Si Mo
Si Mo
Si Mo
63 (2018), 2, 601-607
DOI: 10.24425/122383
Ductile irons of the type of Si-Mo are characterized by increased resistance to long-term influence of high temperatures and
cyclic temperature changes. They are mainly used in castings of combustion engine exhaust piping and other castings utilized at
temperatures of up to 850°C. The aim of the study is to verify the mechanical properties of non-alloyed cast iron EN CSN GJS
450, SiMo4-0.5 and SiMo5-1 ductile irons at temperatures of 700 to 800°C, and the extent of their superficial oxidation after long-
term annealing at a temperature of 900°C. Via chemical microanalysis the composition of oxidation products in the surface layer
was evaluated.
Keywords: Si-Mo cast irons, mechanical properties at high temperatures, thermal stability of structure, oxidation resistance
# Corresponding author: [email protected]
The presence of the sulphur oxides SO2 or SO3 increases 2.1. Recommended composition and structure
the intensity of oxidation. The condensate formed in particular of basic types of SiMo ductile irons
after a cold start penetrates via potential cracks in the oxidic layer
into the material depth and increases the corrosion intensity. In Type SiMo ductile irons are defined in the EN CSN 16124
the case of complex SiMo alloy castings there is also oxidation Standard [9]. This directive specifies the range of Si and Mo con-
of other elements with high affinity to oxygen, Cr or Al in par- tents, requirements for the structure, and the standard deviations
ticular. From the viewpoint of protective effect it is important of mechanical properties at ambient temperature. Informative
for the oxidic layer no to contain pores and not to peel off the appendices of this standard give tentatively the values of some
base metal. mechanical and physical properties under increased tempera-
In addition to oxygen, nitrogen can also penetrate into tures. Regarded as the basic alloys of this type are the ductile
the metal and form the Si3N4 or MgSiN2 phases. The nitrides, irons EN-GJS-SiMo40-6 and EN-GJS-SiMo50-10 with content
however, do not form a continuous layer. of silicon and molybdenium:
Materials denoted as SiMo are irons with increased content – The carbon content should be chosen with a view to the
of silicon and molybdenum. They can have graphite of arbitrary silicon content such that the iron has the carbon equivalent
shape but from the viewpoint of obtaining high mechanical CE in the interval from 4.6 to 4.8 (CE = C + 1/3 Si) [2],
properties and corrosion resistance, ductile irons, exceptionally – Mn content not prescribed, usually <0.3% Mn,
also irons with vermicular graphite, are used almost exclusively. – The content of the other elements is the manufacturer’s
The content of silicon is usually increased to 4-5.5% Si, the choice,
molybdenum content is 0.5-1.5% Mo. – Structure: a minimum of 85% of ferrite, a maximum of 5%
The high silicon content increases the temperature of eu- of carbides of the type of Fe2MoC or Fe2MoC/M6C, and
tectoid transformation A1 to values of ca 900°C or even higher the rest is pearlite [2,4],
[4]. Molybdenum partially segregates during solidification and – Graphite – recommended dispersity: a minimum of 100
forms a carbidic phase on grain boundaries. This carbidic net- nodules/mm2 [2].
work improves dimensional stability, increases tensile strength The tendencies in the effect of silicon and molybdenum
and creep resistance [5,6]. At the same time, however, it reduces on structure and properties given in [6,7] are also confirmed by
plastic properties. Both Si and Mo increase the resistance to Ekström [10].
scale formation and thermal fatigue. The properties can be
further improved via complex alloying with other elements
(Ni, Cr, Al, V, and Ti), which improve the resistance to scale 2.2. Corrosion resistance of SiMo ductile irons
formation and crack formation [4]. For example, ductile iron
denoted SiMo1000 [7] for use at temperatures of ca 900°C is Using the Thermo-Calc program, the composition and
such a complex alloyed material. phase proportion in the transition layer in SiMo ductile irons
The maximum operating temperatures of exhaust manifold were established. It was found that in the direction from the
and the maximum temperature of exhaust gases for individual surface into the manifold wall the transition layer was succes-
types of cast irons are approximately as given in Table 1 [3,8]. sively formed by the Fe2O3 phase, deeper in the wall by Fe3O4,
(The difference between the maximum temperatures of exhaust then by FeO+Fe2SiO4 and a thin layer of β-SiO2 separating the
gases and the temperatures of exhaust manifold depends on the band of oxides from the base metal – Fig. 1. The SiO2 layer was
engine design.) more compact than the ferrous oxides and represented the most
significant barrier to oxygen diffusion [10]. If the alloy contains
TABLE 1 chromium, the layer of Cr2O3 oxides formed in the region of SiO2
Maximum operating temperatures of exhaust manifold castings of layer reduces the speed of oxidation very significantly.
various kinds of cast iron
performed for two alloys of the SiMo type corresponding to the 3.2. Mechanical properties testing
SiMo4-0.5 and SiMo5-1 specifications, and for the basic non-
alloyed ductile cast iron corresponding to the material according In tensile tests, cylindrical test specimens with threaded
to EN-CSN GJS 450 by ambient temperature and temperatures heads according to the standards CSN ISO 6892-1 and 2 were
of 700 and 800°C. used, diameter do = 5.5 mm, measured length 40 mm. The tests
Resistance to oxidation was tested on specimens prepared were performed using the methodology given in these standards.
from these cast irons, under long-term annealing at a temperature Hardness was measured on the heads of tensile test specimens.
of 900°C. The following properties were tested:
– tensile strength at normal temperature and at temperatures
of 700 and 800°C, yield point, elongation and contraction
3.1. Alloys under examination and specimen casting values,
– HB hardness at normal temperature.
Melting was performed in the BUT foundry in an induction The values of mechanical properties given in Table 3 are
furnace with 80 kg crucible capacity. The base alloy charge was an average of 4 measurements, the hardness values an average
made up of 45% of raw iron, 20% of steel, 35% of GJS scrap, of 3 measurements.
FeSi70 and FeMo65.
Modification – 0.8% Elmag 5800, inoculation with 0.5% TABLE 3
FeSi70, using the tundish ladle. Mechanical properties of cast irons
Modification temperature – 1530°C.
The resultant chemical composition of the tested cast irons rature Alloy
s HB
[MPa] [MPa] [%]
is given in Table 2 [oC]
GJS 450 497 4.3 354 6.7 14.2 0.7 161
TABLE 2 20 SiMo 4-0,5 582 6.5 483 7.9 8.3 2.9
SiMo 5-1 610 17.3 595 6.0 0.7 0.3
Chemical composition of the tested cast irons
GJS 450 91.4 3.1 34.5 8.2 239
Cast iron C Si Mn Mo Cr S P 700 SiMo 4-0,5 107.7 2.2 41.2 7.8
GJS 450 3.35 2.52 0.22 0 0.075 0.021 0.049 SiMo 5-1 118.7 3.7 22.7 4.6
SiMo 4-0.5 3.25 3.50 0.26 0.54 0.039 0.021 0.039 GJS 450 46.2 2.5 44.6 8.9 236
800 SiMo 4-0,5 49.8 3.0 48.8 7.8
SiMo 5-1 3.2 5.24 0.25 1.02 0.062 0.024 0.050
SiMo 5-1 53.4 1.9 33.9 4.6
Note: The tensile curves for elevated temperatures have a course from
Test specimens of the above alloys were cast in the shape of which the device software does not evaluate the value Rp0,2 – Fig. 3. The
plates 20 mm thick, with thickened lateral edges for the purpose tensile curves for the temperatures 700 and 800°C have a similar course.
of metal feeding during solidification and thermal homogeniza-
tion of the plates during solidification used by Ekström [10]. The values of strength Rm and elongation A are given in
The moulds were made of a self-setting moulding mixture using Figs 4 and 5. (The connecting line of the curves between the
Fig. 3. Tensile strength diagrams for the temperatures 20°C and 700
3.3.2. Effect of annealing on the formation
of surface oxidic layer
temperatures 20 and 700°C is not real, it is only given for the
sake of clarity.) It is obvious that in static tests the cast iron The effect of long-term action of high temperatures on the
strengths in the range of operating temperatures are markedly cast irons under examination was simulated via annealing the
lower than at the normal temperature. At elevated temperatures specimens in an electric resistance furnace at a temperature of
the elongation increases significantly. 900°C for a period of 72 hours in calm-air environment. After
annealing, the specimens were cut transversely. The structure
of the surface oxidic layer was evaluated on a Philips XL 30
electron microscope, and selected points on the cross-section
of layers were chemical microanalysis performed.
Fig. 7 shows the oxidized layer on the basic cast iron, with
the analysed points marked 4 and 5, and with the area of thin
contact layer between the oxidic layer and the base metal – see
the detail A, points 1-3. It is obvious from the chemical analysis
given in Table 4 that the highest oxygen and silicon content in
this zone was analysed which indicates the formation of a bar-
rier of SiO2.
In the two SiMo ductile irons the Si content near the speci-
men surface, point 3 is very low or even zero, in the central part
it is somewhat higher than indicated by the average chemical
composition – see Fig. 8, point 2. The Si content on the contact
between oxides and the base metal is substantially increased
Fig. 4. Effect of temperature on tensile strength and high content of chromium and manganese were analysed
Chemical composition and thickness of oxidic layer after
annealing 900°C-72 h
Spot Fe O Si Cr Mn thickness
EN GJS 450
1 metal 92.0 5.3 2.4 — —
2 metal-oxid 56.8 34.9 8.3 — —
3 oxid 66.0 30.1 3.9 — — 0.4-0.6
4 oxid 68.1 28.3 3.6 — —
5 oxid-gas 70.8 28.9 0.8 — —
SiMo 4-0.5
1 metal-oxid 36.8 36.3 16.0 3.95 6.95
2 oxid 63.5 31.3 5.3 — — 0.2-0.3
3 oxid-gas 68.8 31.2 0 — —
SiMo 5-1
1 metal-oxid 31.3 39.1 19.8 6.41 3.48
2 oxid 59.3 37.7 6.9 — 1.08 0.1-0.2
3 oxid-gas 69.1 31.0 — — —
Fig. 8. Structure of oxidic layer on SiMo4-0.5 iron Fig. 9. Structure of oxidic layer on SiMo5-1 iron