Simple Project

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Cairo University, Faculty of Computers

and Artificial Intelligence

K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) & SVM

Due date(27/7/2024)

1. Introduction

1.1 Problem Statement

Describe the problem you are trying to solve. Explain why it is important and what you aim
to achieve with the KNN algorithm.

1.2 Objectives
- Define the objectives of the assignment.
- Explain the expected outcomes.

2. Data Preparation

2.1 Data Collection

- Describe the dataset you are using.
- Mention the source of the dataset.
- Provide a brief summary of the dataset (number of features, number of samples, etc.).

2.2 Data Cleaning

- Handle missing values.
- Deal with any outliers.
- Perform any necessary transformations.

2.3 Feature Selection/Engineering

- Split the data into features and labels.


Cairo University, Faculty of Computers

and Artificial Intelligence

3. Model Training

3.1 Splitting the Data

- Split the dataset into training and test sets.

3.2 Training the KNN and SVM Model

- Explain the KNN $ SVM algorithm briefly.
- Train the KNN $ SVM model on the training set.
- Mention the choice of hyperparameters (e.g., number of neighbors, distance metric).

4. Model Evaluation

4.1 Performance Metrics

- Define the metrics used to evaluate the model (e.g., accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score).
- Evaluate the model on the test set using these metrics.

6. References
- List any references or resources used during the assignment.

• Be careful we will check your code and if we found that you cheat
the code you will get zero. So be careful.

• This project will be done in groups of 3 or individually.

• You are allowed to work with team from another group, and the
team will discuss with the instructor of the majority.

Ex: if team consists of 2 persons from G-1 and one person from G-2,
then the team will discuss with G-1 instructor.

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