Sama Et Al-2019-International Journal of Metalcasting
Sama Et Al-2019-International Journal of Metalcasting
Sama Et Al-2019-International Journal of Metalcasting
48 7,467
3 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Guha P. Manogharan on 03 June 2019.
Tony Badamo
Hazleton Casting Company, Hazleton, PA, USA
Metal casting foundries all across USA are increasingly that 3DSP has the ability to (1) reduce shrinkage by
adopting the recent development in additive manufacturing allowing casting in optimal orientation without hard-tool-
including 3D sand printing (3DSP) due to its unique ability ing requirements, (2) reduce lead time through rapid mold
to fabricate molds and cores without any tooling require- fabrication by easier facilitation of nesting multiple parts
ment such as patterns, cores, core boxes, flasks among into a single mold, (3) allow hybrid molding by integrating
others. This new method of rapid mold fabrication can 3DSP with conventional mold making and (4) fabricate
accelerate process cycle times, reduce shrinkage defects, tooling-less complex castings, respectively. Findings from
offer part consolidation, functional integration and cus- this study would help foundries rethink their design process
tomization that could facilitate the growth of foundry from traditional pattern-drawing to a new and radical
industries. This study demonstrates how the adoption of freeform-based design process via 3DSP.
3DSP technology has contributed to a conventional ferrous
metal casting foundry that specializes in manufacturing Keywords: 3D sand printing, metal casting, additive
impellers, turbine housings and other mining equipment. manufacturing, shrinkage porosity, misrun, casting
Four industrial case studies are presented to illustrate simulation
novel opportunities via 3DSP. These case studies validate
featured casting after performing solidification simulations via 3DSP to connect risers to shroud rings in vertical ori-
in SOLIDCast 8. MDF is used to visualize the flow of the entation enables multiple rigging system possibilities. The
liquid feed metal and contraction of the casting during and redesigned rigging system is developed after numerous
after solidification. An MDF value of 0.995 is the accept- iterative casting simulations. This design employed only
able threshold for porosity in the casting in this study.32 As three risers and a single in-gate as opposed to four risers
shown in Figure 2b, the bottom shroud ring has significant and two in-gates in conventional mold design. Figure 3b
porosity despite the provision of large risers and chromite shows MDF of the redesigned rigged closed vane impeller
sand chills. This undesired porosity at the shroud ring is is at 0.995. It can be observed that the cast part has dras-
prevalent in castings of closed vane impellers via con- tically reduced shrinkage porosity when compared to
ventional tooling36 and often leads to rejection of the cast casting from conventional mold making. With advanced
part. Therefore, complex, low-volume production runs and chilling provisions such as addition of chromite cores and
expensive castings such as a closed vane impeller provide sleeves, the cast part could be produced without any
an opportunity to explore non-traditional rigging design via porosity. Figure 4 provides such example where a parting
3DSP to produce defect-free castings to meet engineering line that is perpendicular to the plane of shroud has been
specifications. made possible using 3D sand printing.
Methodology for Eliminating Shrinkage Using 3DSP
Often in conventional mold making, the geometry of cast
The rationale for the redesign process lies in the principle part dictates the orientation of the casting in the mold.
that the high volume of metal in the shroud ring requires However, orientations via traditional mold making cannot
additional riser with a practical and connected feed path. always accommodate risers of optimal size and/or position
However, it is difficult to hold a feasible feed path in the resulting in incomplete feed path. Often, designers in
horizontal casting orientation in conventional mold-making foundries are anticipating the occurrences of shrinkage but
process. Therefore, an alternative approach is proposed to are restricted to employing sub-optimal orientations
orient the cast part vertically with its shrouds perpendicular because of limitations in conventional tooling. With
to the direction of gravity as shown in Figure 3a to connect introduction of 3DSP technology in a foundry, optimal
risers to the shroud ring. The presence of intensive and orientations can be cast without concerns of hard-tooling.
complex undercuts shown in Figures 1 and 3a makes it This case study establishes the evidence that 3DSP has the
impossible to produce the mold using conventional tooling ability to incorporate optimal casting orientation when
techniques. conventional tooling is either impossible or extremely
expensive. In addition to reducing casting defects, metallic
3D sand printing has the ability to offer unparalleled design yield can also be improved by employing freeform risers of
freedom and is ideal for such applications. The feasibility optimal geometry at ideal locations.
Figure 4. (a) Closed vane impeller casting demonstrating a difficult parting line perpendicular to plane of shroud
that was made possible through 3D sand-printing. (b) Double shroud closed vane impeller casting after grinding.
3DSP for Lead Time Reduction potentially, the pouring time (if alloy is the same across
different castings). This benefit is illustrated and validated
Introduction experimentally through an industrial application in this
As observed in reported studies,8–10 lead time to fabricate
molds and cores can be drastically reduced in foundry Case Study II: Complex Bracket
operations by 3DSP. Since the build volume ranges in
currently available 3DSP systems are in the order of 60 -80 , Problem Statement
it can further accelerate the cycle time by consolidating
molds and cores required for multiple unique cast parts into The complex bracket geometry shown in Figure 5a has
a single build, thereby reducing unit AM printing time and multiple undercuts and thin features which are extremely
difficult to fabricate via conventional tooling. In this Nesting of Complex Brackets: 3DSP Featured
instance, eight units of this cast iron bracket was required Freeform-Based Rigging: Iteration 1
and 3DSP of individual molds would take several days of
print time. This is a common challenge in employing AM In this subsection, rigging model featuring 3DSP freeform
technology due to the economic uncertainties in printing a pouring basin, runner and sprue configurations will be
large batch production. However, the large build volume of presented. A pouring basin with undercuts and lateral and
3DSP process enabled the authors to conceive a design multiple sprue exits with sprue covers was proposed as a
where all eight cast parts can be incorporated into a single solution for the misrun defect problem in thin-walled
mold. The challenges involved in consolidating multiple castings.5 The objective of redesigning the gating and
complex parts into a single mold will be discussed in the feeding system is to: (1) reduce 3DSP time by increasing
rest of this section. packing factor in the mold and (2) eliminate misrun defect
problem along with other casting defects. After several
design iterations, reorienting the part by 60 was found
Nesting of Complex Brackets: Conventional optimal to increase metallic yield. The procedure for
Knowledge Base (Simulation Study) design iterations and optimization is not included in this
report and can be found in literature.25,30,32,33,35 Novel
If all the eight complex brackets were to be assembled into sprue designs were found in literature to increase the
a single mold based on knowledge from conventional strength and reliability of castings.17
tooling, a single sprue would be connected to multiple
runners to respective in-gates. After multiple design itera- Figure 6a shows the redesigned rigging for the consoli-
tions, a rigging model based on conventional knowledge dated eight cast part system. It can be observed that four
was developed and shown in Figure 5b. However, this non-vertical sprues laterally protrude from pouring basin
configuration has a higher risk of misrun defects due to and each sprue delivers metal to two cast parts through two
solidification of liquid metal prior to filling thinner sections in-gates. This 3DSP-centric design enables the sprues to
of the cast part. Also, higher thermal energy loss has the function as conventional runners thereby decreasing ther-
potential to freeze feed paths from risers leading to mal energy loss. Runner extensions are provided at the end
shrinkage-related defects. In addition, misrun defects of each sprue to mitigate turbulence in gating system based
would be intensified due to lower superheat in alloys with on a prior study.5 Runner extensions also act as vent holes
lower freezing range or lower fluidity. Advanced filling as they are open to atmosphere. Based on solidification
systems via 3DSP could enable successful casting of simulations, one full riser and two shared risers per cast
multiple parts within a single mold. part are provided as shown in Figure 6a. Vent holes are
also provided at the top of each riser to provide an escape
path for gases generated during the liquid metal filling accommodate all the aforementioned observations to pro-
process. duce a defect-free casting.
shrinkage porosity defects. Location of the risers has been second iteration facilitates uniform mold filling with
optimized compared to the first iteration to increase its ease velocities adhering to critical velocity condition of 0.5 m/
of removal. s.1 It was also observed from thermal history that the
conventional-knowledge-based cast part experienced
Fluid flow simulations with 10 s filling duration are per- higher temperature drop during filling to form misrun
formed in FLOWCast module in SOLIDCast 8 version. defect. On the other hand, the 3DSP featured casting
Figure 8 compares the filling velocity profile of the con- demonstrated relatively isothermal filling in the casting
ventional and 3DSP featured gating system in the second with significantly lower thermal loss.
iteration. It can be observed that the conventional-knowl-
edge-based gating system generates very high turbulence Another major takeaway from this case study is the ability
with velocities reaching as high as 1.81 m/s in the cast part. to provide drain paths for removal of loose sand in complex
On the other hand, 3DSP featured gating system in the molds. Even though 3DSP can make molds of any com-
plexity, the cavities cannot be entirely enclosed within the
mold, and therefore, a drain-path must be provided.
Though it is typical to provide parting lines at such sur-
faces, it increases the chance of mold-shift, core-shift and
cleaning labor time. The optimal casting orientation is not
only affected by the access to risers as shown in case study
1 but also minimizes parting lines as shown in this case
Hybrid Molding
Figure 9. Scrapped center bearing housing due to sub- Figure 10. Elements of redesigned feeding system for
surface defects. center bearing housing.
orient the cast part in the mold without the need replaced with 3DSP mold parts. Through hybrid molding,
for drafts, undercuts, etc. only necessary parts such as complex cores can be 3D
2. 3DSP is shown to reduce lead time by nesting printed and their implementation can be adopted based on
multiple cast parts within a single mold. Practical supply chain needs. Future effort would include cost and
solutions to resolve misrun and shrinkage-related lead time comparative studies between 3DSP and con-
issues are also presented. ventional mold making for medium run production volume
3. 3DSP is shown to integrate seamlessly with as a function of complexity of the cast part.
conventional casting system and help in its
growth by offering unique advantages through
enabling rapid fabrication of difficult-to-mold
elements and among others. The authors would like to thank Hazleton Casting
4. Complex castings with freeform-based geome- Company for providing opportunity to conduct exper-
tries are shown to be successfully made through iments at their center for additive manufacturing
molds made via 3DSP. Higher surface roughness facility. Authors would like to thank Steve Anderson,
is observed as a current limitation of this process. Tim Visgaitis, John Frutchey and Frank Lee at HCC
The concept of hybrid molding is very attractive for for providing support with experiments. Authors would
medium-to-small production run foundries due to the like to thank Dr. Robert Voigt, Chris Anderson and
scalability of this approach. Any element of the conven- Travis Richner—FAME Lab for providing foundry
tional mold that affects the casting performance can be resources to conduct aluminum casting experiments.
Figure 12. (a) Details of redesigned gating and riser system for center bearing housing (b) Example of hybrid
molding assembly: Protrusion on the physical pattern to ensure proper alignment of the 3D printed sprue.