed by the State State Legislative
Legislature becomes an Act only
after the assent of the Governor. State Legislature consists of the
If immediate action is required Governor and the House of the
on any subject, and the State
State Legislature (Legislative
Legislature is not in session at
that time, in such a situation the Assembly) or two Houses
Governor can issue an ordinance (Legislative Assembly and
as per Article 213. Legislative Council). Currently,
six (effective 31 October 2019) The term of the members of the
States have Legislative Councils Legislative Assembly is five
namely in Andhra Pradesh (58), years.
Uttar Pradesh (100), Karnataka In special case, the Governor can
(75), Telangana (40), Bihar (75) dissolve the Legislative Assembly
and Maharashtra (78). even before five years.
The minimum age limit for election
A. Legislative Council
as a member of Legislative
According to Article 169,
Assembly is 25 years.
Parliament may constitute and
Members of the Legislative
dissolve the Legislative Council.
Assembly are directly elected by
If the resolution in this regard
adult suffrage.
is passed by the Legislative
Each state legislative assembly
Assembly of the respective State
may have a maximum 500 and a
by a simple majority and at
minimum 60 members.
least two-thirds majority of the
Note - As an exception, Goa and
members present and voting.
Mizoram have just 40 legislative
The Legislative Council is
the Upper House of the State assembly seats while Sikkim has
Legislature. 32 members.
The total number of members of National Symbols of India
the Legislative Council should
not exceed more than 1/3 of the National Emblem
total number of members of the The top portion of Emperor
Legislative Assembly of the State Ashoka’s Lion Pillar at Sarnath
concerned and not less than 40. was adopted as a national emblem
The minimum age limit to become of India on 26th January, 1950 by
a member of the Legislative the government.
Council is 30 years. ‘Satyameva Jayate’ written in
The Legislative Council is a Devanagari script at its bottom, it
Permanent House, it is never is quoted from Mundakopanishad.
National Anthem
Each member of the Legislative
Council has a term of 6 years, ‘Jana Gana Mana’ was adopted
but every 2 years one-third of the as the National Anthem of India
members retire after completing on 24th January, 1950 by the
their term and new members are Constituent Assembly.
elected in their place. Its author is Rabindranath Tagore.
Members of the Legislative It has a set singing time of 52
Council are elected indirectly. seconds though it can be briefly
B. Legislative Assembly sung within 20 seconds.
The Legislative Assembly is also It was first sung at the Calcutta
called the Lower house. Session of the Indian National
The structure of Legislative Congress on 27th December 1911,
Assemblies is mentioned under presided over by Bishan Narayan
Article 170. Dar.
National Song
‘Vande Mataram’ was adopted as Panchayati Raj
the national song on 24th January,
1950. The 73rd Constitutional
It is quoted from Bankim Chandra Amendment Act, 1992 provides
Chatterjee’s novel ‘Ananda math’. constitutional status to the
It was first sung at the 1896 session Panchayati Raj system under
of the Indian National Congress Article 243 (from A to O) and
presided over by Rahamatullah Eleventh Schedule under Part-IX
Sayani. of the Indian Constitution.
National Flag Panchayati Raj was inaugurated
The national flag was adopted on by the then Prime Minister
22nd July, 1947. Jawaharlal Nehru in Nagaur
In the tricolour flag, the saffron district of Rajasthan on 2nd
colour is a symbol of courage and October, 1959.
valour, while the white colour Andhra Pradesh was the second
symbolises peace and truth and state where the Panchayati Raj
the green colour is a sign of system of local governance was
prosperity. started on 11th October 1959.
In the middle of the white band The 73rd Constitutional
is a circle with 24 blue sticks is Amendment Act provides for the
taken from the Sarnath pillar of formation of a three-tier structure
Emperor Ashoka. (Gram Panchayat at the village
The ratio of the width and length level, Panchayat Samiti at the
of the flag is 2:3. block level and Zila Parishad at
National Calendar the district level) of the Panchayati
Gregorian Calendar which is Raj.
called the English calendar and States with a population not
Hindu calendar was adopted on
exceeding 20 lakhs may not
22nd March 1957.
Hindu calendar's month is Chaitra constitute Panchayat at the
which starts on 22nd March and intermediate level (at secondary
21st March in the Leap Year. level).
* Tiger (Panthera tigris) has been Committees Related to the
declared India’s national animal. Panchayati Raj
* Peacock (Pavo Cristatus) is the 1. Balwantrai Mehta 1957
national bird of India. Committee
* Ganges river is named the national 2. Ashok Mehta Committee 1977
* Ganges dolphin (Susu) has been 3. GVK Rao Committee 1985
recognized as a national aquatic 4. L.M. Singhvi Committee 1986
animal. 5. PK Thungon Committee 1988
* Elephant has been accorded There is one-third reservation for
National Heritage Animal status. women at every level.
The tenure of the Panchayats is Its chairperson and four members
fixed for 5 years. It is mandatory are appointed by the President.
to conduct the elections within The first Finance Commission
6 months if the Panchayats is
dissolved before time. was constituted in 1951 with Mr.
Panchayats have been empowered KC Neogy as its chairman.
to make laws on a total of The chairman of the Fourteenth
29 subjects mentioned in the Finance Commission was Y.V.
Eleventh Schedule. Reddy.
Municipalities N.K. Singh is the chairman of the
Fifteenth Finance Commission.
Part IX-A of Articles 243P to Public Service Commission
243ZG and 12th Schedule have
been added to the Constitution Under Article 315 of the
by the 74th Constitutional Constitution of India, a Public
Amendment Act, 1992. Service Commission has been
It contains provisions for envisioned for the Union and each
municipalities. of the States.
Municipalities are of three The chairperson and members
types - Nagar Panchayat, Nagar of the Union Public Service
Palika Parishad and Municipal Commission are appointed by the
Corporation. The President has the power to
National Development Council determine the number of members
of the Union Public Service
It was constituted on 6th August, The term of the Chairman and
1952 by a government resolution. members of the Union Public
The National Development Service Commission is 6 years
Council acts as a bridge between or up to the age of 65 years,
the Centre and the States. whichever is earlier.
It is headed by the Prime Minister.
Chief Ministers of all the States of Election Commission
the Indian Union are its members.
Under Part-XV of the Constitution
Finance Commission (Articles 324 to 329), there
are provisions for the Election
Under Article 280 of the Commission which consists of a
Constitution of India, the Chief Election Commissioner and
President constitutes the Finance two other election commissioners
Commission every five years. (now three), appointed by the
Its function is to make President.
recommendation to the President The Chief Election Commissioner
for distribution of the revenue can be removed from his post in
receipts between the Centre and the same manner as the judge of
the States. the Supreme Court.
Other Election Commissioners commissioners is for 6 years and
can be removed by the President they retire at the age of 65 years,
on the recommendation of the whichever is earlier.
Chief Election Commissioner. The Election Commission is a
According to Article 324, Constitutional Body.
the Election Commission is
responsible for election to both Note: The 61st Constitutional
Houses of Parliament, State Amendment Act, 1988 reduced
Legislatures, besides election to the minimum voting age from 21
the post of President and Vice- years to 18 years.
President. The number of currently
The term of the Chief Election recognized national political
Commissioner and other election parties is 8.
National Party
Election Symbols
1. Indian National Congress (INC) Hand Claw
2. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Lotus Flower
3. Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) Elephant (excluding As-
4. Communist Party of India (CPI) Ears of Corn & Sickle
5. Communist Party of India (Marxist) Sickle, Hammer and Star
[CPI (M)]
6. Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) Clock
7. All India Trinamool Congress (AITMC) Jora Ghas Phul
8. National People's Party (NPP)* Book
* (Recognized by Election Commission on 7th June, 2019.)
and 'integrity' were added to the
Important Amendments preamble.
* Part-IVA added as fundamental
1st Amendment Act, 1951 - duties of the citizens.
The Ninth Schedule added to * The President was compelled to
the Constitution. The subjects accept the advice of the Cabinet.
mentioned in this schedule were The 44th Amendment Act,
excluded from the Supreme 1978 empowered the President
Court's power of judicial review. to send the Bill back once for
36th Amendment Act, 1975 - reconsideration.
Sikkim was granted full statehood In the context of the national
with the Indian Union. emergency, the word 'Armed
42nd Amendment Act, 1976 - Rebellion' was replaced by
The words 'socialist', 'secular' 'Internal Disturbance'.
The Right to Property was children till they reach the age of
abolished as a fundamental right six years.
and given the status of a legal 91st Amendment Act, 2003 - It
right. limits the size of the Council of
During the national emergency, Ministers which shall not exceed
the fundamental rights Articles 20 15 per cent of the total members
and 21 cannot be suspended. of the Lok Sabha.
52nd Amendment Act, 1985 - * The State Council of Ministers
Under this act there is a system shall not exceed 15 per cent of the
of disqualifying the members of total strength of the Legislative
Parliament and State Legislatures Assembly and shall not be less
in the case of defection. For this, than 12.
the Tenth Schedule was added. 97th Amendment Act, 2011 -
61st Amendment Act, 1988 - The The right to form a Cooperative
voting age of citizens was reduced Society became a fundamental
from 21 years to 18 years. right under Article 19.
69th Amendment Act, 1991 - * New Part-9B named 'Cooperative
Union Territory of Delhi granted Societies' was added.
National Capital Territory 101st Amendment Act, 2016 -
status. In addition, a 70-member Provisions related to Goods and
legislative assembly was arranged Services Tax (GST) have been
for Delhi. included under it.
73rd Amendment Act, 1992 102nd Amendment Act, 2018 -
- Panchayats were given Constitutional status to National
constitutional status by adding Commission for Backward
Part-IX and Schedule 11 to the Classes.
Constitution. 103rd Amendment Act, 2019
74th Amendment Act, 1992 - Part- - Provision of 10 per cent
IXA and Schedule 12 were added
in the Constitution. reservation on the economic basis
* It gave constitutional status to to the weaker sections of the
urban local bodies. general category.
86th Amendment Act, 2002 104th Amendment Act, 2020 - It
- Elementary education was extended the reservation of seats
accorded the status of a for SCs and STs in the Lok Sabha
fundamental right. and State Legislative Assemblies
It was arranged under Article for 10 years and it ended the
21A that states should make reservation of 2 Anglo-Indian
arrangements to provide free seats in Lok Sabha nominated by
elementary education for children
from 6 to 14 years. the President.
Under Article 51A, the 11th duty 105th Amendment Act, 2021 -
related to the same was added. This Act restores the power of
The theme of Article 45 was the State Government and Union
changed, under which the State Territories to identify and specify
will try to provide for free and socially and Educationally
compulsory education to all the Backward Classes (SEBCs).
3 Geography
The ancient Greek scholar creating many cosmic bodies in
Eratosthenes is called the father the process since then the universe
of systematic geography. has been expanding continuously.
Hecataeus, the renowned Scientists supporting this theory,
historiographer of Greece, is believe the Big-Bang occurred
considered the father of 13.7 or 13.8 billion years ago.
Solar System
A World Geography
The solar system consists of the sun
Cosmos and stars revolving around it these
include planets, moon, asteroids,
Everything which we can touch, comets and meteoroids.
feel, sense, measure or detect is
It is called the galaxy or the milky
way in which our solar system is
Nicolaus Copernicus first
expressed the view that the sun,
not the Earth is at the centre of the The distance travelled in 1 year at
universe. a speed of 3 × 108 m/s in a vacuum
Copernicus is considered the by light is called Light Year.
father of modern astronomy. er
Sa lt
Big-Bang theory was formulated n Pluto
in 1927 by Georges Lemaitre Sun M
(1894–1966 AD) and later rs
us Ma t e r Uranus
explained by Robert Wagner in Jup
According to this theory, all
the substances responsible for The Sun
the origin of the universe were Sun is at the centre of the solar
initially in the conglomerate form system.
with high temperature and density. The age of the Sun is 4.6 billion
Due to excessive concentration, years.
this mass exploded resulting in The Sun is about 1.3 million times
the splintering of substances and larger than the Earth.
The sunlight takes about 8 minutes Earth's only satellite is the Moon.
19 seconds (499 seconds) to reach 1
Earth is tilted on its axis at 23 2 ° .
the Earth.
Weather changes on the Earth
Nuclear fusion is the source of all occur due to its axis tilt and
energy of the sun. rotatory motion.
Bodies of Solar System:
The Earth completes one orbital
There are 8 planets in the solar
revolution in 23 hours 56 minutes
and 4 seconds. This motion is
The order of the planets based
called rotatory motion or daily
on the distance from the sun is
- Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,
The movement of the Earth on its
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and
axis is called spin or rotation due
to which day and night occurs.
The largest planet is Jupiter and
It takes 365 days 6 hours, 9
the smallest is Mercury.
minutes and 9.51 seconds or
A solar eclipse occurs only on New
365.25 days for the Earth to
Moon Day or Amavasya.
complete one revolution of the
It completes the circling of the
The Earth revolves around the sun
sun in the shortest time (in 88
at a velocity of 29.8 km/second.
Earth days).
The Earth is nearest to the sun
It is the nearest to the sun and the
on January 3/4 and it is called
smallest planet.
Mercury has no satellite.
The Earth is at the farthest from
the sun on July 4 and it is called
Venus is the brightest planet.
It completes the orbit of the sun in The star closest to the Earth after
approximately 225 earth days. the sun is Proxima Centauri.
Venus is called the Morning Star or O n 2 1 st M a r c h a n d 2 3 rd
Evening Star or sister of the Earth. September, the day and night are
It has no satellite. equal in both hemispheres of the
The Earth: Earth.
Earth is the only planet in the solar The longest day in the northern
system which provides sustenance hemisphere of the Earth falls on
or life on it. 21/22 June while the longest day
Due to the presence of water on in the southern hemisphere falls
Earth, it is also called Blue Planet. on 22nd December.
Mars: The Moon:
Mars is known as the Red Planet. It completes the orbit of the
It appears red due to the presence Earth in about 27 days 7 hours
of Iron Oxide in it. 43 minutes and in that time it also
Mars has two satellites, namely completes a rotation on its axis.
Phobos and Deimos. When the Earth comes between
Jupiter: the Sun and the Moon, it is called
Jupiter is the largest planet in the a Lunar Eclipse.
solar system. The Lunar Eclipse always occurs
Ganymede is the largest and most on the full moon day.
massive moon in the solar system. The Lunar Eclipse always occurs
Saturn: on the Full Moon day.
Saturn is the second-largest Other Bodies of Solar System
planet in the solar system.
Seven rings are found around
Saturn. Most of the asteroids are located
between Jupiter and Mars.
There are 82 satellites of Saturn.
Titan, the largest satellite of Asteroids revolve around the sun.
Saturn is also the second-largest Comets:
satellite of the solar system. Comets are bodies of the solar
Uranus: system that are made of small
The planet Uranus was discovered fragments of stone dust, ice and
by William Herschel in 1781 AD. gas.
Sunrise occurs in the west and Comets have tails always in the
sunset in the east on Uranus. opposite direction to the sun.
Neptune: The comet is also called the tail
Neptune is farthest from the Sun.
Latitude: Latitude is the angular
It was discovered by the German
distance of a place north or south
astronomer Johann Galle in 1846.
from the equator on the globe.
Its largest satellite is Triton.
Equator: The latitude of zero
Dwarf Planets:
degrees on the globe of the Earth
Pluto was discovered in the
is called the Equator.
year 1930 by Clyde William
The northern part of the Equator is
Tombaugh. called the Northern Hemisphere
Ceres, Haumea, Makemake and and the southern part is called the
Eris are also dwarf planets. Southern Hemisphere.
Each degree of latitude is substantial and brittle part of the
approximately 69 miles (111 earth.
kilometres) apart. The crust mainly consists of Silica
Longitude : The imaginary lines (Si) and Aluminium (Al), thus it is
joining the North Pole with the known as "SiAl" layer.
South Pole are called longitude (ii) Mantle: The Mantle is the layer
lines. located immediately beneath the
All longitudinal lines are equal in crust. It is the most extensive layer
length. of the Earth, approximately 2900
The zero degrees (0°) line of km thick.
longitude that passes through the Moho Discontinuity is the part
Royal Observatory in Greenwich, separating Earth’s crust and
England is the Greenwich
The Mantle is composed mainly of
Tropic of Cancer: 23.5° latitude
Silica (Si) and Magnesium (Ma).
on the north side of the equator is
Hence, it is called "SiMa" layer.
called the Tropic of Cancer.
(iii) Core:
Tropic of Capricorn : It is an
The area falls after Mantle is
imaginary line of latitude at 23°5
South to the Equator around the Core.
Earth. The core is the hot and dense
Zero latitude and Zero longitude centre of the Earth.
lines intersect each other in the It consists of Nickel (Ni) and Iron
Atlantic Ocean. (Fe). Hence, it is called "NiFe"
The Equator, the Tropic of Cancer layer.
and the Tropic of Capricorn, Thus, Earth's structure can also
all three lines pass through the be explained as SiAl, SiMa and
Continent of Africa. NiFe.
Internal Structure of the Lithosphere
The rigid, rocky outer layer
Earth is divided into three layers consisting of the crust and the
based on seismic waves- (i) Crust, outermost solid layer of the upper
(ii) Mantle, (iii) Core. mantle form Lithosphere.
(i) Crust: About 70.8% of the Earth's surface
The crust is the outermost, is water covered.
Examples of metamorphic rocks
are Slate, Schist Quartzite, Marble,
Hard materials found on the outer Phyllite and Gneiss.
layer of the Earth are called rocks. Volcanoes:
Based on origin, the rocks are A Valcano is a place where gases,
divided into three parts -
ashes and/or molten rock material
(i) Igneous Rocks
(ii) Sedimentary Rocks - lava-escape to the ground.
(iii) Metamorphic Rocks Ojos del Salado is an active and
Igneous Rocks- Igneous rocks the highest active volcano in the
are formed by the solidification world at 6,893 m in the Andes
of magma and lava. mountain range on Argentina–
Igneous rocks are also known as Chile Border.
Primary Rocks. The highest peak in the Andes, the
Examples of Igneous rocks are Mt. Aconcagua (6,962 metres)
basalt, granite, pegmatite, is the world’s highest extinct
diorite and gabbro.
(ii) Sedimentary Rocks- These are
(i) Active Volcano:
formed as layers of sediments
The active volcano erupts
caused by erosion of rocks.
The sedimentary rocks are flaky.
Kilauea on the Hawaiian Islands
Fossils of flora and fauna are found
in sedimentary rocks. of America is the most active
Iron ore, phosphate, coal and volcano in the world.
cement forming rocks are found Stromboli volcano located in
in them. Lipari Island north of Sicily in the
Mineral oil is also found in Mediterranean Sea is called the
sedimentary rocks.
lighthouse of the Mediterranean
(iii)Metamorphic Rocks- Because of
chemical reactions, temperatures,
pressures, sedimentary rocks (ii) Dormant Volcano-
undergo change transforming A dormant volcano is not currently
themselves into metamorphic active or erupting, but geologists
rocks. think that it is potentially active.
Mt. St. Helen’s of USA is famous Earthquake waves are measured
dormant volcano in the world. by an instrument named
(iii)Extinct Volcanoes: Seismograph.
Extinct volcanoes are those that The Richter Scale, Mercalli
once erupted in earlier times, but Scale and Rossi Forel Scale are
are now inactive. used to measure the intensity of
Among the extinct volcanoes, Koh-
Various Topographies:
i-Sultan of Pakistan, Damavand
Various types of topographies
in Iran, Popa in Myanmar, Kulal
have been created on the surface
and Kilimanjaro in Africa, caused by the endogenous and
Chimborazo in Ecuador, are exogenous forces of the Earth.
prominent. (A) Mountains:
The Earthquake Mountain is a landform that
rises prominently above its
An earthquake is an intense surroundings, exhibiting steep
shaking of the Earth’s surface slopes, a relatively confined
summit area considerable local
caused by movements in its
outermost layer. Mountains are of four types based
Earthquakes produce three types on structure-
of seismic waves- primary, (i) Block Mountains
secondary and surface. Block Mountains are those formed
Primary waves (P-waves) can as a result of faulting caused by
travel through solids, liquids, and tensile and compressive forces
gases. generated by endogenic forces.
The Vosges Mountains (France),
Secondary waves can only travel
Black Forest (Germany) and Salt
through rocks (solids).
Range (Pakistan) are the prime
Surface waves, also known
examples of Block Mountains.
as long waves or L-waves, are (ii) Residual Mountain
seismic waves that move along Residual mountains are those
Earth’s surface, not through its which have been formed by the
interior. erosion of hard rock caused by
Tsunami is a word of the Japanese wind, rain, frost and running
language. water.
Vindhyachal, Nilgiri, Parasnath, The world's longest above-water
Rajmahal Hills of India and the mountain range is the Andes,
Sierras of Central Spain and about 7200 km long.
Mesas of USA are some examples Plateaus
of Residual Mountains. A plateau is that part of the land
which is more or less flat and level
(iii) Accumulated Mountain
and stays at an elevated level. It
The mountains formed out of
often comes with its steep slopes
the accumulation of volcanic
or vertical cliffs on one or more
materials, pebbles, stones, sands
and clays are called Volcanic
The flatness of the mountains
Mountains or Mountains of
Accumulation. or the elevation in the middle of
the plain is called Mountainous
Sand dunes or hills of sand that
are shaped by winds as they blow Plateau or Piedmont Plateau.
across deserts are examples of Chotanagpur and Ramgarh
Mountains of Accumulation. plateau in India and the Ozark
(iv) Fold Mountain plateau in the United States are
Fold mountains are created where prime examples of the domed
two or more of Earth’s tectonic
plates are pushed together.
(i) Tropical Grasslands
The Himalayas in India, the
The equatorial region between
Urals in Russia, the Rockies in
north and south latitudes at 10
North America and the Andes
in South America are examples to 25 degrees has extensions of
Currency and Capital of Major Countries of the Continent of
Country Currency Capital
1. Singapore Dollar Singapore
2. Hong Kong Dollar Victoria
3. Brunei Dollar Bandar Seri Begawan
4. Myanmar Kyat Naypyidaw
5. Taiwan Dollar Taipei
6. Syria Pound Damascus
7. UAE Dirham Abu Dhabi
8. Iraq Dinar Baghdad
9. Kuwait Dinar Kuwait City
10. Jordan Dinar Amman
11. Bahrain Dinar Manama
12. Oman Riyal Muscat
13. Qatar Riyal Doha
14. Cambodia Riel Phnom Penh
15. Yemen Rial Sana'a
16. Saudi Arab Riyal Riyadh
17. India Rupee New Delhi
18. Nepal Rupee Kathmandu
19. Pakistan Rupee Islamabad
20. Sri Lanka Rupee Colombo (Sri Jayawar-
denepura Kotte as leg-
islative capital)
21. China Yuan Beijing
22. Indonesia Rupiah Jakarta
23. North Korea Won Pyongyang
24. South Korea Won Seoul
25. Japan Yen Tokyo
26. Uzbekistan Som Tashkent
27. Israel New Shekel Jerusalem
28. Afghanistan Afghani Kabul
European Continent : Ukraine is called the world's
Europe is sixth among the seven granary or breadbasket.
continents in terms of area. The Rhine River waterway
The Caucasus and the Ural is Europe's busiest interstate
Mountains separate Asia and the
Finland is called the country of
Europe is known as a peninsula
among peninsulas.
Denmark is the largest centre of
Paris is also known as the city of
dairy products in the world.
Norway is called the country of
London is the largest city in
Europe. the midnight sun.
Negrito are natives of this conti- The Nile flows into the
nent. Mediterranean Sea.
The Atlantic Ocean lies to the The primitive tribes of Africa
west of Africa while to its east, are the Pygmy (Congo Basin),
lies the Indian Ocean.
Bushman (Kalahari Desert) and
The Gibraltar Strait separates the
Bedouin (Sahara Desert).
African continent (Morocco) from
The Suez Canal, connecting the
the European continent (Spain).
Red Sea to the Mediterranean
The largest lake in the continent is
Sea is located in Egypt.
Lake Victoria.
The Equator passes through Lake Port Said Harbor is located at the
The origin of the world's longest and Port Suez Harbor at the
river Nile is Lake Victoria. southern end.
Fact Explanation
Australia Continent: Jackaroos are said to be labourers
Australia is the smallest continent working in sheep farming centres
by area in the southern hemisphere. in Australia.
It is the least populous continent. The Great Barrier Reef is located
The Tropic of Capricorn passes on the northeastern coast of the
through the middle of the State of Queensland.
continent. The Trans-Continental Railroad
The continent of Australia is connecting Sydney to Perth is
also called The Land of Golden Australia's longest railroad.
Fleece. Gibson, Simpson, Grandee,
Abel Tasman (1642 AD) and Sandy, and Victoria are deserts
of Australia.
Captain Cook (1770 AD)
The continent of Australia is
discovered Tasmania and Australia
also known as the Continent of
Thirsty Lands and the Land of
Aborigines are natives of
Australia. Kangaroos.
States of The Continent of New Zealand is located in the
Australia and Their Capitals south-east of Australia.
State Capital New Zealand is called Britain of
Western Australia Perth the South.
North Australia Darwin Kiwi is the national bird of New
Southern Australia Adelaide Zealand.
Queensland Brisbane Mount Cook (3724 m) is the
New South Wales Sydney highest peak in New Zealand.
Victoria Melbourne Maori are natives of New Zealand.
Canberra* Canberra The Continent of Antarctica:
Tasmania Hobart Antarctica is a part of the ancient
*Union Territory Gondwana Land.
Antarctica is the fifth-largest
The Great Dividing Range is the
continent in the world in terms
main mountain range of Australia. of area.
Australia's most prominent The continent of Antarctica
agricultural region is the Murray is located in the Southern
Darling Valley. Hemisphere.
The British navigator James called the White Continent, as
Cook discovered the continent of 98% of its area is always covered
Antarctica but could not reach its with snow.
mainland. Roald Amundsen of Norway was
Fabian Gottlieb von Belling the first to reach (1911 AD) the
Shausen discovered the mainland South Pole.
of Antarctica. The Antarctica continent is called a
The continent of Antarctica is Continent Dedicated to Science.
Continent Highest Peak
1. Asia Mt. Everest
2. Africa Mt. Kilimanjaro
3. Europe Mt. Elbrus
4. South America Mt. Aconcagua
5. Australia Mt. Kosciuszko
6. Antarctica Vinson Massif
7. North America Mount Mc Kinley (Denali)
11. Venice Glass Industry
12. Birmingham Iron & Steel
13. Milan (Italy) Silk Textiles Industry
14. Plymouth (USA) Ship-building
4. Gobi Mongolia and China 12,95,000
Industry Country
1. Silk Textiles Industry China, India, Japan, Russia, France
2. Cotton Textiles Industry China, India, UK, Russia
3. Woollen Textiles Industry USA, Britain, Japan
Major Plateaus of The World and Their Locations
Names of the Plateau Location
1. Columbia Plateau USA
2. Deccan Plateau South India
3. Madagascar Plateau Madagascar Central Highland Plateau
4. Iranian Plateau Iran (Asia Minor Plateau)
5. Tibetan Plateau North of Himalayas and to the South of QinLing Mountain
6. Mexico Plateau Mexico
7. Brazilian Plateau Middle Eastern Part of South America
8. Greenland Plateau North Atlantic Ocean
9. Colorado Plateau Arizona and the Plateau of the State of Utah, USA
10. Australia Plateau Western Part of Australia
11. Meseta Plateau Iberian Peninsula of Spain
12. Plateau of Mongolia Republic of Mongolia
13. Plateau of Alaska Alaska, Canada (Yukon Plateau)
14. Plateau of Great Basin In between Columbia and Colorado Rivers
15. Plateau of Bolivia Andes Mountains Region of Bolivia
16. Indo-China Plateau Eastern Peninsula of Southern Asia
17. Plateau of Abyssinia Ethiopia and Somalia (East Africa)
18. Arabian Plateau Southwest Asia
19. Plate of Anatolia Su Turkey
Atmospheric Structure
Layer Height Temperature Specific Facts
Troposphere 15 km (8 km at poles Decreases with in- atmospheric phe-
creasing height nomena such as
thunder-storms, etc.
Stratosphere 15 to 50 km (Thick- In the beginning Ozone gas is found
ness at pole highest) temperature remains from 15 to 35 km
c o n s t a n t , g r o w s called Mesopause.
whengoes up a above
20 km.
Mesosphere 50-80 km Decreases in tem- Upper limit is
perature with in-
creasing height.
Ionosphere 80-640 km Rise in tempera- Communication sat-
ture with increasing ellites are placed in
height. ionosphere, events
like aurora australis
and aurora borealis
occur here.
Exosphere above 640kms — —
10. Bora Adriatic Coast
11. Cape Doctor (Table Block) South African Republican
12. Haboob Sudan
13. Seistan Eastern Iran
14. Tramontane Central Europe
15. Levanter Spain
Wind Place
1. Sirocco Sahara Desert, Italy
2. Harmattan (Doctor Wind) Guinea Coast
3. Chinook Rocky Mountains (USA)
4. Foehn Alps Mountains (Switzerland)
5. Brickfielder Australia
6. Simoom Arabian Desert
7. Black Roller Plains of North America
8. Ghibli / Gibli Libya
9. Khamasin Egypt
10. Leste Madeira and Canary Islands
11. Chili Tunisia
12. Koimbang Java (Indonesia)
13. Shamal Iraq
14. Norwester New Zealand
15. Santa Ana Southern California
16. Samun Iran
17. Loo Northern India
18. Ayala France
19. Garmsil South-east Iran
20. Solano South-east Spain
21. Poniente North-Eastern Mediterranean Sea
22. Berg South Africa
23. Baguio Philippines
24. Sukhove Russia & Kazakhstan
25. Haboob Sudan
Jet Streams: the air condenses and accumulates
Propagation of the jet streams is on the surface in the form of small
between 20° latitudes in both the drops of water which is called dew.
hemispheres at an altitude ranging
Frost :
from 7.5 to 14 km between poles.
Jet streams produce storms, The frost occurs when the dew
rainfall, atmospheric disturbances, point is below freezing point and
cyclones and anti-cyclones. the excess water vapour freezes
Fronts into ice particles.
When two different air masses Fog :
meet, the boundary zone between A cloud of smoke formed
them is called a front. The process near the lower surface of the
of formation of the fronts is known atmosphere due to dust particles
as fronto genesis. and concentrated water particles
Humidity is called fog.
Humidity is the amount of water Fog is formed when the air
vapour in the air. temperature is below the dew
Dew Point : point. The visibility during fog is
Dew point is the temperature at less than a kilometre.
which water is converted from its
gaseous state to a liquid or solid
state. The hydrosphere covers about
Condensation : 70% (3/4) of the entire Earth.
The change of water vapour
into the liquid is known as The saline water of the oceans is
condensation. 97% of the total water present on
Dew: Earth, while clean water or soft
When the air temperature is below water is only remaining 3%.
the dew point, the water vapour in Pacific ocean is the largest ocean.
1. Canada 891163 sq km
2. Russia 720500 sq km
3. United States 685924 sq km
4. India 314070 sq km
5. China 270550 sq km
6. Iran 116600 sq km
World's Major Rivers, The Place of Origin and Drainage
River Length Origin Drainage
1. Nile 6650 Victoria Lake Mediterranean Sea
2. Amazon 6400 Laggo Wilfero Atlantic Ocean
3. Yangtze 6300 Tibet's Plateau East China Sea
4. Mississippi 6275 Lake Itasca Gulf of Mexico.
5 Ob Irtysh 5410 Altai Mountains Gulf of Ob
6. Huang Ho 5464 Kunlun Mountains Gulf of Chihli.
7. Yenisei 5539 Large and small Yeni- Kara Sea
sei confluence
8. Congo 4700 North-East Zambia Atlantic Ocean
9. Amur 2900 Shilka and Argun rivers Sakhalin Gulf, Ok-
hotsk Sea
10. Lena 4270 Baikal Mountains Laptev Sea
11. MacKenzie 1738 Great Slave Lake Beaufort Sea
12. Niger 4184 Guinea (Africa) Gulf of Guinea
13. Mekong 4909 Tibet Plateau South China Sea
14. Volga 3530 Valdai Plateau (Russia) Caspian Sea
15. St. Lawrence 1197 Lake Ontario Law- Bay of St.
16. Brahmaputra 2900 Near Mansarovar Lake Bay of Bengal
17. Indus 2880 Near Mansarovar Lake Arabian Sea
18. Danube 2845 Black Forest (Germany) Black Sea
19. Euphrates 3000 From the confluence Shatt al-Arab
of Karasu and Murat
20. Darling 1472 Great Dividing Range Murray River
21. Murray 2508 Australian Alps South Sea
22. Paraguay 2695 Mato Grosso (Brazil) Parana River
23. Ural 2428 Southern Ural Moun- Caspian Sea
tains (Russia)
24. Ganga 2525 Gomukh Gangotri Glacier Bay of Bengal
25. Amu-Darya 2540 Pamir Plateau Aral Sea
26. Salween 2400 Tibet Plateau Andaman Sea
27. Arkansas 2364 Rocky Mountains Mississippi River
28. Colorado 2333 Rocky Mountain Gulf of California
29. Dnieper 2284 Valdai Hills (Russia) Black Sea (Russia)
30. Ohio 2108 Allegheny River Penn- Mississippi River
31. Irrawaddy 2170 Mali and Nmai Rivers Andaman Sea
32. Orange 2200 Drakensburg Atlantic Ocean
33. Orinoco 2410 Sierra Parima Moun- Atlantic Ocean
34. Columbia 1954 Rocky Mountains Pacific Ocean
35. Don 1870 Tula (Russia) Azov Sea
Note: After confluence of Tigris and Euphrates river, it is called Shatt al- Arab.
13. Florida Cuba-USA Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of
14. Bab-Al- Djibouti-Yemen Arabian Sea and Red Sea Mandab
15. Dardanelles Turkey Aegean Sea and Sea
16. Bass Australia South Sea and Tasman Sea
17. Tsushima Japan and South East China Sea and Sea of Japan
18. Bosporus Turkey Black Sea and Sea of Marmara
19. Cook New Zealand (North- Tasman Sea & Southern Pacific
ern and Southern Ocean
20. Tsugaru Japan Pacific Ocean and Sea of Japan
21. Sunda Indonesia Indian Ocean and Java Sea
22. Belle Isle Canada Atlantic Ocean & Gulf of St.
23. Tatar Russia Sea of Japan and Okhotsk Sea
24. Yucatan Mexico-Cuba Caribbean Sea and Gulf of
25. North Channel England-Ireland Atlantic Ocean & Irish Sea
26. Otranto Albania-Italy Ionian Sea and Adriatic Sea
27. Foveaux New Zealand Pacific Ocean and Tasman Sea
28. Makassar Indonesia Celebes Sea and Java Sea
29. Hudson Canada Hudson Bay and Atlantic Ocean
29. Hudson Canada Hudson Bay and Atlantic Ocean
30. Hormuz Iran-Oman Gulf of Oman and Gulf straight
of Persia
Son Amarkantak Hills 7 8 0 k m River Ganges
Brahmaputra Angsi Glacier near Lake 2900 km ( River Padma) The Bay of
Mansarovar in Tibet (916 km in Bengal
Narmada From Amarkantak Plateau 1312 km The Gulf of Khambhat
located in Vindhyachal
Mountain Ranges
Tapti From Multai in Betul district 724 km The Gulf of Khambhat
(M.P.) near Surat
Mahi Dhar district (Madhya 583 km The Gulf of Khambhat
Pradesh) in the Vindhya
Mountain Region
Luni Ajmer (Rajasthan) Western 511 km Rann of Kutch
Aravalli Mountains
Mahanadi Near Sihawa in Dhamtari 851 km The Bay of Bengal (near
District of Chhattisgarh Cuttack)
Shipra Kakri Bardi Hills (Indore) 210 km Chambal River
Sabarmati A r a v a l l i M o u n t a i n s 371 km The Bay of Khambhat
Banas Khamnor Hills Aravalli 512 km Chambal
Mountains (Rajsamand
Krishna From the Western Ghats 1400 km The Bay of Bengal
near Mahabaleshwar
Kaveri Brahmagiri Hills (in the 800 km The Bay of Bengal
Coorg District of Karnataka)
Godavari Trimbakeshwar of Nasik 1465 km The Bay of Bengal
Tungabhadra Tunga and nearby origin 531 km Krishna River
of Bhadra river at Kadur,
from Gangamoola Peak of
Western Ghat Mountains in
Pennar From Chenna Kesava Hills 597 km The Bay of Bengal
(Karnataka) of Nandi Range
Periyar From the forest area of Sivagiri 244 km The Arabian Sea
Peak of Sundaramala
Major Indian Cities on the Banks of Rivers
Citie River
Delhi Yamuna
Agra Yamuna
Bareilly Ramganga
Mathura Yamuna
Kanpur Ganges
Prayagraj Ganges-Yamuna confluence
Varanasi Ganges
Kannauj Ganges
Lucknow Gomti
Ayodhya Sarayu
Jaunpur Gomti
Badrinath Alaknanda
Firozpur Sutlej
Kolkata Hooghly
Dibrugarh Brahmaputra
Kota Chambal
Ujjain Shipra
Jabalpur Narmada
Guwahati Brahmaputra
Pandharpur Bhima
Ahmedabad Sabarmati
Jamshedpur Swarnarekha
Hyderabad Musi
Surat Tapti (Tapi)
Srinagar Jhelum
Kurnool Tungabhadra
Cuttack Mahanadi
Nasik Godavari
Srirangapatnam Kaveri
Tiruchirappalli Kaveri
Orchha Betwa
Ludhiana Sutlej
Vijayawada Krishna
Surnames of Important Cities of India
Surname Place
1. Abode of God Prayagraj
2. City of Golden Temple Amritsar
3. City of Temples and Ghats Varanasi
4. Queen of Arabian Sea Kochi
5. Venice of East Kochi
6. City of Festivals Madurai
7. Gem of Karnataka Mysore
8. Pink City Jaipur
9. Paris of East Jaipur
10. Paris of India Jaipur
11. Switzerland of India Kashmir
12. Mini Switzerland of India Khajjiar
13. Scotland of East Shillong
14. Kashmir of South Kerala
15. Rajasthan Pride Chittorgarh
16. Gateway of Rajasthan Bharatpur
17. Thermopylae of Rajasthan Haldighati
18. Hollywood of India Mumbai
19. Gateway of India Mumbai
20. City of Seven Isles Mumbai
21. Steel City Jamshedpur
22. Pittsburgh of India Jamshedpur
23. Heart of India Delhi
24. The Ganges of the South Kaveri River
25. Fruit Bucket Himachal Pradesh
26. Manchester of India Ahmedabad
27. Garden of India Bangaluru
28. City of Palaces Kolkata
29. Spice Garden of India Kerala
30. Queen of Chota Nagpur Netarhat Jharkhand
31. Queen of Mountains Mussoorie
32. Land of Five Rivers Punjab
33. Blue Mountains Nilgiri Hills
34. Sorrow of Bengal Damodar River
35. Manchester of North India Kanpur
36. Samudra Putra Lakshadweep
37. Diamond Harbour Kolkata
38. Twin Cities Hyderabad-Sikandrabad
39. City of Lakes Srinagar
40. City of Nawabs Lucknow
41. The Spine of Economy of North India River Ganges
42. Sorrow of Bihar River Kosi
The Tulbul project is located on
Major Lakes and Waterfalls the Jhelum river.
in India Lonar Lake is located in Buldhana
district of Maharashtra.
The shallow saltwater lakes Lonar Lake was created by the
formed in the coastal areas impact of an asteroid collision
separated from the sea are called with earth during the Pleistocene
lagoon. epoch.
The largest coastal lake in India Tungabhadra Lake is a man-
is Chilika Lake (Odisha), which made lake located on the
is a saltwater lagoon. Tungabhadra River.
Ashtamudi lake is the backwater Hussain Sagar Lake is located
between Hyderabad and
lagoon of Kerala which opens to
the sea.
Vembanad Lake is located on
Loktak Lake, located in Manipur,
the west coast and is a lagoon in
is the largest freshwater lake in
northeast India. In the Loktak
India’s second-largest lagoon
Lake Keibul Lamjao National
located on the east coast is Pulicat
Park is present, the world's only
floating wildlife sanctuary.
Fulhar Lake is located near Pulicat Lake is located on the
Madhotanda in Pilibhit district border of Andhra Pradesh and
(Uttar Pradesh). Tamil Nadu on the Coromandel
The Gomti River originates from Coast. It is the second-largest
Fulhar Lake. brackish water lagoon in India.
Sambhar Lake is the largest Barrier Island named Sriharikota
saltwater lake (inland) in India,
separates Pulicat Lake from the
located in Rajasthan.
Wular Lake, the largest Bay of Bengal.
freshwater lake, in India, is Satish Dhawan Space Centre is
located in Jammu and Kashmir. situated in Sriharikota.
Major Waterfalls of India
Waterfalls Height (m) Rivers Location
Jog / Garsoppa 253 Sharavati Karnataka
Mahatma Gandhi
Chitrakoot 29 Indravati Chhattisgarh
Shivasamudram 98 Kaveri Karnataka
Gautam Dhara/Jonha 45 Ranu Jharkhand
Hundru 98 Swarnarekha Jharkhand
Lodh Budhaghagh 143 Budha Jharkhand
Gokak 52 Gokak Karnataka
Dasham 44 Kanchi Jharkhand
Pykara 61 Pykara Tamil Nadu
Kapil Dhara 30 Narmada Madhya Pradesh
Chulia 15 Chambal Rajasthan
Dhuandhar 30 Narmada Madhya Pradesh
6. Pisciculture Fishing
7. Sericulture Silkworm Rearing
8. Apiculture Beekeeping
9. Floriculture Flower Production
10. Vermiculture Earthworm Production
Major Multipurpose Projects of India and Their Respective
Project Name River/Dam Related State/Union Territories
Bhakra Nangal Sutlej Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan,
Beas (Pong-Dam) Beas Rajasthan, Punjab,
Haryana, Himachal
Indira Gandhi Canal Confluence of Beas Rajasthan, Haryana and Punjab
and Sutlej
Chambal Chambal Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan
Damodar Valley Damodar West Bengal and Jharkhand
Hirakud Dam Mahanadi Odisha
Mayurakshi Mayurakshi West Bengal, Jharkhand
Kosi Kosi Bihar and Nepal
Tungabhadra Tungabhadra Karnataka and Telangana
Nagarjuna Sagar Krishna Telangana and Andhra Pradesh
Gandak River Gandak Bihar and Nepal
Farakka Ganges West Bengal Bhagirathi
Kakrapar Tapi Gujarat
Tawa Tawa Madhya Pradesh
Ukai Tapi Gujarat
Malprabha Malprabha Karnataka
Pochampadu Shri Ram Godavari Telangana
Baglihar Chenab Jammu and Kashmir
Sardar Sarovar Narmada Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh,
Rajasthan & Maharashtra
Tilaiya Barakar Jharkhand
Dulhasti Chenab Jammu and Kashmir
Tulbul Jhelum Jammu and Kashmir
Sirhind Canal Sutlej Punjab
Jawahar Sagar Chambal Rajasthan
Rana Pratap Sagar Chambal Rajasthan
Gandhi Sagar Chambal Madhya Pradesh
Iron Ore* (Hematite) Odisha Jharkhand Chhattisgarh
Magnesite Uttarakhand Tamil Nadu Rajasthan
Manganese Ore* Odisha Karnataka Madhya Pradesh
Crude Oil (1 April Assam Gujarat Rajasthan
Natural Gas (1 April Assam Andhra Pradesh Rajasthan
Copper Ore Rajasthan Jharkhand Madhya Pradesh
Gold (Metal) Karnataka Rajasthan Andhra Pradesh
Silver (Ore) Rajasthan Jharkhand Andhra Pradesh
Magnetite * Karnataka Andhra Pradesh Rajasthan
Diamond Madhya Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Chhattisgarh
*According to IMYB, 2019 Data
Chromite Odisha — —
Indian Railways was nationalized
Transportation in India
in 1944.
There are four modes of transport There are three types of railway
available in India. Road Transport, lines in India.
Rail Transport, Air Transport and Types of Rail Gauges
Water Transport. Rail Line Width of the
The national highways fall under Track
the control of union body-National Broad Gauge 1.676 m
Highway Authority of India Meter Gauge 1.00 m
Narrow Gauge 0.762 m and
The five Indian states with
0.610 m
the highest length of national
highway (according to the report Gorakhpur railway platform
of 2020-21) are Maharashtra, (1355.40 m) is the longest in the
Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya world.
Pradesh and Gujarat. India’s first semi high-speed train
Golden Quadrilateral was is Gatimaan (5 th April 2016),
a national highway project equipped with WAP-5 engine. The
undertaken in 2001 connecting
first engineless semi high-speed
four metro cities-Delhi, Mumbai,
train in India is Vande Bharat
Chennai and Kolkata with a total
road length of 5846 kms.
In India, Metro rail was first
According to Basic Road Statistics
introduced in Kolkata.
of India 2017-18, states with
Air Transport :
the highest state borders are-
The first air flight in India
1. Maharashtra (38999 km), 2.
was started in 1911 between
(Karnataka (19521 km), 3. Gujarat
Allahabad (Prayagraj) and
(17201 km), 4. Rajasthan (15085
km), 5. Andhra Pradesh (13604
The Airport Authority of India was
formed on 1st April 1995.
Rail Transport :
The first train in India ran between It manages India's airports
Mumbai to Thane on 16th April designated both for international
1853 during the Governor-General and domestic traffic.
ship of Lord Dalhousie. The first greenfield airport in India
The Railway Board was established is Cochin Airport on a public-
in March 1905. private partnership basis.
Railway Zones and Their Headquarters
Zone Headquarters
1. Central Railway (CR) Mumbai (CST)
2. Eastern Railway (ER) Kolkata
3. Northern Railway (NR) New Delhi
4. North Eastern Railway (NER) Gorakhpur
5. North East Frontier Railway (NEFR) Maligaon Guwahati
6. Southern Railway (SR) Chennai
7. South Central Railway (SCR) Secunderabad
8. South Eastern Railway (SER) Kolkata
9. Western Railway (WR) Mumbai (Churchgate)
10. East Central Railway (ECR) Hajipur
11. North Western Railway (NWR) Jaipur
12. East Coast Railway (ECR) Bhubaneswar
13. North Central Railway (NCR) Prayagraj (Allahabad)
14. South Western Railway (SWR) Hubli
15. Western Central Railway (WCR) Jabalpur
16. South East Central Railway (SECR) Bilaspur
17. Kolkata Metro Railway (KMR) Kolkata
18. Southern Coast Railway (SCR) Visakhapatnam
Cochin International Airport Kochi
Rajiv Gandhi International Airport Hyderabad
Calicut International Airport Kozhikode (Kerala)
Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport Guwahati
Anna International Airport Chennai
Devi Ahilyabai Holkar International Airport Indore
Chaudhary Charan Singh International Airport Lucknow
Sheikh-ul-Alam International Airport Srinagar
India’s Largest Ship Cycling the establishment of a company,
Yard is located at Alang, Gujarat. Bengal Iron works, at Kulti in
West Bengal.
Industries in India In 1907, Tata Iron and Steel
A. Iron Steel Industry : Company (TISCO) was founded
Iron production on an industrial at Sakchi (now Jamshedpur) in
scale began in India in 1870 with Bihar (now Jharkhand).
Sariska National Park Rajasthan
Pench National Park Maharashtra/Madhya Pradesh
Borivali (Sanjay Gandhi) National Park Maharashtra
Bhitarkanika National Park Odisha
Simlipal Wildlife Sanctuary & National Park Odisha
Nandan Kanan Zoological Park Odisha
Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary Tamil Nadu
Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary Kerala
Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary Kerala
Dampa Sanctuary Mizoram
Kanha National Park Madhya Pradesh
Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve Madhya Pradesh
Dachigam National Park Jammu and Kashmir
Kishtwar National Park Jammu and Kashmir
Bandhavgarh National Park Madhya Pradesh
Nagarhole (Rajiv Gandhi) National Park Karnataka
Keibul Lamjao National Park Manipur
Bhagwan Mahaveer Wildlife Sanctuary Goa
Great Himalayan National Park Himachal Pradesh
Sultanpur National Park Haryana
Sundarbans National Park West Bengal
Sundarbans West Wildlife Sanctuary West Bengal
Abohar Wildlife Sanctuary Punjab
Namdapha National Park Arunachal Pradesh
Punjab Sansi
Economics &
4 Indian Economy
Economics Important Economic
Economics is the study of activities • Price: The price of a commodity
in the market is determined by
like production, consumption
the interaction of the forces of
and distribution of goods and demand and supply.
services. • Supply: It is the quantity of an
item that the seller is willing
Adam Smith is called the ‘Father
to sell at a particular price at a
of Economics’. specific time.
In his book ‘An Inquiry • Law of Demand: There is an
inverse relationship between
Economics into the Nature and
the price of a commodity and
Causes of the Wealth of Nations’ the quantity demanded. If
(1776), he defines economics as other things remain the same
‘Science of Wealth’. when there is an increase in the
price, there will be a decrease
Major Books of Economics and Its in the demand and if there is a
Authors decrease in the price, there will
be an increase in the demand.
Books Authors
• Equilibrium Price: The
Das Kapital Karl Marx equilibrium price of a
commodity is the price at which
Wealth of Nations Adam Smith demand and supply are equal.
The same quantity is demanded
Foundations of Paul at this price, as it is supplied.
Economic Analysis A. Samuelsson
from the exploitation of natural 3. P u rc h a s i n g P o w e r P a r i t y
resources such as Agriculture, Method was presented by Gustav
Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Castle.
Mining, Forestry, etc. It ensures This method was first used by
the availability of raw materials the International Monetary Fund
for the secondary sector. (IMF) in 1993.
2. Secondary Sector: The sector
The PPP method is currently
of the economy which uses
being used by the World Bank to
primary sector products as a
raw material in its activities is compare the standard of living of
called Secondary Sector. For different countries.
example, Factories, Construction, Note - According to the World Bank
Electricity Generation, Water data, in the year (2019) India is the
Supply, are examples of the third-largest economy in the world
secondary sector. on the basis of Gross National
It is also known as “Industrial Income (GNI) purchasing power
Zone”. parity. China and America are
3. Tertiary Sector: Tertiary sector is in first and second position
also known as ‘Service Sector’. It respectively.
consists of units providing various Human Development Index, HDI:
services. Examples are Transport, The concept of the Human
Education, Banking, Insurance, Development Index was
Hotel Industry, Medical, Tourism, formulated in 1990 by the
Government Administration, economist Mahboob-ul-Haq
Finance, etc. and his colleagues.
Measurement of Economic
The following three variables
Development :
The following are the methods for included under the Human
measuring economic growth and Development Index are (A) Life
comparative state of economic Expectancy Index, (B) Education
1. Basic Needs Approach was Index and (C) Income Index
rendered by the World Bank in (A) Life Expectancy Index:
1970. Life Expectancy Index measures
2. PQLI : Physical Quality Of Life the life expectancy of a country's
Index Approach was rendered by
people at birth.
Maurice de Maurice.
In this method, the average value (B) Education Index:
of infant mortality, adult literacy Two figures are included in
rate and life expectancy index Education Index
of a country is used to measure 1. Average years of schooling
economic development. 2. Estimated years of schooling
(C) Income Index : Calculation of National Income:
Standard of living is the amount National income is calculated by
of goods and services available to three methods - 1. Factor Cost or
purchase in a country. Real GDP Income Method, 2. Production
per capita and Gross National Method and 3. Expenditure
Income per capita are the two Method.
most common ways to measure the Both the income method and
standard of living. production method are used to
In Human Development Index calculate national income in India.
(HDI), 2020. India ranks 131st Important Concepts of National
out of 189 countries. Income:
National Income: National Income is a broad
Nobel laureate Simon Kuznets concept, for which the following
is considered the originator of concepts are commonly used to
national income accounting. calculate the present national
In India, Dadabhai Naoroji income - 1. Household Products
calculated first India's national and 2. National Products.
income and per capita Gross Domestic Product, GDP:
income. The total income earned from the
The per capita income of India goods and services produced by all
was stated as Rs 20 by Naoroji in the people (including foreigners)
1868. living in a country in a single
For the calculation of national financial year is called 'Gross
income, in 1949, by the Domestic Product'.
Government of India,The National The most comprehensive retention
Income Committee was formed of all concepts of GNP national
under the chairmanship of P.C income in Indian context.
Mahalanobis. GNP = GDP + Net income earned
Before May, 2019 the calculation from abroad
of national income was being Net National Product (NNP):
done by the Central Statistics The Net National Product is the
Office (CSO), established in May return that is received by reducing
1951, at present this work is being the depreciation of capital goods
done by National Statistical Office from the gross national product.
NNP = GNP–Price Depreciation
The financial year for calculating
India's national income is 1st April National Income
Per capita Income =
to 31st March. Population
Planning in India: In 1944-45, 8 industrialists of
Economic Planning is the Mumbai (JRD Tata, Ghanshyam
process of realization of the pre- Das Birla, Ardeshir Dalal,
determined objective by optimum Purushottam Das Thakur Das, Dr.
use of natural resources. John Mathai, Shri Ram, Kasturi
The beginning of the Five Year Bhai Lal Bhai and A.D Shroff) in
Plans in India is inspired by the India, presented a 15-year plan for
planning method of the former the economic development of the
Soviet Union. country, known as the 'Bombay
India has so far completed of 12 Plan/ Tata-Birla Scheme'.
five-year plans and 6 annual The British Government also
plans in its development journey established the 'Planning and
since 1951. Development Department' in
The sources of planning goals 1944, headed by Sir Ardeshir
and social objectives in India Dalal.
are determined by the 'Directive On behalf of MN Rai and Bhartiya
Principles of State Policy' Shramik Sangh, a scheme called
mentioned in part IV of the 'The People's Plan' inspired by
Constitution. Planning is also cited the Russian scheme was presented.
in the 'Concurrent List' of the 7th In 1950, 'Sarvodaya Yojana' for
Schedule of the Constitution. the establishment of a society
The first discussion on economic without exploitation, was drafted
planning in India started from by Jayaprakash Narayan.
1934 when M. Visvesvaraya After the independence, the 'All
wrote a book known as 'Planned Indian Congress Committee"
Economy for India'. That is why formed an 'Economic Programme
Visvesvaraya is also called the Committee' in 1947 under the
'Pioneer of modern planning in chairmanship of Jawaharlal
India'. Nehru. On 25 th January 1948,
After this, in 1938, then Congress this committee recommended
President Subhash Chandra Bose that a permanent Planning
Commission should be established
has established the National
in the country. As a result of the
Planning Committee under recommendation, the Planning
the chairmanship of Jawaharlal Commission was formed by a
Nehru. Cabinet resolution on 15th March,
In 1944, Sriman Narayan 1950. First year plan came into
Aggarwal prepared the Gandhian existence on 1st of April, 1951 on
Plan based on Gandhian the recommendation of planning
principles. commission.
Five Year Plan
Fifth Five Achieving Poverty 4.4% 4.8% Slogan of Poverty
Year Plan Elimination and elimination, Minimum
(1974-79) Economic Self- Needs programme started,
sufficiency food grains against work
(1977) program started.
Note: Fifth Five Year
Plan was completed one
year before in 1978.
Sixth Five Direct attack on the 5.2% 5.7% Based on input-output
Year Plan problem of poverty Model, Special emphasis
(1980-85) by moderization on poverty elimination
and expansion of and employment creation.
the economy, self- NOTE : Sixth Five Year
reliance and social
Plan was implemented
justice, etc.
twice. First time by Janta
Party Government for
the period of 1978-83,
and second time by the
Congress Government
for the period of 1980-
85. The plan was named
'continuous plan' during
1978-83. The credit for
continuous plan goes to
Gunnar Myrdal.
S e v e n t h E m p h a s i s o n 5.0% 6.0% Long-term development
F i v e Ye a r m o d e r n i s a t i o n , method and liberalization
Plan self-reliance and m o d e l , I n d i r a Aw a s
social justice Yojana, Jawahar Rozgar
Yo j a n a a n d N e h r u
Rozgar Yojana were
started. Emphasis on
energy conservation and
development of non-
conventional energy
N o t e - Tw o a n n u a l
schemes were run from 1st
April 1990 to 31st March
Eighth Five Human resource 5.6% 6.8% Based on the John
Year Plan development, W. M u l l e r m o d e l
full employment
(1992-97) generation by Universalization of
the end of the primary education,
century, control on eradication of illiteracy
Population Growth,
to promot social in the age group of 15-35
welfare measures years.
like improved
and provision for
extensive education
facilities at all
Ninth Five To sustain quality 6.5% 5.4% The scheme emphasised
Year Plan of life, generation seven basic minimum
(1997-2002) of productive services including
employment to primary education for all,
maintain regional home for the homeless,
balance and self nutritious food for children,
reliance roads for all villages
and hamlets, improving
public distribution system
for the poor, etc.
Tenth Five Year Plan (2002–2007): Five Year Plan was 7.7%, although
The Tenth Five Year Plan (1st April the plan was below its target
2002 to 31st March 2007) was (8.0%), yet it was the highest
implemented at the time when
growth rate ever.
economic reforms were at its peak
in the economy. Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-
This plan was based on a more 2012):
comprehensive input-output The main objective of the Eleventh
model. Five Year Plan was to achieve the
It was based on two basic elements- goal of inclusive growth with faster
(i) Further development on the same economic development so that
line, keeping the achievements of everyone can be integrated with
previous years intact. the mainstream of development
(ii) To remove the bottlenecks in the and can be benefitted from
development of various sectors of economic development.
the economy in the past years on During the Eleventh Five Year Plan
a priority basis. period, a target of 9% growth was set,
The actual growth rate in the 10th while the actual realization was 8%.
Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-2017) : Poverty in India:
'Rapid, More Inclusive and Poverty refers to the situation
Sustainable Development' was when a person does not have
the title of the Twelfth Five Year the lowest basic necessities of
Plan. The scheme began at the
life such as food, clothing and
time when the global economy
was facing another global financial housing. That is, when a person is
crisis which began in the final not in a position to fulfil his basic
years of the 11th Plan due to the needs, he is counted as poor.
debt crisis that hit the eurozone. In principle, to measure
This financial crisis had an impact poverty Relative and Absolute
on all over the world, including measurement are used.
A. Relative Poverty: Relative
Twelfth Five Year had 25 main
Poverty explains the extent
Economic Development : of disparity between different
1. Real GDP growth rate of 8%. income groups. Two methods
2. Agriculture growth rate of 4%. are commonly used to measure
3. Manufacturing growth rate of it - 1. Lorenz Curve, 2. Gini
10%. Coefficient.
4. Preferably higher average growth Both the Lorenz Curve and the
in the Twelfth Plan compared to Gini Coefficient are related to
the Eleventh Plan by each state. the measurement of inequality of
NITI Aayog: (National Institution for income.
Transforming India Commission) : The Lorenz Curve was developed
Establishment of National
in 1905 by Max O Lorenz, and
Institution in its new form
(NITI Aayog) by a government the Gini coefficient was developed
resolution was made on 1st January in 912 by Corrado Gini (Italy).
2015. NITI Aayog takes the place B. Absolute Poverty:
of Planning Commission that was The minimum requirement criteria
established on 15th March 1950 is used to estimate the actual
through a resolution. number of the poor. That is, a
The NITI Aayog is acting as a think person who does not meet the
tank to advise the Government of minimum requirements is called
India on policy issues, following the poor.
the principles of cooperative
This minimum consumption
NITI Aayog is more inclusive than criteria set is called 'Poverty
Planning Commission. Line'.
Major Efforts to Determine Poverty Under this Act, 75 per cent of the
in India: rural population and 50 per cent
The concept of measurement of the urban population, that is,
of poverty was first introduced
in Dada Bhai Naoroji's book about two-thirds (67 per cent) of
'Poverty and Un-British Rule in the population, have been given
India'. the legal right to food.
For the measurement of 2. Antyodaya Anna Yojana:
poverty in the country by the
This scheme started on 25 th
Planning Commission in 1989,
a committee was formed under December, 2000. 1 crore poorest
the chairmanship of Prof. D.T. families were targeted at providing
Lakdawala. subsidized food grains.
Later on, the Planning Commission Currently, under this scheme, 2.5
in India constituted a Committee
crore poor families in India get
headed by Suresh Tendulkar that
submitted its report in 2009. 35 kg of grains per month. The
In 2012, the Planning Commission grain is being made available at
appointed a Committee formed concessional rates (rice, wheat and
under the chairmanship coarse grains at Rs. 3, Rs. 2 and
of Rangarajan for poverty Rs. 1 per kg respectively).
determination. This committee
submitted its report in 2014. 3. National Food Security Mission:
Rangarajan Committee The National Development
considered consumption Council, in its 53rd meeting held
expenditure below the poverty
on 29 May 2007, had passed a
line for rural areas below Rs 972
per capita and Rs 1407 per capita resolution to launch the Food
for urban areas. Safety Mission under which the
Poverty Prevention and National Food Security Mission -
Welfare Schemes NFSM, Started in October 2007.
1. National Food Security Act, 4. Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada
2013: Yojana:
The National Food Security In May 2017, the Centre Sponsored
Act, 2013 was passed by the Scheme sampada (SAMPADA:
government which aims to provide Scheme for Agro-Marine
adequate food grains to every Processing and Development of
citizen of the country, so that they Agro-Processing clusters) was
get food and nutritional security
and live a dignified life.
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Rural Employment Guarantee
Yojana is a comprehensive Scheme (NREGA) was launched
package that will create modern on 2 February, 2006 from
infrastructure with efficient supply Anantapur district of Andhra
chain management from farms to
Pradesh in 200 selected districts
retail outlets.
of the country. It was expanded
Schemes Related to Poverty
Alleviation and Unemployment to 130 additional districts in 2007-
Scheme Launch 08. It was expanded the whole
Year country on 1st April 2008, except
National Rural Employment 2006 Jammu and Kashmir.
Guarantee Scheme On 2 nd October, 2009 it was
Bharat Nirman Program 2005
renamed from NREGA to
Antyodaya Anna Yojana 2000
Mahatma Gandhi National
Janashree Bima Yojana 2000
Rural Employment Guarantee
Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya 2000
Yojana Scheme (MNREGA).
Annapurna Yojana 2000 The goal of MNREGA is to
Jawahar Gram Samridhi 1999 provide a minimum of 100 days
of unskilled employment to one
Swarnjayanti Gram 1999
Swarozgar Yojana adult member of each rural family.
Swarnjayanti Urban 1997 6. Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas
Employment Scheme Yojana:
Employment Assurance 1993 The Union Cabinet chaired by
Pradhan Mantri Rozgar 1993
the Prime Minister approved the
Yojana 'Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas
Indira Awaas Yojana 1985 Yojana' worth Rs 1500 crore on 20
Jawahar Rozgar Yojana 1989 March, 2015 and it was launched
DWCRA 1982
on 15 July, 2015.
The scheme is being implemented
5. Mahatma Gandhi National
by the National Skill Development
Rural Employment Guarantee
Scheme (MNREGA): Corporation under the Ministry
Navratna Companies the country world's favourite
In 1997, Navratna status was 'manufacturing hub'.
created for nine companies. Emergence and Development of
As of December 2021, there are a Banking Sector in India:
total of 14 Navratna companies. The modern banking system in
Mini Ratna Companies : India was launched in 1770 with
the establishment of 'Bank of
Mini Ratna scheme was launched
Hindustan'. Bank of Hindustan
in October 1977. was founded by Alexander &
Currently, as of December, 2021 Company in collaboration with
(updated), the number of Mini foreign capital.
Ratna companies is 73. The Awadh Commercial Bank
Industrial Development and (founded in 1881), based on
Financial Institutions : limited liability, was the first
Textile industry is the second bank operated by Indians. But
largest employment generating absolutely the first bank by any
industry in India after agriculture. Indian completely is Punjab
National Bank which was
Small Industries Development
established in 1894.
Bank of India (SIDBI) : It started
Reserve Bank of India (RBI):
functioning from 2 April, 1990. The Reserve Bank of India
The head-quarter of Small was established as the central
Industries Development Bank of bank on 1st April, 1935 on the
India is located in Lucknow. recommendation of the Hilton
It works to coordinate the work Young Commission. The bank
of all those institutions which are was nationalized on 1st January,
engaged in the promotion of small
Its head office is located in
scale industries.
Mumbai. In addition, the Reserve
The role of the Industrial Bank of India has regional 31
Development Bank of India offices at different locations.
(IDBI) is very crucial in the field The first governor of the Reserve
of industrial finance. Bank of India was Sir Osbon
It was established in 1964. Smith (1 April, 1935 to 30 June,
Make in India Programme: 1937).
O n 2 5 t h S e p t e m b e r, 2 0 1 4 , The first Indian Governor of
Reserve Bank of India was C.D.
P r i m e M i n i s t e r, N a r e n d r a
Deshmukh (11 August, 1943 to
Modi had launched 'Make in 30 June, 1949). During this period,
India' programme to boost up the Reserve Bank of India was
industrial development by making nationalized.
All Indian currency notes (2, 5, 10, Canara Bank, (6) Dena Bank, (7)
20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 2000) are Syndicate Bank, (8) Union Bank
incorporated by Reserve Bank of of India, (9) Allahabad Bank, (10)
India. India Bank, (11) United Bank of
Ministry of Finance (Government India, (12) Bank of Maharashtra,
of India) incorporates one rupee (13) Indian Overseas Bank and
note and coins. (14) Punjab National Bank
The decimal system currency is in Second Phase:
circulation in India since 1st April, On 15 April, 1980, 6 commercial
1957. banks were nationalized.
Banking in India : Nationalized banks in the second
Banks registered under the Indian phase are - (1) Andhra Pradesh
Companies Act, 1956 were Bank, (2) New Bank of India,
(3) Punjab and Sindh Bank, (4)
designated as Commercial Banks.
Corporation Bank, (5) Oriental
Commercial banks are regulated Bank of India and (6) Vijaya Bank
and governed under the Indian Regional Rural Banks:
Bank Exchange Act, 1949. Regional bank in India was
State Bank of India: established by the recommendation
of Banking Commission chaired
The first public sector bank in
by R.G. Saraiya (constituted in
India emerged in 1955 named
1972) and Narsimhan Committee
State Bank of India.
(constituted in 1975).
State Bank of India is considered The order of establishment of
to be the largest among public Regional Rural Banks in India
sector banks. started on 2 October, 1975.
Nationalisation of Banks in 50% of the capital in the Regional
India: After the failure of the Rural Banks is invested by the
policy of social control over Central Government, of which
banks, the Government of India 15% of the capital by the State
Government and 35% by the
decided to nationalize the banks. Promoter Bank.
First Phase: NABARD: National Bank for
On 19 July, 1969, 14 banks with Agriculture and Rural Development:
paid-up capital of Rs. 50 crores or On 12 July 1982, the Central
more were nationalized. Government established National
Bank for Agricultural and Rural
The nationalized are- (1) Central
Development (NABARD) as a
Bank of India, (2) Bank of
Baroda, (3) Bank of India, (4) separate bank for agriculture and
United Commercial Bank, (5) rural development.
NABARD Bank was established There is a negative relationship
on recommendation of B. between the above rates and credit
Sivaraman Committee. generation.
Other Major Institutions: 2. Qualitative Measure Ration:
Life Insurance Corporation of Qualitative credit control is
India (LIC) was established in also called a selective method.
1956. Under this, the flow of credit is
The headquarter of the Life controlled. Under this method,
Insurance Corporation of India RBI discourages loans given
(LIC) is located in Mumbai. by commercial banks for
The headquarter of the Insurance undesirable economic actions
Regulatory and Development while encouraging the flow of
Authority of India (IRDA) is credit towards desired activities.
located in Hyderabad. The following methods are used
Unit Trust of India (UTI) was under this.
established in 1964 to encourage (a) Determination of Minimum Limit
small savings to invest in mutual or Margin
funds. (b) Moral pressure
The headquarter of Unit Trust of (c) Determination of Credit Criteria
India (UTI) is located in Mumbai. Open Market Operations:
National Housing Bank was By RBI when government bills in
established in July 1988. the money market are controlled
Its headquarter is located in New by buying and selling in the money
Delhi. market and commercial banks in
Monetary Policy Instruments: the country, it is called 'Open
Credit Control: Market Actions'.
There are two methods of credit When the Reserve Bank of India
control. Following is a brief
has to withdraw or reduce the
description of them.
1. Quantitative Measure: currency prevailing in the market,
The quantitative credit control it uses the open market.
method affects the amount of
credit creation. It affects all sectors Presently Major Rates
of the economy. The following (Updated as on February, 2022)
devices are used under this -
a. Bank Rate Policy Rates
b. Marginal Standing Facility Rate (i) Repo Rate - 4%
c. Open Market Actions (ii) Reverse Repo Rate -3.35%
d. Repo / Reverse Repo Rate
(iii) Bank Rate - 4.25%
e. Cash Reserve Ratio
f. Statutory Liquidity Ratio (iv) MSF - 4.25%
Reserve Rates 12 April 1992 under Securities
(v) CRR - 4% and Exchange Board of India Act,
(vi) SLR - 18% 1992.
SEBI has been given the right to
Currency Supply
control and regulate mutual funds
M1 = Cash in Treasury + Net and stock markets.
Demand Deposits of Banks +
The headquarter of SEBI is located
Other Deposits with RBI [C +
in Mumbai, while its regional
DD + OD]
M2 = M1 + Post Office Deposits offices have been established in
M3 = M1 + Fixed Deposits of Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Delhi and
Banks Chennai.
M4 = M3 + Post Office Deposits World's Major Stock Exchanges
Inflation & Money Deflation:
Stock Exchange Share Index
Inflation : Inflation refers to the
rise in the prices of most goods Korea Kosp
and services of daily or common China SSE
use, such as clothing, housing, food, Tokyo Nikki
recreation, transportation, etc. Taiwan TAIEX
Inflation is also known as Thailand Set
'Currency Expansion'. Germany Mid Dex
Stagflation: It is a state of inflation Brazil Bovespa
in which economic inactivity and USA Nasdaq
unemployment prevail along with
Singapore Cimax, Straits
price rise.
Mexico Bolsa
Devaluation refers to a country
England FTSE - 100
intentionally reducing the external
value of its currency relative to the Hong Kong Hang Seng
currency of another country. Securities / Banknote Printing in
In India, devaluation has been India:
done three times (1949, 1966 and The responsibility of printing
securities papers / currencies /
Securities and Exchange Board of
India (SEBI): coins, etc. is on Security Printing
Securities and Exchange Board of and Minting Corporation of
India (SEBI) was established on India Limited: SPMCIL.
It was established in January 2006 In Viceroy Lord Canning's
in New Delhi under the Ministry Executive Council, James Wilson
of Finance. presented the first budget in 1860.
Security Paper Mill, Hoshangabad, The first budget of independent
Madhya Pradesh: India was introduced by the
It was established in 1968. first Finance Minister, R.K.
This mill produces various types ShanmuKham Chetty on 26
of security papers. November, 1947.
Security Printing Press: Fiscal Policy:
There are four banknote security Following are the objectives of
printing presses in India fiscal policy :
1. Currency Note Press, Nasik, (i) Development through the
Maharashtra: This (first) note mobility of resources
printing press in India was (ii) Efficient Allocation of
established in 1928. Resources
2. Bank Note Press, Dewas, (iii) Price Stability and Inflation
Madhya Pradesh: It was Control
established in 1974. In addition (iv) Employment Generation
to banknotes, high-quality inks are (v) Balanced Regional
also produced in this press. Development
3. Establishment of Indian Copyhold (vi) Capital Formation
Printing, Nasik 1925. Fiscal Policy Instruments
4. Establishment of Securities Press There are four instruments of fiscal
Hyderabad, 1982. policy :
Mint: 1. Taxation
There are four government mints 2 Public Expenditure
in India, where coins are minted. 3. Public Debt
They are located in Mumbai, 4. Issue of New Currency
Hyderabad, Kolkata and Noida. Fiscal Responsibility and Budget
Indian Public Finance Management Act (FRBM Act),
FRBM Act, 2003 was passed
James Wilson is considered the
in the Parliament by the
founder of the budget system in Central Government for Fiscal
India. Consolidation.
Finance Commission: In this first report, the Commission
The provision of Finance has recommended 41% for
Commission has been made under divisional revenue for the states
Article 280 in the constitution for the financial year 2020-21.
Tax Policy
to decide the framework of the
In addition to direct and indirect
division of financial resources
classification, tax is also divided
between the Centre and the States.
into specific tax and value-based
Finance Commission shall act tax, non-compliant, regressive,
as an independent semi-judicial downward and progressive taxes.
expert body in accordance with Value-Added Tax is a tax that is
the provisions contained in Article levied on the value of a commodity.
280 and after deliberating the Specific taxes are those taxes that
subjects assigned to it by the are levied on the unit and quantity
President. of the commodity.
According to the constitutional Those taxes are termed Regressive
Taxes in which the tax rate
provisions in India, there is a
decreases progressively with the
provision of the formation of
increase in the tax base (income).
the Finance Commission every This type of tax has a heavy
5 years. But if it is needful, the burden on the poor.
President can also appoint it Regarding regressive taxes, the
earlier. important fact is that on higher
income, the total tax volume
First Finance Commission in India
increases, but the tax rate
was chaired by K.C. Neogi in
1951 and since then 15 Finance Proportional taxes are those taxes
Commissions have been formed. in which the tax rate remains
15th Finance Commission: unchanged even after the change
The Government of India has in the basis of tax.
announced the formation of the There is no change in the tax rate
when income increases under
15 th Finance Commission on
proportionate taxes. Although the
27 November, 2017 after the total amount of tax paid by the
President's assent. Its current taxpayer increases as the income
chairman is Mr. N.K. Singh. increases.
A progressive tax is a tax in which on the amount of consumption
tax rates increase with the increase expenditure incurred by the
in income. people.
Forward tax is a tax in which the The suggestion of levying
rate of tax increases at first as expenditure tax in India was
income increases, but after a limit, first given in 1956 by Nicholas
the tax rate becomes constant. Kaldor.
Expenditure Tax Act was passed
Major Taxes In India
on 1 April 1957. Consequently,
1. Income Tax:
it was imposed for the first time
Income Tax in India is charged
on 1 st April, 1958 but finally
and collected by the Central
abolished in 1964.
Government. The Central
4. Estate Duty:
Government distributes the
Estate duty is a direct tax levied
revenue received from Income
by the Central Government.
Tax on the recommendation of
5. Wealth Tax:
Finance Commission between the
Wealth tax is also a direct tax that
Centre and the States.
is meant to be levied annually on
Note: Income Tax is not levied on
total value of a person's wealth,
income from agriculture.
capital or money.
2. Corporation Tax:
The British economist, Keldar
The tax levied on the income
suggested the imposition of wealth
of business companies and
tax in India which was resulted in
corporations is called 'corporation
the first taxation of wealth in 1957.
It was abolished from the financial
It is also called 'company profit
year 2015-16.
tax', but it is different from the
6. Service Tax:
tax which the shareholders of the Service tax in India was introduced
companies pay on their income. in 1994-95.
It is levied by the Central For the first time in 1994-95,
Government. service tax was imposed at the rate
3. Expenditure Tax: of 5 per cent on telephone, general
It is a type of direct tax levied insurance and stock brokerage.
7. Central Excise Duty: India has been made under 101st
Excise duty is an indirect tax Constitutional Amendment
levied by the Central Government Act which was enacted on 8 th
and distributed amongst the states September, 2016 and came into
based on the formula prescribed by effect from 1 July, 2017.
the Finance Commission. Taxes included in GST:
It is a type of commodity tax. Central Tax: Central Excise,
8. Customs Duty: Additional Excise, Service
Customs duty is an indirect tax. It is Tax, Additional Customs Duty
levied by the Central Government (Countervailing Duty), Special
on import and export of goods by Additional Customs Duty and
the Central Government. Surcharge and Cess.
It is levied both in terms of value State Tax: State Value Added Tax
and quantity. (VAT) / Sales Tax, Entertainment
9. Inauguration of Goods and Tax (excluding taxes applicable by
Services Tax: Local Bodies), Central Sales Tax
On 1 July, 2017 (at midnight of (levied by the Center and collected
30th June), Goods and Services by the States), Octroi and Entry
Tax (GST) was launched from Tax, Purchasing Tax, Luxury
the historic Central Hall of the Tax, Taxes on Lottery, Betting
Parliament House by the then and Gambling and Surcharge and
President Pranab Mukherjee and Cess.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Taxes kept outside the purview of
It is an indirect tax that has GST:
covered most of its predecessor
Tax on intoxicating liquor for
indirect taxes.
human use is exempted from GST,
It is a single tax on the supply
while five petrochemical products
of goods and services from
(crude petroleum, high-speed
manufacturer to consumer.
diesel, motor spirit, natural gas
Under this only the value addition
is taxed at each stage. and aviation fuel) are temporarily
It is noteworthy that the provision excluded from the purview of
of Goods and Services Tax in GST.
Miscellaneous Blue Revolution Fisheries
Mainly three types of steps have Production
been taken under land reforms in Silver Revolution Egg / Poultry Meat
India - 1. Abolition of Middlemen Production
Key points
Economic Survey, 2021-22
The government has projected
On 31 January 2022, Union
growth at 8% to 8.5% compared
Finance and Corporate Affairs Minister
with an estimated 9.2% for the
NirmalaSitharaman presented the
current fiscal year and a 6.6%
“Economic Survey, 2021-22” in the
contraction the previous year.
Vi r t u a l d i g i t a l a s s e t : T h e
Key points —
government has proposed to issue
The Indian economy is estimated
a Digital Rupee, or Central Bank
to grow by 9.2 percent in 2021-22
Digital Currency (CBDC), in the
(1st AE) as against a decline of 7.3
fiscal year 2022-23.
percent in the year 2020-21.
The GDP growth rate in the year Mission POSHAN 2.0: It is to
Convex Mirror : If the concave due to its large field of view and
part is polished in a spherical its reflection becomes straight.
mirror then the convex part Convex mirrors are also used as
reflects light. Such a mirror is sodium reflector lamps.
called a Convex Mirror. Reflection : Reflection of light is
In every case of a convex mirror, the phenomenon in which light
the reflection of an object becomes rays return after hitting a smooth
virtual, small and upright. and shining surface.
The convex mirror is used in Light is also reflected from the
vehicles as a rear-view mirror surface of the water.
Refraction : If light rays are
Human Eye
travelling from one medium
The human eye is capable of
to another, they change their
presenting a three-dimensional
direction at the point where two
transparent media separate with All images in the eye are formed
different refractive indexes is on the retina.
called Refraction. The conical-shaped cells present
Dispersion of Light: White Light in the retina are sensitive to
(Light from the sun) or visible colours, that is, they are used to
light is the combined effect of light identify colours.
split into seven different colours. The retina also contains rod-like or
Seven colours deflected from rod-shaped cells that are sensitive
the prism are-Violet, Indigo, to light intensity.
The minimum distance of clear
Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange
vision for the human eye is 25 cm.
and Red from the base upwards.
Myopia (Near-Sightedness) :
The acronym of these prismatic In myopia, a person can see the
colours is VIBGYOR. closer object clearly but he cannot
Rainbow: A rainbow is formed see the distant objects clearly.
owing to the dispersion of sunlight Hypermetropia (Farsighted-
(split of light into various colours) ness): People with farsightedness
by the tiny droplets of water are able to see distant objects
present in the atmosphere (colour clearly but nearby objects appear
deflection). blurred or unclear to them.
Vision Defects
Types of Vision Nearby object Distant Object Lens for Treat-
Defects ment
Near-Sighted- Can be seen Cannot be seen Concave lens
ness clearly clearly
Far-Sightedness Cannot be seen Can be seen Convex lens
clearly clearly
R2, and R3, the total resistance R
Electric Current is –
[R = R1 + R2 + R3]
Rate of flow of charge in a con-
ductor is called electric current. Similarly, when the inverse of
the combined resistance is equal
Electric current flows in the direc-
to the sum of the inverse of the
tion of motion of positive (+ve)
resistance, the total resistance is
said to be in parallel combination.
Electric current is a scalar quan- If the combined resistance is rep-
tity. Its SI unit is Ampere (A). resented by R1, R2, and R3 then in
Ohm’s Law: Ohm’s law states parallel combination inverse of the
that if no physical change occurs total resistance R is –
in the state of the conductor, the [1/R = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3]
potential applied at the ends of the
Nuclear Physics
conductor is directly proportional
to the current flowing through it.
When the resultant of combined The Nucleus of an atom is studied
resistance is equal to the sum of under Nuclear Physics.
all the resistance, they are in a se- The number of protons (Z) present
ries combination. If the combined in the nucleus is known as the
resistances are represented by R1, Atomic Number.
6 Chemistry
Chemistry studies the composition, Plasma : The state of matter at a
structure, physical and chemical high temperature in which atoms
properties of substances and their of the matter are in an ionic-state is
chemical reaction. called plasma. Therefore plasma is
Jacob Berzelius is called the
a good conductor of electricity. It
grandfather of chemistry and
Antoine Lavoisier, the father of is one of the fourth states of matter.
modern chemistry. Bose - Einstein Condensate :
The credit of establishing It is the state of matter obtained
chemistry as a separate discipline when a dilute gas of low density
goes to Robert Boyle. is cooled to near zero temperature
Physical Classification of Matter : (–273.15°C).
Under normal conditions of Average Quantity of Elements
temperature and pressure, the in Human Body
matter based on its physical
conditions is divided into three Element Percentage
states - solid, liquid and gas. Oxygen 65.0
Solid : That physical state of Carbon 18.5
matter which has fixed volume and Hydrogen 9.5
shape, is called solid e.g. metals,
wood, salts, bricks, etc. Nitrogen 3.2
Liquid : That physical state of Calcium 1.5
matter which has fixed volume Phosphorus 1.0
but its shape is uncertain is called Potassium 0.4
liquid. The liquid takes the shape Sulphur 0.3
of the vessel in which it is kept e.g. Sodium 0.2
water, milk, alcohol, mercury, etc.
Gas : That physical state of matter Chlorine 0.2
in which volume and shape both Magnesium 0.2
are uncertain is called gas. It Iron 0.004
spreads in the whole vessel in
Others 0.046
which it is filled e.g. Hydrogen,
oxygen, carbon dioxide, air etc. Metals : The elements which
Density of Solid Liquid and Gas are good conductors of heat and
- Solid > Liquid > Gas electricity, with high melting and
boiling points and shine are called Mixtures are of two types :
metals. They have the property A- Homogeneous mixture
of ductility and malleability e.g. B-Heterogeneous mixture
Iron, Silver, Copper, Gold and John Dalton, a teacher in New
Aluminium, etc. College of Manchester, England,
Non-metals : The elements after going through study of
having opposite characteristics of structure of matter in 1808, had
metals, i.e. which have no glitter, proposed the systematic view
(except iodine) and no property about the structure of atom
of ductility and malleability are and structure of matter in his
called non-metals, e.g. sulphur, hypothesis which is known as
benzene phosphorus, etc. Dalton's Atomic Theory.
Metalloids : The elements which Av o g a d ro ' s H y p o t h e s i s :
have characteristics common to According to this hypothesis "At
both metals and non-metals are
equal temperature and pressure,
called metalloids. E.g. arsenic,
silicon, antimony bismuth, etc. number of molecules in the equal
Organic Compounds : volumes of all gases remains the
Those compounds which are same."
mainly obtained from life sources The number of molecules present
and in which one or more carbon in a gram molecular weight of a
atoms are combined with covalent substance is called Avogadro's
bonds of the elements (like Number.
Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen) The number of atoms in one gram
are called organic compounds. atomic mass of each element is
Inorganic Compounds : 6.022 × 1023.
Those compounds which are Atomic and Molecular Mass :
The atomic mass of an element
formed by the combination of two
Mass of one atom of an element
or more elements (generally other =
Mass of one atom of Hydrogen
than carbon) are called inorganic
Atomic mass is a ratio, therefore
compounds, e.g. water, salt, etc. it has no unit.
Mixture : When two or more Atomic mass of an element
substances are mixed in any ratio, Mass of one atom of an element
it is called a mixture. Constituents =
Mass of 1/16 part of one atom of oxygen
of a mixture can be separated by Carbon-12 method :
ordinary physical processes. Atomic mass of an element
Mass of one atom of an element particles are found in an atom -
= Mass of 1/12th part of one atom of 612
Electron, Proton and Neutron.
Molecular Weight : Molecular
The Real mass of an isotope of
weight of any element or
Carbon-12 is 1.9926 × 10–23 gram,
compound is the number which
which is equivalent to 12 amu.
represents that, how many times
1.9926 × 10–23
1 amu = & 1.66 × the weight of one molecule of it
10–24 gram. is in comparison to the weight of
Number of grams atoms of an part of atom carbon-12.
element 12
Electron : Electron is the
Weight of element (in gram)
= negatively charged particle that
Gram atomic mass of element
has a unit negative charge and
Atom : The smallest particle of
mass equal to 9.109 × 10–31 kg.
the matter which has the property
of participating in a chemical Proton : Proton is a positively
Rutherford Structure of Atom :
Chemical Bonding
Rutherford asserted that most
of the part of an atom is empty. Chemical Bonding : Chemical
Most of the mass of an atom is bonding is that alternative force
concentrated in the nucleus and that forms the molecules by
combining two or more atoms.
the electrons revolve around it.
Valency :
Mass Number : The sum of
In 1852, the scientist, Frankland,
the total number of protons and
used the term Valency for the
neutrons in the nucleus is called
'combining capacity of atoms of
mass number.
elements'. Valency has the origin
Mass number of atom (A) =
from the Latin word Valentia
Number of protons (Z) in the (Power or Capacity).
nucleus + Number of neutrons (N)
i.e. A = Z + N Acid and Base
Atomic Number : The number
Acid : The substances which
of protons in a nucleus of an atom release hydrogen ion in an
or the number of electrons in a aqueous solution or the substance
neutral atom is called its atomic which can release a proton or
number. the substance which can absorb
Isotopes : The elements which electron pairs are known as acids.
have the same atomic number Some main acids are as follows –
but different atomic weight are HCl, H2SO4, HNO3, CH3COOH,
called isotopes, e.g. hydrogen has etc.
three isotopes 1H1 (Protium), 1H2 Acid tastes sour.
(Deuterium) and 1H3 (Tritium). Base : Compounds that form salt
Isobars : The elements which and water on reacting with acids
are called Base. Bases are of two
have the same atomic masses
types A- Base soluble in water and
but different atomic numbers
B- Base insoluble in water.
are called Isobars, e.g. Ar 40
18 # Note : Magnesium Hydroxide
(Argon), 19K40 (Potassium) and [Mg(OH)2] is used in reducing the
Ca40 (Calcium). acidity in the stomach.
Major Salts and their Chemical Names and Uses
Salts Chemical Names Uses
1. Comman Salt Sodium Chloride In preservation of food, pickles,
(NaCl) meat and fish
2. Washing Soda Sodium Carbonate In washing of clothes, in making
(Na2CO3) of caustic soda and detergent
3. Baking Soda Sodium Bicarbonate Baking powder, fire-extinguisher
(NaHCO3) and in reducing acidity in stomach
4. Alum Potassium Aluminium To stop bleeding from wounds,
Sulphate [K 2 SO 4 , colouring and for the purification
Al2(SO2)3. 24 H2O] of water
5. Potash Potassium Nitrate In the formation of fertilizer and
(KNO3) in making of gunpowder
6. Blue Vitriol Copper Sulphate Fungicide, electro-plating,
(CuSO4. 5H2O) colouring and printing
5. Magnesium-Carbonate In making Toothpaste, medicine and Gypsum
[MgCO3] salt
6. Magnesium Hydroxide Making sugar from molasses in the sugar
[Mg(OH)2] industry
7. M a g n e s i u m - C h l o r i d e In decorating cotton
8. Calcium (Ca) Used to remove Sulphur from the petroleum
and as reagent.
9. Calcium Oxide (CaO) In making bleaching powder and in the form
of slurry
10. C a l c i u m C a r b o n a t e Toothpaste, Lime, in making Carbondioxide
11. Gypsum [CaSO4.2H2O] In making-Ammonium Sulphate Plaster of Paris
and in Cement industry
12. Plaster of Paris (CaSO4) In making Idols, Bone-treatment and tying-
1 bandage
2 HO2
25. Heavy Water (D2O) In nuclear-reactions, Deuterated compounds and
as neutron retander
26. Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) Aqua-R, Chlorine, Colour, Chloride salts
27. Sulphuric Acid (H2SO4) Storage, Battery, Fertilization production,
purification of petroleum, color making and as
reagent in laboratory.
28. Ammonia (NH3) In making rayon, as reagent and in ice-factory
29. Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Before surgery as an anaesthesia
30. Producer Gas (CO +N2) In heating furnace, as cheap fuel, in the
extraction of metal.
31. Water Gas (CO + H2) In creating inert atmosphere, in the work of
32. Alum [K2SO4. Al2(SO4)3 In medicine making, leather industry in the
24H2O] purification of water, in colouring of clothes
33. Zinc (Zn) In making a battery, in the formation Hydrogen.
34. Zinc Odie (ZnO) To make ointments and to make porcelain shine
7 Biology
Aristotle is called the father of
Biology Biology.
Biology is the science of life. The
term 'Biology' is derived from
Robert Hook used the term 'cell'
two words 'Bios' (life) and 'Logos' first time.
(study). A cell is a mass of cytoplasm
Biology is the branch of science that is bound externally by a cell
that focuses on the study of living membrane.
beings. Significally, the cell is basic struc-
The term 'Biology' was first used tural and functional unit of life.
by scientists, Lamarck and Tre- Two types of cell- Prokaryotic
viranus. cells and Eukaryotic cells.
Sub-Divisions of Biology
Ichthyology Study of the science of Fish
Palynology Study of different types of pollen grains
Difference Between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
Prokaryotic Cell Eukaryotic Cell
1. Cells are often small in size. 1. Cells are often big in size.
2. Incipient Nucleus. 2. Fully developed Nucleus.
3. Nuclear membrane and nucle- 3. Nuclear membrane and nucleolus
olus absent. present.
4. Histone proteins are not asso- 4. Histone proteins are associated
ciated with DNA. with DNA.
5. Cell organelles are present 5. Cell organelles like golgi body,
without membrane. endoplasmic reticulum, chlo-
roplast and mitrochondria are
present with cell membrane.
6. Cellular respiration occurs in 6. Cellular respiration occurs in
plasma membrane. mitochondria.
7. All cells have 70S type of 7. All cells have 80S ribosomes.
Main Cell Organelles and Other The main function of endoplasmic
Parts reticulum is the transportation of
(A) Cell Membrane : constructive fats and proteins for
Cells are surrounded by a thin different membranes, like cell
semi-permeable membrane called membrane, nucleus membrane,
the cell membrane. etc.
(B) Cell Wall : (E) Ribosomes:
It is the outer covering of the cell Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) and ribo-
membrane. nucleoprotein are found in equal
It is found only in cells of plants, measure in ribosomes.
fungi and bacteria. It is the site of protein synthesis. It
It consists of cellulose in plants. is also known as protein factory.
The cell wall of bacteria is made A Ribosome is of two types based
of peptidoglycan. on the size and sedimentation
(C) Mitochondria : coefficient- (i) 70S Ribosome and
Richard Altman discovered mito- (ii) 80S Ribosome.
chondria in cells but named them (F) Golgi Complex:
bioplast in 1890. It was discovered by Camillo
(D) Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) : Golgi in an animal cell in 1898.
It is the largest membrane found in It forms the cell wall and lyso-
the eukaryotic cell. some.
It is called the Traffic Police of III. Leucoplast:
the Cell, because it sort-out the Leucoplast is colourless. It is
proteins and other components found in that part of a plant which
including enzymes, of the cell fails to receive sunlight.
membrane in the same or modified It is mostly found in roots and
underground stems.
It is formed by different types of
(J) Nucleus:
vesicles and microtubule clusters.
(G) Lysosome: Nucleus was discovered by Felice
Discovered by Christian Rene de Fontana and named by Bowman.
Duve in 1955. A thread-like structure located in
Its main function is to devour and nucleoplasm is called Chromatin.
digest outer substances. Chromatin is a nucleoprotein that
It is also called Suicide Bag. is made by a mixture of nucleic
acids and basic protein (Histone).
(H) Centrosome:
IV Genetics
Centrosome was discovered by
The process of transmission of
Edouard Van Beneden in 1883 genetic traits from one generation
and was named in 1888 by Theo- to another is called heredity. It
dor Boveri. is a major factor responsible for
It is found only in animal cells. variations in the characteristics of
(I) Plastid:
Greger Johann Mendel is called
Plastid was discovered by Ernst
the Father of genetics.
Haeckel. Mendel chose the garden
It is often found in plant cells. pea 'Pisum sativum' for his
I. Chloroplast: hybridization experiments.
Chloroplast contains a green-co- DNA is the genetic material in
loured pigment known as chloro-
phyll. Friedrich Miescher discovered
A chloroplast is also known as the DNA in 1869. He called it
kitchen of the cells. 'Nuclein'.
II. Chromoplast: DNA contains 5 carbon sugar
Chromoplast is found with many 'deoxyribose'.
colours like red, yellow, orange, DNA molecules contain
etc. except green. nitrogenous bases called Adenine,
It is found in coloured parts of a Guanine, Cytosine and Thymine.
plant like a flower, pericarp, seeds, DNA conducts all genetic
etc. processes.
DNA regulates protein synthesis. Human species has a total of 23
The fundamental physical and pairs or a total of 46 chromosomes.
functional unit of genetics is a 22 pairs of chromosomes are
gene. homologous in females and males.
Genes are constituted by DNA. They are called Autosomes.
RNA: Full form of RNA is One pair (23rd) of a chromosome
Ribonucleic Acid. The synthesis is not homologous in males and
of RNA from DNA is called females. It is called Heterosomes
Transcription. or Allosomes.
Virus: Bacteria:
Viruses are acellular microscopic The branch of science that deals
organisms that replicate inside the with the study of bacteria is called
living cells. Bacteriology.
Ivanovsky discovered the virus in Bacteria are the simplest microbial
1892. and unicellular proto organisms.
Fungi : Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek,
Mycology is the branch of biology a resident of Holland, first
discovered it in 1683. He is called
concerned with the study of fungi.
the Father of Bacteriology.
Fungi are often found everywhere.
Ehrenberg coined the term
These are achlorophyllous,
'Bacteria' in 1829.
eukaryotic, vascular tissueless
Robert Koch discovered bacteria
of cholera and tuberculosis.
Lichens: Louis Pasteur discovered
Lichen is an organism formed rabies vaccines, pasteurization
by the combination of algae and and fermentation. Bacterias,
fungi. depending on their different
The fungal partner is involved in shapes, can be classified into the
sexual reproduction with the help following.
of reproductive structures called The main diseases caused by
apothecia. bacteria in plants are:
Bacteria Disease Angiosperm:
Pseudomonas Potato Wilt In this group of plants, the seeds
Solanacearum are embedded in the fruit and thus
Agrobacterium Crown Gall it is different from gymnosperm.
Tumifaciens In this group of plants, root, stem,
Xanthomonas Black Rot of leaf, fruit, flowers and seeds all are
Campestris Cabbage
fully grown.
Xanthomonas Citri Citrus Canker
The presence of flowers and
double fertilization is a unique
It is a group that falls between the
categories of Pteridophytes and feature of these plants.
angiosperms. The seeds of these plants contain
This group consists of plants in cotyledons, based on which
which seeds are formed, but they this group is divided into (1)
remain without cover. The ovules Monocotyledon plants and (II)
or seeds developing out of them
Dicotyledon plants.
are not embedded in any shell,
I. Monocotyledon Plants: Monocot
wall or fruit.
is a group of flowering plants that
They lack an ovary.
The worlds tallest plant Sequoia have only one Cotyledon in their
Sempervirens which is found in seeds.
Redwood Park, California, belongs II. Dicotyledon Plants:
to this group. Their seeds have two cotyledons.
Modification of Stem
Underground Stem Examples
Rhizome Turmeric, Ginger
Tuber Potato
Corm Mistletoe, Saffron
Bulb Onion
1. A A Anti- B or b
2. B B Anti- A or a
3. AB A and B None
4. O None Both a and b
According to Bernstein, ABO blood group is a genetic characteristic of
Blood Groups of Offspring
Mother-Father Blood Possible Impossible
O×O O A, B, AB
A×B O,A,B,AB -
A × AB A,B O, AB
A × AB
B × AB
AB × AB A, B, AB O
Excretory System
The exhalation of carbon dioxide
Excretion: The removal of toxic formed as a result of oxidation of
wastes from the body of organisms carbohydrates in the cells of the
body is performed mainly in the
is called excretion. In other words,
lungs during respiration process.
excretion refers to the removal of
The lungs also emit volatile
nitrogenous excretory substances
components of certain foods such
such as ammonia, urea, uric acid,
as garlic, onions and some spices.
Following are the primary Liver cells contribute significantly
excretory organs in humans- to the excretion by converting
1. Skin, 2. Lungs, 3. Liver, 4. nitrogenous substances of excess
Kidneys amino acids and ammonia of
Skin: blood, etc. into urea.
Sweat glands of the skin excrete Kidney:
water, CO2, urea and salts in the The kidney is a bean-shaped organ
of dark red colour.
form of sweat.
In humans and other mammals, it
The oily glands of the skin secrete
is present in a pair.
Its outer part is called Cortex and Hypothalamus: Its main function
the inner part is called Medulla. is to control the hormones secreted
Each kidney is made up of about by endocrine glands. Thus, it
10,00,000 renal tubules called contains the centres which control
Nephrons. hunger, thirst, temperature, love,
hatred, etc. It also regulates
Nervous System
feelings of anger, aggression,
(a) Brain: The brain of man is safe emotions, pain, happiness and
in the cranial cavity of the skull. pleasure. It controls the rhythm of
The human brain weighs about sleep and daily activities.
1.3–1.4 kg. Cerebellum : This is located in
The brain has three major parts, the upper part of the hindbrain.
viz., forebrain, midbrain and It is the second-largest part of
hindbrain. the hindbrain after cerebrum.
The cerebrum, thalamus and Its function is to maintain the
hypothalamus are part of the balance of the body and control the
forebrain. contraction of voluntary muscles.
Cerebellum, medulla oblongata It coordinates all skilful actions.
and pons Varolii are parts of the Medulla Oblongata: This is the
hindbrain. lower part of the hind brain, and
The cerebrum is the largest part of is often called only the medulla.
the brain. The main functions of the
medulla oblongata are to control
Cerebrum: It is the centre of
heart beating rate and intensity,
intelligence, will power, voluntary
respiration rate, food ingestion,
motions, knowledge, learning,
vomiting, coughing, sneezing,
memory, speech and thinking. It
hiccups, taste, secretion of saliva,
is an analysis and coordination hearing balance and movement of
centre of inspiration derived from the tongue.
the senses. II. Peripheral Nervous System: It
Thalamus: It gives the feeling of consists of nerves emanating from
heat, pain, touch, etc. the central nervous system.
There are two types of peripheral or voice box, trachea, bronchi,
nerves-(1), Cranial nerves related bronchioles and lungs, etc.
to the brain and (2) Spinal nerves Through lungs, gases are inhaled
related to the spinal cord. and exhaled. It is the most
There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves important part of the human
and 31 pairs of spinal nerves in the respiratory system. Hence, it is
human body. called pulmonary respiration.
III. Autonomic Nervous System: Endocrine System
The Autonomic Nervous System
The gland consists of cells, tissues
(ANS) is that part of the peripheral
or organs whose cells synthesize
nervous system that regulates and
and secrete a substance. These are
controls the functions of visceral three types in vertebrate animals –
organs. Some of it is made up of (I) Exocrine Glands: These are duct
cranial nerves and some of spinal glands.
nerves. Secreted materials from it flow
Autonomic Nervous System can into the ducts and are released on
be divided into two parts - the surface of the corresponding
1. Sympathetic Nervous System epithelial layer. Example- Milk
gland, sweat gland, lacrimal gland,
2. Parasympathetic Nervous
mucous gland, salivary gland, etc.
(II) Endocrine Glands: These are
Respiratory System ductless glands.
Secreted substances or hormones
Combustion of glucose with
from it released into the tissue
oxygen releases energy, water
material reach the blood cells and
and carbon dioxide. The process
circulate throughout the body,
of inhalation of oxygen and
such as pituitary gland, thyroid,
exhalation of carbon dioxide is
parathyroid, adrenal, pineal and
called respiration.
thymus gland.
The respiratory system consists (III) Mixed Glands: It includes both
of all the organs through which exocrine and endocrine types
air passes in and out are nose and of tissue or cells—for example,
nasal passages, pharynx, larynx pancreas.
Major endocrine glands and in the development of secondary
hormones secreted from them: sexual traits of the female.
Pituitary Gland: (b) Progesterone: It induces the
It is located in the sella turcica in development of symptoms
the sphenoid bone of the cranium. necessary for pregnancy.
It weighs between 0.5 and 1 gram. (c) Relaxin: In pregnancy, these are
Many of its hormones control secreted from corpus luteum and
other endocrine glands. It is thus
placenta. This hormone softens
known as the Master Gland.
the pubic symphysis of the pelvic
Thyroxine Deficiency Disease:
girdle, making the cervix wider
a. Myxoedema: This disease occurs
and facilitating childbirth.
in adults due to low secretion of
thyroid. It dramatically reduces 2. Testes:
the metabolic rate, i.e., BMR. Cells of Leydig secrete male
Hence, appearing the symptoms hormones, Androgens from testes.
of premature ageing. The primary androgen is
b. Cretinism: This disease is caused testosterone. It is called the
due to hyposecretion of thyroid Growth Hormone.
in the embryonic stage or even in It promotes the development of
childhood. male sexual characteristics and
c. Common Goitre or Simple sexual behaviour.
Goitre: Thyroid gland enlargement Nutrients
is called goitre disease; a lack of
iodine in food causes this disease.1. Vitamins:
d. Hashimoto's Disease: This Funk discovered vitamins.
disease occurs due to excessive Vitamins are complex organic
hyposecretion or damage to the
Vitamins control the actions of
thyroid gland due to ageing,
catalysts in metabolic reactions in
injury, infection, surgery, etc.
the body.
D. Gonads:
About 20 vitamins have been
1. Ovary: It secretes the following
known so far. These are in two
hormones – categories - (i) Water-soluble
(a) Estrogen: It is called female (Vitamin B,C) and (ii) Fat-soluble
growth hormone. It is helpful (Vitamin A,D,E,K).
Vitamin Disease due to Deficiency Sources
Vitamin A Nightblindness, Carrots, Green Vegetables,
(Retinol) xerophthalmia, infection, Milk, Butter, Egg, Liver, etc.
Vitamin B1 Beri-Beri, growth retardation Cereals, Legumes, Soybeans,
(Thiamine) Milk, etc.
Vitamin B2 Cheilosis Paneer, Egg, Green Vegetables,
(Riboflavin) Milk, Meat, Yeast, etc.
Vitamin B3 Pellagra Yeast, Meat, Fish, Egg, Milk,
(Niacin) Legumes, etc.
Vitamin B5 Skin disease retarded growth, Egg, Milk, Meat, Groundnut, etc.
(Pantothenic Acid) white hair
Vitamin B6 Anaemia, skin diseases, muscle Milk, Yeast, Cereals, Meat, etc.
(Pyridoxine) cramps
Vitamin B7 skin diseases, hair fall Wheat, Egg, Vegetables/Meat,
(Biotin) Fruits, etc.
Vitamin B9 Anemia, retarded growth Vegetables, Pulses, Yeast, Meat,
(Folic Acid) Egg, etc.
Vitamin B12 Pernicious Anaemia, Nervous Milk, Meat, Fish, Egg, Intestinal
(Cynocobalamin) system disturbances Bacteria, etc
Vitamin C Scurvy C i t r u s F r u i t s , To m a t o e s ,
(Ascorbic Acid) Almond, Vegetables, etc.
Vitamin D R i c k e t s ( i n C h i l d r e n ) Butter, Cod Liver Oil, Egg, etc.
(Calciferol) Osteomalacia (in Adults) and Sunlight.
Vitamin E Lack of reproductive capacity, O i l , C e r e a l s , E g g - y o l k ,
(Tocopherol) weak genitalia and muscles Soybean, etc.
Vitamin K Impaired Blood Clotting Green Leafy Vegetables, Egg,
(Naphthoquinone Soybean, Intestinal Bacteria,
or Phylloquinone) etc.
The organ affected by malaria is which bones become weak and
Spleen. brittle.
Chloroquine, Camoquin, etc. are Food poisoning is caused by the
used in the treatment of malaria. bacteria 'Salmonella Bacilli'.
Dengue is a viral disease caused by In osteoporosis disease, the Bone
Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus Mineral Density decreases and
and Culex fatigue mosquitoes. the micro-structure of the bone is
Dengue causes severe pain in destroyed.
bones and joints, along with a high Poisoning from the bacterium
fever. 'Clostridium Botulinum' is called
Dengue is also known as botulism.
Breakbone fever. Itai-Itai disease is caused by
The number of platelets in the cadmium poisoning.
blood of a patient suffering from Phenylketonuria is a type of
dengue decreases. hereditary disease. The body of a
Plasmodium vivax is a digenetic person affected by phenylketonuria
animal. is not able to break down the
The life cycle of Plasmodium amino acid 'Phenylalanine'.
vivax is completed in two hosts - In phenylketonuria, phenylalanine
human and female anopheles. accumulates in the blood.
Plasmodium vivax causes In phenylketonuria, the human
malaria. brain is damaged and a state of
mental insensitivity occurs.
It lives as an endoparasite in red
Diphtheria, pertussis (whooping
blood cells and liver cells. cough) and tetanus disease caused
The BMD test is used to by Corynebacterium Diphtheriae,
identify Osteoporosis Disease. Bordetella Pertussis, and
Osteoporosis is a bone disease in Clostridium Tetani, respectively.
Specific Facts Related Space Missions
Fact Related INfo
Sputnik-I First satellite in the space by Soviet
Sputnik-II First satellite to take living dog
Yuri Gagarin (USSR) First human to enter space
He used the vehicle called Vostok.
9 Computer
An electronic machine that signs that are used to convey
calculates a large scale of data is language and meaning are called
called Computer. Character, i.e. a, b, c, d, 0, 1, 2,
Programme – The instructions on 3, #, $ 1 < >, etc.
which the computer works are Types of Computer
called Programme. Micro Computer :
Microprocessors are used in
Input Data
Microcomputer is also called P.C.
Data Processing (Personal Computer)
PC is divided into following
Output Information categories.
(i) Desktop Computer
Data : Data is a set of raw (ii) Laptop Computer
facts, figures and statistics from (iii) Palmtop Computer
which meaningful information is (iv) Note Book Computer
obtained after processing. (v) Tablet Computer
Processing : The collection, Mini-Computer :
manipulation and processing of Mini-computers are used for
collected data for the required use payroll, accounting and scientific
experiments, etc.
is known as data processing.
Mainframe Computer :
Bit : Bit is the smallest unit of
Mainframe computers are used
computer memory.
for server computers in large
In the bit memory, the data is
companies and offices.
stored in the binary form 0 or 1.
On the mainframe computer,
Byte : A byte is a standard unit
multiple users can log in
of computer memory.
A byte consists of 8 bits to store
Supercomputer :
any letter in the memory. Supercomputer is a well-connected
Character : In addition to number group of high-quality computers
mounted on high steel shelves in Parts of Computer
which several microprocessors 1. C.P.U. : The term Central
work together. Processing Unit has its acronym as
Supercomputers can solve C.P.U. This is the main hardware
any problem of the computer of the computer.
immediately. C.P.U. is also called the brain of
Units such as gigaflops, teraflops the computer.
and petaflops are used to Memory Unit : A memory or
describe the performance of the memory unit is that part of a
supercomputer. computer through which the
In a Supercomputer, billions storage and instructions and
and trillions of calculations are retrieval of data are carried out.
processed within seconds. Memory Capacity is measured in
Supercomputers are used in byte, megabyte, kilobyte, gigabyte
meteorological research, nuclear or terabyte.
weapons, quantum physics and (A) RAM (Random Access Memory)
study of chemicals, etc. It is the main memory of the
Digital Computer : computer.
A digital computer converts data No sequence is followed by RAM
and program into binary form in accessing information.
0 and 1 and converts them into RAM is a volatile memory.
electronic form. The capacity or size of RAM is
Analog Computer : 256 MB, 512 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB,
Analog computers continue to etc.
receive information in the form (B) ROM- (Read Only Memory)
of signal that is converted and ROM memory can only be read.
displayed as data.
ROM is a permanent memory.
Quantum Computer :
A computer that is based on Motherboard - The motherboard
quantum mechanics is called is the main Printed Circuit Board
Quantum Computer. (PCB) where each plug of
Quantum bits or Q bits can encode computer is plugged.
more information than traditional CPU, RAM, etc. are organised
bits. inside the Motherboard.
Input Devices : The image displayed on the monitor
All devices which are used to is made up of thousands of small
enter data and instructions into coloured dots (.) which are called
the computer are called Input Pixels.
Devices. There are three types of monitors-
A. Keyboard : A keyboard is the (1) CRT (Cathode Ray Tube)
main and the most important input (2) LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
device. (3) LED (Light Emitting Diode)
A keyboard is a device that has B. Printer : The result obtained from
keys similar to a typewriter. computer is printed on paper and
Text, number symbol, etc. are used given to the user permanently.
as input into a computer through There are many types of printers
the keyboard. such as impact printer, DOT
B. Mouse : A computer mouse is matrix printer, inkjet printer, and
used to select text, icons, files and laser printer.
folders in the graphical interface Computer Hardware : Hardware
by controlling the cursor. is that part of computer that we
C. Scanner : Through this, the shape can touch or see.
or written information on a page Computer Software : Software
can be scanned and processed as is an information, command or
input directly into the computer. method on which a computer's
A hard copy can be converted to hardware functions.
soft copy through a scanner. System Software :
D. OMR (Optical Mark Reader) - Programs in the computer run
OMR scanner checks the presence with the help of the operating
system such as Linux, Windows
of pencil and pen marks on the
7, Windows 8, Windows 10.
OMR sheet.
Optical Fibre : Optical Fibre is
Output Devices:
a very thin fibre made of glass,
These hardware devices are used plastic or silica.
to display, project or physically Optical fibre works on the principle
produce computer information. of complete internal reflection of
A. Monitor - The monitor is also
Optical fibre is suitable for long
called as Visual Display Unit. distance communication.
Wi-Fi, Wireless Fidelity : Wi-Fi Web Page : A Web Page contains
is a wireless technology of Local a repository of information in the
Area Network. form of text, picture, video, audio
Modem : and animation.
A Modem is an abbreviation of Web Browser : It is a client
Modulator and Demodulator. program in which all types of
The computer generates a digital websites and web pages are
signal while only an analog signal available and can be opened at
can be sent over telephone. www.
Video Streaming : By video Home Page : The first page of any
streaming, video and audio can website is called Home Page.
be seen and listened to instantly World Wide Web : The World
on internt. Wide Web is a web of information
Through the downloading process, sources. It is also known as www
various softwares and games can or web. This application was
be downloaded via internet. invented by Tim Berners Lee.
In online shopping, we can E-mail : Currently, E-mail is the
purchase or sell items through fastest medium of exchanging
internet while sitting at home. information.
Major Internet Glossaries : Important Facts Related to
Website : It is a group of related Computer:
web pages. Charles Babbage made the first
To view a website, an internet computer in 1837.
address is required which is called Charles Babbage is called the
URL (Uniform Resource Locator). Father of Computer.
URL (Uniform Resource The inventor of the electronic
Locator) : A unique address computer is Dr. Alan M. Turing.
expressing the name of the server
Computer literacy means being
on the internet is called a unique
able to use a computer.
address URL.
The electronic path that sends
URL means searching the
signals from one part of the
whereabouts of a service,
organization or server on the computer to another is called Bus.
internet like http:// www. bing. Computer literacy day is observed
com/in is a URL. on 2nd December every year.
The first computer, called The Words Related to Computer
TIFRAC, was manufactured in
z ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit
z ALGOL - Algorithmic Language
Bengluru is called the Silicon
z ASCII - American Standard Code
Valley of India.
The world's first electronic for Information Interchange
the Olympic Games in Mexico ± The city that hosts the Olympic
Games most is London.
Olympics (1968).
Olympics and India :
± Women also started participating
± O f f i c i a l l y, I n d i a s t a r t e d
in Olympic Games from the Paris
participating in Olympics at the
Olympics (1990).
1928 Amsterdam Olympics under
Most in the Olympic Games :
± USA’s swimmer Michael Phelps the Indian Olympic Association
holds the record of winning the (IOA).
most gold medals in a single ± Officially, Indian women first
Olympics. participated in the Helsinki
± Phelps, popularly known as Olympics (1952). These 4 women
were - Mary D’Souza (Athletics), first gold medal in an individual
Neelima Ghosh (Athletics), Dolly event.
Nazir (Swimming) and Aarti ± Sushil Kumar is the first player
Saha (Swimming). from India who had won medals in
± Excluding Norman Pritchard, the two consecutive Olympics (2008
first Indian who won a medal in the Beijing, Bronze and 2012 London,
individual event of the Olympics
is K.D. Jadhav (Wrestling
± From 1928 to 1956, India had won
Bronze-1952 Helsinki).
the gold medals 6 times in a row
± The first Indian woman who won
in hockey.
an Olympic Medal was Karnam
± India has won a total of 8 gold
Malleswari (Weightlifting Bronze-
medals in hockey so far. India
2000, Sydney).
won its last gold medal in hockey
± The first Indian female boxer
in the 1980 Moscow Olympics.
Olympic medalist is M.C. Mary
± The 32 nd Summer Olympic
Kom (Bronze - 2012, London).
G a m e s , k n o w n a s To k y o
± The first Indian female badminton
Olympics 2020 was held from
player who won an Olympic Medal
July 23 to August 08, 2021, in
is Saina Nehwal (Bronze-2012,
Tokyo, Japan.
± The first Indian woman wrestler ± The theme of the opening
± Manika Batra bagged a gold
Commonwealth Games
medal for the first time in the table
Introduction : tennis Singles for India.
± Commonwealth Games are the ± Neeraj Chopra had won a gold
medal for India for the first time
second-largest grand sporting
in Javelin Throw competition with
event in the world after the
a throw of 86.47 meters.
Olympic Games.
Asian Games
± In the same sequence with the
efforts of MM Bobby Robinson, ± The first Asian Games were held
a Canadian athlete, the ‘First in New Delhi in 1951 with the
British Empire Games’ were held efforts of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru and
Antony De Mello.
in Hamilton, Canada in the mid-
± ‘Shining Sun’ was declared the
1930s amongst the British Empire symbol of the Asian Games by the
Countries. Asian Games Association.
± Finally, from the year 1978, ± The rules of these games are
its name was shortened to supervised by the Olympic
"Commonwealth Games". Council of Asia(OCA) under the
Hill Forts of Rajasthan Rajasthan 2013
A. Gagron Fort Jhalawar (Rajasthan) 2013
B. Chittorgarh Fort Rajasthan 2013
C. Amber Fort Jaipur (Rajasthan) 2013
D. Kumbhalgarh Fort Rajsamand 2013
E. Jaisalmer Fort Jaisalmer 2013
F. Ranthambhore Fort Sawai Madhopur 2013
Great Himalayan National Park Himachal Pradesh 2014
Rani ki Vav Patan (Gujarat) 2014
The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier, An Out Chandigarh 2016
Standing Contribution to Modern Movement
Archaeological Site of Nalanda Mahavihara Bihar 2016
Khangchendzonga National Park Sikkim 2016
Historical City of Ahmedabad Gujarat 2017
Victorian Gothic and Art Deco Ensembles of Maharashtra 2018
Jaipur City Rajasthan 2019
Kakatiya Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple Telangana 2021
Dholavira: A Harappan city Gujarat 2021
Note - In November, 2021 UNESCO has included Srinagar in the prestigious list of Creative
Cities Network in the category of 'Folk Art and Culture and Craft'.
Graveyards of Great Men
Persons Places Life Span
Mahatma Gandhi Rajghat (New Delhi) 1869-1948
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Mahaprayan Ghat (Patna) 1884-1963
Jawaharlal Nehru Shanti Van (New delhi) 1889-1964
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Chaitya Bhumi (Mumbai) 1891-1956
Lal Bahadur Sashtri Vijay Ghat (New Delhi) 1904-1966
Indira Gandhi Shakti Sthal (New Delhi) 1917-1984
Rajiv Gandhi Vir Bhumi (New Delhi) 1944-1991
Atal Bihari Vajpayee Sadaiv Atal (New Delhi) 1924-2018
Central Mining & Fuel Research Institute Dhanbad (J.H.)
Central Institute of Horticulture Lucknow (U.P.)
Institute of Microbial Technology Chandigarh (H.R.)
Institute of Ecology Bangaluru (K.A.)
National Institute of Oceanography Panaji (Goa)
Indian Geomagnetic Institute Mumbai (M.H.)
Central Potato Research Institute Shimla (H.P.)
Major Classical Dances and Dance Artists
Dance Artist
1. Kathak Sukhdev Maharaj, Lachhu Maharaj, Birju Maharaj,Gopi
Krishna, Shovana Narayan, Sitara Devi, Chandralekha,
Malavika Sarkar, Manjari Chaturvedi, Gauri Jog, Achchan
Maharaj, Bindadin Maharaj, Narayan Prasad, Saswati Sen, etc.
2. Odissi Kelucharan Mohapatra, Mohan Goswami, Pankaj Charandas,
Harekrishna Behera, Mayadhar Rawat, Sonal Mansingh,
Kiran Sehgal, Samyukta Panigrahi, Rani Karna, Madhavi
Mudgal, Indrani Rahman, Kalicharan Patnaik, Kumkum
Mohanty, Sujata Mahapatra, Sharon Lowen (US), etc.
3. Kuchipudi Shobha Naidu, Raja Reddy, Radha Reddy, Yamini
Krishnamurthy, Lakshmi Narayan Shastri, Swapna Sundari,
Vedantam Satyanarayana Sharma, Vempati Chinna Satyam,
Payal Ramchandani, Arunima kumar, Pratiksa Kashi, Uma
Rama Rao, etc.
4. Kathakali Krishnan Nair, Uday Shankar, Ballaltol Narayan Menon,
Mrinalini Sarabhai, Shanta Rao, Krishnan Kutty, Anand
Sivaraman, Gopi, Kanak Rale, Keshavan Namboodiri, Ruby
Mishra, etc.
5. Bharatanatyam Rukmani Devi Arundel, Yamini Krishnamurthy, Sonal
Mansingh, Padma Subrahmanyam, T. Bala Saraswati,
Ramgopal, S.K. Saroj, Mrinalini Sarabhai, Leela Samson,
Malavika Sarkar, Vyjayanthi Mala Bali, Priyadarshini Govind,
Nalini Prakas, Priya Murle, Kumari Kavita Ramu etc.
6. Mohiniattam Ragini Devi, Bharti Shivaji, Kalyani Kutti Amma, Sridevi,
Shanta Rao, Hema Malini, Tara Nidigadi, Geeta Singer,
Sunandya Nair, Gopika Verma, Vijayalakshmi, Radha Dutta,
Pallavi Krishnan, etc.
7. Manipuri Nal Kumar Singh, Atamb Singh, Guru Amli Singh, Jhaveri
Sisters (Darshana, Nayana, Suvarna and Ranjana Jhaveri),
Kalavati Devi, Savita Mehta, Charu Mathur, Rema Srikanth,
Bimbavati, Gopal Singh, Guru Vipin Singh, Rajkumar
Singhjeet Singh, Guru Nileswar Mukherjee, Sohini Ray, etc.
Commands and Headquarters of Indian Army, Navy and Air Force
Army Commands Headquarters
Northern Command Udhampur
Southern Command Pune
Western Command Chandimandir (Panchkula)
Eastern Command Kolkata
Southern - Western Command Jaipur
Central Command Lucknow
Training Command Shimla
Naval Command Headquarters
Western Command Mumbai
Eastern Command Visakhapatnam
Southern Command Kochi
Andaman and Nicobar Port Blair
Airforce Commands Headquarters
Western Command New Delhi
Eastern Command Shillong
Southern Command Thiruvananthapuram
Central Command Prayagraj
South-Western Command Gandhinagar
Training Command Bengaluru
Maintenance Command Nagpur
8. Acharya Vinoba Bhave 1983
9. Khan Abul Gaffar Khan 1987
10. Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar and Nelson Mandela 1990
11. Rajiv Gandhi, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and Morarji Desai 1991
12. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, JRD Tata and Satyajit Ray 1992
13. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Gulzarilal Nanda and Aruna Asaf Ali 1997
14. Lata Mangeshkar, Ustad Bismillah Khan 2001
15. Bhimsen Joshi 2009
16. Sachin Tendulkar and Chintamani Nagesh Ramchandra Rao 2014
(CNR Rao)
17. Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Madan Mohan Malviya 2015
18. Pranab Mukherjee, Bhupen Hazarika and Nanaji Deshmukh 2019
The main objective of the Red
World's Major Cross is to help those who were
6 affected by war or disaster.
Association of South - East Asian
Nations - (ASEAN):
T h e N o r t h A t l a n t i c Tr e a t y 'Association of Southeast Asian
Organization - (NATO): Nations' (ASEAN) was established
NATO was established on April 4, on 8 August 1967.
1949. Central Secretariat of ASEAN is
C u r r e n t l y, N AT O h a s 3 0 located in Jakarta, Indonesia.
independent member countries. Currently, there are 10 countries
North Macedonia is the 30 th involved in ASEAN.
member country of NATO. Asian Development Bank (ADB):
NATO headquarter is located in Asian Development Bank was
Brussels (Belgium). established in 1966.
European Union: The Asian Development Bank's
Establishment of the European headquarter is located in Manila,
Union on 1 November 1993 in Philippines.
The South Asian Association for
Maastricht (Netherlands).
Regional Cooperation (SAARC):
Headquarter of the European South Asian Association for
Union is located in Brussels Regional Cooperation was
(Belgium). established in December 1985.
The total number of member countries Its headquarter is located in
in the European Union is 27. Kathmandu, Nepal.
Organization of Petroleum SAARC has 8 member countries
Exporting Countries - OPEC: - Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka,
OPEC was established in 1960 in Maldives, India, Bangladesh,
Baghdad. Pakistan and Afghanistan.
OPEC has its headquarter in G-7 (Group. 7):
Vienna, Austria. G-7 was founded by France in 1975.
(Non-Aligned Movement - NAM): The countries included in the G-7
In 1961, the first Conference of are - America, Canada, the United
Non-Aligned Countries was held Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany
and Japan.
in Belgrade. Brazil, Russia, India, China and
The Non-Aligned Movement South Africa -(BRICS):
headquarter is located in Jakarta, Brazil, Russia, India and China
Indonesia. established a new economic
Red Cross: organization (BRIC) in 2009.
The Red Cross was founded in South Africa was included in this
1863 by Henry Dunant. organisation on 14 April, 2011 at
Its headquarter is located in the 3rd BRIC Summit held in China
Geneva (Switzerland). and named 'BRICS'.