Plan 2 Animals 2022

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Instituto Superior Cultural Británico

Lesson Plan Number: 2

Trainee´s name: Velazquez Notthoff Jazmin.
School: classroom practice.
Timing: 60 min.
Type of lesson: Presentation and practice
TOPIC: Amazing animals.
CONTEXT: Animals.
Main Aim (s): To practice previous knowledge. To express what animals, have.
Secondary Aim(s): To consolidate. To describe animals using have got.
Linguistic Exponents: Have-has
Linguistic functions: To express.
Materials: Our world, Students book.

Stage Procedure (task) Aims Timing Type of

Warm up The teacher will To create a nice 5´ To the
greet the students. environment. whole
The teacher will To reinforce class.
ask the students routine.
what day is it? She
will wait for an
answer and copy
the day on the
Today is …

The teacher will

ask how is the
weather today?
Pointing to the
chart the teacher
will say look

through the
window and think.
The teacher will
wait for an answer.
And then copy in
the board.
It is sunny.
The teacher will
copy the title.
Animal world

The teacher will

ask the students to
open their books.

Lead in The teacher will To set the context 5´ To the

ask the students to of the class. To whole
open their books create interest in class
on page 116. the new part of the
She will ask them unit.
‘What can we see
She will wait for an
answer (bird, parts
of the animals)
The teacher will
point the bird and
ask the students to
say if it is big or

Vocabulary The teacher will To connect old 3´ To the

revision. ask the meaning of vocabulary with whole
the adjectives the new topic. class
there; big, long …
at the same time
she will use her
body and hands to
show-mimic the
Controlled activity The teacher will To reinforce 8´ To the
number 1. ask to look act 8. vocabulary. To whole
She will ask to practice previous class.
listen and use the knowledge (have-
pictures from the has)
beginning of the
The teacher will
ask one student to
read the
Then she will read
1 as an example
and point to the
part where they
have to tick if it is
true or false. The
teacher will remind
them to listen and
mark t-f and that
they will hear the
record twice.

Feedback When all the To encourage 10´ To the

students finish the students. To whole
act. The teacher activate class.
will ask for participation and
volunteers to read practice.
the sentences and
if it is true or false.
She will support on
the class to make
corrections and to
explain why the
sentence is true or
false with
questions such as;
crocodiles have
The teacher will
thank the students

for their work.
Grammar The teacher will To introduce new 15’ To the
presentation. ask the students to question forms whole
go to page 117 and (have-has got) class
look to the orange To review previous
chart. vocabulary.
She will ask the
students to point
has and have.
She will ask if they
remember the
meaning of it. Then
she will ask what
kind of sentence is
it (a question)
The teacher will
ask the students to
look at the board.
The teacher will
stick some cards in
the board
The teacher will
show that we use
has-have at the
beginning of the
question. She will
also point the
She will write one
example with has-
have and ask a
student to read.
Then she will ask
for a volunteer to
think of one
question. She will
remind them to use
have-has, the
animal and the
adjectives that they
saw in the previous
Has the lion got a
big tail?
Then she will ask
the rest of the
students to think
and answer this:
yes, it has.
The teacher will
copy the example
in the board and
ask them to
register in their
Controlled act n2 The teacher will To practice new 8´ To the
ask the students to forms. whole
look down the Systematization. class
orange chart and s-s
do act 10.
She will read the
She will point the
chart, the animals
and the
description. She
will do 1 as an
Let’s think about
the elephant has it
got a long neck?
Yes, or no?
If it is yes, you will
tick and if its no
you will have to put

a cross.
The teacher will set
5 minutes to finish
the activity and
give the option to
do it with a partner.
Feedback The teacher will To encourage 5´ To the
ask some students and whole
volunteers to read check class.
the chart. The comprehension
class will check.
She will correct if
its necessary.
She will thank for
their participation.
Closure The teacher will To close the class. 2´ To the
congratulate the whole
students for their class.
work and
She will ask to
close their books
and copybooks.

Plan 3: Reading- writing? page 118-120


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