Activity 14 Where in The World Is The PhilippiesPart II

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San Quintin, Pangasinan


Where in the World is the Philippines?

Name: __________________________________ Date: __________________

Grade & Section: __________________________ Score: _________________

 To describe the location of the Philippines using latitude and longitude.
 Globes

1. Study the image of a globe. Then get a real globe and identify the parts that are labelled in the image. Be ready to
point them out when your teacher asks you.

2. After studying the globe and the image, try to define

“equator” in your own words. Give your own definition
when your teacher asks you.

3. The “northern hemisphere” is that part of the world

between the North Pole and the equator. Show the northern
hemisphere on the globe when your teacher asks you.

4. Where is the “southern hemisphere”? Show the southern

hemisphere on the globe when your teacher asks you.

5. Study Drawing A. It shows the lines of latitude.

6. Study Drawing B. It shows the lines of longitude.


1. What is latitude? Describe. Answer: __________________________________________________________


2.What is longitude? Describe.Answer: __________________________________________________________


3. What is equator and prime meridian. Answer:


4.What is the latitude and longitude of Manila? How about the Philippines? Answer:
San Quintin, Pangasinan


How Do People Destroy Natural Resources?

Name: __________________________________ Date: __________________

Grade & Section: __________________________ Score: _________________

 Identify the effects of some human activities on natural resources; and
 Suggest ways to reduce the effects..
1. Study the table 2 below and tell if you have observed the activities listed in your locality.

Table 2 – Ways People Destroy Natural Resources

Activities (1) Effects on Natural Resources (2)

When roads are built, mountains are blown off Damage natural habitats and or kill plants and
using dynamite. animals.

Rice fields are turned into residential or

commercial centers.

People cut too many trees for lumber or paper or

building houses.

More factories are being built to keep up with the

demands of a fast growing population and

Too much mining and quarrying for the purpose

of getting precious metals and stones and gravel.

Some farmers use too much chemical fertilizers to

replenish soil fertility.

Plastics and other garbage are burned.

Cars, trucks, and tricycles that emit dark smoke

(smoke belchers) are allowed to travel.

Other activities:

2. Discuss the effects of these activities on natural resources. Answer:

3. Write the effects on the column opposite the activities. An activity may have more than one effect. Some
of the effects have already been listed in the table.
4. Do you know of other activities that destroy or cause the depletion of natural resources? Add them to the
list and fill the corresponding effect in column 2. (Write your answer on others below)
5. What can you do to conserve resources? Answer:


San Quintin, Pangasinan


What happens to the air in the surroundings as warm air rises?

Name: __________________________________ Date: __________________

Grade & Section: __________________________ Score: _________________

 To explain what happens to the air in the surroundings as warm air rises.

 Box
 Scissors
 Cardboard tube
 Clear plastic
 Candle
 Match
 Smoke source(ex. Mosquito coil)


Pre-activity: Make two holes in the box: one hole on one side and another hole on top (see drawing). Place the cardboard
tube over the hole on top and tape it in place. Make a window at the front side of the box so you can see inside. Cover the
window with clear plastic to make the box airtight.

Activity Proper:
1. Open the box and place the candle directly below the hole on top. Light up the candle and close the box.
2. Make a prediction: what do you think will happen if you place a smoke source near the hole?
3. Now, place the smoke source near the hole. Was your prediction accurate?

Q1. Make a prediction or forecast on your activity. Was your prediction accurate? Answer: ________________________

Q2. Can you explain why? Answer: ____________________________________________________________________


Q3. What do you think will happen if you place a smoke source near the hole? Answer:___________________


San Quintin, Pangasinan


ACTIVITY 17 : Why Do the Seasons Change?

Name: ___________________________________ Date: __________________
Grade & Section: __________________________ Score: _________________

After performing this activity, you should be able to give one reason why the seasons

Materials Needed
Pictures in figure 1-3

1. Study figure 1 carefully. It shows the Earth at different locations along its orbit around the sun. Note
that the axis of Earth is not perpendicular to its plane of orbit, it is tilted. The letter”N” refers to the
North Pole while “S” refers to the South Pole.

Q1. In which month is the North Pole tilted toward the sun-in June or December?
Answer: ___________________________________________________________________

Q2. In which month is the North Pole tilted away from the sun-in June or December?__
Answer: __________________________________________________________________

2. Study figure 2 carefully. The drawing shows how the Earth is oriented with respect to the Sun
during the month of June.
Q3. In June, which,hemisphere receives direct rays from the sun-the Northern Hemisphere or Southern
Answer: _____________________________________________________________________________

3. Study figure 3 carefully. The drawing shows how the Earth is oriented with respect to the Sun during the
month of December.

Q4. In December, which hemisphere receives direct rays from the sun-the Northern Hemisphere or Southern
Answer: ___________________________________________________________________________
San Quintin, Pangasinan


ACTIVITY 18: Are There Shadows in Space?

Name: ___________________________________ Date: __________________
Grade & Section: __________________________ Score: _________________

After performing this activity, you should be able to explain how shadows are formed in

Materials Needed
 1 big ball (plastic or Styrofoam ball)
 1 small ball (diameter must be about ¼ of the big ball)
 Flashlight or other light source
 2 pieces barbecue stick (about one ruler long)
 Any white paper or cardboard larger than the big ball
 Styrofoam block or block of wood as a base


Note: All throughout the activity stay at the back or at the side of the flashlight as much as possible.
None of your members should stay at the back of the big ball, unless specified.

1. Pierce the small ball in the middle with the barbecue stick. Then push
the stick into a Styrofoam block to make it stand (see drawing on the right).
The small ball represents the moon. Do the same to the big ball. The big
ball represents the Earth.

2. Hold the flashlight and shine it on the small ball (see drawing that follows). The distance between the
flashlight and the ball is one footstep. Observe the small ball as you shine light on it. The flashlight
represents the Sun.

Q1. What is formed on the other side of the Moon?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________

3. Place the Earth one footstep away from the Moon (see drawing below). Make sure that the Sun, Moon,
and Earth are along a straight line. Turn on the flashlight and observe.
Q2. What is formed on the surface of the Earth?
Answer: __________________________________________________________________________

4. Place the white paper one footstep away from the Earth (see drawing below). The white paper must be
facing the Earth. Observe what is formed on the white paper.

Q3. What is formed on the white paper?

Answer: _________________________________________________________________________

5. Ask a group mate to move the moon along a circular path as shown below.

Q4. What happens to the shadow of the Moon as you move the Moon around the Earth?
Answer: _______________________________________________________________________

Q5. Observe the appearance of the Moon. What is the effect of the shadow of the Earth on the Moon
as the Moon reaches position X (see drawing in procedure no. 5)?

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