Manual Modulo Emotron USB-RS485

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Emotron isolated USB and RS485

For Emotron TSA softstarter

Instruction manual
Emotron Isolated USB and RS485
For Emotron TSA softstarter
Instruction manual - English

Document number: 01-5909-01

Edition: r0
Date of release: 20-12-2013
© Copyright CG Drives & Automation Sweden AB 2013
CG Drives & Automation retains the right to change
specifications and illustrations in the text, without prior notification.
The contents of this document may not be copied without the
explicit permission of CG Drives & Automation Sweden AB.
Instruction manual
Read this instruction manual first!
This option is a supplementary part of the EmotronTSA softstarters, further in
this manual referred to as the “main product”, the user must be acquainted with
the original instruction manual of the main product. All safety instructions,
warnings, etc. as mentioned in this instruction manual are to be known to the

The following indications can appear in this manual. Always read these first and
be aware of their content before continuing:

NOTE: Additional information to avoid problems.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in malfunction
! or damage to the softstarter.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in serious injury
to the user in addition to serious damage to the softstarter.

Installation, commissioning, dismounting, making measurements, etc. on the
main product may only be carried out by personnel who are technically quali-
fied for the task. Installation must also be carried out in accordance with the
local standards. Ensure that all necessary safety measures are taken.

Take all necessary safety precautions during installation and
commissioning to prevent personal injuries, e.g. by an
uncontrolled load.

CG Drives & Automation, 01-5909-01r0 1

Opening the main product

Always switch off the mains supply and control supply before
opening the main product.

Always take adequate precautions before opening the main product, even
though the connections for the control signals and jumpers are isolated from the
mains voltage.

2 CG Drives & Automation, 01-5909-01r0

Safety .................................................................................... 1

Content ................................................................................. 3

1. General Information................................................................ 5
1.1 Introduction................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Users............................................................................................................ 5
1.3 Delivery and unpacking.............................................................................. 5

2. Connections .......................................................................... 7
2.1 Connections & Front view of isolated RS485 option ............................... 7
2.2 Connections and Front view of isolated USB option ................................ 8

3. Modbus RTU protocol ......................................................... 13

3.1 Frame format ........................................................................................... 13
3.2 Protocol .................................................................................................... 13

4. Interface and Menu System ................................................. 17

4.1 Menu description..................................................................................... 17
4.2 RS485 Multipoint network...................................................................... 18

5. Installation............................................................................ 21
5.1 Mechanical mounting.............................................................................. 21
5.2 Shielding................................................................................................... 23

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4 CG Drives & Automation 01-5909-01r0
1. General Information

1.1 Introduction
The isolated USB and isolated RS485 option are both a asynchronous serial
communication interface for the Emotron TSA soft starter series.
The protocol used for data exchange is Modbus RTU, originally developed by
Modicon. Physical connection is selected by option, either USB or RS485.
The product acts as a slave with address 1 to 247 in a master-slave configura-
tion. The communication is half-duplex. It has a standard non return to zero
(NRZ) format. Please refer to the instruction manual for the main product for
the maximum selectable baud rate.
The character frame format (always 11 bits) consists of (fixed):
• one start bit
• eight data bits
• two stop bits
• no parity bit

1.2 Users
This instruction manual is intended for:
• installation engineers
• designers
• maintenance engineers
• service engineers

1.3 Delivery and unpacking

Check for any visible signs of damage. Inform your supplier immediately if any
damage is found. Do not install the option board if damage is found.
If the option board is moved from a cold storage room to the room where it is to
be installed, condensation can form on it. Allow the option board to become
fully acclimatised and wait until any visible condensation has evaporated before
installing it in the main product.

CG Drives & Automation, 01-5909-01r0 General Information 5

6 General Information CG Drives & Automation, 01-5909-01r0
2. Connections

2.1 Connections & Front view of isolated

RS485 option

Not used Power LED

9 pole female connector

Fig. 1 Module front view

Power LED function

Off = No power
Green = Powered

RS 485 interface
9 - pole female interface. Galvanically isolated.

NOTE: For convenient network installation we recommend using

external screw terminal, like e.g. AMPHENOL - L717DE09PST - PLUG,
D, SCREW TERMINAL, 9WAY available on Farnell and other large
component suppliers.

Connector interface
Pin # Function
1 Termination power, +5V, isolated
4 Note! Must leave unconnected / NC to enable RS485 function
5 GND, isolated signal ground
8 RxD/ TxD (negative/ inverted “B”) bidirectional RS485 line
9 RxD/ TxD (positive “A”) bidirectional RS485 line
Housing Cable shield connection

CG Drives & Automation, 01-5909-01r0 Connections 7

Note! If the TSA node is an endpoint of a RS485 network it must be
properly terminated to avoid reflections causing communication
interference. See chapter 4.2.2 page 19, RS485 Termination for details.

2.2 Connections and Front view of isolated USB

The USB option is Based on the CP2102 chip from Silicon Laboratories
( and it is USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 compatible.

Not used Power LED

USB interface
connector type B

Fig. 2 Module front view

Power LED function

Off = No power
Green = Powered

USB interface connector type B

A Virtual Com Port driver (VCP) needs to be installed on the host computer .
After that the option appears as a standard communication port (a.k.a COM-
port) which makes it fully transparent to any software using the standard Mod-
bus RTU protocol according to 11-bit frame format described in chapter 3.2
page 13
The VCP is supported on the following platforms:
• Microsoft Windows™ 2000
Separate driver required. For more information, see “Windows 2000” on
page 9.
• Microsoft Windows™ XP
For more information, see “Windows XP” on page 10

8 Connections CG Drives & Automation, 01-5909-01r0

• Microsoft Windows™ 98SE
Separate driver required. For more information, see “Windows 98SE” on
page 10
• Mac OS 9
Mac OS-9 VCP drivers are currently available by request only. To obtain a
copy of these drivers, contact a Silicon Laboratories MCU Tools Support
representative at
• Mac OS-X
Separate driver required. For more information, see “Mac OS X” on
page 11.
• Linux (kernel 2.40 or higher)
Separate driver required. For more information, see “Linux” on page 11.

2.2.1 Virtual Com Port driver Installation for USB option

This section describes the installation process for the most common operating
systems. For other platforms, consult the installation guides provided with the
Windows 2000
Before proceeding, download the latest VCP drivers for Windows 2000 from
the HMS website and extract them to a temporary location on your PC.
Follow these steps to install the VCP driver:
1. Connect the USB cable between the host computer and the CP2102 target
2. Windows will open a ‘Found New Hardware Wizard’ window. Press Next to
3. Select ‘Search for a suitable driver for my device (recommended)’ and press
4. Check ‘Specify a location’ and press Next.
5. Press Browse to locate the files extracted earlier. Once this directory is
selected press Next.
6. Verify that the correct path and filename are shown and press Next.
7. Press Finish to finish installing the ‘CP210x USB Composite Device’.
8. Windows will open a second ‘Found New Hardware Wizard’ window. Press
Next to continue.
9. Select ‘Search for a suitable driver for my device (recommended)’ and press

CG Drives & Automation, 01-5909-01r0 Connections 9

10. Check ‘Specify a location’ and press Next.
11. Press Browse to locate the ‘slabw2k.inf ’ driver installation file. Once this file
is selected press OK.
12. Verify that the correct path and filename are shown and press Next.
13. Press Finish to finish installing the ‘CP210x USB to UART Bridge Control-
Windows XP
Before proceeding, download the latest VCP drivers for Windows XP from the
HMS website and extract them to a temporary location on your PC. Generally,
no driver is needed. To manually install the VCP driver, perform the following
1. Connect the USB cable between the host computer and the CP2102 target
2. Windows will open a ‘Found New Hardware Wizard’ window.
3. Select ‘Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)’ and press Next.
4. Select ‘Include this location in the search’.
5. Press Browse to locate the files extracted earlier. Once this directory is
selected press Next.
6. Verify that the correct path and filename are shown and press Next.
7. Press Finish to finish installing the ‘CP210x USB Composite Device’.
8. Windows will open a second ‘Found New Hardware Wizard’ window.
9. Select ‘Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)’ and press Next.
10. Select ‘Include this location in the search’.
11. Press Browse to locate the ‘C:\SiLabs\MCU\CP210x\WIN’ directory. Once
this directory is selected press OK.
12. Verify that the correct path and filename are shown and press Next.
13. Press Finish to finish installing the ‘CP210x USB to UART Bridge Control-
Windows 98SE
Before proceeding, download the latest VCP drivers for Windows 98SE from
the HMS website and extract them to a temporary location.
Follow these steps to install the VCP driver:
1. Connect the USB cable between the host computer and the CP2102 target
2. Windows will open a ‘Found New Hardware Wizard’ window. Press Next to

10 Connections CG Drives & Automation, 01-5909-01r0

3. Select ‘Search for the best driver for your device (Recommended)’ and press
4. Select ‘Specify a location’.
5. Press Browse to locate the files extracted earlier. Once this directory is
selected press Next.
6. Verify that the correct path and filename are shown and press Next.
7. Press Finish to finish installing the ‘CP210x USB Composite Device’.
8. Windows will open a second ‘Found New Hardware Wizard’ window. Press
Next to continue.
9. Select ‘Search for the best driver for your device (Recommended)’ and press
10. Select ‘Specify a location’.
11. Press Browse to locate the ‘C:\SiLabs\MCU\CP210x\WIN’ directory. Once
this directory is selected press Next.
12. Verify that the correct path and filename are shown and press Next.
13. Press Finish to finish installing the ‘CP210x USB to UART Bridge Control-
Mac OS X
Before proceeding, download the latest VCP drivers for Mac OS X from the
HMS website and extract them to a temporary location.
To install the Macintosh OS X virtual COM port driver, extract ‘cardinal-osx-’, and run the extracted file ‘SLAB_USBtoUART Installer’.
To uninstall the driver, run the extracted file ‘SLAB_USBtoUART Uninstaller’.
Before proceeding, download the latest VCP drivers for Linux from the HMS
website and extract them to a temporary location. The drivers support kernel
versions 2.40 and later.
To install the driver, extract ‘cardinal-redhat9-V0_81a.tar’, and run the
extracted file ‘load_mcci_usb’.
To uninstall the driver, run the extracted file ‘unload_mcci_usb

CG Drives & Automation, 01-5909-01r0 Connections 11

12 Connections CG Drives & Automation, 01-5909-01r0
3. Modbus RTU protocol
The standard industrial Modbus RTU protocol is used both for the USB- and
RS485 option.

3.1 Frame format

The Emotron TSA unit uses the following 11-bit frame format (fixed) :
1 Start bit
Data bits, hexadecimal 0 - 9, A - F, least significant bit sent
2 Stop bit

Note! In modbus RTU a transmission silence of 3.5 characters indicates

end of telegram.

3.2 Protocol

3.2.1 Supported function codes

The Emotron TSA softstarter supports the following function codes:

Function name Function code

Read coil status 1(01h)
Read input status 2 (02h)
Read holding registers 3 (03h)
Read input registers 4 (04h)
Force single coil 5 (05h)
Force single registers 6 (06h)
Force Multiple coils 15 (0Fh)
Force Multiple registers 16 (10h)
Force/ Read Multipleholding registers 23 (17h)

CG Drives & Automation, 01-5909-01r0 Modbus RTU protocol 13

3.2.2 List of parameters with scaling & format information
The modbus address & scaling/format of each menu/parameter is found both in
the end of the main product manual and also in a separate excel sheet “Commu-
nication settings” which is downloadable from The E-int (emotron int) format is described in detail in the main
product manual.

3.2.3 Most common modbus parameters for controlling

Emotron TSA
Basic control of the Emotron TSA softstart over serial communication can easily
be performed by using a few modbus parameters.

Modbus number Function Description

42901 reset Reset 0 -> 1 (flank trigged)
42902 run/ stop 1 = run, 0 = stop
42903 run forward 1 = run forward command
1 = run reverse command
Note! Must be used with external con-
42904 run reverse
tactor connection according to instruc-
tion in main product manual.
42907 comm. set 0 = A, 1 = B, 2= C, 3 = D

Note! To make the motor start, both 42902 and 42903 or 42904 must be
set at the same time. Setting both 42903 and 42904 at the same time
will cause Emotron TSA to stop.

3.2.4 Communication errors and exception codes

Communication errors are divided into two categories
• Transmission errors
• Protocol errors

Transmission errors are:

• Frame error (stop bit error).
• Parity error (if parity is used).
• CRC error (incorrect checksum)

14 Modbus RTU protocol CG Drives & Automation, 01-5909-01r0

• No message at all (time-out).
These errors may be caused by electrical interference from machinery or damage
to the communication channel (cables, contact, I/O ports, etc.) or incorrect
protocol implementation or communication settings on the master side. This
unit will not act on or answer the master when a transmission error occurs. (The
result will be the same if a non-existing slave is addressed). The master will even-
tually cause a time-out condition.
Description of Protocol errors
If no transmission error is detected in the master query, the message is exam-
ined. If an illegal function code, data address or data value is detected, the mes-
sage is not acted upon but an answer with exception code is sent back to the
master. This unit can also send back an exception code when a set ( force) func-
tion message is received during periods of operation.
Bit 8 (most significant bit) in the function code byte is set to a “1” in the excep-
tion response message. An example is an illegal data address when reading an
input register.

Fig. 3 Exception response message.

Field name Hex value

Slave address 01
Function 84
Exception code 02

CG Drives & Automation, 01-5909-01r0 Modbus RTU protocol 15

Table 1 Exception codes.

Name Description
01 Illegal function This unit doesn’t support the function code.
02 Illegal data address The data address is not within its boundaries.
03 Illegal data value The data value is not within its boundaries.
The unit is unable to perform the request at this
06 Busy
time. Try again later.

3.2.5 Detailed Modbus rtu protocol description

Detailed description of the Modbus RTU protocol is available on CG Drives
and automation website, document
‘CG_OPTION_instruction_SerialComm_2-0’ with article number 01-5919-
01. This document gives examples of modbus rtu frames with different function
codes and how to calculate a correct CRC.

16 Modbus RTU protocol CG Drives & Automation, 01-5909-01r0

4. Interface and Menu System

4.1 Menu description

Table 2 Menus for setting the serial communication.

Menu Function Default Select/ Description

Must be set to USB/ RS485/ BT in
261 Com Type RS232 order to communicate via USB or
RS485 option.
Set to baudrate used for your
2621 Baudrate 9600 bits network/ serial link. Available range is
2400-115200 bit/ s.
Set to the dedicated/ unique modbus
address you wish to have for your
2622 Address 1
softstarter unit. Available range is
Menu for alarm action in case of
communication fault.
Selections are:
No action=do nothing,
2641 ComFlt AA No action Hard trip=coast motor to stop, Soft
trip= stop motor selected
Warning=warning only but continue
The alarm delay for the Com fault
2642 ComFlt Time 0.5 seconds
alarm action set in menu [2641]

CG Drives & Automation, 01-5909-01r0 Interface and Menu System 17

4.2 RS485 Multipoint network
The RS485 port (see Fig. 4) is used for multipoint communication. A host
computer (master) can address a maximum of 247 slave stations (nodes). See
Fig. 4.

Bus master



Adr. 1 Adr. 2 Adr. 3

Fig. 4 RS 485 multipoint network

It is important that the first and the last unit in the network are terminated, i.e.
unit with Adr. 1 and 3 in figure above. See chapter 4.2.2 page 19 for details.

4.2.1 RS485 wiring

The wiring should be as in Fig. 5. A common problem when installing new net-
works is that the A and B wires have been crossed or incorrectly terminated. The
A and B wires must never cross and only the end nodes on the network should
be terminated. See chapter 4.2.2 page 19 for details.

18 Interface and Menu System CG Drives & Automation, 01-5909-01r0

Master Slave 1 Slave 2

RS485-A RS485-A
RS485-B RS485-B

Shield Shield

Connection to Modbus Male connection on

RTU Host PC/ PLC Modbus RTU option boards

Fig. 5 RS485 wiring

4.2.2 RS485 termination and biasing resistors

As stated above, the first and the last node of a RS485 network line must be ter-
minated to avoid transmission reflections which may cause interference/com-
munication errors. This becomes in particularly important when using high
baud rates and long transmission lines.
The termination is done by connecting a resistor across the A and B transmis-
sion line, i.e. pin 8 and 9 of the D-sub interface, see chapter 2.1 page 7.
The termination resistor should have a value which matches the characteristic
impedance of the transmission line to avoid reflecting waveforms. In general for
RS485 networks a resistor value or approximately 110-120 ohm is commonly
Further, biasing resistors must also be attached together with the termination
resistor to keep the transmission line (A & B) on a steady level while not trans-
mitting (fail-safe). Suitable bias resistors in combination with a 120 ohm termi-
nation resistors is 470 ohm. Connect the first biasing resistor between pin 8 (B)
and pin 5 (gnd). Connect second biasing resistor between pin 9 (A) and pin 1
(power, +5Vdc isolated).

Note! It is important to not select the biasing- and termination resistor

too low ohmic because it will be seen as a load for the transceiver

CG Drives & Automation, 01-5909-01r0 Interface and Menu System 19

4.2.3 RS485 equipotential bonding system
An equipotential bonding system should be used to level out voltage differences
between nodes. The shield in cables must not be used for this purpose. Main
equipotential bonding conductors should be as short as possible. Their resist-
ance from bonded part to the Main Earth Terminal (MET) should, in general,
not exceed 0.05 ohm.

20 Interface and Menu System CG Drives & Automation, 01-5909-01r0

5. Installation
This chapter describes how to mount the option module to the controlboard in
the softstarter.

5.1 Mechanical mounting

Make sure that all power supplies (i.e. both Main and control supply) is
switched off before continuing the installation! Also make sure that no external
equipment connected to the softstarters interface is switched on

NOTE: Correct installation is essential for fulfilling the EMC

requirements and for proper operation of the module.

5.1.1 Inserting the module on to the circuit board

NOTE: Brake the lid in the plastic cover hood to let the interface of the
fieldbus module become accessible from the outside.

1. Gently slide the fieldbus module into place. Make sure that the module
slides on to the guides on the board and into the 50-pin Compact Flash con-
tact. Do NOT use any force!

CG Drives & Automation, 01-5909-01r0 Installation 21

2. Make sure that the fieldbus module goes all the way in. Then tighten the
two screws on the front of the module. The module is now locked to the
board through fastening holes in the PCB.

Fig. 6

22 Installation CG Drives & Automation, 01-5909-01r0

5.2 Shielding
For TSA softstarter, the cable screen is connected to PE via the modules inter-
In most cases it is recommended that the shield be connected to PE at both
ends. This will give a good attenuation of high frequency interference.
When the softstarter is installed in a cabinet, we recommend that the shield of
RS485 also is connected to the external shield DIN-rail (the DIN-rail is con-
nected to a PE-rail). Note that the shield of the network cable should be kept
whole. Connection should cover the largest area possible.
In environments with severe interference, optical signal transmission is the safest
and cheapest solution. Moreover, this is usually the recommended media when
communicating between buildings. Optical solutions have the advantages of
being electrically insulated, lightweight and enable cable lengths of several kilo-
metres to be used. They are also not susceptible to electromagnetic interference,
which means that they can be installed along power cables. Please note that CG
Drives & Automation does not manufacture or sell fibre optical transmitters/
solutions. These are, however, widely available on the market and may be used
together with our products.

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24 Installation CG Drives & Automation, 01-5909-01r0
CG Drives & Automation, 01-5909-01r0, 2013-12-20

CG Drives & Automation Sweden AB

Mörsaregatan 12
Box 222 25
SE-250 25 Helsingborg
T+46 42 16 99 00
F +46 42 16 99 49 /

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