Rbi Pyp Phase 02 2022 Esi Question 1

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(d) Unorganised Sector Workers

Economics & Social Issues (e) None of the above

I.(4-7) Read the passage and answer the questions that

2 Markers follow

I.(1-3) Read the passage and answer the questions that Human capital is at the centre of World Bank Group’s
follow global strategy for development. Human Capital consists of
the knowledge, skills, and health that people invest in and
accumulate throughout their lives, enabling them to realize their
This scheme has been launched to ensure that anyone can take potential as productive members of society. Investing in people
their share of food grains from any district of any state of the through nutrition, health care, quality education, jobs and skills
country. It is considered to be key to the success of the public helps develop human capital, and this is key to ending extreme
distribution system (PDS). It empowers its eligible beneficiaries poverty and creating more inclusive societies. Human Capital
with the choice to lift their entitled foodgrain from any Fair Project was launched to accelerate more and better investments
Price Shop (FPS) of their choice, anywhere in the country, by in people for greater equity and economic growth. World
using their existing ration card with biometric authentication on Bank Group annually releases an index that benchmarks key
an electronic Point of Sale (e-PoS) device. Through this facility, components of human capital across countries. The index covers
a migrant beneficiary will be able to get ration at the destination 98% of world’s population based on their potential to mobilise
he or she is working in. Even his/her family back home will be the economic and professional potential of its citizens.
also allowed to get their part of the entitled ration to support
itself. Every fifth family in India is still unaware about the
benefits of the portability facility provided by this scheme.
What was India’s rank in 2020 edition of the index
mentioned in the passage?
How many states/UTs have implemented this scheme
(a) 38 (d) 97
mentioned in the passage till February 2022?
(b) 51 (e) 116
(c) 73
(a) 28 (d) 35
(b) 30 (e) 38 Q.5)
(c) 32 India’s score in 2018 edition of the index mentioned in the
passage was 0.44. It has increased to ______ in 2020 edition.
Q.2) Fill the gap.
If a person does not get food grains under the above-
mentioned scheme in the passage, then how does (a) 0.49 (d) 0.64
Government compensate the beneficiary? (b) 0.53 (e) 0.67
(c) 0.59
(a) Provides double foodgrains from allocated quota in next
month Q.6)
(b) Provides Food Security Allowance to beneficiary under food Which of the following data parameters/components are
security allowance rules 2015 used by the index mentioned in the passage to assess the
(c) Penalises the Fair Price Shop. countries?
(d) Delivers the allocated food grains at beneficiary’s home
(e) No action is taken from Government side.
(a) Health (d) A and B
(b) Education (e) A, B and C
(c) Environment
Who are the eligible beneficiaries under this landmark
scheme mentioned in above passage that can claim either
full or part foodgrains from any Fair Price Shop (FPS) of
As on February 2022, how many countries have participated
their choice in the country through existing ration card with
in the Human Capital Project of World Bank Group?
biometric/Aadhaar authentication in a seamless manner?

(a) State/UT identified BPL families (a) 77 (d) 87

(b) 6-15 years school children (b) 80 (e) 90
(c) National Food Security Act Beneficiaries (c) 83


Institutions. Minimum limit of holding under the scheme is

I.(8-10) Read the passage and answer the questions 1gram for individuals and Hindu Undivided Families (HUF).
that follow Though the tenor of the bond is 8 years, early encashment/
redemption of the bond is allowed.

India recently signed Economic Cooperation and Trade Given below are the cases of three bond holders who have
Agreement (ECTA) with this country in April 2022. It is invested in the scheme. In which of the following cases,
India’s 17th largest trading partner and India is its 9th largest the early redemption is possible if the beneficiary wants to
trading partner. Bilateral trade between both countries for both redeem the bonds on 2nd April 2022?
merchandise and services is valued at US$ 27.5 billion in 2021.
India’s merchandise exports to this country have grown by Which of the following statement/s is/are correct?
135% between 2019 and 2021. India’s exports consist primarily
of a broad-based basket largely of finished products and were I) Person from HUF who has invested 12kg in SGB in 2017
US$ 6.9 billion in 2021. India’s merchandise imports from this series 1
country were US$ 15.1 billion in 2021, consisting largely of raw II) Person who has bought 20 gm in SGB in the name of her
materials, minerals and intermediate goods. minor daughter in 2017 series 2
III) Person who has bought 50 gm in SGB in 2016 series .
Identify the country with which India has signed the
(a) Only I (d) Only I and III
agreement mentioned in the passage.
(b) Only I and II (e) Only II and III
(a) South Korea (d) United States (c) Only III
(b) Britain (e) Australia
(c) Germany
I.(12-14) Read the passage and answer the questions
Q.9) that follow
India has signed various free trade agreements with a
number of countries. How many FTAs have been signed by
India till April 2022? Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment has launched
this Central Sector scheme. This umbrella scheme has been
designed to provide welfare measures to the Transgender
(a) 13 (d) 24
community and the people engaged in the act of begging. It has
(b) 17 (e) 28
two sub-schemes - ‘Central Sector Scheme for Comprehensive
(c) 21
Rehabilitation for Welfare of Transgender Persons’ and
‘Central Sector Scheme for Comprehensive Rehabilitation of
persons engaged in the act of Begging’. It focuses extensively
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct about
on rehabilitation, provision of medical facilities, counseling,
agreement mentioned in the passage?
education, skill development, economic linkages etc with
the support of State Governments/UTs/Local Urban Bodies,
I) It will enhance the economic cooperation between two Voluntary Organizations, Community Based Organizations
countries. (CBOs) and institutions and others. It is being implemented
II) It is such an agreement which India has signed with a across the country.
developed country after more than a decade
III) India and this signatory country are part of trilateral Q.12)
Supply Chain Resilience Initiative (SCRI) arrangement Under Sub-scheme - ‘Central Sector Scheme for
along with Japan Comprehensive Rehabilitation for Welfare of Transgender
Persons’, beneficiaries are provided ____________ shelter
(a) I and II Only (d) All of the above homes, were food, clothing, recreational facilities, skill
(b) II and III Only (e) None of the above development opportunities, recreational activities, medical
(c) I and III Only support etc.

Q.11) (a) Swadar Greh

Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme was launched in 2015 by (b) Matritava Chaya Shelter Homes
the Ministry of Finance for substituting physical gold with (c) Housing for All-Transgender
Gold-bond with a fixed interest rate. Under the scheme, Gold (d) Garima Greh
Bonds are issued by Reserve Bank of India on behalf of the (e) None of the above
Government of India. These bonds are restricted for sale to
resident individuals, HUFs, Trusts, Universities and Charitable

50 | RBI Grade B Previous Year Papers

Q.13) addressing the most challenging issues facing the global

The scheme mentioned in the passage has been allocated community. It is organised annually since 2016 by the Ministry
_________ from 2021-22 to __________ of External Affairs in collaboration with the Observer Research
Foundation (ORF). Every year, leaders in politics, business,
(a) Rs. 555 Crore, 2024-25 media, and civil society converge in New Delhi to discuss the
(b) Rs. 365 Crore, 2025-26 state of the world and explore opportunities for cooperation on
(c) Rs. 231 Crore, 2026-27 a wide range of contemporary matters. This Dialogue has been
(d) Rs. 769 Crore, 2027-28 structured as a multi-stakeholder, cross-sectoral discussion,
(e) Rs. 934 Crore, 2028-29 involving heads of state, cabinet ministers and local government
officials, who are joined by thought leaders from the private
Q.14) sector, media and academia.
Consider the following statements about the scheme
mentioned in the passage and identify the correct Q.16)
statements. Which of the following is referred as “X” in the passage?

I) Skill Development and Livelihood is provided under PM- (a) Indo-Pacific Security Dialogue
DAKSH scheme. (b) New Delhi Dialogue
II) Begging Protection Cell is established for timely rehabilita- (c) Shangri-La Dialogue
tion of beneficiaries. (d) Raisina Dialogue
III) Scholarships is given to beneficiary students studying in (e) None of the above
IX and till post-graduation to enable them to complete their
education. Q. 17)
IV) Survey and Identification of beneficiaries is carried out by Which of the following statement/s is/are correct about 2022
private NGOs edition of “X” Dialogue?
V) Housing under it, does not cover provision of food, cloth-
ing, skill development opportunities, recreational activities, I) President of the European Commission, Ursula Von der
medical support etc. Leyen was the Chief Guest of inaugural session of “X”.
II) During this “X” Dialogue, leaders of QUAD also met.
(a) I and IV Only (d) III, IV and V Only III) of the six thematic pillar of this edition of “X” was Re-
(b) I and III Only (e) I, II, III and V Only thinking democracy- Trade, Tech and Ideology.
(c) II, IV and V Only
(a) I and II
Q.15) (b) II and III
Ministry of Civil Aviation’s UDAN Scheme was awarded the (c) I and III
PM’s Award for Excellence in Public Administration 2020 (d) All of the above
under the category “Innovation (General)- Central”. On (e) None of the above
which day the scheme was awarded?
(a) International Civil Aviation Day (7th December) Where did the side event of the 2022 edition of “X” Dialogue
(b) National Science Day (28th February) mentioned in the passage take place?
(c) Civil Services Day (21st April)
(d) Good Governance Day (25th December) (a) Berlin (d) A and B
(e) National Panchayati Raj Day (24th April) (b) Washington DC (e) A, B and C
(c) Paris

I.(16-18) Direction- Read the passage and answer the

questions that follow I.(19-20) Read the passage and answer the questions
that follow

The 7th Edition of the “X” Dialogue was inaugurated on

25 April 2022. Last year, it was held in a virtual format due Pradhan Mantri Kisan Maan Dhan Yojna (PMKMY) is being
to exceptional circumstances necessitated by the Covid-19 implemented in order to provide social security net for the Small
pandemic. This year it was held in an in-person format over and Marginal Farmers (SMF) by way of pension. Under this
three days 25-27 April 2022 with main theme “Terra Nova- scheme, provision has been made for payment of a minimum
Impassioned, Impatient, and imperilled”. It is India’s premier fixed pension of Rs. 3,000/- to the eligible small and marginal
conference on geopolitics and geoeconomics committed to farmers, subject to certain exclusion clauses, on attaining the
age of 60 years. The eligible beneficiary can opt to become


member of the Scheme by subscribing to a Pension Fund.

Married women along One stop Centre
Q.19) with her husband who are
Who of the following are the eligible beneficiaries of this in distress and are without
scheme? any social and economic
support looking for
I) SMF covered under any statuary social security schemes shelter, food, clothing and
medical treatment
such as National Pension Scheme (NPS), Employees’ State
Insurance Corporation scheme etc
II) SMF who has attained age of 35 and owns cultivable land
(a) 1 and 2 Only (d) 4 and 5 Only
up to 1.5 acres.
(b) 2 and 3 Only (e) 1 and 5 Only
III) SMF who have opted for PM Shram Yogi Maan Dhan and
(c) 3 and 4 Only
PM Laghu Vyapari Maan Dhan
(a) I and II Only (d) I and III Only Consider the following statements with respect to Bhoomi
(b) II and III Only (e) I Only Rashi Portal.
(c) II Only
I) It is major e-Governance initiative of the Ministry of the
Q.20) Road Transport & Highways.
If a person enters the scheme at the age of 18 years, how II) It has made entire land acquisition process for National
much amount he shall contribute to get Rs.3000 as pension Highways digitized and paperless.
on attaining the age of 60 years? III) With the adoption of Bhoomi Rashi portal, all the draft
Land Acquisition notifications are submitted online by the
(a) Rs.42 (d) Rs.112 concerned revenue official of the State Government
(b) Rs.210 (e) Rs.312
(c) Rs.55 Identify the correct statements

1 Markers (a) Only I and II (d) None are correct

(b) Only II and III (e) All are correct
Q.21) (c) Only I and III
Which of the following objectives are incorrectly matched
with the respective schemes – Q.23)
Which of the following statement/s is/are correct with
respect to Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana?
Objective of Scheme Name of the Scheme
I) It aims to enhance fish production to 220 lakh metric tons
A person wants to Stand up India by 2024-25 from 137.58 lakh metric tons in 2018-19.
enhance productivity of II) It will result in doubling export earnings to Rs.1,00,000
indigenous breeds and crore.
increase economic returns III) It will generate about 55 lakhs direct and indirect
from animal products in a employment opportunities in fisheries sector over a period
sustainable manner of 5 years.
IV) It envisages investment of Rs. 10,050 crores comprising
Central share of Rs. 9,407 crore, State share of Rs 4,880
Entrepreneur from Rashtriya Gokul crores and Beneficiaries contribution of Rs. 5,763 crores.
women, Scheduled Mission V) It is being implemented over a period of 5 years from FY
Castes (SC) & Scheduled 2020-21 to FY 2024-25 in all States/Union Terrries
Tribes (ST) category
who wants to start
greenfield enterprise in (a) I, II, III and IV (d) 1, 2, 3 and V
manufacturing, services (b) I, III, IV and V (e) All of the above
or the trading sector (c) II, III, IV and V
and activities allied to
agriculture Q.24)
To cater to the needs and aspirations of the youth, the National
Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) has come up
with a youth-friendly scheme for attracting them to cooperative

52 | RBI Grade B Previous Year Papers

business ventures. This Scheme aims to promote young Q.28)

entrepreneurs in cooperatives and encourage cooperatives to X is a unique 10-digit alpha numeric code issued on the
venture into new and innovative areas. basis of PAN of an entity. It is mandatory for every entity to
obtain this code if it is engaged in the business of export and
Identify the scheme mentioned in the above passage. import. It is issued in electronic form by directorate general
of foreign trade.
(a) Sahakar Mitra (d) Ayushman Sahakar
(b) Yuva Sahakar (e) None of the above Identify X.
(c) Sahakar Bandhu
(a) Import-Export Code (d) Export Code
(b) EXIM Code (e) Import Code
I.(25-26) Read the passage and answer the questions (c) IMEX Code
that follow
Which of the following initiative/s is/are included under PM
It is a centrally sponsored scheme being implemented since e-Vidya scheme?42 Swayam Prabha channels are devoted to
2009-10 for integrated development of Scheduled Castes (SCs) telecast high quality educational programmes.
in majority villages. Since 2018-19, the scheme implementation
guidelines were comprehensively revised. During 2021-22, this I) Online MOOC courses relating to NIOS (grades 9 to 12 of
scheme has been merged with two other existing schemes to open schooling) are uploaded on SWAYAM porta
be known as Pradhan Mantri Anusuchit Jaati Abhyuday Yojana II) The e-textbooks can be accessed using m-Pathshala web
(PM-AJAY). The principal objective of the ‘Adarsh Gram’ portal and mobile app
component of the merged scheme of PM-AJAY is integrated
development of SC majority villages. (a) Only I (d) Only II
(b) Only II and III (e) Only III
Q.25) (c) Only I and III
Which of the following state is not amongst those states
where the scheme mentioned in the passage is being Q.30)
implemented? Which of the following is/are applicable on imports in India?

(a) Kerala (d) Punjab (a) Custom (d) a & b

(b) Himachal Pradesh (e) Uttar Pradesh (b) IGST (e) b & c
(c) Andhra Pradesh (c) Excise

Which district has bagged the first spot in the country for
successful implementation of welfare and infrastructure
development under the scheme mentioned in the passage?

(a) Chengalpattu (d) Araria

(b) Erode (e) Gorakhpur
(c) Hamirpur

Consider the following statements with respect to PM Vaya
Vandana Yojana and identify the correct statement/s.

I) A person of 65 years of age is not eligible to invest in the

II) The tenure of policy taken under the scheme is 10 years
III) The implementing agency for the scheme is Life
Insurance corporation of India

(a) Only I and II (d) Only I

(b) Only II and III (e) Only II
(c) Only I and III


ESI - Descriptive

15 Markers
Despite spread of urbanization in villages, challenges
such as race, caste, gender discrimination still persist.
In this context, what are the challenges faced by
protective discriminatory policy?​

What is meant by economic reforms? Discuss the Economic
reforms in India from 1990s till date.​

“Financial stability is essential to any financial institution/
business.” Discuss in the light of financial stability report of
RBI and economic reforms in view of COVID outbreak in

10 Markers
What are the challenges associated with rural
entrepreneurship? How young enterprises can solve these

Write a short note on current monetary policy framework in

What is NBFC? How is it different from banks? What are
the five types of NBFCs registered with RBI?


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