Effects of Japanese Occupation in Malaya

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Malaya began to be ruled by Japan Irom the end oI December 1941 to 12 September 1945.
Japanese occupation Ior 31 / 2 years has leIt a deep impact on society in Malaya in the political,
economic and social development.
A. Political impact
Japanese nasionalisme.kemenangan spirit so easily have dropped the British image among the
Malays who are anti-British ..
Experiences during the Japanese occupation administration provide opportunities Ior the Malays
to run business who have never obtained during British rule.
Malays thought Japan would rule over the British Malaya, but the impression they are wrong.
liIe more diIIicult - the Iate oI awareness is the same nation as long as the colonized.
raise the political consciousness oI the Japanese to allow and cooperate with the Malay leaders to
establish a political party Ior the Malays. As KMM, MAP, KRIS

B. Economic Impact
The main economic resource, tin and rubber production at a standstill
British scorched earth policy caused the Japanese took over the tin mines could not operate.
people starve Irom lack oI Iood. Supply oI rice to be imported Irom Thailand and the Burmese.
Japan's agricultural campaign - people are Iorced to grow Iood crops such as cassava, sweet
potato and yam.
The inIlation rate increased due to lack oI consumer goods and distribution oI Japanese paper
established local company to produce consumer goods could not be imported
large and important enterprise was taken over by a Japanese company
the public must get the coupon Irom Makanan.Petani Control OIIice and the Iishermen are
Iorced to sell agricultural produce and Iish to buyers who are appointed by the Japanese.

C. Social impact
Chinese migration to the Iringes oI the Iorest to escape the Japanese atrocities.
thicker hostility between the Malays and the Chinese - trigger a racial clash.
Chinese anti-Japan established MPAJA - cooperate with the Force 136, which provides a supply
oI arms and military training.
people's health deteriorated - exposed to epidemic diseases. Many lives are lost due to malaria,
beri-beri, cholera and scabies.
construction oI railway death claimed many lives.
Japan niponisasi policy Iorced the people oI Malaya to receive the values oI Japanese language
and culture
adapt threatens Malay customs and culture.

A brieI Japanese occupation has changed the social, political and economic oI Tanah Melayu. An
important role has been played in terms oI spirit oI nationalism under the Japanese
administration. These leads to their consciences to keep home interests led to the realization oI
demand independence.
The Japanese occupation has brought two major effects on the development oI police
institutions in Malaya:
a. The Japanese occupation has shown that oca residents be abe to carry out poicing
duties without the eadership of British officers. StratiIication system based on the
police oIIicers split between Ioreign and local oIIicials could not be continued aIter the
end oI Japanese occupation.
b. The nature oI hate against the Chinese, the Japanese have some confict between the
Chinese and the Maay Peninsua. At that time the oppressed people oI Chinese Iled to
the Iorest into the Malayan Peoples Anti-Japanese team oI Army (MPAJA) was Iounded
by the communists. Police hunting the guerrillas, but most oI the Malays. Direct eIIect oI
this situation emerged aIter the surrender oI Japanese Iorces. The British took over two
weeks to gain a Ioothold back in Malaya. In this transition period the guerrilla Iighters
were out oI the jungle and took over power in some places. They have to take this
opportunity to seek revenge.

The existence oI socialization Community ClassiIication System:
Under Japanese rule, the local population, especially the Malays, aged 16 to 30 years,
encouraged the soldiers serving under the Japanese. Hirerki local community is divided into units
oI the village, neighbors and Iamilies. Through this hirerki, Japanese Iamily registration system
easier. Each Iamily received a CertiIicate oI LiIe and Peace. Each trip, change oI address, birth
or death must be reported to the authorities. LiIe beIore the Japanese occupation in which people
are Iree daily activities has changed arbitrarily closely watched by the Japanese government. The
Japanese implement strict controls to curb anti-Japanese activities among the local population.
Feeling Racism:
In general, the Malay community received decent treatment Irom the Japanese. Japanese
Government to appoint the traditional elite to hold oIIice in the administration to gain the support
oI the population. Among residents who were given posts in the administration:
a) Elib Bay - Public Relations OIIicer Semanggang Iban AIIairs, Sarawal
b) Empenit Adam - District OIIicer Semanggang
c) Abang Openg - Kuching District OIIicer
d) Satem - Lawas District OIIicer
e) Captain Mohd. Salleh Haji Sulaiman - Hulu Perak District OIIicer
I) Ibrahim Haji Yaacob - the Voluntary Military
g) Dr. Burhanuddin Al-Helmi - Cultural Advisor and Malay Custom
Security guards oI the local population to serve as Japan's secret police. This secret police under
the supervision oI the ChieI and the ChieI Native Village. The Japan aims to raise the racial
Ieelings among the Malays, who served as the Chinese secret police and a rebellion against
Japanese rule.
A special military police Iorce, Kempeitai, established by the Japanese authorities to protect the
interests oI the Japanese government. Kempeitai have the power to perIorm any penalties on
anyone suspected oI anti-Japanese activities. Kempeitai responsible Ior thousands oI cases oI
war crimes against local residents. Local people, especially Chinese women, raped and murdered
by the Japanese and the Kempeitai.


Some soldlers were so sklllful LhaL Lhey Look care of Lhe buslness
ln a way LhaL severed Lhe head compleLely buL lefL lL hanglng by
a Lhln layer of skln on Lhe vlcLlm's chesL so LhaL Lhe welghL
pulled Lhe body down Lo Lhe dlLch (?ln132)

apanese miitary occupation EFFECTS IN MALAYA
1. Political

During British rule, there is nationalism which had Iought to liberate Irom the clutches oI
British Malaya. This movement, led by Ibrahim Yaakob, aims to unite the Malaysian and
Indonesian-Malay concept. In May 1937 the movement to establish an organization
known as the Malay Youth Union. Realizing that this body would threaten British
inIluence, in 1940 the leaders oI this organization were arrested and imprisoned. Malaya
during the Japanese rule, the Japanese government has released the leaders who then set
up a body to be known as a deIender oI my country (MAP).

However because oI the activities carried out by the MAP is not aligned with the
Japanese government, this body was later banned. However, MAP activities still go on
and peak in 1945 and Dr. Ibrahim Yaakob. Burhanuddin has planned merger oI Malaya
and Indonesia, known as KRIS (Indonesian Union Peninsular). But this plan could not be
implemented because the Japanese government to surrender. The successIul experience
oI Japan deIeated Inggerisserta Malay Malay ruling given by the Japanese to Iill a
position previously dominated by British administrators were also able to raise political
awareness, especially among the Malays. Because oI this political consciousness British
plan to establish the Malayan Union aIter the end oI Japanese occupation was widespread
opposition Irom the Malays, thus causing the Malayan Union scheme was not Ieasible.

2. Economic

While the government's basic inIrastruktur leaving Malaya was destroyed to ensure that
the Japanese Iind it diIIicult to develop and control the economy oI Malaya. In an eIIort
to revive the economy oI Malaya, the Japanese administration introduced barudi currency
oI Malaya. However, due to the production oI uncontrolled currency, inIlation has
occurred in Malaya. In addition, import-export trade oI Malaya with the outside world is
also increasingly paralyzed. Rubber and tin production was adversely aIIected by the war.
Unemployment is also rising as well as some basic necessities and IoodstuIIs increasingly

3. Social

In an eIIort to inculcate anti-Western colonialists, the Japanese have made the Japanese
language as medium oI instruction in schools. The Japanese occupation also have
adopted anti-Chinese attitudes. As a result, part oI the Chinese people had Iled into the
jungles and joined the army MPAJA. On the other hand at the same time, many Malays
who are employed by the Japanese as soldiers and police. This results in the event oI
clashes between the Japanese with MPAJA, then this battle involving the Malays and
Chinese. This situation has indirectly showed hostility between the Malays and Chinese.
This shiIt is getting worse, especially aIter the Japanese surrender. This opportunity was
used by the Chinese, who comprise MPAJA Ior revenge not only Ior the Malays who
comprise the Japanese but also to other Malays. Thus the relationship oI the two races has
become tenuous. In addition, the Japanese occupation oI Malaya has also contributed to
the standard oI living and health oI the people oI Malaya has deteriorated and many
inIectious diseases have spread. The diIIiculty to obtain nutritious Iood coupled with
limited medical Iacilities has aIIected the quality and taraIkesihatan population in
Malaya. In addition, many people oI Malaya were called to duty to build a railway
between the Burmese in Thailand, also known as the death railway.

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