Engineering Chemistry Notes - Rams
Engineering Chemistry Notes - Rams
Engineering Chemistry Notes - Rams
Syllabus (as prescribed by affiliating university, AKTU effective from Session 2020-21)
Unit-I (8)
Unit-II (8)
Unit-III (8)
Nernst Equation and application, relation of EMF with thermodynamic functions (∆H, ∆F and ∆S).
Lead storage battery.
Corrosion causes, effects and its prevention.
Phase rule and its application to water system.
Unit-IV (8)
Water Analysis
Hardness of water, Techniques of water softening (Lime- soda , Zeolite, Ion exchange resin and Reverse
osmosis method).
Fuels Classification of fuels, Analysis of Coal, Determination of Calorific values (bomb calorimeter &
Dulong’s method),
Unit-V (8)
Basic concepts of polymer – blends and composites, Conducting and biodegradable polymers,
Preparations and applications of some industrially important polymers (Buna-S, Buna-N, Neoprene,
Nylon 6, Nylon 6, 6, and Terylene). General methods of synthesis of organometallic compound (Grignard
Reagent) and their applications.
Syllabus: Engineering Chemistry (KAS-102T/202T)
CO-1: On completion of this course student will be able to apply fundamental concepts of chemistry in
different fields of Engineering.
Unit-I (11)
CO-2: On completion of this course student will be able to identify compounds using different
spectroscopic techniques.
Unit-II (10)
CO-3: On completion of this course student will be able to understand the basic principles of
electrochemistry for different engineering applications.
Unit-III (10)
Nernst Equation and application, relation of EMF with thermodynamic functions (∆H, ∆F and ∆S).
Lead storage battery.
Corrosion causes, effects and its prevention.
Phase rule and its application to water system.
CO-4 : On completion of this course student will be able to illustrate different types of impurities in
water and its softening techniques.
Unit-IV (16)
Water Analysis
Hardness of water, Techniques of water softening (Lime- soda , Zeolite, Ion exchange resin and Reverse
osmosis method).
Fuels Classification of fuels, Analysis of Coal, Determination of Calorific values (bomb calorimeter &
Dulong’s method),
CO-5: On completion of this course student will be able to recall the basic knowledge of polymerization
& and applications
Unit-V (8)
Basic concepts of polymer – blends and composites, Conducting and biodegradable polymers,
Preparations and applications of some industrially important polymers (Buna-S, Buna-N, Neoprene,
Nylon 6, Nylon 6, 6, and Terylene). General methods of synthesis of organometallic compound (Grignard
Reagent) and their applications.
Text Books:
1. University Chemistry By B.H.Mahan
2. University Chemistry By C.N.R.Rao
3. Organic Chemistry By I.L. Finar
4. Physical Chemistry By S. Glasstone
5. Engineering Chemistry By S.S. Dara
6. Polymer Chemistry By Fre W. Billmeyer
7. Engineering Chemistry By Satya Prakash
Reference Books:
1. Elementary Organic Spectroscopy By Y.R.Sharma
2. Principles of Physical Chemistry By Puri, Sharma, Pathania
3. Principles of Inorganic Chemistry By Puri, Sharma, Kalia
4. Concise Inorganic Chemistry By J.D.Lee
Course outcome Statement (On completion of this course, the student will be able to - )
KAS-102T/202T.5 Recall the basic knowledge of polymerization and its applications. (K1)
Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology
1, Knowledge Park II, Greater Noida – 201 306 (UP) India
CO-PO Mapping
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
CO-1 3 - - - - - - - - - - -
CO-2 3 2 - - - - - - - - - -
CO-3 3 2 - - - - - - - - - -
CO-4 3 2 2 - - 2 2 - - - - -
CO-5 3 - - - 2 2 - - - - -
KAS- 3 2 2 2 2
The electronegative elements are capable of binding the electrons more strongly thereby lowering their
energies as well. The molecular orbital theory is effective with the atomic orbitals that possess comparable
energy since a large difference in energy of atomic orbitals lead to the formation of ionic bond. The
Molecular orbital theory was given by Hund and Mulliken in 1932.
The stability of the molecule can be determined from the parameter called Bond Order. The bond order of a
molecule is directly proportional to stability of molecule and hence the dissociation energy. The higher the
stability of a molecule, the higher will be its dissociation energy. The bond order is calculated by assuming
that two electrons in a bonding molecular orbital contribute one net bond and that two electrons in an
antibonding molecular orbital cancel the effect of one bond. Bond order may be defined as half the
difference between number of electrons in bonding molecular orbitals and number of electrons in
antibonding molecular orbitals.
σ1s, σ*1s, σ2s, σ*2s, σ2pz, [∏2px = ∏2py] [∏*2px = ∏*2py], σ*2pz
The energy of ∏2px and ∏2py orbitals and ∏*2px = ∏*2py are same and hence they are known as degenerate
orbitals. The above mentioned configuration sequence of energy levels is not found to be correct for all
molecules when investigated through spectroscopic studies. This order of configuration is found to be
correct for heavier elements. However, in case of homonuclear diatomic molecules of second row of
periodic table upto nitrogen (including H, Li, Be, B, C, N) the following order of configuration is followed:
σ1s, σ*1s, σ2s, σ*2s, [∏2px = ∏2py] σ2pz, [∏*2px = ∏*2py], σ*2pz
Application of Molecular orbital theory to Homodiatomic molecules
The molecular orbital diagrams consist of atomic orbitals as well as molecular orbitals. The number of
molecular orbitals is same as number of atomic orbitals represented in the diagram. Homoatomic means “of
the same atom”— such a molecule contains only one type (same) of atom. Examples of homodiatomic
molecules are H₂, N₂, O₂, F₂, P₄, S₈, Cl₂, Br₂, I₂.
Figure 1: Two 1s orbitals of two hydrogen atoms combine to form BMO and ABMO in hydrogen molecule
The atomic orbitals of respective atoms are written on either side of the diagram at heights that denotes
their relative energies shown in Figure 1. The electrons present in each atomic orbital are represented by
arrows. In the middle of the diagram, the molecular orbitals of the molecule that is getting formed are
represented. Dashed lines connect the parent atomic orbitals with the daughter molecular orbitals as shown
in molecular orbital diagram of oxygen and nitrogen respectively in figure 2.
Figure 2: Molecular Orbital diagram of O2 and N2
The bonding molecular orbitals are lower in energy than either of their parent atomic orbitals. On the other
hand, the antibonding molecular orbitals are higher in energy than either of its parent atomic orbitals.
According to the law of conservation of energy the amount of stabilization of the molecule caused by the
bonding orbital is equal to the amount of destabilization of the antibonding orbital, as shown in figure 3.
Figure 3: An orbital correlation diagram for a hypothetical He-He molecule and He2+
The orbital correlation diagram for diboron is not generally applicable for all homonuclear diatomic
molecules as shown in figure 4. It is only when the bond lengths are relatively short (as in B2, C2, and N2)
that the two p-orbitals on the bonded atoms can efficiently overlap to form a strong bond.
Heteroatomic molecules are those molecules that contain different atoms. Example: In HF (hydrogen
fluoride) molecule hydrogen and fluorine are two different atoms due to which it is called as a heteroatomic
In HF molecule the electronegativity of hydrogen and fluorine is different and fluorine is more
electronegative than hydrogen. Then electrons are more stable, i.e. lower in energy, when they are lone
pairs on fluorine rather than on hydrogen. The orbitals of more electronegative element i.e. fluorine are
placed lower on the correlation diagram than those of hydrogen.
Since hydrogen only has one occupied valence orbital, only one bonding and one antibonding orbital are
possible. Furthermore, the electrons in orbitals on F that cannot bond with hydrogen are left on F as lone
pairs. As seen in Figure 5, the electrons in the H-F bond are quite close in energy to fluorine's 2p orbitals.
Then the bonding orbital is primarily composed of a fluorine 2p orbital, so the molecular orbital diagram
predicts that the bond should be polarized toward fluorine--exactly what is found by measuring the bond
CN molecule
Total number of electrons = 6 + 7 = 13. The electronic configuration is as: σ1s2, σ*1s2, σ2s2, σ*2s2, [∏2px2 =
∏2py2] σ2pz1, [∏*2px0 = ∏*2py0], σ*2pz0
The electronic configuration of carbon atom is 1s²2s²2p² and oxygen atom is 1s²2s²2p⁴ . There are 4
electrons in the outer shell of carbon and 6 electrons in the outer shell of oxygen. Thus, the total of 10 outer
electrons are to be accommodated in the molecular orbitals of CO molecule. Because of higher
electronegativity of oxygen, its atomic orbitals would be of lower than the corresponding atomic orbitals of
carbon. Due to this energy difference, the bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals will receive different
contributions from atomic orbitals of carbon and oxygen (Figure 8).
Figure 8: Molecular orbital diagram of CO molecule
In metallic bonds delocalized electros are present in the valence shell of s and p orbitals. Thus, a "sea" of
electrons is formed that surrounds the positively charged atomic nuclei of interacting metal ions. The
electrons then move freely throughout the space between the atomic nuclei as shown in figure 9.
Positive atomic nuclei are surrounded by a sea of delocalized electrons (the dots) (Figure 4).
The characteristics of metallic bonds explain a number of the unique properties of metals such as:
• Metals are good conductors of electricity because the electrons in the electron sea are free to flow
and carry electric current.
• Metals are ductile and malleable because local bonds can be easily broken and reformed.
• Metals are lustrous. Light cannot penetrate their surface; the photons simply reflect off the metal
surface. However, there is an upper limit to the frequency of light at which the photons are
According to the molecular orbital theory the overlapping of atomic orbitals lead to the formation of
molecular orbitals. The electrons of a single isolated atom occupy atomic orbitals, which form a discrete set
of energy levels. If several atoms are brought together into a molecule, their atomic orbitals split into
separate molecular orbitals, each with a different energy. This produces a number of molecular orbitals
proportional to the number of valence electrons. When a large number of atoms (1020 or more) are brought
together to form a solid, the number of orbitals becomes exceedingly large. Consequently, the difference in
energy between them becomes very small. Thus, in solids the levels form continuous bands of energy
rather than the discrete energy levels of the atoms in isolation is present. However, some intervals of energy
contain no orbitals, forming band gaps. The general idea of the formation of bands is shown in Figure 10
that shows the overlapping of 3s valence atomic orbitals of sodium (Na) to form molecular orbitals in linear
Nan molecules (n = 2, 3, 4.....) of increasing size.
A. Conductors
Metals are conductors and do not possess any band gap between their valence and conduction bands.
There is a continuous availability of electrons in these closely spaced orbitals. All conductors contain
electrical charges, which will move when an electric potential difference (measured in volts) is applied
across separate points on the material. This flow of charge (measured in amperes) is referred as electric
current. In most materials, the direct current is proportional to the voltage if material remains in the
same shape and state.
B. Insulators
In insulators, the band gap between the valence band the conduction band is so large that electrons cannot
make the energy jump from the valence band to the conduction band (figure 11).
C. Semiconductors
Semiconductors have a small energy gap between the valence band and the conduction band. Electrons
can make the jump up to the conduction band, but not with the same ease as they do in conductors.
A defect is defined as any abnormality from the perfect atomic arrangement in a crystal. There are three
types of point defects as:
1. Stoichiometric defects
2. Non-Stoichiometric defects
3. Impurity defects
1. Stoichiometric defects: In such defects the number of positive and negative ions is exactly in the
ratios indicated by their chemical formulae. These defects do not disturb the stoichiometry (the ratio of
numbers of positive and negative ions) and hence, are called stoichiometric defects. Such defects are of
following types:
(a) Schottky defect: In this type of defect the number of cations that are missing from the crystal
lattice is equal to the number of anions missing from the lattice sites but the electrical neutrality
is maintained as shown in Figure 12. This type of defect occurs in highly ionic compounds that
possess high co-ordination number and cations and anions of similar sizes. e.g., NaCl, KCl,
CsCl and KBr etc.
Cations One pair of Anion & Cation is
Ideal Arrangement of
Movement of
Ideal Arrangement of
(a) Metal excess defects due to anion vacancies: Such defect occurs when a compound possess
excess of metal ion or if a negative ion is absent from its lattice site, leaving a ‘hole’, which is occupied
by electron to maintain electrical neutrality. Example in thee anion vacancies observed in alkali metal
halides are reduced by heating the alkali metal halides crystals in an atmosphere of alkali metal vapors.
The ‘holes’ occupied by the electrons are called F-centres (or colour centres).
(b) Metal excess defects due to interstitial cations: Such defects occur when an extra positive ion is present in
an interstitial site. However, the electron present in the interstitial site maintains the electrical neutrality of the
crystal. Such types of defects are often found in crystals that are likely to show Frenkel defects e.g., when ZnO is
heated, it loses oxygen reversibly (figure 13). The yellow color and the electrical conductivity of the non-
stoichiometric ZnO is due to the electrons trapped in crystal.
Figure 13: Metal excess defect
The presence of metal excess defects in the crystal imparts color to them due to presence of free electrons.
The presence of free electrons in such crystal also imparts electrical conductivity making them
semiconductors, called n-type semiconductor.
The crystals with metal excess defects are generally paramagnetic due to the presence of unpaired electrons
at lattice sites. Such crystals when irradiated with white light absorb the light by electrons that get excited
from ground state to the excited state that imparts color to the crystal. Such points are called F-centres and
the excess ions are supplemented by positive ion vacancies.
(c) Metal deficiency defect by cation vacancy: In such type of defects the cation is lost from the lattice
site, hence electrical neutrality is maintained by the nearest metal ion that becomes dispositive. This type of
defect occurs in compounds in which a metal can show variable valency such as transition metal
compounds including NiO, FeO, FeS etc.
Due to the movement of electron, an ion A + changes to A +2 ions. Thus, the movement of an
electron from A + ion creates a positive hole and the substances are called p-type semiconductor
Liquid crystals are the materials that exhibit long-range order in one or two dimensions. They possess the
properties between those of a conventional liquid and a solid crystal.
The organic molecules with long hydrocarbon chain such as cholesteryl acetate (CH3COOC27H45), and
cholesteryl benzoate (C6H5COOC27H45) molecules exhibit liquid crystal nature. Such molecules possess
fluidity similar to liquid phase but the arrangement of their molecules is similar to that in crystals as shown
in figure 14. They show anisotropy similar to crystalline solids without a three-dimensional crystal lattice.
The liquid crystal compounds exhibit polymorphism in which they exist in more than one phase.
Characterizing Liquid Crystals: The following parameters describe the liquid crystalline structure:
Each of these parameters describes the extent to which the liquid crystal sample is ordered.
Orientational order: It is the measure of the tendency of molecules to align along the director on a long-
range basis.
Positional order: It is defined as the extent to which the position of an average molecule or group of
molecules shows translational symmetry.
1. THERMOTROPIC LIQUID CRYSTALS: These types of liquid crystals possess liquid crystalline
properties that depend on temperature. They exist in different mesophases as:
It is most common phase in which the molecules do not possess positional order
however, these molecules show long-range orientational order. In Greek ‘nematic’
means thread hence, the thread- like structure of nematic crystals. These liquid
crystals though possess fluidity just like an ordinary (isotropic) liquid
but they can be easily aligned by an externally applied magnetic or electric field.
In smectic liquid crystals the molecules/ mesogens show both positional order as
well as orientational order. Such phases are found at lower temperatures than
nematic form. The molecules are arranged in well-defined separate layers
that can easily slide over one another like soap.
c. Cholesteric liquid crystals
These liquid crystals can be prepared when two or more substances that are
mixed together possessone of the molecule as polar in nature. Example:
Soap in water.
The lyotropic liquid crystals can exist in different mesophases such as:
• Discontinuous cubic phase (micellar cubic phase)
• Hexagonal phase (hexagonal columnar phase)
• Lamellar phase.
Applications of Liquid Crystals
The introduction of liquid crystals in the field of science and technology made a major impact in the areas
of device technology specifically since they consume less electrical power. They find use in many
electronic devices such as:
1. Liquid Crystal Display: Liquid crystals offer wide application in smart televisions that use liquid
crystal displays. Such devices are dependent on the difference in optical properties of molecules of
liquid crystals in the presence or absence of an electric field.
In a typical device, a liquid crystal layer is inserted between two polarizers that are placed ta an
orientation perpendicular to one another. The cholesteric liquid crystal is chosen in such devices so that
its relaxed phase is a twisted one. This twisted stage of the liquid crystal reorients the light that has
passed through the first polarizer, permitting it to be transmitted through the second polarizer and
reflected back to the observer. The device thus appears clear. When an electric field is applied to the
liquid crystal layer, all the mesogens align (and are no longer twisting). In this aligned state, the
mesogens do not reorient light, so the light polarized at the first polarizer is absorbed at the second
polarizer, and the entire device appears dark. In this way, the electric field can be used to make a pixel
switch between clear or dark on command. Color LCD systems use the same technique, with color
filters used to generate red, green, and blue pixels. Similar principles can be used to make other liquid
crystal based optical devices.
2. Liquid Crystal Thermometers: The Cholesteric liquid crystals reflect light and the color reflected also
is dependent upon temperature. This property helps in detecting the temperature.
Optical Imaging
3. The high viscosity of some liquid crystals makes their application in hydraulic break/clutch system.
4. Cholesteric liquid Crystals can be used in medical applications including tumor detection by
thermography in the testing of radiations in devices that convert radiation energy into heat energy
(tumor detection).
5. They are used for nondestructive mechanical testing of materials under stress. This technique is also
used for the visualization of RF (radio frequency) waves in wave-guides.
6. They are used in medical applications where, for example, transient pressure transmitted by a walking
foot on the ground is measured.
Graphite is an allotrope of carbon that consists of layers of carbon atoms and each carbon atom is held in its
position through three strong covalent bonds. However, each layer is 3.35AO apart and held to the one
above it by weak van der waals forces. The bond angle in graphite is 120O with each carbon atom as sp2
hybridized. This shows that the fourth electron of each carbon atom in graphite as free to move throughout
the structure of graphite that makes it conducting in nature. The triagonal units in graphite unite together to
form flat and parallel layers of hexagonal rings in which the ring C-C bond length is 1.42Å as shown in
figure 16. These layers can slide over one another due to which graphite is very soft. Graphite has very high
melting point of 3700ºC since all carbon atoms are held firmly in place by strong covalent bonds.
Applications of graphite
Refractory Materials: Graphite can function as a good refractory material due to its high temperature
stability and chemical inertness. It is also used in the production of “Mag-carbon” refractory bricks (Mg-C.)
that are widely used by steel makers in ladles that are containers for the secondary treatment of steel
Chemical Industry: Graphite is used in the chemical industry for production of phosphorus and calcium
carbide in arc furnaces. It is used as anodes in some aqueous electrolytic processes such as in the
production of halogens (chlorine and fluorine.)
Nuclear Industry: High purity electrographite is used in large amounts for the production of moderator rods
and reflector components in nuclear reactors. Their suitability arises from their low absorption of neutrons,
high thermal conductivity and their high strength at temperature.
Electrical Applications: The most significant application for graphite is as an electrically conducting
material for the manufacture of carbon brushes in electric motors.
Mechanical Applications: Graphite is used for manufacturing of piston rings, thrust bearings, journal
bearings and vanes. Carbon based seals are used in the shafts and fuel pumps of many aircraft jet engines.
Fullerene is an allotrope of carbon that is also known as 'buckyball”. Allotropes possess different atomic,
molecular arrangements of the same element in the same physical state.
Fullerenes consist of hexagonal rings of carbon atoms with alternating pentagonal carbon rings that permits
the curvature of the surface and give it a spherical shape (Figure 17). It consist of a hollow 'cage' or 'ball' or
'closed tube' shaped molecules of pure carbon atoms. Fullerenes are smaller molecules equating to sections
of the tiny molecular carbon tubes called carbon nanotubes and provide a way into studying carbon
nanotubes in terms of their molecular structure and applications in nanotechnology.
The hybridization of carbon atom in fullerene is sp2. There are two main chemical transformations that can
take place in fullerenes i.e. addition reactions - that leads to the formation of exohedral adducts and;
redox reactions - that lead to formation of salts.
Although conjugation is present in fullerenes but it behaves as an electron-deficient alkenes since theyare
capable of adding nucleophiles, homolytic reagents and even free radicals to produce stable adducts.
Fullerene is synthesized using an Electric Arc method in which a bench top reactor is used for production
of fullerenes. It is a low cost method due to the simple structure and instrumentation that serves as an added
advantage of this method. An electric current (AC or DC) is applied to thin graphite rod that are supported
by a sleeve made of copper and consist of sharpened tip that can result in evaporation of material of thin
rod. After this, the iput power is shut off. However, using this technique only 5-10% of fullerene is
Applications of fullerene
• Fullerene is used in medical science as a vehicle for drug delivery as nanomedicine. The cage like
molecules can carry drug and the combination can pass easily through cell membrane of target cell.
• Fullerene is used as lubricants that can significantly reduce friction in moving metal parts of
machines from wheels to ball bearing.
• It is used in the form of carbon nanotubes for reinforcement of composite materials, e.g. sports
equipment like tennis rackets.
• The derivatives of fullerenes possess significant electrical and magnetic behavior including
superconductivity and ferromagnetism.
• C60 is an optical limiter so when white light is made incident upon it then a solution of fullerene-60
turns darker instantly and the more intense the light, the darker it gets. This limiting light
transmittance property can be used in the design of safety goggles in intense light situations e.g.
people working with laser beams.
• Fullerene have found profound usefulness in photovoltaic devices, organic electronics and photo
catalysis because they combine with suitable electron donor components to form donor-acceptor
dyads that can generate long-lived charge separated states.
• Fullerene is used as an adsorbent for organic compounds in water treatment.
Concepts of nano-materials
Nanomaterials are the materials that possess at least one dimension in the range of 1-100nm. Such materials
show improved or novel properties including reactivity, greater sensing capability and increased
mechanical strength.
The term "Nanotechnology" was first defined by Norio Taniguchi of the Tokyo Science University in 1974.
It is the study of operating a matter at an atomic and molecular scale. he nanotechnology offers simple,
clean, fast, efficient, and economic for the synthesis of a variety of organic molecules
Synthesis of Nanoparticles
The synthesis of nanoparticles can be categorized according to the approach applied (bottom-up or top-
down approach), the nature of the process (physical, chemical, biological, etc.), the energy source (laser,
plasma, ion sputtering, electron beam, microwave, hydrothermal, freeze drying, high-energy ball milling,
combustion, flame, supercritical) or by the media (synthesis in gas, in liquid or in solid).
(1) Bottom-up approach: The synthesis of nanoparticles using this approach includes built up of the
structure by accumulation of each atom or molecule by molecule as shown in Figure 18.
(2) Top-down approach: This approach includes synthesis of nanoparticles by breaking down of bulk
materials gradually into smaller sizes, e.g. synthesis of nanocrystalline α-Al2O3 (surface area up to
100 m2/g) by high-energy ball milling (mechanical milling) of γ-Al2O3
Applications of Nanomaterials
1) Sunscreens and Cosmetics: Nanoparticles of titanium dioxide are used in sunscreensas they possess
comparable UV protection property. The nanosized titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are used in some
sunscreens since they have the capability to absorb and reflect ultraviolet radiations and nevertheless are
transparent to visible light at the same time. Nanosized iron oxide is also used in lipsticks as a pigment to
impart different shades of a color.
2) Paints: Nanoparticles are used in paints that can improve the performance by making them lighter and
imparting different properties. Thinner coatings of paints are used in aircrafts that reduces their weight,
which could be beneficial for the application.
3) Batteries: Nanomaterials that are synthesized by sol–gel techniques are used in separator plates in
batteries due to their foam-like (aerogel) structure that can hold more amount of energy than the
conventional ones. Nickel–metal hydride batteries made of nanocrystalline nickel and metal hydrides
require less frequent recharging and possess longer life due to their large surface area.
4) Catalysis: Nanoparticles possess high surface area that is suitable for higher catalytic activity. They act
as an efficient catalyst for some chemical reaction owing to their extremely large surface to volume ratio.
Platinum nanoparticles are used in next generation of automotive catalytic since the high surface area of
nanoparticles can lower the amount of platinum required.
5) Medicine: Nanotechnology has been a boon in medical field by delivering drugs to specific cells using
nanoparticles. The overall drug consumption and side effects can be lowered significantly by depositing the
active agent in the morbid region only and in no higher dose than needed. Nanotechnology is used in
“Tissue engineering” that is expected to replace today's conventional treatments like organ transplants or
artificial implants.
6) Food: Nanoparticles are being used in the production of safety and packaging of food. This can improve
food packaging by placing anti-microbial agents directly on the surface of coated film.
7) Lubricants: Inorganic nanospheres are used as lubricants by acting as nanosized “ball bearing” that can
efficiently reduce friction between metal surfaces particularly at high loads.
10) Magnetic materials: The magnets made of nano crystalline yttrium- samarium-cobalt grains have
useful magnetic properties due to extremely large interface area. This property leads to applications in
analytical instruments such as MRI used in hospitals, motors, data storage devices and in micro sensors.
Electromagnetic Radiation
Ephoton = h = hc/
• Two constants appear in these formulas i.e. h = plank’s constant, 6.63 x 10-34 J s and c =
speed of light, 3.00 x 108 m s-1
• Wave number = 1/
Beer-Lambert Law
The Beer-Lambert law (or Beer's law) is the linear relationship between absorbance and
concentration of absorbing specie. The general Beer-Lambert law is usually written as:
A= *b*c
T = I / Io where I is the light intensity after it passes through the sample and Io is the initial light
intensityas shown in Figure 16. The relation between A and T is:
Electronic transitions
The absorption of UV or visible radiation corresponds to the excitation of outer electrons. There
are three types of electronic transition which can be considered;
1. Transitions involving σ, Π and n electrons
2. Transitions involving charge-transfer electrons
3. Transitions involving d and f electrons (not covered in this Unit)
When an atom or molecule absorbs energy, electrons are promoted from their ground state to an
excited state (Figure 17). In a molecule, the atoms can rotate and vibrate with respect to each
other. These vibrations and rotations also have discrete energy levels, which can be considered as
being packed on top of each electronic level.
σ - σ* Transitions
Figure 18: Possible electronic transitions of σ, Π and n electrons
Π - Π* Transitions
Saturated compounds containing atoms with lone pairs (non-bonding electrons) are capable of n
- Π* transitions. These transitions usually need less energy than n - Π* transitions. They can be
initiated by light whose wavelength is in the range 150 - 250 nm. The number of organic
functional groups with n - Π* peaks in the UV region is small.
n - Π* and Π - Π* Transitions
Molar absorptivity from n - Π* transitions are relatively low, range from 10 to100Lmol-1cm-1. Π
- Π* transitions normally give molar absorptivity between 1000 and 10,000 L mol-1 cm-1.
Solvent Effect:The solvent in which the absorbing species is dissolved also has an effect on the
spectrum of the species. Peaks resulting from n - Π* transitions are shifted to shorter
wavelengths (blue shift) with increasing solvent polarity. This arises from increased solvation of
the lone pair, which lowers the energy of n orbital. Often the reverse (i.e. red shift) is seen for Π
- Π* transitions. This is caused by attractive polarization forces between the solvent and the
absorber, which lower the energy levels of both the excited and unexcited states. This effect is
greater for the excited state, and so the energy difference between the excited and unexcited
states is slightly reduced - resulting in a small red shift. This effect also influences n -
Π* transitions but is overshadowed by the blue shift resulting from solvation of lone pairs.
Application of UV-Spectroscopy
Where ε is extinction co-efficient, c is concentration, and b is the length of the cell that is
used in UV spectrophotometer.
absorption spectrum with the spectra of known compounds. UV absorption spectroscopy
is generally used for characterizing aromatic compounds and aromatic olefins.
Chemical kinetics: Kinetics of reaction can also be studied using UV spectroscopy. The
UV radiation is passed through the reaction cell and the absorbance changes can be
Quantitative analysis of pharmaceutical substances: Many drugs are either in the form
of raw material or in the form of formulation. They can be assayed by making a suitable
solution of the drug in a solvent and measuring the absorbance at specific wavelength.
Diazepam tablet can be analyzed by 0.5% H2SO4 in methanol at the wavelength 284 nm.
Molecular weight determination: Molecular weights of compounds can be measured
spectrophotometrically by preparing the suitable derivatives of these compounds.
For example, if we want to determine the molecular weight of amine then it is converted
in to amine picrate. Then known concentration of amine picrate is dissolved in a litre of
solution and its optical density is measured at λmax 380 nm. After this the concentration
of the solution in gm moles per litre can be calculated by using the following formula
Infrared spectroscopy exploits the fact that molecules absorb frequencies that are characteristic
of their structure. These absorptions occur at resonant frequencies, i.e. the frequency of the
absorbed radiation matches the vibrational frequency. The energies are affected by the shape of
the molecular potential energy surfaces, the masses of the atoms.
In order for a vibrational mode in a sample to be "IR active", it must be associated with changes
in the dipole moment. A permanent dipole is not necessary, as the rule requires only a change in
dipole moment.
A molecule can vibrate in many ways, and each way is called a vibrational mode. For molecules
with N number of atoms, linear molecules have 3N – 5 degrees of vibrational modes, whereas
nonlinear molecules have 3N – 6 degrees of vibrational modes (also called vibrational degrees of
freedom). As an example H2O, a non-linear molecule, will have 3 × 3 – 6 = 3 degrees of
vibrational freedom, or modes.
Simple diatomic molecules have only one bond and only one vibrational band. If the molecule is
symmetrical, e.g. N2, the band is not observed in the IR spectrum, but only in the Raman
spectrum. Asymmetrical diatomic molecules, e.g. CO, absorb in the IR spectrum. More complex
molecules have many bonds, and their vibrational spectra are correspondingly more complex, i.e.
big molecules have many peaks in their IR spectra.The atoms in a CH2X2 group, commonly
found in organic compounds and where X can represent any other atom, can vibrate in nine
different ways. Six of these vibrations involve only the CH2 portion:
symmetric and asymmetric stretching, scissoring, rocking, wagging and twisting, as shown
in Figure 19. Structures that do not have the two additional X groups attached have fewer modes
because some modes are defined by specific relationships to those other attached groups. For
example, in water, the rocking, wagging, and twisting modes do not exist because these types of
motions of the H represent simple rotation of the whole molecule rather than vibrations within it.
Figure 19: Bending vibrations in a molecule
Finger Print Region: The region to the right-hand side of the diagram (from about 1500 to 500
cm-1) usually contains a very complicated series of absorptions. These are mainly due to all
manner of bending vibrations within the molecule. This is called the fingerprint region. It is
much more difficult to pick out individual bonds in this region than it is in the "cleaner" region at
higher wavenumbers. The importance of the fingerprint region is that each different compound
produces a different pattern of troughs in this part of the spectrum.
Using the fingerprint region: Compare the infra-red spectra of propan-1-ol and propan-2-ol.
Both compounds contain exactly the same bonds. Both compounds have very similar troughs in
the area around 3000 cm-1 - but compare them in the fingerprint region between 1500 and 500
Applications of IR-Spectroscopy
Infrared spectroscopy is widely used in industry as well as in research. It is a simple and reliable
technique for measurement, quality control and dynamic measurement. It is also employed in
forensic analysis in civil and criminal analysis.
Entire IR region is divided into group frequency region and fingerprint region. Range of group
frequency is 4000-1500 cm-1 while that of finger print region is 1500-400 cm-1.
In group frequency region, the peaks corresponding to different functional groups can be
observed. According to corresponding peaks, functional group can be determined.
Each atom of the molecule is connected by bond and each bond requires different IR region so
characteristic peaks are observed. This region of IR spectrum is called as finger print region of
the molecule. It can be determined by characteristic peaks.
Identification of substances
Progress of chemical reaction can be determined by examining the small portion of the reaction
mixure withdrawn from time to time. The rate of disappearance of a characteristic absorption
band of the reactant group and/or the rate of appearance of the characteristic absorption band of
the product group due to formation of product is observed.
4. Detection of impurities
IR spectrum of the test sample to be determined is compared with the standard compound. If any
additional peaks are observed in the IR spectrum, then it is due to impurities present in the
5. Quantitative analysis
The quantity of the substance can be determined either in pure form or as a mixure of two or
more compounds. In this, characteristic peak corresponding to the drug substance is chosen and
log I0/It of peaks for standard and test sample is compared. This is called base line technique to
determine the quantity of the substance.
Notice the
absorbs at
1711 cm-1.
Acetone IR
Solved Examples
Raman Spectroscopy
Raman spectroscopy (Named after Indian physicist Sir C. V. Raman) is spectroscopic technique
used to observe vibrational, rotational, and other low-frequency modes in a system.[1] Raman
spectroscopy is commonly used in chemistry to provide a structural fingerprint by which
molecules can be identified.
Raman spectra relate to vibrational and /or roatational transitions in molecules but in different
manner.In this case we measure the scattering and not the absorption of radiation.An intense
beam of monochromatic radiation in the visible region is allowed to fall on a sample and the
intensity of scattered light is observed at right angles to the incident beam.
Raman spectroscopy reveals the chemical and structural composition of samples. Generally, all
materials produce Raman spectra, with the exception of pure metals.
Raman scattering
Raman scattering occurs when light interacts with molecular vibrations. This is similar to the
more widely known infrared absorption spectroscopy, but different rules apply. A change in
molecular polarisability is required during the vibration for the Raman effect to occur.
You will see some vibrations in the Raman spectrum that are not visible in the infrared spectrum,
and vice-versa, because of the different selection rules. For example, Raman spectroscopy is
superb for studying the carbon atoms that make up the structure of diamond, unlike infrared
absorption spectroscopy.
Scattered light
The first step in producing a Raman spectrum is to illuminate your sample with a monochromatic
light source, such as a laser.
Most of the light that scatters off is unchanged in energy ('Rayleigh scattered'). A minute
fraction—perhaps 1 part in 10 million—has lost or gained energy ('Raman scattered'). This
Raman shift occurs because photons (particles of light) exchange part of their energy with
molecular vibrations in the material.
Where energy is lost the Raman scattering is designated as 'Stokes'; where energy is gained the
Raman scattering is designated as 'anti-Stokes'. We rarely use anti-Stokes Raman light as it is
less intense than the Stokes, however it does represent equivalent vibrational information of the
Vibrating atoms
The change in energy depends on the frequency of vibration of the molecule. If it is very fast
(high frequency)—light atoms held together with strong bonds—the energy change is significant.
If it is very slow (low frequency)—heavy atoms held together with weak bonds—the energy
change is small.
Raman spectrometers
It consist of:
single or multiple lasers, from UV (244 nm) to IR (1064 nm) – switch with a single click
high quality objective lenses, from high confocal 100× to long working distance and immersion
custom designed motorised spectrometer lenses - automatically align for each configuration
laser-line-specific Rayleigh filters with a dual filter arrangement to optimise sensitivity
highest quality master diffraction gratings provide exceptional dispersion and longevity
thermoelectrically cooled (- 70 ºC) CCD detector – stable and sensitive
high specification multi-core PC for data collection and analysis
Vibration frequencies
The frequencies of vibration depend on the masses of the atoms involved and the strength of the
bonds between them. Heavy atoms and weak bonds have low Raman shifts. Light atoms and
strong bonds have high Raman shifts.
We see the high frequency carbon-hydrogen (C-H) vibrations in the polystyrene spectrum at
about 3000 cm-1. The low frequency carbon-carbon (C-C) vibrations are at around 800 cm-1. The
C-H vibrations have a higher frequency than the C-C vibrations because hydrogen is lighter than
We see the vibrations of two carbon atoms linked by strong double bonds (C=C) at around
1600 cm-1. This is at a higher frequency than two carbon atoms lined by a weaker single bond
(C-C, 800 cm-1).
When a sample is illuminated by a laser, both Raman scattering and photoluminescence (PL) can
occur. The latter can be many times stronger than the former and can prevent successful Raman
PL comprises both fluorescence and phosphorescence processes and originates from an
absorption/emission process between different electronic energy levels in the material. The
amount and type of PL depends on which material you are studying and which laser wavelength
you are using. Unwanted fluorescence interference can normally be avoided by choosing an
appropriate laser wavelength.
Energy diagram showing absorption of light and the processes involved in the emission of light
as fluorescence and phosphorescence
1Carbon Materials
3 Life Sciences
Alloy composition
Defect analysis
Contamination identification and Doping effects
Free atoms do not rotate or vibrate. For an oscillatory or a rotational motion of a pendulum, one
end has to be tied or fixed to some point. In molecules such a fixed point is the center of mass.
The atoms in a molecule are held together by chemical bonds. The rotational and vibrational
energies are usually much smaller than the energies required to break chemical bonds. The
rotational energies correspond to the microwave region of electromagnetic radiation (3x1010 to
3x1012 Hz; energy range around 10 to100J/mol) and the vibrational energies are in the infrared
region (3x1012 to 3x1014 Hz; energy range around 10kJ/mol) of the electromagnetic radiation.
For rigid rotors (no vibration during rotation) and harmonic oscillators (wherein there are equal
displacements of atoms on either side of the center of mass) there are simple formulae
characterizing the molecular energy levels. In real life, molecules rotate and vibrate
simultaneously and high speed rotations affect vibrations and vice versa
Fig. A rigid diatomic with masses m1 and m2 joined by a thin rod of length r = r1 + r2 .The
center of mass is at C.
The two independent rotations of this molecule are with respect to the two axes which pass
though C and are perpendicular to the “bond length” r. The rotation with respect to the bond
axis is possible only for “classical” objects with large masses. For quantum objects, a “rotation”
with respect to the molecular axis does not correspond to any change in the molecule as the
new configuration is indistinguishable from the old one.
The center of mass is defined by equating the moments on both segments of the molecular axis.
= (3)
Where μ, the reduced mass is given by
where L is the angular momentum, Iω where ω is the angular (rotational) velocity in radians/sec.
The energy difference between two rotational levels is usually expressed in cm . The wave number
corresponding to a given ∆E is given by
ν = ∆E /hc, cm
The selection rule for a rotational transition is, ∆ J = ± 1
∆ J = + 1 absorption
∆ J = - 1 emission
In addition to this requirement, the molecule has to possess a dipole moment, μ 0molecule
gives a rotational spectrum only if it has a permanent dipole moment As a dipolar molecule
rotates, the rotating dipole constitutes the transition dipole operator μ. Molecules such as HCl
and CO will show rotational spectra while H2, Cl2 and CO2 will not.
E j = E j =1 - E j =0 = 2B - 0 = 2B cm-1
E j = E j =2 - E j =1 = 6B - 2B = 4B cm-1
The wave numbers of the different rotational levels will be; 0, 2B, 6B, 12B, 20B, 30B (cm-1),
and so on. And the various lines in the rotational spectra will be equally spaced (separation
between lines = 2B). And for two adjacent rotational states, the energy difference is given by;
E j = E j +1 - E j = 2B (J +1) cm-1
Allowed Transition
(i) The allowed rotational energy levels of a rigid (ii) Allowed transitions between the energy levels of
diatomic molecule a rigid diatomic molecule and the spectrum
Microwave spectroscopy has been used in monitoring and control of industrial processes. It is an
ideal process analyzer as it is:
1. Non-invasive: the measurement can be made outside of the reaction chamber, eliminates the
need for sampling or physical removal of sample.
3. It analyses large sample volumes, as microwaves diffuse out from the transmitter though the
entire sample becomes lower.
Microwave spectroscopy has been used in monitoring and control of industrial processes, such
1. Materials with low dielectric constants, such as plastics, glass, ceramics and composite
4. Monitoring of the drying process in industry as it is one that is hard to monitor. For example,
huge cakes of wet material when dried in big vessels.
5. For a diatomic molecule, the moment of inertia I can be calculated with the knowledge of
frequency separation _n using the formula B = h/8_2 Ic. If the masses of the two atoms in a
diatomic molecule are known, then bond distance r can be calculated accurately using the
1. Write the Lambert-Beers’ law (absorption law) of UV-VIS spectroscopy. The solution of a
compound having concentration 0.1g/L gave 0.2 absorbance value when measured using one
cm cell. Calculate its molar absorptivity values. Given M.W of compound is 200.
2. Explain various absorption and intensity shift citing suitable examples.
3. Calculate the value of I and r of CO. B = 1.92118 cm-1.
Lecture 22
Electrochemistry is a branch of chemistry which involves the chemical changes associated with
separation of charges, usually in aqueous media. It is deals with the transformation of electrical
energy into chemical energy and vice versa.
In electrochemistry we study two type of cells
(i) Electrochemical Cell
(ii) Electrolytic Cell
(i) Electrochemical Cell: In electrochemical cell electrical energy is produced by using chemical
energy of redox reaction
(ii) Electrolytic cell: In electrolytic cell electrical energy is used to bring about chemical changes
Electrode Potential: Electrode Potential of an element is the measure of its tendency either loss
or gain electrons, when it is in contact with a solution of its own ions of unit molar concentration
at 250C. Accordingly, the electrode gets oxidized when it loses electrons, therefore lose of electron
is the direct measure to get oxidized; and this tendency is called, oxidation potential, similarly the
tendency of an electrode to gain electron is its tendency to get reduced and it is called its reduction
Electrochemical Cell: [Galvanic Cell or Voltaic Cell]: An electrochemical cell is a device in
which a chemical energy of redox reaction is utilized for the production of electric energy. Eg. :
Dry Cell, and Lead storage battery The electrode at which process of oxidation occurs, is called
anode; while the electrode at which reduction occurs, is called cathode. The most commonly used
electrochemical or galvanic cell is Daniel Cell. It consists of zinc electrode (anode) which is dipped
in ZnSO4 solution (1M) and a copper electrode (cathode), dipping in CuSO4 solution (1M) taken
in two different beakers.
Figure 20: Galvanic Cell
These two solutions are connected by means of a salt bridge which is acting as internal circuit. Salt
bridge is an inverted U-shape tube containing an aqueous solution in the semisolid form of inert
electrolyte such as KCl, KNO3, or K2SO4 (which does not react chemically during the process).
To make the solution in semisolid form some gelatin (or) agar agar is added to this aqueous
solution When the two electrodes are connected by a conducting wire, the reaction is getting start
and at two electrodes in the following manner
At Anode:
At Cathode:
Oxidation occurs at the anode and reduction at the cathode. Electrons are given out at anode which
carried to cathode through conducting wire in which voltmeter is fitted. As the electrons are
transferred from Zn to Cu electrode, accumulation of positive charge occurs around the anode due
to the formation of Zn2+ ions and negative gets accumulated around cathode as the Cu2+ gets
deposited on cathode in the form of Cu by taking electrons from the anode. The positive charge so
accumulated on anode will stop the flow of electrons from it. Similarly, accumulation of negative
charge around the cathode will prevent the electrode to accept the electrons from the anode. As the
movement of electrons in external circuit gets stopped, the current in the electrical circuit also
All this stage, the salt bridge reestablishes the electrical neutrality of the two solution in the two
half cells (electrodes). When the concentration of Zn2+ ions around the anode rises, adequet number
of negatively charged ions migrate from the salt bridge to the anode half cell. Similarly, appropriate
number of positively charged ions transferred from the salt bridge to cathode for neutralizing
superfluous negative charge due to the additional ions at the cathode. In this way salt bridge
maintains electrical neutrality in the two half cells. It allows the flow of current by completing the
electrical circuit. It also prevents intermixing of two solution as well as ions in the two half cells
Zn (s)|Zn2+(C1)||Cu2+ (C2)|Cu(s)
Anode Cathode
Electrode potential are measured in standard condition i.e at 1M conc. of electrolyte and at 298K
temperature. Nernst observed that the electrode potential varies when we change the concentration
of ions and temperature and hence the EMF (electromotive force) of the electrochemical cell also
varies. Walter Nernst (1889) derived a mathematical relationship between the standard electrode
potential, temperature and the concentration of ions. This relationship is known as the Nernst
equation. For a general reduction reaction occurring at an electrode Nernst equation can be written
as follows:
Electrode Potential
Mn+ + ne- M
𝑅𝑇 [𝑀]
𝐸=𝐸 − ln
𝑛𝐹 [𝑀 ]
Since the concentration of pure Solid is unity above reaction can be written as
𝑅𝑇 1
𝐸=𝐸 − ln
𝑛𝐹 [𝑀 ]
2.303𝑅𝑇 1
𝐸=𝐸 − log
𝑛𝐹 [𝑀 ]
T is Temperature
n is the number of electrons involved in electrode reaction
If temperature is 25 oC then by putting the values of Gas constant and Faraday constant; Nernst
equation can be rewritten as
0.0591 1
𝐸=𝐸 − log
𝑛 [𝑀 ]
Consider the Denial cell, in which following cell reaction take place
𝑅𝑇 1
𝐸 / =𝐸 / − ln
𝑛𝐹 [𝑍𝑛 ]
𝑅𝑇 1
𝐸 / =𝐸 / − ln
𝑛𝐹 [𝐶𝑢 ]
𝑅𝑇 1
𝐸=𝐸 − ln
𝑛𝐹 [𝐶𝑢 ]
Ecell={𝐸 / − ln } ̶{𝐸 / − ln }
[ ] [ ]
𝑅𝑇 [𝑍𝑛 ]
𝐸 =𝐸 − ln
𝑛𝐹 [𝐶𝑢 ]
2.303𝑅𝑇 [𝑍𝑛 ]
𝐸 =𝐸 − log
𝑛𝐹 [𝐶𝑢 ]
If the cell reaction occurs at 25oC the by putting the values of constant R and F
0.0591 [𝑍𝑛 ]
𝐸 =𝐸 − log
𝑛 [𝐶𝑢 ]
In general the Nernst equation for following cell reaction can be written as
0.0591 [𝐴 ]
𝐸 =𝐸 − log
𝑛 [𝐵 ]
Lecture 23
1. One of the major and most application of Nernst equation is measurement of ionic concentration
at respective electrode by using the following equation
0.0591 [𝐴 ]
𝐸 =𝐸 − log
𝑛 [𝐵 ]
2 . Standard cell electrode potentials: Standard electrode potential can also be measured if we know
the value of cell potential at particular concentration and temperature.
3. Comparing the relative ability as a reductive or oxidative agent by comparing the electrode
potential of respective electrodes.
4. Finding the feasibility of the combination of such single electrodes to produce electric potential.
If cell potential comes out to be negative; reaction is not feasible. If it is possible then reaction is
5. Emf of an electrochemical cell can be calculated by using the above equation
6. The pH of solutions and solubility of sparingly soluble salts can be measured with the help of
the Nernst equation.
Given: 𝐸 / =-0.44
𝐸 / =-0.76
Ecell=Ecathode ̶ Eanode
=+0.32 V
Q2.Using the Nernst equation, find 𝑬𝒐𝒄𝒆𝒍𝒍 for the following cell:
Ecell=Ecathode ̶ Eanode
0.0591 [.30]
𝐸 = 1.23 − log
6 [1.1]
Ecell = 1.247 V
Lecture 24
Electrical work done is referred to as the electrical potential of the cell multiplied by total charge
passed by the movement of electrons. For maximum work to be obtained from a galvanic cell
charge has to be passed reversibly. The reversible work done equal to decrease in Gibbs energy of
the system therefore in the case of galvanic cell maximum work done is obtained by the decreases
in Gibbs free energy of the galvanic cell. Therefore, if the emf of the galvanic cell is E(cell) and nF
is the amount of charge passed; where n is the number of electrons involved in balanced cell
reaction and F is the Faraday constant, then ΔG which is the Gibbs energy of the reaction, is
obtained by the following relation
ΔG = – nFE(cell)
ΔGo=– nFEo(cell)
According to the Gibbs-Helmholtz equation, at constant pressure decrease in free energy is given
by the following equation
According to Gibbs–Helmholtz (G-H) equation:
−Δ𝐺 = Δ𝐻 − 𝑇
Where –ΔH is the decrease in enthalpy of the cell reaction at constant pressure substituting
the value of ΔG from equation we get.
−𝑛𝐹𝐸 = Δ𝐻 − 𝑇
−𝑛𝐹𝐸 = Δ𝐻 − 𝑇𝑛𝐹
𝐸= + 𝑇𝑛𝐹
𝑛𝐹 ∂𝑇
Here n is the number of electrons involved in the cell reaction, ∂𝐸/ ∂𝑇 is called temperature
coefficient of the cell.
If temperature coefficient is zero, the electrical energy becomes equal to enthalpy of the reaction.
Δ𝐺 = Δ𝐻 − 𝑇𝑛𝐹
Δ𝑆 = 𝑛𝐹
Lecture 25
Numerical based on EMF
Q1. A voltaic cell has an Ecell value of 1.536 V. What is the concentration of Ag+ in the cell?
Given : 𝐸 / =-0.76 V
𝐸 / =0.80V
Ecell=Ecathode ̶ Eanode
=+0.1.56 V
According to Nernst equation
0.0591 [𝑍𝑛 ]
𝐸 =𝐸 − log
𝑛 [𝐴𝑔 ]
0.0591 [2.0]
1.536 = 1.56 − log
2 [𝑥]
Q2 The voltaic cell in the following cell representation has an 𝑬𝒐𝒄𝒆𝒍𝒍 =0.588 and Ecell 0.5464,
calculate chloride ion concentration in the cell.
0.0591 [𝐴𝑔 ] 𝐶𝑙
𝐸 =𝐸 − log
𝑛 𝑝
0.0591 [0.40] 𝑥
𝐸 =𝐸 − log
2 0.60
Solution: ΔG = – nFE(cell)
= -2 × 96500 × 1.018
= -1.964 × 105 J
Δ𝑆 = 𝑛𝐹
=-7.72 JK-1
−𝑛𝐹𝐸 + 𝑇𝑛𝐹 = Δ𝐻
= -1.99 × 105 J
The emf of the cell at 15 oC is 0.67531 V and temperature coefficient is 0.00065 V deg-1.
Calculate the value of ΔG, ΔH and ΔS.
Solution: Cd/CdCl2.2H2O/AgCl/Ag
Cd(s) + 2Cl˗ CdCl2 + 2e ˗
2AgCl + 2e ˗ 2Ag + 2Cl˗
Cd(s) + 2AgCl CdCl2 + 2Ag
ΔG = – nFE(cell)
= 2 × 96500 × 0.67531
= -130.335 KJ
Δ𝑆 = 𝑛𝐹
=-166.465 kJ
Q1. Derive Nernst equation. Calculate the half-cell potential at 298 K for the reaction.
Zn2+ + 2e- → Zn(S),
if [Zn2+ ] is 5.0 M and E0Zn2+/Zn= -0.76 V
Q4.Two half cell reactions with their oxidation potentials are
(i) Pb(s) – 2e– → Pb2+ (aq); E0 = -0.13 V
(ii) Ag(s) – e– → Ag+ (aq); E0 = +0.80 V
Write the cell reaction and calculate its emf.
Lecture 26
A Battery is a combination of cells arranged in series. Battery or cell used for the production of
electricity is basically a galvanic cell in which chemical energy of a redox reactions is transformed
into electrical energy.
In lead acid battery there is a group of cells either 3 or 6, each cell is of 2V. Each cell there contain
one group of positive plates made of lead peroxide (PbO2) and one group of negative plates made
of spongy lead.
1. Separator
It is the important part of battery. Separators used are porous, it allows the electrolyte to circulate
between the plates. It has high insulating resistance and mechanical strength. The material used
for separators are wood, rubber, glass wood mate, PVC.
2. Electrolyte
20% H2SO4 (Sulphuric acid) is used as an electrolyte. The concentration of H 2SO4 decreases with
discharge and is regained on charging.
3. Battery Box
Container or box battery is made up of vulcanized rubber, plastic, glass or ceramic. At the bottom
of this positive and negative plates are fixed.
4. Vent plug
The vent plug are present at the top of the cover plate of the cell which are used to fill up the
electrolyte in the cell or the inspection of internal condition of the cell the vent plugs are also use
for to exhaust the gases generated in the cell to the atmosphere.
Figure 2
When current is drown from the cell, oxidation occurs at anode where Pb is getting oxidized to
PbSO4 (The spongy lead is oxidized to Pb2+ ions and lead plates acquire a negative charge). The
electrons released at anode are utilized by the cathode where PbO 2 is getting reduced to PbSO4
Following reaction occurs during discharging
Cell potential of Lead storage cell is found to be 2.041 volt. When a potential slightly greater than
the potential of battery is applied, the battery can be re-charged. During recharging cell becomes
electrolytic cell. The electrons are supplied to the anode of the battery and thids converts the lead
sulphate to lead. At the same time, the lead sulphate at the anode is converted to lead oxide. That
is the cell reactions are reversed.
At the Anode:
PbSO + 2H O PbO + 4H+ + SO + 2e-
4 2 2 4
At the Cathode:
PbSO + 2e- Pb + SO
4 4
Process of charging and discharging are shown in the following figues.
Figure 3
Lecture 27
Corrosion is the disintegration or deterioration of material into its simpler form or constituent
atoms due to their reactions with the element present in the surroundings. It is simply the
electrochemical oxidation of metals in reaction with the elements present in the surroundings such
as oxygen. Rusting of iron is a well-known example of electrochemical corrosion. Corrosion is not
limited to the metal only but it can also found in other materials like non-metals, ceramics,
polymers etc. In simple words, corrosion is the wearing away of material due to their chemical
reaction with the surrounding. Corrosion can be defined as
Any process of deterioration or destruction and consequent loss of a solid metallic material
through an unwanted chemical or electrochemical attack by its environment at its surface is
called corrosion.
Cause of corrosion
During extraction of metals considerable amounts of energy is required. Consequently, isolated
pure metals can be regarded an excited state (higher energy state) than their corresponding ores,
and they have a natural tendency to revert back to combined state (lower energy state). Hence
when metals are put into use, in various forms, they are exposed to environment (such as dry gases,
moisture, liquids etc) and the exposed metal surfaces begin to decay (i.e. conversion into more
stable metal compounds) more or less rapidly. In other words, destruction of metal starts at its
surface. This type of metallic destruction may be due to direct chemical attack (by the
environment) or electrochemical attack.
(iii) Preventive maintenance to check the corrosion (such as coating and painting)
(v) Loss of efficiency of machines due to damage caused by corrosion
(vi) Contamination or loss of the material due to corrosion which mixed with the product(e.g. from
a corroded container)
Types of corrosion
(1) Galvanic Corrosion: This is the most common type of corrosion. Galvanic corrosion may take
place when two different metals are kept in contact. If there is sufficient difference in electrical
potential between the two metals results in corrosion of the more reactive. The larger the potential
difference between the two metals, the greater will be the galvanic corrosion. The relative areas of
the cathode and anode are also important. A much larger area of the less reactive metal accelerates
the attack. When two dissimilar metals (e.g. Zn, and Cu) are electrically connected and exposed to
an electrolyte the metal higher in electrochemical series (Low E0 values) undergoes corrosion. This
type of corrosion is called galvanic corrosion. In the above example, Zn being more reactive
(higher in electrochemical series or low E0 value) forms the anode, whereas Cu (lower in
electrochemical Series) acts as cathode.
It is due to varying concentrations or of varying aeration. It occurs when one part of metal is
exposed to a different supply of air as compare to other part i.e. differential aeration. This causes
a difference in potential between differently aerated areas. Those electrode which has limited
supply of air is acting as anode while other part is acting as cathode.
Examples: (i) when metal part is immersed in liquid then the area under the water has limited
supply of air and it becomes anode whereas that area which is above the water is acting as cathode
this type of corrosion is called water line corrosion.
Figure 4
Intense corrosion is observed occurs within crevices and other shielded areas on metal surfaces
exposed to corrosive environment. This type of corrosion is usually due to the presence of small
amount of stagnant solution caused by hoes, gasket surfaces, lap joints, surface deposits, and
crevices under bolt and rivet heads. Due to this it is called crevice corrosion.
Crevice corrosion is caused by the deposition of sand, dirt etc. The deposits acts a shield and
creates a stagnant condition thereunder. Oxygen supply is getting reduced in crevices and affect
the rate of corrosion. As differential occurs in these areas. Crevices serve as a place where deposits
and moisture can initiate the incipient stages of corrosion.
Figure 5
(4) Pitting Corrosion: Pitting is a localized corrosion. Due to this corrosion small holes are formed
at the surface of the metal. The mechanism includes the setting up of differential aeration or
concentration cell. Metal area covered by a drop of water, dust, sand, scale etc. is the aeration or
concentration cell. Pitting corrosion is explained by considering a drop of water or brine solution
(aqueous solution of NaCl) on a metal surface, (especially iron). The area which is cover up by the
drop of salt solution as less oxygenated as compare to uncoverd area. This area suffers corrosion,
the uncovered area acts as cathode due to high oxygen content. It has been found that the rate of
corrosion will be more when the area of cathode is larger and the area of the anode is smaller.
Hence there is more material around the small anodic area results in the formation hole or pit.
Figure 6
5. Pipeline corrosion: Pipeline corrosion is observed under two condition. (i) when pipelines are
passing through two different type of soil; one is more aerated and another one is less aerated. In
such condition differential aeration occurs and corrosion will be fasten up. (ii) When some part of
the pipeline is underground and some part is out of the ground.
(6) Corrosion in wire fence: A wire fence is the type of corrosion where the wires cross (anodic
) are less aerated than the rest of the fence (cathodic). Hence corrosion takes place at the wire
crossing where the part joined with each other.
(7) Microbial Corrosion: This type of corrosion is caused by micro-organisms. These micro-
organism caused modification of the local environment to a corrosive one. Aerobic bacteria create
oxygen deficient site on the metal surface which results in differential aeration. Another example
is when microbial metabolites gets deposited on the surface of a metal. They can be considered as
inert deposits on the surface, shielding the area below from the corrosive electrolyte. The area
directly under the colony will become the anode, and the metallic surface just outside the contact
area will support the reduction of oxygen reaction and become the cathode. Metal dissolution will
occur under the microbial deposit as it is acidic in nature and, in that regard, would resemble to
Another case is when microbial deposits produce components, such as inorganic and organic acids,
that will deteriorate the metal surface. Specifically, the production of inorganic acids leads to
hydrogen ion production, which may contribute to hydrogen embrittlement of the colonized metal.
In anaerobic conditions (anaerobic bacteria) bacteria can reduce the sulfate ion to produce oxygen
and the sulfide ion. The sulfide ion then combines with ferrous ions to form iron sulfide, leading
to the dissolution of the metal surface. Some other bacteria can directly reduce metal atoms to ions.
Stress Corrosion is defined as the crack formation on the metal surface due simultaneous effects
of static tensile strength and corrosion. Tensile stress is initiate from an external load, centrifugal
forces, temperature changes or internal stress persuaded by cold working, welding or heat
treatment of metal surface. The cracks are generally formed in planes normal to the tensile stress,
and they spread intergranularly or transgranularly. Corrosion fatigue is a state of metal in which
crack formation occurs when different stresses combined with corrosion.
Erosion or abrasion corrosion is due to the relative movement of corrosive fluid over a metallic
material immersed in it. In such cases, the material surface is exposed to mechanical wear zand
tear, leading to metallically clean surfaces, which increases the reactivity of the metal. Those
metals are affected most in which rate of corrosion passivated by the formation of passive oxide
layers with inferior strength and adhesion to the substrate, such as lead, copper, steel and some
aluminum alloys. When wearing particles move parallel to the material surface, the corrosion is
called abrasion corrosion. On the other hand, erosion corrosion occurs when the wearing particles
move with an angle to the substrate surface.
Selective corrosion or selective leaching found in alloys and it is more pronounced in heterogenous
alloys. Rate of corrosion is high when one of the metal is nobler as compare to others. As a result
of this less noble metal is removed from the material, leading to the formation of pores and material
experienced very low strength and ductility. However, regions that are selectively corroded are
sometimes covered with corrosion products or other deposits. This will reduces the rate of
Intergranular corrosion is the localized corrosion. The main cause of this type of corrosion is the
differences in concentration of impurities or alloying elements at the intergranular boundry. In
most cases, there is a zone of less oxygenated area s at or in the grain boundaries, which acts as an
anode, while other parts of the surface form the cathode. There is a large difference in the area of
anode and cathode, cathode area is very large as compare to anode and, therefore, the corrosion
rate is very high. The most important example of intergranular corrosion is austenitic steels. A
special form of intergranular corrosion in aluminum alloys is exfoliation corrosion. It is most
common in Al Cu Mg alloys, but it is also observed in other aluminum alloys with no copper
present. Both exfoliation corrosion and other types of intergranular corrosion are efficiently
prevented with a coating of a more resistant aluminum or commercially pure aluminum, which is
the reason alclad 2024-T3 alloy is used in most modern aircrafts alloy, such as an alclad alloy.
Figure 7. Intergranular corrosion
Lecture 28
This theory suggested that corrosion takes place due to the direct attack of corrosive species
generally gases on the metal surface. The corrosive species includes oxygen, halogen, sulphide,
inorganic liquid etc. Corrosion product is deposited in the form of insoluble precipitate or film,
which is formed on the surface of metal.
Dry or
Oxygen is the second most abundant gas in the environment after nitrogen, therefore metal easily
attack by this gas because nitrogen is almost unreactive due to the presence of triple bond between
two nitrogen atoms, at normal temperature. This type of corrosion takes place by the direct attack
of oxygen on the metal surface. It takes place in the absence of moisture. This will results in the
formation of insoluble oxide layer or film on the surface of metal,
Mechanism of corrosion
The first step is the adsorption of oxygen on the surface of metal by physical adsorption
As the temperature rises the physical adsorption changes in to chemisorption. In this metal oxidizes
in to metal ion
M M n+ + ne ̶
The electron released in the first step is taken up by the oxygen atom to get reduced in to oxide
I the final step Mn+ combine with O2 ̶ to form metal oxide (M2On)
On the surface of metal metallic oxide film is form and that metallic oxide scale forms a barrier to
restrict further oxidation of inside metal. Since size of cation (Mn+) is smaller than anion. Hence
cation will diffuse much faster than anion through the scale for continuation of oxidation. The
nature of oxide film plays very important role in oxidation corrosion.
(i) Stable oxide film: This type of oxide layer is adhered tightly to the metal surface due to the
presence of fine granules in it. It is nonporous therefore oxide ion formed cannot penetrate thus
prevent the further oxidation of metal in other words this type of oxide layer is protective in nature.
The metal which form this type of layer include Al, Cr, Cu, Pb, Sn etc.
(ii) Unstable Film: The oxide layer which is decompose back in to metal and oxygen is unstable
in nature since metal is decompose back in to its original state, rate of corrosion is minimum in
this type. Such type of oxide layer is formed by noble metals like Pt, Ag and Au.
(iii) Volatile Film: The oxide layer volatilize as soon as it is formed on the surface leaving out
fresh surface exposed which is further attacked by oxygen. Those metals in which such oxide
layer is formed undergoes rapid corrosion. In Mo2O3( Molybdenum oxide) such oxide layer is
(iv) Porous film: In some cases metal-oxide layer is porous in nature. It has several pores and
cracks through which diffusion of oxide or metal ions takes place leading to further oxidation. The
metal in which porous oxide layer is formed includes alkali and alkaline earth metals.
Metal oxide film formed on the surface of metal is protective or not can be measured by the Pilling-
Bedworth Rule
Pilling-Bedworth Rule
The term Pilling-Bedworth ratio was put forward by two Scientist N. Pilling and E. Bedworth in
1923. The oxide layer which is formed on the surface of metal is protective or nonprotective in
nature can be determined by this. It is given by the following expression
Pilling-Bedworth ratio=
According to this rule “an oxide is protective or non-porous, if the volume of the oxide is higher
than the volume of the metal from which it is formed”. On the other hand, “if the volume of the
oxide is less than the volume of metal, the oxide layer is porous (or non-continuous) and hence,
non-protective, because it cannot prevent the access of oxygen to the fresh metal surface below”.
Thus, alkali and alkaline earth metals (like Li, K, Na, Mg) form oxides of volume less than the
volume of metals. Consequently, the oxide layer faces stress and strains, thereby developing cracks
and pores in its structure. Porous oxide scale permits free access of oxygen to the underlying metal
surface (through cracks and pores) for fresh action and thus, corrosion continues non-stop. Metals
like Aluminium forms oxide, whose volume is greater than the volume of metal. Consequently, an
extremely tightly-adhering non-porous layer is formed. Due to the absence of any pores or cracks
in the oxide film, the rate of oxidation rapidly decreases to zero.
Other gases also responsible for corrosion like SO 2, halogens, H2S, etc.
(i) Hydrogen Embrittlement: Ductility and malleability of metals generally decreases in the
presence of hydrogen, this phenomenon is called hydrogen embrittlement.
Mechanism: This type of corrosion takes place when a metal is exposed to environment of
hydrogen. Iron liberates atomic hydrogen with hydrogen sulphide in the following way.
Fe + H2S → FeS + 2H
The hydrogen liberated diffuses into the metal surface and gets collected in the voids or interstitial
spaces present inside the metal. Accumulation of this hydrogen gas in the voids develops very high
pressure, causing cracking or blistering of metal.
(ii) Decarburisation: When steel is exposed to hydrogen environment at high temperature, atomic
hydrogen is formed. The carbon present in the steel reacted with this atomic hydrogen to form
hydrocarbon. This results in the depletion of carbon in the steel this process is called
Decarburization. Following reactions takes place in this
H2 2H
Atomic hydrogen reacts with the carbon of the steel and produces methane gas.
C + 4H → CH4
Again accumulation of methane gas in the voids of steel develops high pressure, which causes
cracking. Thus, steel loses its strength.
2. Corrosion by Halogens
(i) Chlorine gas attacks on silver metal surface to form protective silver halide film which prevent
further attack.
(ii) Chlorine gas attacks on Sn to form porous SnCl 4 film which is non protective leading to further
3. Liquid metal corrosion: This is due to chemical action of flowing liquid metal at high
temperatures on solid metal or alloy. Such corrosion occur in devices used for nuclear power.
Liquid sodium is used as heat transfer media in nuclear reactor. The corrosion reaction involves
(i) Dissolution of a solid metal by a liquid metal or
(ii) Internal penetration of the liquid metal into the solid metal.
Both these modes of corrosion cause weakening of the solid metal.
(II) Electrochemical Corrosion or Wet Corrosion
This type of corrosion takes place when moisture is present in the environment.
Such type of corrosion occurs when
(a) There is presence of moisture in the environment
(b) Two different metals are in contact with the solution.
Electrochemical corrosion involves:
(i) The formation of anodic and cathodic areas or parts in contact with each other
(ii) Presence of a conducting medium
(iii) Formation of corrosion product somewhere between anodic and cathodic areas.
Reaction at Anode
At anode oxidation reaction takes place (liberation of free electron), Metal undergoes dissolution
by losing electrons. Metal gets oxidised
M Mn+ + ne ̶
Reactions at Cathode:
At cathode electrons are accepted by the oxygen or hydrogen which was released by the metals at
anode. Reactions at cathode depends upon the nature of the nature of environment.
(a) Hydrogen Evolution: This reaction takes place in the absence of oxygen.
Acidic Medium:
2H+ + 2e ̶ H2
2H2O + 2e ̶ H2 + 2OH
Example Rusting of iron takes place in acidic medium and in the absence of oxygen.
Fe Fe2+ + 2e ̶
2H+ + 2e ̶ H2
Acidic Medium
4H+ + O2 + 4e ̶ 2H2O
½ O2 + H2O + 2 e- → 2OH ̶
The Fe2+ ions and OH- ions diffuse and when they meet, ferrous hydroxide is precipitated.
(i) If enough oxygen is present, ferrous hydroxide is easily oxidized to ferric hydroxide.
(ii) If the supply of oxygen is limited, the corrosion product may be even black anhydrous
magnetite, Fe3O4 .
Figure 8. Mechanism of electrochemical Corrosion
Lecture 29
The process of corrosion is very harmful and destructive, its prevention is necessary. It can not be
completely eradicated but can be prevented up to some extent by the use of certain methods and
techniques. Some of them are listed below
(i) Use of noble metals such as gold and platinum. However these are very expensive therefore
their use is limited.
(ii) Use of pure metal. But in most of the instances it is impossible to make a metal of high chemical
purity. Hence, even a trace amount of impurity leads to corrosion.
(iii) Use of corrosion resistant alloys. Various corrosion resistant alloys have been used to rectify
the problem.
2. By Proper Designing of the structure: Proper designing plays an important role in the control
of corrosion of metallic equipments and structures. The general guidelines of the design of
materials and components to control corrosion are the following:
Metal washers should be replaced by rubber or plastic washers as they do not adsorb water.
They also act as insulation.
3. Cathodic Protection: Since metal dissolution takes place at anode, corrosion of metal can be
prevented by making metallic structure as cathode in the electrolytic cell, it is called cathodic
protection. Since there will not be any anodic area on the metal, corrosion does not occur. There
are two methods of applying cathodic protection to metallic structures.
(i) Sacrificial anodic protection (galvanic protection) (ii) Impressed current cathodic protection
In this method, the metallic structure to be protected is made cathode by connecting it with more
reactive metal which is acting as anode. Hence, corrosion will occurs only on the active metal. The
main structure is thus protected. The more active metal used is called sacrificial anode. The
corroded sacrificial anode block is replaced by a fresh one. Metals commonly employed as
sacrificial anodes are magnesium, zinc, aluminium and their alloys.
In this method, an impressed current is used in opposite direction to reverse the corrosion current
and convert the corroding metal from anode to cathode. Usually the impressed current is derived
from a direct current sources (like battery or rectifier on AC line) with an imsoluble, inert anode
(like graphite, scrap iron, stainless steel, platinum or high silica iron). A sufficient DC current is
applied to an inert anode, buried in the soil (or immersed in the corroding medium) and connected
to the metallic structure to be protected. This kind of protection technique is particularly useful for
large structures for long term operations.
Figure 9
Lecture 43
Environment plays a major role in the corrosion of metals. Hence, we can prevent corrosion to a
great extent by modifying the environment. Some of the methods are
(i) Deaeration: Water contains some dissolved oxygen. This oxygen is harmful and increases the
corrosion rate of metallic structure. Deaeration is the process in which we remove excess of oxygen
from water. This can be done by increasing the temperature of water and by mechanical agitation.
It also removes dissolved carbon dioxide in water.
(ii) By using inhibitors: Inhibitors are organic or inorganic substances which decrease the rate of
corrosion. Usually the inhibitors are added in small quantities to the corrosive medium. Inhibitors
are classified into
(a) Anodic Inhibitors: Inhibitors which retard the corrosion of metals by forming a compound
which get adsorbed on the metal surface forming a passive film or barrier surface which prevent
the corrosion. Anodic inhibitors are used to repair the crack of the oxide film over the metal
surface and the pitting corrosion the porous oxide film formed on the metal surface. Examples:
Chromate, phosphate, tungstate, nitrate, molybdate etc.
(b) Cathodic Inhibitors: Depending on the nature of the cathodic reaction, cathodic inhibitors are
classified into
In an acidic solution: the main cathodic reaction is the liberation of hydrogen gas, the corrosion
can be controlled by slowing down the diffusion of H+ ions through the cathode.
2H+ + 2e- H2
In a neutral solution: in a neutral solution, the cathodic reaction is the adsorption of oxygen or
formation of hydroxyl ions. The corrosion is therefore controlled either by eliminating oxygen
from the corroding medium or by retarding its diffusion to the cathodic area. The dissolved oxygen
can be eliminated by adding reducing agents like Na2SO3. The diffusion of oxygen can be
controlled by adding inhibitors like Mg, Zn or Ni salts. Eg., Na 2SO3 , N2H4 , Salts of Mg, Zn or
(c) Vapour phase inhibitors: These are organic inhibitors which are readily vapourised and form
a protective layer on the metal surface. These are conveniently used to prevent corrosion in closed
spaces, storage containers, packing materials, sophisticated equipments etc. Examples are
Dicyclohexylammonium nitrate, dicyclohexyl ammonium chromate, benzotriazole,
phenylthiourea etc.
5. Anodic Protection
This is an electrochemical method of corrosion prevention in this method a passive oxide layer is
grown on the surface of the metal which prevent the further corrosion of the metal. Potentiostat is
use for this purpose. Potentiostat shift the corrosion potential into passive potential so that the
corrosion of the metal is stopped.
6. Protective Coatings
Corrosion is caused by the attack of atmospheric gases like oxygen to the metal surface. To prevent
this attack we need a barrier, coatings provide a physical barrier between metal surface and
Classification: Protective coatings can be broadly classified into two types. They are
a. Inorganic coatings
b Organic coatings
Inorganic coatings are further classified into two types. They are
Corrosion of metals can be prevented or controlled by using methods like galvanization, tinning,
metal cladding, electroplating, anodizing, phosphate coating, chromate coatings, electro-plating
(a) Dipping method: It is used for producing a coating of those metals which have low-melting
points like as Zn, Sn, Na, Pb, Al etc. on iron, steel and copper which have relatively higher melting
points. The process in immersing the base metal in a bath of the molten coating-metal, covered by
a molten flux layer (usually zinc chloride).
(b) Galvanizing: In this method less reactive metals are coated with more reactive metals like iron
or steel sheets with is coated with a thin coat of zinc to prevent them from rusting.
(c) Metal cladding: In this method metal which we want to protect is sandwiched between the
layers of metal which is used to protect the metal. This structure is subjected to pass through roller
at high temperature and pressure resulting in the formation of fine layer of protective metal.
Corrosion resistant metals like nickel, copper, lead, silver, platinum and alloys like SS, nickel
alloys, copper alloys, lead alloys can be used as cladding materials.
(d) Tinning: It is a method of coating tin over the iron or steel articles. The process is first treating
steel sheet in dilute sulphuric acid and it is passed through a flux (ZnCl2), next steel passes through
a tank of molten tin and finally through a series of rollers from underneath (bottom of) the surface
of a layer of palm oil.
Lecture 44
Phase Rule
Phase rule is given by Willard Gibbs (1874), states that “If the equilibrium between any number
of phases is not influenced by gravity, or electrical, or magnetic forces, or by surface action but
are influenced only by temperature, pressure and concentration, then the number of degrees of
freedom (F) of the system is related to the number of components (C ) and number of phases (P)
by thefollowing phase rule equation :
(a) Phase (P):- A phase is defined as a homogenous, physically distinct and mechanically
separable portion of system, which is separated from other homogeneous parts of the system by a
definite boundary.
Ex:- (1) In a container, the water system contains 3 phases, ice(solid), water (liquid) and water
vapor (gas) in equilibrium.
(2) Air is a mixture of different gases it constitute one phase system as these gases form
homogenous system.
(3) Mixture of two or more gases and a mixture of two or more miscible liquids form homogenous
system, in such systems, phase is one i,e, P=1. A system consisting of only one phase is said
to be homogeneous. Sugar in water, salt in water and ethanol in water possess one phase
(4) Two immiscible liquids, two solids, solid-gas, solid-liquid and liquid-gas constitute two
different phases. For example when C6H6 and water are mixed, they form two distinct layers,
which are physically distinct and mechanically separable, so in such systems, two phases are
(5) In case of solids each solid constitute one phase. For a mixture of solids, there will be as many
phases as the number of solids present in a system at equilibrium; for example, when CaCO 3
is heated it decomposes, giving CaO and CO2. At the equilibrium, we have 2 solid phases and
one gaseous phase. Therefore it constitute 2 phase system.
(b) Components (C):- Component is defined as “the smallest number of independently variable
constituents, by means of which the composition of each phase can be defined completely
expressed in the form of a chemical equation”.
In the above equation, 3 phases are present. there are 2 solid phases and one gaseous phase. The
number of independently variable constituents are 3 but the composition of each phase can be
expressed in terms of any two variables of the constituents, Hence it is a two component system.
Phase Composition
CaCO3 CaO + CO2
CaO CaO + ‘0’CO2
CO2 CO2 +‘0’CaO
(ii) If the two constituent chosen are CaO and CaCO 3
Phase Composition
CaCO3 “0”CaO + CaCO3
CaO CaCO3 + “0”CaO
CO2 CaCO3 - CaO
Since at least 2 out of 3 constituents are required to represent the composition of all the phases,
the system is a two component system, i,e., C=2.
For a system consisting of water in contact with its vapor, Water vapor (g) Water (l) We must state
either the temperature (or) pressure to define it completely .Hence, degree of freedom is one (or)
system is univarianti,e, F=1. (iii) For a gaseous mixture of N 2 and H2 we must state the pressure
and temperature, because if P and T are fixed, the volume automatically becomes definite. Hence,
for a gaseous system, two factors must be stated in order to define it completely and thus, it has
two degrees of freedom (or) system is bivariant i.e. F = 2.
Uses of phase rule
(1) Phase rule provides a convenient basis for classification of systems with the help of phases,
components, degrees of freedom.
(2) The phase rule indicates that different systems having same degrees of freedom behave in a
similar fashion.
(3) It is applied to macroscopic systems here information about molecular structure is not required.
(1) The phase rule can be applied only for systems in equilibrium. It is not applicable to system
which attain equilibrium at a later stage.
(2) All the phases must be present under same conditions of temperature and pressure.
(3) Only three degrees of freedom are allowed to influence the equilibrium system.
Phase Diagram: It may be defined as a plot showing the conditions of pressure and temperature
(or temperature and composition) under which two or more physical states of a system can exist
together in a state of dynamic equilibrium.
Lecture 45
Water exist in the three phases i.e. solid, liquid and gas. It is a one component system. In this all
the three phases can exists in equilibrium.
The phase diagram of water system consists of lines (or) curves, regions (or) areas and triple point
(Figure 30).
(1) Areas (or) Regions: The phase diagram of water system consists of 3 regions namely AOB,
AOC and BOC.
(a) AOB Curve: Represents water in vapor phase only.
(b) AOC Curve: Represents water in liquid phase only.
(C) BOC Curve: Represents waster in solid state i.e. ice phase only.
Consider a point in the area AOC, by increasing both temperature and pressure simultaneously
it moves to another point in the same area (AOC). There is no change in the number of phases
even though two variables are changed simultaneously. Thus pressure and temperature are the
two quantities to define the system completely at any point in area, so the system represented
by area has two degree of freedom or it is bivariant. Then according to phase rule:
C =1 P = 1 F = C – P + 2 = 1 - 1 + 2; F = 2.
(2) Line (or) curves: The phase diagram of water system consists of 4 curves OA, OB, OC and
(A) OA CURVE: This is called vapor pressure curve of water. In this curve an equilibrium is
maintained between liquid water and water vapor at different temperatures. The starting point
of the curve is “O” and ends at “A” to analyze the curve, consider any point on the curve. For
a particular value of pressure, temperature will be fixed, and it lied on the OA curve. So to
define the system, completely, it is necessary to mention either pressure (or) temperature.
Thus water vapor system is univariant (or) has one degree of freedom. It may also be shown
by phase rule equation.
(B) OB Curve: This is called sublimation curve. It represents the equilibrium between the water
in solid state and vapor state at different temperatures. The starting point of the curve is “O”
and ends at “B” from the diagram it is clear that for a particular value of temperature there is
only value of pressure that can be possible. Similarly, for each pressure, there is only one
temperature at which both the phases co- exist. Thus, solid, vapor equilibrium is univariant.
P = 2; C = 1 F = C-P+2 = 1-2+2; F = 1.
(C) OC curve: This is the melting point or fusion curve of solid curve. It represents the equilibrium
between solid and liquid phase of water. The starting point of the curve is “O” and ends at
“C”. It is to be noted that it has negative slope, which shows that expansion takes place on
freezing of water and melting point of ice is increased by increase of pressure. At any point
of the curve two phases are in equilibrium this system is univariant system or has one degree
of freedom. It may also be shown by phase rule equation.
(3) Triple point: Triple point is that point at which all the three phases of water are in equilibrium
with each other. In this water system, it is represented by the “O” where the three curves OA, OB
and OC meet together. At point ‘O‘ temperature and pressure are fixed at 0.00980c and 4.58 mm
respectively. Since on changing either, temperature or pressure, one of the phase disappears. So
the system has Zero degree of freedom, or invariant at the point “O” this can be shown by phase
rule equation also,
C = 1 P = 3 F = C – P + 2 = 1 – 3 +2; F = 0.
(4) Metastable curve: The dotted curve of OA is a continuation of the solid OA curve and
represents the vapor pressure (Vaporization) curve of super cooled water. This curve is known as
Meta stable curve. This shows that water can exist in solid phase below its freezing point. It is
highly unstable state. When slight disturbance is there the super cooled phase at once change to
solid, ice and the curve merges into OB.
Hardness of water
Hardness is due to presence of Ca and Mg salts in water. Generally, salts like chlorides,
bicarbonates and sulfates of Ca, Mg, and Fe makes water hard. Water passes through rocks and
flows on the ground. The calcium, magnesium and iron salts that are present in the rocks are
dissolved in water and make it hard. A sample of hard water, when treated with soap (sodium
stearate) doesn‘t produce lather, but forms a white scum or precipitate. This precipitate is
formed, due to the formation of insoluble soaps of calcium and magnesium. Typical reactions of
soap (sodium stearate) with calcium chloride and magnesium sulphate are depicted as follows:
Thus, water which does not produce lather with soap solution readily, but forms white
precipitate, is called hard water‘. Thus the cause of hardness is this insoluble precipitation of
soap, which prevents lathering. On the other hand, water which lathers easily on shaking with
soap solution, is called soft water. Such water, consequently, does not contain dissolved calcium,
magnesium and iron salts in it.
Types of Hardness
(a) Temporary hardness (carbonate hardness): The hardness that can be removed simply
by boiling is called the temporary hardness. It is due to the presence of dissolved
bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium ions. Temporary hardness is mostly destroyed
by boiling of water, when bicarbonates are readily precipitated, yielding insoluble
carbonates or hydroxides, which are deposited as a crust at the bottom of the vessel.
(b) Permanent (or) Non – carbonate hardness: Permanent hardness cannot be removed by
boiling. It is due to the presence of chlorides and sulphates of calcium, magnesium ions
and other heavy metals. These salts cannot be removed easily on boiling. They are
removed by different other methods.
Units of Hardness:
Although hardness of water is never present in the form of CaCO3 because it is insoluble in
water, hardness of water is conveniently expressed in terms of equivalent amount of CaCO3 The
reason for choosing CaCO3 as the standard for reporting – hardness of water is the case in
calculations as its molecular weight is exactly 100. Morever, it is the most insoluble salt that can
be precipitated in water treatment.
3. Calculate the carbonate hardness and non carbonate hardness of a sample of water
containing the dissolved salts in one litre of hard water as given below also calculate the
total hardness/ Ca(HCO3)2 = 32.4mg; CaSO4 = 13.6mg; MgCl2 = 19.00mg; Mg(HCO3)2 =
Disadvantages of Hard Water
Difficulties in domestic uses: Since, hard water does not form lather easily with soap, it
creates difficulties in washing, cooking and bathing. Lot of soap gets wasted as it forms
white insoluble precipitate that can deposit in different surfaces such as buckets, body,
clothes, utensils etc. It is also harmful for health if consumed as drinking water.
(c) The increase in the temperature can lead to reactions that result in the formation of
Sludge: Sludge is a soft, loose and slimy deposit formed within the boiler as shown in
Figure 31. Sludge can easily scrap off with a wire brush. It is formed at comparatively
colder portions of the boiler and collects in areas of the system, where the flow rate is slow
or at bends. Sludge is formed by substances which have greater solubility in hot water than
in cold H2O. Example: MgCO3, MgCl2, CaCl2, MgSO4 etc.
Figure 31: Scale and sludge
Disadvantages of sludge formation
(1) Sludge is poor conductor of heat, so they tend to waste a portion of heat generated.
(2) If sludge are formed along with scales, then former gets entrapped in the lather and
both get deposited as scales.
(3) Excessive sludge formation disturbs the working of the boiler. It settles in the
regions of poor water circulation, such as pipe connection, plug opening, thereby
causing even choking of the pipes.
Prevention of sludge formation
(1) By using well softened water.
Scales: Scales are hard deposits, which stick very firmly to the inner surface of the boiler.
Scales are difficult to remove even with the help of hammer and chisel. Scales are the
main source of boiler troubles. Scales may be formed inside the boiler due to:
However scale composed chiefly of calcium carbonate is soft and is the main cause of
scale formation in low – pressure boilers but in high pressure boilers, CaCO3 is
(ii) Deposition of calcium sulphate: The solubility of CaSO4 in water decreases with
rise of temperature. Thus, solubility of CaSO4 is 3200ppm at 150°C and it reduces to
55ppm at 300°C and 27 ppm at 320°C. In other words, CaSO4 is soluble in cold water,
but almost completely insoluble in super heated water. Consequently, CaSO4 gets
precipitated as hard scale on the boiler. This is the main cause of scales in high –
pressure boilers.
Removal of Scales:
1. Loosely adhering scales can be removed with the help of scrapper, wire brush.
2. Brittle scales can be removed by thermal shocks.
3. If they are adherent and hard, they can be dissolved them by adding chemicals
such as 5-10% HCl.
The iron surrounded by dilute NaOH behaves as cathode while the iron in contact with
concentrated NaOH becomes anode which is consequently dissolved or corroded.
Prevention of Caustic embrittlement:
(1) By using sodium phosphate (Na3PO4) as softening reagent, instead of sodium
carbonate (Na2CO3)
(2) Neutralizing alkali (NaOH) with a very small amount of acid
(3) By adding tannins or lignin to boiler water since these blocks the hair cracks, thereby
preventing infiltration of caustic soda solution in these.
(4) By adding small amount of Na2SO4 to boiler water in order to block small hair
cracks at stressed areas.
When steam is produced rapidly in the boilers, some droplets of the liquid water are carried
along with the steam. This process of wet steam formation is called priming. Priming is
caused due to:
(a) The presence of considerable quantities of dissolved solids (mainly – due to suspended
impurities and due to dissolved impurities in water)
(b) Steam velocities high to carry droplets of water into the steam pipe.
(c) Sudden boiling
(d) Improper or faulty design of boiler
(e) Sudden increase in steam production rate.
Foaming: Foaming is the formation of small but persistent foam or bubbles at the water
surface in boilers, which do not break easily. Foaming is caused by the presence of oil and
alkalis in boiler feed water. Actually oils and alkalis react to form soaps which greatly towers
the surface tension of water and thus increase the foaming tendency of the liquid.
Zeolite process
Zeolites are hydrated sodium alumino silicates capable of exchanging its sodium ions with
hardness producing cations in water.
(i) Natural Zeolites:These are amorphous and non porous in nature. They are derived from green
sand by washing, heating and treating with NaOH. E.g. Natrolite- Na2O Al2O3.4SiO2.2H2O
(ii) Synthetic Zeolites: These are porous and are prepared by heating together solutions of
sodium silicate, sodium aluminate and aluminiumsulphate.
Zeolites can be represented as Na2Z from which Na can easily be replaced by Ca and Mg ions
present in hard water.
Hard water is percolated through Zeolite bed in a cylindrical tank. Sodium ions are replaced by
Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions to form CaZ and MgZ. After sometimes the bed gets exhausted. At this stage
supply of water is stopped and regeneration is carried out by passing 10% brine solution.
1. Turbid water cannot be used-the suspendedimpurities will clog the pores of zeolite.
2. Mineral acids should be removed/neutralized mineralacids destroy the zeolite.
4. Zeolite treatment replaces only the cations like Mg2+and Ca2+, leaving all the anions like
HCO3-and CO32-in the soft water
Ion – exchange resins are insoluble, cross – linked, long chain organic polymers with a micro
porous structure, and the functional groups attached to the chains are responsible for the ion –
exchanging properties. Resins containing acidic functional groups (-COOH, SO3H etc.) are
capable of exchanging their H+ ions with other cations, which comes in their contact, whereas
those containing basic functional groups (-OH) are capable of exchanging their anions, which
comes in their contact. The ion – exchange resins may be classified as:
(i) Cation Exchange resins (RH+): These are mainly sulphonated styrene copolymers.
These are capable to exchange their hydrogen ions with the cations, in the water (Figure
Process: The hard water is passed first through cation exchange column, which removes all the
cations as Ca+2, Mg+2 etc. form it, and equivalent amount of H+ ions are released from this
column to water. Thus:
After cation exchange column the hard water is passed through anion exchange column, which
removes all the anions like etc. present in the water and equivalent amount of OH- ions are
released from this column to water, thus; SO-2, CO-3
H+ and OH– ions (released from cation exchange and anion exchange columns respectively) get
combined to produce water molecule. Thus, water coming out from the exchanger is free from
cations as well as anions. Ion free water is known as deionized or demineralised water.
Regeneration: When ion exchange capacities of cation and anion exchangers are lost, they are
then said to be exhausted. The exhausted cation exchange column is regenerated by passing a
solution of dil. HCl (or) dil. H2SO4. The column is washed with deionized water and washing
(which contains Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl– SO42- ions) is passed to sink or drain. The exhausted anion
exchange column is regenerated by passing a solution of dil. NaOH. The regeneration can be
represented as:
The column is washed with deionized water and washing (which contains Na+ and SO42- or Cl-
ions) is passed to sink or drain. The regenerated ion exchange resins are then used again.
Figure 32: Diagrammatic representation of Ion exchange column
(a) The process can be used to soften highly acidic or alkaline water.
(b) It produces water of very low hardness (say 2ppm). So it is very good for treating water for
use in high pressure boilers.
(b) If water contains turbidity then the output of the process is reduced. The turbidity must be
below 10ppm.
Lime [Ca(OH)2] and soda [Na2CO3] are the reagents used to precipitate the dissolved salts of
• Lime reacts with temporary hardness, CO2, acids, bicarbonates and alums.
• Lime cannot remove the calcium permanent hardness which should be removed by soda.
• The precipitation reactions with lime and soda are very slow.
• Only calculated amounts of lime and soda are to be added. Excess amount of lime & soda
This process is carried out in tank provided with mechanical stirrers for through mixing.
Calculated quantities of lime and soda are added to the water tank and thoroughly mixed.
Required amount of a coagulant is also added to facilitate settling down of the precipitate. It
takes about 2 hrs for the precipitate to settle down completely at the bottom of the tank, when it
kept undisturbed. The softened water from the top is drawn out using pump and passed through
sand filters. The sludge formed at the bottom is removed and cleaned with water. Now the tank is
ready for another batch of operation.
Figure 33
(2) Continuous Process: Raw water and calculated quantities of chemical (lime + Soda+
Coagulants) are fed from the top into the inner vertical chamber, fitted with a vertical rotating
stirrer carrying a number of blades. As the raw water and chemical flow down, there is a
vigorous stirring and continuous mixing, whereby softening of water takes place. As the softened
water comes into the outer co – axial chamber, it rises upwards. The heavy sludge settles down
in the outer chamber by the time the softened water reaches up. The softened water then passes
through a filtering media (usually made of wood) to ensure complete removal of sludge. Filtered
soft water finally flows out continuously through the outlet at the top. Sludge settl- ling at the
bottom of the outer chamber is drawn off occasionally.
Figure 34
(B) Hot Lime – Soda Process: This process is operated at a higher temperature of 90 – 100ºC.
The following advantages result from the use of the high temperature of operation.
(i) The reaction rate is increased and the softening reaction is completed in about 15 minutes.
(ii) Sludge settles faster and the addition of coagulants is not required.
The softening unit consists essentially of a reaction cum settling tank and a filtering set up. The
filtering bed consists of sand/ gravels anthracite coal, calcite or magnesite. The use of sand beds
in alkaline water will result in contamination of dissolved silica. If slight excess of chemical are
used over that theoretically required, not only the process is fasted bed also complete removal of
hardness is achieved.
Figure 35
If on other hand, a larger excess of chemicals is used they will be carried through to the softened
water and hence decreases its quality. The L-S plants do not completely – remove the hardness
and the residual hardness is generally 15 – 30ppm.
MgCO3 84 42 100/84
CO2 44 22 100/44
OH 41 17 100/34
CO23 60 30 100/60
NaAlO2 82 82 100/164
H+ 1 1 100/2
• The amount expressed as CaCO3 does not require any further conversion. However, the amount
expressed as MgCO3 should be converted into its CaCO3 equivalents by multiplying with 100/84
• The amount of lime and soda required are calculated as follows. Lime = (74/100) {temporary
calcium hardness + (2 × temporary magnesium hardness) + Perm Mg hardness + CO2 + HCl +
H2SO4 + HCO–3 + salts of Fe2+, Al3+ – NaAlO2)
• Soda = (106/100) {Perm Ca hardness + Perm Mg hardness + salts of Fe2+, Al3+ + HCl + H2SO4 +
HCO–3 + –NaAlO2}
• If Ca2+ and Mg2+ is given, 1 equivalent of lime and 1 equivalent of soda is required for
Mg2+ whereas 1 equivalent of soda is required for Ca2+.The ions Ca2+ and Mg2+ are treated as
permanent hardness due to Ca and Mg.
• If the lime and soda used are impure and if the percentage purity is given, then the actual
requirements of the chemicals should be calculated accordingly. Thus, if lime is 90% pure, then
the value obtained in step (6) must be multiplied by 100/90 to get actual lime requirement.
Similarly, if the soda is 95% pure then the value obtained in step (6) is multiplied by 100/95 to
get actual soda requirement.
• The value obtained in step (6) is also multiplied by the volume of water which has to be purified.
Thus, the final formula for calculating the amount of lime or soda required is given as:
Lime = (74/100) {temporary calcium hardness + (2 × temporary magnesium hardness) + Perm Mg
hardness + CO2 + HCl + H2SO4 + HCO–3 + salts of 100 Fe2+, Al3+ – NaAlO2} × 100/% purity ×
volume of water
Soda = (106/100) {Perm Ca hardness + Perm Mg hardness + salts of Fe2+, Al3+ + HCl + H2SO4 –
HCO–3 – NaAlO2} × 100/% purity x volume of water.
1. Calculate the amount of lime and soda required to soften 25,000 litres of water having following
Ca(HCO3)2 4.86 ppm; Mg(HCO3)2 = 7.3 ppm; CaSO4 = 6.8 ppm; MgCl2 = 5.7 ppm;
MgSO4 = 9.0 ppm; SiO2 = 3.5 ppm; NaCl= 5.85 ppm.
2. Calculate the quantity of lime and soda required for softening 50,000 litres of water containing
the following salts per litre
Ca(HCO3)2 = 8.1 mg; Mg(HCO3)2 = 7.5 mg; CaSO4 = 13.6 mg; MgSO4 = 12.0 mg MgCl2= 2.0
mg; and NaCI = 4.7mg.
3. Calculate the amount of lime (84°/s pure) and soda (92% pure) required for treatment of 20,000
litres of water, whose analysis is as follows:
Ca(HCO3)2 40.5 ppm; Mg(HCO3)2 = 36.5 ppm; MgSO4 = 30.0 ppm; CaSO4 = 34.0 ppm;
CaCl2 = 27.75 ppm; and NaCl = 10.00 ppm. Also calculate the temporary & permanent
hardness of water sample. (L = 1.762 Kg; S = 1.728 Kg; temp. 50 ppm; p = 75 ppm).
4. Calculate the amounts of lime and soda needed for softening 100,000 litres of water containing
HCI =7.3 mg/L; Al = 34.2 mg/L; MgC12 9.5 mg/L :NaCl 29.25 mg/L .
5. A water sample using FeSO4 as a coagulant at the rate of 278 ppm, gave following data on
analysis for raw water:
Ca2+ = 240 ppm; Mg2+ = 96 ppm; CO2 = 44 ppm HCO3- = 732 ppm,
Calculate the lime and soda required to soften 250,000 litres of water.
6. Calculate the quantities of lime and soda required for softening 300,000 litresof water, using 20
ppm of sodium aluminate as a coagulant. Impurities in water are as follows
Ca2+ = 160 ppm; Mg2+ = 96 ppm; HCO3- = 403 ppm, dissolved CO2 34 ppm.
7. Calculate the amount of lime and soda required to soften 10,000 litres of water containing the
following ions per litre.
Mg2+ 4.8 mg Ca2+ = 16.0 mg; HCO3- = 73.2 mg.
8. Calculate the cost of lime and soda required for softening 1 million litres of water containing:
Mg(HCO3)2 = 73 mg/L; MgSO4 = 120 mg/L; CaSO4 = 68 mg/L; CaCl2 = 111 mg/L. The cost
of lime of 80% purity is Rs. 200 per 100kg and that of soda of 90% purity is Rs. 120 per
9. Explain with chemical equation and calculate the amount of lime (94% pure) and soda (80%
pure) needed for softening 20,000L of water containing the following salts: CaSO4 = 40.8mg/L,
MgCl2 = 19.0mg/L, Mg(HCO3)2 = 14.6mg/L, Ca(HCO3)2 = 16.2mg/L. If 10% of chemicals are
to used in excess in order to complete the reaction quickly.\
Reverse osmosis
The flow of solvent from a region of low concentration to region of high concentration when two
solutions of different concentrations are separated by a semi permeable membrane is known as
osmosis. Osmotic pressure is the hydrostatic pressure which must be applied to the solution of
higher concentration, in order to just prevent osmosis.
Reverse osmosis: If a hydrostatic pressure in excess of osmotic pressure is applied to the high
concentration side, the flow of solvent gets reversed and this process is called Reverse osmosis.
Figure 36
Water treatment plants and systems are now adapting reverse osmosis to address some of these
concerns. In Perth, Australia (notably dry and arid, yet surrounded by sea), nearly 17 percent of
the area's drinking water is desalinated sea water that comes from a reverse osmosis plant.
Worldwide, there are now over 13,000 desalination plants in the world, according to the
International Desalination Association.But while knowing that reverse osmosis can convert
seawater to drinking water is useful, what we really need to understand is how the heck the
Fuel is a combustible substance which during combustion gives large amount of heat. There are
chemical fuels, nuclear fuels and fossil fuels.
Classification of Fuels
These can be classified on the basis of their occurrence and physical state
Primary Fuels: Fuels which occur in nature as such are called primary fuels. E.g. wood, peat,
coal, petroleum and natural gas.
Secondary Fuels: The fuels which are derived from the primary fuels by further chemical
processing are called secondary fuels. E,g., coke, charcoal, kerosene, coal gas, producer gas etc.
(ii) On the basis of physical state these may be classified as: Solid Fuels, Liquid Fuels,Gaseous
Calorific value: It is defined as the total quantity of heat liberated when a unit mass of a fuel is
burnt completely.
(i) Calorie: It is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1gm of water
by 1oC 1 calorie = 4.184 Joules
(ii) Kilo Calorie: 1 k cal = 1000 cal
(iii) British thermal unit: (B. T. U.) It is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the
temperature of 1 pound of water through 1oF,1 B.T.U. = 252 Cal = 0.252 k cal
(IV) Centigrade heat unit (C.H.U): It is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the
temperature of 1 pound of water through 1oC.,1kcal = 3.968 B.T.U.= 2.2 C.H.U.
(i) Suitability: The fuel selected should be most suitable for the process. E.g., coke made out of
bituminous coal is most suitable for blast furnace.
(iii) Ignition Temperature: A good fuel should have moderate ignition temperature.
Figure 37
(a) Fuse wire correction: As Mg wire is used for ignition, the heat generated by burning of
Mg wire is also included in the gross calorific value. Hence this amount of heat has to be
subtracted from the total value.
(b) Acid Correction: During combustion, sulphur and nitrogen present in the fuel are
oxidized to their corresponding acids under high pressure and temperature.DH = -
144,000 Ca,DH = -57,160 Cal
If the time taken for the water in the calorimeter to cool down from the maximum temperature
attained, to the room temperature is x minutes and the rate of cooling is dt/min, then the cooling
correction = x dt. This should be added to the observed rise in temperature.
Water equivalent of the Calorimeter (w)=Wt. of water x Specific heat of apparatus gram
= 2592 x 0.098
=254.01 gram
=11527.20 – 422.64
= 11104.56cal/gm
Analysis of Coal
Coal is analysed in two ways:
1. Proximate analysis
2. Ultimate analysis
The results of analysis are generally reported in the following ways: As received basis, air dried
basis, moisture free basis (oven dried), moisture and ash free basis
Proximate Analysis-The data varies with the procedure adopted and hence it is called proximate
analysis. It gives information about the practical utility of coal.Proximate analysis of coal
determines the moisture, ash, volatile matter and fixed carbon of coal.
1. Moisture Content: Air dried moisture is determined by heating a known amount of coal to
105-110oC in an electric hot air oven for about one hour. After one hour, it is taken out from
the oven and cooled in a dessicator and weighed.
• Moisture lowers the heating value of coal and takes away appreciable amount of the
liberated heat in the form of latent heat of vaporization.
2. Volatile Matter: consists of a complex mixture of gaseous and liquid products resulting from
the thermal decomposition of the coal.
It is determined by heating a known weight of moisture free coal sample in a covered platinum
crucible at 950 20oC for 7 minutes.
▪ A high percent of volatile matter indicates that a large proportion of fuel is burnt as a gas.
▪ The high volatile content gives long flames, high smoke and relatively low heating
▪ For efficient use of fuel, the outgoing combustible gases has to be burnt by supplying
secondary air.
▪ High volatile matter content is desirable in coal gas manufacture because volatile matter
in a coal denotes the proportion of the coal which will be converted into gas and tar
products by heat.
3. Ash: Coal contains inorganic mineral substances which are converted into ash by chemical
reactions during the combustion of coal.Ash usually consists of silica, alumina, iron oxide and
small quantities of lime, magnesia etc. Ash content is determined by heating the residue left after
the removal of volatile matter at 700 50oC for ½ an hour without covering
4.Fixed Carbon: Fixed carbon content increases from lignite to anthracite. Higher the
percentage of fixed carbon greater is its calorific value and better is the quality of coal.
The percentage of fixed carbon is given by:
▪ The percentage of fixed carbon helps in designing the furnace and shape of the fire-box
because it is the fixed carbon that burns in the solid state.
Ultimate Analysis
Significance: The higher the percentage of carbon and hydrogen, the better is the quality of coal
and higher its calorific value. Percentage of carbon helps in assessing the rank of coal.
b) Nitrogen determination
The estimation of nitrogen is done by Kjeldahl‘s method (i) About 1 gr of accurately weight
powdered coal is heated with conc. H2SO4 along with K2SO4 (ii) When clear solution is obtained
(i.e, when whole nitrogen is converted into ammonia sulphate) it is treated with excess of NaOH
to liberate ammonia. (iii) The ammonia thus produced is distilled over and absorbed in a known
volume of standard H2SO4 solution. (iv) The volume of unused H2SO4 acid is then determined
by back titration with standard NaOH solution [un used H2SO4 means unreacted H2SO4]
Significance: Nitrogen does not have any calorific value. It has no significance, thus a good
quality coal should have very little nitrogen content.
Significance: (a) sulphur increases calorific value. (b) The product of combustion SO2, SO3
have corrosive effect on equipment, and cause air pollution.
Substances always combine in definite proportions. These proportions are determined by their
molecular masses.
C + O2 → CO2 (12:32:44)
1) 22.4 L of any gas at 0°C and 760mm pressure (STP) has a mass equal to its 1 mol.
2) Air contain 21% of oxygen by volume and 23% of oxygen by mass.
3) 28.94 g/mol is taken as molar mass of air.
4) O2 required for combustion = theoretical O2required - O2 present in the fuel.
5) Dry flue gases means products of combustion except moisture.
Q1. A petrol sample contains 14 % H and 86 % carbon. Calculate the quantity of air
required for complete combustion of 1 kg petrol.
Q4. A gas has following composition by volume :H2 = 20 %; CH4 = 6% ; CO = 22% CO2and
O2= 4%, N2=44% Find the volume of air actually supplied per m3 of this gas.
Soln. :
Q15. A sample of coal was found to have the following composition: C = 75%, H = 5.2%, S =
1.2%, O= 12.8%, ash = 2.1%. Calculate the minimum amount of air necessary for complete
combustion of 1 kg of coal
Soln. :
Q6. A sample of coal requires 20% excess air for complete combustion. Calculate weight of air
for 250 gm of the coal, if its composition is C = 81%, H = 4%, N = 1.5%, S = 1.2%, O = 3%, ash
= 9.35.
Soln. :
Q7. A gas used in internal combustion engine contains, H2 = 45 %, CO = 15% , CH4 =35% N2=
5 % Find the minimum quantity (volume ) of air required per 1 m3 of the gas for complete
Soln. V
Introduction: The word polymer is derived from Greek word (Poly = many; mere = units or parts).
Polymer is a large molecule which is formed by repeated linkage of small molecules, known as monomers.
The process by which monomer molecules are linked is called as polymerization. Eg. Polyethylene
(polythene is a polymer formed by linking together of a large number of ethene (C 2H4) molecules. Thus:
The number of repeating units in the chain is called the ―degree of polymerization (D.P). Polymers with
high degree of polymerization are called high polymers and those with low degree of polymerization are
called oligopolymers. High polymers have very high molecular weights (104 to 106) and hence are called
― macromolecules. These polymers have high strength, good flexibility, special electrical properties,
resistance to chemicals, fabrication into complex shapes in a wide variety of colors. Polymers can be used
for manufacture of strong articles, flexible rubber like masses, soft and resistant foams, smooth and fine
fibres, swollen jelly-like food materials to fill cavities, to seal joints, etc.
Types of Polymerization: Two types of polymerization are generally distinguished. (1) Addition or chain
polymerization (2) Condensation polymerization or step polymerization
(I) Addition or chain polymerization: In such type of polymerization the polymer is formed from
monomer without the loss of any molecule (as HCl, H2O, NH3) and the product is an exact multiple of
original monomeric molecule. The monomer usually contains one or more double bonds. In general, such
polymerization proceeds by formation of some reactive species initially with the regeneration of reactive
(i)The addition polymerization reaction must be initiated by application of heat, light, pressure or
a catalyst for breaking down the double bond of monomers. Eg.:
(II) Condensation or step polymerization: It is defined as the reaction that occurs between monomers
with simple polar group and elimination of small molecules like H2O, HCl, NH3 etc. Eg.
(i) Hexamethylene diamine and adipic acid condense to form a polymer, nylon – 6,6.
Polymer Blends
It is defined as the mixture of at least two macromolecular substances, polymers or copolymers in which
the ingredient content is above 2 wt%.
Brittleness: Toughening brittle polymers, thus eliminating the need to use low molecular weight additives
(e.g. plasticizer in the flexible PVC formulations).
Modulus and Dimensional Stability: Blending with more rigid and more heat resistant resin.
Improve Solvent and Chemical Resistance: Incorporation of semi crystalline polymer into an amorphous
resin (e.g., blends of PC with PEST)
Improve Flame Resistance: Incorporation of non-flammable resin into a flammable (e.g., styrenics or
acrylics with PVC)
Permanently Anti-Static blends: Blends with polymers having either –OH or –SH functionality (e.g.
ethylene oxide-epichlorohydrin with ABS/PC blend).
Miscible polymer blend: These are homogenous up to the molecular level. They have negative value of
free energy of mixing. It is a single –phase structure that has properties values between the values of
properties of its components.
Immiscible polymer blend: It is a blend that exhibits more than two phases. In this system the two
components are phase separated.
Most compatible blends are immiscible and can be made compatible by a variety of compatibilization
Polymer alloy: When the interface and/or the morphology of an immiscible blend is modified a polymer
alloy is obtained. These are immiscible, compatible polymer blend with modified interface and
The properties of many plastics can be greatly modified by blending or alloying two or more polymers.
Technically, blends are mixtures that are not fully compatible whereas alloys are mixtures that are fully
Polymer alloy constitutes a specific sub-class of polymer blend; virtually all high performance engineering
blends are alloys.
At present polymer alloys, blends and composites consume over 80 wt% of all plastics. This has resulted
• Increased scale of production.
• Use of multi-component and multiphase materials.
• New processing methods.
Polymer Composites
Composites can be defined as materials that consist of two or more chemically and physically different
phases separated by a distinct interface. Composites are combinations of materials differing in composition,
where the individual constituents retain their separate identities. These separate constituents act together to
give the necessary mechanical strength or stiffness to the composite part. Composite material is a material
composed of two or more distinct phases (matrix phase and dispersed phase) and having bulk properties
significantly different from those of any of the constituents. Matrix phase is the primary phase having a
continuous character. Matrix is usually more ductile and less hard phase. It holds the dispersed phase and
shares a load with it. Dispersed (reinforcing) phase is embedded in the matrix in a discontinuous form. This
secondary phase is called the dispersed phase. Dispersed phase is usually stronger than the matrix, therefore,
it is sometimes called reinforcing phase.
They generally consist of two or more physically distinct and mechanically separable materials.
They are made by mixing the separate materials in such a way as to achieve controlled and uniform
dispersion of the constituents.
They have superior mechanical properties and in some cases uniquely different from the properties
of their constituents. Wood is a natural composite of cellulose fibers in a matrix of lignin. Most
primitive man-made composite materials were straw and mud combined to form bricks for building
Most visible applications pave our roadways in the form of either steel and aggregate reinforced
Portland cement or asphalt concrete.
Reinforced concrete is another example of composite material. The steel and concrete retain their
individual identities in the finished structure. However, because they work together, the steel carries
the tension loads and concrete carries the compression loads.
Classification of Composites
On the basis of matrix phase, composites can be classified into metal matrix composites
(MMCs), ceramic matrix composites (CMCs), and polymer matrix composites (PMCs)
On the basis of reinforcement composites can be classified into particulate composites
(composed of particles), fibrous composites (composed of fibers), and laminate composites.
BUTYL RUBBER: Butyl rubber is a synthetic rubber, a copolymer of isobutylene with isoprene. The
abbreviation IIR stands for isobutylene isoprene rubber. Polyisobutylene IS also known as "PIB" or
polyisobutene, (C4H8)n is the homopolymer of isobutylene (2-methyl-1-propene) on which butyl rubber is
based. Butyl rubber is produced by polymerization of 98% of isobutylene with 2% of isoprene.
Butyl rubber is a great option for shock absorption. But it is not recommended for use when in contact with
petroleum oils and fluids. It can be made from the monomer isobutylene [CH2=C(CH3)2] only via cationic
addition polymerization.
Teflon is one of the chemically inert substances not affected by strong acids and aqua- regia.
It is stable at high temperatures.
It is a thermoplastic polymer that appears as a white solid at room temperature.
It has density of about 2200 kg/m3. It has a melting point of 600K (327°C; 620°F).
Akali metals and most highly reactive fluorinating agents are the only chemicals that can affect its
It has a coefficient of friction of 0.05 to 0.10 which is the third-lowest of any known solid material.
It has one of the proficient dielectric properties.
PTFE is usually used to coat non-stick frying pans as it has the ability to resist high temperatures.
It is mostly used as a film interface patch for sports and medical applications due to pressure-
sensitive adhesive backing.
It is used in high friction areas of footwear as in soles.
It is widely used in medical synthesis, test and many more medicines.
1. Using Zeigler- Natta catalyst [TiCl4 + Al (C2H5)3], ethylene is polymerized under 6-7 atm. at 60-700 C.
2. Using metal oxide catalyst, like CrO3 supported on silica alumina, ethylene is polymerized at 35 atm.
and 160-2000 C.
HDPE is resistant to many different solvents and has a wide variety of applications:
DACRON (PET): It can be prepared by the condensation of ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid.
It is a hard, stiff, strong, dimensionally stable material that absorbs very little water.
It has good gas barrier properties and chemical resistance except to alkalis (which hydrolyze it).
Its crystallinity varies from amorphous to fairly high crystalline.
It is an excellent water and moisture barrier material used for soft drinks, fruit juice concentrates
and sauces and wide- necked jars for coffee.
It is also used as a substrate in thin film solar cells.
PET is used for making magnetic recording tape.
Glass filled PET moldings are used for toasters, coffee machines, car heater and water meter.
Polyamides are the polymers, which contain many repeating amide groups in the main polymer chain.
1. Nylon – 6, 6: Nylon – 6;6 is obtained by the polymerization of adipic acid with hexamethylene diamine.
2. Nylon 6, 10- is made from hexamethylene diamine (the diamine) and sebacoyl chloride
(the diacid chloride). Since HCl is a by-product of this reaction, we use a diamine
solution prepared in an equimolar equivalent of aqueous NaOH. The NaOH reacts
with the HCl to form salt and water.
Properties of Nylon:
They are translucent, whitish, high melting (160ºC – 264ºC) polymers.
They possess high temperature stability and good abrasion resistance.
They are insoluble in common organic solvents (methylated spirit, benzene and acetone)
and soluble in phenol and formic acid.
Their mouldings and extrusions have good physical strengths (especially high impact
strength) and self lubricating properties.
They absorb little moisture, and are thus drip – dry in nature.
They are very flexible and retain original shape after use.
Applications of Nylon:
Nylon 6, 6 is used for making socks, under garments, dresses, carpets, etc.
Nylon 6 and Nylon 11are used for moulding purposes for gears, bearings, electrical
mountings, etc. Nylon bearings and gears work quietly without any lubrication.
They are also used for making filaments for ropes, bristles for tooth brushes and films, tyre
cords, etc.
Polymers that exhibit extreme elastic extensibility when subjected to relatively low mechanical stress. They
are also known as rubber. Some elastomers can be stretched by a factor of 10 and yet completely recover
to their original shape. Although their properties are quite different from thermosets, they share a similar
molecular structure that is different from the thermoplastic.
Natural rubber is extracted in the form of latex from the bark of the Hevea tree.
• 99.99% cis Polyisoprene
BuNa – S Rubber or Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR): The rubber obtained is also called Styrene
butadiene rubber (SBR). In Buna-S, Bu stands for butadiene and, Na for sodium and S for styrene. It is a
polymerized copolymers of styrene and butadiene in 1: 3 ratio. It is vulcanised with sulfur. The rubber is
slightly inferior to natural rubber in its physical properties.
BuNa – N Rubber or Nitrile Rubber (NBR): Nitrile rubber is the generic name given to emulsion
polymerized copolymers of acrylonitrile and butadiene in 1: 1 ratio.
Conducting Polymers
The polymeric materials, which possess electrical conductivities on par with metallic conductors, are called
conducting polymers Conductivities as high as 1.5 10-1 ohm-1 m-1 have been attained in these polymeric
It is obtained by exposing a polymer to a charged transfer agent in either gas phase or in solution.
Intrinsically conducting polymers possess low conductivity but these possess low ionization potential
and high electron affinities, so these can be easily oxidized or reduced. Consequently, the conductivity
of ICP can be increased by creating either positive (or) negative charges on the polymer backbone by
oxidation or reduction. This technique, called doping. Doping is classified into 2 types.
(a) p – doping: P – doping involves treating an ICP with a Lewis acid, there by oxidation process takes
place and positive charges on the polymer backbone are created. Some of the common p – dopant
used are I2, Br2, AsF5, PF6, Naphthylamine, etc, used.
(b) n – doping: It involves treating an intrinsically conducting polymer with a lewis base thereby
reduction process takes place and negative charges on the polymer backbone are created. Some of
the common N – dopant used are Li, Na, Ca, tributyl ammonium, FeCl3, etc. for example.
(3) Extrinsically conducting polymers: Extrinsically conducting polymers are those polymers whose
conductivity is due to the presence of an externally added ingredient in them. These are of the following
two types.
(a) Conductive element filled polymer: It is a resin or polymer filled with conducting elements such as
carbon black, metallic fibres, metal acids, etc. In this, the polymer acts as the binder to hold the
conducting elements together in the solid entity.
(b) Blended conducting polymer: It is the product obtained by blending a conventional polymer with a
conducting polymer either by physical or chemical change.
Some of the important applications of conducting polymers are:
In rechargeable light weight batteries based on perchlorate doped polyacetylene – lithium system.
These are about 10 times, lighter than conventional lead storage batteries.
In optically display devices based on polythiophene. When the structure is electrically based, the
optical density of the film changes, i.e., color changes. Such electrochromic systems produce colored
displays with faster switching time and better viewing than conventional liquid crystal display devices.
It is used in wiring in aircrafts and aerospace components
It is used in telecommunication systems
It is used in antistatic coatings for clothing.
Biodegrdable polymers
These are those polymers which get decomposed under aerobic or anaerobic conditions, as a result of the
action of microorganism/enzymes.
Properties: Polyvinyl acetate is a colorless, transparent material, resistant to water, atmospheric oxygen
and chemicals. It is soluble in organic acids and organic solvents. It has a good heat resistance. It harmless
if taken orally. Uses: It is used for making records, chewing gums, surgical dresses, paints, plastic
emulsions, wrapping papers, leather and textiles etc.
II. Polylactic acid (PLA): Polylactic acid (PLA) is obtained by polymerisation of the cyclic dimer of lactic
acid or by microbiological synthesis of lactic acid followed by the polycondensation and removal of water
by evaporation.
Applications: it breaks down in the environment back to lactic acid which can be metabolized which has
application in medical field such as sutures,drug delivery systems and wound has also agriculture
applications such as time release coatings for fertilizers and pesticides.
PGA: It is used in fishing industry, controlled release of pestisides, egg cartons,Razor handles, toys and
in the medical field.
Organometallic Compounds
Compounds that contain a metal-carbon bond, R-M are known as "organometallic" compounds.
Organometallic compounds of Li, Mg (Grignard reagents) are amongst some of the most important organic
Organometallic compounds provide a source of nucleophilic carbon atoms which can react with
electrophilic carbon to form a new carbon-carbon bond. This is very important for the synthesis of complex
molecules from simple starting materials.
To rationalise the general reactivity of organometallics it is convenient to view them as ionic, so R-M = R-
The most important reactions is this chapter are the reactions of organolithiums, RLi, and Grignard
reagents, RMgX, with the carbonyl groups in aldehydes, ketones and esters to give alcohols. However, we
will also look at some useful reactions involving Cu, Zn and Hg (mercury).
They are formed by the reaction of alkyl halides with lithium metal.
Typical solvents are normally anhydrous diethyl ether but pentane or hexane can also be used.
The alkyl group can be primary, secondary or tertiary.
Halide reactivity : I > Br > Cl
R can be alkyl, vinyl or aryl
Other Group I metals (Na, K) can be used instead of Li.
Organomagesiums are formed by the reaction of alkyl halides with magnesium metal.
Typical solvents are normally anhydrous diethyl ether or tetrahydrofuran.
The alkyl group can be primary, secondary or tertiary.
Halide reactivity : I > Br > Cl
R can be alkyl, vinyl or aryl.
The Grignard reaction is the only simple method available that is capable of
producing primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols. To produce a primary alcohol, the Grignard
reagent is reacted with formaldehyde. Reacting a Grignard reagent with any other aldehyde will
lead to a secondary alcohol.