Catholic Mass in Mandarin

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The Sign of the Cross 圣号经 shèng hào Jīng

因父,及子及圣神之名者。阿们。 yīn fù , jí zǐ jí Shèngshén zhī míng zhě 。

āmen 。

The Apostle’s Creed 宗徒信经 Zōng Tú xìnjīng

我信全能的天主父,天地万物的创造者。 我信父 wǒ xìn quánnéng de Tiānzhǔ fù , tiāndì

的唯一子,我们的主耶稣基督,衪因圣神降孕,由 wànwù de chuàngzàozhě 。 wǒ xìn fù de
童贞玛利亚诞生 ;祂在比拉多执政时蒙难,被钉在 wéiyī zǐ , wǒmen de zhǔ YēsūJīdū , yí
十字架上,死而安葬,祂下降 阴府,第三日从死 yīn ShèngShén jiàng yùn , yóu tóngzhēn
者中复活 ;祂升了天,坐在 全能天主父的右边,祂 Mǎlìyà dànshēng ; tā zài bǐ lā duō zhízhèng
要从天降来,审判生者死者。我信圣神。我信圣而 shí méngnàn , bèi dìng zài shízìjià shàng
公教会,诸圣的相通。罪过的赦免。肉身的复活。 , sǐ ér ānzàng , tā xiàjiàng Yīn fǔ , dì
永恒的生命。 阿们。 Sān Rì cóng sǐzhě zhōng fùhuó ; tā shēng le
tiān , Zuò zài quánnéng Tiānzhǔ fù de
yòubian , tā yào cóng tiān jiàng lái ,
shěnpàn shēng zhě sǐzhě 。 wǒ xìn
Shèngshén 。 wǒ xìn shèng ér gōng
jiàohuì , Zhū shèng de xiāngtōng 。
zuìguo de shèmiǎn 。 ròushēn de fùhuó
。 yǒnghéng de shēngmìng 。 āmen 。

全能 = /omnipotent/all-round/strong in every area/ 下降 = /to decline/to drop/to fall/to go

down/to decrease/
天地 = /heaven and earth/world/scope/field of
activity/ 阴 = /overcast (weather)/cloudy/shady/Yin
(the negative principle of Yin and
万物 = /all living things/ Yang)/negative
创造者 = /creator/
唯一 = /only/sole/
府 = /seat of government/government
基督 = /Christ/ repository (archive)/official
(基 = /base/foundation/basic/radical palace/(honorific) Your home/prefecture
(chemistry)/(slang) gay/) (from Tang to Qing times)/

(督 = /to supervise and direct/army title (archaic)/) 复活 = /resurrection/

衪 = His ? 升 = /to ascend/to rise to the rank of/to

promote/to hoist/liter/measure for dry
降 (jiàng) = /to drop/to fall/to come down/to grain equal to one-tenth dou 斗[dou3]/
审判 = /a trial/to try sb/
孕 = /pregnant/
(审 = /to examine/to
童贞 = /virginity/chastity/ investigate/carefully/to try (in court)/)

诞生 = /to be born/ (判 = /to judge/to sentence/to

discriminate/to discern/obviously
(诞 = /birth/birthday/brag/boast/to increase/) (different)/)
比拉多 = /Pontius Pilate (in the Biblical passion story)/ 公教 = Catholic

执政 = /to hold power/in office/ 公教会 = Catholic church

(执 = /to execute (a plan)/to grasp/) 诸 = /all/various/
(政 = /political/politics/government/) 相通 =
蒙难 = /to meet with disaster/killed/in the clutches of
the enemy/to fall foul of/in danger/
(相 (xiāng) = /each other/one
(蒙 (méng) = /to cover/ignorant/to suffer
(misfortune)/to receive (a favor)/to cheat/)
(通 (tōng) = /to go through/to know
(难 (nàn) = /disaster/distress/to scold/)
well/(suffix) expert/to connect/to
被 = /quilt/by/(indicates passive-voice communicate/open/to clear/classifier for
clauses)/(literary) to cover/to meet with/ letters, telegrams, phone calls etc/)

钉 (dìng) = /to join things together by fixing them in 罪过 = /sin/offense/

place at one or more points/to nail/to pin/to staple/to
赦免 = /to pardon/to absolve/to exempt
sew on/
from punishment/
架 = /to support/frame/rack/framework/classifier for
(赦 = /to pardon (a convict)/)
planes, large vehicles, radios etc/
肉身 = /corporeal body/
安葬 = /to bury (the dead)/
复活 = /resurrection/
葬 = /to bury (the dead)/to inter/
永恒 = /eternal/everlasting/fig. to pass
into eternity (i.e. to die)/

(恒 =
y/rule (old)/one of the 64 trigrams of the
Book of Changes/)
The Lord’s Prayer 天主经(主祷文) Tiānzhǔ Jīng ( zhǔdǎowén )

主祷文 = /Lord's Prayer/

祷文 = /litany (text of a prayer)/

我们的天父,愿你的名受显扬,愿你的国 来临, wǒmen de tiānfù , yuàn nǐ de míng shòu

愿你的旨意奉行在人间,如同在天上。 求你今天 xiǎnyáng , yuàn nǐ de Guó láilín , yuàn
赏给我们日用的食粮,求你宽恕我们的罪过,如同 nǐ de zhǐyì fèngxíng zài rénjiān , rútóng
我们宽恕别人一样,不要让我们 陷于诱惑,但救 zài tiānshàng 。 qiú nǐ jīntiān shǎng gěi
我们免于凶恶。阿们。 wǒmen rìyòng de shíliáng , qiú nǐ
kuānshù wǒmen de zuìguo , rútóng
wǒmen kuānshù biéren yīyàng , bùyào
ràng wǒmen xiànyú yòuhuò , dàn jiù
wǒmen miǎnyú xiōngè 。 āmen 。

显扬 = /to praise/to commend/to hallow/ 如同 = /like/as/

(显 = /prominent/conspicuous/(prefix) phanero-/) (如 = /as/as if/such as/)

(扬 = /to raise/to hoist/the action of tossing or 天上 = /celestial/heavenly/

winnowing/scattering (in the wind)/to flutter/to
propagate/) 赏 = /to bestow (a reward)/to give (to an
inferior)/to hand down/a reward
来临 = /to approach/to come closer/ (bestowed by a superior)/to appreciate
(临 = /to face/to overlook/to arrive/to be (just) about
to/just before/) 日用 = /daily expenses/of everyday use/

旨意 = /decree/order/ 食粮 = /food cereals/

(旨 = /imperial decree/purport/aim/purpose/) 宽恕 = /to forgive/forgiveness/

(意 = /idea/meaning/thought/to (宽 = /lenient/wide/broad/)
think/wish/desire/intention/to expect/to anticipate/)
(恕 = /to forgive/)
奉行 = /to pursue (a course, a policy)/
罪过 = /sin/offense/
(奉 = /to offer (tribute)/to present respectfully (to
superior, ancestor, deity etc)/to esteem/to revere/to 陷于 = /caught in (a bad situation)/to fall
believe in (a religion)/to wait upon/to accept orders into (trap etc)/
(from superior)/)
(陷 = /pitfall/trap/to get stuck/to sink/to
(行 (xíng) = /to walk/to go/to travel/a cave in/to frame (false charge)/to capture
visit/temporary/makeshift/current/in circulation/to (a city in battle)/to fall (to the
do/to perform/capable/competent/effective/all enemy)/defect/)
right/OK!/will do/behavior/conduct/Taiwan pr. [xing4]
for the behavior-conduct sense/) 诱惑 = /to entice/to lure/to induce/to
人间 = /the human world/the earth/
(诱 = /to entice/to tempt/)

(惑 = /to confuse/to be puzzled/)

免于 = /to be saved from/to be spared


(免 = /to excuse sb/to exempt/to remove

or dismiss from office/to avoid/to avert/to
escape/to be prohibited/)

凶恶 =

The Hail Mary 圣母经 Shèngmǔ Jīng

万福玛利亚,你充满圣宠 ! 主与你同在。 你在妇女 wàn fú Mǎlìyà , nǐ chōngmǎn shèng

中受赞颂,你的亲子耶稣同受赞颂。 chǒng ! zhǔ yǔ nǐ tóngzài 。 nǐ zài fùnǚ
zhōng shòu zànsòng , nǐ de qīnzǐ Yēsū
tóng shòu zànsòng 。

福 = /good fortune/happiness/luck/ 赞颂 = /to bless/to praise/

(赞 = /to patronize/to support/to

充满 = /full of/brimming with/very full/permeated/ praise/(Internet slang) to like (an online
post on Facebook etc)/)
圣宠 = grace?
(颂 = /ode/eulogy/to praise in writing/to
宠 = /to love/to pamper/to spoil/to favor/ wish (in letters)/)

与 (yǔ) = /and/to give/together with/ 亲子 = /parent and child/parent-child

(relationship)/two successive generations/
同在 = /to be with/

妇女 = /woman/

天主圣母玛利亚,求你现在和我们临终时, 为我 Tiānzhǔ ShèngmǔMǎlìyà , qiú nǐ xiànzài

们罪人祈求天主。阿们。 hé wǒmen línzhōng shí , wèi wǒmen
zuìrén qíqiú Tiānzhǔ 。 āmen 。

临终 = /approaching one's end/with one foot in the (终 = /end/finish/)

祈求 = /to pray for/to appeal/
(临 = /to face/to overlook/to arrive/to be (just) about
to/just before/)

Glory Be 圣三光荣经 shèng sānguāng Róng Jīng

愿光荣归于父,及子及圣神,起初如何, 今日亦 yuàn guāngróng guīyú fù , jí zǐ jí

然,直到永远。阿们。 Shèngshén , qǐchū rúhé , jīnrì yì rán ,
zhídào yǒngyuǎn 。 āmen 。

光荣 = /honor and glory/glorious/ (初 = /at first/(at the)

(荣 = /glory/honor/thriving/)
如何 = /how/what way/what/
归于 = /to belong to/affiliated to/to result in sth/to
incline towards/ 亦 = /also/

起初 = /originally/at first/at the outset/ 然 = /correct/right/so/thus/like this/-ly/

直到 = /until/
Hail Holy Queen 母后万福 mǔ Hòu wàn Fú

母后万福! 仁慈的母亲,我们的生命,我们 的甘 mǔ Hòu wàn fú ! réncí de mǔqīn ,

饴,我们的希望。厄娃子孙,在此麈世,向您哀 wǒmen de shēngmìng , wǒmen de Gān
呼。在这涕泣之谷,向您叹息哭求。我们的 主 yí , wǒmen de xīwàng 。èwá zisūn ,
保,求您回顾,怜视我们。一但流亡期满,使 我 zàicǐ zhǔ Shì , Xiàng nín āi hū 。 zài zhè
们得见您的圣子,万民称颂的耶稣。童贞玛利亚, tìqì zhī gǔ , Xiàng nín tànxī kū qiú 。
您是宽仁的、慈悲的、甘饴的。天主圣母, 请为 wǒmen de zhǔ Bǎo , qiú nín huígù , lián
我们祈求,使我们堪受基督的恩许。阿们。 shì wǒmen 。 yī dàn liúwáng qīmǎn , shǐ
wǒmen dé jiàn nín de Shèngzǐ , wànmín
chēngsòng de Yēsū 。 tóngzhēn Mǎlìyà ,
nín shì Kuān rén de 、 cíbēi de 、 Gān yí
de 。 Tiānzhǔ Shèngmǔ , qǐng wèi
wǒmen qíqiú , shǐ wǒmen kān shòu Jīdū
de ēn Xǔ 。 āmen 。

仁慈 = 回顾 = /to look back/to review/

/ 怜 = /to pity/

(仁 = /humane/kernel/) 视 = /to look at/to regard/to inspect/

(慈 = /compassionate/gentle/merciful/kind/humane/) 但 = /but/yet/however/only/merely/still/

甘 = /sweet/willing/ 流亡 = /to force into exile/to be exiled/in

饴 = /syrup/
(流 = /to flow/to disseminate/to circulate
厄娃 = eve? or spread/to move or drift/to
degenerate/to banish or send into
(厄 = /distressed/) exile/stream of water or sth resembling
one/class, rate or grade/)
(娃 = /baby/doll/)
期满 = /to expire/to run out/to come to an
子孙 = /offspring/posterity/
(孙 = /grandson/descendant/)
万民 = /all the people/
在此 = /hereto/here/ 称颂 = /to praise/

(此 = /this/these/) (称 (chēng) = /to weigh/to state/to

name/name/appellation/to praise/)
麈 = /leader of herd/stag/
(颂 = /ode/eulogy/to praise in writing/to
世= wish (in letters)/)
ndant/noble/ 童贞 = /virginity/chastity/

哀 = /sorrow/grief/pity/to grieve for/to pity/to (童 = /child/)

lament/to condole/
(贞 = /chaste/)
呼 = /to call/to cry/to shout/to breath out/to exhale/
宽 = /lenient/wide/broad/
涕泣 = /to weep/to shed tears/
仁 = /humane/kernel/
(涕 = /tears/nasal mucus/)
慈悲 = /mercy/
(泣 = /to sob/)
(悲 = /sad/sadness/sorrow/grief/)
谷 = /valley/ /grain/corn/
祈求 = /to pray for/to appeal/
叹息 = /to sigh/to gasp (in admiration)/
堪 = /to endure/may/can/
(叹 = /to sigh/to exclaim/)
基督 = /Christ/
(息 = /breath/news/interest (on an investment or
loan)/to cease/to stop/to rest/Taiwan pr. [xi2]/) 恩 = /favor/grace/kindness/

哭 = /to cry/to weep/ 许 = /to allow/to permit/to promise/to

保 = /to defend/to protect/to keep/to guarantee/to

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