Vcast Install Guide
Vcast Install Guide
Vcast Install Guide
Update packages may be used between editions. The manual printing date changes when a
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Rev: 447e070
© Copyright 2024, Vector Informatik, GmbH All rights reserved. No part of the material
protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage
and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner.
This computer software and related documentation are provided with Restricted Rights. Use,
duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in the
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Vector Informatik reserves the right to make changes in specifications and other information
contained in this document without prior notice. Contact Vector Informatik to determine
whether such changes have been made.
Third-Party copyright notices are contained in the file: 3rdPartyLicenses.txt, located in the
VectorCAST installation directory.
Introduction 5
Overview 6
Platforms 6
VectorCAST 6
FlexNet Publisher 7
Vector License Client 7
Overview 11
Install VectorCAST on Windows 11
Running VectorCAST on Windows 12
Overview 14
Request a License Key 14
Instructions for Obtaining the Host/Node Name and Host ID 15
Install the License Key 16
Start the License Server 17
Overview 21
Install the Vector License Client on Windows 21
Overview 24
Install VectorCAST on Linux 24
Running VectorCAST on Linux 24
Overview 27
Request a License Key 27
Instructions for Obtaining the Host/Node Name and Host ID 27
Install the License Key 28
Start/Stop the License Server 29
Overview 31
Install the Vector License Client on Linux 31
Upgrading VectorCAST 33
Upgrading VectorCAST 34
Index 39
The following sections guide you through the process of installing VectorCAST along with the license
management software.
VectorCAST is license managed using one of two systems. You will use either the legacy license
management implemented with FlexNet Publisher (previously known as FLEXlm™) or the New Vector
License Management (NVLM) implemented with the Vector License Client (VLC).
The legacy VectorCAST license management uses FlexNet Publisher (previously known as
FLEXlm™) as the license server. A User Guide for FlexNet Publisher is shipped with VectorCAST and
can be found in the VectorCAST installation directory, under docs/PDF/. It is also available on the
VectorCAST Download page at
The New Vector License Management uses the Vector License Client (VLC) for license management.
The Help function in the VLC provides information on how to use the VLC to setup your license. This
Installation Guide will guide you to where to find this information and give any steps that are specific to
VectorCAST. Additional information on the VLC is found on the Vector website. This includes
KnowledgeBase articles to help with specific situations.
Please note that all VectorCAST products (for example, VectorCAST/C++ Desktop Edition), are
included in the downloaded installer executable. FlexNet Publisher is also included with the
downloaded installer. The VLC is available from the Download Center.
VectorCAST is available for two platforms, 64-bit Windows and 64-bit Linux.
Windows 64-bit
The following Windows platforms are supported (64-bit version only):
> Windows 11
> Windows 10
> Windows Server 2012 R2
> Windows 8.1
> Windows Server 2012
> Windows 8
> Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (SP1)
> Windows 7 SP1
> Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 (SP2)
> Windows Vista SP2
For the Windows 64-bit VectorCAST, your machine needs to have the Windows Universal C Runtime
(CRT) installed. Universal CRT Deployment | Microsoft Docs
The version requirements for FlexNet Publisher are listed in "Upgrading VectorCAST" on page 34. Note
that if you are using FlexNet Publisher 11.16.4 or higher, then the Windows Universal C Runtime (CRT)
is required.
Linux 64-bit
For Linux host platforms, the minimum system requirements are:
> Any 64-bit Linux distribution with the GNU C Library (glibc) version 2.5 or later.
> FlexNet Publisher also requires that the LSB package for your Linux platform be installed.
Certain parts of VectorCAST, mainly those related to GUIs driven by Python, rely on the Qt5 toolkit,
which has further system-wide dependencies. VectorCAST functionality relying on Qt5 includes
features such as the RSP Configurator and Requirements Gateway integrations. To run these features,
VectorCAST follows the minimum requirements for Qt5:
These dependencies are not mandatory and are only necessary if you wish to run Qt5-driven
In addition, the Linux host will require support for X11 if you intend to run the VectorCAST GUI.
FlexNet Publisher
The version requirements for FlexNet Publisher are listed in "Upgrading VectorCAST" on page 33. Note
that if you are using FlexNet Publisher 11.16.4 or higher, then the Windows Universal C Runtime (CRT)
is required.
The password for the installers is changed for each major version and kept the same for all service
packs of that major version. For example, the same password will be used for VectorCAST 2023 SP5,
VectorCAST 2023 SP6 and VectorCAST 2023 SP7. A new password is created for VectorCAST 2024
and will continue to be used for all service packs for VectorCAST 2024.
Customers receive the password for the encrypted installers in the e-mail for their VectorCAST
software license key.
To assist with the decryption of the Linux installers, you may want to create a helper utility. An example
is given below:
# Usage: <passphrase> <release_archive>
echo "$1" | gpg --no-mdc-warning --batch --passphrase-fd 0 -d "$2" | tar -xzvf
For more information, see the Vector KnowledgeBase article "VectorCAST Software Installer
This section takes you through all the steps necessary to install VectorCAST on a Windows platform.
Note: It has been reported that the Cortex XDR may report an issue when using VectorCAST.
Please consult the user documentation for Cortex XDR for possible workarounds.
Note: The directory path you use must not include spaces, or letters with umlauts or
accents. Allowed characters are A-Z a-z 0-9 [!#$%&'()+-,=@^_`{}~]
Also, the directory path must not contain an instance of VectorCAST. If you wish to reuse
a directory path, VectorCAST must first be removed.
6. Click Next.
The Installer begins to install VectorCAST.
Once this is complete, the Installer will check if the Current VECTORCAST_DIR setting is
different from the New VECTORCAST_DIR setting. If so, the Installer will ask if you want to
modify the current VECTORCAST_DIR to the use the new value. The New value will point to the
directory VectorCAST was just installed to. Select Yes to use the new installation of VectorCAST
or select No to continue to point to the old installation.
The Installer will then check to see if it can find a valid license for VectorCAST. If no valid license
is detected, a window will appear directing you to this guide to find instructions for setting up a
license. Click OK to move past this informational window.
Installation is now complete.
7. Click the Finish button to exit the Installer.
For example, if the VectorCAST installation location is C:\VCAST, set VECTORCAST_ DIR to point to
that directory as follows:
For FLEXlm, set VECTOR_LICENSE_FILE to port@server, where port is the port number in the
VectorCAST license file (the default port is 27000), and server is the Host Name of the License Server.
This section takes you through all the steps necessary to install FlexNet Publisher (the FLEXlm
License Server) on a Windows platform. The software for the server can be installed either through the
VectorCAST Product Installer or it can also be downloaded directly from the VectorCAST download
These instructions are written using Windows 10. Other Windows versions may be slightly different.
One item to be aware of is what directory FlexNet Publisher will be run from. The default directory can
be different depending on how you have installed FlexNet Publisher. There are three install scenarios:
> Scenario 1 - Install from the VectorCAST Product Installer and select "Complete" as the setup
> Scenario 2 - Install from the VectorCAST Product Installer and select "FLEXlm License Server"
as the setup type.
> Scenario 3 - Install from the standalone FLEXlm distribution installer (e.g. fnp_11_18_0_
For Scenario 1, FLEXlm is installed in the same directory as the VectorCAST under the folder
FLEXlm. By default the location will be C:\VCAST\FLEXlm.
For Scenario 2, FLEXlm is installed in the directory you choose. The default directory will be
For Scenario 3, FLEXlm is distributed as a zip file and there is no installer. The FLEXlm files will be in
the directory you unzip the archive to.
The Host/Node Name and Host ID are used by FLEXlm to establish "binding elements". If the binding
elements change, the license is no longer valid. This can be challenging in a cloud environment or on
virtual machines where the MAC address and Disk Serial Numbers are not reliably consistent. To
address this issue, a UUID (universally unique ID) can be used as the Host ID. If the license server will
be run in a cloud environment or on a virtual machine, use UUID as the Host ID type. You cannot get a
UUID on a physical machine (error -211). Details on supported virtual or cloud platforms is included in
the FlexNet Publisher License Administration Guide.
The following instructions can be used to find the Host/Node Name and the Host ID.
Note: If you are setting up a three-server redundant triad, special instructions are needed.
Please contact Technical Support at:
Email: [email protected]
1. Host/Node Name
To get the Host/Node Name, type:
hostname or ipconfig/all
2. Host ID
> To get the Host ID as a MAC address, type:
lmutil.exe lmhostid -n
>> If you receive an error (-213), then the FlexNet Licensing Service is not installed :
>> If the service is not installed, install the service by typing the following in the command
3. Use this information to fill out the VectorCAST License Key Request form (available on our
web site at, then
submit the form to Vector.
Note: If you are using a UUID Host ID, be sure the FlexNet Licensing Service that supplies the
UUID is running.
1. Save the license-key file (delivered as an e-mail attachment) to a location on the License Server.
In this example, the Host name of the machine that is serving the license is hypatia, the HostID is
B8CA3AB69B62, and the license is being served from port 27000. The path to the vector daemon
is C:\VCAST\flexlm\vector.
2. If necessary, modify the DAEMON line in the license-key file to point to the location of the
vector.exe vendor daemon on the license server. For example:
1. Run the program lmtools found in the installation directory for FLEXlm. (Refer to the
screen shot in Step 2 below).
2. Click the Config Services tab. The following screen appears:
In the Service Name field, enter a new name, such as Vector License Server.
3. Use the Browse button associated with Path to the lmgrd.exe file to enter the full
pathname for lmgrd.exe.
By default, this file is located at C:\vcast\FLEXlm\.
If you installed VectorCAST in a different directory, use that path instead of C:\vcast.
4. Use the Browse button associated with Path to the license file to enter the full path name
for the VectorCAST license key (hostname.lic).
This file is located in the directory in which you stored it in "Install the License Key" on page
5. In the Path to the debug log file field, enter the full pathname for a debug log file.
If this folder does not exist, you must create it first.
6. Check the box preceding Use Services.
7. If you want the license server to start automatically when the server machine is rebooted,
also select Start Server at Power-Up.
8. Click the Save Service button (upper right), and confirm when asked.
9. Select the Start/Stop/Reread tab at the top of the screen:
For answers to frequently asked questions, and to access FLEXlm user help (the FlexNet
License Administration Guide), refer to the FlexNet License Adminstration Guide available in
PDF format. The guide is found on the VectorCAST download page
( or in the VectorCAST distribution under
Important: To use VectorCAST with the Vector License Client, the environment variable VECTOR_
LICENSE_FILE MUST be unset. Otherwise, it will use the FLEXlm license server.
The Vector License Client is used not only for VectorCAST but also for many other Vector products. If
you already have the Vector License Client installed, there is no need to re-install it. The licenses for
VectorCAST can be set up with your existing client; however, updating to the latest version of the client
is recommended.
From the downloads listing, select the Vector License Client Windows version.
Once selected you will be redirected to a download information page where you can read additional
information about the download. At the bottom of the page, you will see a button labeled Download
now. Select that button and the download will begin. The downloaded file will be a ZIP archive. Extract
the installer file from the archive and run the installer executable. Depending on your Windows settings,
you may be asked to allow the setup program to make changes to your device. You will then see the
setup wizard for the Vector License Client.
Once Vector License Client is installed, you can find additional help by selecting the Help button at the
top of the application.
From the Start Page, you will see a Getting Started section. It is recommended to begin there with help
to setup your license.
This section takes you through all the steps necessary to install VectorCAST on a Linux platform.
cd /home/vector
mkdir vcast
cd vcast
3. Copy the VectorCAST installer to the directory. If the installer is encrypted, see "Decrypting
VectorCAST Installers" on page 9 for a Linux Installer. Enter:
export VECTORCAST_DIR=/home/vector/vcast
Note: If you created a directory other than /home/vector/vcast as the installation directory,
use that path here.
export VECTORCAST_DIR=/home/vector/vcast
For FLEXlm, set VECTOR_LICENSE_FILE to port@server, where port is the port number in the
VectorCAST license file (the default port is 27000), and server is the Host Name of the License Server.
For example:
export VECTOR_LICENSE_FILE=27000@HostName
This section takes you through all the steps necessary to install FlexNet Publisher (the FLEXlm
License Server) on a Linux platform. The software for the server is included within the VectorCAST
installation tree. It can also be downloaded directly from the VectorCAST download page.
These instructions are written using CentOS 8. Other Linux versions may be different.
The Host/Node Name and Host ID are used by FLEXlm to establish "binding elements". If the binding
elements change, the license is no longer valid. This can be challenging in a cloud environment or on
virtual machines where the MAC address is not reliably consistent. To address this issue, a UUID
(universally unique ID) can be used as the Host ID. If the license server will be run in a cloud
environment or on a virtual machine, use UUID as the Host ID type. You cannot get a UUID on a
physical machine (error -211). Details on supported virtual or cloud platforms is included in the FlexNet
Publisher License Administration Guide.
The following instructions can be used to find the Host/Node Name and the Host ID.
Note: If you are setting up a three-server redundant triad, special instructions are needed.
Please contact Technical Support at:
Email: [email protected]
1. Host/Node Name
To get the Host/Node Name, type:
uname -n
2. Host ID
> To get the Host ID as a MAC address, type:
./lmutil lmhostid -n
>> If you receive an error (-213), then the FlexNet Licensing Service is not installed :
>> If the service is not installed, install the service (run as root):
cd publisher/
./ --nolsb \
cd ..
Note: for more command options for the ./ utility, type ./install_ --help
3. Use this information to fill out the VectorCAST License Key Request form (available on our
web site at, then
submit the form to Vector.
Note: If you are using a UUID Host ID, be sure the FlexNet Licensing Service that supplies the
UUID is running.
1. Save your license-key file (delivered as an e-mail attachment) to a location on the License Server.
In the example above, the name of the machine that is serving the license is flexlm, the HostID is
0243AC110003, and the port is the default 27000. The path to the vector daemon is
2. Modify the DAEMON line in the license-key file to point to the location of the vector vendor
daemon on the license server. For example,
./lmgrd -c path_to_license_file
./lmutil lmstat
lmutil - Copyright(c)1989-2018 Flexera. All Rights Reserved.
Flexible License Manager status on Thu 10/15/2015 09:10
License server status: 1234@birch
License file(s) on birch: /home/USERS/licenses/birch.lic:
alder: license server UP (MASTER) v11.16.1.0
Vendor daemon status (on birch):
vector: UP v11.16.1.0
Note: If you are already using FLEXlm for VectorCAST and receive a new license, you will need
to replace the previous license with the new one and stop and re-start the license server. Be sure
to update the DAEMON line in the new license file.
Important: To use VectorCAST with the Vector License Client, the environment variable VECTOR_
LICENSE_FILE MUST be unset. Otherwise, it will use the FLEXlm license server.
The Vector License Client is used not only for VectorCAST but also for many other Vector products. If
you already have the Vector License Client installed, there is no need to re-install it. The licenses for
VectorCAST can be set up with your existing client; however, updating to the latest version of the client
is recommended.
From the downloads listing, select the Vector License Client Linux version. You will see that the Linux
version is supplied on both a DEB and RPM format. You may use whichever format is appropriate for
your Linux distribution.
Once selected you will be redirected to a download information page where you can read additional
information about the download. At the bottom of the page, you will see a button labeled Download
now. Select that button and the download will begin.
In the archive you will find the file That file contains instructions on how to install the
Vector License Client on Linux along with any dependencies. The file also shows how to access the
help files for usage instructions.
Upgrading VectorCAST
Note: This section only applies to the legacy license manager.
Visit the VectorCAST download page on our web site to see if a new version of VectorCAST has been
released. By request, your organization is notified about new releases of VectorCAST. If you decide to
upgrade your VectorCAST installation, you should first determine if you will need to upgrade the
FLEXnet licensing binaries.
> VectorCAST 5.1a and above requires that FLEXlm version 11.7 or above be used.
> VectorCAST 5.1h and above requires that FLEXlm version 11.9 or above be used.
> VectorCAST 6.4a and above requires that FLEXlm version 11.12 or above be used.
> VectorCAST 2018 and above requires that FLEXlm version 11.14.1 or above be used.
> VectorCAST 2019 and above requires that FLEXlm version 11.16.1 or above be used.
> VectorCAST 2020 and above requires that FLEXlm version 11.16.1 or above be used.
> VectorCAST 2021 and above requires that FLEXlm version 11.16.1 or above be used.
> VectorCAST 2022 and above requires that FLEXlm version 11.18.2 or above be used.
To determine the version of the FLEXlm license manager, enter in a Command Prompt in the
installation directory for FLEXlm:
If you do need to upgrade your FLEXlm binaries, follow these steps (run from the installation directory
for FLEXlm):
lmutil lmstat
lmutil lmdown -c path_to_old_license_file
3. Follow the instructions for installing FlexNet Publisher found in this document.
Note: This section does not apply to NVLM Named User Licenses.
Legacy Named User licenses may not be assigned to anonymous or fictitious users. The Legacy
Named User license is implemented using the same FlexNet Publisher licensing technology as the
VectorCAST floating licenses, but the license file is encoded to only allow usage by a sub-set of users.
The association between licenses and users is controlled by the customer through the use of a FlexNet
Publisher License Options file. For more details about the FlexNet utilities, as well as the license and
options file formats, refer to the FlexNet Publisher License Administration Guide. A User Guide for
FlexNet Publisher is shipped with VectorCAST and can be found in the VectorCAST installation
directory, under docs/PDF/.
The first two lines of the license file attached to the email will look something like this:
SERVER myserver 101234567890ab
DAEMON vector /home/flexlm/vector.exe
In addition to the changes described in the sections on installing the license server, the DAEMON line
will also need to be edited to provide the path and filename of your options file as shown in the example
A Named User license file is different from a floating license file in two ways:
> The DAEMON line specifies the path to a license options file.
> Each FEATURE or INCREMENT line has a “USER-BASED” attribute.
For example, the following named user license file enables three named users for VectorCAST C++
5. Every instance of the application uses a license, so if one user who is authorized by the License
Options file starts three instances of VectorCAST, then three licenses are consumed.
6. If you edit the options and do lmreread, user changes will not get enabled for 12 hours.
7. The number of userIDs in the options file must be less than or equal to the maximum licensed
- If you provide too many names, you will get the following fatal error in the debug log on the
“USER_BASED license error for EDITION_C_ENT Number of INCLUDE names
(5) exceeds limit of 3”
- If you provide too few names, you will get the following informational message in the debug log:
“Number of INCLUDED entries for USER_BASED feature VECTORCAST_MANAGE
is 2, maximum is 3"
Index: decrypt installers – linux