MMW PRELIM Module 1 1 Updated

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Part 1

GE4: Mathematics in
the Modern World
Module 1:The Nature of Mathematics
Learning Outcomes:
The students will be able to:
1. Identify patterns in nature and regularities in the world;
2. Articulate the importance of mathematics in one’s life;
3. Argue about the nature of mathematics, what it is, how it is
expressed, represented, and used;
4. Express appreciation for mathematics as a human endeavor.

Prepared by:
Daniel O. Roxas
GE4: Mathematics in the Modern World

Class Policies and Course Requirements

1. Students are expected to submit their problem sets and exercises on time.
No time extension will be given unless permitted by the professor/instructor.
Any output submitted beyond the scheduled date shall receive a point

2. Any form of cheating is not allowed. Students that are caught/proved

cheating will automatically receive a failing grade.

3. Students are expected to display proper decorum and behaviour

especially when communicating with the professor/instructor. This is also
applicable when communicating online or thru social media.

4. Use black or blue pens when answering problem sets and exercises.

Course Requirements Percentile
Assignments/Exercises 20%
Quizzes 20%
Problem Sets 20%
Term Examinations 40%

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GE4: Mathematics in the Modern World

UNIT 1: Mathematics in Our World

Time Allotted: 9 hours
“How is it possible that mathematics, a product of human thought that is independent of experience, fits so
excellently the objects of reality?” – Albert Einstein

Section 1: Patterns and Numbers in Nature and the World

In the general sense of the word, patterns are regular, repeated, or recurring forms or designs. We
see patterns everyday – from the layout of floor tiles, designs of skyscrapers, to the way we tie our shoe
laces. Studying patterns help students in identifying relationships and finding logical connections to form
generalizations and predictions.
Let’s take a look at this pattern:

What do you think will be the next face in the sequence? It should be easy enough to note that the pattern is
made up of two faces – one is smiling and one is frowning. Beginning with a smiling face, the two faces
then alternate. Logically, the face that should follow is

 .

EXAMPLE 1: What Comes Next?

What is the next figure in the pattern below?

A. B.
Looking at the given figures, the lines seem to rotate at 90-degree intervals in a
counterclockwise direction, always parallel to one side of the square. Hence, either A or B could
be the answer. Checking the other patterns, the length of the lines inside the square follows a
decreasing trend. So again, either A or B could be the answer. Finally, looking at the number of
the lines inside the box, each succeeding figure has the number of lines increase by 1. This
means that the next figure should have five lines inside. This leads to option A as the correct

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EXAMPLE 2: What Number comes Next?

What number comes next in 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, ___?

Looking at the given numbers, the sequence is increasing. Starting from 2, each term is two more
than the previous term: 4 = 2 + 2; 6 = 4 + 2; 8 = 6 + 2; 10 = 8 + 2. Therefore, the next term should
be 12 = 10 + 2.

Snowflakes and Honeycombs

Symmetry indicates that you can draw an imaginary line across an object and the resulting parts are
mirror images of each other.

The figure above is symmetric about the axis indicated by the broken line. Note that the left and right
portions are exactly the same. This type of symmetry, known as line or bilateral symmetry, is evident in
most animals, including humans.

Figure: (Left) Leonardo da Vinci’s “Vitruvian

Man” showing the proportions and symmetry
of the human body. (Top) Many animals, such
as butterflies, have bilateral symmetry.

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GE4: Mathematics in the Modern World

There are other types of symmetry depending on

the number of sides or faces that are symmetrical. Note that
if you rotate the starfish above by several degrees, you can
still achieve the same appearance as the original position.
This is known as rotational symmetry. The smallest angle
that a figure can be rotated while still preserving the
original formation is called the angle of rotation. For the
starfish, the angle of rotation is 72º.
A more common way of describing rotational
symmetry is by order of rotation.

Order of Rotation
A figure has a rotational symmetry of order n (n-fold
rotational symmetry) if 1/n of a complete turn leaves the figure
unchanged. To compute for the angle of rotation, we use the
following formula:

Considering the snowflakes on the left, it can be observed that the

patterns on a snowflake repeat six times, indicating that there is a
six-fold symmetry. To determine the angle of rotation, we simply
divide 360º by 6 to get 60º. Many combinations and complex shapes
of snowflakes may occur, which lead some people to think that “no
two are alike”. If you look closely, however, many snowflakes are
not perfectly symmetric due to the effects of humidity and temperature on the ice crystal as it forms.

Packing Problems
Another marvel of nature’s design is the structure and
shape of a honeycomb. People have long wondered how bees,
despite their small size, are able to produce such arrangement
while humans would generally need the use of a ruler and
compass to accomplish the same feat. It is observed that such
formation enables the bee colony to maximize their storage of
honey using the smallest amount of wax.
You can try it out for yourself. Using several coins of
the same size, try to cover as much area of a piece of paper with
coins. If you arrange the coins in a square formation,
there are still plenty of spots that are exposed.
Following the hexagonal formation, however, with
the second row of coins snugly fitted between the
first row of coins, you will notice that more area will
be covered. Translating this idea to three-
dimensional space, we can conclude that hexagonal
formations are more optional in making use of the

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available space. These are referred to as packing problems. Packing problems involve finding the optimum
method of filling up a given space such as a cubic or spherical container. The bees have instinctively found
the best solution, evident in the hexagonal construction of their hives. These geometric patterns are not only
simple and beautiful, but also optimally functional.

Tigers’ Stripes and Hyenas’ Spots

Patterns are also exhibited in the external appearances of animals. We are familiar with how a tiger
looks – distinctive reddish-orange fur and dark stripes. Hyenas, another predator from Africa, are also
covered in patterns of spots. These seemingly random designs are believed to be governed by mathematical
equations. According to a theory by Alan Turing, the man famous for breaking the Enigma code during
World War II, chemical reactions and diffusion processes in cells determine these growth patterns. More
recent studies addressed the question of why some species grow vertical stripes while others have horizontal
ones. A new model by Harvard University researchers predicts that there are three variables that could affect
the orientation of these stripes – the substance that amplifies the density of stripe patterns; the substance that
changes one of the parameters involved in stripe formation; and the physical change in the direction of the
origin of the stripe.

The sunflower
Looking at a sunflower up close, you will notice that there is a
definite pattern of clockwise and counterclockwise arcs or spirals
extending outward from the center of the flower. This is another
demonstration of how nature works to optimize the available space. This
arrangement allows the sunflower seeds to occupy the flower head in a
way that maximizes their access to light and necessary nutrients.

The Snail’s Shell

We are also very familiar with spiral patterns. The most common
spiral patterns can be seen in whirlpools and in the shells of snails and
other similar mollusks. Snails are born with their shells, called
protoconch, which start
out as fragile and colorless. Eventually, these original shells
harden as the snails consume calcium. As the snails grow,
their shells also expand proportionately so that they can
continue to live inside their shells. This process results in a
refined spiral structure that is even more visible when the
shell from the spiral center increases (radius), the amplitudes
of the angles formed by the radii to the point and the tangent
to the point remain constant. This is another example of how
nature seems to follow a certain set of rules governed by

Flower Petals
Flowers are easily considered as things of beauty. Their vibrant colors and fragrant odors make them
very appealing as gifts or decorations. If you look more closely, you will note that different flowers have
different number of petals. Take the iris and trillium, for example. Both flowers have only 3 petals.
Flowers with five petals are said to be the most common. These include buttercup, columbine, and
hibiscus. Among those flowers with eight petals are clematis and delphinium, while ragwort and marigold
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GE4: Mathematics in the Modern World

have thirteen. These numbers are all Fibonacci numbers, which will be discussed in detail in the next

World Population
As of 2017, it is estimated that the world population is about 7.6 billion. World leaders, sociologists,
and anthropologists are interested in studying population, including its growth. Mathematics can be used to
model population growth. Recall that the formula for exponential growth is , where A is the size of
the population after it grows, P is the initial number of people, r is the rate of growth, and t is time. Recall
further that e is the Euler’s constant with an approximate value of 2.718. Plugging in values to this formula
would result in the population size after time t with a growth rate of r.

EXAMPLE 3: Population Growth

The exponential growth model 𝐴 𝑒 0.02𝑡 describes the population of Baler, Aurora in
thousands, t years after 1995.
a. What was the population of Baler in 1995?
b. What will be the population in 2020?

a. Since our exponential growth model describes the population t years after 1995, we
consider 1995 as t = 0 and then solve for A, our population size.
𝐴 𝑒 0.02𝑡
𝐴 𝑒 0.02 0 Replace t with t = 0.
𝐴 𝑒0
𝐴 1 e0 = 1
Therefore, the population of Baler in 1995 was 30,000.
b. We need to find A for the year 2020. To find t, we subtract 2020 and 1995 to get t = 25,
which we then plug in to our exponential growth model.
𝐴 𝑒 0.02𝑡
𝐴 𝑒 0.02 25 Replace t with t = 25.
𝐴 𝑒
𝐴 1. 4872
𝐴 49.4 2
Therefore, the city population would be about 49,462 in 2020.

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Section 2: Fibonacci Sequence

In mathematics, we can generate patterns by performing one or several mathematical operations
repeatedly. Suppose we choose the number 3 as the first number in our pattern. We then choose to add 5 to
our first number, resulting in 8, which is our second number. Repeating this process, we obtain 13, 18, 23,
28 … as the succeeding numbers that form our pattern. In mathematics, we called these ordered lists of
numbers a sequence.

A sequence is an ordered list of numbers, called terms, which may have repeated values. The
arrangement of these terms is set by a definite rule.
EXAMPLE 1: Generating a Sequence

Analyze the given sequence for its rule and indentify the next three terms.
a. 1, 10, 100, 1000
b. 2, 5, 9, 14, 20
c. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8

a. Looking at the set of numbers, it can be observed that each term is a power of 10: 1 = 100,
10 = 101, 100 = 102, and 1000 = 103. Following this rule, the next three terms are: 104 =
10,000, 105 = 100,000, and 106 = 1,000,000.
b. The difference between the first and second terms (2 and 5) is 3. The difference between
the second and third terms (5 and 9) is 4. The difference between the third and fourth terms
(9 and 14) is 5. The difference between the fourth and fifth term is 6. Following this rule, it
can be deduced that to obtain the next three terms, we should add 7, 8, 9, respectively, to
the current term. Hence, the next three terms are 20 + 7 = 27, 27 + 8 = 35, and 35 + 9 = 44.
c. Starting with the first two terms, 1 and 1, the succeeding terms can be generated by adding
the two numbers that came before the term:
1+1=2 1, 1, 2
1+2=3 1, 1, 2, 3
2+3=5 1, 1, 2, 3, 5
3+5=8 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8
Thus, the next three terms are:
5 + 8 = 13 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13
8 + 13 = 21 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21
13 + 21 = 34 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34

The sequence in Example 1, item C is a special sequence called the Fibonacci sequence. It is named after
the Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, who was better known by his nickname Fibonacci. He is said to
have discovered this sequence as he looked at how a hypothesized group of rabbits bred and reproduced.
The problem involved having a single pair of rabbits and then finding out how many pairs of rabbits will be
born in a year, with the assumption that a new pair of rabbits beginning at two months after they were born.
He noted that the set of numbers generated from this problem could be extended by getting the sum of the
two previous terms.
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Fibonacci sequence has many interesting properties. Among these is that this pattern is very visible
in nature. Some of nature’s most beautiful patterns, like the spiral arrangement of sunflower seeds, the
number of petals in a flower, and the shape of snail’s shell – things that we looked at earlier in this chapter –
all contain Fibonacci numbers. It is also interesting to note that the ratios of successive Fibonacci numbers
approach the number Φ (Phi), also known as the Golden Ratio. This is approximately equal to 1.618.

Section 3: Mathematics for Our World

1. Mathematics for Organization

A lot of events happen around us. In the blink of an eye, several children have already been born,
liters of water have been consumed, or thousands of tweets have been posted. For us to make sense of all
available information, we need mathematical tools to help us make sound analysis and better decisions.
For instance, a particular store can gather data on the shopping habits of its customers and make
necessary adjustment to help drive sales. Scientists can plot bird migration routes to help conserve
endangered animal populations. Social media analysts can crunch all online postings using software to
gauge the netizens’ sentiments on particular issues or personalities.

2. Mathematics for Prediction

It is sometimes said that history repeats itself. As much as we can use mathematical models using
existing data to generate analysis and interpretations, we can also use them to make predictions.
Applying the concept of probability, experts can calculate the chance of an event occurring. The weather
is a prime example. Based on historical patterns, meteorologists can make forecasts to help us prepare
for our day-to-day activities. They can also warn us of weather disturbances that can affect our activities
for weeks or months. Astronomers also use patterns to predict the occurrence of meteor showers or
eclipses. In 2017, announcements were made about heavenly phenomena such as the Draconid Meteor
Shower and “The Great American Eclipse.” They were able to tell when these phenomena would occur
and where would be the best places to view them.

3. Mathematics for Control

We have demonstrated by means of examples around us that patterns are definitely present in the
universe. There seems to be an underlying mathematical structure in the way that natural objects and
phenomenon behave. While photographers could capture a single moment through a snapshor,
videographers could record events as they unfold. Painters and sculptors could create masterpieces in
interpreting their surroundings, poets could use beautiful words to describe an object, and musicians
could capture and reproduce sounds that they hear. These observations of nature, as well as their
interactions and relationships, could be more elegantly described by means of mathematical equations.
As stated by astrophysicist Brian Greene, “With a few symbols on a page, you can describe the wealth of
physical phenomena.”

4. Mathematics is Indispensible
Mathematics plays a huge role in the underpinnings of our world. We have seen it in living creatures
and natural phenomena. We have also looked at examples of how mathematical concepts could be
applied. Whether you are on your way to becoming a doctor, an engineer, an entrepreneur, or a chef, a
knowledge of mathematics will be helpful. At the most basic level, logical reasoning and critical
thinking are crucial skills that are needed in any endeavour. As such, the study of mathematics should be
embraced as it paves the way for more educated decisions and in a way, brings us closer to
understanding the natural world.

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ASSIGNMENT 1: (20 points)

1. Draw the image that completes the pattern: (2 pts each)

7 5 5 3

11 14 10 ?
2 3 5 11 3 5 8 5

2. What completes the following patterns? (1 pt each)

a. CSD, ETF, GUH, _____, KWL
b. 16, 32, 64, 128, _____
c. 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, _____
d. 22, 21, 25, 24, 28, 27, _____
3. Find the angle of rotation of the given figures. (2 pts each)
a. b.

4. A house is purchased for Ᵽ1,000,000 in 2002. The value of the house is given by the exponential growth
0. 5
model 1 .
a. What is the value of the house in the year 2020? (2 pts)
b. Find t when the house would be worth Ᵽ5,000,000. (2 pts)
5. Let Fib(n) be the nth term of the Fibonacci sequence, with Fib(1) = 1, Fib(2) = 1, Fib(3) = 2, and so on.
a. Find Fib(9). (1 pt)
b. Find Fib(19). (1 pt)
c. If Fib(22) = 17,711 and Fib(24) = 46,368, what is Fib(23)? (2pts)

 Aufmann, R., et al. (2017). Mathematics in the Modern World. Manila, Philippines, Sampaloc: Rex
Book Store. (Chapter 1)
 Aufmann, R. N. (2018). Mathematical Excursions. Australia: Cengage Learning.
 Adam, J. A. (2006). Mathematics in nature: Modeling patterns in the natural world. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press.

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