Core Practicals
Core Practicals
Core Practicals
CP2: Make up a volumetric solution and carry out a simple acid-base titration
- Using a volumetric pipette is more accurate than a measuring cylinder because it has
a smaller uncertainty
CP3: Make up a volumetric solution and carry out a simple acid-base titration
- Substance that we don’t know the concentration of is put in the conical flask, other
substance is in the burette
- If the jet space in the burette is not filled properly prior to commencing the titration
it will lead to errors if it then fills during the titration, leading to a larger than
expected titre reading
Distilled water
- Can be added to the conical flask during a titration to wash the sides of the flask so
that all the acid on the side is washed into the reaction mixture to react with the
o Doesn’t affect the titration reading as water does not react with the reagents
or changes the number of moles of acid added
Reducing uncertainties in a titration
- Make the titre a larger volume
- This could be done by: increasing the volume and concentration of the substance in
the conical flask or by decreasing the concentration of the substance in the burette