BrewingScience - Latorre 2020
BrewingScience - Latorre 2020
BrewingScience - Latorre 2020
6 authors, including:
Diego Libkind
National University of Comahue
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
Metal and acid tolerant yeasts: genomical and physiological characterization and its potential use for bioremediation approaches View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Diego Libkind on 11 May 2020.
In brewing, the yeast chosen to conduct the fermentation is one of the key factors that influences the
flavor profile. Yeasts that are deliberately not under the control of the brewer are referred to as “wild yeasts”.
The growth of wild yeasts at any stage of beer production process can cause defects that negatively impact
beer quality. Wild yeasts belonging to the Saccharomyces genus present the greatest risk, given their
physiological and morphological similarity to the inoculated yeast. The production of craft beer in Andean
Patagonia of Argentina has grown considerably and a large community of microbreweries co-exist. Most of
these have strong interactions and share many raw material suppliers. They have not yet installed proper
microbial quality control strategies and wild yeast contamination is challenging. The aim of this article was
to genetically characterize for the first time a high number of S. cerevisiae wild yeasts isolated from craft
beer that originated from Andean Patagonia, and to study the incidence of S. cerevisiae var. diastaticus
contamination. The genetic distinctiveness of 32 wild Saccharomyces was determined using multiple real-time
PCR systems and PCR-amplicon capillary electrophoresis of IGS2 region. All isolates were positive for
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and 66 % were var. diastaticus (STA1 positive). Intriguingly, a single STA1 positive
isolate was also positive for Saccharomyces bayanus/pastorianus/uvarum and deserves further investigation.
Strain level typification showed a large diversity even in isolates from the same brewery and also permitted the
detection of well-established strains within single breweries. It also evidenced possible cross contaminations
among breweries. This study provides the first insight into the genetic diversity and distribution of a large set
of S. cerevisiae var. diastaticus in a community of microbreweries and provides important information on how
to tackle this problem in the most efficient way and thereby help improve the quality of craft beer.
Keywords: craft beer, Patagonia, spoiler yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. diastaticus
1 Introduction Patagonian glaciers offer exceptional quality for brewing [3]; II)
Barley is largely produced in La Pampa province and small-scale
Recently, the consumption and production of craft beer has plantations (and posterior malting) are also being developed in
grown rapidly worldwide and in some regions the growth of this Patagonia with promising results; III) Argentina is the only producer
industry has reached 20 – 35 % annually during the past few of hops in Latin America and the principal South-American region
years [1]. As a result, it is common to see multiple independent of cultivation is El Bolsón (near Bariloche) [2]; IV) The discovery
but considerably interconnected microbreweries coexist in certain and identification of the Saccharomyces eubayanus yeast spe-
geographical regions, however, these possess limited microbial cies, missing parent of the Lager hybrid [4, 5] in that geographic
quality control strategies. One example is the Andean region of region, generated great interest in the study and characterization
Argentinean Patagonia where by 2018 there were more than 200 of its fermentative aptitude and its potential application in the beer
microbreweries and more than 40 only in the city of Bariloche industry as a tool for productive diversification and added value.
(with a local population of 108,000 people). [1 and unpublished Fast growth in volume and the number of craft breweries as well
data]. Patagonia has unique conditions for brewing as it offers as the increased consumer demand for quality beers force brew-
all the ingredients needed for brewing: I) Fresh meltwater from ers to constantly search for efficient and affordable quality control
strategies. Microbial contamination has proven to be one of the
most important limiting factors for quality improvement in beer in
general and in craft beers in particular [6–8]. The most frequent
Authors microbial spoilers are some specific bacteria and wild yeasts [9].
Growth of wild yeasts during fermentation and/or in the packaged
Mailen Latorre, Diego Libkind, Centro de Referencia en Levaduras y Tec-
nología Cervecera (CRELTEC). Instituto Andino Patagónico de Tecnologías product may lead to multiple defects, including the formation of
Biológicas y Geoambientales (IPATEC), CONICET – Universidad Nacional phenolic, acidic, fatty acid and estery off-flavors, excess of attenu-
del Comahue, Bariloche, Argentina; Mathias Hutzler, Maximilian Michel, ation as well as haze and turbidity [10]. Wild yeasts can be divided
Martin Zarnkow, Fritz Jacob, Technical University of Munich, Research
Center Weihenstephan for Brewing and Food Quality, Freising, Germany; into two groups: those belonging to the Saccharomyces genus
corresponding author: [email protected] and those that are not, the former represent the greatest risk and
BrewingScience YEAST-SPECIAL March / April 2020 (Vol. 73) 52
Monatsschrift für Brauwissenschaft
Table 1 Saccharomyces isolates from Patagonian craft beer during 2016-2019 from 17 in the filling process. A primary contamination
microbreweries using traditional methods of cultivation can lead to a competition with the applied
culture yeast during main fermentation and
Sample Isolation culture
# Isolate Brewery Location Year to a strong increase in the spoilage yeast cell
The scientific organ
Yearbook 2006 medium
counts in the fermentation substrate. Usually
of the Weihenstephan Scientific Centre of the TU Munich
of the Versuchs- und Lehranstalt für Brauerei in Berlin (VLB)
Table 2 Qualitative real-time PCR systems for differentiation of brewing-related yeast species [22–24]
of Doemens wba – Technikum GmbH in Graefelfing/Munich
Sbp Sbp-r2 GTTTGTTACCTCTGGGCTCG [25, 26] – + –
typification, a method based on a PCR-amplicon capillary electro- was considered to be positive when the Ct value (cycle threshold),
phoresis of partial intergenic spacer 2 (IGS2) fragment (IGS2-314 defined as the number of cycles required for the fluorescent signal
PCR-capillary electrophoresis) was employed [17]. to cross the threshold, was less than 30.
2.2.1 DNA extraction 2.2.3 PCR-DNA sequencing (D1/D2 26S rRNA gene and ITS)
To extract the DNA from each investigated yeast isolate these were The identity of isolates with ambiguous results obtained by RT-
cultured in YM agar slants for 48 hrs and an inoculation loop was PCR were confirmed by sequence analysis of the D1/D2 26S and
used to transfer this to a 1.5 mL tube. It was mixed with an aliquot ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 ribosomal DNA according to previous reports [27].
of 200 μL InstaGeneTM Matrix solution (Biorad, Munich, Germany).
Each tube was vortexed for ten seconds and incubated at 56 °C 2.2.4 DNA fingerprinting (PCR-capillary electrophoresis of
for 30 minutes, followed by another ten seconds of vortexing and the IGS2-314 fragment)
incubation at 96 °C for eight minutes. The incubation steps oc-
curred in a Thermomix 5436 (Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany). For strain typification, genetic fingerprints were generated, based
After incubation, the tubes were centrifuged at 13,000 g for two on the study of the. IGS2 spacer region within the ribosomal gene
minutes then a 100 μL aliquot of the supernatant containing the cluster, using the IGS2-314 method [23]. For partial sequencing
DNA was transferred to a new 1.5 mL tube [17]. of the intergenic spacer 2 (IGS2-314) the specific primers IGS2-
314f(5’-CGGGTAACCCAGTTCCTCACT-3’) and IGS2-314r(5’-
2.2.2 Real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) TAGCATATATTTCTTGTGTGAGAAAGGT-3’) [28] were used at
a concentration of 600 nM as described by Hutzler, Geiger and
Real-time PCR (Light Cycler® 480 II. Roche Diagnostics Deutschland Jacob [23]. PCR was performed with 22.5 μL RedTaq Mastermix
GmbH, Mannheim, Germany) was used to taxonomically classify (2 x) (Genaxxon, Ulm, Germany) and 2.5 μL template DNA with a
the isolates. The primer and TaqMan® probe sequences used are total reaction volume of 25 μL. The Mastermix contained 12.5 μL
listed in Table 2 and the RT-PCR procedure followed that of Hut- buffer solution (RedTaq Mastermix), 7.0 μL DNA-free PCR water
zler [23]. All RT-PCR systems listed in Table 2 are compatible and and 1.5 μL of each primer (Biomers, Munich, Germany). Cycling
were performed with 10 μL 2x Mastermix (Light Cycler® 480 Probe parameters were: A pre-denaturing step at 95 °C for 300 s, then 35
Master, Roche, Germany), 1.4 μL ddH2O PCR water, 0.8 μL (400 cycles for denaturing at 95 °C for 30 s, for annealing and elongation
nM) of each primer (Biomers, Ulm, Germany), 0.4 μL (200 nM) at 54 °C for 30 s and 72 °C for 40 s and for final elongation at 72 °C
probe (Biomers, Ulm, Germany; MGB probe from ThermoFisher for 300 s. PCR was performed using a SensoQuest LabCycler48s
scientific, Applied Biosystems®, USA), 0.5 μL IAC135-f (250 nM), (SensoQuest GmbH, Gottingen, Germany). Amplified fragments
0.5 μL IAC135-r (250 nM), 0.4 μL IAC135-S (HEX) (200 nM), 0.1 μL were analyzed using a capillary electrophoresis system (Agilent
IAC135 (dilution 1: 10 – 13), 0.1 μL IAC135 rev (dilution 1: 10 – 13) DNA 1000 kit) following the manufacturer`s recommendations
and 5 μL template DNA with a total reaction volume of 20 μL, using (lab on a chip, Bioanalyzer Agilent 2100, Agilent Technologies,
the same temperature protocol: 95 °C / 10 min; 40 cycles of 95 °C Santa Clara, CA, USA).
/ 10 s, 60 °C / 55 s; 20 °C. IAC135 was developed by Riedl at the
Research Center Weihenstephan for Brewing and Food Quality of 2.2.5 Dendrogram analysis of the IGS2-314 fingerprint
the Technical University Munich. IAC (internal amplification con- patterns
trol) is a control to confirm that the PCR reaction itself took place.
The yeast strains S. cerevisiae (LeoBavaricus - TUM 68®) and S. Based on the specific capillary electrophoresis IGS2-314 rDNA
pastorianus (Frisinga - TUM 34/70®) were used as a positive and patterns, a dendrogram was built using the Bionumerics program
negative control according to the RT-PCR system tested. The signal 7.6 (Applied Maths, Belgium) to show the relationship between
BrewingScience YEAST-SPECIAL March / April 2020 (Vol. 73) 54
Monatsschrift für Brauwissenschaft
Table 3 Qualitative real-time PCR systems for Saccharomyces spp. differentiation [22–24] present in S. cerevisiae, S. pastorianus, S.
Sce BF300 TF Sbp Sdia paradoxus and S. cariocanus [26], in line
Strain #
(Ct value) (Ct value) (Ct value) (Ct value) (Ct value) with MALDI-TOF data. Unsurprisingly, all
The scientific organ
1 + (20.82)
Yearbook 2006 – + (24.16) – – isolates were negative for Saccharomyces
pastorianus BF 300 system (BF = bottom
of the Weihenstephan Scientific Centre of the TU Munich
of the Versuchs- und Lehranstalt für Brauerei in Berlin (VLB)
2 + (18.50) – + (21.95) – –
of the Scientific Station for Breweries in Munich
of the Veritas laboratory in Zurich
of Doemens wba – Technikum GmbH in Graefelfing/Munich
studied to confirm if it belongs to the same strain as the other 3 produced, and the need to eliminate non-sanitary equipment or
isolates. It was observed that 4 of the 8 breweries with more than accessories, implement proper cleaning and sanitizing protocols
1 isolate analyzed, showed strains that were positive for STA1 and microbial quality control strategies in the breweries. This is the
and negative to this
Yearbook 2006
The scientific organ
gene. Given the lack of information of how the first study that provides source tracking profiles at a strain level
STA gene is spread among brewing-related S. cerevisiae strains of a high number of S. cerevisiae var. diastaticus isolates that
of the Weihenstephan Scientific Centre of the TU Munich
of the Versuchs- und Lehranstalt für Brauerei in Berlin (VLB)
of the Scientific Station for Breweries in Munich
of the Veritas laboratory in Zurich
of Doemens wba – Technikum GmbH in Graefelfing/Munich
and within the brewery environment, it is difficult to draw more show strain distribution within one specific brewery and across
conclusions from the correlation of the presence of the STA gene different breweries in one geographical region. There are some
and the isolates genetic typification. recent S. cerevisiae var. diastaticus studies but their focus is more
on strain characterization and statistical distribution than strain
The genetic typification again showed isolate 5 as a unique case, tracking across different connected breweries [16]. The applied
given it displays a banding pattern very different from the others methods in this article and the data collected have the potential
(only 46.5 % similarity) confirming that it is a very interesting strain to assess different contamination sources and routes in order to
that requires a deeper analysis. improve the quality of Argentine craft beers. The strains studied in
this work were cryo-preserved and incorporated into the IPATEC
microbial collection given that they will be useful as a reference
4 Conclusions for designing strategies for the detection and control of spoilage
microorganisms in micro-breweries, the study of their physiological
The identity and genetic distinctiveness of 32 suspected S. cer- and genetic characteristics, as well as their potential application
evisiae isolates regarded as beer contaminants from craft beers in brewing innovation.
produced in Argentinian Patagonia was determined using a com-
bination of methodologies including MALDI-TOF, real-time PCR Acknowledgements
and PCR-amplicon capillary electrophoresis. The real-time PCR
approach proved useful for a rapid confirmation of S. cerevisiae The present work was financially supported by Universidad Nacional
identity and the detection of STA-positive isolates hence assign- del Comanue (B199), CONICET (PIP11220130100392CO) and
ment to S. cerevisiae var. diastaticus, which was the majority of the Ministerio de Educación (SPU) with projects funded to DL. ML is
isolates (66 %). The IGS2-314 analysis provided the right level of a CONICET PhD fellow.
genetic variability among the isolates to allow finding very interest-
ing cases such as 3 different breweries with multiple isolates of
the same strain, and also several different breweries with putative 5 References
identical contaminant strains. Both studies agreed on the genetic
uniqueness of isolate 5, which deserves further attention. A working 1. Libkind, D. and Bruzone, C.: La madre estaba en la Patagonia, Alimentos
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