Series: Question Booklet

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:2 : 85
Time : 2 Hours Screening Test Maximum Marks : 85
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2. The paper contains 170 questions.
3. Attempt all questions as there will be no Negative 4.
4. The questions are of objective type. Here is an
example. Question : 8 Taj Mahal was built by_____
(A) Sher Shah (B) Aurangzeb
(C) Akbar (D) Shah Jahan
The correct answer of this question is Shah Jahan.
You will therefore darken the circle with ink pen
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A B C D Q.8
Q.8 5.
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Code No. : C-723 /2021/Series-A

Space For Rough Work /

Code No. : C-723/2021/Series-A 2

This question paper contains 170 questions. /     170   
All questions are compulsory.     
One question carries half mark only.         
Maximum Marks : 85    85
Time : 2 Hours   2 
1. Which of the following is a rock ?
(A) Silica (B) Mica (C) Quartzite (D) None of these
        ?
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D)    
2. Find the one which is not used in quarrying.
(A) Gun cotton (B) Gun powder
(C) Marble powder (D) Dynamite
             ?
(A)   (B)   (C)   (D) 
3. In composition of good bricks, the total content of silt and clay, by weight,
should not be less than :
    ,        ,      
(A) 50% (B) 60% (C) 85% (D) 90%
4. Frost attack in concrete used in bridges can be avoided by :
(A) Using air-entertained concrete mix
(B) Using high strength concrete with M 45 or more
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of these
             
(A) -     
(B) M 45    -    
(C) (A)  (B) 
(D)    
5. Identify which grade of cement is not available in Indian market.
(A) 33 grade (B) 23 grade (C) 43 grade (D) 53 grade
     ()      ?
(A) 33  (B) 23  (C) 43  (D) 53 
6. Minimum longitudinal steel ratio required on any face at any section of beam
for M 25 and Fe 500 is :
(A) 0.0024 (B) 0.24 (C) 0.48 (D) None of these
M 25  Fe 500              
    
(A) 0.0024 (B) 0.24 (C) 0.48 (D)    
3 Code No. : C-723/2021/Series-A
7. Three forces are in equilibrium when :
(A) Force triangle closes.
(B) The lines of action of three forces are concurrent.
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of these
      
(A)      (B)        
(C) (A)  (B)  (D)    
8. The unit of angular displacement is :
(A) Radian (B) Radian per second
(C) Radian per second per second (D) None of these
    
(A)  (B)   
(C)   
   (D)    
9. Froude number is ratio of inertia force to :
(A) Viscous force (B) Gravity force
(C) Elastic force (D) Pressure force
   ________       
(A)   (B)   (C)   (D)  
10. One degree of curve is (where R = Radius of curve) :
(A) 1700/R (B) 1750/R (C) 1720/R (D) None of these
      ( R =   )
(A) 1700/R (B) 1750/R (C) 1720/R (D)    
11. In a fluid flow the line of constant piezometric head passes through two
points which have the same :
(A) Elevation (B) Velocity
(C) Velocity potential (D) Pressure
   ,         ,  ________ 
  
(A)  (B)  (C)   (D) 
12. Bernoulli's equation is applied to :
(A) Orifice meter (B) Venturimeter (C) Pitot tube (D) All of these
    
(A)   (B)  (C)   (D)  
13. Two throw reciprocating pumps mean :
(A) Double acting pump (B) Double reciprocating pump
(C) Duplex double acting pump (D) Double cylindrical pump
-      
(A) -  (B)   
(C)  -  (D) - 
Code No. : C-723/2021/Series-A 4
14. In foundations rested on hard rock, minimum diameter of bar to be used for
doweling is :
     ,  ()            
(A) 16 mm (B) 20 mm (C) 25 mm (D) 32 mm
15. Wicket gates are :
(A) Gate valve in a penstock (B) Sluice gates of dam
(C) Runner vanes of reaction turbine (D) Guide vanes of reaction turbine
  
(A)      (B)    
(C)      (D)     
16. In a tank or channel, notch is provided to measure :
(A) Velocity (B) Discharge (C) Pressure (D) Static energy
               ?
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D)  
17. When the depth of flow changes abruptly over a short distance, then the flow
will be termed as :
(A) Rapidly varied flow (B) Unsteady flow
(C) Turbulent flow (D) Gradually varied flow
          ,       –
(A)    (B)  
(C)   (D)   
18. A boat with scrap iron is floating in a lake. If the scrap iron is thrown into the
lake then :
(A) Go up (B) Go down
(C) Remain unchanged (D) None of these
                     , 
(A)    (B)    (C)    (D)    
19. A gale blows over a house. The force due to gale on the roof is :
(A) Downward (B) Upward (C) Horizontal (D) Zero
                    
(A)   (B)   (C)  (D) 
20. The power channel that extends from the intake works to the power house is
called :
(A) Head race (B) Penstock
(C) Diversion canal (D) None of these
            ,   
(A)  (B)  (C)   (D)    
5 Code No. : C-723/2021/Series-A
21. The specific speed of the Francis turbine is in the range of :
(A) 50-250 (B) 10-35 (C) 150-200 (D) All of these
        
(A) 50-250 (B) 10-35 (C) 150-200 (D)  
22. In prismatic compression member having length L, if one end is fixed and at
other end translation is allowed but not rotation then the effective length will be :
L      ,          
    ,    
(A) 1.2 L (B) 0.8 L (C) 0.65 L (D) l.0 L
23. A brick masonry could fail due to :
(A) Rupture along a vertical joint in poorly bonded walls
(B) Shearing along a horizontal plane
(C) Crushing due to overloading
(D) All of these
 -       
(A)         
(B)      
(C)    
(D)  
24. If the void ratio and discharge velocity for soil is 0.5 and 5×10–7 m/s
respectively, what will be the seepage velocity in m/s ?
          0.5  5 × 10–7 m/s , 
  (m/s )  
(A) 6 × 10–7 (B) 15 × 10–7 (C) 12 × 10–7 (D) 3 × 10–7
25. The pressure intensity is same in all directions at a point in a fluid :
(A) only when fluid is frictionless and incompressible
(B) only when fluid is frictionless and is at rest
(C) only when fluid is frictionless
(D) when there is no relative motion of one fluid layer relative to other
              
(A)          
(B)            
(C)       
(D)              
26. Maximum allowable shear stress in a section is 50.0 kg/cm2. If bar is
subjected to tensile force of 400 kg and if the section is square shaped, what
will be the dimension of sides of the squares ?
       50.0 kg/cm2     400 kg  
      ,         ?
(A) 10 cm (B) 5 cm (C) 2 cm (D) 12.5 cm
Code No. : C-723/2021/Series-A 6
27. Before entering a manhole a candle is lowered into the manhole
(A) to illuminate it
(B) to detect toxic gases
(C) to give a signal to the adjacent manhole
(D) to find out the presence of oxygen
              
(A)    (B)     
(C)         (D)      
28. Due to slipping of the wheels the rail forms
(A) Crushed head (B) Battered ends
(C) Spilt head (D) Horizontal fissure
          
(A)   (B)   (C)   (D)  
29. In a closed traverse
(A) difference between fore-bearing and back bearing should be 90°.
(B) sum of included angles should be (2N-4) times right angle, where N
represents the number of sides.
(C) sum of included angles should be (2N-1) times right angle, where N is
the number of sides.
(D) None of these
   
(A) -      90°     
(B)       (2N-4)   ,  N   
  
(C)       (2N-1)   ,  N   
  
(D)    
30. The test most suitable for concrete of very low workability is
(A) Slum test (B) Compaction factor test
(C) Vee-Bee test (D) All option are correct
           
(A)   (B)   
(C) -  (D)     
31. For a cantilever, the clear distance from the free end of the cantilever to the
lateral restraint shall not exceed: (where b = width and d = effective depth of
(A) Lesser of 25b or 100b2/d (B) Lesser of 20b or l00b/d
(C) Greater of 25b or 100b2/d (D) None of these
   ,              
  ( b =   d =    )
(A) 25 b  100 b2/d   (B) 20 b  l00 b/d  
(C) 25 b  100 b /d  
2 (D)    
7 Code No. : C-723/2021/Series-A
32. M 50 structural steel tube has a radius of gyration 20 mm. The unbraced
length upto which the tube can be used as compression member is :
M 50       20 mm      
            ?
(A) 6.0 m (B) 5.6 m (C) 3.6 m (D) 10.0 m
33. Muschel curve means:
(A) Curves at constant speed. (B) Curves at constant efficiency.
(C) Curves at constant head. (D) None of these
     
(A)     (B)    
(C)     (D)    

34. A waste water stream (flow = 3 m3/s, ultimate BOD=80 mg/1) is joining a
small river (flow = 12 m3/s, ultimate BOD = 10 mg/1). Both water streams
get mixed up instantaneously. Cross-sectional area of the river is 30.0 m2.
Then the velocity of river flow will be :
(A) 0.3 m/s (B) 0.5 m/s (C) 1.5 m/s (D) None of these
  - ( = 3 m3/s,  BOD = 80 mg/l)     
( = 12 m3/s,  BOD = 10 mg/l)    -     
      30.0 m2        
(A) 0.3 m/s (B) 0.5 m/s (C) 1.5 m/s (D)    
35. 15 MLD of water is flowing through a 2.0 km long pipe of diameter 40 cm.
The chlorine at the rate of 27 kg/d is applied at the entry of this pipe so that
disinfected water is obtained at the exit. There is a proposal to increase the
flow through this pipe to 20 MLD from 15 MLD. Assume the dilution
coefficient, n = 1. The minimum amount of chlorine (in kg per day) to be
applied to achieve the same degree of disinfection for the enhanced flow is :
40 cm   2.0 km    15 MLD          
 27 kg/d         ,      
            15 MLD  20 MLD   
     n = 1             
    (kg/d)    ?
(A) 48 kg/d (B) 30 kg/d
(C) 35 kg/d (D) None of these /    
Code No. : C-723/2021/Series-A 8
36. A town is required to treat 5.0 m3/min of raw water for daily domestic
supply. Flocculating particles are to be produced by chemical coagulation. A
column analysis indicated that an overflow rate of 0.3 mm/s will produce
satisfactory particle removal in a settling basin at a depth of 4.0 m. The
required surface area (in m2) for settling is (approx.)
           5.0 m3/min    
                 
 4.0 m        0.3 mm/s     
      ,     (m2 )   ?
(A) 277.7 (B) 200.5 (C) 350.7 (D) 150.5
37. A water sample has a pH of 8.0. The concentration of hydroxyl ions in the
water sample is:
    pH 8.0            ?
(A) 10–14 mol/l (B) 10–6 mol/l (C) 106 mol/l (D) 10–22 mol/l
38. If the coefficient of passive earth pressure is 3, then coefficient of active earth
pressure will be
 -    3 ,   -    ?
(A) 1/3 (B) 1 (C) 0.5 (D) 3
39. The intensity of irrigation means :
(A) Percentage of culturable commanded area to be irrigated annually
(B) Percentage of gross commanded area to be irrigated annually
(C) Percentage of the mean of culturable commanded area and the gross
commanded area to be irrigated annually
(D) None of these
      
(A)          
(B)          
(C)                
(D)    
40. A : Sanitary pipes should be laid out straight as far as possible.
R : Straight piping reduces plumbing cost.
(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(B) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(C) A is true, but R is false.
(D) A is false, but R is true.
A :            
R :         
(A) A  R     R, A     
(B) A  R   ,  R, A      
(C) A  ,  R   
(D) A  ,  R   
9 Code No. : C-723/2021/Series-A
41. An undisturbed sample of clay 20 mm thick consolidated 50% in 30 minutes
when tested in laboratory with drainage allowed top and bottom. The clay
layer from which the sample is taken form the 6.0 m thick layer in the field.
How much time will it take to consolidate 50% with single drainage ?
(A) 3860 days (B) 7500 days (C) 1500 days (D) 3000 days
20 mm      ,        ,  
      30   50%      ,    
 ,   6.0 m       
    50%   
   ?
(A) 3860  (B) 7500  (C) 1500  (D) 3000 
42. Kor watering is :
(A) First watering to crop when crop is few centimeter high.
(B) Watering to crop anytime when crop is few centimeter high.
(C) First watering to land
(D) All of these
 (Kor)   
(A)           
(B)            
(C)    
(D)  
43. The plot between rainfall intensity V/s time is called as :
(A) Hyetograph (B) Isohyets (C) Hydrograph (D) Mass curve
  V/s        
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D)  
44. As per IRC, rise in fixed arch type bridge is kept between (L= span of bridge)
(A) L/3 to L/6 (B) L/2 to L/6 (C) L/3 to L/10 (D) L/3 to L/4
IRC  ,             (L =   )
(A) L/3  L/6 (B) L/2  L/6 (C) L/3  L/10 (D) L/3  L/4
45. A circular bar AB having length "L", fixed at both ends is loaded by a
distributed torque of constant intensity "q/ unit" distance along the axis of bar
and varies linearly in intensity from zero at one end (A) and "q o" at other
end (B). What will be the torque at A ?
‘L’      AB     ,      q/ 
           (A)       (B) 
"qo"          A     ?
(A) (qoL)/6 (B) (qoL)/4 (C) (qoL)/10 (D) (2qoL)/6
Code No. : C-723/2021/Series-A 10
46. Olive oil, oleic acid, vegetable oils etc. are known as :
(A) Retarding admixtures (B) Air entertaining admixtures
(C) Accelerators (D) None of these
 ,  ,      
(A)   (B)   
(C)  (D)    
47. The minimum thickness of special shear wall shall not be less than:
(A) 200 mm
(B) 230 mm
(C) 300 mm for buildings with coupled shear walls in any seismic zone
(D) Both (A) and (C)
           
(A) 200 mm
(B) 230 mm
(C)             300 mm
(D) (A)  (C) 
48. Which of the following units is employed for the removal of particulate
matter below 1 micron (m) in size ?
(A) Fabric filters (B) Cyclone
(C) Electrostatic precipitator (D) Gravity settling chamber
  (m)               
    ?
(A)   (B) 
(C) -  (D)   
49. What should be minimum depth of exploration below an isolated footing ?
(A) Equal to width of footing (B) One & half times width of footing
(C) Three times width of footing (D) Three times depth of footing
          
(A)      (B)      
(C)       (D)      
50. Average free flow speed and the jam density observed on a road stretch are
80 km/h and 100 vehicles/km respectively. For a linear speed-density
relationship, the maximum flow on the road stretch (in vehicles/h) is:
(A) 8000 veh/hour (B) 2000 veh/hour (C) 1800 veh/hr (D) 2200 veh/hour
           ()   80
km/h  100 /.     -   ,    
 (/. )   ?
(A) 8000 /. (B) 2000 /. (C) 1800 /. (D) 2200 /.
11 Code No. : C-723/2021/Series-A
51. For structures to be permanently immersed in water, minimum grade of
concrete should be :
                 
(A) M 30 (B) M 25 (C) M 35 (D) M 20
52. A camera with a focal length of 15 cm fitted in an aircraft is used for taking
vertical aerial photographs of a terrain. The average elevation of the terrain is
1000 m above Mean Sea Level (MSL). What is the height above MSL at
which an aircraft must fly in order to get the aerial photographs at a scale of
1 : 6000 ?
15 cm            ,   
               
   (MSL)  1000 m    1 : 6000     
      MSL        ?
(A) 1900 m (B) 2000 m (C) 2800 m (D) 2500 m
53. The shape factor for a solid circulars section of diameter D is equal to :
 D             
(A) D/(2) (B) 15/(2) (C) 16/(3) (D) 3D/(2)
54. A steel column is restrained against both translation and rotation at one end
and is restrained only against rotation but free to translate at the other end.
Theoretical and design (IS: 800 – 2007) values, respectively, of effective
length factor of the column are :
(A) 1 and 1.2 (B) 1.2 and 1.2 (C) 1 and 1 (D) 1.2 and 1
                 
                 
  (IS : 800 – 2007)    
(A) 1  1.2 (B) 1.2  1.2 (C) 1  1 (D) 1.2  1
55. A line of true length 300.0 m when measured by a 30.0 m tape is reported to
be 302.0 m long. The correct length of tape is :
300.0 m        30.0 m      ,  302.0
m             ?
(A) 30.2 m (B) 29.80 m (C) 28.9 m (D) 31.8 m
56. The critical bending compressive stress in the extreme fiber of a structural
steel section is 1250 MPa. It is given that the yield strength of the steel is 250
MPa, width of flange is 250 mm and thickness of flange is 15 mm. As per the
provisions of IS: 800-2007, the non-dimensional slenderness ratio of the steel
cross-section is :
(A) 0.2 (B) 0.2 (C) 2.0 (D) None of these
            1250 MPa   
        250 MPa,    250 mm  
  15 mm   IS : 800-2007    ,   - 
    
(A) 0.2 (B) 0.2 (C) 2.0 (D)    
Code No. : C-723/2021/Series-A 12
57. Compressibility of sandy soils is :
(A) almost equal to that of clayey soils.
(B) much greater than that of clayey soils.
(C) much less than that of clayey soils.
(D) None of these
      
(A)       
(B)       
(C)       
(D)    
58. For subcritical flow in an open channel, the control section for gradually
varied flow profiles is:
(A) at the downstream end.
(B) at the upstream end.
(C) at both upstream and downstream ends.
(D) at any intermediate section.
    -   , -      
   
(A)    (B)   
(C)       (D)     
59. Return and wing walls are:
(A) return wall is not adjacent to the abutment and parallel to the road
whereas wing wall is splayed return wall and at usually at 45° to the
road embankment.
(B) return wall is adjacent to the abutment and at angle to the road whereas
wing wall is splayed return wall and usually at 45° to the road
(C) return wall is not adjacent to the abutment and parallel to the road
whereas wing wall is parallel return wall and usually at 60° to the road
(D) None of these
     
(A)              
           45°    
(B)               
          45°    
(C)            ,  
           60°    
(D)    
13 Code No. : C-723/2021/Series-A
60. If residual strength is 40 kg/cm2 and edge load stress is 20 kg/cm2, what
would be the factor of safety ?
   40 kg/cm2     20 kg/cm2 ,   
   ?
(A) 2 (B) 1 (C) 0.5 (D) 0.05
61. In a tree, the cambium layer is situated between
(A) the outer bark and inner bark (B) the inner bark and sapwood
(C) the sapwood and heartwood (D) the pith and heartwood
          
(A)        (B)      
(C)      (D)     
62. Muschel curve means :
(A) Curves at constant speed. (B) Curves at constant efficiency.
(C) Curves at constant head. (D) None of these
     
(A)     (B)    
(C)     (D)    
63. The energy transported by the electromagnetic wave is proportional to :
(A) The altitude of the wave
(B) The square of the altitude of the wave
(C) The cube of the altitude of the wave
(D) The square root of the amplitude
-       
(A)    (B)     
(C)      (D)     
64. Von Karman momemtum integral equation for boundary layer flows applies
(A) Only laminar boundary layer flow
(B) Only transition boundary layer
(C) Turbulent boundary layer flow
(D) All of these
     -      
(A)        (B)      
(C)       (D)    
Code No. : C-723/2021/Series-A 14
65. Consider the following statements pertaining to stability of floating bodies:
1. A floating body will be stable when the centre of gravity is above the
centre of buoyancy.
2. The position of metacentres corresponding to different axes of rotation
are generally different for the same floating object.
3. For cargo ships, the metacentric height varies with loading.
Which of the above statements are correct ?
(A) 1, 2 and 3 (B) 1 and 2 only (C) 1 and 3 only (D) 2 and 3 only
            :
1.              
2.       -       
    
3.    ,        
        ?
(A) 1, 2  3 (B)  1 2 (C)  1  3 (D)  2  3
66. The angle between the direction of star and the direction of earth's axis of
rotation is called
(A) Co-latitude (B) Co-declination
(C) Declination (D) None of these
               
(A)  (B)   (C)  (D)    
67. If the design discharge per metre width is 64.0 cumecs/m and silt factor is 1.0
then mean scour depth below HFL would be :
      64.0 cumecs/m    1.0 ,  HFL
   
    ?
(A) 5.36 m (B) 4.0 m (C) 1.5 m (D) 6.2 m
68. Two beams carrying identical loads, simply supported, are having same depth
but beam A has doubled the width as compared to beam B. The ratio of the
strength of beam A to that of beam B is :
     -        -B 
 -A       -A  -B      
(A) 4 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 6
69. Lug angles :
(A) Are always equal angles (B) Reduce the length of joint
(C) Increase the length of joint (D) Are unequal angles
  
(A)       (B)      
(C)       (D)    
15 Code No. : C-723/2021/Series-A
70. Which of the following statement is false ?
(A) Plumb line is along the direction of gravity.
(B) Mean Sea Level (MSL) is used as a reference surface for establishing
the horizontal control.
(C) Mean Sea Level (MSL) is a simplification of Geoid.
(D) Geoid is an equi-potential surface of gravity.
        ?
(A)  ()        
(B)               (MSL)
   
(C)       (MSL)  
(D)     -   
71. A road is being designed for a speed of 110 km/hr on a horizontal curve with
a superelevation of 8%. If the coefficient of side friction is 0.10, the
minimum radius of the curve (in m) required for safe vehicular movement is
8%        110 km/hr.       
         0.10 ,      
     (. )  
(A) 115.0 (B) 152.3 (C) 264.3 (D) 528.5
72. A reinforced concrete beam of span 3 m, has a cross-section of
150 mm × 500 mm. If checked for deflection, the beam will
(A) fail in deflection (B) pass in deflection
(C) cannot say (D) None of these
3 m         150 mm × 500 mm     
     ,  
(A)       (B)      
(C)      (D)    
73. The paint which has high reflective property is:
(A) cellulose paint (B) casein paint (C) bronze paint (D) enamel paint
        
(A)   (B)   (C)   (D)  
74. Ball valve is used :
(A) For isolating
(B) For reversal of flow
(C) For maintaining constant level of water
(D) None of these
     
(A)   (B)    
(C)        (D)    
Code No. : C-723/2021/Series-A 16
75. The water table in the deposit of sand 8.0 metre thick is at depth of 3 metre
below the surface. Above the water table sand is saturated by capillary water.
The bulk density of sand is 19.620 kN/m3. Calculate the effective pressure at
3.0 metre below the surface.
8.0 m          3 m          ,
            19.620 kN/m3     3 m 
     
(A) 58.86 kN/m2 (B) 60 kN/m2 (C) 70.5 kN/m2 (D) 108.5 kN/m2
76. In two way slab ratio of longer span to shorter span is
-           
(A) Ly/Lx = 2 (B) Ly/Lx  2 (C) Ly/Lx > 2 (D) Ly/Lx  2
77. In one way slab ratio of longer span to shorter span is:
-           
(A) Ly/Lx = 2 (B) Ly/Lx  2 (C) Ly/Lx > 2 (D) Ly/Lx  2
78. The ratio of inertia force to viscous force is known as :
(A) Froude number (B) Mach number
(C) Euler number (D) Reynolds number
          
(A)   (B)   (C)   (D)  
79. An undisturbed sample of clay 24 mm thick consolidated 50% in 20 minutes
when tested in laboratory with drainage allowed top and bottom. The clay
layer from which the sample is taken form the 4.0 m thick layer in the field.
How much time will it take to consolidate 20% with double drainage ?
(A) 386 days (B) 400 days (C) 150 days (D) 300 days
24 mm      ,    
   ,  
      20   50%      ,    
 ,   4.0 m       
    20%   
   ?
(A) 386  (B) 400  (C) 150  (D) 300 
80. A constant head permeability test was run on sand sample 16 cm length and
60 cm2 cross-sectional area. Porosity was 40% under a constant head of
30 cm. The discharge was found 45 cm3 in 18 second. Calculate the
discharge velocity.
16 cm   60 cm2 -          
   30 cm       40%    18   45 cm3
       
(A) 5.12 × 10–2 cm/sec (B) 4.17 × 10–2 cm/sec
(C) 1.5 × 10–2 cm/sec (D) 1.0 × 10–2 cm/sec
17 Code No. : C-723/2021/Series-A
81. In case of I-section, the web resist mainly :
(A) axial force (B) shear force
(C) bending moment (D) both (B) & (C)
I-   ,      
(A)    (B)   
(C)    (D) (B)  (C) 
82. Hydraulic jump for energy dissipation is used in :
(A) Saft spillway (B) Syphon spillway
(C) Side channel spillway (D) All of these
     _______     
(A)   (B)  
(C)    (D)  
83. A sample with a volume of 40 cm3 is filled with a soil sample. When the soil
is poured into a graduated cylinder, it displaces 20 cm3 of water. What will be
the porosity ?
40 cm3                  
 ,  20 cm3    ,    ?
(A) 0.5 (B) 0.33 (C) 0.66 (D) 0.9
84. The work done in producing strain on a material per unit volume is called :
(A) Resilience (B) Plasticity (C) Elasticity (D) Ductility
               
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D) 
85. Which one of the following are Kharif crops ?
(A) Barley, rice, gram (B) Rice, maize, cotton, groundnut
(C) Rice, mustard, linseed (D) Barley, maize, gram
        ?
(A) , ,  (B) , , , 
(C) , ,  (D) , , 
86. Zero hardness of water is achieved by:
(A) Lime soda process (B) Ion exchange method
(C) Using excess alum dosage (D) None of these
         
(A)    (B)   
(C)       (D)    
Code No. : C-723/2021/Series-A 18
87. Aerosol is :
(A) Dispersion of small solid or liquid particles in gaseous media
(B) Finely divided particles of ash
(C) Diffused liquid particles
(D) Carbon particles of microscopic size
  
(A)          
(B)       
(C)   
(D)     
88. For the design of a storm sewer in a drainage area, if the time of
concentration is 25 minutes, then the duration of rainfall will be taken as :
(A) 20 min. (B) 25 min. (C) 30 min. (D) 15 min.
         ,      25 . ,  
    
(A) 20 . (B) 25 . (C) 30 . (D) 15 .
89. Which one of the following method is used to measure the Chloride content
in water ?
(A) EDTA method (B) Mohr method
(C) Winkler's method (D) None of these
                ?
(A) EDTA  (B)   (C)   (D)    
90. If the moisture content of sludge is reduced from 99% to 95%, the volume of
sludge will decreased by :
      99%  95%    ,    
    ?
(A) 80% (B) 50% (C) 60% (D) 100%
91. Air binding may occur in :
(A) Filters (B) Artesian wells (C) Sewers (D) Aerators
      
(A)   (B)    (C)   (D)  
92. The settling velocity of grit particles if specific gravity of grit is 2.8,
particle’s size is 0.25 mm and viscosity of water is 1 × 10–2 m/s will be (Take
g =10 m/s2) :
    ,      2.8 ,    0.25 mm
     1 × 10–2 m/s ,  (g =10 m/s2 ) :
(A) 0.25 m/s (B) 25.0 m/s (C) 0.05 m/s (D) 0.005 m/s
19 Code No. : C-723/2021/Series-A
93. Match List-I (Standard of sewage effluents for the discharge in surface water
sources) with List-II (Tolerance limits in mg/1) and select the correct answer
using the codes given below the lists :
List-I List-II
a. COD 1. 30
b. Oil and grease 2. 20
c. BOD5 3. 250
d. Total suspended solids 4. 10
-I (          )  -II (mg/l
  )                 
-I -II
a. COD 1. 30
b.    2. 20
c. BOD5 3. 250
d.    4. 10
Codes /  
a b c d
(A) 2 4 1 3
(B) 3 4 2 1
(C) 1 2 3 4
(D) 4 3 2 1
94. Match List-I (Pathogen) with List-II (Epidemic) and select the correct answer
using the codes given below the lists :
List-I List-II
a. Virus 1. Worms
b. Helminth 2. Polio
c. Protozoa 3. Cholera
d. Bacteria 4. Gastroenteritis
-I ()  -II ()           
     
-I -II
a.  1. 
b.  2. 
c.  3. 
d.  4. 
Codes /  
a b c d
(A) 2 4 1 3
(B) 3 2 1 4
(C) 1 2 3 4
(D) 4 3 2 1
Code No. : C-723/2021/Series-A 20
95. Which of the following are not the essential characteristics of drinking water
as per IS 10500 : 2012 ?
(A) Odour (B) Taste (C) pH (D) Lead
IS 10500 : 2012              ?
(A)  (B)  (C) pH (D)  ()
96. Algae if present in drinking water:
(A) Clog filters and create impounded difficulties
(B) Impart coloration
(C) Produce taste and odour
(D) All of these
,      
(A)           
(B)    
(C)      
(D)  
97. The chemical that is found to be most suitable as water evaporation inhibitor
is :
(A) Ethyl alcohol (B) Methyl alcohol
(C) Butyl alcohol (D) Cetyl alcohol
              
(A)   (B)   (C)   (D)  
98. The Muskingum method of flood routing is a :
(A) Form of reservoir routing method
(B) Hydraulic routing method
(C) Hydrologic channel routing method
(D) None of these
      
(A)      (B)   
(C)     (D)    
99. Rainfall of intensity of 20 mm/h occurred over a watershed of area 100 ha for
duration of 6 hours. Measured direct runoff volume in the stream draining the
watershed was found to be 30000 m3. The precipitation not available to
runoff in this case is :
100    -   6      20 mm/h   
         -  30000 m3    
        ,  
(A) 10 cm (B) 90 cm (C) 9 cm (D) 5 cm
21 Code No. : C-723/2021/Series-A
100. A timber pile of length 6 m and diameter of 0.2 m is driven with a 15 kN
drop hammer, falling freely from a height of 2.0 m. The total penetration of
the pile in the last 5 blows is 50 mm. Use the engineering news record
expression. Assume a factor of safety of 6 and empirical factor of 2.0 cm.
The safe load carrying capacity of the pile (in kN) :
(A) 166.66 kN (B) 150 kN (C) 100.5 kN (D) None of these
0.2 m   6 m     2.0 m         15 kN
       5       50 mm   
         6    2.0 cm  
      (kN )   ?
(A) 166.66 kN (B) 150 kN (C) 100.5 kN (D)    
101. In ISLC 300 channels placed back to back at a spacing of 20 cm carry an
axial load of 100 tonnes. The lacing system should be designed to resist a
transverse shear of :
(A) 2.5 tonnes (B) 4.0 tonnes (C) 10.0 tonnes (D) None of these
ISLC  100       300       20 cm  
   ,             
(A) 2.5  (B) 4.0  (C) 10.0  (D)    
102. What is the allowable direct tensile stress in structural steel ? (where fy=
proof stress or yield stress)
        ,  fy=   
   ?
(A) 0.6 fy (B) 0.66 fy (C) 0.45 fy (D) 0.8 fy
103. A machine costs ` 32,000. By constant rate of declining balance method of
depreciation, its salvage value after an expected life of 3 years is ` 4,000. The
rate of depreciation is :
    ` 32,000           , 3 
      ` 4,000       
(A) 0.50 (B) 0.25 (C) 0.55 (D) 0.60
104. When a specimen of M25 concrete is loaded to a stress level of 10 MPa, a
strain of 100 × 10–6 is recorded. If this load is allowed to stand for a long
time, the strain increases to 1000 × 10–6. In accordance with provisions of
IS: 456-2000, considering the long-term effects, the effective modulus of
elasticity of the concrete (in MPa) is :
 M25     10 MPa      , 100 × 10–6  
             ,   1000 × 10–6
     IS : 456-2000     ,       
 ,      (MPa )   ?
(A) 12500 MPa (B) 12000 MPa (C) 25000 MPa (D) 10000 MPa
Code No. : C-723/2021/Series-A 22
105. A vernier calliper has 1 mm marks on the main scale. It has 20 equal
divisions on the Vernier scale which match with 16 main scale divisions. For
this Vernier calliper, the least count is :
       1 mm       20     
16              ,   
(A) 0.02 mm (B) 0.05 mm (C) 0.1 mm (D) 0.2 mm
106. The stages of zone of pollution in the river stream from upstream to
downstream are
(A) Zone of active decomposition, zone of degradation, zone of clearer
water, zone of recovery.
(B) Zone of degradation, zone of active decomposition, zone of recovery,
zone of clearer water
(C) Zone of clearer water, Zone of active decomposition, zone of
degradation, zone of clearer water, zone of recovery
(D) None of these
             
(A)   ,  ,   ,  
(B)  ,   ,  ,   
(C)   ,   ,  ,   ,  
(D)    
107. The relationship between the duty D in ha/cumecs, the water depth  in cm
and base period B in days, is :
 (D) (ha/cumecs ),   () (cm )    (B) ( )  
    
(A) = 864 B/D (B) = 864 D/B (C) = 8.64 B/D (D) B = 864 /D
108. In an irrigation canal, berms are provided at:
(A) NSL (B) FSL (C) Bank level (D) All of these
   ,       
(A) NSL  (B) FSL  (C)    (D)  
109. Which one of the following is representing well condition triangle ?
              ?
(A) 25°, 85°, 110° (B) 35°, 85°, 110° (C) 35°, 85°, 130° (D) 35°, 95°, 140°
110. If the velocity, pressure, density etc. changes at a point w.r.t the time, the
flow is called :
(A) Unsteady flow (B) Steady flow
(C) Uniform flow (D) Compressible flow
 , ,            ,  
  
(A)   (B)   (C)   (D)  
23 Code No. : C-723/2021/Series-A
111. If the Froude number in open channel is more than one, the flow is called :
(A) critical flow (B) sub-critical flow
(C) shooting flow (D) none of these
          ,   
(A)   (B) - 
(C)   (D)    
112. The ratio of modulus of rigidity to modulus of elasticity for a Poisson's ratio
of 0.25 would be :
0.25             
(A) 0.4 (B) 0.5 (C) 0.2 (D) 0.1
113. A saturated sample of soil has a water content of 35%. Adopting G=2.70,
what would be the approx. dry unit weight in kN/m3 ?
        35%   G = 2.70 ,    (kN/m3 )
   ?
(A) 13.40 (B) 15.60 (C) 20.5 (D) 10.2
114. Minimum percentage of bitumen in cold mix bituminous material by total
weight of mix should not be less than :
          ()    
       
(A) 3.5% (B) 2.5% (C) 5.0% (D) 4.5%
115. Speed limit signs are :
(A) Circular in shape with white background, red border
(B) Circular in shape with black background, red border
(C) Circular in shape with white background, black border
(D) None of these
   
(A)  ,          
(B)  ,          
(C)  ,          
(D)    
116. Maximum spacing of shear stirrups should not exceed lesser of (where d=
effective depth)
(A) 0.75 d or 300 mm (B) 0.75 d only
(C) 300 mm only (D) 450 mm
     ________       
( d =   )
(A) 0.75 d  300 mm (B)  0.75 d
(C)  300 mm (D) 450 mm
Code No. : C-723/2021/Series-A 24
117. A culvert is defined as :
(A) Having a total length of upto 6.0 m between outer faces of wall
measured at right angles.
(B) Having a total length of upto 8.0 m between outer faces of wall
measured at right angles.
(C) Having a total length of upto 6.0 m between inner faces of wall
measured at right angles.
(D) Having a total length of upto 8.0 m between inner faces of wall
measured at right angles.
       
(A)            6.0 m      
(B)            8.0 m      
(C)            6.0 m      
(D)            8.0 m      
118. For medium silt whose average grain size is 0.25 mm, Lacey's silt factor is
likely to be :
(A) 0.88 (B) 0.44 (C) 0.25 (D) None of these
  ()  ,     0.25 mm ,    
 
(A) 0.88 (B) 0.44 (C) 0.25 (D)    
119. Air centres a turbojet engine at the rate of 40 kg/s with the velocity of
250 m/s relative to an aircraft which is moving at 300 m/s. Exhaust of the
engine has a velocity of 700 m/s relative to the aircraft. The thrust developed
by the engine is
300 m/s           250 m/s     40 kg/s  
                  
700 m/s         ?
(A) 24 kN (B) 18 kN (C) 12 kN (D) 9 kN
120. Which of the following statement is false ?
(A) Space between the exterior walls of warehouse and bag piles should be
30 cm.
(B) Cement bags should preferably be piled on wooden planks.
(C) Cement bags should be placed such that bags of one layer should not
touch the bags of another layer.
(D) None of these
        ?
(A)            () 30 cm   
(B)             
(C)             ()     
   
(D)    
25 Code No. : C-723/2021/Series-A
121. State game of H.P. is
(A) Hockey (B) Kabaddi (C) Volleyball (D) Cricket
      
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D) 
122. As per Census 2011, the scheduled tribe population of H.P. is
 2011  ,         
(A) 2,44,587 (B) 3,92,126 (C) 4,43,630 (D) 5,39,236
123. Bhojri festival is celebrated in which district of H.P. ?
(A) Bilaspur (B) Hamirpur (C) Chamba (D) Una
            ?
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D) 
124. Gasota fair is celebrated in which district of H.P. ?
(A) Sirmour (B) Solan (C) Shimla (D) None of these
           ?
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D)    
125. Banganga is a tributary of which river of H.P. ?
(A) Satluj (B) Beas (C) Ravi (D) Chenab
          ?
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D) 
126. The highest Mountain peak of H.P. is located in which district ?
(A) Lahaul-Spiti (B) Chamba (C) Kinnaur (D) Kullu
           ?
(A) - (B)  (C)  (D) 
127. Tso-Morasi lake is located in which district of H.P. ?
(A) Mandi (B) Kangra (C) Kullu (D) None of these
      -    ?
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D)    
128. Chuhar Valley is located in which district of H.P. ?
(A) Mandi (B) Kullu (C) Una (D) Bilaspur
          ?
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D) 
129. Jads are
(A) Hindus (B) Muslims (C) Buddhists (D) Jains
  
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D) 
Code No. : C-723/2021/Series-A 26
130. Darkoti dominion in H.P. was founded by
(A) Durga Singh (B) Prithvi Singh (C) Ram Singh (D) Dalip Singh
       
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D) 
131. Shimla town was founded by
(A) Lord Dalhousie (B) Lord Canning
(C) Lord Amherst (D) Major Kennedy
       ?
(A)   (B)   (C)   (D)   
132. Masatgarh fort is located at which place in H.P. ?
(A) Nurpur (B) Fatehpur (C) Sujanpur (D) Pragpur
         ?
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D) 
133. Which is popularily known as ‘Pahari Frontier Gandhi’ ?
(A) Krishna Nand Swami (B) Baba Kanshi Ram
(C) Bhajju Mal (D) Pt. Padam Dev
    ‘  ’     ?
(A)   (B)   (C)  (D) .  
134. ‘Life of Raja Shamsher Prakash of Sirmaur’ was written by
(A) Bal Govind (B) M.S. Randhawa
(C) Ram Rahul (D) D.N. Mazumdar
‘      ’      ?
(A)  (B) .. 
(C)   (D) .. 
135. Which is smallest dam in H.P. ?
(A) Panoh (B) Pong (C) Chameri (D) Bhakra
       
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D) 
136. Couscous, the staple food of which region has been recently included in the
UNESCO Cultural Heritage List ?
(A) Australia (B) North Africa (C) North America(D) South Asia
,                
    ?
(A)  (B)   (C)   (D)  
27 Code No. : C-723/2021/Series-A
137. Which is the first launch vehicle of the ISRO that will entirely carry the
satellites of private players ?
ISRO                  
  ?
(A) PSLV C 31 (B) PSLV G 7 (C) PSLV C 51 (D) PSLV Mark II
138. Which financial institution has recently approved four India projects
including Chhattisgarh’s CHIRAAG and DRIP-2 ?
(A) ADB (B) AIIB (C) World Bank (D) IMF
                
 CHIRAAG  DRIP-2   ?
(A) ADB (B) AIIB (C)   (D) IMF
139. What is the name of the new digital payment application launched recently
by India Post Payments bank ?
                  ?
(A) Post pay (B) Dak pay (C) IPPB pay (D) Dak Digital
140. Which is different from the rest ?
      ?
(A) 31 (B) 41 (C) 51 (D) 61
141. Chair : Wood :: ?
(A) Book : Print (B) Mirror : Glass(C) Plate : Food (D) Purse : Money
 :  :: ?
(A)  :  (B)  :  (C)  :  (D)  : 
142. If it is possible to make a meaningful word with the 2nd, the 6th, the 9th and the
12th letters of the word ‘CONTRIBUTION’, which of the following will be
the last letter of that word ?
 ,     ‘CONTRIBUTION’  , ,     
    ,            ?
(A) I (B) N (C) T (D) O
143. Missing terms in the letter series cc_ccbc_accbcc_c_b_ are
       
(A) acacc (B) abacc (C) ababc (D) aabcc
144. The term ‘Aryan’ literally means
(A) of high class (B) of high birth (C) of high society(D) of god’s origin
‘’     
(A)    (B)    (C)    (D)   
Code No. : C-723/2021/Series-A 28
145. The capital of Kuru Mahajanpada was located at
(A) Hastinapur (B) Varanasi (C) Sravasti (D) Mathura
        ?
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D) 
146. In which year Mehmud Ghaznavi plundered Somnath temple ?
          ?
(A) 1001 AD (B) 1009 AD (C) 1016 AD (D) 1025 AD
147. Which Delhi Sultan introduced the ‘Gaz-i-Sikandari’ of 32 digits for
measuring cultivated fields ?
(A) Balban (B) Alauddin Khilji
(C) Ibrahim Lodhi (D) None of these
         32   ‘--’  
  ?
(A)  (B)  
(C)   (D)    
148. Battle of Plassey was fought in which year ?
        ?
(A) 1747 (B) 1757 (C) 1761 (D) 1764
149. Kesari and Maratha are the works of
(A) Mahatma Gandhi (B) J.L. Nehru
(C) Dayanand Saraswati (D) B.G. Tilak
      ?
(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  
150. Jhumar is a folk dance of which Indian state ?
(A) Haryana (B) UP (C) Bihar (D) Odisha
        ?
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D) 
151. Titan is the satellite of which planet ?
(A) Jupiter (B) Saturn (C) Mars (D) Uranus
      ?
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D)  
152. Deccan Plateau is located in which part of India ?
(A) North (B) West (C) East (D) South
          ?
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D) 
29 Code No. : C-723/2021/Series-A
153. What is the approximate percentage of Nitrogen in Earth’s atmosphere ?
(A) 78% (B) 1% (C) 21% (D) None of these
          ?
(A) 78% (B) 1% (C) 21% (D)    
154. Pampas is a grassland of which country ?
(A) USA (B) Hungary (C) Argentina (D) South Africa
         ?
(A) ... (B)  (C)  (D)  
155. Amur river flows in which country ?
(A) China (B) Russia (C) USA (D) Australia
       ?
(A)  (B)  (C) ... (D) 
156. Nagapattinam oil refinery is located in which Indian state ?
(A) Andhra Pradesh (B) Kerala
(C) Karnataka (D) Tamil Nadu
         ?
(A)   (B)  (C)  (D) 
157. Telangana state came into existence in which year ?
       ?
(A) 2014 (B) 2015 (C) 2016 (D) 2017
158. Which Articles of Indian Constitution deals with Cultural and Educational
Rights ?
(A) Articles 19-22 (B) Articles 23-24 (C) Articles 25-28(D) Articles 29-30
             ?
(A)  19-22 (B)  23-24 (C)  25-28 (D)  29-30
159. Which of the following is not a constitutional body ?
(A) Election Commission (B) Finance Commission
(C) UPSC (D) NITI Aayog
           ?
(A)   (B)   (C) UPSC (D) NITI 
160. White colour is formed by mixing which colours ?
(A) Red and Blue colours (B) Blue and Green colours
(C) Red, Green and Blue colours (D) Red and Yellow colours
         ?
(A)     (B)    
(C) ,     (D)    
Code No. : C-723/2021/Series-A 30
161. Soda ash is
(A) Sodium carbonate (B) Calcium carbonate
(C) Sodium hydroxide (D) Sodium sulphate
  
(A)   (B)  
(C)   (D)  

162. Syphillis is caused by

(A) Fungus (B) Bacteria (C) Virus (D) Protozoa
     ?
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D) 
163. Antonym of ‘Judicious’ is
(A) Unequal (B) Unlawful (C) Impure (D) Indiscreet
164. One word substitution for ‘stealing from the writings of others’ is
(A) Copying (B) Reframing (C) Reproducing (D) Plagiarism
165. Rajesh has come up _____ a problem.
(A) to (B) for (C) against (D) into
166. Meaning of the idiom ‘Foar in the mouth’ is
(A) Bitten by a snake (B) To reveal the secret
(C) To be furious (D) To be in the extreme hatred

167. ‘’  - 

(A)  +  (B)  +  (C)  +  (D)  + 
168. ‘’   
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D) 
169. ‘’   
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D) 
170. ‘’   
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D) 

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