RVL Basin Plan

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June 2022, Hawassa

Message from Ministry of Water and Energy


Message from Rift Valley Lakes Basin Administration


List of acronyms and abbreviations
AFLaH Association of Friends of Lake Hawassa
CSF Critical Success Factors
DZ Development Zone
EEP Ethiopian Electric Power

FDRE Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

GCM Global Climatic Model
GEF Global Environment Facility
JICA Japanese International Cooperation Agency
IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management
MEFCC Commission of Environment and Forestry and Climate Change

MER Main Ethiopian Rift

MoANR Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources
MoFEC Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation
MILLs Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands
MoWE Ministry of Water and Energy
RBHC River Basin High Commission

RVLBA Rift Valley Lakes Basin Adminstration

SIWI Stockholm International Water Institute
SNNPRS Southern Nations and Nationalities People Regional State
SWR South-western Ethiopian Rift
WQI Water quality index
WRDF Water Resources Development Fund

WUA Water users association

Definition of terms

Action Plan: a document that lists what steps must be taken in order to achieve a specific goal.
The purpose of an action plan is to clarify what resources are required to reach the goal,
formulate a timeline for when specific tasks need to be completed and determine what
resources are required.

Basin planning: the process by which decisions are made over the competing uses and
different demands for water resources and associated systems within a basin.

Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM): a process which promotes the

coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources in order to
maximize the resultant economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without
compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems.

River Basin Plan: means strategic water resources planning with long-term vision in the aim of
guarantying equity and sustainability in water resource uses;

Strategic basin planning: a coherent multidisciplinary approach to managing basin water

resources and their users in order to identify and satisfy social, economic and

Plan : a set of short, medium and long-term action programs that are meant to realise the
achievement of development goals and water-related policies. Strategy defines goals and agrees
on how goals can be pursued.

Water Governance: describes the political, economic, administrative, social processes and
institutions by which public authorities, communities and the private sector take decisions on
how best to develop and manage water resources.

Water Resources Assessment: involves a holistic view of the water resources in a given country
related to its use by society. It looks at both the quantity and quality of surface and
groundwater. It identifies the pertinent parameters of the hydrological cycle, and evaluates the
water requirements of different development alternatives.

Water Resources Development: addresses all the activities for the utilization of water
resources such aswater supply and sanitation, agriculture, hydropower development, navigation,

Water Resources Management: comprises the whole set of human interventions in water
resources. It consists of all activities for the study, planning, development, protection,
conservation and control of water resources. It can also be defined as the decision making,
manipulation, and non-manipulative processes by which water is protected, allocated or

Table of contents
MESSAGE FROM MINISTRY OF WATER AND ENERGY ................................................................. II
MESSAGE FROM RIFT VALLEY LAKES BASIN ADMINISTRATION ............................................... III
DEFINITION OF TERMS ................................................................................................................V
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...........................................................................................................
1. BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF THE PLAN ............................................................................... 1
1.2. STRUCTURE OF THE PLAN .............................................................................................. 2
2. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE BASIN..................................................................................... 9
2.1. LOCATION........................................................................................................................ 9
3. BASIN SITUATION ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................ 14
3.1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 14
3.2. STATUS OF WATER AVAILABILITY IN THE BASIN ......................................................... 15
3.3. STATUS OF WATER QUALITY IN THE BASIN ................................................................. 22
3.4. WATERSHED SITUATION ASSESSMENT IN THE BASIN.................................................. 27
DROUGHT; AND LAND SLIDES ................................................................................... 34
4. LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL ASSESSMENT ........................................................................ 47
4.1. LEGAL SITUATION ASSESSMENT .................................................................................. 47
4.2. INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK ...................................................................................... 51
4.3. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS ................................................................................. 52
5. STAKEHOLDERS IDENTIFICATION AND ANALYSIS ............................................................ 54
5.1. STAKEHOLDER IDENTIFICATION .................................................................................. 54
5.2. STAKEHOLDER MAPPING AND ENGAGEMENTS ............................................................ 57
6. MISSION-VISION-VALUE STATEMENTS ............................................................................. 61
6.1. VISION ............................................................................................................................ 61
6.2. MISSION ......................................................................................................................... 61
6.3. VALUES .......................................................................................................................... 61
7. STRATEGIC GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND ACTIVITIES ........................................................... 63

7.2. THE MAJOR TARGETS OF THE BASIN PLAN ................................................................... 65
7.3. LOGICAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE BASIN PLAN .............................................................. 66
8.2. REQUIRED INSTITUTIONAL SET UP AND COORDINATION ........................................... 76
8.3. PROPOSED FUND RAISING STRATEGY .......................................................................... 77
8.4. TERMS AND CONDITIONS TO IMPLEMENT THE BASIN PLAN ..................................... 79
9. MONITORING AND EVALUATION ...................................................................................... 81
1.1. MONITORING AND EVALUATION SCHEDULE ............................................................... 82
9.1. METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION AND EVALUATION ................................................. 82
9.2. INDICATORS OF OUTCOMES .......................................................................................... 83
9.3. ROLES AND REPORTING ................................................................................................ 83
10. RISKS, MITIGATIONS, AND CRITICAL SUCESS FACTORS.................................................... 89
10.2. RISKS, UNCERTAINTIES AND MITIGATION OPTIONS .................................................. 90
10.3. CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS (CSFS) ............................................................................ 96
REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 97
11. APPENDIX 1: WATER QUALITY RAW DATA FOR EACH LAKE ............................................. 99
CHARACTERISTICS ..................................................................................................... 99
CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................... 100
CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................... 101
CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................... 102
CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................... 103
CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................... 104

BREAKDOWN OF INDIVIDUAL BASINS ...................................................................................... 105

DETAILS ................................................................................................................... 112
.................................................................................................................................. 117

DETAILS ................................................................................................................... 126

Figure 1. Steps of the strategic basin plan...................................................................................................... 3
Figure 2. Location map of Ethiopian Rift Valley Lakes Basin ................................................................... 10
Figure 3. Cross Section of Major Lakes (with Lake Heights) (Source: JICA (2012)) ............................... 12
Figure 4. Circuit of key issues in each basin ............................................................................................... 15
Figure 5. Surface and groundwater potential of the basin .......................................................................... 17
Figure 6. Groundwater Level Contour (Source: JICA (2012))................................................................... 19
Figure 7. Locations of the development zones (DZ) .................................................................................. 22
Figure 8. Spatial distribution of fluoride Concentration in the basin ......................................................... 27
Figure 9. Spatial distribution of erosion potential in the basin (Source: MoWR, 2008) ........................... 33
Figure 10. Cause-effect analysis using problem tree for surface and groundwater depeletion .................. 43
Figure 11. Cause-effect analysis using problem tree for water quality deterioration in the basin.............. 44
Figure 12. Cause-effect analysis using problem tree for watershed degradation ........................................ 45
Figure 13. Cause-effect analysis using problem tree for flood and drought hazards ................................. 46
Figure 14. The underlying theory of change for the strategic basin plan ................................................... 64
Figure 15. The major goals and specific targets of the basin plan .............................................................. 65
Figure 16. Proposed funding percentage from different sources based on their pollution release
and water withdrawal from the basin ....................................................................................... 79
Figure 17. Critical Success Factors (CSFs) to implement the strategic basin plan .................................... 96

Table 1. Characteristics of Rift Valley lakes (Source: Halcrow, 2009)....................................................... 12
Table 2. Estimated groundwater recharge and availability ......................................................................... 21
Table 3.Water quality status of the rift valley lakes .................................................................................... 26
Table 4. List of earthquakes and reported damages between 1979 - 2011................................................ 38
Table 5. Brief descriptions of the legal frameworks considered in this plan ............................................ 48
Table 6. List of key institutions in the water sector in Ethiopia ................................................................. 51
Table 7. Stakeholder involvement flow chart.............................................................................................. 59
Table 8. Logical framework for the basin plan ........................................................................................... 66
Table 9. Monitoring and evaluation matrix for Goal-1............................................................................... 85
Table 10.Monitoring and evaluation matrix for Goal-2.............................................................................. 86
Table 11.Monitoring and evaluation matrix for Goal-3.............................................................................. 87
Table 12.Monitoring and evaluation matrix for Goal-4.............................................................................. 88
Table 13. Risks, uncertainties and mitigation options ................................................................................ 91


Water is the central element of Integrated Water Resources Management. It is most precious
and foremost restraining natural capital with finite stock. Due to this importance, its quality,
quantity, allocation, ecosystem services, extreme events, and similar issues need to be strategically
managed. This document is meant to strategically address these issues for Ethiopian Rift Valley
Basin, which is one of the twelve basins of Ethiopia. The basin is located in the South Western
part of Ethiopia between 40 21‟ 54‟‟ N and 80 28‟ 9‟‟N latitude, and 360 45 ‟4‟‟E and 390 22‟ 8.6‟‟E
longitude with a total basin area of 53,000 km2. There are seven main lakes in the RVLB, namely
Ziway, Abiyata, Langano, Shalla, Hawassa, Abaya and Chamo. Chew Bahir is still often referred to
as a lake but is, in fact, a salt pan which rarely holds any water. Four of the seven main lakes
(excluding Chew Bahir) are terminal by themselves. The others flow into terminal lakes, making all
lake systems terminal with annual water resource potential of 5.6 BM3. Based on the surface
hydrology of these lakes, the basin is divided into four basins: Ziway-Shala Sub-basin (14,477 km2);
Hawassa basin (1,403 km2); Abaya-Chamo Sub-basin (18,118 km2); and Chew Bahir basin
(19,029 km2).
In 2007, the population of the RVLB was 9.8 million people. This is an increase from 7.3
million since the 1992 Reconnaissance Master Plan Study, or an annual rate of increase of about
2.3%. Allowing this growth rate to continue will result in a doubling of the population to 19.6
million by 2030.
By plan ning, it is critical to understand interactions among a range of hydrological, ecological,
social and economic systems and activities at work within a basin. Ethiopian water resources
management policy also recognizes water as a scarce and vital socio-economic resource and
advocates plan ning with long term visions and sustainable objectives. In order to develop
appropriate solutions to water related problems, planners must understand the prevailing physical,
socio-economic, and governance systems along the upstream-downstream or land-to-water
continuum. The policy also recognizes and adopts the hydrologic boundary or "basin" as the
fundamental planning unit and water resources management domain.
This strategic basin plan runs from 2021-2035 and contains strategies to realize the IWRM
principles and the corresponding actions. It adopts the four basic principles of IWRM (water as a
finite and vulnerable resource; the need of participatory approach; gender sensitivity; and
recognition of water as an economic good). In addition, the principles that are included in the
national IWRM: integration; sustainability; equity; efficiency/optimal beneficial use; harmonization
and coordination; balancing bottom up – top down approach; and alignment.

In order to develop appropriate solutions to water related problems, planners must understand
the prevailing physical, socio-economic, and governance systems along the upstream-downstream
or land-to-water continuum. In this regard, this strategic basin plan relied on the situation
assessment of the following four major themes: water resources availability and utilization; water
quality; watershed and wetland degradation, and emerging issues such as climate change; water
hyacinth etc.

Regarding the condition of water availability, the total surface water resource of the rift valley
Lakes basin as calculated from total annual average River flow into the Lake systems is to the
magnitude of 1553 Million m3/yr in Ziway-Shalla basin; 111 Million m3/yr in Hawassa basin; 4000
Million m3/yr in Abaya-Chamo Sub-basin and 700 Million m3/yr in Chew Bahir basin. In total, the
annual average River flow into rift valley lakes is calculated to be 6364 Million m3/yr.

The nature of the geological formations within RVLB and the intense tectonic disturbance that
has affected them form a significant influence over the distribution and disposition of groundwater
resources within the basin. The basin is comprised of volcanic (50%), sedimentary (25%), and
crystalline strata (25%).

Having eight development zones delineated during the preparation of the master plan, the
estimated annual direct Groundwater Recharge was 1080 Mm3/year, out of which estimated
groundwater resource availability is to the magnitude of 53 Mm3/year.
Regarding water quality, the plan used water quality index (WQI) as a metric for status
determination and the correspong target. The index infers that almost all of the lakes (Ziway;
Langano; Shalla; Abaya; Chamo; and Hawassa) have “poor” water quality (Av.WQI of the six
lakes ≈ 33 as compared to a value of 100 which refers the best quality) for drinking; irrigation;
recreation; and aquatic life and this strategic basin plan attempts to reach at least to the „fair‟ level

The case landscape degradation revealed that 17% of the Rift Valley basin area is severely
degraded; 45% highly; 29% moderately; and 9% is slightly degraded. Here, instead of focusing on
sectoral targets, this plan targets functional restoration of the landscape with multiple benefits.

About 11 governance instruments relevant to water resources management are identified in
this basin plan including: The FDRE Constitution (1995); Environmental Policy of Ethiopia
(1997); Conservation Strategy of Ethiopia (CSE) (1997); Ethiopian Water Resources Management
Policy (WRMP, 1999); Ethiopian Water Resources Management Proclamation (Proclamation No.
197/2000); Water Sector Strategy of Ethiopia (2001); Environmental Pollution Control
Proclamation No. 300/2002 (2002); Food Security Strategy (2002); Water Resources Management
Regulations (Regulation No. 115/2005); Prevention of Industrial Pollution Regulation No.
471/2005 (2005); Solid waste management Proclamation No. 513/2007; The Ethiopian Strategic
Investment Framework for Sustainable Land Management (ESIF/SLM) (2010); Climate Resilient
Green Economy of Ethiopia (CRGE) (2011); The Sustainable Development Goals /SDGs/ (UN,
2015); and Growth & Transformation Plan II (GTP II) (2016).
Whereas, about eleven institutional frameworks are considered including: Ministry of
Water, and Energy (MoWIE); Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands(MILLs); Ministry of Finance and
Economic Cooperation (MoFEC); ommission of Environment and Forestry and Climate Change (MEFCC)
– formerly the Environmental Protection Authority; Ministry of Industry; Ministry of Agriculture (MoA);
National Meteorological Agency; Water Resources Development Fund (WRDF); The Ethiopian Electric
Power (EEP); Regional Bureaus/ Authorities, Zonal and Woreda offices; and River Basin High
Commissions (RBHCs) and River Basin Admistrations (RBAs)

The five strategic goals of this basin plan include: [1] Enhance availability and optimum
utilization of water resources for sustainable social, economic and environmental benefits; [2]
Improve the quality of water resource in the basin for sustainable social, economic and
environmental, benefits; [3] Improve water resource conservation, potential and community
livelihood through integrated watershed management for sustainable social, economic and
environmental, benefits; [4] Reduce flood, drought and invasive species risks in the basin to
improve social, economic and environmental benefits; and [5] Ensure active and socially inclusive
stakeholder participation in planning, decision making, implementation, monitoring and evaluation
of IWRM.
While formulating the theory of change, the following assumptions were considered: [1]
Actors are well qualified to actualize the governance instruments and coordination among the
stakeholders exists together with political wills; [2] Effective trainings to the community is delivered
properly; [3] Gender mainstreaming is ensured; [4] Mechanisms for coordination, cooperation,

and collaboration across the source-to-lake continuum are established and functional; [5] Best-fit
technologies and approaches are available; [6] The targeted stakeholders voluntarily accept the
alternative livelihood options; [7] Monitoring and assessment of process, stress reduction,
environmental and socio-economic status indicators and strategies to capture lessons learnt for
dissemination and adaptive management are in place.
Implementation of this strategic basin plan requires a total of about 75.3 Billion ETB
within the coming 15 years (2021-2035) with annual average investment of 5 billion ETB in order
to address the anticipated targets. Different resource mobilization protocols are needed and these
may include the Public Private Partnerships (PPP) framework for accelerating water resources
management and development. The government fund which is mandate-based is considered as the
major source of fund for IWRM implementation in the basin.

As a limitation to the preparation of this strategic IWRM plan, the impact of COVID-19
pandemic is the dominant one followed by some of the political unrests occurring here and there
during the study period. These limitations significantly restricted the physical meetings of
stakeholders which is the key component of basin planning. As a practical solution, the basin plan
has been exposed to the wider stakeholders through virtual meetings as well as workshops in the
context of physical distancing for limited number of stakeholders. Technically, significant portion
of this basin plan extract information from the Master Plan that was completed in 2010.

1. Background

1.1. Purpose and Scope of the Plan

River basin management (RBM) is one of the IWRM areas that can be defined as the process
of coordinating conservation, management and development of water, land and related resources
across sectors within a given river basin, in order to maximize the economic and social benefits
derived from water resources in an equitable manner while preserving and, where necessary,
restoring freshwater ecosystems.
Basin plans have become a core element of water management in the 21st century (Kazbekov et
al., 2016) whereas methodology is not explicit and there is no standard „one size fits all‟ blueprint
or protocol for basin planning (Guy et al., 2013). The concept of strategic river basin planning has
evolved since its emergence in the late 20th C. Until the 1990s, it essentially meant long-term
infrastructural development planning, with relatively simple social or environmental analysis.
Passing through different phases, basin planning contemporarily reached at strategic phase by
focusing on multidisciplinary planning for economic, ecological and management solutions that

bring together a range of different disciplines and themes, from hydrology and engineering to
ecology and economics.
By plan ning, it is critical to understand interactions among a range of hydrological, ecological,
social and economic systems and activities at work within a basin. Strategic river basin planning
consists of a complex, socially ambitious set of knowledge production practices, involving
monitoring and assessment, expert-led analysis, and participatory planning (Guy et al., 2013).
Water is our most precious and foremost restraining resource natural capital with finite stock;
whereas its quality and availability is endangered in Ethiopian Rift Valley Basin, for which this
basin plan is prepared. Despite its challenge, complexity, and multi-faceted nature, water resources
need to be considered from a holistic perspective (Nepal, 2012). It is precisely because water
resources provide so many functions that planning for their use is so complex. Ethiopian water
resources management policy also recognizes water as a scarce and vital socio-economic resource
and advocates plan ning with long term visions and sustainable objectives. The policy also
recognizes and adopts the hydrologic boundary or "basin" as the fundamental planning unit and
water resources management domain.

1.2. Structure of the Plan

This basin plan comprises ten chapters as shown in figure 1 below.


Situation Assessment

Stakeholders Analysis

Legal and Institutional


Objectives &


Action Plan


Monitoring and

Risks and

Figure 1. Steps of the strategic basin plan

1.3. The Background Principles of the Plan as Derived from IWRM Concept

The basis of IWRM is that different uses of water are interdependent and integrated
management means that all different uses of water resources are considered together. In the
context of this reality, business as usual is neither environmentally sustainable, nor is it sustainable
in financial and social terms. For this, ourplan attempts to integrate the three E‟s of IWRM
framework: Economic efficiency, Social Equity, and Ecological sustainability. The upcoming sub-
sections explain how these principles are addressed in this strategic IWRM plan.

1.3.1. Principle 1: Freshwater is a finite and vulnerable resource, essential to sustain life,
development and the environment:

Implication to our IWRM plan :

[1] Holistic approach shall be employed

[2] Mandated actors on water, land, forest, industry, job creation etc. shall collaborate for one big
[3] Ecohydrologic system solutions (EHSS) will be adopted in some part of the basin to
demonstrate enhancement of carrying capacity of the ecosystem as a new paradigm to IWRM

1.3.2. Principle 2: Water development and management should be based on a participatory

approach, involving users, planners and policy-makers at all levels

Implication to our IWRM plan :

[1] Those individuals (parties) concerned about decisions or who are affected by water-related
decisions must participate in water governance.
[2] Our basin plan includes the establishment of LPA (Learning-practice alliances) as proven
instrument to participate the diverse stakeholders accrding to issues and/or basin

Here, the Learning-practice-alliances (LPA) model of stakeholders‟ participation that one

of the multi-stakeholders dialogues will be adopted for effectively mainstreaming of the above
principle. LPA is a platform which brings together a range of stakeholders to exchange knowledge

and generate innovation. The stakeholders are drawn from different interest groups, disciplines,
sectors and organisations, and come together in an LPA to share experiences, develop joint
agendas for change, and test new solutions to their common problems. There are a number of
reasons for people to come together and have dialogue on shared issues. The expectation is that
through dialogue, perceptions and problem definitions will change and converge. However, the
multi-stakeholder dialogue is not just a conversation nor the same as consultation. It is an
interactive approach to getting things done- 'a contrived situation in which a set of more or less
interdependent stakeholders in a resource are identified and invited to meet and interact in a
forum for conflict resolution, negotiation, social learning and collective decision-making towards
concerted action'. It is both a process and an outcome.

In the current policy discourse, the philosophy of involving multiple stakeholder groups in
development projects appears to be unstoppable. Most of the issues we face today are neither
owned nor solved by individual stakeholders anymore. Sustainable solutions for sustainability
problems require sustainable processes of stakeholder involvement and engagement. With growing
interdependence comes a growing need to search for collaborative approaches. Too often we talk
about „the community‟ as if we are all the same. Practically, stakeholders are diverse and need to
proper participate in development projects for its success.

1.3.3. Principle 3: Women play a central part in the provision, management, and safeguarding
of water

Implication to our IWRM plan :

[1] We recognized the importance of women‟s role and incorporate the Women and Children
Affairs Bureau in the LPA forum
[2] Gender mainstreaming tools are to be used while appraising and implementing the basin plan
[3] This plan is committed to make at least 50% of LPA members to be women

The following ten gender mainstreaming strategies in IWRM is suggested by the gender
specialist of Rift Valley Lakes Basin Office and amended by the planning team members:

(1) Finding a point of interest for males and females to jointly engage in discussing,
planning, and implementation of IWRM processes.

(2) Focusing on female headed households because they are more involved in agriculture
and irrigation, and at the same time the most economically vulnerable in terms of income
(3) Focusing on the merits of gender mainstreaming on the well-being of the family as a
(4) Building the capacity of women to enhance their communication skills.
(5) Empowering women to participate in decision making and planning in IWRM.
(6) Enhancing gender equity, thus increasing equal representation of water users in water
management which can lead to a more efficient use of resources and solving of problems.
(7) Strengthening poverty alleviation programs as the burden of poverty often affects
women more than men.
(8) Ensuring equal and easy access to water management related information by both male
and female water users.
(9) Making gender aware agricultural and water management policy decisions because good
agricultural and water management policy requires an understanding of the gender
(10) Providing alternative technologies to women to reduce deforestations (which occur
because of the collection of firewood) in the rift valley basin.

1.3.4. Principle 4: Water has an economic value in all its competing uses, and should be
recognised as an Economic Good

Implication to our IWRM plan :

[1] We introduced water tariffing system

[2] Use of water with as high efficiency as possible
[3] Introduction of water allocation system (the detail will be addressed by the upcoming thematic
[4] In this basin plan, we anticipate to create job for unemployed

1.4. Additional Principles Adopted from the National IWRM Program

1.4.1. Integration

Water resource management is strongly multi-dimensional in a sense that it
needs integration of all uses and users simultaneously. There is always a trade-off in usingwater for
one purpose against another use. It is for this reason that integration includingtheactive
engagement of sectors and development partners is imperative.

1.4.2. Sustainability

„Some, for all, for ever, together‟: The interdependence between humans and
ecosystems is clear. The more the quality and quantity of available water is compromised,the more
livelihoods are compromised. Moreover, water allocation decisions must considerthe needs of
future generations as well since ecological and socio-economic sustainabilitydepend on water

1.4.3. Equity

Allocation of water should address the issue of fair access to water resources
between existing and potential users. A special focus should be on those who have
historically not benefited from water resources management, such as women and the poor.Equity
issues also arise when an allocation regime is changed by changing a minimum flow,altering
priorities or changing the total amount of water that can be allocated from a resource.

1.4.4. Efficiency/optimal beneficial use

Allocation of water to users should be guided by the need to encourage and support
efficient, optimal and beneficial use of water. The aim of this principle is to allocate water to a
broad range of uses in a variety of sectors so that a diverse, robust and stable economy can be

1.4.5. Harmonization and Coordination

Develop partners support will be effective when supports are harmonized, aligned, owned,
managed for the results, and accountability is ensured. The IWRM plan can therefore help to
bring together development actors – donors, public institutions, academia, private sectors and
NGOs together to chart the road towards effective use of the developmental support and strive
towards the targets set under SDGs.

1.4.6. Balancing Bottom up – top down approach

Water management should be implemented at the lowest possible management unit. For
instance, a small lake could be best managed by engaging the communities that have stakes in the
well-being of the water bodies. It is however equally important that activities among different
sectors be aligned and cascaded to respective bureaus and offices at region and woreda level. The
role the Basin High Council (BHC) plays is equally vital in ensuring leadership ownership and
enforcing grass root decisions.

1.4.7. Alignment

Donor countries and organizations bring their support in line with developing
country‟s strategies and use local systems.

2. Brief Description of the Basin

2.1. Location

In Ethiopia there are 12 River Basins among these; Rift Valley Lakes Basin is one of the major
Basins. The Rift Valley Lakes Basin is located in the South Western part of Ethiopia between 40
21‟ 54‟‟ N and 80 28‟ 9‟‟N latitude, and 360 45 ‟4‟‟E and 390 22‟ 8.6‟‟E longitude (figure 2). The
basin has 53,000 km2 area coverage (20,624 km2 (39%) is in Oromia and 32,557 km2 (61%) is in
SNNPRS) and has the potential of 5.6 BM3 annual water resource. The basin is sub divided into 4
sub basins which endowed with the major seven lakes (hence it is called the Lakes basin).

Figure 2. Location map of Ethiopian Rift Valley Lakes Basin

2.1.1. Population

In 2007, the population of the RVLB was 9.8 million people (MoWR, 2007). This is an
increase from 7.3 million since the 1992 Reconnaissance Master Plan Study, or an annual rate of
increase of about 2.3%. Allowing this growth rate to continue will result in a doubling of the
population to 19.6 million by 2030.

2.1.2. Physiographic, Climate and Hydrology of the RVLB

The principal feature of the RVLB is that it is a graben, a block fault geological structure in
which the floor of the valley has become vertically displaced with respect to the valley sides. As in
all areas, the temperature and rainfall of the RVLB tend to vary as a function of elevation and, in

consequence, so do relative humidity and potential evapotranspiration. The top of the Rift Valley
on the east and west sides is therefore cooler, wetter and with lower evapotranspiration rates, and
hotter, drier and with higher evapotranspiration in the central lowlands.
On the valley bottom, average annual rainfall varies from approximately 400mm at Chew Bahir
in the extreme south of the basin, through approximately 700mm near the northern lakes. In
contrast, average annual rainfall approaches 2,000mm near Gerese, west of Lake Chamo, and also
at Yirga Chefe, east of Lake Abaya, both on the higher edges of the basin.
Two principal patterns of rainfall season are apparent in the RVLB. North of Lake Abaya, the
main rains occur July through September, with a secondary peak in March or April. South of Lake
Abaya, the main rains occur earlier in the year, between March and May.
Annual average potential evapotranspiration varies from approximately 1,200mm in the north-
east of the basin to approximately 1,900mm at Chew Bahir. Throughout the Rift Valley floor, from
Lake Ziway to Lake Chamo, the average values are typically on the order of 1,550mm.
Annual average temperatures vary from approximately 27oC on the valley floor near Chew
Bahir to a low of approximately 13oC at higher elevations, particularly in the north-east of the

2.1.3. Characteristics of the lakes

There are seven main lakes in the RVLB, namely Ziway, Abiyata, Langano, Shala, Hawassa,
Abaya and Chamo. Chew Bahir is still often referred to as a lake but is, in fact, a salt pan which
rarely holds any water.
Bathymetric surveys have been carried out on all of the seven lakes at various times. The
earliest were Lake Abaya and Lake Chamo, carried out as part of a doctoral dissertation by Dr.
Sileshi Bekele at Arba Minch University, both done in 2000. Lake Ziway was done in 2005 by
MoWR. Lake Hawassa was done in 2006 by the SNNPRS administration. The data from these
surveys was collected and analysed during Phase 1. Surveys for the three other lakes, Abiyata,
Shala and Langano, were carried out as part of this current study. The basic characteristics of the
lakes are given in Table 1.

Table 1. Characteristics of Rift Valley lakes (Source: Halcrow, 2009)
Lake Surface Area (km2) Max depth (m) Ave depth (m) Volume (km3)
Ziway 423 9 2.5 1.1
Abiyata 132 14.2 7.6 1.61
Langano 247 23 17 5.3
Shalla 302 252 87 36.7
Hawassa 93 23 11 1.3
Abaya 1095 25 7 8.2
Chamo 315 14 6 3.3

The RVLB is a hydrologically closed system, with no surface flow from the terminal lake
systems. Four of the seven main lakes (excluding Chew Bahir) are terminal in themselves. The
others flow into terminal lakes, making all lake systems terminal. The cross section along the lakes
is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Cross Section of Major Lakes (with Lake Heights) (Source: JICA (2012))

2.1.4. Classification of basin

The basin is usually divided into following four major basins:

1. The Ziway-Shala sub-basin (14,477 km2) which comprises the catchments of Lake
Ziway, Lake Langano, Lake Abiyata and Lake Shala. Lake Shala is generally separate
but under high flow conditions some water will transfer to Lake Abiyata.
2. The Hawassa sub-basin (1,403 km2) which is hydrologically separate from the others but
includes the former Lake Cheleleka, which is now mainly wetland, with grazing and even
agriculture now encroaching.

3. The Abaya-Chamo sub-basin (18,118 km2) which is the catchments of Lake Abaya and
Lake Chamo. There has been some flow from Chamo to the Segen River in the past
when lake levels have been extremely high, but it has been so long since this occurred
that it is no longer considered to be one catchment.
4. Chew Bahir sub-basin (19,029 km2) which is the catchment of Chew Bahir, mostly
comprising the Weito River and Segen River catchments.

2.1.5. Geomorphology of the basin

According to JICA (2012), the Rift Valley Lakes Basin is divided into two areas. The northern
portion of the area around the lakes of Ziway to Awasa is almost flat in the valley bed with several
mounds of hills in the west. The hills are mostly in the shape of cone or semi-conical crests that
leave the traces of past volcanic activity. The eastern terrain shows the stepwise crests bounding the
eastern end of the valley. The lineaments of NNE – SSW direction are mostly abundant. In
contrast to the northern geomorphological conditions, the southern area, from Lake Abay to Chew
Bahir, has relatively precipitous terrain. East of Lake Abay-Chamo is characterized by a continuous
range of mountains in a N-S to NNE-SSW orientation, and the lineaments can be tracked up to
Lake Hawasa. ENE-WSW oriented liniaments are also abundant in the northern portion. The
geological structures are characterized by two major rifts, the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) and the
South-western Ethiopian Rift (SWR), both of which are encompassed in RVLB. The MER
extends from the southern Afar margin to the Lake Chamo area, whereas the SWR is located to
the west and represents roughly N-S trending basins related to the Kenya Rift. The Gregory rift of
Kenya links to the north with Chew Bahir rift.

3. Basin Situation Assessment

3.1. Introduction

In order to develop appropriate solutions to water related problems, planners must understand
the prevailing physical, socio-economic, and governance systems along the upstream-downstream
or land-to-water continuum. This chapter is dedicated to provide essential information on the
current status of the so as to provide the opportunity of narrowing down the focus of the planning
strategy and develop an understanding of the key management concerns.
This chapter comprehensively assesses status of the basin from the perspective of the following
major themes:

1. Water resources availability and utilization

2. Water quality
3. Watershed and wetland degradation, and
4. Emerging issues such as climate change; water hyacinth etc.

However, all of the four basins do not equally share the above environmental concerns. As
shown in figure 4, each basin has particular situation with some overlap.

Flood and
Water use hazards Water
efficiency quality/
(for pollution
irrrigation) issues

Solid waste

Ziway-Shalla sub-basin

Hawassa sub-basin

Abaya-Chamo sub-basin transport
Water issues

Chew-Bahir sub-basin

issue Water
and ground

Figure 4. Circuit of key issues in each basin

3.2. Status of Water Availability in the Basin

3.2.1. Status of surface water

Surface water is the primary source of water for human use. Knowing the potential,
availability, and use of surface water would help to increase the productivity of agriculture,
improved ways and means of the traditional water management systems, increase drinking water
supply and the hydroelectric power generation in the coming future. Rivers are used as an
important source for food, drinking and agriculture water, wildlife, grazing and water for livestock
and as a repository for human and agriculture. This makes the issue of water resource availability

very crucial for effective water resources management and improves livelihoods as in the rift valley
lakes basin.

The total surface water resource of the rift valley Lakes basin as calculated from total annual
average River flow into the Lake systems is to the magnitude of 1553 Million m3/yr in Ziway-Shalla
basin; 111 Million m3/yr in Hawassa basin; 4000 Million m3/yr in Abaya-Chamo Sub-basin and 700
Million m3/yr in Chew Bahir basin. In total, the annual average River flow into rift valley lakes is
calculated to be 6364 Million m3/yr (figure 5).

Total river inflow =

River inflow = 755 Mm3/year

[Rivers: Meki + Katar]

River inflow =
200 Mm3/year

River inflow =
258 Mm3/year
1553 Mm3/year
River inflow = ZIWAY
Vol. = 1.1 km3

Surface outflow

Abijata (Bulbula river) = Langano

Vol. = 1.61 km3 161 Mm3/year Vol. = 5.3 km3

River inflow = Shalla

340 Mm3/year Vol. = 36.7 km3

GW inflow = 12 Mm3/yr
River inflow = 111 Mm3/yr

[River: Tikur Wuha]

GW outflow =
43 Mm3/year
[River: Tikur Wuha]

Vol. = 1.3 km3

River inflow = 4000 Mm /year

[Rivers: Hare ; Kulfo ; Sille ;
Gidabo ; Bilate ; Gelana ]

Vol. = 8.2 km3


Vol. = 3.3 km3

River inflow = 700 Mm3

Chew Bahir
[Rivers: Weito + Segen]

Figure 5. Surface and groundwater potential of the basin

3.2.2. Status of groundwater

Groundwater has special significance and worth considering in the strategic basin plan due
to the following attributes:

(1) The water is clean in terms of water quality;

(2) The water quality is not largely affected by seasonal fluctuations;
(3) The amount of water is steady throughout the year, and necessary volume of water can
be extracted by type of water supply facility
(4) Knowing that good aquifers exist below allows for flexibility in the point of source

Figure 5 contains some quantitative information on the status of groundwater in the basin.
However, the upcoming sub-titles describe the key features of the basin to characterize status of the
groundwater in the basin in terms of characterization of geological formation; spatial distribution of
groundwater depths; and groundwater recharge and its potential availability as follows: Geological formation

The nature of the geological formations within RVLB and the intense tectonic disturbance
that has affected them form a significant influence over the distribution and disposition of
groundwater resources within the basin. The basin is comprised of volcanic (50%), sedimentary
(25%), and crystalline strata (25%). Groundwater storage and flow occurs through primary
permeability and porosity in the sediments and in the volcanic and crystalline strata and results
from secondary processes - principally fracturing, jointing and weathering. As a result,
development of aquifer systems in these strata may be discreet and much localised; there may be
little interconnectivity and there may be little groundwater storage. Within the basin as a whole,
major deep seated structural features such as regional fault systems may provide interconnection
between these (otherwise) discrete units. Spatial distribution of groundwater depths

The important parameter for the consideration of the groundwater flow is static water level
of the existing boreholes. Figure 6 shows the contour of upper surface of aquifer. However, due to

the lack of bore hole at sub basins of Galana, Segen-Amessa Guracha, Kulfo Gina and Eastern
Ziwa, and Lake Langano, there is no indication of groundwater flow in these areas (JICA, 2012).

The contouring of upper (or lower) surface of the aquifer indirectly suggests the
distribution of available groundwater level. The figures show that the groundwater gradient is high
at the escarpment of sub basins of Western Ziway, Bilate, Hawassa, Gidabo and Galena. The
groundwater rapidly flows down and becomes gentle at the valley floor. The gradient is almost
parallel to the original shape of the valley (not considering undulation of volcanic cones and hills).
The end point is not necessarily the lakes but seems to be gathered into the depression of
groundwater between Lake Abaya and Lake Hawassa. At the far north of the study area,
groundwater runs down along the Weito River and ends its flow into Chew Bahir.

Figure 6. Groundwater Level Contour (Source: JICA (2012))

19 Groundwater recharge and availability
The nature of the geological formations within RVLB and the intense tectonic disturbance
that has affected them form a significant influence over the distribution and disposition of
groundwater resources within the basin. Groundwater is recharged by direct rainfall to permeable
ground, (generally greatest in the basin margins where rainfall is relatively high), via river systems
and lakes and from overlying or adjacent groundwater bodies. Groundwater discharge is from
springs, either into surface waters (supporting base flow), directly into lakes, to the surface (e.g.
wetlands, where evapotranspirative losses may be high) and into adjacent (or overlying)
groundwater bodies. The movement between points of recharge and discharge, typically
dominated by fractures and fissures, is often limited in geographical extent. Groundwater
movement through shallow groundwater systems may be relatively rapid, as there is little
groundwater storage available. In general terms, the groundwater flow system is in parallel with the
surface water flow - from valley sides to valley floor. Within the valley itself, groundwater flow is
also dictated by the relative elevations between the individual basins. In certain circumstances, due
to the significant heads generated between the predominant areas of recharge in the highland
areas, and deep seated, regionally extensive fracture systems, groundwater may flow at greater
depth, emerging to and beneath the rift valley floor.
The hydrogeological complexity is such that the groundwater contribution to the overall
water resource balance varies considerably throughout the basin. There are complex relationships
between groundwater recharge, flow, storage and discharge and the surface water system. The
frequent occurrence of groundwater as discreet bodies, which may not be readily identified, makes
evaluation of the available groundwater resource extremely difficult.

However, in order to provide at least some indication of the overall level of this resource,
some very simple analysis has been carried out by Halcrow (2010) based on a proportion of the
direct groundwater recharge from rainfall. This data is summarised in table 2 and figure 7 shows
the basic planning units (=Development Zones (DZ)).

Table 2. Estimated groundwater recharge and availability
Development Location Estimated Annual Estimated
Zone Direct Groundwater Groundwater
Recharge Resource Availability
(Mm /year) (Mm3/year)
DZ 1 North East Highland Zone 146 7
DZ 2 North Central Lowland Zone 119 6
DZ 3 North West Mixed Farming Zone 286 14
DZ 4 Eastern Enset and Coffee Zone 180 9
DZ 5 Eastern Mixed Farming Zone 51 3
DZ 6 Southern Mixed Farming Zone 167 8
DZ 7 Pastoral Zone: SNNPRS 65 3
DZ 8 Pastoral Zone: Oromiya 65 3
Basin Total 1,080 53
N.B: The resources estimate must be considered a first estimate only in order to help inform the planning
process. As more information is gathered, and more proactive groundwater resources management
processes are put in place, these estimates may be revised

Figure 7. Locations of the development zones (DZ)

3.3. Status of Water Quality in the Basin

By the term “Water quality”, here we are referring to suitability of the water resources in the
basin to sustain various uses or processes and it is an indicator for physical, chemical and biological
properties of water. Any particular use of water will have certain requirements for the different
(physical, chemical or biological) characteristics of water; for example limits on the concentrations
of toxic substances, restrictions on temperature and pH ranges for domestic water supply,

irrigation, recreation and supporting aquatic life. Therefore, Water quality can be expressed by a
range of variables which limit water use. Although many uses have some common requirements
for certain variables, each use will have its own demands and influences on water quality.

3.3.1. Status of water quality (surface water) in the Basin

Surface water comprises perennial and ephemeral streams, hot springs and numerous
lakes. The streams and rivers are freshwater. The chemical composition of the water in the basin
varies with elevation and length of the river course: rivers in the highlands contain low EC and
dissolved minerals while the longer rivers of the lowlands such as Bilate, Meki, and Tikurwuha,
contain relatively higher dissolved minerals. Suspended sediment loads are high following rainfall
due to soil erosion. The water qualities of rivers that drain lakes, such as the Bulbula River, are
strongly influenced by the lake water quality. Some of the analyses indicate pollution from urban

The hot springs in the basin tend to have higher concentrations of major ions and trace
elements than other surface water bodies. Toxic chemicals such as Li, Sr, Pb, Cu and Hg are also
found in greater concentrations and fluoride concentrations have been found to vary between 12.8
and 235mg/l.

Lake Ziway is the only freshwater lake suitable for potable water and irrigation. This may
be due to the large catchment and dilution of the lake water due to inflows and overspills via the
Bulbula River. The water quality in the lake is very good, with low salinity, fluoride, chloride,
sodium, etc and dissolved oxygen levels of about 6 mg/l which is required to support aquatic life
including fisheries. The water in this shallow lake is well mixed and is not stratified.

Most of the other lakes are terminal lakes, or overspill infrequently, where freshwater
inflows are evaporated leading to increased salinity in the remaining water body. The water quality
of these lakes is moderately to strongly alkaline-saline. Salinity concentrations vary between the
lakes and also seasonally, with increasing salinity during dry periods. The most saline lake
monitored was Lake Shala (EC 48.15 mS/cm), compared with Lake Abiyata (EC11.58 mS/cm),
Lake Chamo (EC 2104 µS/cm), Lake Langano (EC 1932 µS/cm), Lake Abaya (EC 1,319 µS/cm),
Lake Hawassa (EC 886 µS/cm) and Lake Ziway (EC 460 µS/cm).

Despite being a terminal lake, water quality in Lake Hawassa is marginal: the main
problems are its alkalinity (pH of 9) and its fluoride concentration (7.65 mg/l).

Lakes Abiyata, Shitu and Abaya are sodic lakes, and a soda ash production industry is
based on Lake Abiyata where sodium was monitored to be 1,940 mg/l (compared with 63.5 mg/l
in Lake Ziway) in 2007 (MoWR, 2008). Lake Abiyata also has high concentrations of total
dissolved solids, salinity, chloride, and fluoride (70 mg/l).

Lakes Abaya and Chamo are moderately saline. They also contain high levels of fluoride
(8.2 and 94 mg/l respectively), sodium (246 and 430 mg/l respectively), and pH (9.05 and 9.55
respectively). The water quality and volume in a number of lakes is also thought to be affected by
groundwater contributions.

Most of the lakes are highly productive for phytoplankton biomass, the two exceptions are
Lake Shala, which is very deep and where productivity may be limited by stratification in the water
column, and Lake Abaya, where the photic layer is shallow due to the high turbidity of the water.

The groundwater resources in the RVLB are complex, reflecting the complexity of the
underlying geology. The chemical composition of groundwater depends on the occurrence of basic
and acidic volcanic rocks, the residence time of the water, and the water temperature.
Groundwater varies from slightly acid to slightly alkaline. EC and TDS generally increase from
north to south and with decreasing altitude. In the highlands and scarp slopes of the rift valley,
groundwater is a major source of water for domestic consumption and livestock. However, in the
valley floor, high concentrations of fluoride, TDS and salts make the water unsuitable for drinking.
Fluoride concentrations exceed the WHO limit of 1.5 mg/l in almost half of the groundwater wells
in Oromiya RS.

Due to lack of intensive research on the lakes water quality status on the regular basis and
its impact on the lake ecosystems; the potential of the lake were not well addressed to use these
water resources for multiple designated water uses like drinking, irrigation, recreation and aquatic
life as their requirement. While reviewing the available water quality status of the water bodies in
the basin, it was found that there are a number of individual water quality parameters over space
and time. So, in order to draw general conclusions, the use of „water quality index‟ is paramount
important. The following sub-sections contain this analysis.

3.3.2. Using water quality index for general overview of water quality status in teh basin

Separate assessment of water quality suitability to the intended uses is time consuming and does
not yield appropriate systems to monitor and control the water bodies. Due to this, evaluation of
the water quality status of the lake by using “water quality index” is employed. Water quality index
(WQI) is one of the most effective tools to aggregate and communicate information on the quality
of water to the concerned citizens and policy makers (Puri et al., 2011). It numerically summarizes
the information from multiple water quality parameters into a single value that can be used to
compare data from several sites and months. The use of Water Quality Index (WQI) simplifies
the results of analysis related to a water body as it aggregates in one index of all parameters
analyzed (Warhate & Wankar, 2012). For our basin planning input, we adopt the indices
developed by the British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks and modified by
Alberta Environment which is CCME WQI (1.0 model) for its suitability. This index provides a
numerical values in between 0 (worst water quality) and 100 (best water quality) with five
descriptive categories such as excellent (value 95-100), good (value 80-94), fair (QI value 65-79),
marginal (value 45-64) and poor (value 0-44) (CCME, 2001). This analysis is designed to
determine the lake water suitability for drinking, irrigation, recreation and aquatic life by employing
the water quality index calculation method. The results are tabulated below:

Table 3.Water quality status of the rift valley lakes
Name of the lake Water quality Water quality Water quality Water quality
index for index for index for index for
drinking water irrigation water recreation water aquatic life
uses use use
Lake Hawassa 25 35 18 44
Lake Abaya 36 36 22 37
Lake Chamo 47 30 31 56
Lake Ziway 35 49 32 45
Lake Langano 33 15 36 33
Lake Shalla 23 9 23 43
N.B: This index provides numerical values in between 0 (worst water quality) and 100 (best water
quality) with five descriptive categories such as:
 Excellent (CCME WQI value 95-100),
 Good (CCME WQI value 80-94),
 Fair (CCME WQI value 65-79),
 Marginal (CCME WQI value 45-64), and
 Poor (CCME WQI value 0-44)

3.3.3. Distribution and trend of fluoride (in the groundwater)

Concentrqtion of fluoride in the Ethioian Rift Valley Basin is critical due to its impact of the
scoio-economic status of the community. The tendency fluoride value by the surface distribution
and by the difference of depth was examined using the database in the Study area. Figure 8 shows
the concentration of fluoride in the Study area. High fluoride concentration (more than 3 mg/l in
reference with Ethiopian drinking water quality guidelines, 2002) distributes at north-western
portion from Lake Ziway to Lake Shalla, especially at the inflection point at the slope and plane
area. High concentration also can be observed in the northeastern area of the Bilate River, and
surrounding area of Lake Hawassa.
The characteristic of fluoride concentration is summarized as follows in regard to the data
shown in these figures.
1. The concentration is high at the vicinity of recent volcanic cones surrounded Bitajila
2. High concentration zone can be observed at the area surrounding Lake Hawassa
3. It is not quite clear, but the fluoride value decreases by the depth of water source

It is more realistic to consider high concentration is related to the recent volcanic activity occurs at
the shallower sub surface rather than it was brought from the deep ground. However, further study
is required to justify the origin of fluoride concentration.

Figure 8. Spatial distribution of fluoride Concentration in the basin

3.4. Watershed Situation Assessment in the Basin

3.4.1. Land Cover and Land Use Change

Over the last 30 years (1985–2015), the landscape of the Rift Valley Lakes Basin has
significantly changed. As the studies have exhibited, the rates of land use and land cover change in
the four subbasins are not the same. In the Abaya Chamo subbasin, there is a decreasing trend of
shrub land (28.82%) and natural grassland (33.13%) and an increase in arable land (59.15%)

(Ashebir et al., 2017). In the Ziway Shalla basin, there is a decrease in grass land (91.4%) and forest
cover (24.9%) and an increase in arable land (46.2%) (Elias et al., 2019). Similarly, the land cover
of the Chew Bahir subbasin has changed significantly, whereby shrub land has been reduced from
61.74 % to 12 % and intensively cultivated land has increased from 1.88 % to 12 %. This situation
is also true for Hawassa subbasins.

Rapid population growth, internal migration, policy shifts, and regime change, unplanned
urbanization, massive agricultural expansion, were identified as the key driving forces of LULC
changes in the Rift Valley Lakes Basin. The LULC changes and related trend of increasing
landscape fragmentation in the basin increased soil erosion, the volume of surface runoff and
sediment transport in the landscape and, consequently, affected the levels and water quality of the
Lakes found in the rift floor. Furthermore, the destruction and fragmentation of shrub land, forest
land and natural grassland led to the decline of wild plants and animals previously prominent in
the basin. Therefore, protective measures that take into consideration the economic, social, and
ecological dynamics of the basin are urgently needed to save the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems
of the basin from further damage.

3.4.2. Ecosystem Service

Terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in the basin provide a multitude of benefits to humanity. The
vegetation, wetlands, lakes, rivers, and other functional landscape units provide various services
such as food, water resources, raw materials, and medicinal resources (Ayenew, 2001), regulating
services of the climate, water resources, flood protection, erosion control, waste reduction,
supporting services of soil formation, nursery services, nutrient and water cycling, and cultural
services of recreation and ecotourism, spiritual, educational, and research services (Ayenew, 2007;
Reynaud and Lanzanova, 2017).

The ecosystem of the basin supports the livelihoods of over 1.5 million people (CSA, 2013a)
and 1.9 million livestock (Meshesha, 2012). The ecotourism potential of the basin is immense and
still untouched. Lakes in the basin provide all the necessary amenities for eco-tourism, including
scenic beauty comparable to anywhere in Ethiopia, rich wildlife resources, bird fauna, and land

3.4.3. Livelihood

The livelihood of the community in the RVLB is not similar throughout the basin. In most
parts of the basin, Agriculture (by rainfed and irrigation) is the main sources of income, and
livestock husbandry is an integral part of the farming system, supplementing the crop production.
In some part of the basin pastoralist is the main practice to support the livelihood of the
community. Additionally, fishing petty trade is a source of income for many people specifically
around and in the cities in the basin. The rural areas of the Rift Valley Lakes Basin are
characterized by low agricultural productivity and small landholding sizes. The average farm size
per household is about 0.8 hectares, but this falls to 0.4 ha per household in the densely populated
highland areas of RVLB like the Sidama region and Gedeo zone of SNNPR. Many households
therefore need to meet their basic food and household requirements through off-farm and non-
farm activities. The current employment opportunities in the non-farm activities are limited for
most households. This and other conditions create pressure directly or indirectly on the limited
natural resources in the basin. Even though, there are also several livestock populations including
cattle, sheep, goats, horses, donkeys, mules, and poultry in the basin. However, their productivities
are below the national average because of feed and water shortage.

Other critical issue which directly has an impact on the livelihood of the people is level of
infrastructure development. Access to infrastructure such as education is limited to about 70% of
the population in the basin is illiterate. On the other hand, nearly 10% of the population can read
and write without formal education (Halcrow, 2009). Healthcare facilities are poorly equipped and
cannot handle the case-loads imposed by the population of the basin at the time. For example, the
ratios of health professionals to the population in SNNPRS of the basin is indicated that there were
45,852 people per doctor, 4,796 people per nurse, and 6,777 people per health extension worker.
Selected ratios of health professionals to the population in Oromia of the basin is indicated that
there were 145,896 people per doctor, 7,943 people per nurse, and 13,048 people per health
extension worker in Oromia (Halcrow, 2009). Road and other facilities, such as access to
electricity, clean water, and telecommunications, are limited in and around major towns of the

3.4.4. Land Degradation

Soil erosion and land degradation have become an alarming problem in the country. The main
causes of soil erosion are the rapidly increasing population (human and livestock) resulting in land
use change, deforestation, overgrazing, and continuous cultivation of extensive steep slopes, which
have adversely affected land productivity. Annually 1.5 billion metric tons of topsoil erodes from
Ethiopian highlands, in turn causes an estimated potential loss of 1 to 1.5 million tons of grain
(Taddese, 2001). Moreover, it is severe in arid and semiarid regions generally and in the Rift
Valley Lakes Basin. Organic carbon losses, for example, amounted to 60–75 percent, contributing
to a consistent decline in crop yields (Gebreslassie, 2014). According to Meshesha et al. (2012),
during 1973–2006, the areas of water and forest land decreased by 15.4 and 66.3%, whereas mixed
cultivation and degraded land increased by 79.7 and 200.7%, respectively. As a result, soil erosion
is increased markedly with annual rates of 31, 38, and 56 t/ha in 1973, 1985 and 2006,

3.4.5. Buffer Zone Protection

One of the major objectives of the Ethiopian water policy in its water governance scheme is the
allocation and apportionment of water. This is based on comprehensive and integrated plans and
optimum allocation principles that incorporate efficiency of use, equity of access, and sustainability
of the resource. And, it ensures that projects, activities, and interventions related to water in the
basin are in line with the integrated water resources management process in their content,
schedule, impacts, and management. So, to alleviate the problems in agriculture, investment, and
other water users, sustainable and reliable development and proper use of water resources have
become an imperative.

All lakes and major rivers do not have any buffer zone protection or demarcation. As a result,
the expansion of small-scale irrigation, illegal settlement, provision of land use licenses to youth as
job creation, uncontrolled cattle grazing, clearing lake shore plants, which exacerbates lake
ecosystem degradation, the entrance of agrochemicals in to the lakes, soil erosion and sand mining
creating gullies that discharge sediments into the lakes which are resulting to, degrading the lakes'
water quality and sediment deposition leading to lake depth reduction, and eutrophication (Lencha
et al., 2021). The problems are prominent in all lakes in the basin, but exceptionally, the problems

are more common in lakes Hawassa, Chamo, Abaya, Ziway, and Langano (Gebretsadik and
Mereke, 2018). So, paying attention to setting goals, objectives, and plan s for buffer zone
protection in the basin plan development is vital (RVLBA buffer zone study report, 2016).

3.4.6. Wetlands

Wetlands are one of the most versatile ecosystems, providing humans with a variety of
economic, biological, ecological, social, and cultural activities and benefits. All forms of wetlands
are found in Ethiopia, except for coastal and marine-related wetlands and vast swamp-forest
complexes. Nearly 1.5% of the country's total surface area covered with wetland (Mengesha, 2017).
Wetlands provide a variety of ecosystem services that benefit humans, including food, building
materials, water supply, water purification, climate regulation, flood control, and eco-tourism.

While wetlands are the most productive ecosystem in the basin, they are also the most
threatened due to social, economic, and climatic factors. According to Alemayehu et al. (2006) and
Maramo (2021), farmland expansion, overuse of water for irrigation and other development
interventions like the establishment of new industrial zones and excessive water abstraction for
industrial raw material from the lake (Abijata), lack of consistency among government policy across
the sectors and information on wetland environmental benefits (Mengesha, 2017) are the biggest
threats to the wetland in the basin. As stated above, the wetland has been used as grazing land in
the dry season for the agro-pastoralists of the basin. These peoples‟ and their animals‟ temporal
and permanent settlement into and around the wetland is mainly governed by the political-legal,
social-cultural, economic, seasonality, geographical proximity, and ecological conditions of adjacent
administrative areas.

3.4.7. Basin wide soil erosion status

Figure 9 shows four areas of erosion potential; extreme, covering 17% of the basin, high
covering 47%, moderate covering 26% and low covering 10% of the basin. To emphasise the point,
this means almost two thirds of the RVLB is an area of high erosion potential or worse. Areas of
extreme erosion potential are associated with steep slopes and cultivated areas that are dominated
by mixed cereals and maize, and sorghum mono-cropping. This includes the central of
southwestern, eastern and the northwestern areas of the basin including the eastern side of Asela,
Werabe and Silte, east of Lanfero, east and west of Lake Hawassa, north of Hossaina, the central

highlands of Damot Weyede, the highlands of Kondaltiti, extensive areas west of Lake Chamo,
most of Dirashe, the highlands of Hammer and Amaro, and the highlands of Yirga Chefe, Bule
and Wenago. The highest degree of current erosion occurs in similar areas, particularly the Bilate
River basin, east and west of Lake Ziway, parts of the Gelana and Sile and Chamo watersheds. The
main contributing factors are steep slopes, highly erodible volcanic soils, the predominance of
cereal cultivation and a higher population density. Shallow to very shallow soils are an additional
factor in places (MoWR, 2010).

Figure 9. Spatial distribution of erosion potential in the basin (Source: MoWR, 2008)

3.5. Status of Emerging Issues: Climate Change; Invasive Species; Flood and Drought; and
Land Slides

3.5.1. Invasive Species (water hyacinth)

In Ethiopia, close to 35 invasive alien plant species are posing negative impacts on native
biodiversity, agricultural lands, rangelands, national parks, waterways, lakes, rivers, power dams,
roadsides, and urban green spaces, with great economic and social consequences. They may also
alter biological communities and ecosystem structure and processes in terms of food web structure
and energy flow (Fessehaie and Tessema, 2014). These exotic species are the main challenges to
the water bodies of the Rift Valley Lakes Basin. Some of the invasive species affecting the basin
include prosopis or mesquite (Prosopis juliflora), giant sensitive tree or catclaw mimosa (Mimosa
pigra) and water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) (Ethiopia‟s Fifth National Report to the CBD).

Water hyacinth was perceived to have an impact on fisheries by reducing production levels,
decreasing species diversity, producing poor quality fish, and increasing operating costs, resulting in
lower income for fishers and higher prices for consumers. The enlarged water hyacinth invasion
has, therefore, damaged the water quality and amount, fishing activities, plankton life, farming and
health. The rapid growth rate and infestation of large water areas are causing different issues. The
weed affects solar light penetration into water bodies, reduces oxygen through decomposition,
alters the chemistry of water, and substantially increases water vapor transpiration. The plant is
now considered a serious threat to biodiversity. The environmental hazards associated with these
plants are degraded water quality and drastic changes in the plant and animal community. Light
and oxygen diffusion are severely curtailed due to reduction in water movement etc.

Water hyacinths have invaded some of the Ethiopian Rift Valley lakes. According to the
RVLBA assessment report (2018), more than 78 hectares of the Shore of Ziway Lake (near to 8
kebele‟s of Dugda woreda) and 24 hectares around Ziway town, a total of 102 hectares, are infested
with this weed. According to the assessment report of SNNPR‟s environmental authority, more
than 1570 hectares of the lakeshore are invaded by the water hyacinth. These invasive weeds are
known to have harmful impacts on the lake habitat and could cause important economic,
environmental, and social losses. According to Raynes (1964), a 1 hectare water hyacinth can
deposit approximately 1250 tons of rotting plant material each year. It affects the growth of other

native aquatic plants by blocking sunlight penetration and photosynthesis. This creates a cascading
effect by reducing other underwater life forms such as fish reproduction and a significant reduction
in fish stock. Water hyacinth also reduces biological diversity, impacts native submersed plants,
alters immersed plant communities by pushing away and crushing them, and alters animal
communities by blocking access to the water and/or eliminating plants the animals depend on for
shelter and nesting. Water hyacinth increases water losses from the lake, wetlands, and tributary
rivers because of the plant's high transpiration rate, calculated to be almost eight times the
evaporation rate of open water surfaces (Parsons, 1992).

3.5.2. Assessment of Climate Change and its impact on water resources

According to RVLBMP (2009), the impact of climate change on the water resources of the
basin has been assessed using a climate change scenario based on output from the Global Climatic
Model (GCM) together with scenarios used in other climate change studies for Ethiopia (Zeray et
al., 2002). The change is essentially an increase in temperature of +2oC resulting in a 10% increase
of evapotranspiration and a 10% decrease of rainfall over the Master Plan period of 30 years.
Overall, these results in a reduction in total annual surface runoff of 24% compared to present day
runoff. Presently, the total available surface water resources of the Rift Valley Lakes Basin (RVLB)
is estimated to about 5,183 Mm3/year calculated from total average River flow into the Lake system
under „existing‟ conditions with abstractions for irrigation and water supplies for domestic and
industrial use. The water balance modelling shows that climate change reduces the total available
surface water resources of the RVLB to approximately 3,939 Mm3/year, a decrease by 1,244

It is also identified that climate change also affects groundwater system in the Rift Valley Lakes
basin Ethiopia. Spatial and temporal groundwater recharge variability is mainly controlled by the
climate of an area. A sensitivity analysis reveals that annual recharge is very sensitive to variations in
precipitation and moderately sensitive to temperature changes. In the context of the RVLB, the
relative sensitivity increases from the highland to the rift floor across the basin. An increase in both
precipitation and temperature, as suggested by climate change projections for Ethiopia, appear to
have an overall positive impact on recharge in the majority of the catchment. This implies also for
other catchments where recharge is spatially non-uniform and provides a basis for further

investigations into the assessment of groundwater resources and their vulnerability to climate
change at the basin and watershed scale (Mechal et al., 2015).

In more detail, due to the anticipated future climate change, it is projected that level of Lake
Abaya, Ziway, and Shalla decline in average by 1.75 m, 1.3 m, and 1.74 m, respectively. Since
Lakes Abaya and Chamo are connected hydrologically, any impact on Lake Abaya significantly
reflected on Lake Chamo. Apart from these, it is also projected surface area of Lake Ziway is
decrease by 17 %. In Lake Chew Bahir Sub-basin runoff will decrease by 2.5 % with future climate
change which, in turn, significantly increases stress on Lake Chew Bahir wetland. The impact of
climate change on the wetland is examined by looking at the increasing „stress‟ on the wetland
which is calculated as the difference between the unmet demands presently under existing natural
conditions and those unmet demands for a future changed climate. The increase in „stress‟ on the
wetland is 5 % due to anticipated change of future climate (RVLBMP, 2009).

3.5.3. Carbon Sequestration status in the basin

In recent years, many developed countries have been trying to reduce their carbon emissions
through investment in afforestation and reforestation projects (or agro-forestry) in developing
countries, with the latter being able to sell their sequestered carbon to the developed countries as
an offset. If the largely degraded mountains and hills, especially in the Gamdofa, Silte, Bonke, and
Konso areas of SNNPRS, highlands of Katar and Meki watershed covered with suitable forest
species, we will benefit significantly from carbon trading initiatives and might lead to a solution
where everyone benefits: more income (carbon and timber revenue) and a sustainable
environment. This could be used as a new opportunity to scale up biological soil and water
conservation interventions. The landless members of communities could also gain if the benefits
were distributed among all community members specifically those do not have land and poor.
Project funds might be secured from the World Bank and the Global Environment Facility (GEF).
Recently, the World Bank carried out a prefeasibility assessment of the Humbo (Wolayita Sodo)
reforestation carbon project (Gete et al., 2006). The Rift Valley Lakes Basin Administration is also
implementing integrated watershed management in some part of the basin in collaboration with
woredas natural resource management office, which helps to rehabilitate more than 65,000ha of
degraded land in 21 Woredas and two city administrations. As a result of this, silt accumulation in
the water bodies will be reduced where the innervations were implemented.

3.5.4. Assessment of water use conflict in the basin

As mentioned in RVLBMP (2009), in RVLB of Ethiopia there is essentially no water resources

management or planning being carried out. This will lead to increased conflicts over water use as
development proceeds. Population growth, increased economic activity, and improved standards
of living have led to increased demand for water resources in the Basin. The main water competing
sector is irrigation development that supports the economy of the basin as well as the country.
Small scale, medium scale, and large scale irrigated agriculture has been expanding rapidly in the

Compared to other river basins of Ethiopia there exist fast development of infrastructure and
services in the Rift Valley lakes basin. In addition, most cities, e.g. Hawassa, Ziway, Arbaminch,
etc, are established at the center of the basin due to conducive environment for markets leading to
the expansion of different water demanding industries in the basin. Though the demand is
increasing in the basin water available for different purposes in these large towns is limited. Future
climatic change which may be characterized by low rainfall, low river flows, high demand for
industry and irrigation water, water pollution, failure of water storage delivery and distribution
systems has accelerated water stress in thebasin.

Overall increasing water demand without proper water management and planning leads to water
scarcity, which in turn, inevitably leads to conflict over water resources. This indicates the basin is
under a high risk of water use conflict which can further be aggravated by social inequity and
economic marginalization.

In particular, in the Lake Abaya-Chamo Sub-basin Sille areais where state and smallholder
community farms are competing for water resources and known for conflicts between water users.
In the same basin Hamassa River is fully utilized at farms in its upper reaches before the water
reaches farms in the low-lands. As a result, the lower Hamassa is subjected to water shortage
which inevitably leads to conflicts between the water users. Similarly, in the Lake Chew Bahir Sub-
basin there are a number of smallholder irrigation schemes along river courses of Segen, Yanda,
and Kemaga rivers/streams. In this basin since water abstraction is not controlled and the water
users in the upper catchment of the watershed divert the water without considering the
downstream dwellers, conflicts frequently occur among investors and pastoralists and between
upper stream and downstream users. For example, the basin water use conflicts are also commonly

occurs between Konso and Bena-Tsemay Woredas, between Bena-Tsemay and Hamer Woredas,
and between Hamer and Erbore community.

3.5.5. Geological hazards

[1] Earthquakes
The active volcanism and seismicity nature of the Ethiopian rift valley lakes basin pose a
significant hazard to the local population. According to the literature, the basin has "moderate" to
"low" earthquake exposure and limited number of death reports. However, the earthquake is
reported to have caused "widespread panic" (Kinde, 2002; Ayele, 2012), with an estimated US
$6,750,000 of economic damage resulting per one shock (Kinde, 2002).

In the past, large number of structurally damaging earthquake incidences is occurred in the
rift valley lakes basin of Ethiopia. The below table (Table 4) presents list of earthquakes and
reported damages between 1979-2011 (Kinde et al., 2011).

Table 4. List of earthquakes and reported damages between 1979 - 2011

Earthquake M Year damage

7.03N 38.6E 5.1 1983  Rock slides and damage and destruction of masonry
buildings in Wendogenet, east of Lake Hawassa.
 Well-built single-story building cracked at the Forestry
 Large boulders dislodged, plaster fallen off walls,
electric poles thrown down.
Hawassa 5.3 1983  Damage to steel frames in Hawassa.
 Damage to Wetera Abo Church in Wondo Genet
(1983 earthquake, masonry building with irregular
vertical and horizontal stiffness. Damage seems to
occur where there is stiffness discontinuity).
8.3 N 38.52E (Oitu Bay, 5.1 1985  Strongly felt in Lake Langano camp, central MER.
Langano  Cracks in buildings in resort area hotels.
9.47N 39.61 E (Langano) 4.8 1985 Panic in high buildings
5.4 1987 Already weakened blocket building collapsed, strongly felt
– Arba Minch.
Panic – No damage in Jimma.
Students knocked against one another in classroom,
poorly built house collapsed in Sawla.
Hamer and 5.3 – 1987  Details given separately for Hawassa, Jima and Arba

Gofa Earthquake Swarm 6.2 Minch.
Soddo [6.84N 37.88E] 5.0 1989 Widespread panic, broken windows and some injured in
[8.1N 38.7E] 5.1 1990 Minor damage in towns at the western escarpment, i.e., at
Silti and Butajira, West of Zway town.
Hosanna 5.3 2010 Damage to many building in Hosanna.
Apposto/Yirgalem 5.0 2011 Damage to unreinforced cinder-block cladded timber
building. 100 houses were destroyed and 2 people were
injured in this earthquake.

The aforementioned examples reveal the high vulnerability of the Rift Valley Lakes basin
of Ethiopia to earthquakes. Population and economic growth have led to increased urbanization,
and more people are living close to active earthquakes in the basin. However, there is little
awareness or preparedness in regards to potential earthquakes. Poor building structures, absence
of alert systems, and earthquek-Resistant regulations make the urban public more vulnerable to
disasters (Abebe et al., 2010; Ayele, 2012).

[2] Landslide and ground cracks

Landslide in Ethiopia is a common phenomenon which often causes significant damage to
people and property. The rapid population growth demanded the use of areas which were not
previously used for settlement, urban expansion, agricultural and other purposes thereby exposing
these areas to landslide problems after rainy seasons (Mersha and Meten, 2020). Several authors,
have reported the occurrence of landslides and associated natural disaster in different regions of
the rift margins and associated highlands. For example, landslides have occurred on May 2018 in
Dara Malo locality, Gamo-Gofa Zone, Southern regional state, which were killed 9 people and
injured 17.

In the Rift Valley Lakes basin ground cracks and fissures are also major geological hazards that
damages different infrastructure (roads, water lines, etc). In the basin ground cracks commonly
occurs in the rift floor and cause damage to infrastructure (roads, water lines, etc.). For example,
the cracks were observed in a small village called Muleti (about 20 km west of the town of Awasa),
around Lake Shala (approaching the lake from northeast), and Adamitulu area. With a width of 1–
3 m, a depth of 6–12 m and a length of more than 1 km, the cracks in the Adami Tulu, were the
first major structures observed in the rift floor with no record of seismicity (Ayalew et al., 2004).

3.5.6. Drought and floods

Ethiopia has frequently experienced hydrological drought at an increasing intensity throughout

the past many decades. For instance, the study conducted by Edossa et al. (2010) shows an
increasing occurrence of drought events, with the frequency of drought, occurred within 5 years.
The study conducted by Gebrehiwot et al. (2011) showed that the frequency of recurrent drought
in Ethiopia has been showing an increasing trend for over the past decades.

Hydrological extreme events such as floods and drought are commonly occurring in Ethiopia
Rift lakes basin which eventually causes environmental hazards (Yishak et al., 2020). Many
previous studies have investigated long-term hydrological extreme even related to climate change
(Ryu and Kim, 2019). Changes in Earth‟s climate system affect the balance of hydrological cycle
and eventually lead to increased occurrence of extreme events such as flood and droughts
(Sheffield and Wood, 2007). Recent investigations also show that global climate change will create
and intensify more severe frequent floods and droughts in the region (Birhanu et al., 2016).

According to Mohammed and Yimam (2021), in the lakes region of Ethiopian rift valley the
spatial patterns of drought events didn‟t exhibit clear pattern rather more localized distribution and
variability; the frequency of drought incidence became intense from 2008 onwards at all timescales
compared to the 1990s and 2000s; and the increasing tendency of drought in recent years might be
the manifestation of borderless global warming. In general, the same study concluded that drought
events and their negative effects are highly localized in the lakes basin of Ethiopian Rift valley and
provide useful information for local-scale planning for drought management and response.

[1] Lake Hawassa Sub-basin

In particular, in the middle part of the rift valley lakes basin, such as in the Lake Hawassa
Sub-basin, drought conditions of future periods will increase with respect to the duration, severity,
and frequency of the drought. The basin is moderately prone to both mild and moderate droughts,
but less prone to severe and extreme droughts. Climate change will largely affect and increase
drought duration, frequency, and severity in the basin and subsequently the design of future water

resources projects. Thus, sustainable water management measures should be planned to mitigate
future impacts of droughts in the basin.

The significant rising trend of Lake Hawassa water level is one of the main environmental threats
for the City of Hawassa, which has been established at the eastern shore of the Lake. It is still the
subject of concern and center of debate among the stakeholders since the last few decades
especially in the aftermath of the 1998 flood that caused displacement of resident population,
destruction of properties and infrastructure by inundating vast areas along the lake shore.
According to WRDB (2007) and WWDSE (2001), the lake level rise and the associated surface
expansion affected about 162 urban and 2244 farmers‟ households, 13 different organizations,
water supply schemes, 10 ha of sand quarry, roads, and forestland. In monetary terms, the total
physical damage was estimated to be 43,490,524 Ethiopian Birr (about € 5.4 million).

[2] Lake Chew Bahir Sub-basin

In the southern part of the Rift valley lakes basin drought is a recurring phenomenon
(People in Need, 2018). Previous field observation by various travellers had showed the sensitivity
of hydrology of Lake Chew Bahir to even short time climate variability (Grove et al., 1975). In the
late 19th century the unprecedented drought, which was occurred over the whole of East Africa,
significantly affected the area during which the people and animals were starved and died; the river
no longer reached the Lake Chew Bahir but spread out and disappeared. In recent times also,
aaccording to information obtained from local community, availability of pasture in the area is
reducing gradually due to drought and shorter rainy season. The dry season is becoming longer
contributing to the gradual extinction of indigenous grasses and reducing crop yields and the
availability of water in the area. As a result, the community are forced to migrate with their
livestock to find pasture.

In Lake Chew-bahir sub- basin, floods occur in the basin as a result of prolonged heavy rainfall
causing rivers to overflow and inundate areas along the river banks. Hammer, BenaTsemay, Buriji,
and Konso Zone/Woredas are the most flood prone areas in the basin (Flood alert Report, 2018).
Therefore, these issues call for careful disaster preparedness in terms of adapting appropriate
response mechanism to hinder and mitigate their catastrophic impact on the society.

[3] Abaya-Chamo Sub-basin

In Abaya-Chamo lakes basin flooding is associated with flash flooding from mountain
streams and Rivers, which can cause infrastructure damages, loss of life, temporary displacement of
large numbers of peoples, and loss of crops. The frequency and extent of out-of-bank flooding will
depend on the flow levels and River morphology, while the flood-related damages will depend on
the density of population and land use in flood prone areas. The flood prone area assessment
report (Flood report, 2008) indicates the high and very high flood hazard threats are in the down-
stream part of the rivers flowing into lakes Abaya and Chamo. For example, flooding in the lower
part of Kulfo River catchment becomes an unbeatable disaster and a challenge for the rural
community living around the lower catchment. Farmers in the catchment extensively use Kulfo
River for their irrigation, but their crops are affected by flooding each year.

According to RVLBMP (2010, flooding is common in Parts of the Middle and lower Bilate
river; Middle Gelana; and Lower Kulfo where flooding event affects thousands of people and
damages irrigation infrastructure. The most frequently affected affected woredas in the Abaya-
Chamo Sub-basin includes Shashego Woreda of Hydiya zone; Humbo Wereda of Wolita Zone;
Hula, Dale, Shebedino Wereda of Sidama region; Alich Woriro, Dalocha, Lanfaro, Siltee,
Sankura in Silite Zone; Halaba special woreda; Galana Woreda of West Guji Zone; and Kochore
Woreda of Gedeo Zone. Apart from flooding, as other parts of the rift valley lakes bsin, most parts
of Abaya-Chamo Sub-basin is affected by recurrent drought which results in production failure.In
this regard, Halaba-Mareko area, Badawacho, Kedida, Damote Gale, Damot Weyde, Humbo,
Amaro, and Derashe woreda/area are the most affected regions

3.6. Analysis of cause and effect of the major themes using problem trees

The goal setting was assisted by problem tree (figure x) and objective tree

3.6.1. Problem tree for water quantity decline in the basin

Figure 10. Cause-effect analysis using problem tree for surface and groundwater depeletion

3.6.2. Problem tree for water water quality deterioration in the basin

Figure 11. Cause-effect analysis using problem tree for water quality deterioration in the basin

3.6.3. Problem tree for Watershed Degradation

Figure 12. Cause-effect analysis using problem tree for watershed degradation

3.6.4. Problem tree for cause and effect relationship of Natural Hazard in Rift Valley Lakes

Figure 13. Cause-effect analysis using problem tree for flood and drought hazards

4. Legal and Institutional Assessment

4.1. Legal Situation Assessment

Strong institutional and legal framework is critical for strategic basin planning and
management. A basin plan is multi-phase and multi-owner activity and its development process has
to be in accordance with policies, proclamations, regulations and institutional arrangements
developed in the country. The following table (Table 5) is given to depict lists and brief
descriptions of the legal frameworks considered in this Basin plan.

Table 5. Brief descriptions of the legal frameworks considered in this plan
Legal framework Brief description

[1] The FDRE The FDRE Constitution states that all national policies, laws and
Constitution (1995) institutional arrangements of the country, including those related to the
management and administration of water resources and other natural
resources must be in line with constitutional provisions. Article 51(11)
gives the Federal Government the mandate to manage and administer
rivers and lakes, determining of the use, allocation and protection of
water resources. Article 52(2) gives the provision to regional states the
power to administer land and other natural resources in accordance with
Federal laws. Articles 44(1), 90(1) and 92(1, 2, 3, and 4) deal with the
people right to have a clean and healthy environment, access to public
health and education, clean water, housing, food and social security and
other environmental issues.

[2] Environmental Its overall goal is “to improve and enhance the health and quality of life
Policy of Ethiopia of all Ethiopians, and to promote sustainable social and economic
(1997) development through the sound management and use of natural, human-
made and cultural resources and the environment as a whole, so as to
meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. It incorporates
sector specific environmental policy provisions for water resources and
related sectors.

[3] Conservation The CSE provides a strategic framework detailing principles, guidelines
Strategy of Ethiopia and strategies for the effective management of the environment. It sets
(CSE) (1997) out detailed strategies and action plans as well as the institutional
arrangements required for the implementation of sectorial as well as
cross-sectorial interventions for the management of Ethiopia‟s natural,
man-made and cultural resources.

[4] Ethiopian Water The overall goal of the policy is to enhance and promote all national
Resources efforts towards the efficient, equitable and optimum utilization of the
Management Policy available water resources of Ethiopia for significant socioeconomic
(WRMP, 1999) development on sustainable basis. The general policies recognize that
water resources development, utilization, protection and conservation go
hand in hand and ensure that water supply and sanitation, irrigation and
drainage as well as hydraulic structures, watershed management and
related activities are integrated and addressed in unison.

[5] Ethiopian Water This Proclamation is the basic legal instrument governing the

Resources management, planning, utilization and protection of water resources in
Management Ethiopia. It has laid down the general conditions that need to be fulfilled
Proclamation for anyone wishing to use water resources for different purposes on the
(Proclamation No. basis of water use permit. In addition, it consists of the fundamental
197/2000) principles, which are expected to be considered while basin plans are

[6] Water Sector The overall goal of this strategy is to enhance and promote all national
Strategy of Ethiopia efforts towards the efficient, equitable and optimum utilisation of the
(2001) available water resources of the country for significant socio-economic
development on a sustainable basis. In this strategy, the water allocation
plans will be developed taking into consideration basin, basin and other
hydrological boundaries, with due consideration to the needs of drought
prone areas. To this effect, appropriate watershed management practices
will be used to maximise water yields and quality.

[7] Environmental It provides the basis for the development of relevant environmental
Pollution Control standards and to make violation of these standards a punishable act
Proclamation No. based on the “polluter pays principle”. It also provides a gestation period
300/2002 (2002) of five years for existing industries during which they are expected to
reduce the strength of their effluents to lie within the industrial standards.

[8] Food Security This strategy aims at increasing domestic food production; ensuring
Strategy (2002) access to food for food deficit households; and strengthening emergency
response capabilities. It is recognized that soil, water, and vegetation are
the main asset base of both the farming community and economy of the
country, without which the achievement of food security is unlikely.
Water and natural resource conservation based agricultural development
is considered as a centerpiece of the strategy.

[9] Water Resources Its objective is to provide detailed provisions for the effective
Management implementation of the Proclamation No.197/2000. It provides in detail
Regulations the main requirements for the issuance of permits for different uses of
(Regulation No. water; construction works; wastewater discharge, the conditions for the
115/2005) issuance, renewal, revocation etc. of such permits, and fees for
application for permits as well as the requirements of water charges to be
paid for different uses of water

[10] Prevention of This regulation states that factories must make sure their liquid waste
Industrial Pollution meets environmental standards, and obtain a permit before discharging
Regulation No. any liquid and also must monitor the composition of its waste, keep
471/2005 (2005) records and report periodically to the Environmental Protection

Authority (EPA).

[11] Solid waste This proclamation sets out the obligation for urban administrations to
management create the right conditions to promote investment in solid waste
Proclamation No. management services.

[12] The Ethiopian This framework was developed to improve the coordination between
Strategic Investment donor‟s support and government‟s development effort in land
Framework for administration and sustainable land management. It provides a holistic
Sustainable Land and integrated plan ning framework under which government,
Management development partners and civil society stakeholders can work together to
(ESIF/SLM) (2010) remove the barriers, and overcome the bottlenecks, to promote and
scale-up sustainable land management in Ethiopia.

[13] Climate Resilient The CRGE understands water management as key to achieving a green
Green Economy of economy because of the role of water for developing hydropower and
Ethiopia (CRGE) agriculture. The Ministry of Water and Energy (MoWE) is listed as one
(2011) of the actors with a role in encouraging the formulation and
implementation of green economy.

[14] The Sustainable Goal 6 states „Ensure availability and sustainable management of water
Development Goals and sanitation for all‟. Goals 6.5 and 6.6 give emphasis about protecting
/SDGs/ (UN, 2015) and restoring water-related ecosystems by 2030.To achieve this goal, The
Government of FDRE is committed to working to achieve SDG goals.

[15] Growth & This plan focuses on ensuring fair and equitable development and
Transformation Plan utilization of the country‟s water resources for sustained socioeconomic
II (GTP II) (2016). development. In the period of five years of the plan, water resource
development interventions will include, water supply, irrigation and
drainage development, hydropower study and design, surface and
groundwater study and integrated master plan study and watershed

[16] Vision 2030; In this plan, the economy envisages an average annual economic growth
Ethiopia: An African of 10.2%, while the per capita income is expected to increase by 8.2%
Beacon of Prosperity, each year to reach USD 2,220 by 2030. Regarding poverty reduction and
10 years government unemployment, the plan also envisages a reduction in the proportion of
plans (2020). people living below the poverty line from the current 19% to 7% in 2030
and a reduction in the unemployment rate by at least 1% each year. The
plan also foresees for universal access to clean drinking water and

electricity by 2030. Furthermore, the improvement irrigation system, ICT,
education, and health services are vital features of the new development
plan. The plan also intends to accelerate the structural transformation of
the economy by substantially increasing industry’s contribution to GDP
from the current 27.8% to 35.9% by 2030.

4.2. Institutional Framework

The following Federal, Regional, Zonal &Woreda-level institutions are involved in IWRM
and are key stakeholders in both development and implementation of the basin plan. The Lists of
key institutions in the water sector in Ethiopia and their responsibilities are provided in the table
given below (Table 6).

Table 6. List of key institutions in the water sector in Ethiopia

Institution Roles and Responsibilities
[1] Ministry of Water Develops overarching policies and laws; is responsible for overall planning
and Energy (MoWE) and coordination as well as monitoring the implementation of WRM and
development programmers within the sector. Issues licenses for large and
medium-scale irrigation schemes.
[2] Ministry of Irrigation Expand irrigation infrastructure and integrated lowland development
and Lowland (MILLs) throughout the country by bridging the gap that exists between energy
infrastructure, and agricultural productivity through the development of
environmental friendly, climate resilient and technologically advanced
irrigation schemes.
[3] Ministry of Finance Responsible for all spending with regard to WRM and WRD, including
and Economic investments under the Water Master Plan/Strategy. It also sets development
Cooperation (MoFEC) priorities and strategies in cooperation with the other ministries, formulates
strategies for managing foreign aid and loans, negotiates and signs aid and
loan agreements and monitors their implementation.
[4]Commission of The MEFCC is in charge of EIAs at the federal level and decides on EIAs
Environment and for projects that are likely to produce trans-regional impacts. Regionally,
Forestry and Climate EIAs are a competence of the regional state environmental agencies.
Change(MEFCC) – MEFCC (together with MoFEC) is also a Coordinating Entity for the
formerly the CRGE; in this role, it focuses on putting in place the overall technical
Environmental approach and system for coordination for CRGE implementation and the
Protection Authority monitoring of progress.
[5] Ministry of Industry Issues licenses and permits to industrial development projects.
[6] Ministry of Responsible for watershed management, water harvesting and small-scale
Agriculture (MoA) irrigation schemes.

[7] National Establishes and operates a national network of meteorological stations.

Meteorological Agency
[8]Water Resources It provides small-scale financing to water supply, sanitation and irrigation

Development Fund development initiatives. Loans are granted for extended periods of up to 30
(WRDF) years, to be repaid through the collection of tariffs with fixed interest rates of
[9] The Ethiopian It is a state-owned electric producer engaged in development, investment,
Electric Power (EEP) construction, operation, and management of power plants, power generation
and power transmission.
[10]Regional Bureaus/ According to the Ethiopian Constitution (Article 52 c), states have the power
Authorities, Zonal and to administer land and natural resources in accordance with laws enacted by
Woreda offices the Federal Government. Proclamation 197/2000 further provides for the
possibility of the Federal Government delegating its powers to manage water
and other resources to regional states.
[11]River Basin High RBHCs direct the preparation of the basin plan in a participatory way and
Commissions (RBHCs) submit it to the government for approval; it has final responsibility for
and River Basin coordination of stakeholders at basin level. RBAs prepare, and submit to
Adminstrations (RBAs) the BHC, basin plans and monitor their implementation upon approval,
coordinate water-related interventions at basin level, and manage permit
and information system, Ensure that projects, activities and interventions
related to water in the basin are, in their content, schedule, impacts and
management are in line with the IWRM process, Develop and use a river
basin model in order to guide and support its basin water resources plan
ning and water administration function.
4.3. Institutional arrangements

The following institutional arrangements were taken into consideration during the
development of this plan :

4.3.1. Federal Government (MoWR)

At the federal level, responsibility for policy and strategy development for the water sector is
with the Ministry of Water and Energy (MoWE). It also coordinates with external agencies for
financing sector investments. MoWR is responsible for developing the Sector Development
Programme for WSS sector for Ethiopia. With the enhanced role of regional governments, the
role of MoWR is to ensure effective monitoring and evaluation, and to provide capacity building
for economic regulation in the sector.

4.3.2. Regional and Woreda Governments

Under the emerging decentralization framework, responsibility for ensuring the provision of
these services will be increasingly with the regions and Woredas. The BWR, along with their other
responsibilities for water resources, are responsible for water and sanitation at the regional level. At
the zonal level there are water departments, which were established in 1996 to support
development, implementation and regulation of WSS activities. Zonal level essentially represents a

de-concentration of administration. Gradually, with recent developments, the emphasis is shifting
from the Zone to transferring responsibilities to the Woreda level.

4.3.3. Woreda Desks/Offices

Decentralization to the Woreda level has been followed up with the establishment of water
desks/offices in as many Woredas as possible. The Woredas are expected to take over very many
of the regional bureau and zonal department functions. Although the bureaus still have important
roles in providing support with regard to the introduction of technologies and undertaking
complex overall studies, the Woreda desks/offices are the ones which are now intimately involved
with rural water schemes and their committees or boards both in the regulatory aspect as well as
the provision of technical assistance.

4.3.4. Non-Governmental Organizations

NGOs are important actors in the WSS sector in Ethiopia, with about 125 active NGOs in
1994; with some presence in all the regions, though a few large ones dominate. Almost all are
externally funded and provide both technical and funding support to the sector. Funding by NGOs
may be an important source, though recent details of its extent are not available. While NGOs
need to register with the Ministry of Justice, their projects are reviewed at the regional level.

4.3.5. Private Sector

The private sector in Ethiopia is at an emerging stage and is mainly involved in consultancy and
construction sector. To a large extent this reflects a lack of demand during the past two decades,
though during the nineties efforts were made to promote private sector. Considerable efforts and
capacity building support, along with a better development of opportunities to nurture demand for
private sector services, will be needed in the coming years. A detailed assessment of the nature of
support measures and capacity building requirements is essential. An assessment of small-scale
providers and operators in the informal sector would also be useful.

5. Stakeholders Identification and Analysis

5.1. Stakeholder identification

5.1.1. Federal level Stakeholders

Stakeholders at Federal level include Ministry of Water and Energy, Ministry of Irrigation and
Lowlands, Ministry of Agriculture; Commission of/for Environment, Forest, and Climate Change;
Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation; Central Statistics Agency; Ethiopian Geological
Survey; Federal Investment Commission; Institute of Bio-Diversity; Ethiopian Wildlife
Conservation Authority; Ethiopian Agricultural Research Institute; Federal Cooperative Promotion
Agency; Ethiopian Horticulture Development Agency; Ministry of Mines, Petroleum & Natural
gas; Ministry of Culture and Tourism; and Ministry of Livestock and Fishery Resource

5.1.2. Regional level Stakeholders

The Basin is shared between part of Oromia National Regional State and part of South Nations,
Nationalities and Peoples‟ Regional State. Public institutions at regional level include Bureaus of
Agriculture and Natural Resources, Bureaus of Water, Mineral and Energy, Bureaus of
Environmental Protection and Climate Change, Forestry and Wildlife Agencies, Bureaus of
Livestock and Fishery Resources Development, Bureaus of Rural Land Administration and Use,
Bureaus of Industry and Urban Development, Bureaus of Trade and Transport, Bureaus of
Culture and Tourism, Irrigation Development Authorities; Investment Commissions, and Small
and Micro Enterprise Development Offices.

5.1.3. Water users

 Small-scale irrigated agriculture farmers:-These are the smallholder farmers engaged in

cultivation under rain fed and irrigation agriculture.
 Private commercial agricultural farms (large users):-this category includes farms with extensive
irrigated land area or those who practice intensive agriculture systems. These are irrigated
farms such as cotton farms, banana farms, maize farms, etc.
 Domestic water users are rural and urban water supply users. There are many water points in
rural parts of the Basin and urban water supply systems in the urban areas of Chew Bahir
 Recreational and Tourism: under this category hot springs, hotel and resorts, lodges and other
recreational centers are included.
 Knowledge institutes and NGOs;-There are knowledge institutions/research institutions &
Universities/ National and International NGOs working on various studies and researches in
the basin, which are key stakeholder in Basin plan preparation and implementation. These
groups of stakeholders can involve in issue and options of water use efficiency, water
abstraction technology, aquatic resources management, water pollution, soil erosion and land
degradation, watershed conservation, forest resource management, endemic wildlife and bird‟s

5.1.4. Decision makers

Decision makers include the FDRE Parliament, Council of Ministers, River Basin High Council,
Ministry of Water and Energy, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands; River MoWE-IWRM Sector,

Rift Valley Lakes Basin Administration, Ministry of Agriculture, Administrative Council of
Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State, and Administrative Council of
Oromia National Regional State.

5.1.5. Regulatory bodies

Regulatory bodies include River Basin High Council, Ministry of Water and Energy, Ministry of
Irrigation and Lowlands, MoWE-IWRM Sector, and Rift Valley Lakes Basin Administration.

5.1.6. Implementers

Key implementers are those who are involved in planning and implementation of the basin plan.
The main stakeholders in the hierarchy are Ministry of Water and Energy, Ministry of Irrigation
and Lowlands, MoWE-IWRM Sector; Rift Valley Lakes Basin Administration, Ministry of
Agriculture and Natural Resources, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Ethiopian Wild Life
Conservation Authority, Regional, Zonal, and Woreda-level Bureaus of Agriculture and Natural
Resources, Water and Irrigation Development, Mines and Energy, Environmental Protection,
Forestry, and Climate Change, and Rural Land Administration.

5.1.7. Funding organizations

It requires a concerted technical and financial support of international organizations and NGOs
working on natural resource, environment, and climate change. For example, World Bank,
UNESCO, Africa Development Bank, and others can be mentioned in this category.

5.1.8. Private companies

Private companies found in the Basin include commercial farms such as: Omo Sheleko Agro-
industry, Nasa Farm, Enchete Kebele farmers, Duma Kebele farms, Gisma, Bola and Bura Kebele
farmers, Babo Kebele farmers, Masoya Kebele farmers, Gete Kebele farmers, Zegerma Kebele
farmers, Cherkaka Kebele farmers, and Arbore Kebele farmers.

5.1.9. Community (water user association)

This includes consumers who rely on the safe supply of water, Hayonda irrigation water user
farmer associations. It includes Water Users Associations (WUA), Water Supply, Sanitation and
Hygiene Committee (WaSHCo), Water Users Federation (WUF) at Woreda and Zonal levels.
5.2. Stakeholder mapping and engagements

Successful stakeholder engagement allows concerned bodies to have opportunities for intensive
involvement in planning, decision making, and evaluation of all activities in the basin plan
preparation and implementation processes. In order to develop applicable engagement plans,
primarily, stakeholders have to be categorized into various categories in order to facilitate
consultation and data collection processes. Secondly, engagement stages should be formulated
to specify stages where the stakeholders will participate. Accordingly, potential stakeholders in
the Basin are grouped in to the following hierarchies (H) based on the nature of their
involvement in water resource planning, utilization, and management.
Hierarchy(H1): These are policy, decision makers, and regulatory bodies which includes The
FDRE Parliament, Council of Ministers, River Basin Council, MoWE, MILLs, RBDA, RVLBA,
MoANR, MOFEC, SNNPRS and ONRS Administrative Council
Hierarchy (H2): These are implementers who are involved in planning and implementation of the
Basin plan. The main stakeholders in this hierarchy are MoWE, MILLs, RVLBA, MoANR,
Ethiopian Wild Life Conservation Authority, Regional, Zonal and Woreda-level Bureaus of
Agriculture and Natural Resources, Water and Irrigation Development, Mines and Energy,
Environmental Protection, Forestry, and Climate Change, Rural Land Administration.
Hierarchy (H3): These groups of stakeholders are called media and knowledge institutions like
universities, public institutions, research institutes that provide technical support, capacity building,
innovative research, and development works.
Hierarchy (H4): These refer to Civic organizations, international funding institutions and NGOs
which give a concerted technical and financial support. The main international organizations are
Hierarchy (H5): All Water users in Chew Bahir Basin are included in this group. They are sub-
grouped into three classes based on their resource use practices, level of intensification, purpose of
water abstraction, and socioeconomic nature in order to facilitate engagement plan and
implementation process.

 Smallholder irrigation water users: include smallholder individual farmers and water user
association groups that abstract water for irrigation purpose.
 Commercial irrigation water users: includes irrigated farms using water from main Rivers –
Segen, Weito, Bezo and other tributary rivers, streams, springs – and groundwater sources.
 Domestic water users which include town and village water users for water supply and other
domestic purpose.
In general, the following stakeholder engagement framework (Table 7) and stakeholder
involvement flow chart are given to show the successful engagement of all stakeholders in the

Table 7. Stakeholder involvement flow chart
N Stages of Decision makers and Implementers (H2) Media and Knowledge Civic Water Users and general
o involvement Institutions (H3) Organizations and public (H5 )
regulatory bodies(H1 ) NGOs (H4)

1 Basin plan Roles: Plan evaluation Roles: Law enforcement. Roles: Aware the public; Roles: Roles:
Preparation and approval. Decide Disseminate
on issues for planning; Prepare basin plan; Sign information; Conduct Reflect their Provide the required
Legal issue revision; agreement; Develop studies and provide interests/opinions information; Reflect their
Information disclosure projects; Resource necessary data interests/opinions;
mobilization Prepare pollution
abatement plan

2 Implementing Political leadership and Own and implement the Aware the public; Coordinate Implement plan
Coordination; Allocate plan; Aware, supervise Disseminate information interested groups; requirements; Attend
resource; Guiding and Consult users ; and technology; Develop Aware and awareness raising
implanters Capacity building; Guide cost –effective support users; trainings; Use the
the local Authorities; implementation strategy; Fund projects; adopted new
Mobilize the public and Adopt new technologies capacitate users; technologies
support community effort Mobilize the
public & support
community effort

3 Monitoring and Monitor Monitor implementation; Aware the public; Evaluate self-key
Evaluation implementation; Evaluate performance; Disseminate achievements; Respond
Evaluate performance; Identify challenges information; Evaluate for success or failure
Guide the research results

N Stages of Decision makers and Implementers (H2) Media and Knowledge Civic Water Users and general
o involvement Institutions (H3) Organizations and public (H5 )
regulatory bodies(H1 ) NGOs (H4)

4 Review Evaluate the outcome; Organize review meetings Aware the public; Participate in Participate in review
/Updating Plan for next period/ ; Get ready for further Disseminate information review meetings meetings
updating overall plan; planning /updating
inform review results

6. Mission-Vision-Value Statements

6.1. Vision

Water resources in the basin are developed and managed in efficient, equitable and sustainable
manner by 2035.

6.2. Mission

Establish a beneficial legal and regulatory framework and effective mechanism for managing,
developing, utilizing, protecting, controlling and conserving water resources in an environmentally
and economically sound manner in order to meet the needs of all the people in the basin.

6.3. Values

Inline with the MoWE, the Basin plan values:

1. Innovation and creativity 3. Quality first
2. Fairness and equity 4. Endurance and aspiration

5. Environment and sustainable development
6. Continuous learning
7. Team work
8. Detest corruption

7. Strategic goals, Objectives, and Activities

7.1. The underlying theory of change as a roadmap for basin plan

This section of the strategic basin plan attempts to show the underlying hypothesis of how
the stakeholders think change occurs to reach at the anticipated goals. Such road map can be
referred as „theory of change‟ or „intervention logics‟ or „results chains‟ (figure 14). Designing this
theory of change with stakeholders will:

 Lead to a common understanding of how change occurs

 Create awareness on different norms and values between stakeholders
 Generate co-ownership of the basin plan
 Help to decide on the scope of the basin plan
 Support decision-making on what interventions should be pursued to achieve the biggest
impact by whom

Well functioning and sustained ecosystem services delivering social, economic, and
environmental benefit of the primary stakeholders/community and future generation

Improve the Improve water resource Ensure active

Enhance availability Reduce flood,
quality of water conservation, potential and stakeholder
and optimum drought and invasive
resource in the community livelihood participation in
utilization of water species risks in the
basin for through integrated planning, decision

resources in the basin basin to improve

sustainable social, watershed management making,
for sustainable social, social, economic and
economic and for sustainable social, implementation,
economic and environmental
environmental, economic and monitoring and
environmental benefits benefits
benefits. environmental, benefits. evaluation of IWRM

Water Sediment Degrade Alternative Climate- Prevalenc

Water Equitable transport Wetlands


recharg Efficien inflows to d livelihood resilient e of Stakeholders

loss water into and lake
e t water water landscap to the landscap invasive participation is
reduce allocatio water shores
enhanc system bodies is es are community e is species is realized
d n bodies are well
ed reduced restored is provided created reduced
reduced managed

Cost-effective technical methods and

Appropriate Mechanism for
approaches are agreed and approved Local actors are
governance coordination,
to reduce water loss; enhance water capacitated to
instruments are cooperation and
recharges; water quality improvement; plan and Funds are
agreed upon the collaboration
watershed management; flood-drought- implement available
stakeholders and among stakeholders
climate change resilience; invasive projects/
approved by are agreed upon
species control; and stakeholders programmes
concerned body and mainstreamed

Figure 14. The underlying theory of change for the strategic basin plan
7.2. The major targets of the basin plan

As derived from the underlying theory of change, the major targets were set as shown in figure 15 below.
Sustainable management and use of water resources in the basin

Minimize natural
disaster in sustainable
5 manner in the

Per capita Goal Improve the quality of water

GNI US$ 75% of resource in the basin for
Legal 1500
all water Ensure sustainable social, economic Improving
framework achieve by Increase
demand entitlement and environmental, benefits. early warning
respected by all 2035 overall
meets by for all water system
stakeholders irrigation
2035. users by 2035
efficiency to
80% by
Strengthen 2035 Reduce over
community Establish up to
grazing by 70%
resilience in Enhance availability and 10 water quality
Better through
flood and optimum utilization of water monitoring
understandin modernizing
Goal stations by 2035
g of efficient resources in the basin for livestock
prone area 3
sustainable social, economic Fully feeding system
by 2035 restored
Enhance utilization and environmental benefits
and Delineate 90%
participatory among
Improve water resource protected of water bodies
watershed publics in the
conservation, potential and wetlands in in the sub basin Promote
management sub-basin
community livelihood the sub- by 2035 genetically
through integrated watershed Exceed basin by improved
Goal management for sustainable water livestock and
social, economic and scarcity crop variety
environmental, benefits. threshold (by 50%)
Strong Zero discharge
1000m3/ Ensure
WRUAs of untreated
capital/ permissibl Build resilience
Ensure active stakeholder Reduce 80% by 2035 effluent by
70% of year) in the e salinity through
Goal participation in planning,
of silt inflow 2035
degraded area sub-basin standard of diversifying
decision making, into water
1 rehabilitated by 2035 fresh water community’s
implementation, monitoring bodies by
by 2035 by 2035 livelihoods
and evaluation of IWRM

Figure 15. The major goals and specific targets of the basin plan
7.3. Logical framework for the basin plan

In complementing the theory of change and the major goals and specific targets, table 8 presents the details of the logical

Table 8. Logical framework for the basin plan

Goals Specific objectives Targets Outcome Outcome Data source & Risk and Risk Mitigation
indicator Means of assumption
GOAL 1: Better understanding Attitudinal Willingness of Consultation
To improve public of efficient water change the meetings,
To ensure awareness on water utilization among towards water stakeholder workshops,
active resources publics in the basin management toward memorandum
stakeholder management and efficient water of
participation in optimal use use understanding
decision To strengthen Enhance Successful Rehabilitated Reports from
making, stakeholder‟s participatory watershed watershed Agricultural
implementation, participation on watershed management and natural
monitoring and watershed management practice resource
evaluation of management bureau,
To implement legal Legal framework Environment Healthy Environmental
framework related to respected by all friendly environment audit report
pollution control stakeholders economic
through stakeholder development
GOAL 2: -Increased Stakeholders Lack of Institutionalized
Reduce 80% of silt The lakes and lake volume annual report, adequate resources
Improve water inflow into water riverine water -Restored field surveys sustainable mobilization
To protect water bodies by 2035 resour aquatic investment put in place

resource bodies from ces biodiversity financing . Adoption of
conservation, siltation/sedimentation environment Weak basin plan by
potential and restored stakeholders‟ stakeholders
community commitment and
livelihood in the to implement implementation
basin through basin plan action through
integrated the Basin High
watershed Council &
management RVLBA
To improve surface . 75% of all water water scarcity Access to Water sector Drought early
and grounwater demand meet by reduced, water water supply, report, CSA Frequent warning &
potential 2035. use conflicts Social report, socio drought preparedness,
minimized stability, economic Promotion of
and socio- increase of survey water harvesting
economic per capita technologies &
improvement income water efficient
To rehabilitate 70% of degraded Soil erosion Amount of Report from
severely degraded area rehabilitated by reduced, soil soil saved. agriculture &
watersheds 2035 fertility amount of natural
improved and yield per resource
Agricultural hectare/year sector, CSA,
productivity RVLBA,
To improve livelihood Per capita GNI US$ livelihoods Socio Report from . Inflation . Increase
of the community 1500 achieve by diversified, economic CSA, Plan . saving habit
2035 reduced improvement, commission,
pressure on Finance and
natural and economic
economic development
transformation offices
To reduce flood and Strengthen . Exposed Livelihood NMA report, Climate Implement
drought hazard community community to improvement, Risk change Climate change

resilience in flood flood and flood prevention adaptation
and drought prone drought risk prevention &disaster measures
area by 2035. are reduced. structures, reduction
Damage of life secured preparedness
and society offices
GOAL 3: To ensure water Exceed water • Improved • Satisfied all Assessment Climate Climate change
availability in the basin scarcity threshold discharge of water use reports, change adaptation
Enhance (1700- streams, demand performance measures
availability and 1000m3/capital/year) springs and • Agricultural evaluation
optimum in the basin by 2035 groundwater production reports and
utilization of • Increased increase case study
water resources and Socio report from
in the basin for continuing economic MoWE,
sustainable River flows development MILLs, ONS
social, Increased of the sub- Water
economic and inflow to the basin resource
environmental Lakes bureau,
benefits SNNPRS
bureau and
To improve irrigation Increase overall • Decrease • transform Assessment Unwillingness Awareness
water, use efficiency in irrigation efficiency excess water irrigation reports, to use new creation,
the basin to 80% by 2035 abstraction water use performance irrigation technical and
• increase in trend evaluation technology financial
irrigation • Optimum reports and support for
water abstraction case study farmers
productivity reports from
• environmenta reduction in MoWE,
l sustainability irrigation MILLs,

water loss Oromia ANR
bureau and
To implement water • water • number of Assessment
allocation abstraction licensed reports, case
based on water users study reports
legal and proper from
framework use MoWE,
? • Acceptable MILLs, ONS
water & SNNPRS
sharing Water
principle in resource
the basin bureau, and
water use RVLBA
To establish water Decrease • Number of Regional co-
users‟ association illegal water water pumps operative
(WRUA) user, decrease office,
improve • number of Regional
? Quality and irrigation
quantity of association, Authority,
water, • reduced Water use and
livelihood irrigation user
improvement water loss assessment
GOAL 4: To prevent industrial Zero discharge of Improved Water quality water quality Leakage Frequent

Improve water and municipal untreated water quality standards and test reports from septic monitoring and
quality of the effluents effluent by 2035 and aquatic bio-indicators tanks, evaluation of
basin to ensure ecosystem artificial treatment plant
sustainable wetlands
social, To reduce fresh water Ensure permissible Safe and Low salinity water quality
economic and salinity salinity standard of potable water values test reports
environmental, problem across the fresh water by 2035 is maintained, from FECCA/
benefits. sub- basin aquatic RVLBA,
ecosystem is Water
maintained, bureaus
use of water is
To establish water Establish 10 water Updated water Recorded water quality
quality monitoring quality monitoring quality status data on watertest reports
system in the basin stations by 2035 quality from
parameters FECCA/B,
To conserve and Fully restored and improved No of restored Assessment Lack of clear Developing
restore wetlands in the protected wetlands water quality wetlands in reports, case policy of policy and legal
basin in the basin by 2035 and quality, the basin study reports wetland framework
sustain from MoWE,
biodiversity, MILLs, ONS
enhanced & SNNPRS
socioeconomic Water
benefit resource
bureau, and
To prevent Delineate 80% of -Reduced Assessment report Land use Awareness
lakeshore cultivation water bodies in the Reduce eutrophication conflicts creation,
basin by 2035 siltation, effective

agrochemical directives,
pollution, participatory

GOAL 5: To enhance early Empowered Early warning Reduced Assessment Financial Fund raising
warning system community and information is economic report from shortage
Minimize institutions to take readily losses and the regional
natural disaster action prior to a available number of disaster
in sustainable disaster (80 % of ahead of a injuries or prevention
manner in the total population will disaster; Better deaths from a offices at
community be trained and have understanding disaster woreda, zonal,
clear understanding of causes and and regional
of causes and mitigation and offices
mitigation/adaptation or adaptation
strategies by 2035) strategies of
Enhance rangeland Fodder is available Minimized Presence of Assessment Unwillingness Awareness
management system to 80% of livestock drought variety reports from to manage creation
in drought period vulnerability of drought agricultural rangeland technical and
livestock and resistant and rural lack of financial
pastoralists plants in the development acceptance support for
rangeland; offices in the local
well- sub basin communities
practices of
patterns to
save forage for
period; use of

genetically improved Livestock Ensure food Assessment Unwillingness Training and
livestock to production security report from to accept awareness
70 % by 2035 remain stable Agricultural improved creation
in drought and Rural technology
period; Stable development
livelihood offices in the
To reduce risk income sub-basin
vulnerability through Ensure Improved Crop Ensure food Assessment Unwillingness Training and
adaptation mechanism crop variety to 60 % production security report, from to accept awareness
by 2035 remain stable Agricultural improved creation
in drought and Rural technology
period; development
Stable offices in the
livelihood sub-basin

8. Course of actions constituting the basin plan and financing strategies

8.1. The anticipated actions and their estimated costs at basin level

For the sake of time framing, this basin plan is divided into three implementation period:
2021-2025; 2026-2030; and 2031-2035. The upcoming sub-sections summarize the required
budget for the above time periods. The detail activities are at the appendix of the main manuscript
to avoid over sizing of the main document.

8.1.1. Hawassa basin: costs per individual basins and goals

Goals Objectives Estimated budget in mil. Birr

2021-2025 2026-2030 2031-2035 Total
Goal 1 Enhance sustainable management of water 395.5 384.5 374 1154
resources including their proper allocation,
development and protection and through
increased efficiency of water use in the basin
for sustainable social, economic and
environmental benefits
Goal 2 Ensure the availability of good water quality for 634 592.5 585.08 1817.75
sustainable national economic development by
effectively controlling pollution.
Goal 3 Improve water resource conservation, potential 19302.3
and community livelihood in the basin through 4904.51 4849 4848.5
integrated watershed management
Goal 4 Ensure active stakeholder participation in 22307.05
planning, decision making, implementation,
monitoring and evaluation of IWRM 5945.01 5836 5817.58
Total 22,307
Contingency 10% 2,230
Grand total 24,538

8.1.2. Ziway-Shalla basin: costs per individual basins and goals

Goals Objectives Estimated budget in mil. Birr

2021-2025 2026-2030 2031-2035 Total
Goal 1 Enhance availability and optimum utilization of
water resources in the basin for sustainable 195.5 199 137.5 532
social, economic, and environmental benefits
Goal 2 Improve the water quality of the basin to ensure
sustainable social, economic and 226.1 241.3 236.3 703
environmental, benefits
Goal 3 Improve water resource conservation, potential
and community livelihood in the basin through 4545 5670 4057.9 14272.9
integrated watershed management
Goal 4 Ensure active stakeholder participation in
planning, decision making, implementation, 35.48 23.2 21.42 80.1
monitoring and evaluation of IWRM
Total 15,588
Contingency 10% 1,559
Grand total 17,147

8.1.3. Chew-Bahir basin: costs per individual basins and goals
Goals Objectives Estimated budget in mil. Birr
2021-2025 2026-2030 2031-2035 Total
Goal 1 Enhance effective development, efficient
utilization, and proper allocation of water
resources in the basin for sustainable social,
economic and environmental benefits 275.95 215.85 179.05 670.85
Goal 2 Improve water resource conservation, 6952.6
potential and community livelihood in the
basin through integrated watershed
management and Rangeland management 2021.9 2865.1 2065.6
Goal 3 Minimize natural disaster in sustainable
manner in the community 53.5 66.5 51 171
Goal 4 Ensure good water quality for sustainable
socio economic development 17.5 10.5 9 37
Goal 5. Ensure active stakeholder participation in
planning, decision making, implementation,
monitoring, and evaluation of IWRM and
prevention of natural disaster 15.6 15.2 15.2 46
Total 7,842
Contingency 10% 784
Grand total 8,626

8.1.4. Abaya-Chamo Sub-basin: costs per individual basins and goals

Goals Objectives Estimated budget in mil. Birr
2021-2025 2026-2030 2031-2035 Total
Goal 1 Enhance availability, Management and
optimum utilization of water resources in
2468 2383 1558 6364
the sub-basin for sustainable social,
economic and environmental benefits
Goal 2 Improve the quality and quantity of water
resource in the sub-basin for sustainable
social, economic and environmental, 2045 1530 1190
Goal 3 Improve the water resources conservation
and community livelihood in the basin 5765
2050 2060 1655
through integrated way
Goal 4 Ensure active stakeholder participation to
improve planning, implementation,
monitoring and evaluation of projects 330 320 220
related to IWRM
Total 6,893 6,293 4,623 17,764.
Contingency 10% 689.30 629.3 462.3 1,776.4
Grand total (Million ETB) 7,582.30 6,922.30 5,085.30 19,540.4

8.2. Required institutional set up and coordination

Proposed actions are key steps to be followed as the IWRM implementation strategy in the
Basin. Following the endorsement of this action plan by all stakeholders and securing the required
political commitment for implementation, it would be mandatory to establish or strengthen WRD,
which would have the following major responsibilities to speed up the implementation process.

1) Develop quality project formulation proposals for priority projects that suite a range of donor
requirements and organize donor consultation forum to speedup their implementation.
2) Coordinate and integrated all water sector institutions which are responsible for the
implementation of their respective WRM actions/programs and provide technical and logistical
support as necessary.
3) Coordinate and facilitate awareness creation and educational programs that support the creation
of commitment for the successful implementation of WRM action plan
4) Associate water sector institutions engaged in implementing the part of the action plan with
international and national organizations working on sustainable water resources development
and/or similar WRM action plan.
5) Implement actions which are within the scope of WRD.
6) Facilitate the mainstreaming of the action plan into the national and regional budgetary system
by identifying entry points and advising water sector institutions to streamline the proposed
7) Develop adaptive monitoring and evaluation procedure to follow up the WRM action plan
implementation and advice of the Ministry Water and Energy for action.

As it is clearly stated in the Logical Strategic Framework for Action Plan, the responsibility
for the implementation of the proposed priority actions/programs will be shared among the key
institutions engaged in the water sector within whose operational mandatesare the activities within
the action plan are encompassed.

As part of the implementation strategy of water resources management, jointly with key
implementing bodies, responsible institutes should revise the priority and categorize action plans

into phases as per the need and priority of the respective implementation bodies. For example,
most action plans which improve the basin knowledge on the water resources base and provide
important enabling environment can be priority and start immediately with the available fund.

The plan needs to be reviewed periodically. This will ensure that it remains coordinated
with the proposed applied research outcomes on water resources management and development,
as well as with designed monitoring, evaluation and adaptive management system. The action plan
is to be comprehensively reviewed after three to five years to ensure that the implementation of its
actions are on track, and that longer-term actions are integrated into the national water resources
management and development strategy.
8.3. Proposed Fund Raising Strategy

In the previous sections, project portfolio/plans with their indicative costs are presented;
implementation of the necessary institutional set up and the required coordination are indicated as
part of the implementation strategy. For successful and timely implementation of these priority
WRM action plans, developing fund raising strategy is another crucial implementation strategy that
should be thought at the initial stage of the planning process. Developing a fund raising strategy for
any plan/project is a complicated task for which there is no guarantee of a successful outcome. The
set of prioritized actions provides a firm basis for cooperation with funding agencies. To speed up
the implementation of the identified priority plan/actions, the following funding strategies are
recommended: -
• Identify entry points to mainstream the identified short and long term priority action plans into
the national and regional planning processes and development cooperation frameworks.
• Identify major funding sources that offer support for development projects atbasin-scale and
other development projects. Once identified, a mechanism would be proposed for
communication and network establishment.
• Identify state groupings or initiatives that focus on intra- trans-boundary water issues,
• Analyze their mission and vision and identify how this action plan could be relevant to those
institutions and indicate ways of funding the priority project/actions.
• Identify development partners who are involved or have close linkage with water resources,
assessment and development. Using their overall mission and vision statements as a

background try establishing linkage between their projects and the implementation of priority
actions identified in this process.
• Propose a way how resources mobilization forum would be organized. This forum will
accelerate the implementation of identified priority projects/actions of the main theme/action

In general the fund raising strategy that is intended to be implemented by the responsible
implementing and coordinating bodies should ensure that there is:
• Coordination of activities
• Popular participation and consultation
• A forum for discussion
• Partnership building
• Efficiency and transparency
• Commitment by government, communities and development partners
• Project/action targets with clear benefit
• Fundraising body or unit or officer who will implement fundraising activity.
Accordingly the resource mobilization scheme from different sources (Figure 16) can be
accevied through:
 Enhancing the capacity of the RVLBA to access to finance and to raise more funds;
 Increasing both public and PPP (Public Private Partnership) & networking to
support & strengthen implementation;
 Strengtthen the capacity of RVLBA to develop bankable actions;
 Allocation of adequate resources for the participation of the civil society based on
the sevel main Lakes to ensure good level of ownership;
 Promoting the existing IWRM plans at all levels of the stakeholder‟s forum for
broader support they need for successful implementation.


Figure 16. Proposed funding percentage from different sources based on their pollution release
and water withdrawal from the basin
8.4. Terms and Conditions to Implement the Basin Plan

There are some issues that should be taken care as a condition for successful implementation of
the WRM action plans. These are given in the following sub-sections.

8.4.1. Political commitment

The existing culture, tradition and way of carrying out water resources management related
activities, development and use of water resources is quite different from the proposed WRM
concept and, therefore, continuous and conscious actions focused on building political
commitment starting from the beginning of the implementation of the action plan is crucial. The
political commitment can be achieved through a continuous awareness creation program and the
need for change among the highest political decision makers, managers, practitioners and other

8.4.2. Coordination of Institutions

The plan will be implemented mainly within the framework of Ministry Water, Irrigation and
Energy and MoWE-IWRM Sector-Rift Valley Lakes Basin Administration which are the
responsible implementing bodies for most of the actions/plan portfolios identifiedto support
WRM in RVLB. Despite their leading effort, all actions/plan portfolios can only be implemented
with support and for some of them with the lead effort of all other government institutions
identified as implementing body and involved either in the development and use of water
resources of the BVLB.

8.4.3. Capacity development

Capacity development and training priorities should be given to all stackeholders engaged at
strategic levels, including that of at federal and regional government. Participants who may be
adversely impacted and/or socially marginalized may be stimulated to participate within a
consensus-building strategy.

8.4.4. Well-defined flexible and enforceable legal frameworks and regulation

It is necessary to assemble and review the full range of existing laws and regulations that apply to
water-related activities and determine how existing legislation adapts or can be better adapted to
accommodate sustainability and integration with regard towater resources management.

8.4.5. Water allocation plans

As water is a shared resource, water rights should be flexible in terms of allocation in order to
accommodate changes. Preparing a master plan that reflects individual sector plans facilitates the
coordination among various sectors and advocates the most appropriate utilization of a basin‟s

8.4.6. Good knowledge of the natural resources present in the basin

Adequate knowledge and information on the water resources inventory and human resources of
the basin is desirable. Including scientists as water resource managers can help maintain and accrue
sound knowledge of the natural resources

Therefore, for smooth implementation of the action and its success, securing the commitment of
all high level decision makers of the implementing partners, avoiding ambiguities of duties and
responsibilities of institution and raising the awareness level of decision makers on the importance
of WRM for the sustainable development of the nation are critical conditions.

9. Monitoring and Evaluation

This basin plan is prepared with the aim to ensure a balance between competing demands
on water resources (environmental, social and economic), improve water resources conservation
and potential, and minimize natural disaster in the basin. The main goals, objectives, and major
interventions are well documented in the preceding sections. In this section, effective monitoring
and evaluation framework/plan which will help implementing bodies and those with obligations to
gauge how effective implementation plan is well put in place and the accomplishment of every
action as per the timetable indicated in the basin plan document is presented.

The general approach of monitoring and evaluation work is:

a) Collecting data of various sorts so as to be able to understand the effects that the basin plan
is having;

b) Comparing changes against „baseline‟ information about the basin;
c) Bringing this information together and making assessment about whether a range of
objectives and outcomes are being achieved and how well the basin plan is being
d) Broadly tracking the effect of other influences and drivers on outcomes in the basin; and
e) Reflecting on what we learn and reporting to government to guide their decision-making.

9.1. Monitoring and evaluation schedule

As it is indicated above implementation of various activities is scheduled at long range timeframe

rolling up until 2035. Accordingly, the time of monitoring of changes and evaluation of outcomes
varies depending on when particular activity is implemented. Moreover, even for many activities
which are implemented at early time of the basin plan comes into effect, outcomes will take a long
time to be achieved (and thus able to be monitored and evaluated); hence, until such times in-
depth monitoring and evaluation of their effectiveness cannot occur. Further, focus of monitoring
and evaluation in any given year will change as implementation progresses and different
components of the plan come into place. Therefore, the scope and depth of the monitoring and
evaluation work shall be developed over time.

In general, after every five-years of the basin plan implementation, i.e., in year 2025 and 2030,
detail assessment of effectiveness of the basin plan shall be conducted and at final year of plan
implementation, i.e., in year 2035, basin plan shall be reviewed; however, in-between years annual
effectiveness report shall be prepared. Detail monitoring and evaluation schedule for some major
achievement indicators are presented in the table below.

9.2. Methods of data collection and evaluation

Depending on the type of expected outputs both quantitative (e.g. numerical, yes/no) and
qualitative (e.g. interviews, expert opinion or a combination of the two, leading to an informed
judgment) data will be collected for monitoring and evaluation purpose. This data may be obtained
through measurement, field survey, computer models, and reported information. Survey results
and reports in different government offices such as SNNPRS Water Bureau, Agriculture and rural
development bureau, Ministry of Water and Energy, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands, and Rift-

valley Lakes Basin Administration are valuable sources of information. Data of social and
economic indicators will also be obtained from Central Statistical Agency (CSA), local community
groups, local governments etc.

Once the data is collected, evaluation can be made using either of the two methods -
activity reporting and comparative analysis. Particularly, activity reporting is used for an activity or a
target that has been met (the yes/no) than assessing outcomes. However, comparative assessment
(comparing observed results with the baseline) will be used for outcomes evaluation. Particularly,
evaluation of ecological, governance, and socio-economic outcomes will be based on comparative
assessment. Trend analysis of indicators, developing „with‟ and „without‟ basin plan comparison,
detail studies, and conducting qualitative research are some of specific data analysis and evaluation

9.3. Indicators of outcomes

For better monitoring and evaluation process multiple set of indicators be used to gauge
environmental, social (gender mainstreaming), and economic changes in the basin. For the fact that
the basin plan is implemented in stage over 15 years‟ time and some indicators take time to be
monitored, indictors will be refined with time and additional indicators will be developed.
Refinements and development of indicators involve all stakeholders in the basin. Detail outcome
indicators along with main objectives in the basin plan are presented from Table 9.1 to Table 9.5.

9.4. Roles and reporting

In the process of implementation of the basin plan various stakeholders will be involved. These
different stakeholders will have different roles in monitoring and evaluation. Monitoring and
evaluation of effectiveness of implementation of basin plan and accomplishment or being in the
right track of the set objectives will be the responsibility of BDA or its representative (RVLBA).
Annual reporting of the results of monitoring and evaluation will commence one year after the start
of basin plan implementation. At fifth year and tenth year since start of implementation of basin
plan five and ten yearly report on effectiveness of the basin plan will be prepared. At the end of
plan period, i.e. in year 2035, report on review of basin plan will be prepared by BDA and
RVLBA and presented to all concerned bodies.

Local governments (Woreda and Kebele-level) and communities will be important sources of
information, particularly in relation to the social and economic indicators. BDA and RVLBA will
work with them to review indicators, collect data, and evaluate the plan.

Monitoring and evaluation is not a one time job. It will be conducted throughout the plan
implementation period. More importantly what we learn through monitoring and evaluation leads
to improved knowledge and continuous improvement of basin. The monitoring and evaluation
matrix for each goal is presented from Table 9 to Table 11. Gender mainstreaming indicators shall
be one of the pillars of the monitoring and evaluation scheme.

Table 9. Monitoring and evaluation matrix for Goal-1

Specific Expected outcome Indicator to be Data source & Means of Frequency Freque Responsible
objectives monitored verification of ncy of institutions
measureme reportin
nt g
• Improved discharge of • Satisfied all water use Assessment Annual Annual RVLBA,
streams, springs and demand reports,performance Regional
To ensure groundwater • Agricultural evaluation reports and case Water
water • Increased and production increase study reports from Bureaus,
availability continuing River flows • Socioeconomic MoWE, MILLs, NGOs,
in the • Increased inflow to the development of the O/N/S&SNNPRS Water Knowledge
basin Lakes Basin resource bureau and institutions
• Gender main RVLBA,
To • Decrease excess water • transform irrigation Assessmentreports, per five Per five RVLBA,
improve abstraction water use trend performance evaluation years years MoWE,
irrigation • increase in irrigation • Optimum abstraction reports and case study MILLs,
water use water productivity reports from NMA
efficiency • environmental • reduction in irrigation MoWE, MILLs, ONS
in the sustainability water loss &SNNPRS Water resource
basin • Gender main bureau and RVLBA,
To • water abstraction based • number of licensed Assessment reports, case Annual Annual RVLBA,
implement on legal framework water users and study reports from Regional
water • Acceptable water sharing proper use MoWE, MILLs, ONS & Water
allocation principle in the basin • Gender main SNNPRS Water resource resource and
• water use conflict streaming bureau, and RVLBA, Irrigation
minimized office

To Decrease illegal water user, • Number of water Regional co-operative Monthly Annual RVLBA,
establish improve Quality and pumps office, Regional irrigation MoWIE
water quantity of water, livelihood • number of Authority,
users‟ improvement waterassociation Water use and user
association • reduced irrigation assessment report.
(WUA) water loss

Table 10. Monitoring and evaluation matrix for Goal-2
Objectives Expected outcome Indicator to be Monitoring tools/ Frequency of Frequency Responsible
monitored Source of measurement of reporting institutions
To prevent Improved water Water quality water quality test Quarterly Binomial RVLBA, Water
industrial and quality and aquatic standards and bio- reports resource bureau,
municipal ecosystem indicators
To reduce fresh Safe and potable Low salinity water quality test Weekly for river flow Binomial RVLBA, Water
water salinity water is maintained, values reports from and water level source bureau,
problem across aquatic ecosystem is FECCA/B, records/biannual for SNNPRS Water
the sub- basin maintained, RVLBA, Water agricultural productivity resource bureau
socioeconomic use bureaus
of water is enhanced
To establish Updated water Recorded data on water quality test Quarterly Binomial Regional
water quality quality status water quality reports from Agricultural office;
monitoring parameters FECCA/B, RVLBA;
system in the RVLBA, Water Local
basin bureaus governments
To conserve and improved water Number of restored Assessment Quarterly Binomial District security
restore wetlands quality and quantity, wetlands in the Basin reports, case study offices; District
in the Basin sustain biodiversity, reports from Agricultural
enhanced MoWE, MILLs, offices; RVLBA
socioeconomic ONS & SNNPRS
benefit Water resource
bureau, and
To prevent Reduce siltation,
- Reduced Five years Five Years Biodiversity
lakeshore agrochemical eutrophication institute
Assessment report
cultivation pollution,

Table 11. Monitoring and evaluation matrix for Goal-3
Objectives Expected outcome Indicator to be Monitoring tools/ Frequency Frequency Responsible institutions
monitored Source of of of
information measureme reporting
To protect The lakes and Increased lake Stakeholders annual Quarterly/ Quarterly/ RVLBA; Regional
water bodies riverine water volume, report, field surveys Annual/five Annual/fiv disaster prevention and
from resources Restored aquatic year e year preparedness Local
siltation/sedim environment restored biodiversity depending depending government
entation on the type on the
of indicator type of
To improve reducedwater .Access to water Water sector report, Biannual Biannual RVLBA; Regional
surface and scarcity, water use supply,Social CSA report, socio disaster prevention and
groundwater conflicts and stability, economic survey preparedness Local
potential improvement socio increase of per government; Agricultural
economic capita income and Rural development
offices in the basin;
Local government
To rehabilitate Soil erosion reduced, .Amount of soil
Report from Biannual Biannual RVLBA; Regional
severely soil fertility improved saved. agriculture & natural Agricultural office
degraded and Agricultural .amount of yield
resource sector,
watersheds productivity enhanced per hectare/year
To improve livelihoods diversified, Socio economic
Report from CSA, Quarterly Binomial Regional planning
livelihood of reduced pressure on improvement ,
Plan commission, offices, Regional
the natural and economic Finance and Agricultural office;
community transformation economic RVLBO;
development offices Local governments
To reduce . Exposed community Livelihood .NMA report, Quarterly Binomial District Agricultural
flood and to flood and drought improvement, Risk prevention offices; RVLBA
drought risk are reduced. flood prevention &disaster reduction
hazard .Damage of life and structures, preparedness offices
Property reduced secured society

Table 12. Monitoring and evaluation matrix for Goal-4
Objectives Expected outcome
Indicator to be Monitoring tools/ Frequency of Frequency Responsible
monitored Source of measurement of reporting institutions
Better understanding Attitudinal Willingness of the Annual Annual RVLBA;
To improve public of efficient water change towards stakeholder Regional
awareness on water utilization among water toward efficient Agricultural
resources publics in the basin management water use offices
management and
optimal use

To strengthen Enhance Successful Rehabilitated Annual Annual RVLBA;

stakeholder‟s participatory watershed watershed Regional
participation on watershed management Agricultural
watershed management practice offices
To implement legal Legal framework Environment Healthy Annual Annual RVLBA;
framework related to respected by all friendly environment Regional
pollution control stakeholders economic Agricultural
through stakeholder development offices;
participation Local

10. Risks, Mitigations, and Critical Sucess Factors

10.1. Requirements for effective implementation of the plan

In order to ensure the effective implementation of the basinplan, the commitment of Basin
Council is very crucial. Basin Council should insist RVLBA and its subordinate directorates as a
team to develop a schedule and structure to accomplish the strategic goals and specific objectives.
Stakeholders and the community shall execute each activity according to the time and resources
indicated in the plan . The execution process will be conducted in collaboration and team spirit.

Though the responsibilities are equally shared among the different stakeholders, RVLBA shall
coordinate the activities mentioned under each specific objective given in chapter 8. RVLBA shall
bring the stakeholders and the community on-board to take preventive measures for potential
problems and corrective actions to manage unforeseen risks and uncertainties. If situations are

beyond the stakeholders, attempts shall be made to resolve the problem through consultative
meetings with RVLBO/MoWE.

10.2. Risks, Uncertainties and Mitigation Options

RVLBA and BDA shall take different intervention mechanisms to manage the challenges
and unpredictable problems. This could involve two aspects. One is to anticipate potential
problems ahead and design different preventive options and strategies. The second is to effectively
manage any unpredicted risk. This could be effectively managed through strong team spirits among
the stakeholders. Handling the challenges with potential stakeholders and seeking a means towards
a common advantage based on the intended objective(s) is another option that the RVLBA and
BDA shall standby with. In the current plan , expected risks and uncertainties shall be managed by
discussing the issues with an existing system of RVLBA, Regional and zonal offices. The basin
implementation body, specifically, shall share experiences from experienced IWRM based plan
executing basins nationally and internationally and use the lessons obtained as a useful inputs. The
basin implementation body shall also prepare progress reports for project activities they have been
assigned for, that can be related to specific project members or based on assignment. Though the
responsibilities are equally shared among the basin implementation body, RVLBA and BDA shall
coordinate the project activities in each goal and manage the possible risks in consultation BDA.
Lists of possible risks and uncertainties, and their mitigation options corresponding to each specific
objective of the basin plan implementation are presented in Table 13.

Table 13. Risks, uncertainties and mitigation options
No Source Key Interests Importance Risks and uncertainties Mitigation options
1 An organ that - To Create Better - Facilitate the Lack of political power Supplying the strategic issues
replace the Political and Legal formulation of policies, and legal support to identified by the basin plan
former Basin Ground for the proclamations and pass strategic decisions
High Council Implementation of the regulations that
basin plan In The guarantee water
Rift Valley Lakes resource sustainability;
Basin - Make decisions
pertaining to issues
under its disposal;
2 Ministry of To see projects that - Deliver technical Lack of skilled man - Supplying the strategic issues
Water and ensure water resource training on gaps related power identified by the basin plan ;
Energy/BDA sustainability through to project planning, - Designed projects must be based
the Implementation of basin planning, master on the prevailing problems in the
the basin plan plan preparation; basin plan ; physical and financial
- Give direction for the periodical report containing factual
success of the project; truth;
Conduct monitoring
and evaluation
3 Ministry of To see projects that - Deliver technical Lack of skilled man - Supplying the strategic issues
Irrigation and ensure water resource training on gaps related power identified by the basin plan ;
Lowlands sustainability through to project planning, - Designed projects must be based
the Implementation of basin planning, master on the prevailing problems in the
the basin plan plan preparation; basin plan ; physical and financial
- Give direction for the periodical report containing factual
success of the project; truth;
Conduct monitoring
and evaluation
4 Ministry Of - Allocate budget for Give technical training Lack of awareness on - Designed projects must be based
Finance and project that came on gaps related to the benefit of the on the prevailing problems in the
Economic from the basin plan ; planning, reporting and project to allocate basin;
Cooperation Assure effective use of program budget; sufficient budget; Supplying physical and financial

No Source Key Interests Importance Risks and uncertainties Mitigation options
state budget; Allocate budget based it may face budget periodical reports containing
on budget availability shortage; factual truth;
and request proposal; Implement effective monitoring
and evaluation schemes;
5 Minster Of -To see clean and safe -Have better legal -Lack of institutional -Make them to participate in
Environment, environment; ground and political efficiency and weak projects related to environmental
Forest And -To expand and acceptance to legal and policy frame protection;
Climate Change facilitate afforestation implement work; S-trengthen their institutional
programs; To work on environment -Lack of willingness to capacity and create suitable legal
capacity building for protection initiatives; work for the interest of framework to enforce
resource sustainability; -Attract donors on the environment; environmental regulation;
-To execute environmental
community works to management activities;
hygiene and
6 Disaster -To prevent disaster -Closely monitor flood -Inefficient performance -Strengthen the networking and
Prevention And reduce its impact; situation; due to lack information, communication system;
Preparedness -To raise awareness in -Led flood taskforce poor coordination and -To secure budget by designing
Commission affected and flood‐ with representation budget shortage feasible projects;
prone areas about the from different
risk of flooding in the organizations ;
basin; -Conduct education
and awareness
7 Meteorology To create easy access -To forecast and -Lack of supervision to Strengthen the networking and
Agency to quality metrological release early warning produce quality communication system
information information information;
-Integration problem;
-Lack of advanced
forecasting instruments;

No Source Key Interests Importance Risks and uncertainties Mitigation options
8 Ministry of Enhancing agricultural They are partners in -Lack of awareness on Delivering appropriate training
Agriculture productivity using best implementing major policy issues; and conduct experience sharing on
practices by watershed management -Lack of skilled man watershed management; preparing
controlling activities that reduce power and shortage of workshop on policy evaluation, as
environmental erosion to preserve the finance; well as on stakeholder
degradation using ecosystem identification and participation;
water and soil
conservation measures
9 Universities, To conduct research -Supply solution based Weak integration within -Strengthen the networking and
Research And and development as research out puts and and among institutions; communication system;
Development well as deliver basin information; Shortage of skilled man -To secure budget by designing
Institutions community services -Deliver training on power and finance; feasible projects based on issues
any identified skill gap; identified in the basin plan;
-Provide consulting
-Assist in the transfer
of environment
friendly technologies;
10 Water Works To conduct design -Deliver machineries -Weak integration -Strengthen the networking and
Construction and construction and construction within and among communication system;
Organizations water works materials; institutions; shortage of -Secure budget by designing
-Give construction finance and skilled man feasible projects;
services; power;
-Delay of projects;
11 Design And To conduct design -Provide consulting Weak integration within -Strengthen the networking and
Construction and make supervision services and among institutions; communication system;
Supervision on the construction of -Conduct feasibility Shortage of skilled man -To secure budget by designing
Enterprises water works studies power and finance; feasible projects;
12 Community -Get clean and Have big contribution -Have low awareness Give them appropriate training to
Groups sufficient water for to implement about sustainable use of increase their awareness on
their household, crop watershed management resource and water and resource sustainability and
and cattle; activities, control sheet soil conservation environmental protection;

No Source Key Interests Importance Risks and uncertainties Mitigation options
-To live in a risk free and gully erosion and activity; Give them skill training on water
environment rehabilitate the -Use uncontrolled and soil conservation practices;
protected from flood environment; fertilizer and pesticide
threats; utilization;
13 Donners/NGO To give financial and -Deliver technical and The state sometimes -Prepare clear and feasible
technical assistance financial assistance; impose political financial and technical proposal
for effective -Assist in transfer of restrictions against based on issues identified in the
development projects. environment friendly assistance and grants; basin plan ;
technologies; -Fulfill some of their political
interests, given country‟s
sovereignty is respected;
14 Ministry of To increase livestock Partners to implement -Lack of awareness on -Delivering appropriate training
Livestock And and aqua- culture projects for the major policy issues; and conduct experience sharing on
Fishery productivity through management of aquatic -Lack of skilled man modern livestock and aqua-
Development modern management resources as well as power and shortage of culture production;
of the sector /research livestock production as finance; -Preparing workshop on policy
and development/ an alternative evaluation, as well as on
livelihood opportunity stakeholder identification and
15 Ministry of To protect the public -To give prevention Shortage of health Strengthen the networking and
Health from water born based health services; information communication system
disease -Deliver appropriate
16 Ministry of To facilitate full -Supplying information -Lack of awareness on Delivering quality services; give
Culture and recreational service about the local people major policy issues; them appropriate training on legal
Tourism for tourists and cultural sites; -Lack of skilled man and policy issues about
-Facilitate cultural power and shortage of environmental pollution;
exchange; finance;
17 Investors/Private -They work for profit -Technically and -They may endanger the Raise their awareness on
Sectors/ maximization by financially assist to sustainability of economic growth by guarantying
minimizing control environmental resources; resource sustainability
investment and pollution; they create -They may adversely

No Source Key Interests Importance Risks and uncertainties Mitigation options
production costs; local employment affect the environment,
-They need to operate opportunities; supply side of the
in a clean -Are the major players market and the
environment and for economic economy;
produce cost effective growth/poverty
quality product; reduction and play a
big role to stabilize the
18 Ethiopian Road Create easy access to Undertake close -Low quality of road Strengthen the networking and
Authority road infrastructure supervision on infrastructure; communication system
contractual activities -Delay of projects;

19 Urban -To create a clean -Are strategic partners -They may lack finance; -Delivering skill training;
Municipalities urban environment; to implement this -They face problem of -Building institutional capacity and
-To provide better project; institutional capacity developing applicable legal frame
social services to the -They provide finance and legal frame work; work on waste management;
people under their and man power to
disposal; implement the project;
20 Schools To create a clean -Are partners in -Low budget allocated Raise their awareness on resource
school environment delivering community for waste management; sustainability and environmental
smooth for teaching- service for solid waste -Low awareness about protection; participate in project
learning process management; environmental implementation and evaluation
-Participate in pollution; workshop;
awareness creation
21 Media Outlets To disseminate Create easy ground to If miss informed, they Set effective communication
information at their access the general transmit information network and supply them truthful
disposal on the real public that could easily spoil all information
situation of the environmental
environmental protection initiatives
pollution and waste
management practices

10.3. Critical Success Factors (CSFs)

Critical to the success of this plan is finding a way to provide the basin governments and
communities with the necessary confidence that enhance environmental outcomes nominated in
the Basin Plan can be achieved in ways that have a neutral or positive socio-economic impact on
Basin communities. The following five elements mentioned in the figure below can be considered
as critical success factors to implement the plan (Figure 16).

Top management commitment

at Basin Council level

Communication of the
strategic plan to

Organization of competent
CSFs for the basin Strategic strategic plan
Plan Implementation implementation team

Awareness, training and


Community participation
and acceptance

Figure 17. Critical Success Factors (CSFs) to implement the strategic basin plan


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11. Appendix 1: Water quality raw data for each lake
11.1. Lake Hawassa: Physicochemical and bacteriological water quality characteristics
Parameters Site sample taken
2004e 2007a 2007b 2012 2015 WHO, FAO,
1 EC 837 848 848 1500
2 TDS 402 407 408 450.1 535.63 1000
3 pH 8.69 8.98 8.98 7.5 8.88 6.5-8.5
4 Temp 21.2 21.3 21.23 23.2 15-30
5 DO 6.8 6.7 >5
6 Turb. 16 16 8.44 <5
7 Fe 0.041 0.07 0.11 0.3
8 BOD5 117 463 <5
9 Cu 0.013 0.033 2
10 Fˉ 6.7 9.6 11 12.8 1.5
11 Clˉ 37 51 51 30.84 250
12 TH 62.5 56.7 56.7 80.8 39.7 500
13 Mn 0.007 0.09 0.26 0.05
14 Zn 0.19 0.033 5
15 Mg2+ 6.32 5.346 5.35 28.07 12.1 200
16 Ca2+ 11.2 10.4 10.4 2.56 2.26 100
17 K+ 29.3 30 36 74.06 127.83 20
18 Na+ 156 168 176 331 393.3 200
19 NO3- nil 0.32 0.39 5.27 10.84 45
20 PO43- 0.314 0.28 0.187 1.12 1.06 0.02
21 Cr 0.016 0.05
22 Pb 0.037 0.01
23 Cd Nd 0.003
24 Ni 0.014 0.02
25 TC 11,883 <50
26 FC 99.67 <10
27 Clari 1.2*
28 SAR 8.58 9.7 10.16 16.01 27.15 26**
29 SSP 50.22 50.77 51.28 52.38 55.30 60**
30 KR 5.43 6.44 6.75 8.9 21.56 1**
31 MAR 116.6 98.3 98.3 34.5 149 50**
Note: All units are in mg L-1 saving Temperature, Turbidity, clarity, EC, and pH which are
expressed in °C, NTU, m, µS cm–1, and non-dimensional, respectively. TC&FC units in
MPN/100ml and MAR, SAR, KR and SSP by %. *-indicates only for recreational use and
**-express only for irrigation use. The bold once indicates analyses result is above the
prescribed limits except clarity which is below acceptable level.a woods and Talling,1988;
HALCROW, 1992; cTamiru Alemayehu,2000; dZinabu and Nicholas,2003; eAAWSA water
quality database, 2004; fAbabu, 2005; gHALCROW, 2007

11.2. Lake Abaya: Physicochemical and bacteriological water quality characteristics

No Parameter Sampling Time WHO

1964 1995/6 2005 2007
1 EC 623 1070 1313.5 750
2 TDS 771 837.5 627 1000
3 pH 8.9 8.69 9.05 6.5-8.5
4 Temp 21.25 15-30
5 DO 6 >5
6 Turb. 77 114 <5
7 Fe 2.3806 0.085 0.3
8 BOD5 <5
9 Cu 0.00465 2
10 Fˉ 7.9 1.5
11 Clˉ 6.74 2.01 66 250
12 TH 500
13 Mn 0.0649 0.05
14 Zn 0.03135 5
15 Mg2+ 0.22 0.29 0.2 200
16 Ca2+ 0.7 0.975 0.72 100[5]
17 K+ 0.41 0.436 0.48 20[0.5]
18 Na+ 7.7 10.06 10.65 200[8.69]
19 NO3- 1.2 45
20 PO43- 0.128 0.095 0.02
21 Cr 1.4 0.05
22 Pb 0.0032 0.01
23 Cd 0.0044 0.003
24 Ni 0.02
25 TC <50
26 FC <10
27 Clari 1.2*
28 SAR 11.35 12.65 15.70 26**
29 SSP 84.6154 85.53694414 88.38174274 60**
30 KR 8.36957 7.95256917 11.57608696 1**
31 MAR 23.913 22.92490119 21.73913043 50**
32 PI 120.9064 112.8177973 107.7967737 75**
33 HCO32- 7.41 7.38 3.32

11.3. Lake Chamo: Physicochemical and bacteriological water quality characteristics

No Parameter Sampling Time

1964 1995 1996 2004 2007
1 EC 1100 1960 1825
2 TDS 1099 1500 899
3 pH 9.23 9.41
4 Temp 21.7
5 DO 6.8
6 Turb. 100 66
7 Fe 0.0493 0.0469 0.32
8 BOD5
9 Cu 0.0012 0.0017
10 Fˉ 8.9
11 Clˉ 2 4.52 8.47
12 TH
13 Mn 0.0033 0.014
14 Zn 0.0161 0.0078
15 Mg 0.75 0.99 7.78
16 Ca 0.7 1 0.4
17 K 0.51 0.72 0.51
18 Na 11.6 19.13 18.47
19 NO3 3 3
20 PO43- 0.03 0.23
21 Cr 0.0126 0.0154
22 Pb 0 0.0024
23 Cd 0 0.0014
24 Ni
25 TC
28 SAR
29 SSP
30 KR 13.62 19.18 9.13
31 MAR 85.5457 87.59157509 68.00441826
32 PI 8 9.613065327 2.25794621
33 HCO32- 51.7241 49.74874372 95.11002445
34 Cation 114.18785 103.4404145 76.14291451

11.4. Lake Ziway: Physicochemical and bacteriological water quality characteristics

No Parameter Sampling Time

1964 1995/96 2004 2007 2019
1 EC 322 498 459.5 665.3
2 TDS 349 238 219.5
3 pH 8.9 8.31 8.7 6.797
4 Temp 19.1 22.19
5 DO 5.9 5.36
6 Turb. 39 142.93
7 Fe 0 0.52
8 BOD5
9 Cu 0
10 Fˉ 3.2 1.51
11 Clˉ 0.24 24
12 TH
13 Mn 4 0.043
14 Zn 51
15 Mg2+ 0.615 0.68 0.62
16 Ca2+ 0.7 0.84 1.12
17 K+ 0.3 0.32 0.29
18 Na+ 2.11 2.89 2.66
19 NO3- 0.32 0.61
20 PO43- 0.452 0.23
21 Cr 1.4
22 Pb 0
23 Cd 0
24 Ni
25 TC
26 FC
27 Clari
28 SAR 2.60 3.32 2.85
29 SSP 56.7204 61.09936575 56.71641791
30 KR 1.60456 1.901315789 1.528735632
31 MAR 46.7681 44.73684211 35.63218391
32 PI 114.96545 108.7359612 101.8656072
33 HCO32- 3.34 3.63 3.32
34 Cation 3.72 4.73 4.69

11.5. Lake Langano: Physicochemical and bacteriological water quality characteristics

No Parameter Sampling Time WHO

1964 1996 2000 2004 2007
1 EC 1810 3250 1815 1949.5 750
2 TDS 1880 1273 887 927.5 450
3 pH 9.4 9 8.09 8.9 6.5-8.5
4 Temp 23.55 15-30
5 DO 6.25 >5
6 Turb. 79 <5
7 Fe 0.5679 4.2 0.341 0.1 0.3
8 BOD5 <5
9 Cu 0.0015 2
10 Fˉ 12.8 13.1 8.75 1.5
11 Clˉ 4.7 5.42 4.57 5.2 250
12 TH 500
13 Mn 0.0299 0.14 0.005 0.05
14 Zn 0.0032 5
15 Mg 1 0.19 0.08 0.08 200
16 Ca 0.28 0.57 0.28 0.26 100/5
17 K 0.67 0.58 0.59 0.58 20/0.5
18 Na 19.6 17.4 14.7 13.5 200/8.69
19 NO3 28 1.6 0.5 45
20 PO43- 90 0.08 0.037 0.465 0.02
21 Cr 0.0047 0.002 0.05
22 Pb 0.0002 0.01
23 Cd 0 0.003
24 Ni 0.02
25 TC <50
28 SAR 24.50 28.23 34.65 32.74 26**
29 SSP 94.0603 95.94450374 97.69968051 97.6422 60**
30 KR 15.3125 22.89473684 40.83333333 39.7059 1**
31 MAR 78.125 25 22.22222222 23.5294 50**
32 PI 112.04374 113.3844231 109.7084111 117.6191 75**
33 HCO3 14.4 10.18 3.32 7.72
34 Cation 21.55 18.74 15.65 14.42

11.6. Lake Shalla: Physicochemical and bacteriological water quality characteristics

No Parameter Sampling Time WHO

1964 2000 2004 2007
1 EC 19200 41200 41300 44000 750
2 TDS 21500 7200 19975 21300 450
3 pH 9.9 9.7 9.92 9.83 6.5-8.5
4 Temp 28 24.6 15-30
5 DO 2.7 >5
6 Turb. 26 <5
7 Fe 0.063 0.1 0.14 0.3
8 BOD5 <5
9 Cu 0.01 2
10 Fˉ 235 285 220 1.5
11 Clˉ 79 100.3 3098 178 250
12 TH 500
13 Mn 0.01 0.039 0.05
14 Zn 5
15 Mg2+ 1 0.058 0 0 200
16 Ca2+ 1 0.31 0.36 0.32 100/5
17 K+ 7.1 5.9 7.4 6.25 20/0.5
18 Na+ 301 300 382.6 302.1 200/8.69
19 NO3- 83 0 0.75 45
20 PO43- 760 2.1 0.02 0.07 0.02
21 Cr 0.05
22 Pb 0.01 0.01
23 Cd 0.003
24 Ni 0.02
25 TC <50
26 SAR 301.00 699.38 901.80 755.25 26**
27 SSP 141.981 322.581 251.711 141.1682243 60**
28 KR 150.5 815.217 1062.78 944.0625 1**
29 MAR 50 15.7609 0 0 50**
30 PI 104.14529 103.0881 103.1253 104.7314129 75**
31 HCO32- 212 93 152 214
32 Cation 310.1 306.268 390.36 308.67

12. Appendix 2: Details of the strategic objectives, major activtities and budget breakdown of individual basins
12.1. Hawassa Sub-basin: Strategic objectives, major activities and budget details

No Description of Goals, Objectives and Major activities Unit Qty. Estimated budget in mil. Birr
Unit Total 2021- 2026- 2031-
2025 2030 2035 body
price Price

Goal Enhance sustainable management of water resources including their proper allocation, development and protection and through increased efficiency of water use in
1 the basin for sustainable social, economic and environmentalbenefits

1.1 To enhance the creation of enabling environment that support optimal and efficient utilization of availabile water resources on the basis of
priority of basin strategies
Assessment of water scarce areas and identify alternative sources No MoWE,
5 2 10 3 4 3 MILLs,RVLBA, RWB
Constructing water harvesting structures No 4 10 40 20 10 10 MoWE, MILLs, RWB

Strengthening community water harvesting capacity No MoWE,

15 2 30 10 10 10 MILLs,RVLBA,
Study of water-use conflict in the basin No Doc MoWE,
5 1 5 2 2 1 MILLs,RVLBA,
Traininig on water -use conflict and resolution in the basin No MoWE,
training 15 1.5 22.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 MILLs,RVLBA,
1.2 Strengthen the basin capacity to collect, store, process, and disseminate hydro-meteorological data (quantity and quality).
Upgrade existing manual and automatic hydrological gauging stations No 15 3 45 15 15 15 MoWE, MILLs,

Improve the coverage and status of stream gauging stations for each No MoWE, MILLs,
10 1.5 15 5 5 5
major rivers of the basin.
Improve the coverage and status of meteorological stations of the No RVLBA
12 2 24 8 8 8
Develop standard and specification for acquiring and installation of No Meteorological office
8 1.5 12 4 4 4
hydrological and meteorological stations.
Provide equipments, facilities and training to strengthen the WRD and No NGOs, knowledge
other institutions involved in collecting, storing, processing and 8 4 24 10 8 6 intuitions, water works

disseminating of hydro-meteorological data.
1.3 To improve irrigation water use efficiency in the basin
Study irrigation efficiency in the basin No of MoWE,
5 2 10 3 3 4 MILLs,RVLBA, RWB
Preparation of trainings on irrigation efficiency in the basin No of RIA, RVLBA, MoWIE
8 2 16 5 5 6
Assess attitude and capacity of water user on efficient irrigation No of RVLBA,
5 1.5 7.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
technologies Docu
Build technical capacity of the water user % RIA, RVLBA, NGO,
75 - 50 17 17 16 RVLBA
1.4 To implement water allocation for different uses
Assess seasonal and annual total water availability of the basin. Round Farm consultant, KI,
45 2.5 112.5 40 40 32.5 NGOs, RVLBA
Identify major water users (municipal, irrigation, industrial etc) and No of Farm consultant, KI,
Users 200 1.5 300 100 100 100 NGOs, RVLBA
assess their existing water supply and delivery efficiency
Prepare appropriate action plans or mechanisms (like training on No of Farm consultant, KI,
Training NGOs, RVLBA
Operation & Maintenance, implementing efficient technology like drip
15 4 60 20 20 20
irrigation, rain water harvesting) that will increase water supply
Entitle water for all water demand. No of RVLBA. Regoinal
Users 200 1.5 300 100 100 100 water bureau

Provide training to build professional capacity to perform appropriate No of RVLBA. Regoinal

Training 15 2 30 10 10 10 water bureaus
and effective decisions on water allocation and use.
Identify major public and private institutions and Verification % 100 - 1.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 RVLBA

1.5 To establish water users‟ association WRUAs

Identify gaps and prepare capacity building trainings on the benefit of No of NGO, RVLBA
Training 30 1 30 10 10 10
Establish and strengthen WUAs. No of RVLBA,NGO,
3 3 9 3 3 3 Regoinal water bureaus
Sub-total 49.5 1154 395.5 384.5 374

Goal Ensure the availability of good water quality for sustainable national economic development by effectively controlling pollution.

2.1 Develop and enforce regulatory instruments focusing on maintaining water
quality standards and control pollution
Review water quality standards for rural, municipal and No RVLBA
15 1 15 5 5 5
irrigation water supplies Docu
Inventory of water quality and pollution sources No of MoWE, MILLs,
sources 22 1.5 33 11 11 1.83 RVLBA

Establish administrative procedures for discharge permit /licensing system as per No of MoWE, MILLs,
regulations Docu 3 1 3 1 1 1 RVLBA

Prepare Guidelines for design of wastewater treatment, disposal and reuse No of PO, MoWE,
facilities. Docu 3 2 6 2 2 2 MILLs, RVLBA

Provide equipments and facilities that enhance the water quality monitoring and No of MoEFCC,
regulating capacity of relevant institutions Lab REFCCA,
1 9 9 9
center RVLBA

Build/improve urban sewerage management infrastructure for main towns No of PO, REFCCA,
9 2.5 22.5 10 6 8
Develop standards, guidelines and procedures on wastewater No of RVLBA,
quality, solid wastes and discharge regulation Docu 3 1.5 4.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 REFCCA

2.2 To reduce fresh water salinity problem across the basin

Assess major pollutant contributing to water salinity No of RVLBA,

Docu 3 2 6 2 2 2 REFCCA

Monitoring salinity problems associated with irrigation projects No of RVLBA, RIA

15 1 15 5 5 5
2.3 To conserve and restore wetlands in the basin

Establishing permanent learning and practice alliances (LPA) with stakeholders No RVLBA,
Training MoEFCC,
15 1 15 4 6 5

Regulating illegal settlements No MoEFCC,

round 15 1.5 22.5 10 6 6.5 REFCCA

Aware the community on the importance of proper grazing practice and develop No RVLBA
by-laws of consensus towards native biota regeneration Training 15 2 30 10 10 10 REFCCA,

Aware the community about the importance of buffer zone protection No RVLBA,
Training 15 2 30 10 10 10 REFCCA

Reduction of sediment transport into the wetland No of RVLBA, NGO

1.5 2.5 3.75 2 1 0.75
Enhancing groundwater recharge: hydrologic restoration m3 RVLBA, NGO
1000 1.5 1500 500 500 500
2.4 To establish water quality monitoring system in the basin
Establish permanent water quality monitoring sites for surface and No MoWE, MILLs,
groundwater 22 2 44 14 15 15 RVLBA, NGO

Develop water quality monitoring database No RVLBA,

1 1.5 - 1.5 - - MEFCC

Establish water quality laboratory and fulfil the necessary facility No NGO,
1 20 20 20 - - RVLBA,BDA

2.5 To prevent lakeshore cultivation

Develop lake shore management legal frame work No MoWE, MILLs,
docu 3 2 6 2 2 2 RVLBA

Delineate the lakeshore with adequate buffer zone No MoEFCC,

4 2.5 10 4 3 3 RVLBA

Organize awareness raising program for all stakeholders No 15 1.5 22.5 10 6 6.5 REFCCA,

Sub-total 61.5 1817.75 634 592.5 585.08

Goal Improve water resource conservation, potential and community livelihood in the basin through integrated watershed management
3.1 Prepare watershed management plan for priority
Undertake basin stakeholder consultation to identify major ha 1mil 0.004 4000 1333. 1333. 1333. MoWE, MILLs,
and priority catchments in the basin 3 3 3
Conduct situation analysis including establishing ha 1mil 0.004 4000 1333. 1333. 1333. MoWE, MILLs,
environmental degradation status 3 3 3 RVLBA, NGO

3.2 Implement catchment programs and projects particularly on catchment to conserve, restore, enhance and maintain healthy environment.

Support biological diversity maintenance and improvement ha 1mil 0.002 2000 666.6 666.6 666.6 MoWE, MILLs,
7 7 7 RVLBA, NGO

Support planning and implementation of soil and water ha 100,0 0.005 500 200 150 150 MoWE, MILLs,
conservation programs 00
3.3 To rehabilitate severely degraded watersheds

soil and water conservation (water harvesting structures, area closure, ha 100 0.037 3700 1233.3 1233.3 1233.3 MoWE, MILLs,
afforestation) 000 RVLBA, NGO

3.4 To improve livelihood of the community

Assess appropriate income generating activities No of RVLBA, NGO

3 5 15 5 5 5
Provide alternative income generating opportunities No of hh RVLBA, NGO
0.125 2.5 0.31 0.11 0.1 0.1
3.5 Develop appropriate awareness raising techniques and implement awareness programs focused on catchment protection and managements
Identify relevant catchment protection and management topics or No MoWE, MILLs,
issues, devise appropriate methods of information dissemination and tri/Pro 15 0.5 7.5 3 2.5 2 RVLBA, NGO
conduct awareness programs.
Develop watershed education activities and establish education No MoWE, MILLs,
15 1.5 22.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 RVLBA, NGO
networks Ed/Ne
Establish baseline on awareness level of community and society on No MoWE, MILLs,
3 1 3 1 1 1 RVLBA, NGO
catchments degradation and protection issue. tri/Pro

Identify the most important knowledge gaps in public servants, CBO‟s No MoWE, MILLs,
3 1 3 1 1 1 RVLBA, NGO
and communities on catchment protection and management tri/Pro
3.6 To reduce flood and drought hazard
Soil and water conservation (gully treatment, afforestation and ha MoWE, MILLs,
1mil 0.005 5000 100 100 100 RVLBA
water harvesting structures)
Prepare timely forecast and early warning of extreme events % DRPPC, NGO,
- - 1 0.33 0.33 0.33
Alternative sources of income Types of DRPPC, NGO,
5 10 50 20 15 15 RVLBA
Sub-total 21.557 19302.3 4904.51 4849 4848.5
Goal 4 Ensure active stakeholder participation in planning, decision making, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of IWRM
4.1 To improve public awareness on water resources management and
optimal use
Assessment of awareness gap on water resources management Noof docu 5 1.5 7.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 RVLBA, RWRB
Organize and validate gap filling workshops and capacity building Noofwrksho RVLBA
15 1 15 5 5 5
trainings for each level of stakeholders p
4.2 To strengthen stakeholder‟s participation on watershed management
Organize experience sharing programs on best IWM practices No MoANR, NGO,
15 1.5 22.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 RVLBA
Organize and validate gap filling workshops and capacity building No RVLBA, NGO
20 1 20 6 8 6
trainings for each level of stakeholders
4.3 To implement legal framework related to pollution control through stakeholder participation
Organize awareness creation programs to engage stakeholders in legal No 15 RVLBA,
enforcement 2 30 10 10 10 MoEFCC,
Establish stakeholder forum No 2 1.5 3 1 - - RVLBA,
Sub-total 8.5 33 11 10 10
141.05 22307.0 5817.5
7 5 5945.01 5836 8
Total 22,307,050,000
Contingency 10% 2,230,705,000

Grand total 24,537,755,000

12.2. Ziway-Shalla Sub-basin: Strategic objectives, major activities and budget details

Unit Total 2021- 2026- 2031-

Unit Quantity Actors
price Price 2025 2030 2035
Goal Enhance availability and optimum utilization of water resources in the basin for sustainable social,
1 economic, and environmental benefits
1.1 To ensure water availability in the basin
Assess water scarce areas and identify alternative sources No MoWE, MILLs, RVLBA,
3 2 6 2 2 2 RWB
Constructing water harvesting structures No 5 7 35 15 10 10 MoWE, MILLs, RWB
Strengthen community water harvesting capacity % MoWE, MILLs, RVLBA,
75 15 5 5 5 MoANR
Designing and developing groundwater scheme No MoWE, MILLs, Water
4 15 60 20 20 20 bureaus
Establishment of groundwater monitoring equipment No MoWE, MILLs, Water
3 2 6 2 2 2 bureaus
1.2 To improve hydrological information system
Upgrade existing manual and automatic hydrological gauging No MoWIE
15 4 60 20 24 16
Establish new automatic hydrological gauging stations No 10 6 60 18 30 12 MoWIE
Establish a hydrological database system No 1 2 2 2 - - RVLBA
1.3 To improve irrigation water, use efficiency in the basin
Study irrigation efficiency in the basin No 3 3 9 3 3 3 RIA, RVLBA, MoWIE
Assess attitude and capacity of water user on efficient irrigation No RVLBA
3 1 3 1 1 1
Build the technical capacity of the water user % 75 - 30 15 10 5 RIA, RVLBA, NGO
Establish inter-sectoral coordination, linkages and networking No MoWE, MILLs, Water
with irrigation agencies (relevant sectors)
3 1 3 1 1 1 bureaus
Strengthen on-farm Irrigation Water and Crop Management No 5 4 30 10 10 10
Establish standard M&E system to monitor and evaluate water No RBDO
use efficiency in irrigated agriculture
3 1 3 1 1 1
Establish a database management system on agricultural water No
2 2 4 2 2 -
Establish improved demonstrating sites for efficient irrigation No MoA, RVLBA,
5 12 60 20 20 20 Irrigationcommission
1.4 To implement water allocation for different uses

Assess seasonal and annual total water availability of the area No 1 3 3 1 1 1 MoWIE
Assess all type of water demands and demand management No RWB, RVLBA
1 3 3 1 1 1
Entitle water for all water demand % 80 - 50 15 25 10 RVLBA
Permit water use license % 80 - 37 18.5 12 6.5 RVLBA
1.5 To establish and strengthen water users‟ association WUAs - - - -
Identify gaps and Prepare capacity building training on the % NGO, RVLBA
benefit of WUAs.
85 - 12 4 4 4
Establish and strengthen WUAs % 70 - 33 16 12 5 NGO, RVLBA
Prepare draft regulation on irrigation water use, submit and No MoWE, MILLs, RVLBA
follow up for its endorsement
1 2 2 1 1 -
Aware WUAs to implement the regulation No 2 3 6 2 2 2 MoWE, MILLs, RVLBA
Sub-total 532 195.5 199 137.5
Goal Improve the water quality of the basin to ensure sustainable
2 social, economic and environmental, benefits
2.1 To prevent industrial and municipal effluents
Identify type and extent of pollution from existing and No RVLBA
proposed industries
60 0.04 2.4 1.2 0.6 0.6
Establish administrative procedures for discharge permit / No MoWE, MILLs, RVLBA
licensing system as per regulations
60 0.04 2.4 1.2 0.6 0.6
Establish a system of monitoring for implementation of water No MoWE, MILLs, RVLBA
60 0.04 2.4 1.2 0.6 0.6
pollution management plan in industries
Improve treatment efficiency of existing industrial plants to No PO, MoWE, MILLs,
meet effluent standards
15 1 15 5 5 5 RVLBA
Build/improve urban sewerage management infrastructure for No MoEFCC, REFCCA,
main towns
9 1 9 3 3 3
Plan and implement adequate solid waste disposal site for No PO, REFCCA,
main towns.
9 1 9 3 3 3
organize awareness raising programs on water pollution No 15 1 15 5 5 5 RVLBA, REFCCA
2.2 To reduce freshwater salinity problem across the basin
Assess major pollutant contributing to water salinity No 9 2 18 6 6 6 RVLBA, REFCCA
Monitoring salinity problems associated with irrigation projects % 100 - 6 2 2 2 RVLBA, RIA
2.3 To conserve and restore wetlands in the basin
Assess the existing wetland issue and prioritize wetlands to be No RVLBA, MoEFCC,
30 1 30 10 10 10 REFCCA

Develop Appropriate mitigation measures for wetlands No MoEFCC, REFCCA
30 2 60 20 20 20
Define Management zones and delineating Wetland No RVLBA, REFCCA,
15 1.5 22.5 7.5 7.5 7.5
Conduct continues monitoring and Awareness Raising No RVLBA, REFCCA
30 0.45 13.5 4.5 4.5 4.5
programs on the benefits of Wetlands
2.4 To establish a water quality monitoring system in the basin
Establish permanent water quality monitoring sites for surface No MoWE, MILLs, RVLBA,
and groundwater
30 0.65 19.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 NGO
Develop water quality monitoring database No RVLBA, REFCCA,
1 2 2 1 1 - MEFCC
Establish water quality Laboratory and fulfil the necessary No NGO, RVLBA
1 9 9 5 4 -
2.5 To prevent lakeshore cultivation
Develop lake shore management legal frame work/ No MoWE, MILLs, RVLBA
development of regulation
1 2 2 2 - -
Delineate the Lakeshore with adequate buffer zone No MoEFCC, REFCCA,
4 3 12 4 4 4 RVLBA
Organize awareness-raising program for all stakeholders and No MoWE, MILLs, RVLBA
ensure participative lakeshore management approach
6 1 6 2 2 2
Develop Livelihood improvement projects to support No REFCCA, RVLBA
communities using the Lakeshores/buffer zone
15 2 30 10 10 10
2.6 To remove and control invasive species (water hyacinth) on ha
shores of Ziway Lake
100 2 200 60 70 70
Carryout Manual removal using labor force Ha MoEFCC, REFCCA,
100 2 200 60 70 70 RVLBA, AgNRO
Conduct community mobilization and awareness-raising works No 6 2 12 4 4 4 MoWE, MILLs, RVLBA
Allocate budget and necessary coordination for operation (to No MoWE, MILLs, RVLBA
6 1 6 2 2 2
Sub-total 703 226.1 241.3 236.3
Goal Improve water resource conservation, potential and
3 community livelihood in the basin through integrated
watershed management
3.1 To protect water bodies from siltation/sedimentation
Implement Integrated Watershed management intervention ha MoWE, MILLs, RVLBA,
140000 0.034 2380 595 1190 595 NGO
project for watersheds
Soil and water conservation work on hill side and (gully ha MoWE, MILLs, RVLBA,
70,000 0.02 1400 467 467 466 NGO

3.2 To improve surface and groundwater potential
Soil and water conservation (Protection, Management ha MoWE, MILLs, RVLBA,
&Conservation on of existing Natural Forests and conduct 140,000 0.008 1120 373 373 374 NGO
Agro-forestry and Community/Conservation Forestry
3.3 To rehabilitate severely degraded watersheds
Soil and water conservation (water retention structures, area ha 0.007 MoWE, MILLs, RVLBA,
0.75mil 5550 1850 1850 1850 NGO
closure on seriously degraded land and mountain afforestation 4

3.4 To improve livelihood of the community $ RVLBA, NGOs &

- 50 - - -
3.4.1 Assess appropriate income generating activities No RVLBA, NGOs &
6 0.3 1.8 0.5 0.5 0.80
Promote and strength rainwater harvesting systems No RVLBA, NGOs &
4 6 24 8 8 8 stakeholders
Provide alternative income generating opportunities No RVLBA, NGOs &
6 10 60 20 20 20
Job creation through watershed management No RVLBA, NGOs &
200 0.07 14 4 4 6 stakeholders
Cut and carry system from rehabilitated area closure ha RVLBA, NGOs &
100 0.165 16.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
Improving Livestock production in the area of (cattle, small No RVLBA, NGOs &
5 80 400 120 150 130 stakeholders
ruminant, poultry, apiculture, and others)
Adoption and promotion of alternative energy source in type No RVLBA, NGOs &
3 30 90 30 30 30
3.4.2 To Establish and maintain a functional, productive and
sustainable fishery in the Ziway Lake and Langano
Develop a sound and functional management system for No RVLBA, NGOs &
fisheries (introducing fishing licenses to reduce the number of 9 3 3 3 stakeholders
fishermen and regulate catches)
Enforcing fishery legislation in the basin ls RVLBA, NGOs &
3.3 1 1 1.3
Promote aquaculture practices for increased output of fish No RVLBA, NGOs &
15 3 45 15 15 15 stakeholders
increasing awareness on Lake ecosystem conservation and No RVLBA, NGOs &
15 0.22 3.3 1 1 1.3 stakeholders
capacity building to fishery community
3.5 To reduce flood and drought hazard
Implement Soil and water conservation works (afforestation ls MoWE, MILLs, RVLBA
and gully treatment, water harvesting structures) in upstream 90 30 30 30
(like Balchi hill top)

Prepare timely forecast and Early warning of extreme events % 70 2 6 2 2 2 DRPPC, NGO, RVLBA
Construct drainage, canals, river dykes where necessary Km 15 4 60 20 20 20
Alternative sources of income No 150,000 0.002 3000 1000 1500 500 DRPPC, NGO, RVLBA
Sub-total 14272.9 4545 5670 4057.9
Goal Ensure active stakeholder participation in planning, decision
4 making, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of IWRM
4.1 To improve public awareness on water resources management
and optimal use
Assessment of awareness gap on water resources management No 6 1 6 2 2 2 RVLBA, RWRB
Organize and validate gap filling workshops and capacity No RVLBA
15 1 15 5 5 5
building trainings for each level of stakeholders
4.2 To strengthen stakeholder‟s participation on watershed
Organize experience sharing programs on best IWM practices No 15 0.64 9.6 4.48 3.2 1.92 MoANR, NGO, RVLBA
Organize and validate gap filling workshops and capacity No RVLBA, NGO
20 0.5 10 4.5 3 2.5
building trainings for each level of stakeholders
4.3 To implement legal framework related to pollution control
through stakeholder participation
Organize awareness creation programs to engage stakeholders No RVLBA, MoEFCC,
15 2 30 10 10 5 REFCCA
in legal enforcement
Establish stakeholder forum No 2 4.75 9.5 9.5 - - RVLBA
Sub-total 80.1 35.48 23.2 21.42
Total 15588
Contingency 10% 1558.8
Grand total 1746.8

12.3. Chew Bahir Sub-basin: Strategic objectives, major activities and budget details

No Description of Goals, Objectives and Major Unit Qty. Estimated budget in mil. Birr Responsible
activities institutions***
Unit Total 2021- 2026- 2031-
price Price 2025 2030 2035
Go Enhance effective development, efficient utilization, and proper allocation of water resources in the basin for sustainable social, economic
al 1 and environmental benefits
1.1 To conceptualize state and dynamics of water resources of the basin
Assess surface and groundwater potential Document
(surface water quantity and quality and
1 1 1 1 - -
groundwater occurrence, distribution,
accessibility, quantity and quality)
Assess water resource responses to natural Document
1 0.25 0.25 0.25 - -
and anthropogenic changes
1.2 To improve hydrological and meteorological information management
Upgrade existing manual and automatic river No
2 1.7 3.4 3.4 - -
gauging stations
Establish new automatic river gauging No
15 2.2 33 11 11 11
Upgrade existing manual and automatic No
5 2 10 10
meteorological stations
Establish new automatic meteorological No
10 3 30 30
Establish new groundwater level monitoring No
10 2 20 20
Develop hydro-meteorological data gathering Document
1 0.5 0.5 0.5
and management guideline
Provide training on equipment and efficient No of training
6 2 12 2 2 2
data collection
Establish hydrological data base system No 1 2.3 2.3 2.3 - -

1.3 To ensure water availability in the basin
Assess water scarce areas and identify Document 1 4 4 4 - -
alternative sources in the basin
Constructing water harvesting ponds No 45 0.25 11.25 3.75 3.75 3.75

Construct water storage reservoir No 2 2.2 4.8 2.2 - 2.2

Develop groundwater schemes (well fields) No 3 40 120 40 40 40
1.4 To identify and manage water quality issues in the basin
Conduct baseline study of water quality in the Document 1 5 5 5 - -
Identify sources of water pollutants in the Document 1 1.8 1.8 1.8
Develop water quality management strategy Document 1 0.5 0.5 0.5
Establish water quality monitoring system Document 1 3.7 3.7 3.7
1.5 To improve the recharging capacity of the catchment & flow of the rivers
Develop wetland conservation regulation Document 1 2.7 2.7 2.7 - -
Rehabilitate degraded wetlands % 100 0.6 60 18 24 18
Establish buffer zone for three Rivers No 3 9.5 3.2 3.7 2.6 -
Identify potential sites and strategies for Document 1 2 2 2
managed aquifer recharge in water scarce
Construct structures to initiate managed no 30 1 30 10 10 10
aquifer recharge in water scarce area
1.6 To improve irrigation water use efficiency in the basin
Identify irrigation potential and crop types in Document
1 3.8 3.8 3.8 - -
the basin
Study irrigation efficiency in the basin Document 1 4.5 4.5 4.5
Assess attitude and capacity of water user on Document
1 1.9 1.9 1.9
efficient irrigation technology
Build technical capacity of %
100 1.6 160 48 48 64
investors/smallholder farmers about irrigation

Establish demonstrating site for efficient No
2 5.7 11.4 5.7 5.7
irrigation technologies
Enhance drainage system on the irrigation No
2 2.4 4.8 2.4 2.4
schemes constructed across the Rivers
1.7 To ensure effective and equitable water use in the basin
Assess and calculate water availability and Document
1 9.7 9.7 9.7 - -
demand (demand per user) in the basin
Develop water allocation plan Document 1 7.8 7.8 7.8
Entitle water for all water demand. Document 1 3.85 3.85 3.85
Permit water use license. No 200 0.02 4 1.5 1.5 1
Provide training to build capacity to all major No of training
water users on importance and principle of 9 2 18 6 6 6
appropriate water allocation

Develop water use monitoring and Document

1 3.4 3.4 3.4
regulation guideline
Develop water use conflict management Document
1 2.7 2.7 2.7
1.8 To establish water user associations
Establish and strengthen Water user No
15 3.75 56.25 18.75 18.75 18.7
Identify gaps and Prepare capacity building Document
1 2.7 2.7 2.7 - -
trainings on the benefit of WUAs.
1.9 To improve public awareness on water resources management and optimal use
Identification of knowledge gap of key No
stakeholders in areas of water resources 1 1 1 1 - -
Provide capacity building training to groups
10 1.7 17 8.5 8.5 -
of all stakeholders in the basin No
Sub-total (In million) 674.2

Goal 2 Improve water resource conservation, potential and community livelihood in the basin through integrated watershed management and
Rangeland management
2.1 To protect Rivers from siltation/sedimentation
Identify erosion hotspot area and major % 100 0.1 10 4 3 3
silt routes in the basin
Construct silt trap on the major routes No 50 0.3 15 4.5 6 4.5
Implement gully treatment activities No 60 0.45 27 4.5 11.25 11.25
Reforest buffer zone of three Rivers No 3 4.6 13.8 4.6 4.6 4.6
2.2 To improve surface and groundwater potential
Conserve existing forests in the basin Ha 95,000 0.05 4,750 1,250 2,000 1,500
Implement afforestation and % 70 0.25 17.5 5 7.5 5
reforestation on deforested area in the
Develop land use plan to manage land Document 1 3.8 3.8 3.8
use/cover change
Develop forest management guideline Document 1 2.6 2.6 2.6
relevant to the basin
2.3 To restore degraded watersheds
Identify and map degraded lands in the Document 1 3 3 3
Implement physical and biological Ha 3000 0.35 1050 350 525 175
works on the degraded lands
Implement area closure Ha 4000 0.16 640 240 160 240
2.4 To enhance Range land management system
Assess best ways to manage Range land Document 1 1.5 1.5 1.5
resources of in the basin
Promote and Disseminate local best No of training 15 0.5 7.5 2.5 2.5 2.5

practices and other best ways of Range
land management throughout the basin
Reduce over grazing through % 70 0.27 18.9 5.4 6.75 6.75
modernizing livestock feeding system
2.5 To improve livelihood of the community in the basin
Assess potential livelihood activities in Document 1 1.3 1.3 1.3
the basin
Identify skill gaps of basin‟s community Document 1 1.3 1.3 1.3
to involve in selected livelihood activities
Train local communities skill to involve No of training 15 0.8 12 4 4 4
into selected livelihood activities
Diversify income generating activities % 70 4.8 336 120 120 96
2.6 To minimize conflict on Natural resources utilization
Assess and document indigenous Document 1 2.2 2.2 2.2
conflict resolution practices in the basin
Promote the implementation of No of trainings 15 1 15 5 5 5
indigenous conflict resolution practices
Create public awareness on sustainable No of trainings 15 1 15 5 5 5
natural resources utilization
Establish agreements between groups of No of memorandum 15 0.2 3 1 1 1
stakeholders over use, co-management,
and conservation of natural resources
Set standards and mechanisms of Document 1 0.1 0.1 0.1
information sharing in the basins
Develop guidelines to monitor early Document 1 0.1 0.1 0.1
warning and effective response
mechanisms to conflicts arising over use
of natural use of natural resources
Conduct timely monitoring and No of M&E 6 1 6 2 2 2
evaluation (M&E) programs over natural

resources utilization
Sub-total (in million) 6952.6
Goal 3 Minimize natural disaster in sustainable manner in the community
3.1 To enhance early warning system
Develop standard surveillance Document 1 0.2 0.2 0.2
mechanisms over natural disaster
Monitor signs of natural disaster and No of monitoring 15 1 15 5 5 5
make risk analysis

Build institutional and technical capacity No of 15 0.7 10.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
to effective and timely communications institutions/trainings
of early warnings and prediction of
significant natural disaster
Promote community wide awareness No of 15 0.9 13.5 4.5 4.5 4.5
and education over natural disaster and trainings/promotion
response mechanism
3.2 To Reduce risk vulnerability through adaptation mechanism
Assess risks and identify alternative Document 1 3.4 3.4 3.4
Adaptation strategies
Promote genetically improved livestock % 50 0.52 26 7.8 10.4 7.8
bread in the basin
Introduce and promote drought % 50 0.36 18 5.4 7.2 5.4
resistant variety of crops in the basin
Build resilience through diversifying % 0 0.47 28.2 9.4 9.4 9.4
community‟s livelihoods
Expand infrastructure and improved % 70 0.54 37.8 10.8 16.2 10.8
technologies to increase access during
the risk
Promote irrigation access to reduce % 80 0.23 18.4 6.9 6.9 4.6
dependency on rainfed agriculture
Sub total (in million ETB) 131.8

Goal 4 Ensure good water quality for sustainable socio economic development
4.1 Develop and enforce regulatory instruments focusing on maintaining water quality standards
Review water quality standards for rural, No of document 3 0.5 1.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
municipal and irrigation water supplies
Inventory of water quality and pollution No of documents 3 6 18 6 6 6
Establish administrative procedures for No of documents 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 - -
discharge permit /licensing system as per
Prepare Guidelines for design of No of documents 1 1.5 1.5 1.5
wastewater treatment, disposal and
reuse facilities
Prepare standards, guidelines, and No of documents 1 1.5 1.5 1.5
procedures for fertilizer application ,
quality, solid wastes, and discharge
4.2 To establish water quality monitoring system in the basin
Establish permanent water quality No of sites 15 0.5 7.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
monitoring sites for surface and
Develop water quality monitoring No of database 1 3 3 3 - -
4.3 To prevent lakeshore or river shore
Delineate sensitive Lakeshore/river No. document 1 3 3 1.5 1.5
shore with adequate buffer zone
Subtotal (In million ETB) 37
Goal 5. Ensure active stakeholder participation in planning, decision making, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of IWRM and
prevention of natural disaster

5.1 To increase stakeholder awareness on resource allocation, efficient utilization, management and disaster prevention
Survey key stakeholders and their views Document 3 0.7 2.1 0.7 0.7 0.7
and needs in the basin
Create regular stakeholder consultation No of platform 30 0.5 15 5 5 5
Provide awareness training to key No of trainings 15 0.9 13.5 4.5 4.5 4.5
stakeholders on benefits, challenges,
strategies of efficient, equitable, and
sustainable natural resources
5.2 To enforce implementation of legal frameworks in relation to natural resources management and prevention of natural disaster
Identify and fill gaps in legal Documents 2 0.2 0.4 0.4
frameworks in relation to natural
resources management and disaster risk
Give training to key stakeholders on No of trainings 15 1 15 5 5 5
legal frameworks in relation to natural
resources management
Sub-total 184
Total 7841.60
Contingency 10% 784.16

Grand total 8625.76

*** For each major activity responsible institution is already indicated in chapter 7 (7.3).

12.4. Abaya-Chamo Sub-basin: Strategic objectives, major activities and budget details

No Description of Unit Qty. Estimated budget in mil. Birr

Goals, Objectives Responsibl Co-Partners
and Major Unit Total 2021-202 2026-203 2031-203 e body
activities price Price 5 0 5
Goa Enhance availability, Management and optimum utilization of water resources in the sub-basin for sustainable social,
l1 economic and environmental benefits
1.1 To increase surface and grounwater resource availability in the sub-basin
Identification of No. of Doc MoWE, NGOs, Higher
level of basin RVLBA Education &
meteorological and Knowledge
5 2 10 6 2 2
hydrological Institutions
Assessment of No. of Doc MoWE, NGOs, Higher
basin RVLBA Education &
database Knowledge
5 2 10 6 2 2
availability with Institutions
respect to all data
Assess water No. of Doc MoWE, NGOs, Higher
scarce areas and RVLBA Education &
identify Knowledge
5 3 15 9 3 3
alternative Institutions
sources in the
sub basin
Develop No. MoWE, NGOs, Higher
groundwater RVLBA Education &
sources in Knowledge
selected areas as 10 20 200 100 60 40 Institutions
monitoring wells
for database

No. of Doc MoWE, NGOs, Higher
Developing MoANR, Education &
manual based on RVLBA Knowledge
international 3 3 9 6 3 0 Institutions
experiences with
rainwater harvest
No. of Doc MoWE, NGOs, Higher
Quantify the RVLBA Education &
existing amount of Knowledge
surface and 5 3 15 6 6 3
groundwater in
the sub- basin
No of 20 MoWE, NGOs, Higher
Strengthen training MoANR, Education &
community water RVLBA Knowledge
harvesting Institutions
capacity with 20 400 160 140 100
rainwater harvest

Assess water No. of Doc 5 MoWE, NGOs, Higher

scarce areas and MoANR, Education &
identify 4 20 12 4 4 RVLBA Knowledge
alternative Institutions
No. of MoWE, NGOs, Higher
Construct ground structures 8 MoANR, Education &
and surface water RVLBA Knowledge
resource 350 2800 1050 1050 700 Institutions
structures in
water scarce areas
1.2 To improve irrigation water use efficiency in the sub-basin
Assess the No. of Doc 5 MoWE, NGOs, Higher
irrigation potential MoANR, Education &
5 25 10 10 5
of the sub basin RVLBA Knowledge
Study irrigation No. of Doc 120 5 600 250 200 150 MoWE, NGOs, Higher

efficiency problems MoANR, Education &
of all existing RVLBA Knowledge
schemes in the Institutions
Assess attitude MoWE, NGOs, Higher
and capacity of No of MoANR, Education &
water users and schemes RVLBA Knowledge
100 4 400 160 160 80
associations on Institutions
efficient irrigation
Build technical No of MoWE, NGOs, Higher
capacity of the training MoANR, Education &
20 25 500 175 200 125
water users RVLBA Knowledge
1.3 To allocate water resources among different uses
Assess seasonal No. of Doc 5 MoWE, NGOs, Higher
and annual total RVLBA Education &
6 30 18 6 6
water availability Knowledge
of the sub basin Institutions
Assess all type of No. of Doc 6 MoWE, NGOs, Higher
water demands RVLBA Education &
and demand 10 60 30 20 10 Knowledge
management Institutions
Entitle water for MoWE,
% 80 - 400 100 150 150 Consultants
all water demand RVLBA
MoWE, Woreda and
Permit water use No. of RVLBA zone
license through training 15 6 90 30 42 18
training regional water
1.4 To improve public awareness and undertake capacity building on IWRM
Identify gaps on No. of Doc MoWE, NGOs, Higher
water resource RVLBA Education &
5 10 5 20 20 10
management and Knowledge
utilization Institutions
Apply Researches, No. of 20 10 200 100 50 50 MoWE, NGOs, Higher

innovations, Doc/traini RVLBA Education &
Trainings, ng Knowledge
demonstrations, Institutions
dissemination, on
water resources
1.5 To establish/ rehabilitate hydro-meteorological information system
Select sites and install No.
new hydro-meteorological stations MoWE, NGOs, Higher
10 RVLBA Education &
20 200 75 75 50
Upgrade existing No. MoWE, NGOs, Higher
manual to 12 RVLBA Education &
automatic 25 300 100 150 50 Knowledge
hydrological Institutions
gauging stations
Conducting No. MoWE, NGOs, Higher
bathometric 5 RVLBA Education &
15 75 45 30 0
survey at lake Knowledge
Abaya and Chamo Institutions

Sub-total 1 548 6364 2468 2383 1558

Goa Improve the quality and quantity of water resource in the sub-basin for sustainable social, economic and environmental,
l 2: benefits.
2.1 To reduce fresh water salinity problem across the sub- basin
Produce water No of MoWE, NGOs, Higher
quality map for Packages RVLBA, EPA Education &
rivers, Lakes, Knowledge
3 300 900 300 300 300
groundwater Institutions
through testing
water samples
Assess major No of Doc MoWE, NGOs, Higher
pollutant RVLBA, EPA Education &
10 10 100 40 30 30
contributing to Knowledge
water salinity Institutions
Monitor salinity No of Doc 10 10 100 40 30 30 MoWE, NGOs, Higher

problems RVLBA, EPA Education &
associated with Knowledge
irrigation projects Institutions
To ensure Environmental friendly Agricultural practices
% MoWE, NGOs, Higher
Implement RVLBA, EPA Education &
Agro-chemical 85 - 190 70 80 40 Knowledge
pollutant permit Institutions
Increase public % MoWE, NGOs, Higher
awareness on RVLBA, EPA Education &
cause and means 90 - 180 60 70 50 Knowledge
of environmental Institutions
2.3 To establish water quality monitoring system
Establish No. MoWE, NGOs, Higher
additional water RVLBA, EPA Education &
40 4 160 60 50 50
quality sampling Knowledge
stations Institutions
Establish water No. MoWE, NGOs, Higher
quality laboratory RVLBA, EPA Education &
1 155 155 155 0 0
Develop water No. MoWE, NGOs, Higher
quality RVLBA, EPA Education &
1 150 150 150 0 0
monitoring Knowledge
database Institutions
2.4 To implement waste management practices
Expand liquid MoWE, NGOs, Higher
and solid waste No. RVLBA, EPA Education &
management 3 250 750 250 250 250 Knowledge
Infrastructure Institutions
and recycling
Identify type and No. of MoWE, NGOs, Higher
extent of Industr ies 60 RVLBA, Education &
3 180 90 60 30
pollution from EPA, Knowledge
existing and Investment Institutions

proposed Bureau

Establish No. of 100 MoWE, Industries,

administrative license RVLBA, Investment
procedures for EPA, Bureaus
2 200 80 60 60
discharge permit Investment
/licensing system Bureau
as per regulations
Organize No. of MoWE,
awareness raising workshops RVLBA, EPA Local
workshops on auth
10 150 50 50 50 orities,
water pollution
2.5 To conserve wetlands and Lake shores
Rehabilitate No. of 20 MoWE, NGOs, Local
wetlands wetland RVLBA, authorities,
30 600 300 150 150 EPA, Community,
MoANR, Industries
Demarcate Lakes No .of MoWE, NGOs, Local
and rivers buffer Lakes and RVLBA, authorities,
zone rivers 80 10 800 350 350 100 EPA, Community,
MoANR, Industries
Develop legal and MoWE, NGOs, Local
policy inputs on No of RVLBA, authorities,
buffer zone wetlands 3 EPA, Community,
50 150 50 50 50
demarcation and MoANR, Industries
wetland HEIs

Sub-total 2 984 4765 2045 1530 1190

Goa Improve the water resources conservation and community livelihood in the sub-basin through integrated way
3.1 To capacitate the stakeholders

Build Number 40 MoWE, NGOs, HEIs
institu RVLBA,
10 400 200 100 100
Conduct Numbe r 15 RVLBA,
awareness 10 150 50 50 50
creation and
Make watershed % 95 RVLBA,
works as a cross - 60 20 20 20
cutting issue EPA
3.2. To rehabilitate severely degraded watersheds
Issue effective land No. MoWE,
use policy and 1 - 100 20 30 50 RVLBA, NGOs, HEIs
rules EPA
Establish and No. of 30
maintain nursery watershed EPA, Community,
sites s 5 150 50 50 50 RVLBA, NGOs, Private
MoANR, Companies,
hectare 150,00
Conduct biological 0 EPA, Community,
soil conservation 0.002 300 100 100 100 RVLBA, NGOs, Private
measures MoANR, Companies,
Implement soil and 1milli EPA, Community,
water conservation on 0.0004 400 100 200 100 RVLBA, NGOs, Private
measures MoANR, Companies,
3.3 To improve the livelihood of the community
Enhance the No. of HHs 150,00 MoANR,
farming system 0 MoWE, Community,
through modern 0.004 600 200 200 200 RVLBA NGOs, Private
technology Companies,

Introduce modern No. of HHs 150,00 MoANR,
livestock breeding 0 MoWE, Community,
system 0.004 600 200 200 200 RVLBA NGOs, Private
Develop small 800 MoANR,
and medium Numbe r MoWE, Community,
scale 1.25 1000 375 375 250 RVLBA NGOs, Private
manufacturing Companies,
Industries HEIs
Conduct job No of 25,000 MoANR,
creation through people MoWE, Community,
watershed 0.04 1000 400 400 200 RVLBA NGOs, Private
management Companies,
3.4 To reduce flood and drought hazards
Prepare timely No. of Disaster
forecast and early 3 NGOs, HEIs
system Preparedne
warning system ss and
35 105 35 35 35
Generate No. of HHs 150,00 Disaster
alternative 0 NGOs, HEIs
sources of ss and
income for People 0.006 900 300 300 300 Prevention
living in flood Commissio
prone areas n, NMI,

Sub-total 3 61.31 5765 2050 2060 1655

l4 Ensure active stakeholder participation to improve planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of projects related to
4.1 To improve stakeholder awareness on water resources management and optimal use

Document MoWE,
Asses awareness 10 RVLBA NGOs,
gap on water 10 100 40 30 30 Knowledge
resources Institutions,
management HEIs
Organize and MoWE,
validate gap filling No of 25 RVLBA NGOs,
workshops and worksh ops Knowledge
capacity building 10 250 100 100 50 Institutions,
trainings for each HEIs
level of
4.2 To strengthen stakeholder’s participation on watershed management
Organize experience No of MoWE, EPA, NGOs,
sharing programs on programs 10 270 100 100 70
MoANR Media centers
best IWRM practices
To implement legal framework on pollution control through stakeholder participation
Organize awareness No. of 15 RVLBA, NGOs, HEIs,
creation workshops workshops MoWE, Research
to engage 10 150 50 50 50 MoANR, EPA Institutes,
stakeholders in legal Media centers
Establish No. of MoWE, Research
stakeholder forum forums 5 20 100 40 40 20
MoANR, EPA Institutes,
Media centers

Sub-total 4 60 870 330 320 220

1,653.3 17,764.0
1 0 6,893.00 6,293.00 4,623.00
Total (Million ETB) 17,764.00
Contingency (10%) 1,776.4
Grand total (Million ETB) 19,540.40


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